IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2010-07-06

TSCHAKeee2Stskeeps: re Motif, would you prefer the default periwinkle blue background too? :P00:00
texratthey're the same00:00
Venemow00t_: although giving a bug tracker link as a "features database" is a very good joke :)00:00
w00t_Venemo: no joke00:00
anidelA feature is a bug that saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.00:00
Venemotexrat: haha00:00
w00t_Venemo: see
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w00t_this addresses the annoying habit of brainstorm being totally ignored, I guess ;p00:01
Venemoperhaps :)00:01
lcukRST38h, Stskeeps if theres going to be any themes, it best be Hannah Montana.00:01
texratI feel sleep approaching00:02
* RST38h likes themes that do not contain living beings in them. Especially humans.00:02
RST38hToo many of these around anyway, to also have them in the phone background00:02
* Venemo agrees with RST38h, with the exception of plants and trees00:03
RST38hyea, plants are ok00:03
CosmoHillhow goes everyone?00:03
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lbtVenemo: kittens?00:05
Venemolbt: perhaps! only if they are cute :P00:06
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texratbailing...night all00:08
lcukgnite texrat00:08
Venemogood night texrat00:08
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CosmoHillVenemo: << doggy :D00:10
VenemoCosmoHill: lol.00:10
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lcukCosmoHill, the dog is looking at you like "put down the technology and feed me"00:12
VenemoCosmoHill: nice. is he your dog?00:12
CosmoHillVenemo: no but it would be awesome if he was00:12
CosmoHilllcuk: i took him for a 45 min walk :)00:13
VenemoCosmoHill: :)00:13
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CosmoHillturns out you can't get to the uni via that feild00:13
GAN900w00t_, if I can get sponsorship00:13
CosmoHill3 feilds and a few wrong turns later i made it to uni00:13
GAN900But as I suspect my contribution level at that time may be quite low, we'll see.00:13
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timeless_mbpCosmoHill:  =~ s/feild/field/g00:17
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goosedroidhi ... the "Getting started with the MeeGo SDK for Linux" doc says the simulator doesn't support ATI or NVIDIA graphics; is there any ETA on when this support will be added? Is there a way to develop without this simulator (I'm guessing not).00:18
w00t_goosedroid: is that the chroot?00:21
goosedroidi'm such a noob, yeah ...00:21
w00t_goosedroid: see
w00t_you might have luck with that..00:21
goosedroidok, thanks!00:21
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Savagoby the way, has anyone built libmeegotouch?00:26
SavagoHere (Ubuntu 9.10) it fails with:
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w00t_you need.. sec00:27
SavagoMaybe there is a missing dependency.00:27
Savagohum, I have it installed already.00:27
w00t_ls -al /usr/include/gconf?00:28
w00t_(i.e. are you sure? :))00:28
Savagoadenilson@macblack:~$ ls /usr/include/gconf/00:28
SavagoBut was it to fail at configure step?00:29
Savagowas it/wasn't it00:29
SavagoLet's try to run configure again... :-)00:29
Savagohum, this time it worked. :-)00:31
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ingoai'am new here00:38
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CosmoHillw00t_: I'll have to try that00:39
CosmoHillhey ingoa00:39
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w00t_CosmoHill: go ahead :-)00:39
ingoanow, i run meego on my new "asuss eeepc t101mt" >> fun00:39
pupnikcan you switch to a different OS without rebooting?00:40
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CosmoHillpupnik: only way to do that is with a VM00:41
CosmoHillyou can chroot with linux tho but that's not the same00:41
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ingoacan i have some mp3 support on meego?00:44
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pupnikCosmoHill: i haven't found much good info on how a hypervisor can work with OS's to save and restore GPU context00:48
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ingoaok, no codecs for meego. i read it in the meego forum00:51
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ScottishDuckmeego final will have codecs00:56
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ScottishDuckin fact, I'm pretty sure the current builds have gstreamer00:56
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* CosmoHill swears00:59
CosmoHillwhere's the script to start the chroot sdk00:59
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Savagohum... when I try to start widgetgalery, I got this:01:04
Savagoadenilson@macblack:~$ widgetsgallery01:04
SavagoMRemoteThemeDaemon: Failed to connect to theme daemon (IPC)01:04
SavagoMThemeDaemon - base theme directory not found: /usr/local/share/themes/base/meegotouch/libmeegotouchcore/style. Please (re)install meegotouchtheme package.01:04
tremnite all, sweet dreams01:04
SavagoBut I *do* have installed the touch-theme.01:04
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SavagoHum, reinstalling it fixed.01:08
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SavagoIt is looking kind of cool, but I was not able to find an exemple in widget galeary were the buttons in a toolbar are replaced from the bottom to the top, like this:01:17
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* CosmoHill growls01:18
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CosmoHillw00t_: I can't get the damn thing started01:27
w00t_CosmoHill: mm?01:29
CosmoHillthe chroot01:29
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w00t_well, "doesn't work" is a big area :-P01:30
w00t_what happens01:30
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CosmoHillI open two terminals01:33
CosmoHillin one I open Xephr01:33
CosmoHillXephyr :2 -ac -host-cursor -screen 1024-60001:34
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CosmoHillthat opens a blank xephyr window01:34
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CosmoHillI then run "sudo ./meego-sdk-choot ./meego-sdk-052401:34
CosmoHillonce in the chroot I run "export DISPLAY=:2"01:35
timeless_mbpok, so,01:35
* timeless_mbp goes shopping for a non lame version of apt (as a .rpm)01:35
CosmoHillthen "startmeego &"01:35
thiago_akademytimeless_mbp: smart01:36
CosmoHillI'm pressed enter and nothing in happening01:36
timeless_mbpthiago_akademy: ?01:36
timeless_mbpthiago_akademy: i found apt-0.5.15lorg3.94a-5.el5.rf.i386.rpm01:36
timeless_mbpwhich is a really lame version of apt01:36
timeless_mbpi'm hoping for a less lame version01:36
thiago_akademytimeless_mbp: I'd recommend smart instead of apt, when dealing with RPMs01:37
timeless_mbpthiago_akademy: i'm dealing w/ debs01:37
timeless_mbpi'm on a rpm based system01:37
timeless_mbpand need to run apt commands against an apt repo01:37
timeless_mbpand i don't have a working build env01:37
timeless_mbpso i don't want to "build from sources"01:38
thiago_akademyyou may want to build apt from sources01:38
thiago_akademythat apt you can find there maybe a build for dealing with rpm01:38
thiago_akademyMandriva (an RPM distro) has apt, but it only accepts RPM repos01:38
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CosmoHilloh nuts01:43
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w00t_CosmoHill: run startmeego-debug instead01:46
w00t_(no &)01:46
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* timeless_mbp ponders01:50
CosmoHillmy laptop is sounding an alarm, brb01:50
timeless_mbpmaybe i can just use apt from a deb? :)01:50
CosmoHillwhy not compile from source?01:53
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CosmoHilli missed out xhost +SI:localuser:usernametogiveaccesstogoeshere01:56
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w00t_CosmoHill: cool, so it works now?01:59
CosmoHillof course not :(01:59
w00t_okay, what result? :-)01:59
CosmoHilli did do xhost +local: instead >.>01:59
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CosmoHilldo you type it in just like it's written or do you replace it02:00
w00t_(you realise that usernametogiveaccesstogoeshere was not literal, right?)02:00
CosmoHilleg "localuser" becomes "nate"02:00
w00t_localuser I don't know about02:00
w00t_hold on, let me ask a guru02:00
CosmoHilllocaluser:nate works fine02:01
CosmoHilli mean so far02:01
w00t_hm :P02:01
CosmoHillwould it be easier to do02:01
CosmoHillxhost +SI:localuser:$USER02:02
rohanpmI'm under the impression most people simply do `xhost +' rather than trying to learn how that actually works02:02
CosmoHillor `whoami`02:02
w00t_rohanpm: the concerns with it are valid, though02:02
w00t_CosmoHill: hmm, maybe02:02
* w00t_ finds the guy who suggested this to nag him with the questions02:03
CosmoHillDaniel Stone?02:04
w00t_yes :-)02:04
