IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-09-11

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aukeStskeeps: now you're just lolhacking... .desktop file for tweaking brightness lmao00:26
Stskeepsauke: well, do we have a better service?00:28
Stskeepsshow me in the architecture diagram what handles it :)00:28
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Stskeepsauke: .. and that can be handled in 1.1 timeframe00:31
Stskeeps(we don't like hacks either)00:31
CosmoHillvgrade: how many weird looks would I get if I turned up to the meego meeting with my apple powerbook00:31
StskeepsCosmoHill: there's a mbook profile for meegotouch and designers use it..00:32
Stskeepsmeego's supposed to be fairly agnostic when it comes to vendors00:32
CosmoHillarjan and other intel people seem to have Macbook Pros, intel processors and graphics card00:32
CosmoHillI have a Moterola PowerPC with ATi graphics00:34
CosmoHillI couldn't be more screwed if I had an AMD with Nvidia graphics00:34
CosmoHillI booted a P4 into meego core :/00:36
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aukeStskeeps: problem is you're making a new package to solve something that probably should go into the n900 display driver00:40
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aukeStskeeps: can we get the n900 display driver do this at boot time?00:40
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aukealso, there should be a setting that can be restored once the UI starts/stops00:40
Stskeepsauke: possibly, but that would then add device specific code to a hardware driver00:40
aukeyes I realize that00:41
Stskeepsso we need to figure out where in the stack this should be handled00:41
aukewell drivers are responsible for leaving hardware in a usable state00:41
Stskeeps(we have to be able to upstream it so a kernel hack is probably a no-go)00:41
Stskeepsfor good measure, not arguing, trying to find a way to move forward with the issue00:42
aukecan we use a generic brightness codepath? something that just sets a reasonable level at boot?00:42
aukeor at UX load time?00:42
Stskeepsthe -practical- problem is that if backlight level is too high, battery charging will be unreliable00:42
Stskeepslike, before charging starts00:42
Stskeepsie, it might shut down before charging even starts00:42
aukeyeah that's fine, it's OK to set brightness to a reasonable level, like 50%-70%00:42
CosmoHillI still like that 0% is an option on macs00:43
Stskeepseither way, something has to turn it back up again00:43
Stskeepshence the .desktop file00:43
Stskeepsis there a X/dpms/xset/whatever path for backlight? how does GNOME/etc handle it?00:44
Stskeepscos that'd be one place in the stack where it would make sense00:44
aukeI agree00:45
ShadowJKthe non-software charging, when using wallcharger, should cover most loads (not counting radios) fine, but nolo reconfigures it to something unknown anyway before OS boots I think..00:45
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aukeStskeeps: neither xrandr nor xset allow brightness changes00:46
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aukeafaik there's no standard way to interact with panel brightness00:46
th0br0bye everyone00:46
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Stskeepstime to invent one.. ;)00:46
aukewell it should be written into xrandr00:47
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Stskeepscos the danger is we end up with some stupid daemon like mce again..00:48
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Stskeepsfor the while being (to 1.1 release) i'd flag it as architecture backlog or something as we can't expect to add something that does this in architecture towards release00:54
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Stskeepsauke: for good measure, didn't leave out intel architects intentionally :) just started with the areas that were covered by the topic01:02
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Stskeepsbut i guess it's best to do architecture escalations with all four horsemen01:03
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* Stskeeps heads to bed01:05
CosmoHillnight night01:05
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CosmoHillReading are playing tomorrow :)01:09
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CosmoHillhaving fun there abstract3d_01:12
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* CosmoHill wonders when thiago_home sleeps01:16
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thiago_homein a few minutes01:18
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ShadowJKyou only need to wake up and say something every other hour or two to give the impression of never sleeping01:18
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DawnFosteror have a bot post as you occassionally01:19
DawnFosterThat's what CosmoHill does :)01:19
CosmoHillyou've not seen me really early in the morning when i should sleep01:19
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CosmoHillI'm just as bad when I'm really tired as I am drunk :/01:21
