IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2010-09-16

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aukeeikke: there is no meego tablet edition available00:03
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eikkeauke: oh? i saw some good-looking demos on youtuube00:09
lcukI saw alien videos on youtube too00:09
lcukthat doesn't mean they walk amongst us00:09
aukealiens were released00:09
aukeseveral nations regularly release aliens all over the world00:10
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aukeeikke: a video on youtube is all you got... there is no tablet release nor is there anything to download.00:12
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eikkeauke: i see00:15
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Mat_MatanGood night00:26
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julian_lphow many meego ready phones are there in the place where you live?00:32
julian_lpkinda quiz00:32
julian_lphere in Argentina only N900 is able to run it, but I think not oficcially supported...00:33
berndhsjulian_lp: millions, i live on earth00:33
julian_lpnah seriously pleaseeeeeeee00:34
berndhsyour question isn't serious00:34
julian_lpawww sorry for that00:34
julian_lpI'll try to ellaborate more what I want to know00:35
berndhsi dont think there are any devices you can buy with meego on them00:35
julian_lpIs meego in a beta stage yet?00:35
berndhsbut there are many things that will run meego if you want to00:35
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julian_lpok, but Is it known when there will be meego devices ?00:37
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julian_lpbern you seem to know fairly well the meego wave, so I need to ask you a couple of questions00:38
wmaroneThere are no announced MeeGo phones at this time00:38
berndhsprobably, but not by me :) there must be manufacturers preparing stuff quietly00:38
wmaronethe first will likely be a Nokia handset00:38
julian_lpIs the C++ used by Qt the "standard" C++, or is a subset of libraries?00:39
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ieatlintintel has been touting a tablet with meego on it that is released next week00:39
berndhsit's the whole C++00:39
wmaroneit's standard C++ (ie. none of the standard C++ type libraries or classes are gone)00:39
julian_lpI mean, I came from a Delphi (object pascal) background now working mainly with PHP00:40
wmaroneoh delphi00:40
wmaronetragically abused language00:40
* wmarone started on it00:40
julian_lpabused? why?00:40
wmaroneit's changed hands a bunch00:40
julian_lpahh yes00:41
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wmaroneI'd like to use it again, but the prices they want for it are ridiculous when I can grab Qt Creator00:41
julian_lpI liked it a lot before knowing the C style of PHP00:41
julian_lpdont forget you've FreePascal to play with00:41
wmaronethat too00:41
wmaronebut I'm too far out from Pascal to worry about going back to it at this point00:42
julian_lpbesides it's cross compiler00:42
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wmaroneall my low level stuff these days is C, with the high level stuff in Ruby :)00:42
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julian_lpyeah I've the same feeling ...  but dont you feel C++ pointers really confusing?00:42
wmaronenot really00:42
julian_lpor C pointers by the way00:42
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ieatlintpointers are fun :P00:43
julian_lpmaybe it's me, I once asked some question in the C newsgroup and someone told me C++ is fairly Ambiguous00:43
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ieatlintthat's an ambiguous statement00:44
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holabackwhere can I find meego job for entry level ?00:44
julian_lpI mean things can be written quite different meaning the same do you agree?00:44
julian_lpIs it ok asking some C questions here?00:45
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julian_lpwell no one seem to be offended so I'll give a try...00:46
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julian_lplet's say I have this line(pseudocode):      function GetIntValue (*int aVal)00:47
julian_lpwhat would be the meaning of the asterisk???00:47
ieatlintinvalid unary operator00:47
ieatlintint *aVal00:47
julian_lpis the argument a pointer to an int?00:47
berndhsits in the wrong place00:47
julian_lpah ok ok00:47
ieatlintit means aVal is a pointer of type int00:47
julian_lpnow, I want to return the VALUE of that int00:48
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julian_lpwhat should I do?00:48
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ieatlintreturn *aVal;00:48
julian_lpreturn aValue*00:48
julian_lpieatlint,... arent you returning the pointer?00:49
ieatlint"return aVal;" returns the pointer00:49
ieatlint"return *aVal;" says dereference the pointer and return its value00:49
berndhsaVal is the pointer, "*aVal" is what it points to00:49
slavikbasic C?00:49
ieatlintthink of it this was, you have "int aVal;" -- it's an int, it stores a number00:50
julian_lpgreat, so aVal were the pointer cause that's how it was declared right?00:50
ieatlint"&aVal" is the memory address of aVal00:50
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ieatlintfor every &, you need a *00:50
ieatlint& says give me memory address, * says dereference memory address00:50
ieatlintyour function would be called like this: int aVal; GetIntValue( &aVal );00:51
ieatlintso in your function, you need *aVal to get the value00:51
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julian_lpI guess I have to read carefully to get the idea, now you put the "&" sign into the issue and I got confused,00:52
ieatlintyour welcome00:53
wmaronethe wikipedia article on pointers is pretty good :)00:53
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julian_lphopefully you'll answer again ;)    GetValue(int *aVal)    aVal is a Pointer to an Integer? if it is a pointer, why the tipe is "int" rather than "pointer"00:54
berndhsyou can have pointers to other stuff00:55
julian_lpwait till I complete00:55
ieatlintwell, to be pedantic "pointer" isn't a type, the generic pointer type is "void"00:55
ieatlintbut the reason is so when you dereference it, you know what it is00:55
julian_lpint i = 10;  GetValue (&i)00:55
ifdef42when you put int *aVal, the type of aVal is "int *", meaning pointer to int00:55
slavikieatlint: generic pointer is void* technically, no?00:55
ieatlintso like "char *blah" is a 1 byte character, whereas "int *blah" is a 4 byte integer00:55
ieatlintslavik: bah, yes, to be more pedantic ;)00:56
slavikint *aVal, aVal is type "int *", type of *aVal is "int". you are welcome. :)00:56
julian_lpdoes the above  compile?00:56
ieatlintjulian_lp: yes00:56
slavikjulian_lp: whether it compiles or not is for the compiler to tell you, but it is correct. :)00:56
wmaronejulian_lp: I highly recommend grabbing GCC a good C book, and playing around00:57
julian_lpwell now I'm starting to understand thanks to the meebo folks ;)00:57
slavikwmarone: you mean the K&R book :)00:57
slavikjulian_lp: buy the K&R book, it's cheap.00:57
wmaroneslavik: yes :)00:58
slavikjulian_lp: let me guess, your first programming language is Python.00:58
* wmarone has an old copy of the first edition, with its weird parameter lists00:58
julian_lpnah, it was Clipper did you remember it?00:58
julian_lpaww, I forgot I had been playing with COBOL !!00:59
slavikwmarone: is it even avail for purchase anywhere? interesting for historical purposes. :)00:59
julian_lpI'm 3300:59
slavikoh, I was off by 30 years00:59
slavikwhat is Clipper?00:59
ifdef42wow, clipper. haven't heard that in a while.00:59
ifdef42like 20 years.00:59
julian_lpSome sort of power builder / clarion, and the like01:00
wmaroneslavik: dunno, I rescued the copy I have from the trash bin01:00
julian_lpa database kind of programing lang I guess01:00
slavikpowerbuilder ... heard it, seen, it's crap01:00
slavikwmarone: nice01:00
slavikclarion = emc storage device ... :-\01:00
julian_lpdo you know here in my country, PW works are really well paid?01:00
julian_lpand you know why?01:00
slavikPW is complete crap though, isn't it?01:00
slavikbecause nobody knows it?01:01
julian_lpcause banks and financial businnes dont want to rewrite their codebase01:01
mikhasjulian_lp, think of it this way: "&" goes left, "*" goes right01:01
slavikwhat else is new?01:01
julian_lpsomeone has to maintain it01:01
slavikthat is why the State of California had to spend millions to fix a Cobol app to change a number, because the app only supported increasing the number, not decreasing it.01:02
julian_lpeven Cobol programmers are rather well paid too01:02
slavikand brought Cobol developers out of retirement01:02
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slavikmikhas: yes, thank you for that correction01:03
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julian_lpmikas please WAIT, why "*" goes right??? I had put it left side??01:03
julian_lpis it the same=?01:03
mikhasjulian_lp, no - I meant in a metaphorical sense01:03
julian_lpThat's why I said "ambiguous"...01:03
mikhasleft and right, as in: opposite directions01:03
julian_lpbut what does the right asterisk mean?01:04
tremnite all, sweet dreams01:04
mikhasit means deref01:04
wmaronethere's no ambiguity here, one way is correct and the other is a syntax error01:04
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slavikwmarone: int *a vs int* a?01:04
wmaroneno, that's irrelevant01:04
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mikhashave a "pointer" to sth, and look at what it is that the pointer points to :-D01:05
wmaronesince c doesn't care about spacing01:05
julian_lpohhhhhh wmarone...01:05
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julian_lpthat's very confusing, dont like the design at all (no one cares about it anyway hehe)01:05
mikhas&: have sth, and get a "pointer" to sth01:05
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mikhasin that sense, & and * is as if you were looking into opposite directions, hence "left" and "right"01:06
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slavikwmarone: I thought that is what was meant by right/left :)01:06
mikeleib#meego is not the place to learn how to write C code01:07
mikeleib#meego is not the place to learn how to write C++ code01:07
mikhasmikeleib, even if you had a channel, say #c++, it wouldnt be the right place to learn c++ ;-)01:07
* jausmus thinks #meego is the place to learn about D code !!!01:07
julian_lpmikeleib: It's the wrong place but I'm learning here a little bit01:07
julian_lpso it's the right place01:07
slavik##c :)01:07
slavikand ##c++01:07
aukedo not confuse with #c#01:08
lcukdon't those channels kick you out if you say you are wanting to use Qt C++ variant01:08
* lcuk ducks01:08
slavikC++x0 > * :-\01:08
ifdef42i created #pointers :)01:08
aukegood one01:08
mikeleibyou can learn a lot of things in a lot of places, but that doesn't make them the ideal places to learn01:08
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julian_lpyeah that's why I asked about the Qt comintement with standards01:08
* lcuk actually likes to see the channel buzzing01:08
mikhasthat assumes that there were ideal places01:09
lcukit shows active community01:09
lcukjust don't ignore people who chirp in with real meego specific topics :P01:09
* csdb thinks buzzing != community01:10
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julian_lpTalking strictly about meego, does anybody know a good Microchip Pic C compiler for Linux?01:10
julian_lpFree one I mean01:11
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lcukjulian_lp, what devices is that for?01:12
julian_lpthey're risc 8 bit microcontroller01:13
lcukdo they have the seemingly required GLes components?01:13
lcuk(for meego usage :P)01:13
julian_lpI guess no01:13
julian_lpthey're just cheap stuff to do basics circuits like temporizers, industrial automation, stepper controllers and the like01:14
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lcukjulian_lp, like the arduino?01:15
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julian_lpyes absolutely01:15
julian_lparduino is build up with Atmel chips though01:16
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julian_lpwhat I want to build right now is a kinda Touch Screen through an infrared grid,01:17
lcukcool, I have seen people use LED arrays with touch feedback01:17
julian_lpthe interface in the pc will be my first step with Qt (that's why I'm in the meego channel)01:17
lcukI think lbt has some sort of pic board he played with a while back01:17
lcukcan't remember the model though01:17
mikhasjulian_lp, is your infrared grid multitouch capable?01:17
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julian_lpwell my impression is that it will be multitouch capable, limited multitouch though01:18
mikhasyeah ;-)01:18
mikhasone finger per grid line01:18
julian_lpI only need a grid of buttons anyway01:18
mikhas"dont cross fingers!"01:18
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julian_lpI've been writing down some pseudocode and I guess it will have 3 features01:19
julian_lp1 click01:19
julian_lp2 long click01:19
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julian_lp3 scroll horizontal andvertical01:19
julian_lpnot diagonal yet01:19
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julian_lpDid you see the Atmel multiTouch circuit?01:20
julian_lpreally amazing kind of product (samsung galaxy uses it btw)01:20
ieatlintapparently meego will be supporting javascript programs in the future01:24
julian_lpjavascript programs???01:25
aukeyup, javascript01:25
aukeweb runtime toolkit01:25
julian_lpinterpreted applications or they will be compiled?01:26
ieatlintand a json based language to make ui elements, heh01:26
aukejulian_lp: intel has put a lot of effort into javascript interpreter code...01:27
mikhasieatlint, "What is ClutterScript"01:27
aukepart of the netbook ui already is JS01:27
