IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-07-09

TSCHAKeeeuh what?00:00
TSCHAKeeei used video chat under linux for at least the last two years.00:00
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lbtmesserting: and Maemo00:00
TSCHAKeeeunder skype00:00
lbtalthough I have to shower after I use skype00:01
messertinglbt: yep, I actually meant meego (which I'm running on my N900)00:01
w00t_messerting: you mean you mean you meant maemo?00:01
messertingw00t_: err, yep... wow, I'm tired :)00:01
lbtyou meant "I'm awake"?00:02
messertingTSCHAKeee: You can video call with skype on linux?00:02
Myrttimesserting: yes, for about two or three years now00:02
TSCHAKeeei had it on my eeePC 701 under the eee Linux, and on my ubuntu desktop yeah00:02
messertingHm, maybe I'm thinking of x86_6400:02
trip0you can't video call from maemo skyp to linux skype00:03
trip0that's the current issue00:03
* Myrtti just started Skype on her x86_6400:03
lbtanaZ (or anyone) how is meego packaging tools for use by other distros? (If at all?)00:03
trip0linux -> linux works00:03
CosmoHillyou can download skype on linux00:03
trip0and linux -> windows works00:03
TSCHAKeeethat oddly sounds like retarded serialization problem00:03
trip0but maemo -> linux doesn't00:03
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messertingI also run skype on my x86_64, but I cannot video call with it00:04
lcuknot enough first born sacrifices going on!00:04
MyrttiLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/ skype00:04
lcuklbt, wasnt there a long thread last 48h about packaging and use of spectacle and the deviations from rpm spec?00:05
lcuk(specifically mentioning using rpms on other distros)00:06
lbtlcuk: yes... but I was more thinking about how we publish mic2 etc for users of fedora/ubuntu00:07
lcukmic2 being the image builder tool which coalesces binary rpms into an image, rather than the actual rpm spec->binary part of packaging?00:09
lbtBTW... I keep meaning to find out... can I run MeeGo on an old laptop?00:10
lbteven if it doesn't have intel graphics?00:10
trip0what graphics does it have?00:10
lbtdunno... I'd have to find the PSU ;)00:11
lcukwell since we should have meego on a 00mhz arm ;) if it DOESNT want to run on these swanky pentium m >1ghz machines theres something funky :P00:11
lbtsony vaio00:11
lbtand a dell latitude00:11
lcuk600mhz arm ^00:11
trip0depends on the kernel00:11
trip0if the kernel was built requires ssse3, than p1 cpu's are out of the question00:11
trip0the arm kernel obviously doesn't have the same config00:12
lbtis the kernel the main issue?00:12
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trip0lbt, graphics drivers are another00:12
lcukwell lbt, in the past moblin UX/libs sat happily ontop of ubuntu00:12
trip0not all graphics kernel or userspace drivers are built in00:12
lbtis anyone interested in making a community kernel - non ssse300:12
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lcuki think jebba offered sometime ago :P00:13
lbtthe community OBS is open for beta testing for devs who can help identify (and fix) issues00:13
trip0also, iirc, all the x86 packages are built with atom optimizations00:13
lbtyeah... I'm *so* tempted to do a community rebuild... but I don't think we have the grunt00:14
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lcuklbt - you have the grunt00:14
lcukand the knowledge00:14
lcukremember, individuals build entire distros from scratch00:14
trip0if obs is open enough, you should be able to do just that00:15
lcukisnt that what gentoo ricing is all about00:15
lbttrip0: we have the community OBS00:15
trip0even x86)6400:15
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trip0lbt: link?00:15
lbtit's about getting a few people who have the commitment00:15
lbttrip0: my ssh key ;)00:15
trip0there should be a web interface no?00:15
lcukwhat prevents this from being built at home00:16
lcukps - i did hear right that the meego on n900 still lacks wifi?00:17
lcukas in, to test it it needs to be via usb net00:17
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messertingAh, here's the link - I'm not the only one struggling with video calls from maemo to linux:
messertingcalling to windows clients works fine though00:21
lcuklbt, so for the community obs00:21
lcuki remember how you described it in the past00:22
lcukof giving .tar.gz and .dsc and getting out working packages for multiple arches00:22
lcukyou mentioned x86 arm at the time00:22
lcuki gather it is just as simple to direct it to give atom_meego/arm_meego/arm_fremantle/x86_fremantle00:23
lcukand does not require extra "effort", merely build time increases because the OBS farm is already capable and configured00:24
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lbtlcuk: correct00:27
lcuklbt, so since an OBS instance is what builds meego itself (I believe), then we could just put an end to bashing old machine problem if we had a meego for normal x86 principle build?00:29
lbtsimple as that really00:29
w00t_lcuk: that's what I was trying to say elsewhere :)00:29
lcukand so, people with purebred intel chipset laptops of reasonable age can install/test/improve meego without much further effort00:29
lcukw00t_, its what ive been saying since day1 of meego00:30
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lbtlcuk: see my email to -dev today...00:30
lcuklbt, it would mean one major problem though00:30
lcukthe page listing meego compatible devices will be slow to load! :p00:31
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lbtso... if people know what osc is and can prove to me they're trustworthy then we can see about getting them beta test accounts if they want to help fix issues00:31