DawnFosterI try not to post anything first thing in the morning until I've had tea01:21
DawnFosterotherwise, I seem incoherent01:22
CosmoHillI ride my bike to uni so that wakes me up01:22
* kyb3R hardly ever goes to the uni (physically) anymore01:23
CosmoHillstaff or student?01:23
kyb3Rkinda both01:23
CosmoHillI've been going to uni a lot concidering I finished in June :/01:23
CosmoHillpostgraduate higher deploma?01:23
thiago_homeShadowJK: I don't need to wake up to do that01:24
thiago_homebots can talk for me :-)01:24
CosmoHillis that the thing that lets you be called Doctor?01:24
kyb3Ryes :)01:24
kyb3Rin the future01:24
* CosmoHill puts it on this todo list01:24
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ShadowJKthiago_home, I was going to say, but I thought it was too insulting to imply you could replace yourself with a tiny script ;-)01:25
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vgradeDawnFoster, we have a quorum for the Cambridge network and I have approached ARM for a meeting space, any chance of some Meego compatable hardware to demo?01:25
thiago_homeShadowJK: that reminds me of a t-shirt of a friend01:25
CosmoHillha!, I've overtaken Stskeeps on the irc stats01:25
thiago_home"Go away or I'll replace you with a tiny shell script"01:25
DawnFosterCambridge UK?01:26
thiago_homevgrade: OMAP301:26
CosmoHillthat's why I put UK on the wiki page :)01:26
DawnFostervgrade: how far is that from London?01:26
CosmoHillDawnFoster: lets see01:26
DawnFoster*too lazy to map it myself*01:26
thiago_homethere's one good OMAP3 board with number RX-5101:27
thiago_homecommercially known as "N900"01:27
DawnFosterwe have some people in London, which is why I ask01:27
* thiago_home is going to London on Monday01:27
RST38hJust use an Atom-based netbook - it will run Meego all right01:27
vgradenokia on intel hw01:27
RST38hOr Ubuntu, for that matter :)01:27
CosmoHillDawnFoster: 1:10 to 1:30 by train from liverpool street01:28
DawnFostervgrade: as mentioned, you can load it on most netbooks just fine, but I can put you in touch with someone from the London MeeGo team01:28
CosmoHillDawnFoster: hmm, it's 60 miles from london01:28
CosmoHillmostly the same route from my town01:29
aukeI thought cosmoholl *was* a bot01:29
CosmoHilllondon meego?01:29
DawnFostervgrade: if you send me an email, I can put you in touch with someone01:29
vgradeDawnFoster, thanks01:29
CosmoHillI'm confused, there's a robot me?01:29
DawnFosterdawn.m.foster at intel01:29
* CosmoHill notes that01:30
DawnFosterCosmoHill: that's exactly we expect a bot to say :)01:30
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CosmoHillso one of your top five contributers is a bot :p01:30
DawnFostereither a bot or someone who never sleeps :)01:30
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CosmoHillit's probably a sad thing I do but I pretty much turn my laptop on when I wake and off when i sleep01:31
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CosmoHillit's connected to IRC whilst I'm up01:31
vgradethiago_home, n900's welcome01:31
aukeI'm terrible. I just make sure my monitors go off and use powertop to tweak my box down to absolute idle when not in use01:32
CosmoHillDawnFoster: google maps has screwed up, I've got two maps overlaid on each other01:32
CosmoHillDawnFoster: about £15 ~ £30 for a train ticket, return01:34
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DawnFosterthat's pretty reasonable01:35
DawnFosterwould be cool if we could get someone to go.01:35
DawnFosteroh, I should let mmeeks know01:35
DawnFosterhe's somewhere around there, too01:35
CosmoHillyou could probably save more if you book in advance01:35
CosmoHillI'm getting prices for 10am on monday01:35
CosmoHill30 mins from my town to cambridge by train01:36
CosmoHillI thought I'd have to go via liverpool street01:37
MyrttiDawnFoster: sorry for BF spamming you with bug reports ;-)01:38
MyrttiI take the 100% blame01:38
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DawnFostermyrtti: we always appreciate bug reports01:38
DawnFosterI've been getting notifications on all of them, since they involve community infrastructure01:38
DawnFosterI can't keep up ;)01:38
DawnFosterat least now I know who to blame01:39
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Myrttihe was writing longwinding messages on the forum and I innocently asked "why don't you file bug reports" and that was a mistake coz then he found bugs in the bugzilla...01:40
Myrttior atleast annoyances01:40
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CosmoHillokay I'm confused (it seems to be today's theme)01:43
CosmoHillit's cheaper and faster to go from my town to cambridge than it is to go from liverpool street01:43
CosmoHilleven tho I have to go via liverpool street :/01:43
ScottishDuckIt's cheaper for me to go to stockholm than it is to go to manchester01:44
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MyrttiCosmoHill: it's cheaper and almost as fast for me to get from my apartment in Tampere, Finland to Huntingdon than to Helsinki, Finland...01:45
CosmoHillwhere's huntingdon?01:46
MyrttiAbout smack between Peterborough and Cambs01:46