ieatlintreminded me of efl more actually01:27
julian_lpso maybe applications could be ran from the web?01:27
julian_lpoutside the browser I mean01:28
julian_lpjavascript as an independent app01:28
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ieatlintspecifically edje from efl01:29
julian_lpnote that  Javascript is copyrighted by Oracle, so maybe meego should adopt the ECMA script instead01:29
ieatlintuh, no01:30
julian_lpecma script = javascript though01:30
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julian_lpmeego is the framework of choice for the car industry,  good news for Intel01:34
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Myrttiright, it's silly o'clock again02:18
mikeleibI thought that was only on the hour02:20
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Myrttiwell it's stupid o'clock now...03:02
* Myrtti goes to bed03:03
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Danieli just wanted to know if its possible to just burn a dvd with the image in order to install meego before downloading it.... is it?03:07
Danieli mean, instead of using a thumb drive..03:08
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DanielKTHX BAI!03:11
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KubuntiacDiaspora's code is out for those interested!05:39
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amjadgood morning08:01
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sejowhat can meego do on n900? I just get an empty screen08:29
sejooch no wait get the menu08:30
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TrollkarlenWhere can i find the git for the gst-plugins-bad-free package ?08:33
TrollkarlenI have cloned this but is does not seam right08:34
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MmadAHi. I'm trying to run meego core tests but I don't have testdefinition-syntax.xsd. It probably should be in test-definition.tar.gz but I have no idea where to look for it...09:47
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Stskeepsmorn david o/10:07
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lbtgood morning Carsten :)10:22
X-FadeMorning all.10:22
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kyb3Rdiaspora* morning that is :)10:28
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lbtgood morning X-Fade :)10:28
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* lbt feels his approach isn't going to scale...10:29
X-FadeWrite a greeter tcl script :)10:29
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lbttcl.... oooh, that's been a while10:30
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amjadlbt:  i have community obs related questions10:42
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amjadwhen i build the latest qt from the image released on 14  using community obs, this is the error i get10:43
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lbtamjad: hmmm ... I guess that's ssse3 instructions?10:55
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lbtStskeeps: ? /tmp/ccV7Bpxs.s:4028: Error: selected processor does not support `strex r0,r1,[r2]'10:55
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Stskeepsfixed in acceptance10:56
Stskeepsand no10:56
Stskeepsit's ARMv610:56
lbtOK ... I don't read asdm10:57
Stskeepsme neither10:57
lbtso amjad what are you building against?10:58
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lbtis this your problem now or does the build target need an upgrade?10:58
amjadi am building for armv7 and i assume in spec file this is the fix to bypass the error11:00
amjadifarch armv7l11:00
amjad%define arch_arg armv611:00
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vljat last11:09
vljadobe provides a 64 bits plugin for linux that will become a final release11:09
lbtamjad: I suggest you ask in #meego-arm11:09
Stskeepsamjad: wait for next weekly import, as latest weekly is broken in that regard11:10
Termanavlj, I thought you were going to say, "At last, I have made it through the forest and made it all the way into #meego!"11:10
amjadah ok11:10
vljsorry to disappoint you11:10
vljby the way is the hardware acceleration feature of chrome 7 working with current branch ?11:11
vljthe dev team spoke about that11:12
vljI'm testing I9 on my gma 500 powered netbook (you know, the one that cannot run any linux properly :p )11:13
vljand scrolling webpage is amazingly smooth on the atom11:13
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vljwould be a nice thing if it can come to meego quickly11:13
theplicwhat ie9? xD11:14
vljthey totally revamped IE engine11:14
theplicyea i read on /.11:14
vljthe browser became good11:15
vljhowever seven is not that great on a netbook11:15
theplicno xp though11:15
theplicseven is ok. i use it.11:15
theplicespecially after i got the anti-virus uninstalled.11:15
vljwell "is ok" but it's not as good as a lightweight linux11:15
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vljit takes age to boot, it quickly run into low memory11:16
theplicidk. mine boots as fast as meego11:16
vljI have a 32 Go ssd on it11:16
vljand a 20 Go partition for windows11:16
vlj18 Go are consummed by windows, services, thing like that11:17
vljI have not a lot of space =(11:17
theplici have lots of space :D11:17
vljlinux does not take more than 5 Go11:17
theplic100 gb~ for each 7 and meego11:17
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vljssd ?11:17
vljmine is T91MT11:18
theplicuhm no :/11:18
theplicssd are not cheap11:18
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vljI should have waited for the T101MT...that comes with a linux supported gpu :p11:18
theplicand a keyboard?11:19
lpotteri have been thinking about getting a T101mt11:19
vljwhat a shame that manufacturers had to replace gma 500 by worse gpu, just because of crappy driver support11:19
theplichow much is a t101mt11:20
vljhere my T91MT was 499€ so I think t101 has the same price tag11:20
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lpotterabout $700 AUD11:20
theplicthats a lot11:20
vljhowever this is not a great netbook on the "touch" aera11:21
vljresistive display11:21
theplici have a simple netbook11:21
theplicaspire one11:21
vljbad brightness11:21
theplicthough it has dd311:21
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vljthis is the only netbook to provide a touch interface though11:22
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* vlj hopes that Nokia convert pc rumor are not just rumor11:22
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lpotternokia convert pc?11:25
vljtablet pc sorry11:25
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lpotterI havent heard any rumors11:41
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fcrozatvlj: hi.. about your bug with unwanted VT1 switch when pressing "windows" or "menu" or alt-tab. Could you try killing Xorg "sudo killall Xorg" and see if it fixes the issue ?11:52
fcrozatit fixes it for me11:52
fcrozatand it looks like a bug I encounter on Mandriva when working on speedboot / plymouth11:52
vljfcrozat: in fact it does not appear everytime I boot meego11:52
fcrozatwell, next time you have it, try to kill X server11:53
fcrozatI need to find the bug I filled at mandriva and plymouth about it11:53
fcrozatsince meego is using a plymouth "derivative"11:53
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Sceltanyone using meego on N900 having big problems? is it usable as a primary device?12:13
Sceltwhich no?12:14
Stskeepsit's not usable as a primary device yet.12:14
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Scelthopes that it will be with meego 1.1?12:16
Stskeepsi would put better hopes on meego 1.212:17
Sceltestimates on it's schedule?12:17
Stskeepskeep in mind meego in this context is, not nokia's :) meego 1.2 is 6 months after 1.112:18
StskeepsScelt: - things have improved since this video though12:18
SceltStskeeps: yeah. I read about this being a volunteer project and nothing to do with official nokia products?12:19
Stskeepswe do have skilled people paid to work on the n900 port though12:19
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Stskeepsi wouldn't say 'volunter'12:19
Sceltif paid, then not :)12:19
SceltStskeeps: is this meego release always needed to be flashed when updating or does it work OTA?12:21
Stskeepswe don't test for updateability12:21
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Sceltokay, so just flashing then12:22
Stskeepswell, writing to  microsd12:22
Sceltoh, okay12:22
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aholleranyone has some hints about what stuff to build on top of gentoo to get a (minimal) meego?12:25
ahollerI'm just looking for a starting point, e.g. which wm and what meego-project I need to see something from meego on the screen12:29
aholler(lost in all those meego-projects ;) )12:29
Stskeepswell, it wouldn't be meego12:29
Stskeepsand meego is a wide term12:29
Stskeepswhat's wrong with real meego? :)12:29
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lbtaholler: start with the kernel and work up ... :)12:30
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ahollerkernel, qt, xorg and such is all working12:30
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lbtaholler: what you need is an package/architecture mapping12:30
lbtso you can see which packages are needed in the various components12:31
lbtrather that an alphabetic list of packages12:31
lbtit's not written yet12:31
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ahollermaybe I just will have a look at a started meego and do a ps. Seems to be the fastest way.12:34
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ahollerbtw, has anyone meego for an n700? ;)12:40
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kyb3Ri'd like to know has anyone tried Meego on n770 or is it even possible12:42
Stskeepsdon't bother12:42
Stskeepstoo low memory and we don't have armv5 builds atm12:42
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aholleroh, I meant a n770 too12:43
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JaffaMorning, all12:46
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slaineaholler: which meego, netbook or handheld ?12:53
ahollerslaine: I don't care atm ;)12:54
ahollerbut something for a touch would be preferable, so I assume handheld. I will checkout a ready-to-use meego for the beagleboard12:56
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* CosmoHill has a doggy called Bobby for the day12:57
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Khertanaholler, kyb3R : n770 is a nokia headset :) you mean nokia 770 i think :)13:18
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ahollerKhertan: yes, the one which use ugly gnome ;)13:20
aholler(ugly in c-code, casts everywhere)13:21
ahollermeans I'm full on nokias side with the switch to qt ;)13:23
Khertanhum .... doesn't made too much differences for me as i code in python :)13:24
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Khertanqt has some advantages over gtk and some disadvantages13:25
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TrollkarlenThe kickstart exclude-pkgs and the cost parameters to the repos how are they supposed to work ?13:31
TrollkarlenIf i have 2 respos with the same package version in both and have that package excluded from one its random which one it takes anyway.13:32
TrollkarlenAnd the cost parameter dont seam to have any effekt at all or is the cost only when you have mirrors of the same repo ?13:33
Myrttiargh, my head hurts when people use their own userpages in the wiki for meego stuff13:34
Myrttior even worse, talk pages13:34
poutsidon't get me started, maemo projects whose only "homepage" is a t.m.o. thread....13:35
poutsialso same for version control13:35
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Myrttimy ex-Wikipedia admin pedantic and nitpicking uptight little head wants to smack people13:36
Myrttialso "Preview Changes" button has been invented13:37
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lbtMyrtti: so it turns out that he's in our chinese team... I think they would rather prepare something and *then* go live with it.13:50
lbtI'm all for "educating" people13:50
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Myrttilbt: Sandbox and/or Preview Changes13:51
lbtnot Sandbox... but yes I've mentioned it to him13:52
MyrttiI suspect that in time our wiki will get the same kind of RecentChanges-patrollers as Wikipedia has, and that just makes patrolling for vandalism and spam so much harder13:53
lbthe's VictorLiu in #meego-dev.... go say hello :)13:53
Myrttibut yeah, thanks.13:53
aholleruh, maybe I just idle there, haven't though to join -dev, thanks ;)13:54
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Termanalbt, what's the problem?13:56
TermanaHe just idle there13:56
lbtno problem... just... OK ...13:56
lbtBTW I'm idle in 24 other chans... shall I tell you them ;)13:57
lbthell, I'm idle in this one !13:57
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Termanalbt, that's right you make no contributions - get out of here! :P //sarcasm13:58
* lbt hangs his head13:58
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adeusthe wiki behavios quite strange if you don't visit first13:59
adeusyou get "log in" and "log out" buttons13:59
vljI aggree13:59
Stskeepswow, the compliance discussion just took a weird turn14:00
Stskeeps"potential of apps indirectly causing road deaths"14:00
Myrttikick ass!14:00
theplic1. email clients14:01
Stskeepsi'd say14:02
Stskeeps1. twitter app14:02
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theplicoh yea14:05
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lokeshVivek >> u there ?14:05
JaffaStskeeps: Whoa.14:06
theplicwhere are you from?14:07
lcukStskeeps, thats why I asked my question last night in the tsg14:07
lcukthe difference between in car passenger entertainment and driver aids is immense14:07
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lokeshtheplic : I am from NOKIA14:08
