IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2010-08-12

allandrickwell she boots up ok00:00
allandrickbut the touchscreen is borked again00:00
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vgradenot bad, meego upped on Archos A9 yesyerday with BuBu00:00
allandricknice nice00:01
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allandrickthe audio problem by the way:00:01
allandrickstill there00:01
allandrickbluetooth not working well either00:01
allandrickcan't configure a pin00:01
allandrickor find out what the default one is (that may be just me though) - not where I'd expect it in /etc/bluetooth00:02
vgradeyes, audio on my list, bluetooth not on my radar00:02
vgradehas jogger got BT00:02
allandricknope, I paid the princely sum of 2 pound 80 pence for a 2.0EDR USB dongle.00:03
allandrickit's smaller than my thumbnail.00:03
allandrick(that was delivered, by the way)00:03
allandrickebay is your friend.00:03
allandrickit half-works00:03
allandrickI can scan devices on the meego and see my phone00:03
allandrickbut can't connect.00:03
allandricklikewise in reverse it doesn't go so well either00:03
vgradei think getting wifi up for most ports has been difficult (n900) so I guess BT will be next, unless anyone knows better00:04
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allandrickI managed to get the wifi associated, but couldn't pass any traffic00:05
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allandrickis it a hardware support thing or just 1.0 blues?00:06
allandricke.g.: would this work better on another set of hardware?00:06
vgrade1.0 works fine on supported platforms, ie small list of netbooks00:06
allandrickI mean the IVI image00:07
allandrickthat too?00:07
vgradeanything else (ie joggler, GMA500, AMD, ATI, nVidia, nonSSSE3) and your doing the heavy lifting00:07
vgradeIVI also has a small list of supported platforms, ie new Intel SBC's00:08
allandrickyou'd think companies like OpenPeak would be jumping all over it.00:08
slaineAtom N270 and Intel 945GME is the basic x86 hardware00:09
* allandrick might have to go shopping.00:09
slaineOpenPeak did have a media phone in the works for moblin00:09
slainebut with all the chopping and changing I've not heard anything since the IDF last december00:10
vgradeallandrick, check out the irc log for this channel, intersting chat on the very subject of hw00:10
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vgradeEvening DawnFoster,00:10
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DawnFosterhey vgrade00:11
CosmoHillshe's alive!00:11
vgradeyou've missed it all00:11
DawnFosteroh good!00:11
DawnFosterI'll check the logs later. I've been at LinuxCon00:11
CosmoHillvgrade: you make it sound like a bad things00:11
DawnFosteron a related note ...00:11
vgradewhat's new there00:11
DawnFosterWe'll be having a MeeGo mini meetup at #linuxcon at 6pm today. Meet outside of Atlantic 2 & then walk to the Harbor Cruise together for anyone here in Boston at LinuxCon00:11
DawnFosterI gave a MeeGo talk this am to a packed room00:12
vgradeare you buying?00:12
DawnFosterand they are doing a MeeGo keynote right now00:12
DawnFosterthe cruise is sponsored by Intel, so I guess, yes :)00:12
DawnFosterpeople just need to get their free ticket00:13
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vgradevgrade, hops on a plane :)00:13
thiago_homeis the keynote any good?00:13
DawnFosteryou have 45 minutes to get here :)00:13
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DawnFosterit's a short 30 minute keynote, so not very in depth00:14
DawnFosterseems ok so far.00:14
vgrade:( I hate missing out on a free drink00:14
DawnFosterthe are doing video, so you can probably watch it later00:14
vgradecan I claim it in Dublin00:14
DawnFosterit was probably livestreamed, which I should have mentioned here 30 min ago.00:15
allandrickwhat's in Dublin? :)00:15
DawnFostervgrade - what makes you think we'll have free drinks in dublin :)00:15
vgrademeego conf00:15
DawnFosterok, probably00:15
allandrickoh nice00:15
allandrickwhen's that?00:15
allandrickthanks Df00:15
DawnFosterall the details you could want :)00:15
DawnFosterreminder: people need to submit sessions by Aug 23rd00:16
DawnFosterhint, hint00:16
allandrickhmm I'll just be back from DC that week so ... might be able to make it.00:17
vgradeDawnFoster, are you looking for hw demos for the conf00:18
DawnFosternot sure00:18
DawnFosteryou might want to submit something as a session00:18
DawnFosteror do a hardware demo as part of the unconference sessions on wednesday00:19
DawnFosterif we get enough interest, maybe we could set up some area where people can do demos00:19
vgradei've been putting the ivi,netbook and handset on the O2 joggler, MeeGo will not work on non-SSSE3 CPUs00:20
vgradewoops wrong link,
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allandrickyay sda2 error ext2_lookup deleted inode referenced.00:22
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* allandrick grumbles.00:22
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allandrickg'night all, taking a break to finish a uni assignment.00:25
allandrickback week after next00:25
* allandrick waves.00:25
vgradealandrick, put your stick in host and fsck00:25
allandrickwill do mate00:26
slainenight folks00:26
slainetime for a big cuppa tea, some true blood and then off to bed00:26
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DawnFosterok, I have to get back to linux00:26
