IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-08-13

ali1234but 415040+0 records in 415039+0 records out means all but the last 4096 bytes got copied00:00
ali1234maybe the partition isn't quite as big as you think it is?00:00
Skyscraperthats german and means "87 bad parameter"00:01
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SkyscraperD:\Meego>dd if=meego-handset-armv5tel-n900-nokia-proprietary- 2-mmcblk0p.raw of=\\.\Volume{8dae6faf-400d-11df-8f43-e0cb4e65de40} bs=409600:02
Skyscraperthats my command00:02
ali1234maybe it means "Error writing file: 87\nFalscher Parameter"00:03
ali1234ie 87 isn't the bad parameter but the error returned by fwrite or w/e00:03
ali1234in errno.h 87 is EUSER which isn't very helpful00:03
ali1234and might not even be relevant on windows00:04
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SkyscraperD:\Meego>dd if=meego-handset-armv5tel-n900-nokia-proprietary- 2-mmcblk0p.raw of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0  bs=409600:06
ali1234is the bolume a sd card or something?00:06
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Skyscraperyes its an SD-Card in the internal slot from my netbook00:06
tybolltwin32 disk imager users? here's complaining "Not enough space on disk" whereas the "disk" is a 4GB card and the laptop has plenty of space...00:07
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lbtam I wrong to want MeeGo on more x86 devices?00:09
ali1234no absolutely not00:09
tybolltdoes it run on gma500 yet?00:09
ali1234i want to see it on more ARM chips too00:10
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lbtthere's a little debate on the -dev ml00:15
w00t_lbt: there is?00:16
w00t_that's bad, it means my email isn't working00:16
w00t_ah, of course, I forgot to install offlineimap..00:16
w00t_that wouldn't help00:16
* w00t_ sighs00:17
w00t_this means I'm going to get bombarded with email00:17
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CosmoHillcybergirl: salut00:17
ali1234lbt: - why does it talk about disk partitioning? is that really necessary or just that you are documenting the whole process of setting up the community OBS there?00:18
CosmoHillcybergirl: were you in #lfs-support recently?00:18
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lbtali1234: documenting my process00:18
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lbtyou probably want LVM if you're doing a proper install00:19
ali1234of course. but i just want to learn about OBS for now00:21
Skyscraperhum... now trying dd from UnxUtils at sourceforge00:22
ali1234actually i was going to follow this but using 11.3:
vgrade1CosmoHill, should have tried do you come here often :)00:22
w00t_lbt: I'm not sure whether to thank you or curse you for alerting me to that mail problem...00:22
CosmoHillbut she's a she :o00:22
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Skyscraperlol now copying raw to n900 and using dd on itself00:43
CosmoHillwhat just happened?00:43
Skyscraperdd for windows wont work -.-00:44
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Gizmokid2005CosmoHill: NetSplit00:45
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lcukSkyscraper, how big is your MMC?00:46
lcukbig enough then00:47
Skyscrapercygwin failed too00:47
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CosmoHillSkyscraper: linux livecd?00:48
CosmoHillor a mac00:48
Skyscrapern900 itself00:48
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Skyscraperso now n900 copies from mmcblk0p1/meego.raw to mmcblk100:51
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Skyscraperargh... all the time typing "ls" instead of "dir" in windows shell00:52
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Skyscraperhm... very slow01:05
Skyscraperits copying and copying xD01:05
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Skyscraperhm... n900 itself wouldnt copy ? seems so01:28
Skyscraperover 40 minutes?01:29
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ali1234with bs=4096 it will take ages01:30
Skyscraperwhat bs should i set?01:30
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CosmoHillali1234: it will be faster than bs=102401:30
Skyscraperwhen i want to use dd in cygwin, whats the output device?01:31
Skyscraperin linux i would use /dev/sdb - but in cygwin?01:31
Phazorxdd --list01:33
Phazorxshould give you roaster of capable devices01:33
Skyscraperdd --list in cygwin says "unknown option"01:33
Phazorxi must use some other binport then01:33
ali1234doesn't work on ubuntu either01:34
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jmc93739653Skyscraper: should be "/cygdrive/<driveletter in windows, but lowercase>/"01:34
Skyscraperi've tried UnxUtils and another dd for windows-port01:34
ali1234no. just... no... that's where the drive is mounted at, not the block device01:34
ali1234 says you can use --list01:36
jmc93739653ali1234: I _do_ usually use a VM running a Linux distro rather than Cygwin if I have to use Windows as a host OS.01:36
Phazorxjmc wouldnt that be easier with msys/mingw?01:36
ali1234jmc so you should know the difference between mount point and block device then :)01:37
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jmc93739653ali1234 & Phazorx: I understand Linux better than I understand Cygwin.01:41
Skyscrapercygwin dd of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\DR4 seems to do something xD01:42
PhazorxSkyscraper: i would think it is not safe w/o seeing --list output01:43
SkyscraperPhazorx: i used a windows-port of dd to show --list and used that output to recognize that harddisk1\dr4  is the right01:44
Skyscraperyeah it says 2,1 gb copied in 109 sec with 18,7 MB/s01:44
Skyscraperyeah when i mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 in my n900 i can see a whole filesys01:46
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CosmoHillSkyscraper: do you have a spare memory stick / usb pen?01:48
CosmoHillyou could get damn small linux and use dd on that01:49
CosmoHillit's a 50MB download01:49
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Skyscrapervery nice... downloaded the pre-builded image from nokia.... and the result: doesnt work01:50
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Skyscrapervery bad -.-01:53
CosmoHillhas anything blown up?01:54
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Skyscrapernope... n900 displayed some booting linux (without backlight^^) and then restated and booted back into maemo01:57
CosmoHilltry pressing the power button and increse brightness button01:58
zimmerleStskeeps: pong01:58
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CosmoHillzimmerle: that's not a very nice thing to say about someone01:59
ScottishDuckmy brother died because of pong02:00
ScottishDuckI am deeply hurt02:00
Skyscraperhm when i mount the mmcblk1p1 and type ls in /media/mmc1 then it says ./lib: Input/Output error and ./dev too02:00
CosmoHillping was found innocent02:00
Skyscrapermaybe bad image or bad dd copy?02:00
CosmoHillSkyscraper: did you check the ms5?02:01
Skyscrapernope :D02:01
zimmerleCosmoHill: sorry ? :P02:02
Skyscraperthe DD command wasnt ok02:02
CosmoHillzimmerle: body odour joke02:02
Skyscraperit writed a scary file onto my windows D:\ drive oO02:02
Skyscraperwondered why my D:\ is full02:03
SkyscraperDeviceHarddisk1DR4 <- document xD02:03
Skyscraperis it possible to write that .raw with a windows tool like rawrite oder stl?02:04
ali1234yes rawrite should work ok02:04
ali1234if oyu use it properly :)02:04
ali1234maybe it won't let you select the SD card...02:05
Skyscraperwhy not try ;)02:06
CosmoHillon linux, you can't copy an image to a drive if the drive is mounted02:07
CosmoHilli don't know if that's true for windows02:07
ali1234you can actually. it's not a good idea though02:07
ali1234since you found that file on d: you just got the output filename wrong02:08
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Skyscraperhm trying again a windows dd app02:12
Skyscraperseems to work now... having other parameters02:12
Skyscraperdd if=d:\meego\meego-handset-armv5tel-n900-nokia-proprietary- of=\\?\Device\Harddisk1\DR10  bs=1M --size --progress02:12
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Skyscraperagain... crashes on:02:15
Skyscraper1,956M Error reading file: 87 Falscher Parameter  1956+1 records in 1956+1 records out02:15
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ali1234how big in the raw exactly?02:16
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Skyscraper( Bytes)02:16
Skyscraperfile on system ( Bytes)02:17
ali12341M means 1024*1024 bytes02:17
Skyscraperverified the md5 sum of downloaded tar.bz2 - matched! - but... unzipped it with winrar...dont know if thats ok02:19
ali12341024*1024*1956 =
Guest87556hey guys, im new to all this linux stuff, installed ubuntu, followed the instructions, run qemu, get a load of white lines in a window and it exits - any ideas?02:19