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* timeless_mbp cries02:05
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* CosmoHill hugs timeless_mbp 02:05
* timeless_mbp found a better version of apt but managed to delete a critical file02:05
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CosmoHillw00t_: what time zone are you in?02:06
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w00t_daniels: just the man :)02:07
CosmoHillyou've had more coffee than me then02:07
w00t_daniels: we've been discussing your favourite topic: xhost02:07
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w00t_long story short, two questions really02:08
danielshow can i help?02:08
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w00t_firstly, how does the +SI:localuser: magic work? it restricts access (to what?) to a given user?02:08
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danielsit allows that user access to the x server02:09
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danielswhich, with default configuration (no xselinux or anything), gives them free reign over everything in the server02:10
w00t_vs xhost +local which grants access to ..anyone?02:10
danielsyeah, xhost +local grants access to, well, anyone local02:10
danielsthere's also SI:localuid: i think, and similar02:10
danielsxhost + just disables authentication completely02:11
danielstraditionally you had a cookie in ~/.Xauthority, but eh02:11
CosmoHilldoes sudo need to be ran in front of xhost?02:11
w00t_this is probably a stupid question then, but, is there anything wrong with recommending something like xhost +SI:localuser:`whoami`? (we've had a rather large number of people not understanding that 'localuser' needs to stay, and the 'usernametogiveaccesstogoeshere' bit goes at the end :))02:12
CosmoHillor maybe02:12
w00t_CosmoHill: I don't think it requires superuser, it didn't in my case at least02:13
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danielshaha! yeah, that'd be fine, except doesn't everything in the sdk run as root?02:13
danielsCosmoHill: you don't need sudo in front of it, with the default x configuration, everyone with access to the x server can alter the access list02:14
danielswe don't give any special access to root per default02:14
w00t_point, so then it's just localuser:root I guess02:14
danielsyeah, should be :)02:15
* w00t_ really should stop treating X like a magical box and read up on it some..02:15
* CosmoHill should just go to bed02:16
danielsmm, most of it is just crap and unused tbh02:16
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w00t_well, access lists seem like a useful feature for example :)02:17
w00t_there have been times when i've wanted access to an X session from another user and I never knew that was possible until now!02:17
CosmoHillI still have a big blank box on my screen :(02:17
w00t_(well, a while ago)02:17
w00t_CosmoHill: try startmeego-debug again, and pastebin for me02:17
danielstraditionally just copy ~/.Xauthority or fuck around with xauth, though the latter sucks02:17
danielsbut SI:localuser:foo works on everything post-X.Org 6.802:17
w00t_and if all else fails: +local and run away from you02:18
danielsjust don't tell anyone02:18
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CosmoHillwasn't it "xhost +local" orginally?02:19
w00t_failed to create drawable02:19
w00t_well that is informative02:19
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w00t_CosmoHill: yes, it was, daniels' explanation above outlines why that probably isn't a good idea02:20
* CosmoHill wonders when thiago_akademy sleeps02:20
w00t_european nighttime02:20
w00t_same as me :-P02:20
w00t_thiago_akademy: enjoying akademy?02:21
CosmoHillI'm only an hour behind you02:21
thiago_akademyw00t_: yup02:21
thiago_akademyCosmoHill: I should be in bed...02:21
thiago_akademyit's 2:2102:21
Venemothiago_akademy: me too, although it's just 1:21 here :P02:21
CosmoHillUTC+1 here02:21
ScottishDuckGMT master race reporting in02:22
CosmoHillGreenwich is 30 ish miles away :)02:22
* thiago_akademy is too fired up thinking of how to refactor QtDBus to use threads02:22
ScottishDuckGMT = Glorious Master Race02:22
VenemoCosmoHill: it is UTC+2 here.02:22
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CosmoHilli also have a powerbook on my legs so I'd like to get this fixed quickly :/.02:23
w00t_thiago_akademy: what will you gain with threading?02:23
CosmoHillw00t_: a nice cross-stich patten02:23
thiago_akademyw00t_: I'm unsure if one thread stuck in a blocking call blocks the access to another thread02:23
thiago_akademyw00t_: but to support event-loop-less applications02:23
w00t_thiago_akademy: good point02:24
CosmoHillw00t_: good meeting btw :)02:26
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* timeless_mbp dances02:29
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* Venemo is very sleepy now02:30
thiago_akademyme too02:30
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thiago_akademybut it's too warm inside to sleep02:30
* Venemo yawns, then says goodbye to everyone02:30
* Venemo then thanks w00t_ for the meeting02:31
* Venemo then quits, shuts his computer off, and crawls to bed :D02:31
w00t_thiago_akademy: open a window02:32
* w00t_ is planning to go hit the shower and then play games for a while until he gets tired02:32
thiago_akademyI have02:32
w00t_.. isn't it cold in .fi?02:32
w00t_it's cold here today02:32
thiago_akademytoo warm -- 29°C during the day02:32
thiago_akademy25.5°C inside02:33
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w00t_ <-- although wednesday looks hotter02:33
thiago_akademyanyway, going now too02:33
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w00t_nite ven..02:33
pupnikthiago_akademy: are there anything but ad-hoc videos of the presentations?02:34
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daniels'night kids02:43
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ns5Hi, I heard that MeeGo netbook 1.0 does not include GMA500 driver.  Is there any other way I can use MeeGo on my Asua T91 netbook?10:01
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ns5Can I build the driver by myself?10:03
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CokeHey. I installed MeeGo in a virtualbox environment and I get the same problem as everyone else with the stuck screen. I start X and twm manually, but then how do I start the real UI? I'd like to test my Qt apps to see how they look and behave on MeeGo.10:06
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muesleei'm looking for a monitor (>19") suitable for touchscreen-application development10:09
muesleedoes anybody have a suggestion for me?10:09
muesleeit'd perfect if it was suitable for the industry sector10:10
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kryptonhi, a newbie question,10:27
kryptonif have to develop some app for MeeGo (netbook or handset) where can I see which all apps are being developed by others10:27
kryptonand which one have no takers for now10:27
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kryptonthe link  and
kryptondid not help much :(10:29
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meegodotbyhi all10:30
Termanakrypton, you mean see what apps other people are working on?10:30
kryptonyes Termana10:30
sandst1krypton: i guess will be one place when it opens10:30
kryptonand what can I take up10:30
sandst1in the meanwhile check out to get an idea of how it might look like10:31
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Termanakrypton, like sandst1 said, MeeGo garage is a start, and then poking around and communicating with other developers to see what they are doing is another.10:31
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kryptonok sure thanks Termana and sandst110:34
kryptonby the way what are you working on ;)10:34
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Termanakrypton, I don't do application development, I try to involve myself in platform development10:35
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amjadkrypton: if you can develop any location based service, that will be a start, compared to android, meego lbs is still not upto mark10:36
kryptonok amjad will check about LBS10:37
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sandst1krypton: atm in the process of creating a multimedia app with Qt, hoping it'll pop up in once it's complete enough ;)10:39
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meegodotbyWhat minimum of memory is necessary for system?10:40
CokeAnybody have a sollution for the MeeGo UI freeze problem in emulated PC environments like virtualbox? Getting X and twm running isn't sufficient to test how an app looks and behaves in MeeGo.10:41
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kryptonright now in my image banshee is there, are you working on it ?10:42
sandst1Coke: at least the simulator should give you some hint of how it'll behave.
