IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2010-05-31

thiago_homelcuk: actually, what I meant were the native (x11) and raster graphics engines in Qt00:00
thiago_homethey still use X11 for WM00:00
arjanbenp_: sure00:00
riochthiago_home: is it likely that arm11 will ever be supported/provided?00:00
thiago_homerioch: not officially00:00
benp_arjan: Great.00:00
thiago_homebut if people do the work, sure00:00
lcukwhy the regression tho - i thought qt was happy on n8x000:01
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thiago_homelcuk: Qt is00:01
benp_One by one: Can I use the meego netbook thingy with multiple users/logins?00:01
lcukisnt everything based on qt?00:01
thiago_homelcuk: but why says anything about the applications built with it?00:01
lcukthats like saying my boat is waterproof, till i put it in the ocean00:01
thiago_homelcuk: not yet. Non-Qt apps will be used for some time, maybe forever. Who knows.00:01
arjanbenp_: not currently.00:01
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lcukthiago_home, sure, but qt apps are qt apps?00:02
lcukand qt works on 8x000:02
thiago_homelcuk: they're also native apps00:02
arjanlcuk: there's more than "it uses qt" for apps to work well00:02
benp_yum is configured "wrong", having two sources that have names that are already taken. Is this well-known? Something to report?00:02
arjanlike which compiler options you use etc00:02
thiago_homelcuk: you can use any lib in the system, including OpenGL00:02
lcukyeah sure arjan00:02
thiago_homebesides, Qt has never officially supported Diablo and before00:02
lcukbut using random libraries is tough00:02
arjanbenp_: hmmm that was supposed to be fixed00:02
lcukand stops the qt crossplatformness?00:03
lcuknative qt application can run on windows00:03
thiago_homeonly if you recompile for Windows00:03
thiago_homethat's also another issue00:03
benp_arjan: Not yet mean "but planned, for sure"? I understand that it won't be that much of a deal for mobiles, but on a netbook my gf and me are using different accounts.. :)00:03
thiago_homeand it doesn't work if you use libX11 stuff in your app00:03
lcuksure - the walled garden00:03
arjanbenp_: we're struggling with how to do it properly; we're looking at things like "guest mode" and "kid mode"00:04
benp_arjan: It started that way on this image. Changed the repository source names manually00:04
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benp_arjan: Ah, okay. That's a better/deeper solution that I thought of. I was expecting just a simple login manager or something..00:04
lcukthiago_home, something like sdl has the same sort of thing00:04
arjanbenp_: we found the name thing pretty late, but I know we tried to fix it00:04
lcukwrite an sdl game and it can run on the platforms sdl supports00:05
lbtarjan: when you say "we're looking at".... who is looking at it? And where are the discussions?00:05
arjanbenp_: login manager... more a "switch user" but yeah00:05
riochthiago_home: Is it always possible to install this on a device, or does it depend on the device being open in some way (i.e. not locked down)?00:05
arjanlbt: this is the user interaction design team00:05
thiago_homerioch: which device?00:05
lbtarjan: there's a lot of interest in that area00:05
lcukarjan, are they interacting with anyone publicly?00:05
lbtand I wondered if they'd be a good team to help "out" :)00:05
benp_arjan: Well.. There should be some password protection (otherwise I really won't use it for social network things and connect it to my accounts).00:06
arjanbenp_: there is password protection00:06
lbtarjan: ie set Stskeeps on them00:06
arjanyou can set it so that it asks for your password at boot00:06
* arjan coded the "lower half" of that stuff00:06
benp_arjan: Failed to find that.00:06
arjanbut it's done with the screensaver, not with a login manager00:06
riochthiago_home: I'm speaking hypothically. Can a device prevent me from installing meego?00:06
thiago_homerioch: yes00:06
arjanthere's a settings thing for it somewhere00:06
thiago_homerioch: talk to the people who made the device00:06
thiago_homerioch: think of TiVo00:06
arjan(but I didn't code that part of the solution, only the part that actually does the lock)00:06
lcukbenp_, on maemo the one thing i want to do is lock down the entire net aspects - phone sms internet - so my son can play without accidentally phoning finland00:07
lcukwhich he has done more than once :|00:07
benp_lcuk: Hehe00:07