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aukewhat are you running in qemu?02:20
ali1234Skyscraper: the transfer is going fine until right near the end, same as before02:20
Guest87556meego sdk, raw file02:20
Skyscraperall over the web they say i should use bs=4096 - but thats not ok too?02:20
ali1234Skyscraper: neither a corrupt file nor wrong blocksize should cause dd to fail like you are seeing02:21
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ali1234are you sure it's really a 4GB card? there are fakes...02:22
Guest87556is there a particular flavour of linux you guys would reccomend as easy to work with qemu and meego on a standard pc with nvidia card?02:22
Skyscraperi'm sure its really a 8gb card^^02:23
CosmoHillGuest87556: i think Fedora is the flavour of the month02:23
Guest87556thanks ill give that a go :D02:23
ali1234Skyscraper: does it have multiple partitions on it already?02:24
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Skyscraperali1234: yes02:25
ali1234what size partitions? is one 2GB?02:25
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Skyscraper\\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition0   link to \\?\Device\Harddisk1\DR10   Removable media other than floppy. Block size = 512   size is 7969177600 bytes \\?\Device\Harddisk1\Partition1   link to \\?\Device\HarddiskVolume15   Removable media other than floppy. Block size = 512   size is 1699999744 bytes02:26
ali1234well that doesn't really help much02:27
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Skyscraperali1234: windows says 1 is 1,58gb and one is 243mb and 5,60gb are free02:29
ali1234i think you are writing the image to the partition instead of the device02:30
ali1234and the partition isn't big enough02:30
ali1234i don't know enough about windows volumes to say for sure02:30
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Skyscraper2,002,944k Error reading file: 87 Falscher Parameter  489+1 records in 489+1 records out02:38
* CosmoHill wonders if it would be faster to post it to him02:39
ali1234you used bs=4M right?02:39
CosmoHillSkyscraper: try without it02:40
ali1234same thing02:40
ali1234it always fails right near the end02:40
CosmoHilldd if=meego.img of=/dev/sdc02:40
SkyscraperCosmoHill: trying at the moment ;)02:44
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SkyscraperCosmoHill: i think that takes hours?02:50
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CosmoHillit's under an hour02:51
CosmoHillbut a long time02:51
CosmoHill20 ~ 30 mins I think02:51
Skyscraperthe process is in bytes?02:51
CosmoHillyes but I have no idea how many02:52
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Skyscraperforget it... 150 mb in 5 minutes... of 2gb.. i'll close all now (-.-) and reboot into ubuntu02:52
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CosmoHillnight night02:53
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Skyscraperback in a few minutes02:53
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Skyscraperback again03:00
Guest87556so guys, its perfectly ok to use a pc with a non intel graphics (nvisia 8800) with gemu to develop meego apps?03:01
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Skyscraper_meego "boots".. xD03:12
Skyscraper_but know i get blackscreen with white "mouse" and after a moment then a full "white-screen"03:13
Skyscraper_ok, now maemo loading screen... slow:D03:13
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Skyscraper_seems to missing some icons03:19
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N900dudehey dudes....its a damn shame that the conference in ireland will be called meego rather than maemo conference dont ya think?05:58
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gabrbeddAnybody know how to resize a window in MeeGo/netbook?06:36
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ColdSunhello.  new to meego - I was wondering if there is an ebook reading application for it?07:12
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StskeepsANNOUNCE: Nokia N900 hardware adaptation technical meeting in about 56 minutes in #meego-meeting , agenda at , feel free to join and participate08:06
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StskeepsANNOUNCE: Nokia N900 hardware adaptation technical meeting in about 30 minutes in #meego-meeting , agenda at , feel free to join and participate08:31
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StskeepsANNOUNCE: Nokia N900 hardware adaptation technical meeting in about 5 minutes in #meego-meeting , agenda at , feel free to join and participate08:57
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JaffaMorning, all10:42
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TrollkarlenWhere can i find a armv7l kickstart file for the handset ?10:43
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StskeepsTrollkarlen: -> os base -> image-configurations10:46
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fcocuadradoHi, all! Does someone knows if I can use rsync to create a mirror of MeeGo repository?10:52
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TrollkarlenI could not make it work, but that was in june, so dont know if they changed it.10:57
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sivuit's too bad gitorious projects don't have spec files for the rpms11:32
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Stskeepssivu: extract from srpms?11:38
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sivustskeeps, yeah thats what ive been doing11:41
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Stskeepssivu: rpm2cpio *.src.rpm | cpio -id should give full content for obs11:42
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noursyI'm trying to compile PySide on meego11:52
noursyaccording to zypper, the qt version in there is 4.711:53
noursybut PySide complains that QElapsedTimer, added to QCore in 4.7, is not available11:53
noursyand indeed, there is no trace of QElapsedTimer in /usr/include/Qt11:54
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Stskeeps4.7 what version?11:54
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Stskeepsthiago: how much does NEON help on qt?12:12
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lcukMyrtti, is it your birthday by chance?  (if so, Happy Birthday!)  if not :P12:32
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chem|sthas anyone got multiboot 2.5. working with rc6 on mmcblk1px?12:33
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thiagoStskeeps: quite a bit13:06
thiagoStskeeps: 700% improvement in RGB888 to ARGB conversion13:06
CosmoHillmorning Stskeeps and thiago13:06
Stskeepsthiago: is there any way to do run-time enabling of NEON? MeeGo doesn't have NEON in ARMv7 so13:07
thiagoARM chips don't have "cpuid"13:07
thiagoeither you build it with Neon, or you don't13:07
thiagoQt builds with Neon unless you choose -no-neon13:08
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Stskeepsthiago: sure? i thought i saw neon in /proc/cpuinfo earlier, but i guess that kind of detection sucks13:08
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Stskeepsmorn smoku13:11
bunkStskeeps: Yes, you can do runtime detection of NEON.13:12
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Stskeepswe're looking into performance issues of meego on n900 so13:13
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CosmoHillStskeeps: the kinda of performance issues that are very noticeable by the user or the kind where you need to benchmark to detect it?13:14
StskeepsCosmoHill: noticable13:14
CosmoHillthe worst kind13:14
bunkStskeeps: HWCAP_NEON is your friend.13:15
Stskeepsbunk: interesting13:15
bunk(but that was added in 2.6.29)13:15
Robot101stuff like liboil has function vtables and populates them with the fastest available implementations at runtime13:16
Robot101neon or whatever13:16
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Robot101so its a reasonable technique to build several versions and swap in the quickest you can run13:16
Stskeepsbut i guess qt doesn't use liboil13:16
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Robot101not likely - but it could structure something similar13:16
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Robot101with a factory, pick the fastest class or whatever13:17
Robot101depends how localised the performance sensitive code (which benefits most from neon) is13:17
Robot101btw, are there many meego folks in .au? we've been pondering submitting a meego miniconference to LCA13:18
Robot101wondering if we'd get enough speakers - any intel folks or nokians going?13:18
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Stskeepsthe QMF peeps are in brisbane aren't they?13:18
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Phazorxcould anyone suggest  way to deal with configuring touchpad properly?13:19