lcuksure, but obs does have its downsides at the moment00:31
lcukbecause of the restrictions on *which* source you can build using the principle opensuse infrastructure00:32
lcukit would have to be primary meego servers00:32
lcukor we host the alternative community ones at a nice open source haven :) maemo00:33
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vgradeOBS Beta devs, register here :-
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lcukvgrade, thats quite an opportune time :P00:35
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lbtbut for spec00:37
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niadhHey am trying to set up a non-standard partition layout for MeeGo on a eeepc 901. I have an 8GB sd card which i want to use as the / since its twice the size of the devices internal drive. I want to use its secondary 15gb drive as /home and if possible use the 4gb internal drive for something but dunno what. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have tried this layout but only got it to work once and that was using the 4GB drive as / the 15G00:46
niadhB as /home and I wasnt using the 8GB drive.00:46
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tremnite all, sweet dreams01:37
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tekoholicIs there a way to install the IVI packages on the Netbook load?03:16
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want2tryL8stMeeGis there going to be a meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0.1-xxxxxx img released anytime soon, or at all?08:00
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TSCHAKeeei'm running the meego image with chromium on my ia32 based atom netbook08:01
want2tryL8stMeeGsorry, let me rephrase that08:02
want2tryL8stMeeGis there going to be a netbook v1.0.1 img released anytime soon, or at all?08:02
want2tryL8stMeeGas opposed to the current v1.0 img available from the netbook download page08:03
TSCHAKeeethe next release will be 1.108:03
TSCHAKeeein October08:03
TSCHAKeee6 month release schedule08:03
TSCHAKeeewith regular software updates done via the system update tool08:03
TSCHAKeeeof which there have already been quite a few if you've set your system to the test repository.08:04
TSCHAKeeeyou could always build it yourself08:04
TSCHAKeeebarring that08:04
want2tryL8stMeeGis there a simple way how to do that?08:05
want2tryL8stMeeGi know :-)08:05
TSCHAKeeeif you want it yesterday08:05
TSCHAKeeeyou have to do the leg work08:05
TSCHAKeeehow bad do you want it?08:05
TSCHAKeeebut seriously, just get the current release, and update08:05
want2tryL8stMeeGwith ubuntu you can always download a daily iso, with the latest updates/patches of that day08:06
want2tryL8stMeeGi dont have it installed08:06
TSCHAKeeethere are daily repositories08:06
TSCHAKeeeif you know where to look08:06
want2tryL8stMeeGi'm running from the live image08:06
want2tryL8stMeeGand in order to complete the updates it needs to reboot08:06
TSCHAKeeeprobably a kernel update08:07
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want2tryL8stMeeGso thats why id like a live img with the updates prebuilt-in08:07
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want2tryL8stMeeGok, i see this folder
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want2tryL8stMeeGand this one:
want2tryL8stMeeGTSCHAKeee: thanks for that link08:10
TSCHAKeeeyou might as well just install08:10
TSCHAKeeeyou're making this way too hard on yourself08:10
* want2tryL8stMeeG puts on his reading glasses08:10
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TSCHAKeeeand this is as far as i'm gonna help you.08:10
want2tryL8stMeeGi dont even have a netbook08:10
want2tryL8stMeeGi am running it on my desktop machine08:10
want2tryL8stMeeGsorry ;-)08:11
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want2tryL8stMeeGwhen you do a MeeGo installation, does it ask you which, partition you want to install it to?08:21
want2tryL8stMeeGand can you set it up to dual boot?08:21
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Maceri have a question. has mer dev work on the n8x0 been abandoned and if so does that mean that dev for meego on the n8x0 will continue where mer left off?09:51
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cartmanhi all10:17
cartmanI am running meego_qemu_nand.img under qemu, but there is only a bash shell10:18
cartmanhow can I start graphical desktop or something similar?10:18
dm8tbris that an core image?10:18
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cartmandm8tbr: I am not sure10:19
Stskeepsit's probably codedrop10:19
cartmanI got the instructions from
dm8tbrwell you need one with the HX built in :)10:19
cartmandm8tbr: which one is that? :)10:19
Stskeepscartman: i would wait until one is made personally :)10:20
cartmanso there is only a console atm? :)10:20
copyleftcartman: xterm actually :p10:20
Stskeepsfor the qemu target yes, on n900 we have full desktop10:20
cartmancopyleft: true10:20
cartmanStskeeps: I see a there is flashable image for N900, ok10:20
Stskeepsthere's a .ks for you to generate a n900 image with.10:21
cartmanStskeeps: is there a howto on that?10:21
dm8tbrStskeeps: someone bisected the patch I have for SGX for me and the offending change was 24->32bit something. I'll rebuild that kernel and try again if Xserver starts :)10:21
Stskeepscartman: yes, but it won't run on qemu that easily :)10:22
cartmanStskeeps: I am no stranger to command line, if there is a way somehow :)10:22
dm8tbrwhy not use an aava image and run it in an virtual foo?10:22
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cartmanthanks Stskeeps10:23