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Myrttino, that's Finnish National Rail and Ryanair01:48
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CosmoHillah RyanAir01:51
CosmoHillthey flew mum's friend down and then didn't want to fly him back because he didn't have a passport01:52
CosmoHillso he was almost stuck 400 miles away from home01:52
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smithnaHi, I am working on getting IVI working in my car...  So I am trying to troubleshoot a couple of items.  For now, I am working on getting navit working.  From talks on the mailing list, meego plans on using gypsy/geoclue to pass gps info to navit02:05
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smithnaHow do I go about configuring that to work?  I don't even see the gypsy service running by default.02:06
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Myrttioh bother, I was going to do something on the forum but I just forgot what02:08
CosmoHillkill them all02:08
MyrttiI can only kill on the General-area ;-)02:08
Myrttiah, now I remember02:09
CosmoHillI can kill but not here02:09
Myrttiwas going to reply RevKathy02:09
CosmoHillDawnFoster objects to the mess it involves02:09
DawnFosterexactly, too messy02:10
Myrttibanhammer ♥02:10
CosmoHillI have an "op sword"02:10
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MyrttiI don't know if mine have been taken off on the channels I had them once02:12
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CosmoHillI've had people come back after years and find they still have server access02:17
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Myrttiright, time to hit the sack02:23
CosmoHillpoor sack, what did it ever do to you?02:24
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CosmoHillbye bye02:25
CosmoHillvgrade: Meaning of Life is on ITV2 if you;re nocturnal02:26
DawnFosternight, night to you european dwellers02:27
DawnFoster(still working hours back here)02:27
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CosmoHillI need to start waking up at 8am :/02:29
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DawnFosterI slept in until 7am this morning - normally I'm up at 6am02:29
vgradeI'm up with the kids at 702:30
CosmoHillI has no kids :(02:30
vgrademake the most of it :)02:30
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CosmoHillI'll have to settle for a dog02:39
* CosmoHill looks for the Undo button on his IRC client02:39
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CosmoHillI should upload the new pictures of bobby that I took when had him for the afternoon02:41
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CosmoHillneed sleep, bye02:50
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vgradenight CosmoHill, remember to set the alarm02:51
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bef0rdhello, is it possible to skip the firstboot script in meego?06:22
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bef0rdhey. just wondering, latest meego image meego-netbook-ia32- doesn't include yum, is it going to be dropped?10:16
Stskeepsthink zypper is the one to be used10:17
bef0rdright, it's still required for mic2 though, I installed it with zypper install yum, but I can't use yum to install anything :/ only zypper works10:18
Stskeepsfile a bug10:19
bef0rdagainst? mic2 or yum for not working after installation?10:19
Stskeepsstart with mic210:20
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sofaryes that's a bug, mic2 should work with zypper10:26
sofarand yes, yum will be dropped from images from now on10:26
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Stskeepsdoes zypper have a python api?10:32
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bef0rdhehe mic-check-alldeps uses yum to install yum if its not installed :P10:34
Stskeepswell, until recently, mic-check-alldeps refused to accept meego as a target distribution10:35
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bef0rdI read a mail from arjan I think that said mic2 should work on meego too10:37
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Stskeepswell naturally it should10:38
bef0rddang, now I remember, that mail thread had some bugs too10:39
* bef0rd checks10:39
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* lbt waves11:18
Stskeepsmorn lbt11:19
lbtgood morning11:19
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lbthoping to get ldap running today11:19
lbtkeep an eye out for mrshaver too11:19
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CosmoHillhmm; if you think I'm a bot now cos I don't sleep, just wait until assaignment deadline week ^.^11:52
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Stskeepsworking on porting guide or lunch.. hmmm.11:54
bef0rdwork work :P11:54
bef0rdI am trying to compile something but it requires g++, it doesn't seem to be available on meego repo :/ where should I get it from?11:56
Stskeepssure it doesn't come when installing gcc?11:56
fathimic2 will still use yum for fetching packages but zypper is the package management tool11:56