vgradenight slaine, nonSSSE3 page nearly up00:26
DawnFosterlater people00:26
vgradeenjoy the criuse00:26
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slainevgrade: will you post to the -dev list ?00:27
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CosmoHillcan you be a intern after you?00:56
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lcukCosmoHill, that is amongst one of the stranger posts you have made00:59
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lcuknow, it makes a bit more send01:00
CosmoHillEnglish got you too!01:00
* lcuk facepalms01:00
lcukit always happens!01:00
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CosmoHillI was expected "Supported Devices" followed by nothingness01:30
CosmoHillyay I'm already on there :)01:30
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w00t_vgrade: ++01:40
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CosmoHillw00t_: why do you have a tail btw?01:43
w00t_CosmoHill: there's two of me01:43
w00t_and only one of me tends to be in here01:43
CosmoHillphysically or mentally?01:43
w00t_I have two clients, one for work (or work related stuff), and one for socialising01:43
w00t_in practice there isn't a great deal of difference between the two01:44
w00t_but oh well01:44
aukeI do the same01:45
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lpotterI only socialize when I work :)01:45
aukethe other one of me trolls around anonymously :)01:45
CosmoHillit's plick!01:46
lpotteroh good. we can blame all the anonymous troll posts on auke01:46
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aukeshush, no, this channel is no fun to troll01:47
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creative1412Hello :) guys does Meego has a package manger?01:51
CosmoHillyou mean zypper?01:51
CosmoHillor did you mean a GUI one?01:51
creative1412so it has zypper?01:53
creative1412like opensuse?01:53
creative1412can i add the OpeSuse repos?01:54
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bspencerlbt: X-Fade  ping01:54
bspencerhey guys, not sure what timezone you're in.01:54
bspencerI'd like to sync on community repos, obs server, and the ongoing work on garage clients, ocs, etc.01:55
bspencerwondering what time is convenient.01:55
bspencerfor an irc mtg.01:55
creative1412CosmoHill: can i add opensuse 3rd party reops?01:57
CosmoHilli don't believe so01:57
CosmoHillfor example my distro uses RPM but you can't install rpms from meego or fedora01:57
vgradebspenser, lbt is UK tz01:58
CosmoHillwhilst it may use the same packager the actually packages themselves will differ01:58
vgradealso try on #meego-dev later01:58
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creative1412CosmoHill: so the Megoo hasn't lot of packages :(02:01
creative1412CosmoHill: i think i'll stick to Ubuntu then"unfortunately"!02:03
creative1412hope fedora or SUSE make a meego remix soon:(02:03
CosmoHillactaully fedora are02:05
CosmoHillfc14 will have one, if I heard correctly02:05
creative1412fc14 Thanks GOD! no more ubuntu soon :D02:06
creative1412thanks CosmoHill :)02:06
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ScottishDuckI wouldn't ever place my trust in fedora02:07
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lpotterthere is already a meego based on opensuse
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bspencervgrade  thx02:36
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CosmoHillI think if I build the cross compiler for CLFS with extra packaged need to start compiling RPMS02:51
CosmoHilland then started some of the required packages (gcc, glibc, kernel headers) as configured by meego02:51
CosmoHilli might then be able to compile and install the src.rpm files one by one02:52
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TSCHAKeeewth, meego won't boot, it times out looking for the mmc card04:03
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thopiekarI tried to install meego on my T91 but after the install Grub says that "Initial menu has no LABEL entries!"10:03
thopiekarhow can i fix that?10:03
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thopiekarI got the ready made images for installation via usb from and just dd' the image on my usb stick10:04
thopiekarvgrade: ^10:04
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thopiekarnow after a time it says "Could not find kernel image: vesamenu.c32"10:04
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JaffaMorning, all10:22
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thopiekarmoin Jaffa10:23
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magie_01123can u please tell me which dektop utilityeg gnome is used in meego10:26
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thiago_homemagie_01123: mutter + moblin10:27
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thiago_homemagie_01123: on the netbook edition, that is10:27
thiago_homeon the others, it's mcompositor10:27
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* lbt finishes his looong commute to work and says "good morning" ... especially to Jaffa ;)10:29
magie_01123on IVI ?10:29
magie_01123@thiago_home is mcompositor open source10:32
thiago_homeeverything in core MeeGo is open source10:33
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w00t_thiago_home: it isn't mcompositor on ivi10:33
w00t_it's matchbox10:33
thiago_homeit is?10:33