cartmandm8tbr: what is aava exactly?10:23
dm8tbrcartman: the prototype noone has officially seen10:24
cartmanlooks like a hot device10:24
_Pete_If I turn my head a bit to left I officially see one :)10:24
_Pete_oops right10:24
cartman_Pete_: x86 on mobile phone is overkill, no?10:25
cartmanbattery wise10:25
dm8tbr_Pete_: yeah, but you also signed a heap of nda's to let noone see it who didn't sign them either10:25
dm8tbrcartman: intel is making huge progress in that filed, you'd be surprised10:26
cartmandm8tbr: I like to be surprised10:26
cartmanand I like x86 compilers ;)10:26
dm8tbrIMO the ARM world is in for some tough times10:27
dm8tbrcartman: exactly because of people that think like you :)10:27
cartmanwe are doing tablet based application10:27
cartmanour only problem is battery life10:27
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copyleftI installed osc command (0.125.5) on both Debian Sid and MeeGo 1.0 SDK chroot. But when running osc build <some.spec>, MeeGo 1.0 SDK fails to retrieve rpm packages for the base toolchains. But On debian it's ok to build.10:35
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copyleftLooks like the MeeGo SDK fails to get packages from the local OBS API. http://localip:81/build/MeeGo:1.0:Core/standard/i586/_repository/rpm10:41
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vljthere is still no workaround for running meego on nvidia hardware ?10:45
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slainemorning all11:18
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Stskeepsmorn slaine11:19
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gpethig_Pete_: are you able to build stuff for the device you offically see?11:29
lbthi slaine11:29
_Pete_gpethig: yes11:31
gpethig_Pete_: through an OBS? or other?11:34
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meegodotbyhi all11:38
_Pete_gpethig: meego-sdk & qtcreator that I have tried so far11:38
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gpethig_Pete_: thanks, build in meego-sdk is the direction I am going, at this time, in attempting to build some libs for the device.11:44
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meegodotbymeego contains ggc, but does not contain make, why?11:46
lbtwho uses make nowadays?11:46
Aardmeegodotby: looks pretty similar to make to me:
meegodotbyVirtualBox add11:47
Creapis there an easier way to reboot meego than through the terminal?11:47
lbtwall switch?11:48
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meegodotbyCreap : cad11:50
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meegodotbyAard  : thanks11:54
Creapanother problem I have that I can't find anything about in the help is that some applications are too high for my netbook screen, so I don't see for instance action buttons in the bottom11:54
Creapand I can't move windows up11:54
Aardmeegodotby: you might consider looking into learning how to use "yum"11:54
Creapabove the screen edge11:54
Creapcan I make the titlebar smaller somehow?11:55
Creapor even better remove it11:56
meegodotbyAard : I have already looked - /etc/yum.repos.d/*  ))))))11:56
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meegodotbyAard : Everything is all right )11:59
Aardmeegodotby: I doubt it. if it were you'd have used yum to a) find out that a make package exists and b) installed it11:59
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meegodotbyAard  : make is updated12:06
meegodotbyyum work from a box, it is fine12:06
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meegodotbyi wish to start meego in virtualbox and I have problems with Xorg ((12:09
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kryptonIf i have a question about the MeeGo touch framework can I ask it here or there is a specialized channel12:21
kryptonpretty much new around so wanted to check rather than ruffle some feathers on a friday ;)12:21
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kryptonHow are is the MeeGo touch framework organized, is there some diagram/document which descripes how the different repositories listed at :
kryptonwork together and interact12:23
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lbtX-Fade: so kpartx...12:28
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X-Fadelbt: Yes? :)12:29
lbtonly mentioned in boot.multipath12:30
lbtand doesn't do what we need12:30
lbtwho setup /dev/dm23?12:30
X-FadeNo mention of it in /etc ;)12:32
lbtit's the 2nd filer12:32
lbtI don't know how the system knows about them :)12:33
X-Fadelbt: No kernel param at least.12:34
lbthmm /dev/disk/by-id/12:35
X-FadeAh there it is.12:36
X-FadeSo devicemapper iterates them?12:36
lbtand scsi-360060e8005478600000047860000398c -> ../../dm-2212:37
lbtbut scsi-360060e8005478600000047860000398c-part1 -> ../../dm-2312:37
lbtand then I ran kpartx on dm-23 iirc12:37
X-FadeYeah, so the filer shows up as scsi disks.12:37
lbtso I partitioned a partition...12:37
X-FadeI wonder why that worked :)12:38
lbtkpartx will partition any block device AIUI12:38
lbtbut that doesn't make it a good idea :)12:38
lbtI'm thinking of blatting the OBS VG12:39
lbtthen removing the kpartx partitions12:39
lbtand the dm-23 partition12:39
lbtand then making 4 clean 50GB on dm-2212:40
X-FadeWe have enough space to backup in backup storage.12:40
lbtwe only need to backup the cache I think12:40
X-Fadebtw, will this be supported in obs >=2 ?12:42
lbtmmm :)12:42
lbtI'm wondering about going to 1.8 ASAP12:42
lbtand then to 2.1 ASAP too12:42
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lbtmaybe go to 2.1 as we move to OSU12:43
X-FadeYeah, it would be good to go to 2.1 on the OSU hardware.12:43
