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thopiekar | how is the path called to the meego installer? | 00:38 |
Cosmo[PB] | care to reword that into something I can understand? | 00:38 |
Cosmo[PB] | do you want to go from the live image to the installer? | 00:39 |
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trem | nite all, sweet dreams | 00:52 |
Cosmo[PB] | bye trem | 00:55 |
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niadh | I am trying to package vlc for meego but I have an error about a file not being able to be installed in a directory not ending with /usr/local/lib/ what does this mean? | 01:01 |
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sofar | either /usr/local is entirely missing, not writeable by you (user meego) or something else | 01:03 |
Cosmo[PB] | ls /usr/local | 01:04 |
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niadh | its present and am root, i suspect my vlc.spec file may be at fault | 01:04 |
Cosmo[PB] | did you make vlc.spec? | 01:05 |
sofar | ah | 01:05 |
sofar | you're not allowed to make rpm's that install in /usr/local by rule | 01:05 |
sofar | if you're packaging vlc, make it install under /usr | 01:05 |
Cosmo[PB] | if anything goes wrong you can rpm -e | 01:05 |
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niadh | The spec file prefix is /usr not /usr/local | 01:06 |
Cosmo[PB] | did you make VLC yourself? | 01:06 |
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niadh | Just compiled it myself using the rpm build process | 01:07 |
niadh | it compiled but bailed at %install | 01:07 |
Cosmo[PB] | can I see it? | 01:07 |
niadh | Sure, just the spec file? | 01:07 |
Cosmo[PB] | yeah | 01:07 |
niadh | Sure | 01:07 |
sofar | pastebot it? | 01:07 |
Cosmo[PB] | pastebin? | 01:08 |
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niadh | pastebin.ca/1917680 | 01:09 |
niadh | I know theres nothing in the files section, until it builds correctly the first time i dont know what files to add to that section | 01:10 |
Cosmo[PB] | I see | 01:10 |
Cosmo[PB] | ./configure --prefix=/usr | 01:10 |
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Cosmo[PB] | make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT | 01:10 |
niadh | Thought thats what the %prefix value was for | 01:11 |
niadh | ? | 01:11 |
Cosmo[PB] | hmm | 01:11 |
Cosmo[PB] | I missed that | 01:11 |
Cosmo[PB] | don't you have to use it tho? | 01:11 |
Cosmo[PB] | ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} ? | 01:11 |
niadh | No idea, I have hacked only three packages together in a trial and error manner | 01:12 |
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niadh | I may be well wrond | 01:12 |
niadh | worng* | 01:12 |
Cosmo[PB] | hehe | 01:12 |
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niadh | Will try your suggestion, see if it works | 01:13 |
Cosmo[PB] | I think "prefix" might only be used if you use %configure | 01:13 |
sofar | there's no need to %define name first | 01:13 |
sofar | just do `Name: vlc` | 01:13 |
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sofar | macros | 01:14 |
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sofar | same for the other macros | 01:14 |
Cosmo[PB] | night night | 01:14 |
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niadh | sofar: I dont fully understand, can you explain further | 01:16 |
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sofar | don't make %define lines | 01:16 |
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sofar | just write lines like: "Name : vlc" | 01:16 |
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niadh | Ok, why? | 01:16 |
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sofar | rpm internally will make the %defines for you | 01:16 |
niadh | Cool | 01:17 |
niadh | I was just using part of a hello world spec file so mine will be rather basic atm | 01:17 |
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zeenix | hi | 01:49 |
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ngocketit | hello | 07:07 |
ngocketit | any of you know about current status of Web Runtime framework in Meego? | 07:08 |
ngocketit | I mean when will it be available? | 07:08 |
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sofar | ngocketit: ask again tomorrow, and I'll see if there's a timeline planned | 07:55 |
ngocketit | @sofar: thanks | 07:55 |
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slithytove2006 | is htere a way to require a password at login on a netbook installation? | 08:52 |
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Trollkarlen | I am having some trouble creating a armv7el handset image on a ubuntu 9.10 system, i get this error: No such file or directory: 'meego/handset/.mic2-cli601.mic2pipe' | 09:36 |
Trollkarlen | Im using a --bootstrap env if that helps. | 09:37 |
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timoph | o/ | 09:58 |
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Trollkarlen | ll | 10:49 |
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daubers | Hey all, I'm trying to get meego to boot on my n900 off a micro-ssd, and it doesn't seem to load. The kernel penguin icon appears briefly, then disappears then it goes to the standard nokia screen then switches off... | 12:18 |
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daubers | How do I diagnose this issue? | 12:20 |
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fcrozat | hi all. just wondering : is 1.0.2 for netbook released or not ? I'm not seeing a 1.0.2 directory at http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/releases/ | 13:19 |