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Robot101yeah, qtmobility and qmf talks would fit there nicely13:19
Phazorxit does support multitouch in win7 and sabayon, i would like to have that functionality in meego too13:19
Robot101maybe I should ping qgil / dawn in more detail when they arrive13:19
Phazorxcurrently the driver seams to react rather chaotically to more than one finger on the pad13:20
Robot101mmeeks: would you come to lca and give a talk at a meego miniconference? :)13:20
psycho_oreosRobot101, not a meego folk myself yet, but am interested :)13:20
Robot101so we have 1 audience member too! :)13:20
psycho_oreosinterested in the miniconference if there's one to be held in .au, preferrably Brisbane13:20
Robot101yeah, lca always has a couple of days for special topic miniconfs13:20
Robot101so it would be one day or one afternoon with a series of meego talks13:21
psycho_oreoslca as in linux-conf au? :)13:21
Robot101if they'd accept the proposal of course13:21
psycho_oreosahh thought so :)13:21
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mmeeksRobot101: would I like to fly to Australia ? well; we have no travel budget ;-)13:24
mmeeksRobot101: and then there is breaking the news to the family ...13:24
mmeeksRobot101: but it is a kind thought,13:24
mmeeksRobot101: Aaron Bockover might be a good choice ?13:24
Robot101what, he'll fly anywhere and talk about anything? :)13:25
psycho_oreosif for example we get enough meego folks/interested meego people in .au I was thinking we could probably pool some money together (via donation) and sponsoring a meego speaker :)13:27
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Robot101well there are a few places to go for sponsorship of travel13:27
mmeeksRobot101: sure, Aaron is good like that.13:27
mmeeksunmarried, and doesn't loathe travelling - as long as there is bacon at the other end...13:28
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Robot101and beer! :)13:28
psycho_oreosI mean the meego summit is all the way in .ie lol, I really don't have that sort of budget to fly over there13:28
Termanapsycho_oreos, CONFERENCE13:28
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: I mean the meego conference is all the way in .ie lol, I really don't have that sort of budget to fly over there13:30
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Dave111hi guys, i need to convert some of my games over from appup to meego, totally new to linux, any meego developers here or people here to lend a hand actually getting a dev environment up and running?13:44
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BostikDave111: you'll probably need to learn packaging for most parts, and for that a VM instance of any x86-meego environment is golden13:51
Bostikjust a minute, I'll pull some notes how I got started13:51
Dave111thanks guys13:52
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Bostikfollow the installation instructions from here:
CosmoHillquick question, would anyone be interesting in how to netboot grub2?13:54
Dave111ahh that looks awesome13:54
Dave111thank you very much Bostik13:54
Bostikthen there's some nice page that taught me how to write .spec files...13:54
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Bostikhunting it down right now (and no, it's not the deb conversion example; sorry Timo)13:55
Dave111thanks :D13:55
BostikDave111: at least that way you won't have to break your host system and can contain all the meego-specific trickery in a single (easy to find) VM system ;)13:55
CosmoHillBostik: you can edit the boot loader on meego so that it always boots into init 3 instead of manually telling it to13:56
Bostikthis is a good starting point,
Dave111absolutely, this is a big relief13:57
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Dave111great - many thanks13:57
BostikCosmoHill: yes, I did that (or actually I edited /etc/inittab for it) and just removed the 'quiet' part from bootloader13:57
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Bostikwhile I usually do my builds over nfs, for meego I couldn't do that; instead I just installed sshd and git-pushed my packaging efforts inside the VM, editing on host and building inside the VM until it worked14:00
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Dave111Bostik, once meego is up and running, how do i actually develop for it? what tools, and where etc14:08
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BostikDave111: you'll need to setup the environment (meego home dir, really) for rpmbuild; just a minute14:10
Bostikthere were nice instructions again someplace14:10
Dave111awesome, sorry to be so demanding of your time14:10
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Bostikthere it was14:11
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Bostikso basically you need to create ~/rpmbuild/{SPECS,SOURCES,RPMS,SRPMS,BUILD}14:12
Dave111got you, thank you very much, enormously appreciated14:12
Bostikthen to keep things simple, export the current sources into a tarball in rpmbuild/SOURCES/ and modify the .spec file in rpmbuild/SPECS14:13
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Bostikit's best to set up a build script of some kind so it cleans the build and rpm directories before calling rpmbuild so you can keep things really simple14:13
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Dave111thank you, i am a huge fan of simple :D14:14
Bostikonce you get to packaging you'll figure out the different parts of .spec file and how they work so at some point you may want to modify them to streamline your workflow even more but until then, that's a nice starting point :)14:15
lcukDave111, everyone is14:15
Bostiklaziness and desire for comfort are the major driving forces of innovation, as far as I'm concerned14:15
Dave111i agree :)14:16
Bostikpeople are willing to spend quite a lot of effort so they would not need to spend any more further down the line14:16
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CosmoHillhey vgrade14:19
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vgradehi CosmoHill14:25
vgradejust doing some research on OBS building14:26
vgradeor building on OBS should I say14:27
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Phazorxanyone has issue with MT capable touchpads?14:51
Phazorxand netbook obviously14:51
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CosmoHillholy crap it's suddenly chucking it down14:59
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CosmoHillgutter is overflowing already and it only started 2 mins ago15:00
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arfollon the maemo community OBS, trying to build an x86 package seems to be broken15:03
arfollsee -
arfollcan anyone help?15:05
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smokuarfoll, confirmed.  I reported it yesterday to lbt15:06
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smokumaybe X-Fade could take care of it once he gets back from lunch15:07
arfollsmoku: ok good to see i'm not just being an idiot as usual15:07
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smokuarfoll, I'm not so sure. meybe we are both being idiots ;-)15:08
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arfollsmoku, let's hope not! is it normal it's being a little sluggish?15:09
arfollthis is the first time i've actually used it15:10
smokui couldn't do a checkout in the morning. it stalled in the middle15:10
arfollwell i've just imported ~500MB and doing a checkout now, it seems ok - just doesn't build15:11
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X-Fadearfoll: looking at it atm.15:13
arfollx-fade, thanks and good luck - off to lunch15:14
vgradearfoll, reported last week just after lbt got back, he's busy on no 2 OBS15:14
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vgradeworkaround is to build against the Meego-1.0 Rep not Meego:current15:15
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X-Fadevgrade: Yeah, it seems the :current import wasn't completed. Fixing that now.15:16
smokuX-Fade, that15:16
smokuX-Fade, that's why MeeGo: is missing from download?15:16
X-Fadesmoku: no, that is a different issue.15:16
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smokuI would like to build locally before commiting to OBS15:17
vgradeseems like everyone is going for an x86 build ATM15:17
vgradesmoku, thats where I am ATM15:18
X-Fadevgrade: Can you try again?15:18
smokuvgrade, it's easier to test on x8615:18
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Dave111Bostik you are old chap?15:18
Bostikwell.. I'm past 3015:19
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Bostikif that makes me old, then yes15:19
vgradeX-Fade, thanks, arfoll can you test, im in the middle of a local build15:19
Dave111oops i typed that slightly wrong15:19
Dave111it meant to say are you around old chap15:19
Dave111not are you old - apologies :D15:19