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benp_lcuk: Looking forward to N810 support, fbtw00:07
riochthiago_home: ok, thanks for your help.00:07
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lcukthiago_home, will meego be using the tivo model00:08
thiago_homelcuk: tivo model is a hardware thing00:08
lcukie actively prevent installation on alternative hardware00:08
thiago_homemeego is softwar only00:08
thiago_homecompanies put meego on their devices, you have to talk to those companies00:08
thiago_homeI *think* the Nokia devices will be flashable00:08
thiago_homethey have been so far00:08
benp_Another thing that struck me: What's this "Catalog" thing? Seems - uhm, I hope I offend no one in here - ugly and I fail to understand the difference between the other program to add/remove packages (looks like synaptic, but I understand this is rpm based)00:09
lcukbut can people make a new image with (for instance) different software and flash it on00:09
lcukie remove/change browser but still have full media player usage00:10
arjanbenp_: please use the garage app00:10
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arjanthe "low level" install/remove app is pretty crappy if you ask me00:10
benp_lcuk: For me the main point is not cost, but privacy. I share a netbook with family and friends. Even in my family it's not ok to read/share mail or IM accounts etc.00:10
lcukbenp_, technically your entire family should have their own device but i see your point00:11
lcuki have a floating n810 with games etc00:11
lcukbut i dont share my phone regularly00:11
benp_arjan: Hmm.. Looked so much more familiar (see above, like synaptic). Garage looks like it was hand-drawn. Yesterday. And has no contents. Sorry - that's the ugliest part of the image I found so far.00:11
benp_lcuk: Technically that's not correct. :) This is not a phone, this is a EeePc :)00:12
arjanit's more about "personal device"00:12
arjanand we need ways to share a "personal device" safely00:12
arjanit's not ... trivial00:12
lcukbenp_, sure, even more differenter then!00:12
benp_Yep, I understand that.00:12
arjanshare-with-kid is different to show-off-to-friends :000:13
lcukarjan, technically with full user accounts it is00:13
arjanlcuk: full user accounts are not a good solution per se00:13
pupnikthe different ux concept is ok.  but how much space / market is there really for meeego on netbooks00:13
lcukarjan, ?00:13
arjanthey're a component to the solution, but they're not the whole part of it00:13
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lcukthats intruiging00:13
pupnikwhen a netbook is essentially a laptop.00:13
lcukyeah, what else do you need than user accounts?00:14
arjanlcuk: you have different levels of user. "owner" "kids that whine in the back of the car"00:14
benp_pupnik: I'd love to go for it on a netbook (but install more software for me)00:14
arjanyou need well defined roles to match those accounts, since you the owner want not all users to have the same full access00:14
lcukarjan, isnt this a solved problem for like eons?00:14
benp_pupnik: For me a netbook is a device for online services mostly (and more, not part of meego by default)00:15
lcukeven windows has multiuser00:15
arjanlcuk: having multiple accounts isn't the hard part. how to manage those accounts, how to let them share, how to limit some of them in various ways, is there it gets "fun"00:15
pupnikbenp_: what do you want netbook meego to do differently than linux or win700:15
benp_But for now it's not ready for my (personal, irrelevant) usecase. Multiuser support with password protection, a PDF client that doesn't look out of place and access to more "standard" packages (word processor, monodevelop, stuff)00:16
arjanpupnik: on your earlier question. I think that "meego on netbook" alone does not make sense commercially00:16
lcukarjan, how do you define the role of a single user machine?  you let them install apps they want and set the experience to them00:16
arjanpupnik: but it is part of a bigger suite, with meego-on-phones, meego-on-tablets etc... and as part of a whole suite it has value00:16
arjansince it means different types of devices share concepts and have some degree of compatibility, and can complement and add value to eachother00:17
benp_pupnik: Deep and good integration of online services (chat, social networks, mail..)00:18
pupnikah good answers - ty00:18
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hylix_hi all00:18
benp_pupnik: With a simple (think non-technical friends) and beautiful UI/UX/whatever00:18