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Jaffalbt: :-p10:34
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Jaffalbt: Nice short commute to work this morning: one bus ride. Admittedly, the bus is Swedish; and the office is in Stockholm...10:35
* Jaffa needs to find something touristy to do on his own on Saturday (or sit in the hotel room hacking on Maemo stuff)10:35
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magie_01123is there an SDK avialable for Meego IVI release?10:36
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* thiago_home reads "customer inside before intel inside please intel guys" in meego-dev@ 3 times and gives up trying to understand10:37
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thiago_homemagie_01123: there's no application SDK yet10:38
magie_01123ok thanks10:38
faboyou have more patience than me, I read the sentence 2 times and mail deleted10:39
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magie_01123@thiago_home does the meego IVI use gnome also? i cud gnome in the ivi repository10:42
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thiago_homemeego doesn't use gnome10:44
thiago_homemeego uses some gnome apps in some of the verticals10:44
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TermanaN900you could gnome in the ivi repository? please tell me this process of gnoming in :P10:45
lbtsince I implicated you...10:45
thiago_homelbt: so, the same applies to Maemo5 because the ARM images don't run on generic x86?10:45
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thiago_homelbt: but your proposal looks nice10:48
lbtI agree - but I thought the ARM port worked on a beagleboard10:48
timelesslbt: spell check10:48
lbtwhich is the generic equivalent10:48
timelesswhat's "Postition"?10:48
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thiago_homelbt: it doesn't run on armv5 hardware though, which in my opinion is the "generic" of ARM10:50
TermanaN900Maemo isnt exactly an open project either though10:50
Stskeepswe have armv5 in meego :)10:51
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thiago_homeanyway, I've said all along I agree with you that there should be a generic-x86 build, clearly labelled for developers10:52
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TermanaN900Stskeeps, whos the what towards? :P10:52
Stskeepsthiago, i guess :)10:52
TermanaN900ah ok :P i thought it was to what i said10:53
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thiago_home"Maemo isn't open" "we have armv5 in meego" <---- that would've been quite a non-sequitur :-)10:53
Stskeepsoh, right10:53
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thiago_homelbt: btw,
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thiago_home4x improvement in performance10:55
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lbtthiago_home: In what?10:56
lbtboot time? :)10:56
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thiago_homein converting 24bpp RGB to 32bpp RGB10:57
lbtBut the performance claim is not seen as the issue... we accept that optimisation improves performance10:57
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lbthowever it decreases acceptance and takeup10:57
thiago_homewe did a similar thing for ARM and got 700% improvement though :-)10:57
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thiago_homebut we had to write assembly10:59
thiago_homegcc dumped the intrinsics to memory, so it was pointless10:59
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lbtthiago_home: #ifdef QT_HAVE_SSSE3   hmmm .... that looks so "wrong"11:02
thiago_home why?11:02
thiago_homethere's one for each11:03
thiago_homeMMX, 3dnow!, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX11:03
lbtI'm not an experienced enough sw engineer to criticise though11:04
lbtand that's in the platform library anyhow...11:04
lbtso it doesn't affect user code11:04
lcukthiago_home, qt code has lots of specific optimisations which do nice things when available :D11:05
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thiago_homein this part of the code, there's CPU detection11:06
thiago_homeit will build all versions and run the ones your processor can run11:06
thiago_homein qstring.cpp, it's not detected. If you build with SSE2, you must run on an SSE2 processor11:06
lbtso how's that not generic x86 *with atom optimisation*11:06
lbtwhich is what I'd expect to see11:06
* thiago_home needs to commute to the office11:07
lbtl8r :)11:07
lbtare you there yet?11:07
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slainemorning folks11:07
kanuunaIs there gnome-open, xdg-open or similar in meego for opening a file? And what might it be? :)11:09
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dcthanghello all11:14
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dcthanganybody knows where I can get kde package for meego?11:14
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thiagolbt: now I am11:28
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lbtnot a bad journey then :)11:28
thiago20-minute commute11:28
fabodcthang: KDE isn't packaged for MeeGo (yet)11:30
thiagonor does it make sense to be packaged11:30
dcthangoh I just wonder if i want to use koffice there in meego11:30
fabothiago: he's isn't the first one and why not on netbook?11:30
thiagothat might make sense. But MeeGo doesn't have to ship with every single KDE app, just as it won't ship with every app at all.11:31