bef0rdbtw just finished building meego-handset-armv7l-n900-nokia-proprietary- on this atom netbook :), not sure if it works though :P11:57
thiago_homebef0rd: g++ is there somewhere11:57
fathiStskeeps: no it doesn't11:57
CosmoHillStskeeps: 11s, porting guide then lunch11:57
* Stskeeps checks gcc package11:57
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fathibef0rd: try gcc-c++11:58
Stskeepsbef0rd: check packages list for 'sgx'11:58
Stskeepsbef0rd: it's that's there, you're pretty well off11:58
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bef0rdthanks fathi, that worked :) I tried zypper wp g++ and it returned nothing :P12:01
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Stskeepsnext time zypper in /usr/bin/g++ might work too12:01
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fathihmm qt web runtime seems to fail on 64 bits12:03
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Stskeepslbt: how difficult would it be to make a meego pre-setup OBS appliance? :P15:29
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amjadzhxt ??15:49
zhxtoh,sorry! I'm new to IRC.  I am trying to find some help infomation from command help; but I was wrong.15:51
th0br0 zhxt try /help although even then that won't help you that much. google is your best friend15:51
zhxtOK,Thank you ! I will try.15:53
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zhxt/HELP away15:59
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* CosmoHill rawr!16:25
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lbtStskeeps: not hard .... ramez has been trying .... but a local OBS setup is a real PITA for 99% of people16:56
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th3hateStskeeps, meego kernel works with u-boot?17:02
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Stskeepsth3hate: yeah17:03
Stskeepsth3hate: we're planning on including u-boot support in our builds17:03
th3hateStskeeps, it will boot it automatictly instead of flashing it everytime ?17:04
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LoCusF_that should be fixable by creating a specific u-boot image, which has commands to boot from eg. microSD card17:07
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LoCusF_or if the device has UART (serial port) cabability one can easily stop the boot process and enter their own commands17:11
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smithnaHi,  How does one use gypsy/geoclue with a usb gps device?  End goal to get navit running...17:19
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theplichi what are the theming possibilites in meego?18:02
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Stskeepsquite a lot18:07
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theplichi. i was just using the disk utility app and its bleeding outside the window. i cannot resize for the lack of a resize button. is that a known bug?18:24
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Stskeepslo wazd18:26
vljglibc contains a patch with sse3 asm :/18:29
vljhope it can build without18:29
vljis someone expert in x86 asm ?18:34
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lcuki guess since Intel is heavily involved it shouldnt be *too* difficult to find someone from there thats an expert ;)18:35
lcukafter all, they did define the format :P18:35
lcukand make however many billions of chips supporting it18:36
vljexcept if I ask help for removing x86 sse3 specific instruction ;)18:36
vljyep, ssse318:37
Stskeepsremember, 3 s's in ssse3 ;)18:37
RST38hAnd you obviously cannot figure out what it does on your own?18:37
RST38hAnd the documentation on these pesky instructions is, of course, masterfully hidden by the Intel cabal?18:38
vljwell I don't understand @GOTOFF(%ebx)18:38
vljfor instance18:38
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Stskeepsit's rot13 for fuckoff, obviously18:38
RST38hThat is not an SSSE3 instruction18:38
vljI can guess what it does, but I'm not sure18:38
lcukwhat an awesome quote!18:38
RST38hThat is a macro call18:38
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vljno but what does this macro does ?18:39
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RST38hWhy not look at the definition of this macro?18:39
vljit's after a testl $bit SSSE3, CPUID+... thing18:39
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vljwell I don't know where it is defined18:39
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lcukvlj, I thought the ssse3 stuff was guarded anyway18:40
lcukand had fallback instructions18:40
RST38hHint: Macros aredefined usng keyword MACRO18:40
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vljyep but glibc has a lot of lines of code18:41
RST38hOf course. And that is why most text editors let you search text.18:42
ali1234ya know, glibc *does* have more than *one* source code file in in18:42
RST38hYes, it is horrible,I understand18:43
vljthere is grep -r though...18:43
RST38hThat is why many text editors let you search multiple files though18:43
ali1234i don't know any that do that18:43