lcuk<CosmoHill> Stskeeps: HUD Tetris :o14:08
lcuk<CosmoHill> sweaving left and right over the motorway to get the blocks in the right place14:08
lokeshwhy do u ask ?14:08
theplicuhm i thought apart from being in nokia you were from india14:08
lokeshyeh i am :)14:09
theplicwhere in india?14:09
lokeshI am from Hyderabad14:09
thepliclokesh: im from delhi14:11
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lokeshcool.. whats your name ? I am sure its not theplic :)14:11
thepliclol no its not14:11
theplici am raunaq14:11
lokeshcool. Nice meeting you Raunak :)14:12
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Myrttiso, a duck walks into a bar14:12
lcuklbt, Stskeeps, Myrtti and any other long time maemo users, it would be good to get some input on this epic thread
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Myrttilbt: my response would be so epic it's not publishable14:15
Myrttilcuk: ^14:15
theplicamjad: are you there?14:15
lcukMyrtti, thats a shame, you had your 770 for ages, it would be good to know what got you into it in the first place14:16
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Myrttilcuk: ok, since you insist14:16
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Myrtti"the ability to IRC in the loo without taking my laptop with. Also, the valentine theme."14:18
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Myrttibest reason. ever.14:19
SwedeMikedang, that's a lot of wasted screen estate.14:19
Myrttithat's one opinion14:19
lcukSwedeMike, life.   styles change but Myrtti's pink stays the same :P14:20
lbtlcuk: pmo? what's that?14:20
MyrttiVirtual Keyboard ♥14:21
Myrttithat baby had all I needed. Well almost14:21
lcuklbt, who mentioned pmo?14:21
lcukits in my glossary anyway14:22
* lbt has a natural aversion to typing rmo... wait. gmo..... no..... 6mo14:22
lbtmy fingers know what it does to my brain.... it's a defense mechanism14:23
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Myrttikeyboard shortcuts in the terminal ♥14:25
* lbt just ROFLed.... Denise is doing accounts and just found how in Finland 5.00 - 3.27 = 2.0514:25
Myrttiah, those were the days.14:25
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lbt( make that 5.30 - 3.27 = 2.05 )14:26
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Myrttilbt: unless paid by card...?14:27
Myrttilbt: tell her she can claim it back at the veg section. 1) pick a potato 2) weight it and price it 3) if it costs >0.03 GOTO 1 4) go to the tills with nothing but the potato in your basket 5) offer cash 6) ????? 7) PROFIT!14:32
infobotMyrtti meant: lbt: tell her she can claim it back at the veg section. 1) pick a potato 2) weight it and price it 3) if it costs =>0.03 GOTO 1 4) go to the tills with nothing but the potato in your basket 5) offer cash 6) ????? 7) PROFIT!14:33
* lbt plans chip butties!!!!14:33
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lbtnow she has a receipt with 3 items and 6 different VAT lines ... she loves it really14:34
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lbtwoohoo .... I think mark has been nailed :)14:37
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Stskeepswhat i miss from the compliance threads is actual writeups of wording14:38
Stskeepsright now we're bikeshedding quite a fair bit14:39
achipahey, after that pig company thing I'm still in shock :P14:40
Stskeepsi really wonder what's wrong with taking an approach of 'any meego compliant app must install properly with it's repositories and package on all meego reference devices without any funny licensing messups'14:40
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achipasimple, it sounds to some as if they are not in control14:41
Stskeepsalso, come on: we have advanced packaging systems, garage clients (OCS), even SAT solvers doing our dirty work, and we return to a compliance view that's basically "if rpm -i package.rpm" won't work on a meego device, you're not meego compliant"14:41
achipa(when in fact, they are)14:41
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achipawell, a lot of embedded development mindset showing over the linux experience...14:42
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amjadyes thelpic now i am here14:44
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CosmoHillI've been quoted :)14:44
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achipaCosmoHill: as long as it's not MISquoted... :)14:45
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CosmoHillD-Bus to become part of the kernel14:55
lbtccooke: oh... I didn't look for you here...  you're too quiet14:55
ccookeNot had much to say recently14:55
ccookeAlthough I did actually say stuff in #maemo last week...14:55
ccooke(yay, getting full use from an n900 :-)14:56
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lbtfighting the compliance strangeness on meego-dev atm14:58
Aardreminds me...14:58
CosmoHill"Benchmarks published by Alban with his kdbus work shows this implementation running nearly twice as fast when using KVM on i386 and up to three times faster with ARM on the Nokia N900 hand-held. In other benchmarks the gains were less but still quite significant in terms of performance increases. "14:58
X-FadeHmm really should add more fuel to the fire there.14:58
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dnearylbt, I'm thinking...15:00
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lbtStskeeps: that's what I thought ....15:00
dnearylbt, It does seem like not allowing dependencies in compliant apps would be a step backwards, but what would compliance bring us in a community application?15:00
dnearySome communioty apps (those which only need MeeGo core libs as dependencies) could be compliant15:01
Stskeepsdid anyone actually -read- the spec?15:01
dnearyStskeeps, Yeah15:01
lbtStskeeps: isn't this slashdot style?15:01
dnearyStskeeps, I noticed there were some gaps "we'll fill this in later"15:01
lbtdneary: this is a strategic step that places OSS-style apps on an equal MeeGo footing with non-OSS15:02
Stskeepsno, but seriously, i can't find the places all you guys are talking about15:02
lbtit will be useful in working on app stores in the future15:02
Stskeepsi see allowance for third party complaint libraries15:02
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lbtStskeeps: I think by now this is about the expressed intent to define compliance in this way15:03
lbtif we could see the current draft... like if it was on a wiki... we'd see it there15:03
lbtbut it's secret15:03
lbt(ie being worked on on a PC, probably in .doc format)15:04
Stskeepsok, so, where did this intent start?15:04
Stskeepscos i don't see it in the draft published15:04
Stskeepsin fact, it takes a sane attitude15:04
dnearylbt, While it is certainly useful to say "most Open Source apps will use dependencies rather than static linking or rolling everything up, therefore this strategy hurts Open Source apps most", I don't think it's accurate to characterise this as "open source vs commercial"15:04
lbtdneary: no, but it's shorted15:05
dnearyBy the way, the Maemo community meeting's just starting on #maemo-meeting - if you have any goals for Maemo that you'd like to see happen in the next month or two, now's the time15:05
Stskeepslbt: can you point out to me in what exactly the problems are?15:06
lbtI'll look15:06
Stskeepslet's pretend i'm ignoring the entire thread15:07
lbtI can point you to Mark, Arjan etc's comments on the ml which reflect what will happen in the next draft15:07
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Stskeepsand let's ignore the dotted package name issue, which is just a wtf..15:09
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Stskeepsi'm just really wondering where the discussion started, cos it sure wasn't the spec15:13
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lbtStskeeps: page 4 line 7015:14
Stskeepslbt: yes, but page 7 line 157, and page 9 22715:15
lbt157 does not override 7015:16
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lbtmerely says "how"15:16
Stskeeps70/71 is very vague15:16
Stskeepsand as such, third party is described15:16
Stskeepsif it depends on it15:17
lbt231 is interesting15:17
lbtbut very 'C'15:17
Stskeepsshared libraries/services15:18
Stskeepsmy point is: where in the bloody hell does it say we can't dep on 3rd party15:19
lbtconceptually 231/232 allows and requires dependency on "other" packages15:19
* lbt wishes he needed less sleep15:19
lbtbut....ffs.... why is Mark (I assume he's the author) not referencing this15:20
* CosmoHill darts lbt 15:20
Stskeepslbt: was mwichmann originally uploading15:21
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lbtjust checked... yes15:21
lbtno title page on doc ... mutter15:21
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dnearyStskeeps, It definitely was the spec15:22
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Stskeepsi'm going to have to read the thread all over.15:24
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lbt3rd party apps must only depend on the core components or on things that are included with the app.15:25
lbtnot other (4th party?) things.15:25
lbt7/9/10 00:2915:25
lbtand yes... looks like that is the start of it15:25
Aardlbt: stop ignoring queries :p15:25
lbtI'm not...15:26
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Aardthere ->15:26
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Stskeepsok, so, let's step back a bit: arjan isn't the head of this process, but the spec obviously says something that is not in line with what he says15:27
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* Stskeeps sits down and writes a calm email15:29
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kfxAre they using the word "app" to describe "packages"15:31
CosmoHillStskeeps: once you've finished the email go and have a cup of tea and read it when you get back15:31
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lardmanGAN900: you about?16:12
Stskeepsmoo lardman16:13
lardmanhey Stskeeps :)16:13
lardmanwas just looking at whether I can make it over for the Meego summit, and saw that GAN will be appearing in person, so thought I should double check ;)16:13
lardmanunfortunately I'm going to India the next week and I also have a meeting on the 17th, so will have to see if I can juggle work and make it over for a day or two16:15
odin_argh.. why is meego-dev list used to actually send patches ?16:16
TermanaIntended purpose?16:16
Stskeepsodin_: because it's for the development of meego?16:16
Stskeepsit's not a bikeshedding list, despite what it feels like16:16
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TermanaI have 1408 unread messages under my MeeGo label in Gmail :P16:17
TermanaBut I'm signed up for all the mailing lists. :P Can't read all the junk that goes through :P16:18
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odin_surely it should be use the OBS and create a friggin' SR for all to manage and see16:19
TermanaYou mean like, the one no one can see?16:20
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TermanaWell, except for those that have been given an account16:20
odin_it is for the discussion of the development of meego16:20
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Stskeepsodin_: it's also the perfect place to send patches cos developers are on there ;)16:20
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odin_ah that is the point you see... the close OBS system that is priviate that the elite have access too... hehe I jest.... I'm sure it will be sorted in the next 12 months16:20
odin_the openSUSE model is perfect but not what meego is using right now16:21
Stskeepsthe opensuse model works when there's a shitload of resources16:21
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odin_does opensuse have more money then ?16:22
Stskeepsno, they have a lot of sponsors16:22
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odin_that implies they have access to a lot more money16:23
Stskeepsand the main principle is that are for people who is on some kind of meego team16:23
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odin_there is no team, only one community16:23
Stskeepsuhm, there is still a project16:23
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Stskeepsand workgroups, etc16:23
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Stskeepsthe risk is that people bring down the project ability to build in time by overloading16:24
Stskeepsinstead of letting the resource being used for what it's supposed to be used for16:24
TermanaStskeeps, that's silly. People should still be able to VIEW it16:24
StskeepsTermana: i don't disagree with that16:24
Stskeepsbut currently, the sw isn't built like that (people are working on it)16:24
Stskeepsobs 2.1 was first step16:25
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Stskeeps and make a openness bug report16:26
odin_I don't see what ACLs have to do with access16:26
odin_anything which needs to be restricted should be on another OBS system (like "product obs")16:26
lbtOBS will become open to readonly with 2.1 of the OBS16:27
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Stskeepsodin_: -is- the product obs16:27
Stskeepsas in, the product16:27
Stskeepsand readonly is a ACL too16:28
lbtodin_: the community OBS will map to the suse OBS style16:28
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lbtbut we will partition factory builds on the core OBS16:28
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TermanaStskeeps, I think there already is a bug report - filed by quim - on openness of the OBS - AFAIK16:30
Stskeepsyes, but not this particular issue16:31
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odin_no must not be the product OBS as per wiki release engineering diagram
odin_there certainly should not be any technical reason to hold up openness due to some parties wanting to dual-purpose the OBS in this way16:33
Stskeepswe've had this discussion over and over again..16:33