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lbtbacking up cache12:44
lbtstopping worker12:44
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lbtvery very odd...12:48
lbthad to lvremove multiple times...12:49
lbtit was like the swap partitions were still 'mounted' on the worker roots...12:49
dl9pflbt: 1.8 would be good for the new cross-features, but 2.1 is in sight.12:49
X-FadeMaybe stopping workers doesn't unmount swap?12:49
lbtdl9pf: yes... and OSU is still a little way away I guess12:49
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lbtdl9pf: I want to match MeeGo OBS version 100%12:50
X-FadeReminds me, I need to ping Mike about that.12:50
dl9pfok, meego is still 1.7.x12:50
lbtdl9pf: yes... "plus some patches" :)12:51
X-FadeAlthough for arm we would really benefit from some cross power ;)12:51
dl9pfits already in 1.7.x - 1.8 and 2.1 provide the new cross- prjconf directive, which will make it more flexible.12:52
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X-FadeNeed to figure out how we can accelerate for Qt. qmake and moc mostly.12:53
lbtfor maemo?12:54
dl9pfX-Fade: if they're built during the compilation itself its hard. if they're preinstalled its possible.12:54
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lbtfake-scratchbox them :)12:54
X-Fadedl9pf: Well they need to match their library versions.12:54
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X-Fadelbt: hehe, nice thought.12:55
X-FadeBut for MeeGo we would need to do something too.12:55
lbtah, meego does it differently I think12:55
X-FadeRunning those in qemu is not fun.12:55
dl9pfif we can isolate them - e.g. currently like bash, rpm, m4 and so on, we can replace them and speed-up.12:56
dl9pfincluding runtime dependencies12:56
lbtdevice-mapper: remove ioctl failed: Device or resource busy12:57
copyleftlbt: hello ;)12:57
dl9pfX-Fade: could you write down a list of what would need a speedup (like qmake + moc + ?? ) and create a enhancement bug (infra/build-service) and assign it to me ?12:58
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fabodear admins, what "blocked" status means ?12:59
lbt"in queue"12:59
fabothks, /me wait then :)12:59
X-Fadedl9pf: Sure, will try to find out which ones are most needed for Qt application compilation.12:59
lbtblocked = coffee-time12:59
copyleftlbt: Have you tried "osc build" on MeeGo 1.0 SDK? Or what do you suggest a distribution for a MeeGo package maintainer?12:59
fabolbt: it's blocked since > 4h ;)13:00
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dl9pfX-Fade: just take the biggest hogs. we can then sort out which we can isolate/speedup/substitute/whatever.13:00
lbtfabo: look at the "monitor" page13:00
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lbtcopyleft: do you mean the OBS ?13:01
X-Fadedl9pf: In Maemo, they made those run on i386 because otherwise compilation took ages. So I guess those are it, but will investigate.13:01
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fabolbt: ok, it waits for other package to build13:02
dl9pfX-Fade: yes, these will be a good start.13:02
copyleftlbt: I use osc to connect to our local OBS (on another machine)13:02
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X-Fadedl9pf: rcc + uic proably too.13:02
lbtOK - so osc works on most distros13:02
copyleftlbt: but not on MeeGo 1.0 SDK. lol :p still debugging...13:03
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vljis java supported on meego platform ?13:05
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copyleftlbt: When run osc build, it download rpms to create a base chroot first right? But it fails to get any packages from my obs api.13:06
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lbtsounds like your local OBS isn't setup quite right?13:07
lbtcan anything else connect to it?13:07
X-Fadecopyleft: Can you browse your repo?13:07
fabovlj: afaics, no13:08
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fabonot in core at least13:09
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lbtX-Fade: dm is looking pretty screwed up13:10
vljand there is still no way to run meego with an nvidia card ?13:10
lbtwe have :  dm-name-OBS-worker_swap2 -> ../../dm-3113:10
X-Fadelbt: hmm13:10
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lbtand no OBS VG and no worker_swap2 LV ....13:10
lbtll /dev/disk/by-id/13:10
X-Fadelbt: Is that  lingering one or a new one?13:10
lbtI've done pv/lv/vgscan13:10
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copyleftosc command tries three pathes, 1. /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache/ 2. my local repository on (where it's nothing), 3. obs api on<rpm name> (which I can access by browser and wget)13:11
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lbtkpartx -d /dev/dm-2313:11
lbtdevice-mapper: remove ioctl failed: Device or resource busy13:11
fabovlj: on meego-dev ml, someone claimed a working setup. but no official support.13:11
X-Fadelbt: Yeah, so shutting down workers didn't unmount swap.13:11
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X-Fadelbt: And also not proc, but that is no issue here.13:12
copyleftOn Debian it seems successfully get packaes from the OBS API, but on MeeGo 1.0 SDK, it's not.13:12
vljfabo : is it plan somewhere in the future ?13:12
vljeven the sdk does not work :/13:12
fabovlj: I doubt of any official support.It will be probably pushed by the community13:12
lbtX-Fade: I'm kinda tempted to reboot it and fix it when it comes back... then a few more reboot cycles13:12
lbthow does "init 6" sound?13:13
X-Fadelbt: I see no other way to unmount those partitions now ;)13:13
lbtdo the ISP need notifying?13:13