smokuthat's why I liked Maemo SDK so much. you develop and debug on x86, and then once finished just switch to arm and repackage the same thing :)15:19
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BostikI'll be here, and if I'm off I'll stay online anyway15:20
Dave111i had a question for you if you have a mo15:20
* CosmoHill needs to fix his highlights15:20
Dave111im on the installing virtualbox quest additions from that link15:20
X-Fadesmoku: You should be able to do the same for MeeGo though.15:20
Dave111it says to download DKMS and suggests wget, i dont seem to have this wget thing15:21
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smokuX-Fade, well... that's what I'm trying to do now. :)  but I cannot build locally without required packages15:21
Bostikyou don't necessarily need to do that; but if you want to follow all the way: "sudo zypper refresh; sudo zypper install wget"15:21
Dave111great thats15:22
X-Fadesmoku: That is a bug, not a planned thing.15:22
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X-Fadesmoku: You should be able to build locally of course.15:22
smokuX-Fade, surely understood. waiting for a resolution :)15:22
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Phazorxanyone has issue with MT capable touchpads?15:27
Phazorxor even better - does anyone have working multitouch touchpad with meego?15:28
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Phazorxdriver seems to be proper15:28
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Dave111back in a bit - thank you once again Bostik for all the help and advice15:32
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X-Fadevgrade, arfoll: the rpm fail liblua issue should be resolved now. Required a project config change, so it will trigger a rebuild.15:37
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vgradeOBS is busy, busy, busy15:39
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X-Fadevgrade: That is the way we like to see it ;)15:40
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slaineall the x86 builds kicking off ?15:43
X-Fadeslaine: All builds against current ;)15:44
Phazorxand a very silly question: where is xorg.conf in meego?15:44
slaineThere is none15:45
Bostiknot really15:45
Phazorxhow can i control seettings that are usualy found in it?15:45
slaineMost modern distros are this way15:45
slainePhazorx: what are you looking to control ?15:45
BostikX has been able to autoconfigure itself on launch probes for some time now15:45
Phazorxslaine: i'm trying to figure out why touchpad here does not have MT capabilities enablable15:46
Phazorxso i would have liked to look at pointer section in xorg.conf15:46
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Phazorxhal is the only way now?15:46
slainehal is gone15:47
Phazorxis it policy driven?15:47
slaineOr you can create section specific configs on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d15:47
X-Fadesmoku: Your libhildon built fine for i586 now.15:47
Phazorxslaine: i would like to look 1st at what is "assumed" to be the current config15:47
smokuX-Fade, watching :)15:48
slaineCheck out what's in the /tmp/Xorg.0.log then15:48
smokuX-Fade, what about local building? :>15:48
slaineit'll tell you what it found.15:48
X-Fadesmoku: That is next :)15:48
smokui'll get a coffe then15:48
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arfollX-Fade, thanks alot my two test packages have built. Time to get the rest15:48
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arfollX-fade, I'm not too good on OBS internals but is the maemo set up to only accept building of up to 8 packages at a time? I don't mind just like to understand15:54
arfollactually 10, I just can't count..15:56
X-Fadearfoll: The test one only has a limited amount of workers yes. It is just one server we had spare.15:56
Phazorxslaine: could you please look at
Phazorxthat was a bit clumsy, here is better one:
slaineyeah, what do you see there ?15:59
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Phazorxi see that it configures it and the drops the driver16:00
Phazorxwhich is a bit strange to me16:00
arfollCan I choose to somewhere ignore 'devel-file-in-non-devel-package' errors?16:00
slaineFor a mouse device, it finds it as a touchpad before that though and configures it properly16:00
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Phazorxslaine: but it unloads driver for it...16:00
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deegee__Stskeeps: hey, just started re-visiting meego on joggler, seen the updates to the wiki, are there any prebuilt images available for a quick play?16:01
Stskeepsdeegee__: no, but we have .ks'es, ask vgrade16:01
deegee__Stskeeps: yup seen the ks's16:02
slainePhazorx: this might help you setup an xorg.conf.d for it,
Phazorxslaine: as an override - perhaps16:02
slaineYou should also read this,
Phazorxbut what xactl is the issue that prevents xorg from using that it can see and configure properly?16:03
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slainePhazorx: I don't have your setup so I don't know exactly.16:05
Phazorxslaine: i'm open to sharing any relevant information16:05
Phazorxjust let me knoe what exactly would help16:05
slaineI've setup touchscreens and saw similar issues16:06
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TrollkarlenIs mic2 suposed to work on ubuntu 9.10 ?16:07
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Phazorxslaine: thanks, i tihnk that will help16:08
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Phazorxis there a way i can get what options are supported from the driver tho?16:09
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slainePhazorx: I had to create a catchall config for evdev to get everything working properly, you might have to do similar.16:10
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slaineI used google to find my parameters16:10
Phazorxsounds like a challenge16:11
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Phazorxwhile we are on xorg subject - what do i do to adjust brightness if oem buttons are not functional and i dont see acpi handler in /sys/class/backlight ?16:12
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Phazorxwhat do i do to adjust brightness if oem buttons are not functional and i don't see acpi handler in /sys/class/backlight ?16:40
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slaineor log bugs against kernel's acpi module16:42
UlfHofemeierYou wear sunglasses ;)16:42
vgradetrollkarlen, I had a load of problems with 9.10 with mic, probably due to me installing the wrong things, then getting a new version from git etc etc16:42
vgradeworked in the end BUT I took the advice from the ARM guys and downloaded a fedora VM.  Things seem more solid on this platform16:44
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vgradeI had thought about putting my fedora Vbox image up for download with mic, osc etc configured with example kickstart files but you learn lots just getting the tools in place16:47
Phazorxslaine: i would log abug if i knew how to localize it16:47
Phazorxchances are it is somethin relevant to my specific HW or setup16:48
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vgradeX-Fade, thanks, my packages have built against current now16:49
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smokuX-Fade, any news?17:02
daisy21Hi, Does anyone know where I could get info on the differences between the IVI and the netbook image?17:03
X-FadeIt should just work through the api too, which is the fallback.17:03
Stskeepsdaisy21: -> os base -> image-configurations and package-groups17:03
X-FadeLooking at what can cause timeouts.17:03
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deegee__vgrade / Stskeeps : working through creating a joggler meego ivi ux image on fedora now...17:04
deegee__so far so good.17:04
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daisy21Stskeeps what will this page give me?17:06
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X-Fadearfoll: Do local builds work for you?17:11
Stskeepsdaisy21: will tell you the contents of images17:11
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daisy21Ok cool thanks!17:12
arfollX-fade, what do you mean?17:14
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vgradeX-Fade, I get, trying openSUSE Build Service server for bash (MeeGo:current), since it is not on download.obs.maemo.org17:17
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vgradethis times out and freezes, restarting the build kicks it into life but is stops again after17:18
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X-Fadevgrade: Ok that sounds exactly like what smoku sees ;)17:19
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smokuthere is no MeeGo:/ here17:20
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vgradedeegee cool, I have some edits to make to the ks file to sort out the initial black screen issue, see the kickstart on openaos.