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Trollkarlen | I am having some trouble creating a armv7el handset image on a ubuntu 9.10 system, first of all the mic-image-creator script it self is not installed in the bootstrap env. | 13:25 |
Trollkarlen | If i fix that then the pipe cant be read inside the bootstrap env. error: No such file or directory: 'meego/handset/.mic2-cli601.mic2pipe' | 13:26 |
Trollkarlen | Is it suposed to work ? | 13:26 |
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slaine | fcrozat: it's an incremental rollup of bug fixes | 13:32 |
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slaine | i.e. install and then upgrade | 13:33 |
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fcrozat | slaine: expect the packages aren't on the repo ;) | 14:10 |
fcrozat | or I'm blind | 14:10 |
CosmoHill | fcrozat: use "find" instead of looking | 14:10 |
slaine | http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/updates/1.0/netbook/repos/ia32/packages/ | 14:10 |
CosmoHill | if it goes "phrase not found" then it's missing :( | 14:10 |
CosmoHill | :) * | 14:11 |
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fcrozat | hmm, ok, I thought it was handled the same way as 1.0.1 | 14:12 |
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wao | w/ 33 | 14:17 |
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Trollkarlen | What package manager will be used yum or zypper ? | 14:46 |
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CosmoHill | zypper | 14:46 |
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Trollkarlen | Nice, are all the issues solved that reverted to yum ? | 14:47 |
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CosmoHill | I don;t know what the issues were | 14:48 |
CosmoHill | i think someone said it was better in some ways and worse in others | 14:48 |
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MarcosFabio | hi there, is anyone running fullscreen Qt applications in MeeGo? | 15:25 |
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A\b1` | hi all | 15:32 |
CosmoHill | hi | 15:32 |
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killeus | hi all | 15:44 |
CosmoHill | hello | 15:44 |
killeus | anybody knows how to set an application to be fullscreen on meego? | 15:44 |
killeus | i tested with showFullscreen on Qt but it doesn't works | 15:44 |
CosmoHill | double click on the top part of the window? | 15:45 |
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killeus | and how to do it programatically? | 15:45 |
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CosmoHill | ask lcuk :) | 15:45 |
* CosmoHill runs away before lcuk knows what happening | 15:45 | |
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lcuk | oi CosmoHill !! I saw that | 15:49 |
lcuk | and actually, I don't know off hand, killeus meego handset or meego netbook? | 15:49 |
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lcuk | lbt, he had tried here first | 15:52 |
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CosmoHill | I'm off to uni, cyas | 15:52 |
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killeus | lcuk: handset | 15:53 |
killeus | lcuk: on n900 | 15:53 |
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robotnO | Canplease someone tell me when you got the last update of meego?? | 16:00 |
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robotnO | And another question.. Is someone here having problem with Empathy crashing alot and logging out with MSN accounts?? | 16:08 |
robotnO | This is something that worked flawlessly for me with Moblin | 16:08 |
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CosmoHill | hola | 16:45 |
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CosmoHill | I go to get a drink and when I come back I find someone's come into my room (at uni) :o | 16:45 |
andre__ | lockers can help. | 16:46 |
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CosmoHill | it's a computer lab | 16:47 |
DuckBoot | CosmoHill: Tripwire... | 16:47 |
CosmoHill | he says he can't print in A so he's come into B (my room) | 16:48 |
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CosmoHill | if that's true I'm going to be flooded :o | 16:48 |
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lcuk | CosmoHill, put a warning sign on the door "room flooded, printers in section D (or any room on other side of campus) | 16:49 |
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CosmoHill | that would be so funny | 16:50 |
CosmoHill | cos D is the office of education ^.^ | 16:50 |
CosmoHill | lcuk: oo better idea, a room on the other side of the OTHER campus :D | 16:51 |
CosmoHill | "please use RAM 201, Cambridge" | 16:51 |
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lcuk | tell them to hold laptop up to the photocopier to print anything out | 16:52 |
CosmoHill | and out a USB cable on the side to see how many of them are smart | 16:53 |
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CosmoHill | ah there's another one | 16:59 |
CosmoHill | once they're both gone I'm locking the door | 17:00 |
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CosmoHill | hey alt | 17:14 |
Alt096 | :) | 17:15 |
CosmoHill | I have to many nice on my desk | 17:17 |
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CosmoHill | hey tekojo | 17:32 |
tekojo | hello! | 17:32 |
* tekojo is just popping by before food | 17:33 | |
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CosmoHill | food! | 17:33 |
CosmoHill | I'm being distracted | 17:34 |
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tekojo | CosmoHill: never get distracted from food! | 17:34 |