X-Fadelbt: If we do a quick reboot, nah ;)13:13
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X-FadeIf it doesn't come back, then yes ;)13:14
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lbthere goes then...13:14
X-FadeI hope it doesn't hang on unmount after we have been kicked out though..13:15
lbtnow you say something....13:15
lbtshouldn't nothing was mounted13:15
copyleftlbt: Yes I can connect and build it on Debian :) (sorry about mess up the discussion.)13:15
lbtit's saving off the xen fe/be13:15
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fabolbt: which package do you want in Debian ?13:17
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lbtthings around MeeGo13:18
lbtin this case some ruby and python libraries that I'm working on for BOSS13:18
lbtit may also include things like osc extensions13:19
fabolbt: i have uploaded mic213:19
fabobtw, it migrated to testing yesterday btw13:19
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lbtX-Fade: it's back :)13:20
X-Fadelbt: luck you :)13:20
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lbtfabo: I thought it would make sense for MeeGo to have somewhere to 'stage' tools13:21
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lbtI wasn't actually planning on pushing them to Debian etc yet (ours aren't really ready)13:21
fabolbt: I can offer you a deal, you take maintainership and I sponsor ;)13:22
* lbt considers...13:22
lbtthrow in some "mentor" and you have a deal :)13:22
fabosure, it's in the package :D13:22
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copyleftX-Fade: Yes, but the local repository (http) has only the rpms build from my OBS.13:24
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lbtX-Fade: networking is broken13:26
lbtyou do that... I'll do the OBS VG ?13:26
lbtthe vms are up though13:27
X-Fadelbt: better now?13:27
copyleftX-Fade: So it download packages through the local OBS API, since MeeGo:1.0 prjconf is ready.13:27
X-Fadelbt: obs0 and xenbr0 ?13:28
lbtyep... prolly13:29
lbtrm /etc/sysconfig/network/obs0 ?13:29
X-Fadeifconfig obs0 down doesn't fix it though.13:30
lbtI did a :)   because it works now...13:30
lbtfor ssh13:30
lbthttp is kinda there... Message: execution expired13:31
X-FadeAh that is api not working probably.13:31
X-FadeHmm now it works.13:32
lbtdamned dm-X have changed again...13:32
X-Fadelbt: better use the device ids?13:32
lbtdm-name-360060e8005478600000047860000398c_part1 ?13:33
X-FadeI think that is more stable?13:34
X-FadeAs dm just starts counting at 0 on boot?13:34
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MasterMatanhi, are apps from meego for netbooks will run on smartphone meego?14:08
vlj(excepts if it's morrestown powered)14:08
MasterMatanso where i can find smartphone meego sdk?14:09
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vljthere is no one atm14:09
vljbut err14:09
vljI meant14:10
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vljbinaries app from meego for netbook wont run on smartphone14:10
vljbut if you compile it, it should works14:10
vljbut form factor may lead to some disparities14:10
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lbtX-Fade: another reboot?14:19
X-FadeI see you had a lot of fun creating partitions ;)14:20
* timeless_mbp chuckles14:20
lbt now14:20
X-FadeOk, go for it.14:21
lbthmmm is there a DNS problem on the be ?14:21
X-Fadebe has no outside access.14:21
X-FadeOnly fe has that.14:22
lbtit could be failing a reverse dns ... takes ages to start emacs14:22
X-FadeNo, no dns is it.14:22
vljis there a way to rebuild meego kernel ?14:22
vljI mean, to install a new one14:22
X-Fadelbt: Want me to give be access for now?14:24
lbtonly for outgoing connections14:24
lbtzypper up etc14:24
X-FadeOk, that is something that needs a bit more configuration then ;)14:25
lbtreboot first?14:26
X-FadeCan you try if you have access now?14:26
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lbtshall I restore to resolv.conf?14:27
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lbtyep.. that's OK14:28
lbtOK ... say when14:28
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lbtthe worker didn't start and be hasn't got access14:38
lbtlvm is good14:38
X-FadeDidn't add the be routing to the script yet.14:38
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* timeless_mbp smites lbt's url14:40
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X-Fadetimeless_mbp: What's wrong with it?14:42
timeless_mbpsee changelog :)14:42
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timeless_mbpsomeone was a creative speller14:42
timeless_mbpdeamons ...14:42
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lbtshould be "a daemon" .... <sigh> want a job doing right you have to do it yourself....14:44
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X-Fadelbt: Check his extensive spelling changes ;)14:50
timeless_mbplbt: my actions exactly :)14:52
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timeless_mbpbtw, could someone please fix the category and article?14:52
timeless_mbpopenSUSE should be written as such, and not any other way (which unfortunately the article and category seem to practice)14:53
* timeless_mbp eyes X-Fade14:53
Creapis it possible to change the default browser in meego to something else than chromium/chrome?14:53
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: I'll give others an opportunity to contribute ;)14:54
Creapor is it too integrated14:54
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MasterMatanHello agin15:09
MasterMatanSorry i had brutal dissconnect15:10
MasterMatanSo, where i can find smartphone meego sdk?15:10