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smokudamn... I planned to spend this day packaging software for MeeGo. instead I spent it waiting for OBS to be fixed17:32
Stskeepssmoku: i know this feeling by heart, back when meego obs in general was unstable17:33
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vgradechill, smoku,17:36
vgradewhat were you building17:36
vgradeor not17:36
Stskeepssmoku: anyway, community obs is in beta and should  hopefully have the child diseases out of it soon :)17:37
X-Fadesmoku: Can you try now?17:37
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vgradeX-Fade, not now going to SUSE OBS but still time outs for me17:38
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vgradedeleted the /var/tmp cache before I tried that17:39
vgradeis there a command to slow down the downloads ala wget,17:41
vgradeit works fine for a few seconds then stops17:41
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smokuX-Fade, a bit better17:44
smoku(MeeGo:current) rpm-4.8.1-2.6.i586.rpm                                              52% |=====================                    | 288 kB    00:00 ETA17:44
smokuseems like downloading from obs17:44
smokubut it stopped at this 52%17:44
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smokuvgrade, i'm cool. i'm building libhildon17:45
X-Fadesmoku: try again? :)17:45
smokuthis time bash17:46
smoku(MeeGo:current) rpm-4.8.1-2.6.i586.rpm                                              52% |=====================                    | 288 kB    00:00 ETA17:46
smoku(MeeGo:current) bash-4.0.35-3.8.i586.rpm                                             7% |===                                      |  80 kB    00:03 ETA17:46
smokustopped at 7%17:46
smokuand after some time it moved to getting it from openSUSE17:47
X-FadeYeah, it doesn't get it from openSUSE though, that is just osc being dumb.17:48
X-FadeOBS is really made for openSUSE and they show it everywhere. (But it is fetching from in this case)17:48
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vgrade this from debug, looks like it looks in cache, then download then api, the download one has too many //17:50
X-Fadevgrade: Yes, but that should just work.17:51
smokuX-Fade, so, should I just let id download the packages?17:51
X-Fadesmoku: Same server ;)17:52
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X-FadeBut I really don't get why the timeouts are there.17:52
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smokuvgrade, do you experience the same timeouts?  meybe it's just my network misbehaving :/17:53
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vgradeyes amte17:54
vgradeyes mate17:54
vgradeX-Fade, does it work for you?17:55
smokunow it can't get buildinfo xml17:56
smokuat all17:56
smoku  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 355, in _read_status17:56
smoku    raise BadStatusLine(line)17:56
X-Fadesmoku: And now?17:57
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vgradeX-Fade, no change here18:00
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X-Fadevgrade: 13/Aug/2010:17:01:22 +0200] "GET //MeeGo%3A/current/standard/i586/rpm-4.8.1-2.6.i586.rpm HTTP/1.1" 200 501228 "-" "osbuild/0.1"18:00
X-Fadevgrade: Looks completely normal from the server end.18:00
vgradeI thought that had sorted it, downloaded a few packages quickly but then frooze,18:03
vgradeneed to go out for an hour or so, check later18:03
X-FadeAh I see kernel issues.18:04
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smokuX-Fade, stopped at 0%18:05
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smokuX-Fade, maybe you do have some throttling on the network layer implemented?  like some abuse/DOS protection, or something?18:06
X-FadeI see TCP warnings in the logs: unexpectedly shrunk window18:07
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smokusome borked router?18:10
X-FadeSeems to be an ipv6 bug in opensuse.18:11
smokuyou're running on ipv6? :)18:11
X-FadeNo, but disabling it doesn't do that.18:11
X-Fadesmoku: Can you try again?18:13
smokustopped at rpm 0%18:14
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CosmoHillanyone in here use zsh?18:17
Dave321hey guys, im using meego with qemu, im getting this error when i run meego: Major opcode of failed request:  128 (GLX)   Minor opcode of failed request:  5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent)18:17
Dave321any advice?18:17
deegee__vgrade / Stskeeps : black screen issue?18:18
deegee__vgrade: the only issue I've had is that there's no on-screen keyboard by default18:18
deegee__vgrade: and I can't work out how to safely shut it down18:18
deegee__vgrade: or is it some kind of power saving mode that it won't come out of if I leave it?18:19
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deegee__Stskeeps: the meego igi ui is very *very* nice btw18:19
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X-Fadesmoku: I'm sorry, I have to debug this another time. Can't find anything obvious atm.18:21
smokulet me try something then ;-)18:22
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X-Fadesmoku: while true; do .... ;)18:22
smokuwget -r18:23
smokubut it stopped downloading index.html18:23
smokuwebserver issue?18:23
X-FadeDownload from
Dave321anyone developing meego apps here that could help someone trying to port appup games over to meego?18:24
smokuI will try it then18:25
smokuX-Fade, thanks for all your help :)18:25
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deegee__vgrade: hmm and also although I can boot with the usb drive connected to a usb hub, it can't see a usb keyboard or mouse, so I can't even connect it to the network18:41
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Stskeepsdeegee__: ah, i had one that was using inputclass instead.. but it is on my laptop at home18:42
deegee__Stskeeps: hmm ok18:43
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deegee__Stskeeps: the no shutdown button is a real issue as well18:43
deegee__Stskeeps: I realise that meego's expecting hardware buttons for those functions, but that doesn't really work with a joggler :o)18:43
deegee__Stskeeps: it's a great UI though18:44
Stskeepsdeegee__: still a lot of work to be done18:45
deegee__Stskeeps: there always is ;o)18:45
deegee__Stskeeps: that's open source for you, always plenty of work to be done :o)18:46
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deegee__Stskeeps: whats the easiest way to fix the meego issues I'm facing?18:48
deegee__Stskeeps: hard power off and mount the filesystem to fiddle with it?18:49
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Dave321anyone running the sdk with qemu? mine just sticks at a silver screen and then exits with X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)?18:50
Stskeepsdeegee__: yes18:51
deegee__Stskeeps: k, thx18:51
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Dave321anyone running the sdk with qemu? mine just sticks at a silver screen and then exits with X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)?19:08
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andyrossDave321: yeah, we've had mixed success with the GL forwarding under kvm.  My Arrandale laptop runs it pretty well when I build a 64 bit qemu from source, but the distributed 32 bit binaries fail on both this and a 32 bit machine next to it.   We've also had trouble getting it ported to recent code -- the newer Xorg hangs at startup, which sounds like your bug.19:14
CosmoHillnow why the hell would that set off my highlight.,..19:14
andyrossBut FWIW: MeeGo core runs great in a vm.  I build in it routinely.19:14
CosmoHillcan some say "---"19:15
vgradewhich ks did you build, one from jogglerwiki?19:15
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ali1234ok, i have my own OBS server set up19:15
ali1234at least i think i do19:16
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ali1234from where can I mirror the meego project files? (with obs_mirror_project)19:16
Dave321thanks andy, is there no solution to my xorg hanging problems at the moment?19:17
andyrossTry building qemu from the source on gitorious?  That worked for at least one box.  But the bigger problem is that you'll be stuck at an early-july snapshot for a lot of things, and will have to (very carefully) pick your upgrades so as not to break it.19:17
Dave321thanks andy will give that a try19:18
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A\b1`hi all19:20
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Lemoni_screen -l19:26
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tripzeroanyone with nvidia hardware willing to tackle getting support in meego?