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RST38hMicrosoft Visual Studio is one18:43
RST38hHippoEdit, Notepad+, etc18:44
RST38hScite should do that too18:44
ali1234i've never heard of any of those except for visual studio, which isn't a text editor18:44
* RST38h sighs18:44 nowadays...18:44
ali1234why would i want to edit hippos?18:44
RST38hfind $2 -exec grep "$1" '{}' \; -print18:45
RST38hHere. Type this into a file, make it executable, use it to search text from your beloved BASH command line, you linux guru.18:45
ali1234well done, you just reimplemented grep -r18:45
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vljanyway it seems not to be a macro18:46
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RST38hAnything starting with a @ is18:46
vljseems to be related to relocatable things18:47
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vljor it's not in glibc18:48
* CosmoHill gives ksplice a go18:49
ali1234you don't need to worry about the ssse3 in glibc anyway18:49
RST38hGOT means Global Offset Table18:49
ali1234it's all guarded18:50
RST38hOFF stands for Offset18:50
ali1234at least it is in 1.0.1, and it is enough to recompile a new glibc18:50
ali1234in fact, contrary to what intel are constantly saying, no patches are needed to enable this18:50
ali1234not with 1.0.1 anyway18:50
ali1234you might run into problems with newer versions18:51
vljRST38h: how did you find that ?18:52
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vljgoogle tells nothing about this macro18:55
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wazdStskeeps: o/ :)19:05
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vljis there a beta release of meego 1.1 ?19:13
vljnot an image, just a repo to build image from with mic19:14
ali1234i dunno about 1.1 beta but there's the daily repos19:15
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RST38hmoo, wazd19:16
RST38hwazd: any progress on that widgets idea19:16
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ScottishDuckvlj: technically speaking 1.0.90 is beta19:18
vljbut it's not "freezed" ?19:19
ScottishDuckNo it's not frozen19:19
Stskeepsyes it is19:20
Stskeepsfeature exceptions still happen but this is normal19:20
bef0rdIs it me or fonts in Qt applications are not AA? (on meego-netbook)19:22
smithnaso...,  does anyone use gypsy/geoclue with a usb gps device?  I've been trying to get IVI (specifically navit for this discussion) working in my car.19:22
ScottishDuckI wouldn't describe the current status as a traditional beta freeze19:22
StskeepsScottishDuck: there's nothing traditional, but we're feeling the freeze19:22
ScottishDuckWell beta would usually mean feature complete19:24
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Stskeepsanother good term.. how much will be features in 1.1 remains to be seen19:24
ScottishDuckI see19:25
ScottishDuckSo it's more like an xorg-server release where you identify what you would like for features, but make omissions to meet deadlines19:26
ScottishDuckStill waiting for xkb 2.019:26
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Stskeepswell, there's a good description of the features process19:27
Stskeepsomissions would be more along lines of 'didn't get in, in time and isn't release critical'19:28
Stskeepsbeing release critical is obviously very subjective19:28
* CosmoHill is trying out ksplice19:28
Stskeepsbut the good news is that at least for n900, we aren't going away for 1.219:29
RST38hI wonder if you will go away by the time Meego Handset becmes fully functional though...19:30
wazdRST38h: heya :)19:31
Stskeepsit remains to be seen how things work in practice, but it isn't the toughest job to maintain a hardware adaptation. making new features is19:31
vljwhat are the addition of meego 1.1 on netbook side ?19:31
wazdRST38h: Pavel is thinking about it right now, since he's responsible for that right now :)19:32
vljStskeeps: well...tell that to the poor gma 500 owning guys :p19:32
Stskeepsso what should be wondered instead is if we are feature complete on hw side19:32
Stskeepsvlj: well, our code is oss19:32
wazdRST38h: but I'm trying to convince him as hard as I can :)19:32
vljali1234: ping19:32
Stskeepsvlj: and we aren't bound by a xorg driver that can't be updated19:32
vljyou're talking of n900 port ?19:33
Stskeepssame SGX19:33
vljbut it is updated ?19:34
vljSGX drivers for n900 are better updated than the one for gma 500 ?19:34
Stskeepsvlj: well, the kernel driver is slightly easier to deal with as it's comparable to other omap3 impls, and the xorg driver is oss19:35
Stskeepsvlj: and the libs .. well, at some point they're feature complete19:35
RST38hwazd: Got any preliminary artwork =)19:35
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* Stskeeps ponders what brand of fastfood to go for tonight19:41
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Stskeepshm, not a bad idea..19:43
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ScottishDuckPeking Duck19:46
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vljali1234: ping19:48
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* CosmoHill growls at ksplice for saying a clearly defined variable is not defined19:53