MasterMatanand to make app i must use smartphone meego sdk or intel app up sdk?15:12
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hkivelaMasterMatan: for making handset apps, check out
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MasterMatanOk, thx15:22
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hkivelaand if you use Qt as much as possible, then it should be rather easy to build your app for Maemo and Symbian as well ...15:27
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GAN900The "OMG, we've done so much for you how can you not appreciate it?!" line in the openess thread on -dev is interesting.15:37
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Creapdo I have to recompile the kernel to get nfs support in meego?16:05
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X-Fadelbt: Somehow this doesn't sound right: now finalizing build dir... mount: Bad address16:13
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CosmoHillis anyone wants me I'll be in /dev/tty116:51
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PontusSo, is there only echange N900 can sync to?! Or what?17:00
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CosmoHillslaine: what do you think?
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TibshoOTJe viens d avoir une revelation...17:11
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josemoreirai have linux/win7 dual boot18:03
josemoreiraif i install meego, will the booloader detect other OS'es?18:04
CosmoHillI very much doubt it18:04
CosmoHillbut then i've not been able to install meego18:04
josemoreiraoh :/18:05
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simulacrumjosemoreira: Depending on which Linux distribution you use and what Grub version it has, you can easily add Meego to the "menu list", just after you install it.19:06
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simulacrumIf it works, do actually know, but you may try (I'm considering giving it a shot in a few minutes)19:09
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster19:09
simulacrum*don't actually know19:09
DawnFosterHey CosmoHill19:09
CosmoHillI wrote a boot script for fail2ban :)19:09
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CosmoHillnow when someone spends THREE HOURS brute forcing my server it should actually do something19:12
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josemoreirasimulacrum, i use Mint wich is ubuntu based19:13
josemoreirai just fear it will overwrite current grub19:14
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arashman irtaniam kasi nist19:21
arashman kos mikham19:21
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CosmoHillMyrtti: you from aniverse?19:24
CosmoHillfair enough19:26
CosmoHillgood thing I asked first19:26
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Daniel__hello anyone can help-me19:55
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simulacrumDaniel__: I think this will help you ->
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Daniel__but... i read the help files, the community is a simple question but i can't find, i using meego and i cant change a keyboard language, my keyboard is portuguese, and the defaut is english, i don't have any problem with that but i can't type @ in the keyboard, is that only my problem20:05
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CosmoHillow ow ow20:07
_wolf_@ is shift-2 on the us keyboard ;)20:09
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CosmoHillor any mac keyboard20:11
Daniel__yes is same in my but my shift 2 in meego is "20:12
CosmoHillthat's a UK keyboard20:12
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Daniel__how can i change that, i'm noob in linux20:13
CosmoHillI've never worked that out :/20:14
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Daniel__have some persons with this problem in meego forum but don't have any solution20:14
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CosmoHillfree 20Mb/s broadband with a 2GB monthly limit20:16
CosmoHillso in 102 seconds you can hit your limit?20:17
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Daniel__ahh i solve the problem20:20
Daniel__in terminal20:20
simulacrumPacience is the art of it all.20:21
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simulacrumDownloading Meego is not *data integrity safe*, why not provide a hash? (md5sum, sha256sum, etc) How do I know if 800 MB downloaded .img file is the same with that on the Meego servers20:24
CosmoHillthere is a hash20:24
CosmoHillreplace "img" with "md5"20:25
zman099what is meego20:25
Myrttizman099: /topic20:26
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simulacrumCosmoHill: for someone new to .img files and renaming it to .iso or .md5 this is *not obvious* , I think there should be some form of Wiki page helping with this20:28
CosmoHillnon no20:29
CosmoHillyou don't rename it to .md520:29
CosmoHilljust the download link20:29
simulacrumyet again obscur20:29
CosmoHillthat's just me20:29
simulacrumAnyway I'm going to write a Wiki page, just in case.20:30
simulacrum(after I familiarize myself more with this)20:30
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simulacrumThe magic place was but someone from the Meego team needs to add links at , making it easier for everybody to verify the integrity of the .img file20:40
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simulacrum(and btw the download is really really slow, torrents please?)20:41
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odin_any news on Community OBS this week ?21:52
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TSCHAKeeewow, that thread dealing with meego incompatible with other distros caused a drama shitstorm22:49