Cokesandst1: simulator?10:43
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Cokeoh, the chroot stuff?10:44
sandst1krypton: nope, it's audio related10:44
Cokeyeah, "simulator"10:44
sandst1Coke: yup that one10:44
Cokesandst1: it doesnt work on a 64-bit system tho10:44
CokeI remember trying it, it failed horribly for some reason I cannot remember and then I deleted it.10:44
CokeWhy can't I remember why it failed.10:45
meegodotbyMeeGo + VirtualBox = Problem10:45
CokeMeeGo + anything that isn't the stupid specs = problem10:45
CokeJust like with Maemo10:45
CokeLinux is one of the most architecture transparent operating systems available, it's just so weird that they can't even make it run in a vbox.10:46
Cokeor have a 64-bit test system at least10:46
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ChildOfGodI cant find any links that tell me how to write and build simple clutter programs.11:00
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fcocuadradoHi, all! Yesterday I was trying to compile meego RPMS using mock with a Fedora 12 chroot, but a lot of packages failed at compilation. Can it be caused because Fedora 12 is an old distro?11:38
Stskeepsor because they rely on actually being compiled with meego? :P11:38
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fcocuadradoOk, in that case how can I compile these packages from scratch?11:39
Stskeepsset up a OBS, import all rpms, set up prjconf :P11:40
bpeelChildOfGod: this tutorial is quite good:
fcocuadradoStskeeps: there isn't another option?11:40
ChildOfGodhey thanks bpeel11:40
Stskeepsit's the best one11:40
fcocuadradook, with OBS I can modify sources from meego and after that compile them with the rest of meego packages and obtain a customized meego image?11:42
Stskeepswell, you can do that, combined with mic2..11:42
fcocuadradothanks! My first approach was to compile all meego sources (from repo) using mock, after that create my own local repository and use mic2 with it to create my own meego image11:44
Stskeepswhat arch were you targetting?11:45
fcocuadradoI want to learn how to modify some meego sources by hand11:45
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fcocuadradoslaine told me yesterday that my approach wasn't the best, but I could try it11:50
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fcocuadradoso, using an alternative distro as a base system to compile meego RPMS is not a good idea11:51
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slaineEven compiling in Moblin failed previously11:52
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Stskeepswas prjconfs for obs out back then?11:54
timeless_mbpStskeeps: i'm still looking for a useful explanation for why kernel and linux exist (as rpms!) ;-)11:55
Stskeepsurl for those rpms?11:56
timeless_mbpum, blah11:56
timeless_mbp is the kernel one11:57
* timeless_mbp wonders where the linux one is11:57
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* timeless_mbp grumbles11:57
* timeless_mbp wonders if the other one is kernel-headers11:58
timeless_mbpyeah, i think it might be11:58
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timeless_mbpassuming it's the kernel-headers one11:59
timeless_mbp-rw-rw-r-- 1 timeless timeless 65M May 16 06:49 SRPMS/kernel-
timeless_mbp-rw-rw-r-- 1 timeless timeless 64M May 16 06:49 SRPMS/kernel-headers-2.6.33-2.1.src.rpm12:00
slaineStskeeps: yes, there was a config and example for using 'build'12:00
timeless_mbpso this is someone's idea of a joke12:00
timeless_mbpmaking people download the entire kernel just to get the headers12:00
* timeless_mbp loves linux distributions12:00
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timeless_mbpif you're going to do that, surely you could just make the headers package depend on the kernel source package and use some magic12:01
timeless_mbpsave people some space12:01
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timeless_mbpand don't tell me you're doing me a favor by giving me a *different* version of my kernel's headers than the one i got for the kernel itself12:02
slainetimeless_mbp: looks like a mistake to me. Typically the kernel source rpm would generate the kernel-headers binary rpm12:02
timeless_mbpslaine: ok, so i should file a bug complaining that kernel-headers-*.src.rpm exists at all?12:03
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slaineI would12:03
* timeless_mbp will12:03
timeless_mbpthanks all12:03
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timeless_mbpam i using for this stuff?12:03
* timeless_mbp does12:03
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timeless_mbpfwiw, the current versions of this disaster seem to be:12:11
timeless_mbpnotice the 2.6.34 v. 2.6.35 !12:12
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timeless_mbpBug 3702 submitted12:13
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curiositybangethy all12:23
amjadhi curiosity12:23
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curiositybangethy amjad12:23
curiositybangetnice to see live person here12:24
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timeless_mbpnah, amjad's a bot ;-)12:25
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amjadsure meego bot :)12:26
curiositybangetc'mon, isn't there real "person" here?12:26
curiositybangeti'm in bot land, help mee12:26
amjadhahaha curiosity :)12:26
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alteregogadget gadget12:26
timeless_mbpthere isn't such a thing as "real person"12:27
timeless_mbpthere are real _people_, even here12:27
curiositybangetis timeless bot?12:27
curiositybangeti ask the other, not u timeless12:28
amjadtimeless is a bot, he exists all time here :)12:28
* timeless nods12:28
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* timeless points back12:28
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curiositybangetbut, i think timeless is good bot12:29
dm8tbroh right we don't have gavin here12:29
* timeless_mbp offers curiositybanget an article ("a")12:29
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timeless_mbpdm8tbr: heh, yeah, i'll have to be his stand in12:29
timeless_mbphe's in #maemo :o12:30
curiositybangethy dm8tbr12:30
curiositybangetdm8tbr <<< real person12:30
* dm8tbr throws himself a botsnack12:30
curiositybangethehe, nice try12:31
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* timeless_mbp just called O'Reilly12:42
timeless_mbpmy call was answered nearly immediately by a real person who was quite eager to help12:43
timeless_mbpwhen she realized she didn't quite know the site too well she offered to transfer me to someone else (while i figured out how to direct one of them)12:43
timeless_mbpand he quickly took my feedback12:43
timeless_mbpsuch a strange experience12:43
timeless_mbp(someone mis-wrote MeeGo and Qt fwiw)12:44
dm8tbrhow's that possible. it's just two letters12:47
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amjaddm8btr: outsourcing may be the reason :)12:49
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sbalazsi am trying to install qt-mobility 1.0.0 with 4.6.2 qt and qmf. It doesn't find bluetooth/bluetooth.h, how can i get those to meego?13:25
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kryptonMaemo had a good set of LBS13:34
kryptonthey would work natively on MeeGo right13:34
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lcukkrypton, do you mean linux benchmarks?13:41
kryptonno I meant location based services13:42
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lcukkrypton, that clarification would have helped!13:42
lcukwhich meego do you mean13:43
lcuknetbook or handheld or something else13:43
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amjadlcuk: LBS is for  handheld, something to use for travel apps13:53
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lcukamjad, thats deviceist though :P im sure there are netbooks and bigger devices with gps built in13:54
kryptonsorry I meant for handheld UX13:54
kryptonsince its not out I cant check it13:55
kryptonany insight would be helpful13:55
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lcukkrypton, tthe qt sdk includes simulator for this sort of thing afaik - i believe it can send fake gps signals into your app to test it13:57
kryptongeo * calls can do that13:58