* thiago has tried plasma-netbook on MeeGo11:31
fabosure, we'll use the profiles as discussed on kde ml not the full kde stuff11:32
dcthangyes, may be kde lib is ported to meego?11:32
dcthangseems there are some useful apps people like to use11:32
fabodcthang: look at kde mobile11:32
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thiagoyes, they are being ported to mobile profiles11:33
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dcthangfabo: good news..since I would like to port some apps to meego as koffice for example11:34
thiagothat is already being done11:34
fabodcthang: afaik, there's freeoffice11:34
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faboI don't remember the exact name...11:35
dcthangit is freoffice11:36
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dcthangfabo:the problem here is freoffice depends on kofficemeego and seems kofficemeego depends on kde libs?11:38
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dcthanganyway,  fabo and thiago: thanks for your comment :)11:40
fabodcthang: you're welcome. there's also #kde-mobile if you want to participate on the effort ;)11:42
dcthangfabo: sure, thanks :)11:42
fabonot very active but feel free to ask your questions related to kde there11:43
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ChildOfGodCan I have gtk widget within a clutter scene?12:12
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bpeelChildOfGod: you might be better off asking that on #clutter on irc.gnome.org12:14
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bpeeli think it's possible with the latest clutter and clutter-gtk12:14
ChildOfGodclutter-gtk allows you to embed clutter in gtk12:15
bpeelChildOfGod: it also allows you to do the opposite using the Gtk offscreen stuff12:15
ChildOfGodok. Where can i look at an example?12:16
bpeelChildOfGod: i'm not sure. you can probably get a lot more information if you ask ebassi on #clutter12:16
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ChildOfGodwell actually there is no one on #clutter12:17
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lcukthats because they had a tidy up12:17
bpeelChildOfGod: it's on gimpnet on the server12:17
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thopiekarvgrade: ping13:14
thopiekaris it possible to install mic2 on fedora13?13:14
thopiekarthere are just instructions for fc11 and 1213:15
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tekojothopiekar: yes, just follow the f12 guide13:37
thopiekartekojo: k, thanks13:38
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abhijeetfor last oneday i m experimenting with the meego handset emulator using xephyr14:04
abhijeetone thing i found that it is no way even close to the android beta emulator...14:05
abhijeeti m getting black screen if i m running any application from Qt designer to emulator14:05
abhijeetthat to be i m running the meego on intel graphics as mentioned at the site14:06
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abhijeethad anyone tried to run ur applications on the meego emulator14:18
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CosmoHilljust an FYI; when you have a link to the channel logs, you can link to a specific line by clicking on the time stamp next to that line14:45
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mardynaba: all "[FEA] Accounts/SSO backend" bugs are currently assigned to you. I'll take them, ok?15:09
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TrollkarlenWhat the status of the MeeGo conferance ?15:11
StskeepsTrollkarlen: conference2010.meego.com15:11
TrollkarlenOki maybe link from the wiki and change the wiki page for the same event ?15:12
TrollkarlenRegistration opening soon!!! :)15:13
lbtmardy: hello...15:13
mardylbt: hi15:14
lbtare you working on sso then?15:15
mardylbt: yes -- on the platform, not on the website15:15
lbtrats :)15:16
* lbt wants LDAP for the OBS15:16
TermanaN900Is the conference being recorded for those of us unfortunately unable to go?15:16
StskeepsTermanaN900: hopefully it's not morons doing it like last year15:16
TermanaN900Stskeeps, heh. Some people need to be using their n900s just in case! :P15:17
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vgrade_CosmoHill, nice tip on the IRC log15:22
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lcukvgrade_, not that I mind this time, but if you are going to add supporters to a wiki page and ask people to add themselves you could either mention beforehand or ask specifically for us to add our own names to it15:23
lcukand yes, CosmoHill makes an excellent point about timestamp clicking, I almost replied to your mail last night - having people from email wading through a random irc log is troubling at best of times15:24
CosmoHillI just opened "find" and endter "21:17"15:24
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CosmoHillis it just me or is Make 3.82 cause problems?15:44
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J_Phi all15:47
J_PWhat is the filesystem used in meego?15:47
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CosmoHillor whatever it's called15:47
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CosmoHillyes :)15:49
J_PCosmoHill: why not jffs2?15:49
inzBecause btr is btr15:49
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CosmoHillI wouldn't know, I'm sure it has been researched tho15:49