Stskeepseven read-only is an ACL.16:33
odin_no the product OBS is for devices by vendors, not for meego core, as meego core is not a product16:33
lbtodin_: it is by our glossary16:34
Stskeepsyes, it is - if builds are delayed/lagged, it affects a lot of people and anyone using it16:34
odin_I filed bug BMC#6677 over read-only access to only a few days ago16:34
odin_of course delayed and lagged things affect people16:36
Stskeepslbt: is meego obs 2.0 or 2.1?16:36
odin_but inhibiting access citing that reason is just not acceptable16:36
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lbt2.0 still16:36
Stskeepsyou're not listening, are you16:36
odin_no you are not16:36
StskeepsACLs are first available in 2.1 and read-only is an ACL16:36
odin_excuse after excuse16:36
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X-Fadeodin_: openSUSE obs also needs an account.16:37
Stskeepsit's a bit rough claiming i'm making an excuse when i was one of the first to push this issue.16:37
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odin_X-Fade, anonymous access it not the issue, no access to the public is the issue, where is the public website to register for an account ?  please don't compare to openSUSE in this way16:37
Stskeepsodin_: the issue is historical, opensuse never had the 'read only' thing as you could always get an account16:38
lbtodin_: this is 100% your fault16:38
Stskeepsand build, too16:38
lbtodin_: you have not provided an upstream patch to the OBS code for the feature16:38
lbtOBS does not permit such an account16:38
odin_which thing is my fault ?16:38
odin_I don't see it as needed since the model I want is openSUSE with PUBLIC friggin' access16:39
Stskeepsnow we're on a situation where we can't just give out accounts and patches and work is being done to provide read-only access16:39
odin_not Nokia+Intel ideas on the matters16:39
lbtsecurity policy is such that we are not prepared to offer build-capable accounts on core OBS16:39
Stskeepsah, yes16:39
X-Fadeodin_: Community OBS will be what openSUSE obs is. Public access.16:39
Stskeepschroot builds16:39
odin_and that is not what is being asked for by me16:40
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lbtno... you want a non-build account16:40
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lbtbut OBS doesn't do them16:41
lbtso submit a patch to OBS to allow them16:41
Stskeepsodin_: please be patient and let people do their work in order to provide the things you're asking for. read-only accounts doesn't exist until OBS 2.1 exists. it's not a conspiracy or a concious corporate choice, it's done from security pov (chroot builds), that we need to keep a service running (hence not upgraded yet) and that the work is being done by OBS16:41
lbtand then we can talk16:41
lbt(read only accounts still won't exist AFAIK - only anonymous)16:41
odin_just deny the user from committing anything16:41
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Stskeepsodin_: that's what doesn't exist, ffs16:41
Stskeepsodin_: the code is very recent and was made -because- we want to make things more open16:42
lbtIIRC Nokia sponsored it16:43
lbtI could be wrong16:43
odin_so if I come up with patch that will inhibit building and commits (and any creation/modify operations) it _WILL_ be installed on the existing to allow access16:45
odin_but it reads to me that you already have some existing plan which you will implement anyway16:45
Stskeepsread the capabilities of
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odin_yes I think I did a few weeks ago16:46
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odin_reading it doesn't actually help or solve any problem tho16:47
Stskeepsand we're not on 2.1 yet as we're about to put out a product16:47
Stskeeps / realse16:47
odin_so is there a roadmap / deadline for getting further delay/excuses out of the way?16:47
lbtodin_: and I'm pushing 2.1 alpha onto the community OBS to help get it tested and ready for release16:47
odin_i.e. I'm looking for commitment on the date of when, so I can come back16:48
lbtby christmas for sure16:48
lbtsee you then... bring presents16:48
odin_please get it announced16:48
odin_don't care when the date it, just that you stick to it and the matter becomes priority 116:49
lbtsure mate... the whole project is here just for you ... whatever you say... :)16:49
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lbtgiven everything that has been said about the efforts being put in please be a *lot* more courteous16:50
odin_not really but it getting fucking tiring waiting for supposedly straightforward matters to be resolved16:50
Stskeepsexcept it isn't straightforward and you'd know that if you had looked at the OBS code16:50
Stskeepsor at the organisational needs to get this done in a proper way16:51
odin_what I see if the entity "meego" making it more complex than it needs to be16:52
infobotodin_ meant: what I see is the entity "meego" making it more complex than it needs to be16:52
odin_on many levels16:52
Stskeepsno, you just don't seem to understand the actual complexity of getting some things on the road and done properly16:53
odin_done property is a matter of opinion16:53
lbtodin_: it's been explained enough. I hope it eventually does what you need. Thanks16:54
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GAN900lardman, assuming I'm sponsored.17:01
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lardmanGAN900: ah ok17:02
KhertanStskeeps, maybe someone should try to explain simply meego organization as for me too it s look like really too much complex too (i didn't judget that it should be or not complex, i just didn't understand the organization)17:03
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Khertanthere is sponsoring ?17:03
StskeepsKhertan: in this particular instance (re OBS access) it's typical IT procedures :P17:04
Khertanyep ... so not simple for non it guys :)17:05
lbtThe MeeGo Build Service system is where MeeGo Core is built and is open to anyone who earns commit rights to a MeeGo package.17:05
Khertanthat is clear :)17:06
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StskeepsKhertan: any particular parts you'd like to know about? i can probably claim to have some kind of understanding of how works in practice now :P17:07
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Khertanno specially ... this just that currently for me the meego organisation look like a black box ...17:12
Khertanbut maybe because i didn't take the time to follow enough meego mailing list17:13
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Khertanor maybe explaination is diffucult to get :)17:13
Khertanbut your scheme resume things well :)17:13
StskeepsKhertan: distribution development is most visible on meego-commits, release engineering on wiki and on + mailing lists17:13
StskeepsQA has a very visible wiki page with a lot of testing work as well17:14
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odin_commit rights have not really been earnt... the major sponsors put their people in at the top, who then elected/promoted the people they saw fit, etc....  maybe someday in the future it would be correct to day commit rights were earnt, once there is a health public vote procedure with a decent spread of non-nokia/intel affiliated people in the decision council, please don't think anything was earnt at this time17:14
Stskeepsodin_: you don't think people had to earn based on merit within companies too? and what were they supposed to do, set up an election instead of just getting started on the project?17:15
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odin_I am not knocking the affair just calling to account what I see as inappropriate use of the term17:15
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odin_hey I'm not able to scrutineer the internal process (not that I'm complaining on that) but for you to try and presume what I must think or not-think of how the process inside a corporation may have occured is silly17:17
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odin_careful you are not believing your own marketing/propaganda mantra too much in these early stages, the goal is that you will need to earn your commit rights, but at this time the committees are still debating the finer points in the committees about important matters17:21
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ScottishDuckAre you folks planning to merge the kdbus code into meego 1.1? Or is it more likely for 1.217:29
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slaineThat's just a proof of concept at the moment ScottishDuck17:29
ScottishDuckyeah I read the article17:30
ScottishDuckbut it's interesting work17:30
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slaineindeed, but a bit early for a 1.1 inclusion I'd have thought17:30
slaineI think 1.1 in feature freeze anyway17:30
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ScottishDuckyeah I think so17:31
sivangis there a list of packages we have for meego?17:34
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Stskeepsopen repo.meego.com17:34
sivangright, let's see waht python stuff we have there.17:34
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ScottishDuckhmm, wonder why nokia don't have a build17:35
sivangnice, so we have twisted17:36
Stskeepsof which?17:36
Stskeepsn900? this week was hosed17:36
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Khertansivang, but pyqt4 still missing :)17:38
sivangKhertan: oh :/17:38
sivangKhertan: and pyside seems missing as well, but I heard packages are coming soon17:39
Khertansivang, yep missing too ... but in progress17:39
Khertanbut to be honest, i didn't think pyside is ready for making end user apps17:40
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Khertanof course if noone use it, bugs will not be found and so not fixed17:40
sivangKhertan: Well, I made sure we have twisted since I am going to make a user app using it PySide , a simple GUI directory syncer17:40
sivangKhertan: I am going to try and change this and we gave some traction with some PyQt users getting interested as apparent on the mailing list.17:41
sivangKhertan: s/gave/gave/17:41
sivangjohd: //have/ :)17:41
sivangKhertan: ^17:41
sivangKhertan: there's help needed with docs, are you interested? :)17:41
lokeshwho is the master at using AAVA ?17:41
lokeshI need help17:42
sivangah, I woulld love to get an AAVA giant phone :)17:42
Khertanevent-driven networking engine ... didn't you twisted before :)17:42
Khertanseems interesting17:42
Khertansivang, sorry i already didn't have enought time to finish my project :)17:42
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sivangKhertan: hehe, I did -
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sivangKhertan: I'm going to build up a GUI on top of that providing progress and control17:43
sivangKhertan: as an example for a real world app using PySide17:43
slavikis there any kind of "emulator" or environment for meego?17:44
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Khertansivang, once pyside bugs i report will be fixed in #maemo repository (or meego) i ll propable port Khweeteur to pyside just to play after with qtmobility instead of playing with dbus for requesting network connection17:45
Stskeepssearch wiki for qemu17:45
StskeepsKhertan: mairas was working on pyside for meego, i think17:46
sivangstill is :)17:46
sivangStskeeps: but ti requires VT no? :)17:47
Stskeepssivang: sure, but hopefully the n900 qemu should come along soon17:47
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KhertanStskeeps, yes i know ... help me many times with problems i got with pyside bugs or wrong use :)17:47
Stskeepsah :)17:48
* Stskeeps ponders if he has cash enough for a good pizza17:48
toggles_wwant me to mail you one from .it?17:48
Stskeepsno, loathe italian pizza17:48
sivangStskeeps: and it would not require VT? could emulate like the Symbian emulator with the qt sdk ? runs on my ppor netbook without problem17:48
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Stskeepssivang: it's arM :)17:49
sivangyes, I know, we talked about this already17:49
Khertanwhile trying to found a good python editor ... trying eclipse ... 45min to install, 20min to try to install pydev and theim claim it s not possible due to a missing depandancy in eclipse repository17:49
Khertannext :)17:49
Khertani believe i ll port KhtEditor for desktop pc :)17:50
sivangKhertan: use vim :)17:50
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sivangbest python editor ever, or emacs17:51
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Khertandidn't like emacs ... too slow17:51
sivangyes, but vim is cool17:51
Khertanhum ... does there is a pylint integration ?17:51
sivangKhertan: I think so17:52
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sivangKhertan: ^ ?17:52
Khertanhum maybe i should try to configure it so :)17:53
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Khertanbut for n900 khteditor is the best :)17:53
Khertan </adverts>17:53
sivangKhertan: heh, it is on the repo right? I'll try to install17:53
Khertanon maemo repo yes ...17:54
Khertanin extras-devel17:54
Khertanit s not the last version ...17:55
Khertanbut there isn't too many modifications since i push it17:56
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sivangKhertan: ok17:56
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sivangi disabled extras17:59
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sivangneed to enable and install17:59
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sivangI wish there could be a feature "this app found in repo X" would like to enable it to get the app?18:00
sivangmaybe a suggestion for meego18:00
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lbtned? mrshaver?18:04
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GordonSheya... got a question... are there 64-bit package of the MeeGo development stuff?  For instance I am looking at the image creation tools at and I see only an i386 dir.18:09