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CosmoHillone day, I'd like to watch 480p youtube videos >.<20:13
vljon your handled ?20:14
CosmoHillon my laptop :(20:14
vljwhy you cannot ?20:14
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CosmoHillit's like a very fast slide show20:15
ScottishDuckI'm going to hazard a guess he's on a powerbook20:15
CosmoHillI am20:16
CosmoHillit would seem I can't watch a youtube video and load it at the same time20:16
vljpowerbook..with powerpc ?20:16
CosmoHillfor a 10W processor it creates a lot of heat20:17
vljsadly the newly released "gala" version of flash does not work on ppc :/20:17
ScottishDuckGood ole PPC20:17
bef0rddidn't know there was flash for ppc20:17
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CosmoHillfirefox is 40% load just buffering the 480p video20:17
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korgothhello guys20:17
korgothwhats the current state of the n810 support? :-)20:18
CosmoHillkorgoth: do you know a guy called Justin??20:18
ScottishDucktry chrome, CosmoHill20:18
CosmoHillScottishDuck: that doesn't work on powerpc20:18
korgothCosmoHill: mnah, not really, why?20:18
ScottishDuckoh dear20:18
ScottishDuckCan you get Firefox 4?20:18
CosmoHillcos I recognise you're hostname and he works there20:18
korgothah - lol20:19
korgothCosmoHill: im just a customer on dh :)20:19
CosmoHillah okay20:19
vljCosmoHill: try to download the video on your hard drive, then play it20:19
CosmoHillthat works a treat :)20:19
ScottishDuckthat's rather tedious in the long term20:19
ScottishDuckyou could use safari and the html5 player20:19
CosmoHillyay, 80% load, that means I have 20% spare!20:20
CosmoHillScottishDuck: i think I tried that once and it was worse that firefox and flash20:20
CosmoHillI'll try with the same video in a moment20:20
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ScottishDuckWhen did you last try the html5 player20:21
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CosmoHillfew months ago I think20:22
ScottishDuckit has changed a lot since then20:22
ScottishDuckit's essentially reached feature parity with flash20:22
ScottishDuckexcept for ads and annotations20:22
korgothso anythiung about the n810 port?20:23
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bef0rdyes, there is not a lot of advance since the armv5 build was disabled on the build servers, also, try the #meego-arm channel20:24
CosmoHillnow to find a video that isn't in flash20:24
ScottishDuckAh, of course you wont have hardware acceleration on PPC because no QuickTimeX20:25
korgothbef0rd: tnx20:25
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CosmoHillI feel like the resolution options are mocking me20:28
ScottishDuckhtml5 can't do 480p, it's a known issue with the standard20:29
CosmoHilloh that's stupid, on a "channel" it's flash only20:30
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CosmoHillawesome, 720p is stuck in a 13 second loop20:34
CosmoHillah no sound is working now20:35
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arfollis there not a package for libva-glx?20:53
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skiburWhat is the verdict for Meego on the N800?  Slow/Fast/Not working?21:01
timophcurrently not availble21:02
Stskeepsarmv5 builds disabled21:02
Stskeeps(for capacitity reasons)21:02
bef0rdis twitter working from meego netbook at the moment?21:02
Stskeepsi wrote the mail myself, so no conspiracy here :)21:02
vljwayland on Meego ?21:02
vljnot sure it is doable :/21:02
CosmoHillwould be nice21:03
skiburThank you.21:03
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vljStskeeps: you speak about obs.maemo.org21:03
Stskeepsno, meego.com21:03
vljno would be awfull, wayland is not supported by most drivers21:03
vljyou have access to ? ;)21:03 and yes, have to, i'm maintaining devel:devices:n900 :P21:04
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vljhow lucky you are ;)21:06
Stskeepsthat also means i get asked to fix things, which is the downside ;)21:06
vljyou're not working for nokia btw ?21:07
Stskeepsnot a nokia employee21:07
CosmoHillmeego build servers:
StskeepsCosmoHill: you know, that would sometimes be right..21:08
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CosmoHillfull blog:
Stskeepsvlj: it's hard to determine really. i'm a 'meego' employee, if anything.21:08
lcukI thought you were a nomovok employee if anything?21:09
Stskeepsno, not even that21:09
vljyou're working for meego on your free time or are you paid for that ?21:09
Stskeepsvlj: paid for it21:09
lcukStskeeps, not Nomovok anymore?21:09
vljho k21:09
Stskeepslcuk: no, i'm not employed by nomovok - am my own employer21:10
lcukrog, didnt know it had changed21:10
Stskeepswas always like that :)21:11
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* Stskeeps has a cute little company called Imogen Software21:11
lcukoopsie then :D lol21:11
lcuksays there you are affiliated with nomovok21:12
Stskeepswasn't my list to make, but that's the perspective of nokia21:12