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pavlixJ_P: probably because jffs2 is specialized filesystem not intented to be used on block devices?15:52
chem|stbefore I try! if I extract the 1.1_RC6 to mmcblk1p2 does that go for good?15:53
pavlixJ_P: and probably because meego designers favored block devices for some reason15:53
chem|stas the wiki guides to the bare mmcblk115:53
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J_Ppavlix: but meego will be used in smartphones, that will have a flash devices..15:54
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vgrade_sorry, lbt, I think the others did opt into doing something in the discussion last night and I had assumed you would be ok with me adding you after your blog. Won't happen again sorry15:56
lbtyou're mixing me with lcuk I think :)15:56
vgrade_vgrade, put on is glasses15:58
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lcukvgrade_, sure, I am ever interested in moving things forward15:58
lbtI'm fine with it... but I am not sure why meego community 2" is doing an x86 release when the meego community15:58
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lbt1 isn't15:58
lbtI assume that "meego community 1" is people with a core OBS account and "meego commity 2nd class" are the others15:59
lbt(I'd say rest of us but I have an account so I'm superior)15:59
vgrade_or Meego community with meamo OBS access16:00
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lcuklbt, do you have a monocle?16:00
lbtI should get one...16:00
lbtand polish up my accent for a presentation at the summit16:01
lbt^H^H^H^H conference16:01
TSCHAKeeemonocles ftmfw :)16:02
TSCHAKeeemorning btw16:02
CosmoHillhey TSCHAKeee16:02
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ShadowJKJ_P, even on raw flash devices, ubifs is far more sensible16:04
ShadowJKjffs2 takes a bit long to boot :)16:04
sivustskeeps, awake?16:04
Stskeepssivu: sortof, sup?16:04
CosmoHillfat16 ftw16:05
* CosmoHill flees16:05
sivustskeeps, could i have an account to and i am having a hard time setting up our local obs without them16:05
Stskeepssivu: sorry, i am not part of meego IT. what exactly are you missing16:06
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sivui have our local packages in our local obs but i would need to set up package dependencies from meego obs16:06
sivuif i understood the configuration correctly16:06
Stskeepslbt: got any documentation on how to import packages?16:07
J_PShadowJK: yes.. ibufs, unlike jffs2 is capable to enable and disable compression..  but about btrfs, why btrfs was the choice compared with jffs2/ubifs or others for example?16:07
* lbt reads16:07
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lbtsivu: indeed...16:08
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lbtI suggest using a mirror to grab MeeGo though16:08
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lbtso... that's what they said about lcuk16:09
CosmoHillwhat meego is who after?16:10
* lcuk missing context16:10
CosmoHill :)16:10
fralshmm what did they say about the trout^H^H^H^H^H lcuk?16:10
lcukfrals, someone trouted me in #debian this morning!16:11
lbtnothing lcuk... nothing at all16:11
lcuk* jpinx-eeepc slaps lcuk around with a fresh trout16:11
* lcuk uses monocle and eyes lbt suspiciously16:12
lbtcarry on laddie...16:12
sivulbt, returns 404 for every project name i've tried16:13
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lbtsivu: what exactly do you mean?16:15
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GordonSso I am trying to build libmeegotouch... I am getting the error      mlabelview_simple.cpp:293: error: ‘class QStaticText’ has no member named ‘setTextOption’16:21
GordonSI can't find any reference to QStaticText ever having had such an option...16:21
sivulbt, i can mirror the packages and create project but how can i get the project config16:22
sivuand packages defined in the project16:22
sivuso i can link to them in our own obs project16:22
sivuyour link only states the obvious "Since this project is a target it needs a prjconf"16:23
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w00t_GordonS: seems to think it exists16:25
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lbtsivu: I meant what is the problem?16:29
sivuosc -A meta prj Meego:1.0:Core -> 40416:30
fralslcuk: :D16:31
* CosmoHill goes to cut the grass, now that there's some to cut16:32
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lbtsivu: spelling...16:34
lbtMeeGo has a biG g16:34
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lbtand you want the prjconf16:36
sivuok got it16:37
sivuand how to recreate the packages in the project?16:40
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fabolbt: I have an expansion error: have choice for pkgconfig(QtContacts): libqtcontacts-devel qt-mobility-devel16:42
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lbtyou need to Prefer: one16:42
fabolbt: I don't understand why as libqtcontacts-devel doesn't exist16:42
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lbtyou know what's going on with a "have choice" ?16:43
fabono, no clue16:43
lbtconceptually the distro image should have only one of those choices in it16:44
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lbtthe prjconf controls the building of the developement chroot and should be heavily influenced by the target image16:44
lbtso a Prefer: is a bit like a decision in a .ks file16:45