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GordonSor for that matter, where are the Debian rules stuff in order to build from source?18:10
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GordonSI see the ".orig.tar.gz" files but not the dsc or diff files.18:11
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GordonSbut there is an amd64 in the Debian directory... maybe that will work :)18:17
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Khertansivang, eric4 is quite good :)18:19
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sivangKhertan: oh true!18:23
sivangKhertan: nice editor18:23
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lbtX-Fade: did you disable atrium?18:25
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GordonSany thoughts on the 64-bit *ubuntu packages?18:32
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GordonSor the source packages?18:39
slavikStskeeps: is there any doc I can read on setting up qemu for meego?18:40
GordonSwell, there *is* one... but I haven't made it work :-P18:40
slavikGordonS: you mean you're working on packages for an environment for meego?18:42
slavikor did I misread a lot?18:42
GordonSyou mean my question before?  I'm trying to run the image creator, and my host system is x86_6418:43
slavikso is mine18:43
GordonSbut that is different from the qemu thing18:43
slavikbut I am wondering if there is an environment for meego, like google made for android ... complete with screen and keyboards :)18:43
GordonSone sec18:43
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GordonSslavik: don't suppose your machine has an Intel video chipset?18:46
slavikGordonS: no :(18:47
slavikGordonS: nvidia mobile, nvidia 8800gts and a radeon 200ixp or whatever mobility18:47
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GordonSone sec18:48
GordonSmay the force be with you :-S18:49
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Roberto___With meego can you run java jars?18:50
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odin_jars that conform to which runtime ?  J2ME ?  J2SE ?  Dalvik ?18:52
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odin_you might have a chance with J2SE if openjdk is in the repo18:53
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slavikGordonS: thank you :D19:22
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slavikGordonS: any clue if x86_64 will be a problem?19:24
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wmaronex86_64 for which system?19:28
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slavikwmarone: linux, ubuntu to be exact19:30
GordonSno idea19:30
GordonSI have never managed to get it to work...19:30
GordonSbut then I am also trying to run 1.0.80 or 1.0.9019:30
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GordonSbecause I need it for a project19:30
wmaronex86_64 is not supported at this time for MeeGo development19:30
wmaroneit -might- work, but you're on your own19:31
GordonSdo you know where the Debian-flavoured source packages are?19:31
wmaroneI recommend using VirtualBox19:31
wmaronesource packages for what?19:31
GordonSVirtualBox doesn't work worth @%*(@ for Meego IME, nor does VMware19:31
wmaroneI know19:31
GordonSI am trying to run the image creator19:32
GordonSthere are Debian 64-bit packages, but not Ubuntu19:32
wmaronewon't those work for you?19:32
GordonSand the Debian packages would probably work, but... I'd rather get the dependencies right19:32
GordonSmismatched glibc and all19:32
GordonSit probably will though19:32
wmaroneI ended up doing image generation on a Fedora image19:33
wmaroneerr, Fedora VM19:33
wmaroneand all dev work in Ubuntu19:33
GordonSI would be happy to build from source or whatever but there are no .dsc files up there19:33
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wmaronewell there are tarballs for mic2 and whatnot at your link19:34
GordonSbetween having a 64-bit host and not having anything with Intel video I've been tearing my hair out ;-P19:34
wmaroneyeah it's frustrating19:34
GordonSand with the image creator, I can actually build one for nVidia :)19:34
wmaroneI suppose I'm just too used to working around things19:35
GordonSso am I... I've just not been very successful this time :-S19:35
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GordonSI managed to get the netbook image running in VMware at one point, but it was SLOOOOWWWW19:35
GordonSand I've never managed to get the handset image to work worth anything - not even on a borrowed machine with Intel video :-P19:36
wmaronevmware doesn't provide hardware 3D support to linux VMs19:36
GordonSit "kinda" does19:36
GordonSbut apparently not really19:36
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wmaroneI've got the xephyr setup working on my macbook19:36
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wmaronefor both netbook and handset, though the SDK images are oooooold19:36
GordonSand I followed the qemu instructions with the handset image - and choosing "install" just gives me a black screen19:36
GordonSyeah, I am trying to run 1.0.90 at this point19:37
GordonSmy project needs the newer Mobility19:37
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wmaroneI wish there was a cheaper handset dev platform19:37
Stskeepsn900 or beagleboard19:37
wmaronewell yeah, but neither have multitouch19:38
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wmaroneother than that I do plan on getting a beagleboard xM soon :)19:38
slavikbut qemu/kvm can fake a 32bit CPU in full virt mode, no?19:38
wmaronefake yes, but it's achingly slow19:39
slavikwmarone: how achingly, I have a quad 2.4GHz 8GB RAM system at home, still slow?19:40
wmaronehmm, well it might go faster19:40
lcuki find the problem with emulation not to be the speed, but picking up my desktop and changing orientation is a bit tiring19:40
dm8tbrwmarone: the Archos generation 8 tablets will have multitouch and an SDE firmware is expected somewhen soon too19:41
wmaroneI haven't thrown QEMU at my desktop, but I still have the virtualbox layer there19:41
dm8tbrSDE firmware == open bootloader, arbitrary kernel, you own the device19:41
wmaronedm8tbr: has archos stopped fighting the community?19:41
dm8tbrwmarone: yes two generations ago19:41
wmaronecan X be built with 3D acceleration for the hardware ?19:41
dm8tbrthey simply strip out the DRM bits and there it goes19:42
dm8tbrwmarone: yes, our current FroYo build has SGX and as soon as Obko is back we will have meego with SGX too I hope19:42
dm8tbrcurrent hardware is still resistive touchscreen though19:42
dm8tbrbut the new A43/70/101 should be MT19:43
wmaronehow'd you get the drivers built?19:43
dm8tbrdownload TI-blob, install, bliss19:43
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dm8tbralso archos provides the kernel part of the drivers under GPL19:43
slaviklcuk: when it gets approved. :)19:44
wmaronedm8tbr: yeah, most do. the issue is the TI-blob, but that sounds good19:44
lcukslavik, hm?19:44
dm8tbrwmarone: well, keep an eye on the blog then. we'll be screaming on the top of our lungs once the SDE for gen8 comes out. ;)19:45
slavikyour comment about the orientation of the desktop19:45
lcukslavik, ahh19:45
lcukthat was tame19:45
slavikfunny as hell though19:45
slavikdefinately made my day a bit better19:46
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lcukheh glad to hear it19:46
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slavikI would still like to know when Nokia or anyone makes a dualcore ARM phone/netbook though.19:46
slavikbut NDAs seem very popular these days19:46
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lcukthe current devices are technically more than dual core - one core cpu, one powervr core and whatever others are speciialist processing units19:47
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lcukjust like the old amigas :) specialist units working together19:47
slavikright, but I am talking about the likes of OMAP419:47
slavik2 A9 cores19:47
lcukhold up, this isnt windows19:47
lcukit doesnt need a dedicated AV core19:47
slavikalthough there was a company introducing a new ARM cpu which could do 2GHz on clock or something, that could probably make it to desktop or something.19:48
slavikwhich would be neat19:48
lcukthe multicore devices will be good if they can be fed with data19:48
lcukwhich areas of linux are specifically geared and optimised for multicore at the moment?19:48
slaviklcuk: that's easy, buy 1000 phones and make a cluster out of them19:49
slavikor a cluster over 3g :D19:49
lcukslavik, yeah I already went over that scenario19:49
lcukand am working on it19:49
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lcukI havent actually looked at hte qt multicore functionality19:50
lcukand whether it makes use of decent threading19:51
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lcuk20100907 is the latest handset image?19:53
ScottishDuckfor n900, yes19:54
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Stskeepswb DawnFoster20:17
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DawnFosterhey stskeeps20:18
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MyrttiI don't know what to think of these repositories popping up every day20:20
MyrttiI wouldn't install anything from them20:20
fralsrepos what? where?20:21
Stskeepsthe netbook ones?20:21
Myrttithere's one russian one and one I guess british20:21
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Myrttiit's just like maemo in 2007 again20:22
berndhsMyrtti: well, there aren't any real repos for applications20:23
Stskeepswell, that's how it goes when we don't have anything like Extras, etc yet..20:23
MyrttiStskeeps: yup20:23
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lcukMyrtti, how do you know which country the repos are from?  ie, does the british one play the national anthem when you connect?20:26
Myrttilcuk: "I guess british"20:26
* Stskeeps wonders idly what's with the intense html mails some people tend to use20:27
Myrttiie. I don't. the domain names of said repos just kind of gives hints about possible "national origin"20:27
MyrttiStskeeps: "Microsoft Outlook"20:27
Stskeepsno, but this is like hardcore html mails :)20:28
kraiskilStskeeps: less configuring for the user - who reads mails in html form anyways ;)20:28
kyb3Rforced html mailing = lazy coding20:29
* kraiskil hopes MeeGo emailer client don't have html as default mail format20:29
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GAN900Stskeeps, <blink> ?20:35
Stskeepsno, not <blink>20:36
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wmaronerandom question, does anyone know if the activesync support in FroYo is open source or closed?20:39
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lbtmark skarpness appears to be trying to misquote everyone into defeat :D20:46
Stskeepsi'm a bit lost by now, tbh20:47
lbtit's not rational afaict20:47
berndhslbt: perhaps Mark is in marketing20:48
lbtthe counter-argument is just .... unqualified20:48
Stskeepslet's not make it about the person, please, let's make it about the principles.20:49
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tekojolbt: I really think Arjan and Graham had good points today20:49
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Stskeepseach of us may be in a position to have to defend unpopular stances in our work, so20:49
lbtGraham's point was interesting20:50
tekojovendors will do stupid things anyway, a piece of paper does not stop them20:50
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lbtbut my real concern is that they will bar any opensource app that builds upon the work of another20:50
Stskeepslbt: s/opensource//g :P20:51
lbtanyone who uses lcuk's libraries to ship a liqbase plugin20:51
tekojowell, if they do they are sliding to oblivion, right?20:51
kfxstatic linking will save us all20:51
lbtkfx: or that... which will kill us20:51
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tekojoall apps coming from a repo will rely on core + that repo20:51
lbttekojo: I agree ... that's a given20:51
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lbtin practice that will happen a lot20:52
tekojoI'm not going to worry about it too much20:52
Stskeepswell, we can always try it out for 1.1 so we can learn the hard way why it's a bad idea20:52
lbtand it can still happen if compliance permits 'proper' sw20:52
tekojoStskeeps: exactly :)20:52
lbtif meego shoots proper software then there is no toehold20:52
lbtthere is no gentle easing open20:53
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lbt*that* worries me20:53
tekojothe thing is MeeGo needs to anticipate the most brilliantly stupid ideas people may have and try to stop them beforehand20:53
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tekojothis leads to some overstatements and too detailed rules20:53
berndhstekojo: right, and it still won't work, the stupidity will get in there20:54
kfxyou can't fix idiocy with policy20:54
lbtthe thing is that loosening this rool won't make a difference in that area20:54
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tekojoberndhs: sure, I know, I work for Nokia :)20:54
lbtas Stskeeps said, the spec doesn't forbid it20:54
lbtjust arjan20:54
Stskeepswhat is it -exactly- the goal of the meego compliance sticker is, for apps?20:54
Stskeepsthat's what i'm missing20:54
Stskeepsovi's going to run over it with vendor apis, for sure20:55
lbtthey will say "not compliant" bugger off20:55
tekojowell, if you are really just ignorant, you take the codebase, make a device and not call it meego20:55
Stskeepsso that doesn't even apply20:55
lbtyes... so they'll run of with vendor apis20:55
lbtand *STILL* won't allow Extras20:55
lbtbecause "you're not compliant"20:55
lbtit slams the door20:56
Stskeepsmy worry isn't actually extras and so on20:56
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Stskeepslet's say an API like QML came about, on staging to be included to Qt20:56