Stskeepshow it exactly works beyond that interface is up to the imagination21:12
lcukStskeeps, you started the page and filled it in :S21:13
Stskeepslcuk: apperances21:14
Stskeepswas in charge of opening up our team work, so21:15
Stskeepsteam list is rather inaccurate now too21:15
Stskeepssome people are other places in the project21:15
Stskeepsi'm off21:15
CosmoHillbye bye21:16
CosmoHillenjoy your chinese21:16
KubuntiacSo, what's the interest in Wayland for anyway? What's it provide over X?21:16
CosmoHillstill requires X server21:17
lcukwayland is uber optimised simplified x server21:17
KubuntiacShows how much I know! ;P21:17
vljKubuntiac: it is a "lightweight" Xserver that get rid of unnecessary rendering api21:17
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vljbut it requires kernel module setting, gem21:18
Kubuntiacvlj: So the idea is to have somethig that runs better on low powered devices?21:18
vljobviously not compatible with non kms drivers (like ati and nvidia ones) and drivers that have their own memory manager21:18
vljwell I don't know since wayland is still at an early stage21:18
vljyou have no benchmark of its consumption21:19
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lcukthe guy was surprised when it took off21:19
lcukit was just an investigation afaik21:19
KubuntiacPhoronix really pushed it as the cool new thing21:19
lollooStskeeps, is your company real?21:19
KubuntiacOdd question...21:19
CosmoHillI'm sure his company is like his girlfriend, real21:20
vljKubuntiac: but phoronix never put a pic of wayland working ;)21:21
lollooCosmoHill, girlfriends should be real? why?21:21
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CosmoHillI'm just saying his is real21:22
CosmoHillyou have have an imaginary one if you wanted21:22
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lcukCosmoHill, don't let Stskeeps' wife know he has a real girlfriend21:26
* CosmoHill decides silence is his best option21:26
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vljali1234: ping21:31
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vljali1234: I would like you to test a ssse3-less glibc package21:31
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bef0rddoes anybody knows which OBS version runs on ?21:46
CosmoHillyes, but he's not here at the moment21:47
bef0rdStskeeps? :P nevermind just found it
bef0rduhm that wiki page seems to be outdated, looks like its OBS 221:49
* CosmoHill smiles and nods21:50
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lcukCosmoHill, the idea of an open project is to try to keep this upto date!21:54
lcukbef0rd, if you do find out which version, please update that wiki!21:54
lcukand lbt, should the front page of the contain a direct link to the infrastructure wiki page?21:54
CosmoHilllcuk: you've not seen my distro website then ^.^21:55
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sofarbef0rd: 2.021:56
CosmoHillbef0rd: how did you find out that it's 2.0?21:57
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* sofar updates the wiki page with correct obs version numbers21:58
bef0rdCompared the web design to which is running 221:58
sofarit is 2.021:58
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CosmoHillsofar: cool, you beat me to it21:58
bef0rdthanks sofar21:58
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vljali1234: ping21:59
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vljis there someone with a non ssse3 computer out there that can test if glibc package works ? :)21:59
sofarhehe I got rid of mine22:00
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sofarwell I suppose I can resurrect my old via c7 lol22:00
Mat_Matanhi, someone sells apps in Ovi?22:00
vljthe matter is that you need to get an image of meego with this package inside it22:01
CosmoHillvlj: I can boot the meego 1.0 DVD into init 3 on my P422:03
vljDVD ? ;)22:04
CosmoHillyeah it's 800MB >.<22:04
vljyou need to install all these packages :
vljand see if you can go beyond init 3 or not22:05
CosmoHilldoes ftp work?22:05
CosmoHillI can get * then :)22:05
vljno idea22:06
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sofarCosmoHill: the darn netbook iso's are that large because of the liveOS part :(22:06
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kyb3Rwget sould always work22:07
bef0rdwget -r22:07
CosmoHilloh that's right, I don'\t have wget anymore >.<22:08
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sofarwe thought about making wget a wrapper to curl in meego to save space :)22:10
CosmoHillif you can give me the curl commands I'll use that22:10
sofarwhat do you need to download? a bunch of files in a folder recursively?22:11
CosmoHillwhenever I've used curl before it's cocked up all the names22:11
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* kyb3R couldn't survive without wget22:12
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* CosmoHill just clicks them on firefox22:13
sofarI don't think curl can do recursive lol22:13
sofarthat's the only thing it can't22:13
kyb3Ryou would have to do a little script22:13
CosmoHillapparently I can only download 6 things at once22:13