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Stskeepsi think i need to write more to state exactly what i'm trying to discuss as i got perceived differently than expected - much respect to dirk and dawn for their answers, which showed clear and good reasons for corporate email use (which i wasn't contending, fwiw)22:52
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Stskeepswb dawn22:56
DawnFosterhey stskeeps22:57
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simulacrumSo if you don't have corporate e-mail your not to be taken seriously?22:58
Stskeepsnah, that's not what's being said22:58
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simulacrum:-) just started reading the thread from meego-dev22:59
w00t_the point of using a corporate address is to signify that you have an 'affiliation' of sorts22:59
Stskeepsarjan's oneliner was perceived differently by me to what others perceived - his view seemed to be on to show corporate interest, my view was that it seemed like he had to be at a corporate email before even engaging in discussion.22:59
Stskeepsand thanks to dawn and dirk for illustrating that interpretation22:59
w00t_that is what I saw too22:59
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w00t_so your mail (and replies) was still helpful, Stskeeps23:00
DawnFosterI like knowing who people work for :)23:00
Stskeepsme too - i get a kick out of seeing people on mailing list ;)23:00
* w00t_ works for the best company that exists \o/23:00
DawnFosterit took me a while to realize the people were nokia contractors, for example ;)23:01
Stskeepsthink we've worked hard to note that we're independent to some degree23:01
Stskeeps.. even though we are contractors23:01
Stskeepsliberated community members vs employees and all that23:02
w00t_an independent corporate whore is still a corporate whore, Stskeeps :-P23:02
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* Stskeeps is actually hoping to see more of 'liberated community members' in meego, the structure really allows for a flexible setup in that regard23:02
DawnFosterin general, Intel usually just hires cool people out of the community, rather than having contractors23:04
RST38bisliberated from whom?23:04
StskeepsRST38bis: from working for free23:04
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TSCHAKeeehow about contractors out of the community? :D23:04
* TSCHAKeee giggles23:04
* RST38bis facepalms23:04
Stskeepsand having to get another job, with no ability to work on meego23:05
StskeepsDawnFoster: maemo's funny like that too, it started out as a research project, grabbing people from linux communities (gtk, etc), motiviating them to start companies, subcontract, get hired, .. etc23:05
lbtFelipe is making some really good points23:06
Stskeepsit gives a certain open source environment feeling about the place23:06
Stskeepsmany people from were taken in as well23:06
Stskeepswhich is one of my arguments why people love meego, as they can go back to their roots of creating a open mobile platform23:08
Stskeepsand do it in the open like they used to23:08
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Stskeepsa technical question for those liking system performance.. let us say we have a rootfs on mmc, swap there too, system uses a lot of swap at times.. how bad would vm.swappiness=100 be felt in terms of user interaction?23:17
TSCHAKeeei think it would definitely be felt.23:18
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Stskeepsthink we've found out why our n900s stall so hard then23:20
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ShadowJKAt 1 you stall just as hard23:21
ShadowJKor harder, but it stalls later23:21
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Stskeepsfound a good value yet?23:22
ShadowJKNot really23:22
ShadowJKBut I know a solution23:22
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* ShadowJK screams: for the love of god $devicevendors, give us more RAM!!23:23
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ShadowJKOh also, sometime after 2.6.28 Linux started prioritizing keeping executable code in memory when it's time to throw out stuff ;P23:24
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ShadowJKStskeeps, does it stall hard for you the first day or two of uptime?23:27
ShadowJKBecause there's another thing that starts happening after a day or two of heavy use (and I'm using myself as benchmark for "heavy use"), which slows things down :-)23:28
RST38bisit only starts stalling for me at the 4th day or so23:29
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RST38bisand that was with default swappiness of 10023:29
RST38bisbut we may different use patterns23:29
Stskeepsi'm really amazed my n900 is still alive afer all the crap i've put it through23:29
Stskeepstook mainline linux at some point and booted, knowing that reports had been made smoke smell had been detected on boot :)23:30
Stskeepsno problems, and we could start our work on meego :)23:30
ShadowJKIn my use, swap starts getting fragmented (and I mean writing to it) after a day or two.. So after that, the actual throughput to swap decreases steadily23:30
RST38bisthat was unneeded N900 parts burning off23:30
RST38bisI mean you do not need wifi, cellular, or power management in meego, do you? :)23:31
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ShadowJK( 1 >/proc/sys/vm/block-dump, no syslog, awk script groping /proc/kmsg for kswapd and observing the write patterns )23:31
RST38bisShadowJk: aha23:31