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lbtso that's the first point... OK?16:45
lbtpoint 2... erm....16:45
lbtwhich OBS16:45
faboMeeGo one16:46
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lbtprj/pkg ?16:46
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faboTrunk:Testing garage-client-services16:47
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fabouse contactsd16:48
fabog-c-s has another issue atm in Trunk:Testing16:48
lbti saw16:48
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fabofixed in my home dir then I have similar expansion error as contactsd16:49
TrollkarlenWhere can i find a kickstart file for the handset ?16:51
lbtfabo :
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fabolbt: good catch16:54
TrollkarlenThx, whats the difference between the diffrent versions ?16:54
Trollkarlenaava, netbook and shcdk ?16:55
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TrollkarlenIs there no arm images working yet ?16:57
timophTrollkarlen: there is16:58
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timophbut not really ready for to be used16:58
faboAard: could I ask removal of libqtcontacts project?17:00
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Aardfabo: did you push qt-mobility? if yes, it can be removed17:00
faboAard: I guess Qt Mobility supersed this project17:00
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faboAard: yes, and we have expansion error caused by libqtcontacts17:01
Aardyes, then have it removed17:01
fabook, thanks17:01
Aardthe point of my updates to qt-mobility was being able to remove libqtcontacts17:01
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Trollkarlentimoph: Where can i find the best one untill now then ;-)17:12
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timophTrollkarlen: trying to find you a link to the instructions but I'm an a train and the networking sucks17:15
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timophTrollkarlen: you can find the instructions from MeeGo forum and wiki17:17
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ali1234vgrade: i'm interested in meego for vanilla x86 too. i keep hearing about how OBS makes it so easy but nobody can ever show any documentation how i should do it18:08
ali1234i'm not bothered about making intel do it for me, i would be happy to compile the whole damn thing myself using my own resources if somebody would just tell me a way that actually works18:08
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_BuBUany connman expert? :)19:58
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lcuklast night during the discussion, one of the things about performance was mentioned20:44
lcuk<lcuk> and working out how to operate in alternative resolutions *WILL* be needed when you get other devices onboard20:44
lcuk* bpeel is now known as bpeel_away20:44
lcuk<Stskeeps> lcuk: libmeegotouch already runs in alternative resolutions20:44
lcuk<Stskeeps> check devices.conf sometime20:44
lcukI just did some testing in liqbase20:44
lcukand running liqbase at 800*480 gets a framerate doing a certain task at 45fps20:45
lcukrunning same task at 640*480 gives me 55fps20:45
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lcukI do not have capbility to test this20:45
lcukcan someone PLEASE try on n900 changing the parameter stskeeps mentioned20:45
lcukand tell me if it does change resolution20:45
lcukand if its a valid strong improvements?20:45
Stskeepslcuk: that isn't what sets screen resolutions, just what resolutions it's expected to work with :P20:46
lcukso then setting that parameter is first step20:46
lcukwhat else? - even accepting a black line down the side20:47
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lcukis it entirely down to the graphics driver?20:47
lcukthe yuv overlay mode can be coerced into stretch to fit (it just did it for me now)20:47
lcukI have never managed or tried with rgb20:47
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lcukI just mailed meego-dev21:10
lcuk[MeeGo-dev] Making meego fast - quick tests and lots of input needed
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tyan_Trying to figure out how cellular will work in Meego, Will the isimodem driver in ophono work better than Maemo5 or is is just a wrapper to the closed firmwarekernel driver on N900? For example Maemop5 lacks SIM toolkit will this be possible to implement via libophomo on Meego on N900?21:31
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Stskeepstyan_: ofono :)21:31
tyan_woops yes :-)21:31
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Stskeepstyan_: kernel driver is fully open, but the software running inside the modem is closed source, but on linux side, everything should be open21:32
Stskeepsi believe sim toolkit is one of the requirements21:32
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tyan_So we can only hope nokia improves the isi kerneldriver that talks to the isimodem then? Or hope they will use same isimodem in nextgen meego phones so we can backport kerneldriver to N900?21:37
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Stskeepsisi is the protocol spoken to them odem21:37
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vgradeali1234, there is a lot of documentation on the meego an maemo sites regarding setting up local OBS,,
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tyan_Stskeeps:  so the isimodem spec exist in open?21:39