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CosmoHill | tekoholic: I'm in a lab with my friends | 18:00 |
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CosmoHill | it's funny watching students shit themselfs | 18:55 |
CosmoHill | in 5 min time they will have either handed in their assignments or fail | 18:56 |
CosmoHill | Uni is very strict, if the deadline is 5pm and you hand it in a 5:05pm you fail | 18:56 |
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timeless | good lesson | 18:57 |
ScottishDuck | Yeah at Uni you're either punctual or failing | 19:00 |
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achipa | heh, reminds me of my old competition coding days... autosubmit results 5 minutes before deadline if I have not done so (and pray for synched clocks and no network errors :) | 19:02 |
CosmoHill | my switch is making very bad sounds :s | 19:03 |
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CosmoHill | this switch this so gonna die soon >.< | 19:08 |
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lbt | I can't find hotel info on the meego conference site | 20:22 |
GAN900 | lbt, they're filtering for your IPs. | 20:23 |
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Stskeeps | lbt: hmm? | 20:24 |
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Stskeeps | right hand side, hotels | 20:24 |
Stskeeps | :) | 20:24 |
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lbt | Stskeeps: yeah.. I found the booking... need the prices | 20:26 |
lbt | "our amazing rates" | 20:26 |
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lbt | I have no idea who put "delegates should use MS Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher" to complete the MeeGo conference booking form... | 20:30 |
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lcuk | lbt, does IE5 still exist on the planet? I was under the impression it self combusted a while ago | 20:34 |
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lbt | yesh... | 20:35 |
CosmoHill | IE for Mac was killed in 2005 | 20:35 |
CosmoHill | i know this cos the factor image for my mac doesn't have IE5 but the restore disc does | 20:35 |
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GAN900 | CosmoHill, old Mac. | 20:36 |
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CosmoHill | GAN900: I'm typing on it now ^.^ | 20:37 |
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auke | hmm | 20:39 |
auke | someone asked this weekend about something, and I told them to re-ask it | 20:39 |
* auke can't remember | 20:40 | |
Stskeeps | auke, you also messaged me and i don't think you told me what it was about :) | 20:40 |
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auke | Stskeeps: I got that part resolved | 20:40 |
Stskeeps | k | 20:40 |
CosmoHill | auke: so you have the "who" but not the "what"? | 20:40 |
auke | I think it was about the web runtime kit or something schedule | 20:41 |
Stskeeps | ah | 20:41 |
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Stskeeps | any word on sreadahead patch or is it easiest if i submit a patch to the packaging instead? | 20:43 |
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CosmoHill | I think I've turned into a lecturer | 20:54 |
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CosmoHill | I'm looking at a first year student's code going "that's wrong, that's wrong, that doesn't even make sense" etc | 20:54 |
lcuk | welcome to the world of professional code review :P | 20:55 |
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CosmoHill | yay | 20:56 |
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andrewfblack | What is up with the Meego Conference being Mon, Tues, and Wednesday? | 20:56 |
CosmoHill | now if only I could pronouce his name | 20:56 |
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CosmoHill | andrewfblack: you tell your employer it's mon - fri and have a nice break | 20:56 |
lcuk | CosmoHill, http://www.osnews.com/story/19266/WTFs_m | 20:56 |
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Jaffa | andrewfblack: It's a professional conference, intended to attract commercial vendors, h/w OEMs and networks, apparently | 20:57 |
CosmoHill | lcuk: I may have help him with his assignment | 20:57 |
CosmoHill | or helped him miss the deadline | 20:57 |
CosmoHill | I'm not sure | 20:57 |
lcuk | CosmoHill, if members of your team are going to be around on the thu/fri it would actually make sense to stick around :P | 20:57 |
andrewfblack | This stops anyone who is out of vacation from going. I get 3 weeks a year but I have to set my Vacation by end of Feb. | 20:57 |
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CosmoHill | lcuk: hahah | 20:57 |
* Jaffa suggests we ignore that, get pissed and hack the place up. | 20:57 | |
andrewfblack | Jaffa: so I take it devs aren't wanted to go them | 20:57 |
Jaffa | andrewfblack: Hobbyist devs didn't seem to be the primary motivation, no :-/ | 20:58 |
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lcuk | Jaffa, you do recall where the conf is this time. getting drunk is a profession over there - theres lots of practice been done :P | 20:58 |
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CosmoHill | hmm | 20:59 |
andrewfblack | Well I just unsigned up | 20:59 |
Jaffa | lcuk: Yeah, but I've never like Guinness. Murphy's is OK, but I prefer a proper ale | 20:59 |
Jaffa | Or wine | 20:59 |
Jaffa | Or um | 20:59 |
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CosmoHill | case zero is "break" which exits the while loop which exits on zero anyway | 20:59 |
Jaffa | ^r | 20:59 |
Jaffa | andrewfblack: :-( | 20:59 |