Stskeepswhere would this be added? it would be popular, of course, but where does it exist in meego ecosystem?20:56
tekojoactually as long as a device is compliant, and extras follows the compliance rules, who cares if there is a sticker if you can add repos?20:56
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lbttekojo: because ovi will care20:57
kfxis ovi running this project?20:57
tekojoQt is not the best example, they actually have the candidate API system20:57
kfx(serious question, how much "pull" do they have)20:57
tekojono, Ovi is a store20:57
lbtwhich means the very best of the extras apps won't get to the TV adverts20:57
lbts/ovi/random name/20:57
Stskeepstekojo: yes, but with a 6 month release cycle of meego, we won't see it for a while :P20:57
tekojoStskeeps: neither do I see it on other distros20:58
tekojoonly if I run alphas and betas (like I do)20:58
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Stskeepsactually, how does something like iphone solve this?20:59
Stskeepsi mean, we have unity3d20:59
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tekojoiphone only has one commercial store21:00
tekojoyou need something you go to Apple and negotiate21:00
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Stskeepsright, but do they allow '3rd party dependancies'?21:00
tekojoAFAIK sandboxing21:00
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tekojobut I'm not sure if there are exceptions21:01
GAN900Why are we pandering to operators in the spec?21:01
lbtGAN900: hah... $$$$21:02
lbtI personally like being paid to work on OSS21:02
kfxyou won't, if you let them force you into making unsustainable products21:03
lbtkfx: list the options in this space..... you won't get banned for flooding ;)21:04
berndhsits fine to pander to operators, just not in the technical spec21:04
lbtberndhs:  ROFL.... "He has held a variety of technical and marketing positions"21:05
kfxat least make the spec worth saving, even if the operaters booger it up with failed app-store clones you still have something to build on21:05
ml-mobilepandering to operators is bad as their intentions tend to be wholly opposite of that which does not suck21:05
Stskeepslbt, while berndhs was spot on, go after the arguments, not the man :P21:06
lbtit helps to understand his position21:06
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Stskeepsof course - and affiliation21:06
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ScottishDuckugh parallels 621:07
lbtnothing wrong with marketing.... people look at it a different way and some may not even understand the tech21:07
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ScottishDuckthe tools wont compile :/21:07
tekojoactually I would rather take in from the point of view that MeeGo needs to go big, and that requires a lot of involved commercial players21:07
lbttekojo: yes21:07
tekojowhich requires some rules to be set21:07
tekojoas said, otherwise se will do really tupid things21:08
lbtand it needs to avoid forcing their hand21:08
lbtbig players won't go for it21:08
Stskeepsplaying the devils advocate, that we didn't exactly skyrocket the maemo platform by open source alone21:08
kyb3Rto avoid developers hands is what counts21:08
lbtit also makes sense to not forbid the underlying development model that got us here21:08
kyb3Rto avoid tide of developer hands i mean21:09
tekojothe funny thing is that if I were at an operator, I wouldn't be jumping with joy at the limitations in that spec now21:09
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lbttekojo: if we believe in the opensource "build on the work of others" then why do we prohibit it....21:09
lbtnot even make it optional...21:09
tekojobut force it?21:10
tekojoI thought you were against forcing things :)21:10
lbtno, sorry...21:10
lbtthe spec forces it off21:10
lbtI want it optionally on21:10
tekojoI prefer no comment on it :)21:10
lbtthe spec prohibits sharing21:11
Stskeepswhat was the key argument against 3rd party dependancies again?21:11
lbtI want to permit optional sharing21:11
tekojoStskeeps: ignorance?21:11
berndhsfear of the unknown ?21:11
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lbtStskeeps: : "If compliance says that compliant apps can have external dependencies, then every compliant device MUST support those dependencies and ensure they are available to every device.  That is the burden we are debating."21:11
Stskeepslbt: damnit, he noticed the parts of the spec21:11
tekojoI don't see it limiting 3rd party deps if they come the same source21:11
lbtStskeeps: I did ram them in there21:12
ScottishDuckspeculation of maemo 5 pr 1.321:12
lbtStskeeps: has it changed?21:12
ScottishDuckhere we go again21:12
Stskeepstekojo: well, that's what is implied by now21:13
Stskeepsthat you can't have 3rd party deps, no matter what21:13
ali1234is there any rule that says a meego compliant device is NOT allowed to be able to install non-compliant packages?21:13
Stskeeps(just got stated as an error in spec)21:13
Stskeepsali1234: no, thank god21:13
Stskeepswhich brings me back to the question of what it even matters21:13
ali1234well then none of it matters, if people want packages with dependencies, they won't get a sticker.... big deal21:13
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kyb3Rso it would be up to the user to solve dependancies?21:14
ali1234(want to make)21:14
ali1234no, it would be up to developers to provide a new package installer that handles dependencies (maybe you could even get it sneaked in as "compliant too)21:14
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berndhsali1234: good marketing could make it an advantage? "SlicedBread is Not Meego Compliant !"21:15
kyb3Rali1234: ok21:15
tekojoI would rather think that the spec is trying to wiggle out of having to maintain every library out there21:15
Stskeepslbt: i'm wondering if the resolution is that we make a bet that we will see immense problems with app stores over the 1.1 period.. if we do, they owe us a round of beer, if not, we owe them21:15
Stskeepsi mean, it's a 6 month one period21:16
ali1234there is clearly going to be a massive explosion of app stores21:16
tekojoit would actually help to hear what Mark Skaprness took as initial assumptions21:16
lbtyou'd bet a career of working on kinda-java for a beer?21:16
th0br0there are going to be multiple app stores? :S21:16
ali1234open sources is being marketed directly as "something that lets you make your own app store so you don't have to give a cut to anyone else"21:16
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Stskeepslbt: chances are i'd just go for obscure product development, or moving to the polish mountains if meego blows up21:17
tekojoalso target audience is a question I haven't seen discussed21:17
ScottishDuckIf you want commercial interest, you can't have GPLv3 poking around21:18
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* lcuk reads logs21:18
StskeepsScottishDuck: i think that's a bit too late now21:19
kyb3Ryou can make money with content and services without getting any from selling apps21:19
* CosmoHill wonders if he should do a lot of back ready and research21:19
CosmoHillor get drunk21:19
ScottishDuckStskeeps: yes, you could say that :P21:19
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lcukquestion: what good is open source and communal barn building if the principle devices make it an uphill struggle for the community to get their applications (which would work on the same principles as the core OS) onto the devices they are helping?21:21
Stskeepsmost developers would use qt, i would guess21:21
ali1234it's no good at all, your time would be better served cracking vendor bootloader and putting your own meego fork on there21:21
lcukthats not desired either21:22
tekojolcuk: maybe not all vendors are about locking down+21:23
lcuktekojo, good, could you get a statement about nokia's intent?21:23
tekojono, I'm watching television :)21:23
berndhsdoes any company know what their intent will be in 6 months ?21:24
kyb3Rhow about from a strategy plan?21:24
Stskeepswhat strategy :P21:24
tekojoStskeeps: powerpoints I presume21:25
lcuktekojo, i actually like your answer a lot21:25
kyb3Rtekojo: :)21:25
lcuka lot more than I initially thought21:25
tekojolcuk: you like me watching television?21:25
lcukno, about not all vendors are about locking down21:25
lcukit would be good to ask them directly21:25
lcukwhether they would be interested in a truly open meego variant21:26
tekojoyes, there's that plural in there :)21:26
lcuksimilar to how maemo is right now :)21:26
lcuk(open as in not locked down and easy to add community apps)21:26
lcukand we come up with strong positive (as lbt has been pushing last few days) reasons and justifications as to why open platform is better21:27
tekojoit would be interesting to ask, yes21:28
lcukrather than fighting and assuming its all going to be locked21:28
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lcukie "is open source a sham to you, or do you want your device platform to encourage growth and innovation"21:28
ali1234wow, that's not a loaded question...21:28
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lcuk:D isn't that what all polls are?21:29
berndhslcuk: so you ask them if they are still beating their wives ?21:29
lcukberndhs, i stopped a while ago thanks, the bruises have gone down21:29
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th3hateStskeeps, is it possible to include Intell AppUp store in vanilla MeeGo, or it's considered an added value?21:30
lcuktekojo, do you have a list of the various manufacturers and contact points we could put something together about this?21:31
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tekojolcuk: me not, and I don't think it would be proper with me working for a vendor :)21:31
achipalcuk: the more closed the average MeeGo implementation will be, the sooner a CyanoMeeGo will pop-up with a fully open extras of it's own21:31
lcukreasonable enough tekojo, sorry to put you on the spot like that21:32
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lcukachipa, thats the point21:32
lcukthat encourages fragmentation21:32
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tekojolcuk: not sure who to ask either21:32
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lcuktekojo, i am sure we will find out21:33
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lcukits got to be entirely possible to come up with a blended approach like maemo has21:34
lcukjust much much slicker21:34
ali1234the thing is, nokia really really want you to write apps for ovi, and ovi covers symbian and others... hence Qt21:35
lcukali1234, and ovi and qt are totally totally awesome21:35
achipaali1234: this is not really about Qt21:35
lcuki have 100000000% respect for both things21:35
ali1234it kind of is about Qt, because if you need to use some other library, then Qt has failed21:36
lcukbut I also think the little man who writes a cool little tool that happens to use a community library21:36
lcukshould have the same options as any big budget software shop21:36
ali1234and Qt *is* open source, after all21:36
lcukali1234, but new use cases come out every day21:36
achipaali1234: You could say it the other way round, too - if you don't need any other library - then it's an OS21:36
lcukand a new class for doing XYZ21:36
lcukgets made by me or you21:37
ali1234well, yeah, Qt *is* pretty much a whole OS :)21:37
lcukand has to grow somewhere21:37
lcukbefore it ends up in qt by default21:37
achipait's already a kitchen sink and yet it doesn't include half of what is needed21:37
ali1234what do you feel is missing?21:37
lcukthe Qt ideology isnt even up for discussion21:37
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lcukali1234, there will always be something missing21:38
ali1234i'm geniunely interested is specific examples :)21:38
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lbtApplications *MUST NOT* require (in RPM terminology) packages that are not themselves compliant.21:38
lbtApplications that require (in RPM terminology) packages that cannot be provided MUST NOT be installed.21:38
lcukyou want a specific one I see now? - live wallpaper21:38
achipaali1234: just to pick the single biggest category on competing platforms - gaming oriented libs ?21:38
lcukwhole set of live wallpaper classes are needed in the meego we see today21:38
lcuknow those have to grow and evolve21:39
lcukand be thoroughly tested21:39
mikkohhi, meego-n00b here. is it possible to use libmeegotouch without any meego sdk/chroot env?21:39
ali1234achipa: hmm... you feel that the Qt/3D and Qt quick stuff is not good enough?21:39
lcukbefore any kind of meego compliance can be thought about21:39
Stskeepslbt: your phrasing?21:39
achipaali1234: ? For what ?21:39
ali1234achipa: for making games21:39
lbtproposed to reduce burden21:39
achipaali1234: try writing an Epic Citadel type of demo in it - you won't get far21:39
tekojolbt where did you find that?21:40
berndhsali1234: recording audio doesn't work right in qt4621:40
lbtie "respect 404s... duh"21:40
lbttekojo: I wrote it21:40
achipaali1234: but if a beefed up tetris is enough... sure :)21:40
lbtto blend in around line 15721:40
ali1234berndhs: presumably that's a bug though :)21:40
Myrttiyall need more cheesecake21:40
lcukthe point is:  extensions will be created for the single case first.  then they may be developed into a library.  then they may evolve into operating system components.21:40
ali1234i mean, i know a lot of this stuff isn't finished yet, but neither is meego...21:40
achipaali1234: even good ole SDL and pygame are better suited in some aspects - but that is not the point...21:41
* tekojo cheesecake... kitchen21:41
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lbtno comments.. hitting send21:41
achipaNO ! I forbid you to mention food at this late hour !21:41
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* GAN900 had ribs for lunch.21:41
lbtmushroom omelette.... on buttery bread sandwiches :)21:42