lbtlcuk: that's not mine :)22:14
CosmoHillvlj: I'd be interested to see if yum or zypper work with these RPMs22:14
vljwell you can do "zypper ar  SomeRepoName"22:15
vljbut I don't know how to mark them as "prefered" over the official ones22:16
sofarhmm I need to get osc compiled from source so I can work on my home box22:16
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CosmoHillwhere is my fecking meego dvd22:24
CosmoHillit was on my damn desk last week22:25
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vljhow can I unmount loopback ?22:30
CosmoHillumount /path/to/mount22:30
vljloopback are not mounted to some path :/22:30
CosmoHillso where is it mounted to22:31
vljno idea22:31
vljI have a [loop0] process when doing ps aux22:32
CosmoHilltype "mount" and find out22:32
vljits not there :/22:32
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* CosmoHill looks over at his collection of P3 processors22:33
lcuklbt, fair enough \o22:33
lcukwho should be poked?22:33
CosmoHillwhy do I have theses22:33
vljnostalgia ?22:33
CosmoHillI tried to make a Dual P3 but it sucks22:33
CosmoHillanyone want 44Kg of scrap / dell poweregde 440022:34
vljI wonder if atom can compete with p322:34
CosmoHillsingle p3 or my collection?22:35
CosmoHillI think I have two slots and 5 sockets22:35
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vljwell the most powerfull p3 you have :)22:36
CosmoHillmy server :)22:36
CosmoHillhold on22:36 also works ^.^22:37
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CosmoHillvlj: installing22:45
CosmoHillI forgot the that the front is usb 1.122:45
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lbtlcuk: probably Anas.... but TBH I think it's fine as a general purpose link22:48
CosmoHillI typed init 5, that seems to the the last thing that happened22:49
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vljyou mean it crashed ?22:50
vljXorg crashed or your whole system ?22:51
CosmoHillit's not booting :/22:52
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CosmoHillshit shit shit22:55
CosmoHillI actually need this computer for next semester22:55
vljwhy ?22:56
CosmoHillI think I need MSSQL for some stuff22:56
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CosmoHillI has boot menu >.<22:56
CosmoHill* ^.^22:56
Stskeepslolloo: yes, it even has a cute EU VAT number :P22:57
* CosmoHill hides22:57
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CosmoHillx11 is running23:05
CosmoHillwhat's the command to start the GUI?23:05
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kyb3Rstartx ?23:09
CosmoHillthe latter23:10
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CosmoHillsilly question, vlj what graphics card were you expecting me to have?23:11
bef0rdi'm guessing probably a supported one since he just wanted to check non ssse3 compatibility23:12
vljerr...and intel one that is supported by meego ? :)23:12
CosmoHillwould a Matrox GS200 do?23:13
vljI doubt it23:13
vljexcept if you can use vesa driver23:13
CosmoHillfound it23:16
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bef0rddoes netbook ux work on vesa?23:16
vljit depends on what you put under the word "to work"23:17
thiago_homeGL is needed everywhere now23:17
vljbut mesa provide a software rasteriser or ?23:18
CosmoHilltrying again with Matrox graphics card23:20
thiago_homeyes, mesa provides a rasteriser, but it's going to be much smlwer23:21
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vljbut technically, it "works" ;)23:21
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zarizIs meego same for netbook, handhelds and ivi except gui?23:25
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CosmoHillmga not found23:25
thiago_homezariz: yes, mostly23:26
thiago_homezariz: some minor middleware differences though23:26
vljmga not found ?23:27
CosmoHillnope, mga = matrox grraphics driver23:28
zarizso if i design software with qt it will work all platforms?23:28
CosmoHillzypper update = illegal insturction (core dump)23:29
vljcan you put the core dump to pastebin ? :)23:29
CosmoHillzypper help works tho23:29
CosmoHillmaybe, where is it?23:30
vljerr no idea23:30
vljmaybe in your home23:30
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CosmoHillso we have a core dump...somewhere23:38
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lbtI hate doing remote iptables23:43
CosmoHillthat has potentional to go wrong23:44
CosmoHillI'm glad I have serial on my server now :)23:44
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lollooStskeeps, wow nice. congratulations man!23:51
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midwinter_can anyone give me some help getting broadcom wifi drivers working on my Dell mini?23:57
smithnaso...,  does anyone use gypsy/geoclue with a usb gps device?  I've been trying to get IVI (specifically navit for this discussion) working in my car.23:59
sofarmidwinter_: just wait until the new brcm80211 driver is merged into meego23:59
sofardon't bother spending your time on that now :)23:59

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