Lemoni_screen -r19:26
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vgradedeegee, new ks for mouse and kb on joggler wiki, I also have to power off joggler and then usb hub, then on with the hub and then joggler to get the stick/mouse and kb to be picked up everytime19:30
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vgradedeegee, add matchbox-keyboard to the list of packages in the ks, not used it myself but the archos guys use it19:37
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vgradeX-Fade,Lbt, The Goto Repositories link on the OBS GUI points to instead of
deegee__vgrade: sorry missed your msgs...20:05
deegee__vgrade: thanks for the tips on hub/joggler order will try that20:06
deegee__vgrade: and will try with the new kickstart also20:06
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deegee__vgrade: the joggler's just taken a giant leap forward in usability if I can get over these few hurdles20:07
deegee__vgrade: I've also found some stunning looking copper heatsinks that should fit the joggler20:07
Phazorxis there a proper solution for multipe dhcp based networks and resolv.conf being blanked on reboot?20:09
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deegee__I have to say, mic2 is quite a nice tool to use20:16
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vgradedeegee, yes once you can get it installed20:18
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deegee__vgrade: easy with fedora ;o)20:21
deegee__vgrade: just rsyncing my new build across to the usb stick20:22
deegee__vgrade: what's the black screen problem you mentioned a while back?20:22
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vgradeif you install the netbook UX the GUI did not start cleanly, is needed some command line stuff to get X up, still not got to the bottom of it but running X as root (yes I know thats bad) works round it20:25
vgradeHandset UX also needs some command line stuff to get that up20:25
deegee__vgrade: ahh ok, which is why I'm not seeing it running the IGI UX20:25
deegee__vgrade: thx20:26
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deegee__vgrade: when I *do* get things running... is there anything that I need to look out for that's not working currently?20:27
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vgradeusual Joggler stuf really, issues because its not got a bb RTC, no MAC on the wired eth0, audio crackling.  There is some commands to get network up on the wiki.  Other info on the other issues can be found on jogglerwiki in ubuntu, debian, Arch areas.  Most, if not all snags have been sorted in one or more distos and waiting to be transtioned over to the Joggler20:31
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vgradeto Meego20:31
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deegee__vgrade: ok, that's cool, nothing new to troubleshoot then :o)20:32
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* deegee__ heads off to try his latest build20:32
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deegee__vgrade: power on order seems to mostly fix the kbd/mouse access...20:40
deegee__vgrade: but can't get it to enable the wifi/create a new connection20:41
deegee__vgrade: will have a fiddle with it20:41
deegee__vgrade: thanks20:41
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GordonSso, hopefully there is an easy solution...20:44
GordonSis there a way that after you have installed libmeegotouch for it to *not* be used as the default style?20:45
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vgradedeegee, wifi has caused problems on n900 as well21:09
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vgradenot looked at it myself but BuBu has this line in his ks which sorted it for him21:09
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GordonSDoes anyone happen to know how one tells a (local) Qt installation what the default style is?  After I have installed libmeegotouch, I have to manually specify "-style gtk+" on everything if I don't want it to come up in Meego.21:11
vgrade   echo "wpa_supplicant -ieth0  -Dwext -u -B >/dev/null 2>&1" >>$INSTALL_ROOT/etc/rc.local21:11
vgradealso I'm not sure if the kernel you have in that ks has the wifi mod in it21:12
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Stskeepssomeone ought to report there is a dbus activation problem21:13
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tripzeroGordonS, use qtconfig21:16
GordonSI tried that; it says "Desktop settings".21:16
tripzeroiirc, you can select the default style21:16
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GordonSIf I launch something built against the system Qt, it comes up in Oxygen (which is what my system settings is set to).21:17
GordonSBut, if I launch something built against my local install, it always comes up in Meego.21:17
tripzeroso select gtk+ ?21:19
tripzeroi don't like hybrid environments21:20
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deegee__vgrade: interesting, will take a look21:23
deegee__vgrade: my issue is that it initially wouldn't even enable wifi, the toggle switch kept flipping back to off...21:23
deegee__vgrade: but after rebooting it's behaving itself now, and allowing me to add a new connection21:24
deegee__vgrade: but it won't actually associate to anything21:24
deegee__vgrade: I'll have a dig into whats going on later21:24
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vgradeStskeeps, yes I did see somthing today about someone asking what brought wifi up21:28
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MMatanhi, can i use Nokia Qt SDK to make Handset MeeGo apps?22:10
CosmoHillI believe so but I'm not the person to ask22:11
ali1234more or less, yes22:11
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MMatanSo, Nokia Qt SDK or so MeeGo SDK22:12
MMatanI want making apps for handset22:13
ali1234do you want to make apps in Qt?22:14
MMatanYup, Qt and C++22:14
ali1234well the nokia sdk is probably easier to use for that22:15
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ali1234it might not be 100% compatible with meego but you are unlikely to run into any real issues and recompiling the code with meego sdk should be trivial anyway22:15
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ali1234otoh meego sdk lets you make apps using other libraries than qt22:15
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luisthey guys... im using garage with a custom list and repository, with many applications... it happens that after installing/removing some applications, it gets stuck and the next application i try to install goes to the queue and nothing happens after... it stays at "Installing ..." can anyone help me with that?22:24
MMatanthx ali123422:24
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ColdSunHello, does anyone know if the garage has an ebook reader or if there is an ebook reader app for meego yet?22:28
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ColdSunanyone here? :)22:37
andre__butI"m not aware of one.22:38
ColdSuni was thinking fbreader might work on it22:39
ColdSunsince it works on so many linux distros22:39
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* Stskeeps passes around beer22:49
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CosmoHillthanks Stskeeps22:50
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StskeepsColdSun: should be trivial to package up if not22:51
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sabayonuseris meego a livecd?22:59
arjanyour question is rather imprecise )23:00
arjanmeego publishes images for releases and prereleases23:01
arjanand those images could be called installable livecds23:01