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sbalazsis there anybody who managed to build qt mob 1.0.0 like
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kuldeephi all15:39
kuldeepi am new to meego15:39
lcuki see meego IVI car image is there, with yet another desktop - does this mean that xfce is part of meego?15:40
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kuldeepfrom where i can get the basic tutorial about meego.15:41
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* timeless frowns15:43
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timelesstekojo ran away for a vacation15:43
Stskeepslike most finns15:43
lcukyes timeless - in his cottage or something equally finnish15:43
lcukand i dont blame him, weather is sounding amazing15:44
amjadok americans (read intel folks) will be back today after long weekend :)15:44
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timelessor something15:45
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timeless_mbpamjad: some of us Americans are unfortunate to have the wrong employers16:07
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lcukheh w00t_ what i was saying at tsg meeting about automated tests:  pleased it was caught17:23
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Stskeepsmornin DawnFoster17:46
DawnFostermorning stskeeps17:46
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lcukmorning DawnFoster \o17:48
DawnFostermorning lcuk17:49
StskeepsDawnFoster: are you done with metrics yet? i have time to run irc stats if they're not :)17:49
DawnFosterI'm still working on the metrics.17:49
Stskeepsalright, i'll go make a run then17:49
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DawnFosterwe had a 3 day weekend here, so I'm still digging out of email.17:50
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w00t_lcuk: unfortunately, that one didn't get caught by automated testing :/ which is a shame17:50
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DawnFosterw00t also ran a copy of the IRC stats on his server17:50
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DawnFosterhey w00t_17:50
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lcukw00t_, its always the way ! like i said in the meeting ;)17:51
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w00t_Stskeeps: i already ran a copy of stats, since didn't know when you were going to be around at the time :-)17:51
Stskeepsw00t_: ah, fair enough17:51
DawnFosterI think the time zone was different, so it makes some of it difficult to compare17:51
w00t_perhaps you should still run yours then, Stskeeps17:51
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Stskeepsam doing17:51
lcukDawnFoster, i see the IVI in car system came online and joined meego17:52
DawnFosterw00t_: looks like you guys had a great meeting yesterday! I was just catching up on the notes17:52
w00t_DawnFoster: a better reception than I expected :)17:52
DawnFosterw00t_: That's how you know you're doing something that really needed to be done :)17:53
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w00t_how was your weekend btw?17:53
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DawnFosterthe weekend was great. Hung out with friends and was pretty lazy - which I needed17:54
DawnFosterspent a lot of time reading and lounging around, which was awesome17:54
* Stskeeps is happy and refreshed after a week in the sun as well17:54
Stskeeps -> DawnFoster17:54
DawnFosterstskeeps: how was your holiday?17:55
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Stskeepswas great, a lot of great music, sun and beer17:55
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Stskeepseven though i did have to pop a bit on to check how handset day one was happening :P17:55
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w00t_Stskeeps: one thing i have which you might find helpful.. i did a lot of nick mapping17:57
* w00t_ finds17:57
Stskeepswe should probably start setting up a wiki page with how to implement 'official' irc stuff17:57
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w00t_i thought we were waiting on hardware for that? (but yes, agreed)17:58
w00t_Stskeeps: oh, I ran #meego-arm too17:58
w00t_not sure if you want to do that or not17:58
DawnFosterI also think we need to look at the IRC channels and consolidate a bit.17:58
DawnFosterlots of overlap right now between meego, meego-arm and meego-dev17:59
DawnFosterpeople don't know what to post in which channel17:59
Stskeepsthat is true, but on the other hand, meego-arm is for work17:59
DawnFosterbut random people post user questions there, too17:59
Stskeepsmeego-dev isn't an official channel to my knowledge?17:59
DawnFosterlbt and others have started to use it for work18:00
DawnFosterI'd like to get rid of meego-arm & meego-dev and replace them with meego-work18:00
StskeepsDawnFoster: i personally think it's a bad idea and may cause us to revert back to internal jabber, which is the last thing we should be doing.18:00
sbalazscd /join #meego-dev18:01
lbt*nod* actually we've been on jabber today.... *bad* team !18:01
DawnFosterlbt: what do you think? It seems like people have been posting a lot of random dev questions in your work channel18:01
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amjadany plans to make  registration manadatory for joining meego channels??18:01
lbtDawnFoster: I think it's been working ... but we've been the only ones in it at the time18:01
DawnFosterand it seems like people post a lot of random user questions to meego-arm, too18:01
Termanaamjad, I think thats a bad idea, at least for the main #meego channel. Maybe for the work channels18:02
StskeepsDawnFoster: a work channel makes it possible to actually follow the traffic in a channel and catch up. multiple topics unrelated will cause people to not be able to track, lesson learned from #meego18:02
Stskeepser, #maemo18:02
lbtI'm happy to kick^H^H^H^ politely point people to #meego though18:02
w00t_Stskeeps: that is what is being proposed: #meego-work18:02
Stskeepsw00t_: that will get cluttered with a lot of irrelevant talk.18:02
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Stskeepsat least 95% of our topics revolve around ARM.18:03
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X-FadeIn one year time we have 1000 people working on something, you really don't want them all in one channel ;)18:04
X-FadeNumber purely fictional though..18:04
Stskeepsmoving into the open should not be a bother, people should be able to do their work. in a big channel it will be difficult to point out who's good as potential new team members.18:04
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* lbt is having a *skype* chat atm about meego... <sigh>18:05
DawnFosterstskeeps: on day one the arm channel was flooded with user questions18:05
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lbtanaZ: ... on here?18:05
amjadTermana: when android irc came up, it was open but once G1 was released #android required registration, so within one year  when number of meego users will increase and most of these are new to linux18:05
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X-FadeDawnFoster: I idle there all day, it really isn't an issue.18:05
DawnFosterI just think there has to be some better way to handle the IRC channels.18:06
w00t_amjad: cross that bridge when it happens, no need to jump the gun18:06
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X-FadeDawnFoster: With lots of people and lost of subjects, you just can't share one channel.18:06
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DawnFosterX-Fade agreed18:06
Termanaamjad, so what your saying is that we should require registration so that we push away people who are new and have questions? (in the main meego channel)18:07
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DawnFosterI'm just trying to find a way to better consolidate the user questions and keep them out of the work channels18:07
X-FadeDawnFoster: Just point them to #meego.18:07
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X-FadeDawnFoster: And people will point them onwards.18:07
StskeepsDawnFoster: user questions go to #meego or forums18:07
DawnFosterstskeeps / X-Fade: agreed18:07
amjadno, i am saying we have forums are newbies, irc channel should be for those who have basic knowledge of linux,irc18:07