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ShadowJKI discovered that it's writing to it mostly sequentially, steadily increasing contigous sectors. Right now with <1day since activating this swap, and having no other swaps, the ratio of sequential to nonsequential writes is about 21:123:33
ShadowJKOnce it reaches the end of the swap area and starts over, it's going to have random sectors already occupied, and be jumping all over the place, I'd assume..23:33
RST38biskeep it logging for a week23:33
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StskeepsShadowJK: is there a way to adjust how it swaps to the device? maybe using mmc block size or something23:34
RST38bisand it is likely that the card itself hands out blocks randomly from the whole 32gb space23:34
Stskeepsso it writes in 256k bits or whatever23:35
ShadowJKThere is, and it's set to the mmc block size. But, the memory management system operates with 4k pages, so when an app dirties a page that was located on swap previously, it's (I assume) freed in swap23:35
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ShadowJKRST38bis, yeah but that shuffling would have no performance impact on us23:35
RST38bisoh no need to erase...23:36
RST38bisit is erasures that cost us23:36
ShadowJKThe issue is that writing 4k to a 256k block is as expensive as writing 256k to that block. Whether that 256k block is at the start of the emmc, at the end, or the middle, makes no difference..23:37
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DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: it's the read access to another large block that's expensive23:38
ShadowJKWell if you touch any other block in between :-)23:38
DocScrutinizer51the write by itself is no real write23:38
Stskeepsi must admit that the people doing the intel and meego ads are quite good at making interesting videos23:39
RST38bisShadowJK: and swap cannot be forced to always work in 256k increments?23:39
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Stskeepsespecially since there's UX references from handset UX in the video transitions23:40
ShadowJKWell you know, you're pushing out random pages from all over that look like they haven't been used in a while into a contigous block, and just because one app then suddenly needs 4k out of that 256k doesn't mean that the other 15 apps that each have some small amount of data in that chunk would need their data back23:41
ShadowJKSo basically what we'd need is a defrag/garbage collection type thing ;)23:42
RST38bisbut what if you swap in 256k groups of pages belonging to the same object?23:42
ShadowJKSo I think what you're basically proposing is increasing the memory page size to 256k23:43
* RST38bis sincerely hopes Samsung started producing 512MB OneRAMs23:43
RST38bisShadowJK: well you cant, in hardware23:44
RST38bisbut you can in software23:44
ShadowJKyeah.. I don't think it's a sane thing to do though23:44
RST38biswhen you are deciding which pages to dump23:44
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ShadowJKLuckily there are so many possible solutions that it ensures that no solution is taken :)23:48
RST38bisswappiness 30 seems to help a lot23:49
RST38biscauses a few funny but harmless effects23:49
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RST38bisgallery scrolls like a charm but it takes time to show thumbnails23:49
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ShadowJKThe idea with 100, I think, is that there's a steady stream of light swap activity, so the system is always on top of things23:50
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ShadowJKWith 1, it barely swaps at all until it gets really squeezed for memory, and then it had to work hard and long to get anywhere23:50
RST38bisbut it only makes sense when you have reasonably fast mass storage23:50
RST38bisand, of course, no other traffic23:51
RST38bislike... /opt :)23:51
ShadowJKand $HOME, I think the database fsync() load really hurts, especially since it's ext3 :)23:52
RST38bisnote: swappiness 100 came into effect before they invented /opt23:53
ShadowJKgpodder became about 10 times faster when I moved swap and ~/.gpodder to uSD, the remaining load on emmc being opt and MyDocs, to which gpodder was saving stuff at 600kB/s23:53
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RST38bisand uSD interface is 4bit afaik23:53
RST38bisemmc is Ibit23:53
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ShadowJKbtw, my impression from randomly reading flamewars on this topic: regular linux has "60", compile benchmarks show 100 is fastest, the interactivity/desktop people want filecache to never cause swapout, but all benchmarks even of interactivity shows this to be negative impact23:55
ShadowJKand naive people set it to 0 and are happily promoting and gleeming how excellent it is, until they crash hard23:56
RST38bisit all depends on what hw you have got23:56
ShadowJKAlso as we can see on tmo, people are reporting improvements from things that are clearly only placebos23:57
RST38bisbut I respect pycage and believe his words that30 is optimal23:57
ShadowJKso it's hard to get real data on whether something helps or not :)23:57
RST38bisno shit, given how elusive performance tuning is23:57
ShadowJKI wonder if swap idle readin thing (I forget the real name) still exists..23:58
ShadowJKiirc the idea was to copy pages from swap to ram if there was free ram, at idle io priority23:58
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RST38bismmm...isnt linux using free ram for disk caches?23:59
ShadowJKYes, but if you've suddenly got free ram, you might want to try predict what the user is going to want to do next, and have it ready in ram23:59

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