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sabayonuseri mean can i just create a live cd so i can test/play around, like other linux distros23:04
ColdSunthanks stskeeps23:05
ColdSuni was very impressed and excited after watching some of the meego videos23:06
ColdSunim not a huge fan of android (coldsun ducks)23:06
sabayonuserarjan: i just wanted to play around with a live cd that i can boot from a desktop23:06
andre__Stskeeps, cheers, man!23:06
sabayonuserColdSun: where are these videos, Youtube?23:06
StskeepsColdSun: don't i know you from q5/q7?23:07
ColdSuni watched the netbook videos as i have an asus eee 1005pe23:08
ColdSunyes stskeeps :) i write many mobile device reviews - especially slanted to ebook reading23:08
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ColdSuni have too many devices laying around actually :P23:08
StskeepsColdSun: yeah, i recall. used to do Mer and now doing meego for n900/arm professionally23:08
ColdSunwell keep up the good work man23:09
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ColdSunand please dont give up meego - android is no good for tablets and netbooks! (IMHO)23:10
Stskeepstink ivi desktop would be cool for something like smart r523:10
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Stskeepsfor reading ebooks23:10
Nexus1sabayonuser: Yes you can just download and burn the image23:10
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ColdSunthe r5 seems a bit overpriced23:11
Nexus1But I think it has to be an intel CPU with ss323:11
StskeepsColdSun: think there is too much commercial interest in meego for it just to die :)23:11
ColdSuni would love to skin meego23:11
ColdSunwill it have custom skinning abilities?23:11
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Stskeepsfor handset ux, the theming framework is quite flexible23:12
ColdSunif they come out with windows IDE i might even write applications for it23:12
Stskeepsthere should be something integrated with qt creator i believe23:13
ColdSunthats what i do when im not fooling around with reviews (my real job is as a developer here at Dell)23:13
taljurfstskeep, what theming framework is available?23:13
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sabayonuserNexus1: i have a dell p4 1.7Ghz, 1Gig Ram, nvidia,23:14
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taljurfStskeeps, ^^^23:14
Stskeepstaljurf: you need to look into meegotouch-theme etc23:15
taljurfthe pacakge?23:15
taljurfStskeeps, btw, ii've tried the handset sdk23:16
taljurfneeds a lot of work23:16
taljurfmany apps dont work in the emulator23:16
taljurfmany icons don't  show up23:16
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nuovodnawill be the pyGtk apps supported on meego ?23:18
Nexus1sabayonuser: I dont think it will work because that's a pretty old CPU23:19
Nexus1sabayonuser: But you can try it23:20
sabayonuserwell.. if it is not going to work then i would rather not waste a cd :)... but the netbooks are so under powered23:21
sabayonuserhow come it works on that23:21
sabayonuseri wasn't going to install it.. just burn to live cd and play around23:22
sabayonuseris that possible23:22
taljurfsabayonuser, talking about meego netbook?23:22
sabayonuserno.. just any netbook23:23
taljurfi mean you wanna try meego?23:23
sabayonuseri mean it boots off a usb on any of these hardware.. right?23:23
sabayonuseri wanna try a livecd if possible23:24
taljurfwell, i installed moblin on my netbook23:24
Nexus1sabayonuser: Was the computer you told me a netbook?23:24
sabayonuseri know it can be burnt to a usb23:24
taljurfur pc's specs are better than my netbook's specs23:24
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sabayonuseri was wondering if the live cd will play on my dell p4 1.7Ghz, 1Gig Ram, nvidia,23:24
sabayonusertaljurf: that's what i meant.. so it should work fine,, right?23:25
Nexus1sabayonuser: Is this a desktop?23:25
sabayonuserso i can go ahead an dld and burn23:25
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taljurfmine is Intel atom 1.6, 1gb of ram, integrated intel graphics23:25
taljurfso urs are better23:25
taljurfdoes ur pc meet the minimum requirements of meego?23:26
Nexus1You see intel atom has ss3 technology while the pentium 4 doesn't23:26
sabayonuserall the live Linux distros work fine on this desktop23:26
taljurfdoes meego require ss3?23:26
sabayonuserss3=secure socket 3?23:26
Nexus1taljurf: Tes23:26
taljurfsabayonuser, why don't u use a usb?23:27
taljurfso u dont have to waste a cd?23:27
sabayonuserdon't hvae a spare one at the moment23:27
sabayonuserbut the point is even if i did then i still have to boot it on my desktop23:27
nuovodnawill the pyGtk apps be supported on meego handset?23:28
taljurfif it works, install it23:28
sabayonuser:)... gosh.. don't have room.. ::: poor guy here :::..23:28
taljurfsabayonuser, don't waste a cd23:28
Nexus1taljurf: Sorry I ment yes23:28
Phazorxis there a proper solution for multiple dhcp based networks and resolv.conf being blanked on reboot?23:28
taljurfNexus1: obvious :)23:29
sabayonuseri just want to have a live cd handy23:29
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sabayonuserwell.. CDs are 10cents23:29
sabayonuseri can afford that.. lol23:29
Nexus1sabayonuser: Yes CDs are inexpensive so I would just give it a try23:29
taljurfare u in a good financial status?23:29
sabayonusereven if i have to go pinch it from a penny jar23:30
taljurfif yes, go for it :)23:30
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sabayonuseri was just wondering if anyone had any experience using a live cd23:30
taljurfwhen i installed moblin23:30
taljurfi did it using a live usb23:30
taljurfi downloaded fedora moblin23:31
Phazorxand what do i do to adjust brightness if oem buttons are not functional and i don't see acpi handler in /sys/class/backlight ?23:31
Phazorxor even how do i go about finding a reason for that?23:31
taljurfand installed it easily23:31
sabayonuserbtw, to create a live usb, is fedora the only choice?23:31
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Nexus1sabayonuser: No almost any distro23:31
sabayonuserand do you hvae to worry about filesystems?23:32
taljurfbut that's my first my first choice23:32
Nexus1sabayonuser: Check out pendrivelinux23:32
Phazorxunetbootin sems to be a choice for UFD based linux23:32
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taljurfafaik, a lot of distros integrated moblin23:32
taljurfsoon to be meego23:32
sabayonuserNexus1: oh yes.. hear of that23:32
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sabayonuserso liveusb-creator can be used too?23:34
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sabayonusersome of these live usb creators can download the image too.. is that advisable23:34
taljurfsabayonuser, the image would be a normal image23:34
sabayonuserPhazorx: thanks23:35
taljurfmoblin is just something like KDE or GNOME23:35
sabayonuseri meant the ISOs23:35
taljurfso the iso is a normal iso23:35
sabayonuseras oppose to..?23:35
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taljurfcreating a live usb or cd23:36
Nexus1sabayonuser: I would rather download the iso off of bittorrent since it automatically checks the download23:36
sabayonuserok.. cool23:36
sabayonusertaljurf: just wanted to know what choices are there for the usb23:37
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taljurfu mean distros?23:38
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Nexus1sabayonuser: Ubuntu, linux mint, fedora, opensuse, pclinux, and many more23:38
sabayonuserwhen you burn an ISO to a cd the burner software has to tools to make it a live environment.. and similar for a live usb creator.. right?23:39
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taljurfburning an iso to a cd is normal23:39