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w00t_amjad: I'd really rather we not start a caste system.18:08
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DawnFosterbut I've been monitoring all 3 channels, and that isn't happening in practice18:08
StskeepsDawnFoster: if we're going to consolidate, we need the 'active' groups like release engineering and so on to sit and talk in public.18:08
Stskeepsthing is really that a channel of our own for arm for instance, builds community feel.18:09
Stskeepsand allows people to join in easily, without having to fight through a lot of other discussions18:09
DawnFosterI also worry about fragmentation / bloat - will every team want their own IRC channel?18:10
Stskeepswhy shouldn't they though? it is a common pattern in many companies.18:10
X-FadeDawnFoster: Fragmentation is good.18:10
TermanaI think if you consolidate the work channels, your going to get overlapping discussions that can't be followed18:10
DawnFosterlbt: what exactly are you using meego-dev for?18:10
X-FadeAs long as there is an index.18:10
Stskeepsthe important thing is that people know where to go.18:10
Stskeepsie, listings, logs18:10
DawnFosterfragmentation isn't good from a community standpoint18:10
DawnFosteror I should say too much fragmentation too early isn't good18:11
Stskeepsexcept it isn't fragmentation, just like floors in a building isn't :)18:11
X-FadeThis project is targetting more people than your avarage project though.18:11
DawnFosterthings will naturally start to fragment later18:11
X-FadeDawnFoster: MeeGo has multiple interests. Even UX will separate groups.18:11
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X-FadeThat is not a bad thing.18:11
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DawnFosterif too much gets fragmented early, it looks like nothing is happening. People go to meego-dev outside of Nokia working hours and assume that no one is working on meego-dev, since they don't see any activity18:12
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Stskeepsit does look in general like nothing is happening because not many people are working in the open. end of story.18:12
X-FadeDawnFoster: Encourage your teams to work outside.18:12
DawnFosterX-Fade: I agree that not everything can be lumped together. I'm trying to make sure that the right things are separate and that we don't separate things too early18:13
X-FadeDawnFoster: I don't see a lot of intel work being done in the open?18:13
w00t_X-Fade: I don't think a pissing contest is really helpful18:13
DawnFosterThe intel work is being done mostly on the mailing lists and in bugzilla.18:13
X-Fadew00t_: No, but lead by example is important here.18:13
TermanaWhat about if we had an eggdrop (or similar IRC bot) that relays everything that's happening in the separate dev channels into one channel?18:13
X-FadeThat is what I wanted to point out. I would win the contest anyway ;)18:13
TermanaThat would consolidate the talk between the channels. You could also have it as a double relay between certain related channels if needed/wanted.18:15
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DawnFosterlbt: I would still like to know which team is using meego-dev and what you are working on.18:16
X-FadeFor teams working together a real-time medium is needed.18:16
* lbt is in a meeting right now.... be back RSN18:16
DawnFosterx-Fade: that only works when all of the teams are in the same time zone18:16
Stskeepsbacklog even helps a lot in that regard18:16
X-FadeThey don't use forums or mailinglists for most of that, they use the coffeemachine talks.18:16
Stskeepsif you can read a backlog in 3 minutes, you are up to date18:16
DawnFosterIntel teams are spread out all over the work with big offices in the US, London, Beijing18:16
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X-FadeDawnFoster: That is what page-up is for.18:16
StskeepsDawnFoster: can i draw an analogue to mailing lists consolidation? there was a lot of teams wanting mailing lists, got pointed to the common lists, .. they vanished as teams instead of showing up on mailing lists, i would say18:17
tripzeroDawnFoster, is obs ever going to be public? (or is it already?)18:17
DawnFosterI wasn't logged into meego-dev over the holiday weekend and the logs aren't posted in the topic18:17
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Stskeeps(some still broke through, so i might be generalising)18:17
DawnFosterX-Fade: please treat me with a tiny bit of respect.18:17
Stskeepsi think we need to describe what purpose each channel has18:18
DawnFosterif someone can point me to the mythical meego-dev logs, I'm happy to read them18:18
X-FadeDawnFoster: I'm sorry if you feel offended, this is again a 'Can't see the face' issue.18:18
* Stskeeps doesn't log #meego-dev18:18
Stskeepstechnically we/you (CO) control #meego namespace.18:19
Stskeepsas in, #meego-whatever18:19
DawnFosterand the topic descriptions don't make it easy for common community members to know what each channel is being used for18:19
lcukgod im glad the OS wasnt called #c something18:19
lcukwell Stskeeps saying we control namespace under #meego18:20
DawnFosterStskeeps: yeah, I am an admin for the namespace, but I'm trying to get a sense for how people are using things before I make any changes18:20
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* tripzero thinks there should be ux specific channels, ie #meego-handset18:21
DawnFosterI don't want to do something unnatural, which is why we're having this discussion now :)18:21
Stskeepsw00t_: is it possible to get a list of all registered channels underneath #meego?18:21
w00t_/msg alis list #meego*18:21
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w00t_tripzero: in the future, if there's people working on them and lots of discussion/work specifically on them, I'd agree.. but so far I haven't seen that18:23
w00t_so you'd create them and have them with few people and confused newcomers asking how to get images working (better suited for #meego really) and getting no response18:23
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StskeepsDawnFoster: my last counterargument (before i start being constructive) against consolidation is that work has grown in smaller channels, people gotten to know eachother based on a common topic, while this channel has turned mostly quiet, even given the large consolidation of topics re meego and plenty of work going on. now, how do we move on regarding this topic? i propose we write up a wiki, note some people who's handling IRC ...18:25
Stskeeps... matters, get channels under CO control (as intended), policies for logging, who handles what..18:25
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Stskeepsi'll be adding you to meego-arm access list18:26
lbtDawnFoster: our team does this stuff:  on #meego-dev18:26
lbtwe're *starting* to use it ... but still go back to jabber by habit from time-to-time18:27
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w00t_Stskeeps: get information and policies to make informed decisions, you mean18:28
DawnFosterstskeeps: we don't need to make any big changes right now until I get a better feel for what's working / not working18:28
Stskeepswe've effectively emptied our internal jabber, which i'm immensely happy about18:28
DawnFosterstskeeps: and we can't really change the logs and other infrastructure until we move the servers to OSU-OSL18:28
w00t_speaking of: what is going on there?18:28
lbtyeah, we have to have scrum calls on there as it includes internal work too18:28
DawnFosterlbt: so, based on what you are using it for, meego-dev might not be the right name for it?18:29
w00t_honestly, I'm starting to think that I could grow old and die before hardware gets set up18:29
lbtno, I wanted #meego-infra iirc18:29
lcukAWESOME!!!! n900 skins
lbtw00t_: yeah....18:29
lbttell me about it18:29
DawnFosterw00t_ yeah, I know18:30
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brumlais it possible to disable the visual effects in the meego on the netbook?18:31
lbtw00t_: the US have those really complex mains plugs.... very hard to use...18:31
DawnFosterthe problem is that most of the stuff is hosted right now on Intel servers and we are only allowed to give Intel employees access to them18:31