* CosmoHill prints out the wtf/min comic | 21:03 | |
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CosmoHill | oh great, I have a email entitled "Female Participants Wanted" -.- | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: uhm, that is really not the intention of the cfp. it's really inclusive. | 21:04 |
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Stskeeps | would you invite l10n people to a suit and tie conference? :P | 21:05 |
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CosmoHill | lcuk: I've just noticed this C code is named "accigment 2.cpp" | 21:07 |
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CosmoHill | Having just said that I couldn't spell "assignment" in my first year >.> | 21:07 |
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Stskeeps | try writing about rehabiliation in your master's thesis and 'exersise' being one of your error-words | 21:08 |
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auke | CosmoHill: lol, and with a space too in the filename | 21:11 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: I'n not talking about the CfP. The dates, being a weekday, were mentioned as being more attractive to professionals, rather than hobbyists. | 21:11 |
Stskeeps | Jaffa: and maemo summit was thursday to sunday | 21:12 |
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andrewfblack | thursday to sunday wasn't as bad because you could go to a few days if you could only go weekends. | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | yeah, but people also travel home sunday.. | 21:13 |
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Stskeeps | which leaves very little time for actual presentations | 21:14 |
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lbt | X-Fade: there seems to be intermittent nw connectivty issues to downloads.obs.maemo.org | 22:04 |
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vgrade | Hi X-Fade | 22:06 |
TSCHAKeee | hmm, who said Nokia's last Fremantle update will be PR1.3 ? | 22:07 |
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vgrade | lbt, obs network issues, http://mg.pov.lt/meego-irclog/%23meego.2010-08-13.log.html#t2010-08-13T17:18:46 | 22:11 |
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lbt | I see the lighttpd got restarted | 22:11 |
lbt | why do I run ldap and kerberos locally? | 22:12 |
vgrade | lbt, as usual there were a coupe of issues, first we could not see download... which X-Fade fixed then we had the issue with connections dropping | 22:12 |
Stskeeps | lbt: because you're a ldap fan? | 22:12 |
lbt | it seemed like a good idea at the time | 22:12 |
lbt | "You don't exist, go away!" | 22:13 |
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lbt | vgrade: yes... | 22:14 |
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lbt | this looks like nw issues though... I think I need to let X-fade handle this... | 22:14 |
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lbt | http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/linux-netdev/2009/4/19/5515864 | 22:16 |
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lbt | wrt "unexpectedly shrunk window" | 22:16 |
lbt | which I thought I knew | 22:17 |
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auke | wow kerneltrap.org is still alive? | 22:18 |
lbt | google finds stuff there from time to time :) | 22:18 |
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CosmoHill | auke: hehe yeah (sorry for delay) | 22:29 |
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madko | hi guys, can't switch between zones anymore since meego 1.1, is that a known bug? | 23:24 |
madko | I mean with alt+tab | 23:24 |
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CosmoHill | madko: check on bugzilla | 23:30 |
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madko | ok I'm opening a new bug | 23:30 |
CosmoHill | i mean check there first | 23:30 |
CosmoHill | if there isn't one then make a new one :) | 23:30 |
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madko | done | 23:35 |
CosmoHill | cool | 23:36 |
madko | my third report | 23:36 |
madko | meego is so cool I want it perfect | 23:36 |
* CosmoHill puts that quote on the front page | 23:36 | |
madko | hehe | 23:37 |
trem | and we could see meego on N900 a day ? | 23:37 |
madko | is there a way to reduce the height of the title bar of windows? | 23:37 |
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CosmoHill | I typed in "meego n900" and yahoo is giving me Nokia N8 | 23:38 |
ScottishDuck | I think it's telling you something | 23:40 |
ScottishDuck | also | 23:40 |
ScottishDuck | your using yahoo? | 23:40 |
CosmoHill | yes | 23:40 |
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jani | the daily wtf | 23:42 |
CosmoHill | jani: you mean "life"? | 23:42 |
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CosmoHill | it's daily and it\s wtf | 23:42 |
simulacrum | ICS Network - An Introduction to Meego -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY-HHfYeukk | 23:43 |
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tripzero | madko, no you can't reduce the height of the title bar, but apps can make it go away | 23:44 |
tripzero | disappear/reappear type thing | 23:44 |
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ali1234 | you can reduce the height by making the font smaller | 23:44 |
ScottishDuck | so how are you folks feeling about the beta deadline | 23:44 |
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ScottishDuck | or is it looking like being delayed | 23:44 |
jani | no, the yahoo =) | 23:45 |
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