taljurfu don't need any specail operation23:39
taljurfjust burn it and boot23:39
sabayonuserNexus1: i have all those on a cd/dvd// and they are great.. just waiting to get the optimum hardware so i can start installing some of these23:39
sabayonuserat the moment i am limited23:40
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taljurfbut to a usb u should use a tool to make it bootable23:40
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sabayonusertaljurf: yes.. i have done many of those.. but never created a live usb23:40
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taljurffirst format it using this tool23:41
taljurfto make it bootable23:41
Nexus1sabayonuser: Ifyou have a live cd for ubuntu and mint, they have a preinstalled tool to create a live USB23:41
taljurfthen use any usb creating tool23:41
taljurfbtw, some creating tools can make it bootable23:42
sabayonuserNexus1: and that tool can be used to create a live usb for any distro?23:42
sabayonusertaljurf: cool23:42
taljurfin my case, when i create a bootable fedora usb23:42
taljurfi use the hp tool first23:42
sabayonuseri saw a little demo for the "sugar on a stick"23:43
taljurfthen, i use fedora liveusb creator23:43
sabayonuserthey used "liveusb-creator"23:43
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taljurfyea, that's the one i use23:43
GordonStripzero: sorry, went afk...23:43
taljurfthen u have a ready live usb :)23:43
Nexus1sabayonuser: I'm not sure, think it's only for that distro23:43
sabayonuserNexus1: i c23:44
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taljurfNexus1: what is it?23:44
GordonSI don't much like multiple environments either, but I can't exactly have a different OS install for each version of Qt that I need...23:44
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sabayonuserso meego and moblin are similar?23:44
taljurfthey're now merged :)23:44
Nexus1sabayonuser: Yes they are very similar23:45
taljurfmoblin was release a year ago23:45
taljurfmeego, still to come :)23:45
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Nexus1taljurf: I don't remember but I think it's under system >admin23:45
tripzeroGordonS, yeah, i usually install a distro which has the latest23:46
tripzeroand use that23:46
sabayonusermoblin 2.1 release on nov, 2009 is the latest?23:46
taljurfNexus1: what is it?23:46
tripzeroor, i backport qt from a future-possibly-still-alpha distro to my stable one23:46
GordonSwell... first, I need Meego libs, and second, I need to be able to target different Qt versions depending on the customer...23:46
Nexus1Nexus1: USB creator23:47
ScottishDuckwas there supposed to be a build today?23:47
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GordonSI already have three OSes installed natively on this machine :)23:47
tripzeroGordonS, do you distribute binaries? i use a virtual machine if i need to target other platforms23:47
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tripzerobut for development, it's all bleeding edge23:47
GordonStripzero: no, but even with ABI compatibility, sometimes behaviours change23:48
taljurfNexus1: i have it in fedora under Applications>>System Tools23:48
GordonSand I can't target bleeding-edge for a customer that I know will use 4.723:48
ScottishDuckwow, beta is only 6 days away23:48
GordonSor 4.6 even23:48
thiago_hometrolls gone...23:49
ScottishDuckwhat troll?23:49
ScottishDuckThe "you go?" guy?23:49
sabayonuseris meego IVI different from regular meego?23:49
GordonShe is a troll :)23:49
GordonSindeed, par'n me, "he is a Troll"  :)23:49
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thiago_homeyou didn't see 8 ping timeouts of "nat/trolltech" ? :-)23:50
arjansabayonuser: ivi meego is just one of the verticals for meego23:50
arjanaimed at cars23:50
GordonS /netsplit Trolls23:50
ScottishDucksabayonuser: may I suggest you stop using sabayon and start using gentoo23:50
sabayonuserso if i was trying out a live cd then which one to download23:51
Nexus1ScottishDuck: Sabayon is gentoo based23:51
GordonSI still boggle at the idea of using Gentoo for a "live" system... :)23:51
thiago_homeGordonS: you put the CD in, it starts compiling?23:51
GordonSit's great for embedded or heavily customized stuff though23:51
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sabayonuserScottishDuck: i just happened to be using a livecd of Sabayon...23:51
ScottishDuckNexus1: based yes, it uses binaries23:51
GordonSsorry, not quite what I meant23:51
GordonSI meant as in a normal desktop or server type system23:52
PhazorxScottishDuck: more like it offers binaries as preferd option23:52
Phazorxbut in general you get best of both worlds with sabayon23:52
ScottishDucknot really23:52
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ScottishDuckit's pretty shoddy23:52
Phazorxit's most hardware friendly binary based distro i seen at least23:52
sabayonuserScottishDuck: i like it so far  :)23:53
GordonSPhazorx: that *used* to be ... err...23:53
* thiago_home should try his string-comparison optimisations on the Atom processor23:53
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GordonSI can't remember the bloody name23:53
sabayonuserpretty stable and has a lot of stuff on this live cd23:53
thiago_homeon the i7, SSE2 is the fastest23:53
ScottishDuckGordonS: mint?23:53
GordonSer... sec23:53
GordonSKnoppix, that's the one.23:53
ScottishDuckI use gentoo because I like to tinker23:54
Phazorxknoppix is kinda gentoo :)23:54
GordonSbut that's ~3yo information23:54
GordonS*blink* it is?23:54
GordonSI thought Knoppix was a Debian.23:54
arjanthiago_home: on i7, is sse2 even faster than the core i7 string ops ?23:54
arjanthat'd be surprising23:54
* taljurf proudly uses FEDORA! :)23:54
thiago_homearjan: that was my result23:54
arjandoesn't match what we get by a mile23:54
arjanbut hey ;)23:55
thiago_homearjan: SSE2 > SSE2 + alignment > plain code > SSE4.2 > SSSE3 > trying to optimise plain code with int loads23:55
arjan(I meant the sse4.2 stuff)23:55
GordonStaljurf: I realize that my experiences are not representative... but I have not managed to complete an install of Red Hat or Fedora since before there *was* a Fedora...23:55
ScottishDuckFedora is a nice hat, unstable distro23:55
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thiago_homearjan: I've been reading the glibc assembly to see what crafy things it tries to do to the string ops, but nothing special turns up23:55
taljurfF12 and F13 are rock solid23:55
Nexus1sabayonuser: I like sabayons theme, but in terms of user friendliness I like meego and ubuntu23:56
thiago_homearjan: and it's very hard to find examples of pcmpestrm (explicit length)23:56
Phazorxi still cant befriend meego to my hardware :(23:56
GordonSseriously... I don't have a single machine that can run it sanely23:56
Phazorxusing sabayon liveusb as a rescue tool :)23:56
taljurfGordons, ScottishDuck, Try F13, Rock Solid :)23:56
GordonSnothing with Intel graphics23:56
ScottishDuckI'll stick with built from source, fully user configured :)23:57
GordonStoo damn much work, I don't have time :)23:57
taljurftried it ?23:57
taljurfwhat work?23:57
thiago_homearjan: do you happen to know if pcmpestrm will cause a #GP if part of the quad-dword is on invalid pages (beyond the explicit length)?23:57
sabayonuserNexus1: not sure which one to download, (moblin, meego, meego IVI)23:58
taljurfsabayonuser, meego, i think :)23:58
Nexus1sabayonuser: I'll give you a link23:58
sabayonuserdoes meego have everything that meego IVI has except the car stuff?23:59
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arjansabayonuser: define "meego"23:59
zarizHi. where i can find meego ivi documentation?23:59

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