w00t_brumla: short of replacing the UI, I doubt it - though I haven't actually tried. :)18:31
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DawnFosterso it's more about getting things off the other servers18:31
DawnFosterwhen we get them to OSU-OSL we'll be able to get more people helping18:31
StskeepsDawnFoster: just for good measure, when i argue things it's because i care about making the project great. no matter what, at the end of the day, i think you're doing an immensely cool and good job at herding the community, even when we can be rather loud at times :) and thank you for doing that at times unthankful work.18:32
lbtLF foundation employee copies to floppy, hands floppy to Intel employee18:32
w00t_and what is going on with getting hardware to OSUOSL?18:32
brumlaw00t_: i don't want to replace it, for me is enough to disable the zoom effects when witching between apps18:32
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DawnFosterStskeeps: I appreciate it. Everything you've said has been really constructive and helpful, so I appreciate it18:32
w00t_Stskeeps: shall you and I nut heads later on and try get some information set up on the wiki?18:33
DawnFosterStskeeps: I think I've even changed my mind about combining things :)18:33
Stskeepswhich reminds me i need to ask where the registration/conference paper submission went..18:33
lbttripzero: OBS public-ness depends on release of OBS 2.1 ... and then, AFAIUI it will be read only18:33
CosmoHill"Neo-banning. Banning you before you've even spammed!"18:33
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lbttripzero: the community OBS is another matter :)18:33
DawnFosterI think maybe we should focus on having a small number of appropriately named channels with better descriptions of how they're being used in the topics18:33
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CosmoHillI hope the forum owner doesn't get annoyed at me for that18:34
lbttripzero: and guess what .... I'm waiting for HW at OSU18:34
DawnFosterstskeeps: I think we're just waiting to finish the proposal / registration system & then we'll open it up for people to submit18:34
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Stskeepsah, july 15h18:35
Stskeepsforgot it was in the CFP18:35
DawnFosterWe contracted with a company to build the proposal system, and they're making good progress - not sure if we'll make the 15th, tho18:35
DawnFosterno later than Aug 1 for sure, earlier if we can18:35
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lcukDawnFoster, what did the proposal company use to make proposals?18:36
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DawnFosterlcuk: ha ha18:36
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* lbt notes almost zero discussion on things like OSU hosting happening on irc18:36
lcukand was this proposal tender open to all18:36
lbtor mailing lists18:37
Stskeepslbt: #osuosl? ;)18:37
lcukmaybe they happened in the bugzilla18:37
Stskeepsmm, hoping for 15th, 23 days for opening to closing sounds very little18:37
Stskeepsbut then again it will be a busy time with reviewing things anyway :)18:37
DawnFosterlcuk: we went with a company that has a drupal app for conference registration / proposals. They just need to make some tweaks to it to get it working with our single sign on, etc.18:37
* lcuk has a proposal to make for that date too18:38
lcukerr mines 16th i think18:38
lcukcool DawnFoster18:38
Stskeepsi wonder if i have anything cool to talk about, heh18:38
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lbtStskeeps: N810?18:38
Stskeepsah, true18:38
Stskeepslast year at maemo summit it was mer, but if i have anything remotely interesting to talk about that wouldn't be covered by a talk by harri :)18:39
* lbt recalls "Faith No More" track....18:39
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lcukDawnFoster, since the IVI instance is on meego now and includes alternative desktop XFCE does that mean that XFCE can be used as desktop for any meego instance (ie for users who want a low power desktop WM on their netbook) ?18:50
lcukor is that a specific addition only to be available on the IVI18:51
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w00t_lcuk: pretty sure it's available everywhere.. handset used it for a while I think18:54
lcukhandset has only existed for a week!18:54
w00t_no, the handset UX has only existed for a week18:55
w00t_handset images with an xterm have been available since march18:55
Stskeepsxfce4, you mean18:55
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CosmoHillStskeeps: maybe lcuk likes the first version18:56
* lcuk is just reading the mailing list18:56
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timelesswow, oreilly's survey was udpated19:33
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* timeless got decent service again19:49
timelessthese American companies are ruining it for the rest of the world19:49
timelesssetting unreasonable expectations of service and stuff19:49
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sriramHi, anyone know how applications can be added to the "MyZone" view in Meego netbook panels?20:06
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DawnFosterI have a question for application developers.20:49
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DawnFosterwhat would you think of a website for application developers with this navigation: Explore, experience, build, share, download?20:50
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DawnFosterhonest feedback is appreciated. I can give you my feedback after I get some other opinions :)20:51
eagsHello, so is meego currently using qt or clutter for its interface?20:51
StskeepsDawnFoster: initial impression is order is wrong - application developers want to learn, build, test, share, users want to explore, experience, download and perhaps as power users test20:53
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pcutlerStskeeps: I agree.  Unless "Explore" is explore the APIs and tools available20:53
DawnFosterthe site is not for users, just app developers, like for example20:54
bpeeleags: the meego netbook UX is using Clutter and as far as I know everything else is using Qt20:54
Stskeepsi'm thinking two sides of the process - left hand is for developers, right hand is for users, together they create a quality product over time, with the cheesy meego figures in the middle ;)20:54
lcukwhat is IVI using?20:54
DawnFosterwould you expect an application developer site to have navigation like learn, build, test, share or something else?20:55
DawnFosterwhat you expect to see on, for example?20:55
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DawnFosterand I didn't come up with it, so you can't hurt my feelings :)20:56
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lcukmaemo bug filed : libmeegotouch-dev has missing dependencies.   blocker to building the meego applications on maemo20:58
povbotBug 10882: libmeegotouch-dev has missing dependencies20:58
lcukbug 123420:58
lcukDawnFoster, tough question20:59
ali1234DawnFoster: "learn, feel, share" is a bunch of marketing crap imho20:59
ali1234i want to see actual documentation, don't care what the site looks like21:00
lcukdoes meegotouch work on the netbook UX?21:00
DawnFosterdo people agree with ali1234?21:00
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ali1234DawnFoster: people rarely agree with me :)21:00
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DawnFosterI'm looking for brutally honest feedback21:00
lcukali1234, content is always more important than layout - though with good layout the content becomes pleasurable21:01
ali1234i want to see "how to set up the SDK", "how to use OBS", "best practices for creating cross platform symbian/meego development", "how to port an existing app to meego"21:01
DawnFostercosmohill, stskeeps, w00t - other thoughts?21:02
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Stskeepsi'm mostly on same page as ali123421:02
CosmoHillwhy wasn't I told I was meant to be paying attention21:02
Stskeepsready at hand information on typical 'top' topics of developer problems21:02
amjadi agree with ali1234,21:03
CosmoHillali1234: sounds good21:03
trip0lcuk, meegotouch should work on the netbook ux21:03