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Stskeepsnot sure, think so?21:39
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VDVsxagrr, can't read the full proposal in meego conference website :(21:46
* VDVsx blames Stskeeps :D21:46
VDVsxStskeeps, there's some bug there, I was able to read the proposals a couple of days ago :D21:49
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* VDVsx just registered for the conference :)21:50
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ali1234vgrade: and after i have set up a local OBS, then what?21:52
luisthello.. in running garage with my own repository and my list of applications... i have around 55 apps and after installing around 12 of them, all the images in the application unload, and all the Install buttons goes disabled... this is the strace -e open nbg output, check i the end the "Too many open files"  can anyone help me to fix this?21:53
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Phazorxluist: ulimit issue possibly?22:00
luistPhazorx: any change its a bug in the application? why does it keep opening the same cache images all the time? (before the error)22:01
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luistPhazorx: how can i set ulimit config file to increase the limit?22:01
Mostafahi Meegos :)22:02
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MostafaI want to test meego-menus translation for ex22:03
Phazorxluist: well i wasnt paying attention to that since i have no clue what the app does and how... but too many open files kind of makes me think of ulimit22:04
Mostafais this correct name for it?22:04
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Mostafato use i22:04
Mostafait in locale directory ?22:05
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luistPhazorx: ok... how do i increase ulimit -n in a config file?22:05
Phazorxluist: you can probably set higher ulimit, but this is generaly advised for servers not a client kind of scenario... in your case it is probabyl wiser to figure out WHY it is happening rather tha deal with ulimit, so i take my initial cmment back22:05
Phazorxluist: same way you increase it anywhere else... make a shell script run it at some point when you think it is wise22:06
lcukJaffa, non ssse3 is one thing, but how do we get non powervr?22:06
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lcukor happily running powervr on netbook image on netbooks that dont support it currently rather22:07
lcuklike the nokia netbook22:07
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Skyscraperis it possible to run the latest version of meego on n900? or do i have to stay at my first-day-ux? ^^22:08
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lcukSkyscraper, sure its possible, theres a prebuilt image now!22:08
lcukand you burn it onto an MMC and boot via changing the kernel22:09
lcukreboot and back to working n90022:09
lcukyou can replace the kernel totally too if you like for all boots22:09
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Skyscraperlcuk the last version i build myself doesnt want to work ;)22:10
lcukand even if you are brave, try to work out how to get full dualboot working22:10
lcukSkyscraper, thats a shame :(22:10
lcuktry harder! :p22:10
Skyscraperthat was some weeks ago22:10
lcukit may work now then, you have all the obs stuff sorted I gather?22:10
lcukhow long does a full rebuild take?22:11
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Skyscraperhm... dont know... i think it has to download all 3xx packages... - so... 30-60 minutes last times^^22:11
lcukthats not too bad - including downloads?22:12
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lcukhow long would it take self building directly on n900? *evilgrin*22:13
Skyscraperoh there are new files on nokia-page?
Skyscrapertheres an build from 3.8.2010?22:13
Skyscraperhm... but is there an wifi driver? or would it say again "wifi not supported on this device" :D22:14
lcukSkyscraper, thats for you to work out!22:14
lcukand yes, theres an August 3rd build22:15
* lcuk mutters something about date formats ;)22:15
Skyscraperhm... when its on the nokia-page it should work on n900 ;)22:15
Skyscrapergerman date format :p22:15
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lcukSkyscraper, hey, progress22:16
Skyscraperhum.. theres no "dd" command in windows xD22:16
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Skyscraperlol i can download image and kernel and flasher in/for windows.. but i cannot "dd" the sda image to sd-card in windows^^22:17
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notmarthi all22:23
notmartsomebody knows where i can signal problems on the meego conference registration website?22:23
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lbtnotmart: here is good22:24
lbtwhat's up?22:24
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notmartlbt: i submitted a session proposal but it seems it did hate all the text, leaving just the title (with some nice php warnings)22:25
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notmartit doesn't seem possible to view details of submitted proposals as well (while untile earlier today was)22:26
lbtdo you have the text saved?22:26
notmartof the php errors?22:26
lbtno... yours22:26
notmartuh, unfortunately not :/22:26
notmartmy text yes22:26
lbtthat's the important thing :)22:26
lbtkeep an eye out for Dawnfoster22:27