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* lcuk rips out one of GAN900's ribs21:42
tekojolbt: so it's you who is filling my lists inbox!21:42
lcuki had egg fried rice before :D21:42
GAN900It's the worst when there's a new BBQ place up the street running their smokers all of the time and stinking up the whole block.21:42
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kfxno, that is actually the *best*21:42
MyrttiI had a rather large chicken balti from tesco, with naan and bhajis21:42
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Myrttinomnomnom indian21:43
achipatekojo: btw do you perchance know if there are any Nokians taking part in defining the compliance program ?21:43
achipa(must... keep... mind... off... food21:43
tekojoachipa: no idea21:43
lcukStskeeps, you said something in backlog which is good I think21:43
lcukStskeepswell, we can always try it out for 1.1 so we can learn the hard way why it's a bad idea20:5221:44
lcukwe should be able to adapt things as we go along21:44
Tomaszdlbt o/21:44
achipayeah, we'll mess up wetab real good ! :)21:44
lcukand as yet nothing is fixed21:44
lbtTomaszd: \o21:44
ali1234achipa: i don't see anything in this epic citadel demo that couldn't be done with Qt...21:44
Tomaszdlbt, how's that desoldering pump ;)21:44
MyrttiI refuse to think that repeating old mistakes and not learning from warnings is a good idea21:45
achipaali1234: Sorry ?21:45
Myrtti"ah, there's some pressure build up in the drill hole" "nnaaaah, just keep on drillin'"21:45
achipaali1234: A 3D bind is NOT a game engine. Otherwise people wouldn't be making Ogre, Box2d and chipmunk bindings for Qt21:46
lcukMyrtti, ++21:46
lbtTomaszd: ....21:46
ali1234achipa: Qt has (or will have) scene graph, camera etc, so you could make a fps type engine in it quite easily21:46
lcukali1234, of course you can make and install the whole operating system inside a single binary21:46
kyb3RMyrtti: it's natural when people are involved ;)21:47
Myrttikyb3R: no, that's the way of making people NOT to involve21:47
lcukthe libraries are there to allow ease of reuse of common coding issues, and like I said a little bit ago, new use cases emerge every day21:47
achipaali1234: no, seriously, believe me, I like Qt and all, but it's no game engine.21:47
Myrttiif nobody gives a shit about warnings and guidance recognised experts of the subject gives, then we have less of them very soon21:48
ali123499% of what makes that demo look cool is the well made models and textures21:48
Myrttiand yes, I knew it was irony and sarcasm21:48
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lcukali1234, and that 1% is impossible to understand stuff that should be abstracted away inside a nice polished documented api ;)21:49
Myrttimeh, should take the bin out21:50
ali1234lcuk: yeah, like the ones in Qt/3D...21:50
lcukyou noticed a problem with it?21:50
lcukif so, please have a go at fixing it!21:50
lcukfile bug reports, offer alternatives etc21:50
lcukwrite a replacement library *grin*21:51
ali1234problem with what?21:51
lcukali1234, you had a sarcastic tone, apologies if misunderstood21:51
ali1234no i was being quite serious21:52
lcukcool, does qt have support for online high score tables?21:52
lcukor xyz21:52
lcukor windows live interaction or wow stuff?21:52
achipaali1234: So, how does Qt/3D deal with game physics ? Characters walking around and stuff ? AI ? Input controls suited to games ?21:53
ali1234i'm sure Qt will have online highscores as soon as ovi has it :)21:53
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ali1234in the meantime, you don't need very much from Qt in order to implement it, unless you want to write the backend in Qt (any why would you want to do that?)21:54
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lcukali1234, people do the strangest things21:54
lcuk(i should know..)21:54
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ali1234as for a the other thing, how many games out there use a shared library for their physics/AI/game logic?21:55
achipaali1234: in the open source world ? all of them21:55
ali1234i would really suck if all games used the exact same AI21:55
lcukali1234, box2d21:55
ali1234heh, open source games... good one :)21:55
lcuklots of games use it21:55
ali1234(now i am being sarcastic)21:55
lcukangry birds is based on it21:55
lcukor something like it anyway21:55
achipaioquake, ogre3d, crystal space.... you name it21:55
lcuktake models, add weights21:56
lcukali1234, look at how many games use SDL21:56
ali1234hmm let's see... ogre3d gives you scenegraph and geometry controls only... almost identical to what Qt/3D is supposed to do21:56
ali1234ioquake is completely self contained, afaik it doesn't require you to install some physical library/AI library etc first21:57
lcukopengles is "almost" like opengl21:57
th0br0opengles rocks :D21:57
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lcuki do not doubt it!21:57
ali1234yeah, Qt/3D actually hides the differences between gl and gles... unlike ogre, which barely even works on gles21:57
achipaali1234: so, how's that skeletal animation in Qt/3D ?21:57
lcukanyway, beer time21:58
lcukwho wants one?21:58
ali1234achipa: good question21:58
ali1234however i don't see any skeletal animation in that demo :)21:58
lcukdo you want a warm or a cold one?21:58
achipaali1234: demo of what ?21:58
lcukali1234, skeletal animation will be cool to make living walking meegon characters21:59
ali1234achipa: epic citadel21:59
achipalcuk: warm21:59
* lcuk slides an english ale over to achipa 21:59
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lcukmade in a micro brewery and cared for by several buxom wenches22:00
achipaali1234: you're missing the point - epic cidatel is based on the unreal enginge that DOES include skeletal animation22:00
achipalcuk: thanks (burp)22:00
ali1234achipa: that doesn't mean they got it working on iphone22:00
lcukiphone isnt exactly made for sharing and building though22:00
ali1234but the thing is *you* are missing the point: how many unreal games are shipped without unreal engine, and require you to install it as a separate package?22:01
lcukoh what a cool app, those walking monkeys are wicked22:01
lcukcan i use that to make some walking meegons?22:01
lcukwhat answeer would you generally get in iphone land?22:01
lcukand then ask what answer you would generally get in an open source environment22:02
ali1234in a closed source environment you get "sure, you can licence our engine for $xxxx"22:02
ali1234in a open source environment you get "sure, here is the code"22:03
achipaali1234: so, if they suck and can't do it properly, then we should suck, too ? :S22:03
ali1234this is completely irrelevant to the question of packaging22:03
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lcukali1234, not really22:03
lcukbecause I probably wouldnt get to see the walking monkeys if all the devices are locked down22:03
lcukif they were made using OSS principles and sat on a community repo22:04
lcukby the way, this totally fails all the tests22:04
lcuk(because I wouldnt be allowed to make an app including real meegons without it being officially endorsed etc)22:04
pupnikali1234: so you're saying gnu/linux isn't an optimal environmnet in which to release proprietary games?22:04
ali1234pupnik: um... yes?22:05
ali1234pupnik: optimal environment would be a games console, obviously22:05
tobibhmm you can have prorietary programs everywhere22:05
pupniktrying to guess what led to this discussion thread22:05
lcuktheres a great mix of open and source stuff at the moment in maemo22:05
pupnikdid you already discuss loki games ali1234 ?22:05
lcukwe know it can and does work22:06
RST38hGNU/Linux sucks!!!22:06
* RST38h ducks, quickly22:06
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lcukRST38h, open source your stuff :P22:06
achipaNUKE IN 5...4...3...22:06
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RST38hlcuk:open source sucks too!!!22:06
tobibbluescreen (nuke was windows-controlled)22:06
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lcukRST38h, sure it does22:07
ali1234pupnik: tl;dr "meego should allow dependencies outside the core packages" -> "but Qt has everything you need" -> "no it doesn't, it doesn't have unreal built in" -> "how many games ship without their own copy of unreal" -> "but that's not the open source way"22:07
RST38hbtw, ali1234, have you programmed for game consoles?22:07
* achipa unpacks his ale from the nuclear proof shelter22:07
ali1234RST38h: not since they started filling them up with DRM22:07
lcukachipa, that ale is so thick even a nuke would stand up in it!22:07
RST38hali1234: which happened shortly after atari2600, I reckon?22:07
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ali1234RST38h: well, ok, let me rephrase: not since they started filling them up with DRM that requires you to be online all the time22:08
achipaali1234: okay, then... social networks ? How cool is including facebook libs over and over ?22:08
RST38hali1234: and when did that happen?22:08
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ali1234RST38h: pretty much when they figured out they can force you to upgrade firmware by making all the games require it22:11
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pupnikali1234: so the disagreement only affects commercial software written for meego?  should those apps be able to specify non-core open-source dependencies?22:11
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ali1234pupnik: i think it really only affects open source apps22:12
ali1234commercial developers don't mind bundling everything together into one package22:12
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lcukthink again ali123422:12
ali1234as demonstrated by the huge amount of commercial games that do exactly that22:12
RST38hali1234: so, no morepirated games on your PSP?22:12
pupnikif someone wants to port a FOSS package, it frequently is essential to get shared libraries up into a repo first22:12
lcukand them bundling everything together is good for a constrained disk space and wireless download system how?22:13
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* RST38h sighs: what are these people arguing about? Unreal? What Unreal? Your whole Meego Handset is as unreal as it gets.22:13
lcukthinking about this problem in desktop terms22:13
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pupnikheh RST38h22:14
RST38hIt is not even a problem. Once you get a Meego handset in your hands and there will be an Unreal engin based game, THEN it MAY become a problem22:14
achipaRST38h: Unreal ? Or Mythic ?22:14
Stskeepsooh. metrics are out22:14
ali1234RST38h: yes, i agree22:14
achipaStskeeps: no, imperal units are out, metric ones are IN :P22:14
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achipa(yes, lame joke)22:15
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RST38hYou need 1) hardware 2) firmware that is usable day to day 3) someone willing AND able to develop serious games for this device of yours22:15
RST38hAnd only then, MAYBE there is a problem with packages not being shared between other packages22:15
achipaguys. the game engine thing was an example. Take Python. Take SDL. Take espeak. Take whatever.22:15
* RST38h takes Python. All Python apps on Maemo share the same Python (ugly thing too)22:16
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tobibwhy don't use C22:16
ali1234python is in meego too of course22:16
achipaRST38h: well too bad, all that stuff ain't compliant !22:16
* RST38h takes SDL. Aside from that unfortunate ttf problem,SDL is not causing ANY problems whatsoever22:16
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achipaali1234: but the bindings aren't. Oops.22:16
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RST38hachipa: Compliant with what? It is certainly "compliant" as far as I am concerned22:17
ali1234achipa: bindings to what? Qt?22:17
RST38hInstalls. Get shared. Runs.22:17
lcukRST38h, you missed the whole point of the conversation22:17
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RST38hlcuk: My point is that there has not been a point to the conversation :)22:17
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achipaRST38h: You won't get shared. If it's not in the firmware, you have to bundle it in your app22:18
berndhsRST38h: no really, you missed it22:18
achipaRST38h: that shared thing was #maemo22:18
StskeepsDawnFoster: odd phrasing, 'public versions of metrics reports'? i guess you mean released or something?22:18
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lcukStskeeps, nahh there will be private ones too :P22:19
sjokkislbt: do you still have that link to the maemo request queue you showed me?22:19
achipaali1234: bindings to anything, Qt, mobility, GTK, wx, whatever22:19
lcukwhere are they by the way?22:19
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Stskeepsmetrics? wiki/Metrics22:19
ali1234you know this whole discussion highlights why apple lays down the law for app development in the way they do22:20
Stskeepsthey're tired of listening to those smelly gnu hippies? ;)22:21
DawnFosterStskeeps: Just reminding people that the metrics are public and can be shared with people22:21
DawnFosteras opposed to private and secret :)22:21
DawnFosterwhich they aren't22:21
Stskeepsah :)22:21
StskeepsDawnFoster: yeah, didn't accuse you of holding something secret :) just noticed it22:21
tobibno gnu hippies are on the IPhone^^22:21
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RST38hachipa: this sounds stupid. who came up with this wonderful idea?22:21
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sjokkishey tobib, how do you know someone has an iPhone?22:22
ali1234Stskeeps: basically they dont want people to all use a different gui toolkit so that all apps are inconsistent etc22:22
achipaali1234: they don't lay down the law, they tweak, change, alter how they see fit22:22
DawnFosterStskeeps: actually, it was to avoid the question I often get about sharing them22:22