CosmoHillbut whilst you might not care what the site looks like it is helpful if you can navigate it21:03
trip0i dont' think it's in the netbook repo though... i'll have to check when i get home21:03
Stskeepsfrom A to Z, basically, top is for the basic developer, then you delve into topics..21:03
lcuktrip0, thats a bit odd then21:03
lcukif its NOT there, it means people cannot take app developed for handheld21:03
lcukand use it on netbook21:03
eagsbpeel, what is the toolkit being used on top of clutter for that?  I definitely echo what some people are saying about how it is hard to get a good picture of the apis and technologies available21:04
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CosmoHillmy current position would be newbie i think21:04
trip0lcuk, use handheld apps on netbook?21:04
lcuktrip0, for "meego" to be umbrella spec thts a bit odd21:04
lcukhwy not21:04
Stskeepsand a very central and good search21:04
lcukits hard to squash a bit app down into handheld21:04
bpeeleags: mx is used on the netbook21:04
lcukbut nothing says i cant run many smaller apps on a big screen21:04
ali1234you know what is the most useful page on all of
trip0true... although, it wouldn't quite feel right21:05
trip0unless your netbook had a touchscreen21:05
ali1234there is more useful content on that page than the whole of the rest of the site put together21:05
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lcuktrip0,its entirely feasible both with and without21:05
lcukw00t_, facebrick is developed in qt and works on n900 and desktop doesnt it21:05
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trip0lcuk, feasible, yes, but it would get annoying to me to use a netbook without a touchscreen with touchscreen apps21:06
lcuktrip0, of course not every app is suited21:06
trip0for one, meegotoucch apps done use keyboard shortcuts21:06
trip0and secondly, mtf apps dont respond to the scroll wheel at all21:07
lcukwhat about someone making neverball work on handheld21:07
lcuktrip0, those arent blockers, they are niggles21:07
trip0...two things that make using mtf on netbook annoying for me21:07
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trip0lcuk, agreed21:07
lcukthere is no reason for it to be blocked21:07
eagsboth on the qt and clutter side, I'm having a hard time finding documentation on the touch input apis.21:07
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trip0eags, touch input?21:08
lcukeags, most touch screens direct input in and appear as mouse events21:08
trip0qt also has gestures21:08
lcukyou can get the raw uncalibrated values21:08
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lcukbut usually its simpler to just use mouse21:08
lcuktrip0, i know a gesture i sometimes want to use at gesture enabled apps21:08
eagsright but there is clutter-gesture and meegotouch for multitouch and gestures like flick, long touch, etc21:08
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trip0eags, it's all in the qt-docs for qt apps that use gestures21:09
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StskeepsDawnFoster: do you happen to know what a 'PXT' is?21:13
w00t_lcuk: yes21:13
Stskeeps(i've seen it referred in )21:14
w00t_DawnFoster: it seems a bit touchy feely..21:14
lcukfor handheld ux thats expected21:14
w00t_developery types (at least, those already into developing) aren't really going to appreciate that approach i'd think, but beginners (or those *in charge* of developers) maybe21:14
w00t_so it depends on focus :)21:14
timelessNEC intros three plasmas, 1080p PXT-50FHDP1 included -- Engadget HD21:15
timeless12 Oct 2008 ... Starting things off is the PXT-50FHDP1, a 50-inch 1080p plasma that packs a 100Hz refresh .... Meego's sexy smartphone UI goes on display ...21:15
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Stskeepswouldn't be a bad idea21:15
lcuk50inch smartphones!21:15
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* microlith gets his forklift ready!21:15
lcukside talking - with the whole damn taco stand21:16
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DawnFosterstskeeps: it's an Intel term for product execution team21:22
CosmoHillexecution you say?21:23
Stskeepsone for the meego dictionary then i guess21:23
CosmoHillwho's being executed?21:23
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DawnFostercosmohill: we can't tell you ;)21:23
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Stskeepsso 'a core PXT' would mean team meetings in core product execution team21:23
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microlithmmm, intel acronyms21:24
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timelessalphabet soup21:24
ali1234speaking of intel, here is a good developer page from intel:
timelessplesae say there's a table of soupy alphabet bits on meego21:24
microlithhold on while I list all my ARs on an OSIR21:24
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timelessdawn: fwiw, if you add a line to /etc/hosts, you can test mxr today21:25
timelessit should only show the meego content :)21:25
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DawnFostertimeless: what server does this run on now?21:28
DawnFosterone of yours? or MeeGo project owned?21:28
* krypton off to the first semifinal #Fifa 201021:28
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timelessit's an ec2 cloud machine provided by jebba21:29
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DawnFosterwe're trying to get everything consolidated onto the osu servers rather than using dns to point to a bunch of different servers21:29
timelesswell, the osu people are friendly21:30
timelessi don't mind moving21:30
timelessbut i don't like being too reliant on stuff i can't manage21:30
DawnFostertimeless: that would be great if we could just get it installed on one of tero's servers21:30
timelessthe infrastructure as been terribly unreliable21:30
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timelesswhereas just a cname to dreamhost has been stable for years21:30
CosmoHilldreamhost you say21:31
DawnFosteryeah, we're trying to get everything on the same servers so that we can administer them without having to track down whoever owns the servers21:31
CosmoHillI know someone who works there21:31
w00t_centralised infra is good, provided it's good centralised infra21:31
w00t_it being OSU I have high hopes21:31
* timeless shrugs21:31
DawnFosterthe osu osl guys are solid21:31
timelessyeah, w/ osu as the host, i'm much less concerned21:32
DawnFosterit's where a bunch of the big open source projects are hosted ( mirrors,, etc.)21:32
timelesswhereas people familiar w/ maemo's experience should be able to confirm my general worries21:32
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CosmoHillinfra? sounds like networking a cluster would use21:34
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w00t_timeless: though it has been a lot less flaky in recent months21:34
timelessw00t_: 2?21:34
timelessi think it last flaked w/ the release of pr1.2 :)21:35
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w00t_timeless: I haven't been counting, but the only thing I've really noticed as flaking has been, which is hosted seperately from the main site21:35
w00t_did it?21:35
* w00t_ didn't notice21:35
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timelessiirc it did21:36
timelessalthough it's really hard to tell because of the quirky way nokia does distribution21:36
ali1234i wish nokia would get SSO working across all its sites. this week i tried out the ovi appwizard beta. had to make separate accounts for ovi store, ovi music, the appwizard itself, and another one to get into the nokia support forums21:38
* timeless chuckles21:38
ali1234and i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to make another one when i publish the app21:38
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ali1234then i have 3 or 4 accounts related to it would be nice if i don't have to make another 3 or 4 for meego21:39
timelessTue Jul  6 19:07:55 JST 201021:39
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timelessWed Jul  7 03:26:41 JST 201021:39
timelessindexing isn't cheap :/21:39
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DawnFosterstskeeps: I think the site where we log irc might be down?