notmartlbt: on this channel?22:27
notmartokie :)22:27
lcukdawnfoster is travelling afaik, according to twitter, she may pop on from airport..22:27
lbtah, in that case, X-Fade may be able to point at others...22:27
* lbt goes to feed cat22:27
lcukerrr rather, "get a little work done" in her words22:27
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notmartX-Fade: ^^ any ideas?22:28
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Skyscraperhm... downing image from nokia page... about 1 hour left22:32
vgradelcuk, MeeGo Nokia Booklet video here,
lcukmmm vgrade so what was I hearing that it doesnt work?22:33
lcukthats excellent btw!22:33
lcuklol Skyscraper so it was just as fast to down packages and build22:34
Skyscraperyes... XD - downing that pre-builded image from nokia is very slow... but maybe... my bro is downing something from msdnaa when its not finished already22:35
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lcukSkyscraper, awesome22:36
vgradelcuk, more and more targets comming up BuBu and I got MeeGo up on Archos A9 a couple of days ago22:36
* lbt doesn't know why he's mildy surprised that dd'ing a VM image over netcat to another machine "just worked"22:36
Skyscraperis it possible to run meego on EVERY atom-based netbook?22:36
lcuklbt, did your monacle fall out?22:36
lbtmy 'tache stood up!22:36
lcukby jove, thats impressive22:37
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lcukvgrade, i dont want to read a site to find out what bubu is22:38
lcukbut I see its a person22:38
lcukthats not you?22:38
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GAN900Skyscraper, not officially, not.22:41
Skyscraperi have 2 atom netbooks22:41
Stskeepszimmerle: ping22:41
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Skyscraperone with atom N270 and one with atom 33022:43
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Stskeepszimmerle: you had working prelink on maemo?22:44
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GAN900Netbook with a 330?22:50
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SkyscraperGAN900 its the ASUS EeePC 1201N Seashell - Atom330 Dualcore with NVIDIA ION chipset22:53
lbtStskeeps: did you see notmart's issue... just in case the others don't notice22:54
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Stskeepslbt: sorry, i don't have anything to do with the website. best way is to poke Amy, Mike Shaver and Dawn22:54
ShadowJKion is problematic22:55
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notmartStskeeps: an email i can write to?22:57
Stskeepsnotmart: actually, there's a bug tracker22:57
Stskeepshang on22:57
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notmartah, nice22:57
notmartStskeeps: okie thx i will report it there22:58
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CosmoHill200m away there is a Ford Focus WRC car :D23:30
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Skyscraperhm... dd under windows seems impossible23:48
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lbt"makes life bearable"23:49
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Skyscrapertrying at the moment... seems to do anything... but dont know what :D23:49
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Skyscraperi'm searching for an windows 7 ext3 driver right now23:50
lbtoh, I thought it was using DOS \args.... I apologise to chrysocome23:50
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lbtSkyscraper: wubi23:51
Skyscraperhm... output of windows-dd from that site:  Error writing file: 87 Falscher Parameter 415040+0 records in 415039+0 records out23:51
ali1234colinux + samba?23:51
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Skyscrapermaybe theres a windows gui app like dd for linux23:53
ali1234what are you actually trying to do?23:53
lbtcygwin is a gui23:53
lbtit presents a shell in a window23:53
Skyscraperi know cygwin... thats not a real GUI... its a CLI :p23:54
lbtyou can resize it using a mouse == gui23:54
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lbtoh... and a minor point .... it works23:54
Skyscrapercygwin is really big... dont want to install it now23:54
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ali1234lbt: i'm going to try yet again to set up OBS in a VM... would you recommend i use 11.3? 32 bit or 64 bit?23:55
lbtI'd suggest you read this:
lbtand this:
ali1234so you recommend i use 11.2?23:55
lbt11.3 is probably a safe choice now23:56
ali1234and there should be no issues running 64 bit?23:56
lbtISTR some minor issues but I think that was a different application23:56
lbt64 bit is fine23:56
ali1234thanks, that's all i wanted to know :)23:56
Skyscraperwhats wrong when i use the windows-dd? i typed dd if=C:\pathtoimage.raw of=\\.\Volume{id} bs=4096 ... do i have to write 4096k ?23:56
tremnite all, sweet dreams23:57
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ali1234Skyscraper: bs=4096 will be in bytes so yeah... if it supports "k" prefix... otherwise multiply by 1024. but bs should not actually affect anything other than the time it takes to copy23:58
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Skyscraperali1234: but why windows-dd crashes with: Error writing file: 87 Falscher Parameter 415040+0 records in 415039+0 records out23:59
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ali1234i'm not sure what "87 Falscher" means23:59

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