achipaali1234: one day you can use 3rd party libs, the next you can't. Sorry. Too bad if your business model depended on it22:22
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tobibbasically they don't want the flash on IPhone compiler thing22:22
DawnFosterI have to resist the urge to say "well, duh. it's on the wiki - it's already public" ;)22:22
achipatobib: but they do now (again)22:22
tobibyes i didn't believe it22:23
StskeepsDawnFoster: or the day we can all say 'did you notice the meego logo? it's all open'22:23
achipatobib: I guess Android with Flash was getting dangerously competitive...22:23
achipaRST38h: it's called MeeGo Compliance program. Will help vendors apparently, in some weird way.22:24
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achipaRST38h: MeeGo Application Compliance, that is...22:25
RST38hachipa: Well, this means Meego device will either have to become non-compliant or useless22:25
ScottishDuckFlash on mobile will always be a bad idea22:25
achipaScottishDuck: flash on anything is a bad idea22:25
sjokkisScottishDuck: flash is a bad idea, but we still have to live with it, for now22:25
* achipa thinks about the state of 64bit linux flash22:25
ali1234RST38h: no, it just means your app that requires a library from somewhere else won't be meego compliant, and no app store will accept it22:25
ScottishDuckachipa: they brought it back22:25
tobibflash is the buggiest web standard i ever saw22:25
RST38hali1234: And why do I care about app stores?22:26
sjokkisit's a standard?22:26
tobiboh well22:26
tobibin fact22:26
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achipaScottishDuck: I know. Doesn't mean they can't take it away (again).22:26
RST38hali1234: Given how dismal chances of success are there?22:26
ali1234RST38h: if you don't care about appstores, then you won't care about meego app complaince... /discussion22:26
RST38hali1234: Gooood =)22:26
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* RST38h almost done installing 720MB of apps onto his phone, no app stores in sight22:27
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McPelsHi friends22:27
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GordonSWRT Flash, I care somewhat less about the "buggy" than the "not supported everywhere" and the "flying CPU hog" :-P22:28
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* GordonS covers his ears22:28
sjokkisMcPels: TELL US!22:28
GordonSyou are loud :)22:28
tobibhmm flash is supported on most architectures22:28
RST38hMcPels: Once you have had that QUESTION, flush and come back22:29
sjokkiswhatever, GordonS. caps lock is cruise control for cool22:29
achipakick in 5...4...3...22:29
tobibhmm except of 64-bit^^22:29
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tobiband with buggy I also meant "flying CPU-hog "22:29
achipatobib: most ? How many is most architectures nowadays ?22:29
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achipatobib: Debian runs on a dozen or so, how many of them have Flash ?22:30
GordonSsjokkis: I thought that was u5in6 l0tz of l3773rz and Z's...22:30
tobibarchipa : flash supports Linux22:30
tobibthats more than most other commercial technologies22:30
achipatobib: Linux is not an architecture22:30
tobibachipa : ok it's an OS22:31
tobibachipa : but on the Desktop Computer there is only x86 and x86_64 as far as I know22:31
lcukDawnFoster, wheres the usual irc stats ?22:32
lcuki see metrics and theres a pdf of overall things22:32
achipatobib: that would be the Adobe maths... clicking on ANY DEVICE gives a list of 6 (six) phones22:32
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lcukbut I cant seem to find the amusing ones which has out of context quotes from folks :D22:32
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* lcuk giggles at them usually ;)22:32
McPelssjokkis: Can I install Meego on my laptop?22:33
sjokkisnow go forth and prosper22:33
achipaMcPels: the question !!! depends on what kind of laptop do you have22:33
tobibachipa : I never cared about flash on phones so i don't know really what they support in mobile market22:33
ali1234tobib: the word you are looking for is "platform"22:33
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achipatobib: the fun part is that it seems they now support Symbian, but are too ashamed of it to admit :P22:34
McPelsachipa: you mean the brand matters?22:34
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achipaMcPels: I mean the CPU/video matters. No AMD, no NVidia.22:34
achipaachipa: If you're all Intel, you're OK, otherwise...22:35
achipageez, talking to myself22:35
* achipa ran out of beer, goes back to coffee22:35
tekojotime to go, night!22:35
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lcukStskeeps, where do you put the irc stats nowadays?22:36
Stskeepsi think22:36
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ali1234hmm... i didn't realise i talk so much here22:36
lcukawesome, thanks!22:37
McPelsachipa: My CPU is Intel and my grafic is Nvidia!22:37
McPelsachipa: Can I?22:37
lcukoh lordy, i have most out of context quote this time :D22:37
RST38hYou can man, by all means, you can22:38
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RST38hSee? That was ALL he wanted. Simple isn't it?22:38
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tobibif it was always that simle...22:39
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McPelsachipa: So can I?22:42
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lcukMcPels, some specially trained people have run meego on the strangest combinations of devices22:42
lcukso, yes its possible22:43
lcukbut whether you can navigate the course to running on your hardware, i or anyone else cannot say at this time22:43
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lcuksimplest, download it to your usb stick and try it22:44
lcukif it doesnt work, get some info and ask why22:44
lcukif it works, come and jump around like a ninja at a wedding22:44
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mikkohyo, should I be able to use libmeegotouch without anything else? the docs seem to indicate it is possible, and I can successfully compile it etc, but apps crash. Is there some known stable release or ..?22:46
PelsSitylcuk: My Internet is not that much OK for downloading!22:46
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Mat_Matanlcuk: f**k shool, become a ninja! :P22:47
PelsSitylcuk: So firstly I ought to be aware of ots possibility!22:47
lcukmikkoh, hmm? which platform22:47
PelsSitylcuk: I mean its possibility! :)22:47
lcukMat_Matan, i cannot become a ninja22:48
lcukwhen I signed on for the pirates guild there was a clause :(22:48
mikkohlcuk: platform? ubuntu 10.04, following installation instructions in
slaviklcuk: you fail at reading :P22:48
ColKilkennymikkoh, do you have meegotouch-theme?22:48
mikkohColKilkenny: yes22:48
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Mat_Matanlcuk: so, ARGH! :)22:49
ColKilkennyhmm.. i have 10.10 and everything works okayish22:49
slavikalso, anyone in authority that can say how ready meego is for primetime on a handheld?22:49
ColKilkennylots of warnigns but i can compile apps etc.22:49
lcukARGH is the sound you make when my cutlas slices your midrif22:49
mikkohhmm looking at the dump, it seems I might be missing an X extension..22:49
lcukColKilkenny, cool22:50
McPelslcuk: I mean itsnot ots!22:50
McPelslcuk: SPILT OF TYPING!22:50
Mat_Matanlcuk: in polish language argh sounds better :P22:50
lcukcan you give some screenies from within ubuntu?22:50
lcukMat_Matan, and that explains why there are no famous polish pirates22:50
berndhsslavik: sure, lots of people in authority who can speak to that, but they're not talking22:50
ColKilkennylcuk, nothing really to see22:50
lcukColKilkenny, :) more than you think22:51
slavikberndhs: I see, thank you. :(22:51
slavikdoes Intel have offices in NYC?22:51
slavikpretty sure Nokia doesn't22:51
lcukColKilkenny, are you also running it on ubuntu?22:51
McPelslcuk: I am that McPels!22:51
McPelslcuk: I wanna install Meego On my laptop! Can I?22:51
ColKilkennylcuk, yes22:51
Mat_Matanlcuk: but we have more and better confessors of pasta god, FSM :P22:51
lcukMcPels, i already answered you22:51
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lcukColKilkenny, then post a screenie :p22:52
McPelslcuk: Sorry, I coulden't get u!22:52
slavikI think I will just mail and and just say I want to work on meego. :D22:53
ColKilkennylcuk, sorry I can't atm. as the libmeegotouch trunk won't compile atm :D22:53
lcukMcPels, by default you need intel everything and ssse3 compatable cpu - running it on non standard hardware usually involves recompiling and faffing22:53
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lcukbut people can do it22:53
lcukColKilkenny, you juse said it was22:53
lcuk"everything works okayish"22:53
lcukwere your words22:53
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ColKilkennyi meant generally. it'll probably compile tomorrow again22:54
lcukthen come back tomorrow and share a screenie :P22:54
slavikColKilkenny: compiling is successful based on a clock?22:54
lcukColKilkenny, ps22:54
ColKilkennyslavik, yes :) they committed something today which made it go BOOM22:54
lcukkeep whatever patches and tweaks you need22:54
lcukto get it running22:54
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lcukand offer them as a patch in a bug against building it for ubuntu22:55
McPelslcuk: tnx so much!22:55
slavikif that was my problem ... my problem is not having a file in a working directory which svn claims exists, so I cannot add it22:55
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lcukslavik, omg22:57
lcukyou are using svn? :P22:57
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slavikit was the first thing someone set up22:57
lcukwhich project?22:57
slaviklcuk: I am like the only person using this repo anyway, so :P22:57
lcuki thought you were talking about libmeegotouch from gitorious22:58
slaviklcuk: internal hacks because people are lazy22:58
slavikoh, no22:58
slavikwrong company, wrong project :(22:58
slavikI wish I did though22:58
lcukno prob22:58
* lcuk understands all sorts of differences22:58
slavikbut I would prolly suck as an embedded dev ... I like Perl :)22:59
GordonSI'm only so-so as an embedded dev... I hate assembler :)22:59
slavikthat, too22:59
slavikalthough I hear ARM is not as bad as x8622:59
GordonSno question whatsoever22:59
GordonSx86 assembler is eeeevil23:00
lcukwas * it got better i believe23:00
slavikGordonS: there is something more eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebil than that23:00
GordonSthere is pretty much always something worse :)23:00
slavikMIPS assembly23:00
GordonSI have never had any reason to look23:00
slavikneither have I23:00
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McPelsAnother question friends!23:07
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McPelsCan I install MeeGo on  my Nokia 5530 xpressmusic?23:08
RST38hYes, after some work.23:08
RST38hWell, a lot of work.23:08
Stskeepsand breaking in to get a signed bootloader23:09
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McPelsRST38h: And how?23:10
RST38hMcPels: Lots of work, man23:11
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RST38hMcPels: know...HACKING work23:11
th0br0imho... nokia should give us at least some signed bootloaders for meego for older phones :)23:12
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ali1234th0br0: which ones are you thinking of?23:18
th0br0no idea, frankly speaking. it is just some thought that popped up.23:18
th0br0i mean, those running sym^2/3?23:19
th0br0depends on hardware in the end i guess23:19
ali1234symbian ^3 isn't exactly old23:19
th0br0i know :)23:19
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th0br0nor is symbian ^ 2 more or less23:19
ali1234but yeah i'd like that too23:19
ali1234but you are going to need hw3d drivers too23:19
th0br0yeah :( but it would significantly boost meego use... especially as many more developers would be able to develop for meego on their phones23:20
ali1234it's only a matter of time before someone makes a phone that can run android/symbian/meego at will23:21
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ali1234it will either be extremely expensive or dirt cheap rubbish though23:22
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th0br0weird, just got some timeout23:27
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th0br0ali1234: well, the iphone gen 2 already runs android :)23:32
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th0br0besides i don't think that we'll see such due to licensing stuff23:37
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th0br0i'm out, bye23:44
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nuovodnahi, this guide works with proprietary meego ??23:46
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nuovodnais Meego handset based on Fedora ???23:51
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Jaffanuovodna: Define "properietary MeeGo"?23:52
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nuovodnaa file like this : meego-handset-armv7l-n900-nokia-proprietary23:52
nuovodnai suppose there are some propr drivers23:52
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GAN900You ignore the spec thread for a few hours and it doubles in size.23:54
wmaronenuovodna: it should work when loaded on the SD card, yes23:54
JaffaGAN900: You won't enjoy reading it.23:54
JaffaApart from lbt being generally excellent ;-)23:54
berndhsJaffa: good fight and it's not even friday23:55
nuovodnathanks wmarone23:56
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lbtand sometimes a tad harsh :23:57
lbtI'm just hoping we get them before they leave work.... have you noticed how dead weekends usually are?23:58
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lbtoh wait... it's thursday... who said friday?23:59

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