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w00t_(centralised infra..)21:41
Stskeepslooks down to me too yes21:41
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Stskeeps(not my infra)21:42
DawnFoster(this is one of those things we want to move to OSU) :)21:42
w00t_DawnFoster: isn't it nearly time for the CO meeting by the way?21:42
DawnFosteranyone know who is belongs to?21:42
DawnFosterw00t_: yep - 18 minutes21:42
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w00t_yay! I got the right day :)21:42
timelessdawn: that's a shared resource21:42
ali1234at a guess, same person who runs povbot?21:43
DawnFostermore specifically, anyone know who can bring it back up :)21:43
timelessMarius Gedminas21:43
timelessdawn: personally, i'd rather have the service up and running21:45
timelessand have someone actually work with me to get it transitioned21:45
timelessthan wait for it not to happen21:45
timelessi do not like waiting21:45
timelessi'm timeless, but that doesn't mean i'm infinitely patient21:45
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DawnFostertimeless: we'll need to talk to Mike & Tero about how urgently this is needed vs. the effort required to migrate it later21:46
timelesshe's on vacation for a month21:46
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timelessand the request was made months ago21:46
timelessbut roughly, mxr's are very  portable21:46
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timeless(note: i'm starving, and it's nearly 10pm which cuts down on my food options)21:47
timelessit's roughly an rsync21:47
timelessthe vm i'm using is centos5.521:47
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timelesswhich is a fairly standard thing21:47
DawnFosterthanks - I'm emailing marius21:47
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DawnFosterI'm not saying no, but that we should chat with Mike about it21:48
scott1__Is that possible can I hook Qprinter to MFC printing framework, I mean can I use Qprinter to win32 DC??21:48
timelessscott: err, did you mean to use #qt?21:48
DawnFosterthe migration project right now is getting huge, so we're trying not to add to much to it; however, if this is urgent and holding other things up, then we should look at doing it21:48
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timelessgetting it into use generally helps adopters21:49
timelessand it makes it easier to do tutorial work and stuff21:49
timelessholding off tends to result in people not noticing/not using21:49
DawnFostercan you add some context to the bug report about why you think this is more urgently needed than waiting for the migration?21:49
DawnFoster(I'm not the one you need to convince) :)21:50
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* timeless hunts dinner21:50
* lcuk uses mxr because it helps tracing code branches and hits around when looking to fix up bugs21:51
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timelesslcuk: could you poke the bug ? :)21:51
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lcuknot everyone has all the source on their machines at once, and the cross reference is ideally suited :D which bug21:51
DawnFosterI just want to make sure we get everything in the bug report so that the right people can make a good decision21:53
CosmoHilllcuk: btw did you download source.tar.bz2?21:53
lcukno CosmoHill21:54
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lcukDawnFoster, do you know which bug i cant see it21:54
* lcuk is looking in scrollback but going blind21:54
CosmoHillso you didn't see how awesome (ly bad) my programming is?21:54
scott1__timless: Yes I mean to use Qt21:54
lcukCosmoHill, downloading the code wont help to determine awesomeness unless it self built itself directly from the source archive including an optimising compiler and prelinking stage!!21:55
lcukthanks DawnFoster \o21:55
* CosmoHill blinks21:55
TSCHAKeee2so...are you suggesting that awesomeness is non-linear?21:56
lcukdo i need a new account for
lcukor am i just being thick and not remembering my password21:57
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DawnFosterlcuk it's tied into the rest of the accounts21:58
DawnFostershould be the same account you use to log into the wiki, forums, etc21:58
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lcukahhh yes, no wonder i couldnt find it!  i had to give it a silly password because of its rules21:59
* lcuk copy pastes password 21:59
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* CosmoHill waits for lcuk to accidently past it in the channel22:02
TSCHAKeee2the combination is....22:02
lcukno, its worse than that22:03
lcuki believe i ranted at the time, and its not worth it now22:03
lcuksuffice that everytime i need password i have to copy paste it22:03
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lcukand the actual password is made up of not very nice words22:03
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CosmoHill"cough meego"22:04
RST38hlcuk: "my preciousss"?22:04
lcukno CosmoHill meego the principle is sound :P22:05
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DawnFosterlcuk: it doesn't actually enforce the strong password, it just tells you that your password sucks. You can still use it :)22:06
DawnFosternot that I'm encouraging the use of weak, wimpy passwords.22:06
CosmoHillyou're passwords must be strong and muscly22:07
lcukDawnFoster, i think at the time i couldnt continue22:07
CosmoHilllike the senator of CA22:07
DawnFosterlcuk: try to change it and see if it works22:08
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lcukDawnFoster, correctomundo, thanks, it does let past22:15
DawnFosterlcuk: it just chastises you first :)22:16
lcukvery muchly so DawnFoster!22:16
lcuki do like the fact my copy paste password is shorter than my proper one22:16
lcukbut according to that its stronger22:16
TSCHAKeee2Password Restriction: "Must also double as valid Malbolge code."22:17
TSCHAKeee2"Intercal and TECO macros also accepted."22:17
lcukWARNING: Meego passwords have been known to cause arthritis in 27 US states.22:18
TSCHAKeee2must also include the character22:18
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TSCHAKeee2although in retrospect, i think the accidental null was funnier22:18
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DawnFosternow, we'll see who can guess lcuk's password first22:21
Stskeepsit's 'owmyfinger'22:21
Stskeepsor 'ovi'22:21
RST38hIt is "bac0n".22:22
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lcuknope, its still the one i set it to after last time22:22
w00t_Stskeeps: hahahaha (@owmyfinger)22:22
Stskeepslcuk: 'damnfinns'?22:23
lcukmm certainly not22:24
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lcukbacon sounds good tho22:25
w00t_mmm bacon22:26
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TSCHAKeee2speaking of bacon22:29
TSCHAKeee2and who could forget,
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TSCHAKeee2or this, :D22:32
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timelesswould it be so hard for to redirect to
timeless(for all random wiki pages)22:44
timelesslcuk: finally a link i could click w/ my n900 screen irc session22:45
lcukwhich timeless ?22:46
timelessyours in -meeting22:46
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timelessdawn's kept wrapping and getting split by a +22:46
timelessthat bot's all got split22:46
timelessit's not easy to follow irc meetings while eating22:47
timelessesp w/ a couple of other channels running22:47
timelessi have about 15 lines of text22:48
timelessany smaller and i'd have to work too hard22:48
timeless(monospace 12 according to x terminal)22:48
* timeless ples mrshaver22:49
* timeless pookes mrshaver22:49
* timeless pokes mrshaver22:50
timelesstjird time's the charm?22:50
timelessgah, he isn't here22:50
lcuktimeless enjoy your food22:51
lcukbtw, i cant post anything on that mxr bug22:51
DawnFostertimeless: I'm guessing he ran off to lunch22:51
lcukcos its about the domain and not its utility22:51
* timeless considers looking forward in order to avoid running into scantily clad finns22:51
DawnFosterenjoy your dinner & ping him in a few :)22:51
timelessdinner & a meeting22:52
timelessnot quite the same as dinner & a movie, but oh well22:52
timeless(not much cheaper either)22:52
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GalegOHi guys22:55
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GalegOA want to know about the project meego for the N900 :)22:55
Stskeepsask away22:56
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lcukStskeeps ..!22:58
Stskeepshe left? well that's rude ;)22:59
lcukStskeeps, i must say :) i like your mail22:59
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lcukand yeah you scared Galeg0 away23:00
Stskeepsa vacation did me well - a lot of angry energy gone :P23:00
* timeless sighs23:01
* lcuk is camping this weekend23:01
* timeless kicks apache23:01
w00t_timeless: sup?23:01
timelessvhost instructions went bad23:01
timelessso apache did something really stupid (tm)23:01
w00t_I'm a bit used to that23:01
timelessi think it has file handles locked to directories23:02
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AardanaZ: anything keeping latest telepathy-glib from being moved to trunk?23:48
anaZAard: in a few hours a whole lot is moving to Trunk23:50
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Aardgreat. that's needed for telepathy-ring23:51
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anaZAard: now that I have you here23:52
anaZall my emails to you have been bouncing :)23:52
Aardwelcome in my world :)23:52
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anaZthis is terrible23:52
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lbthey Aard o/  anaZ23:53
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Aardapparently india has found something, so I guess I might be able to send you christmas greetings by mail :p23:53
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anaZAard: the messagingfw you submitted some time ago breaks few packages23:53
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anaZit does not provide a .pc file like the previous one used to23:54
Aardbreaking as in "breaks build" or "breaks when running"?23:54
Aardit does, the version I submitted has qmake project files generating .pc files23:55
Aardso, the hack with pc-file-in-spec-generation is not needed anymore23:55
anaZnothing provides pkgconfig(QtMessagingFramework)23:55
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anaZProvides: pkgconfig(messageserver) = 1.0.0 pkgconfig(qtopiamail) = 1.0.023:56
anaZthats what it provides now23:56
anaZi like it better than QtMessagingFramework23:57
Aardyeah, it has two components23:57
sivanganaZ: this part of mobility ? (messaging framework)23:57
anaZok, then those packages needing it shall be adapted23:57
Aardthat's been the way in nokia internally for quite a long time, but unfortunately the public messagingframework has been packaged by intel before we were able to release our sso-changes23:58
thiago_akademyQMF is not part of mobility23:59
sivanghey thiago_akademy , thanks for the note :)23:59

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