hylix_do you know if its possible to build meego from sources by MIC to make my pc work with meego ?00:19
arjanhylix_: MIC does not build sources00:19
arjanbut.. what do you actually want to do00:20
hylix_ah nice :(00:20
hylix_arjan: i have a eeepc900 (not 901) and meego dont works on it00:20
hylix_but i really want too have meego on my pc :)00:20
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s13gedoes meego work on 1101HA?00:21
hylix_if its an atom00:21
s13geyes it is00:21
hylix_i think its ok00:21
arjanand has gma950 or so graphics00:22
hylix_but for me :'(00:22
arjanand not gma50000:22
s13geGMA500 :)00:22
s13geso its not working..00:22
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s13gefucking intel00:22
arjansadly that device has no linux support from the hardware vendor00:22
hylix_is there a way to compile meego ?00:22
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arjanhylix_: yes you can compile it yourself. however it's not a small task....00:22
hylix_i mean simple00:23
thiago_homehylix_: have you ever built a linux distribution from scratch?00:23
hylix_like make00:23
s13gei have linux on my 1101HA, but videocard doesn't work very well...00:23
* TSCHAKeee2 laughs00:23
hylix_thiago_home: i dont want to reinvant the wheel00:23
lcukdont you need to type make all?00:23
TSCHAKeee2hoo boy, that's a good one.00:23
arjanhylix_: it's a little more involved than that.00:23
pupnikyes there is a lot to dso to make linux as slick as OSX for e.g.00:23
hylix_then what do i do ?00:24
hylix_(and why not make a i686 standard distro ?)00:25
lcukbecause the sky isn't green00:26
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:27
hylix_lcuk: its relative00:27
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lcuktheres plenty of lively discussion on this very topic anyway00:27
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lcukgeneral conclusion is yeah no real technical reason (especially since the bigger cpus will be generally faster)00:28
arjanhylix_: optimizing for atom gives performance.00:28
arjanit's that simple.00:28
arjanso if someone else wants to build the thing for pre-atom, they can do that00:28
hylix_arjan: a lot or just a litle ?00:28
arjanbut my estimate of doing that is $50k/year in cost00:28
arjanhylix_: around 10% to 15%00:29
arjan(and 10% in performance is also 10% in power generally)00:29
hylix_hum ok00:29
hylix_then i just have to kill myself :(00:30
lcukhylix_, if its anything like moblin someone will put it ontop of ubuntu anyway00:30
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arjanit's the same ask asking the arm guys who compile for armv7 and not armv500:31
hylix_arjan: maybe :)00:31
arjanlcuk: : define "it"00:31
thiago_homethe big difference is fp00:31
thiago_homein both, actually00:31
hylix_arjan: but i dont ask i just looking for a way to do it alone00:31
arjanslaine, who's here on weekdays, I think has done it before00:32
lcukarjan, not really, there are grave differences - if it is just cpu stuff, sure it will all be happy, but the soc includes the entire graphics card which doesnt exist00:32
lcuksame binary runs on 8x0 and 900 happily00:32
hylix_lcuk: yes00:32
arjanyeah but the 900 stuff is compiled for the 900 cpu00:32
arjanfor that extra 10% performance00:32
arjanif not 15%00:32
lcuki used to build binaries quite happily for my 81000:32
lcukand copy directly to 90000:32
arjanI know it runs on 90000:32
arjanI'm just pointing out that nokia doesnt' build the n900 OS and core stuff like that00:33
thiago_homearjan: not really. The Fremantle binaries are built for the armv6 arch with soft-fp ABI00:33
hylix_i ma case there is just a cpu problem00:33
thiago_homebut it does use the neon chip00:33
lcukarjan, "it"
lcukruns on pretty much everything x86, including intels amds, and can even be used on the new macs00:36
lcukso why cant the same be available direct for meego netbook?00:37
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arjanit can.00:38
arjanplease do the work ;)00:38
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arjan(and provide the build servers etc)00:38
ml-mobileI think MeeGo needs more competing interests00:39
arjanmaybe your employer wants to fund the $50k/year00:39
arjan.... since mine sure doesn't want to spend the 50 grand on this00:39
lcukim not capable, but if canonical did it before im sure they can again00:39
* pupnik whispers "business case"00:39
lcukand arjan in open source, it does not take 50k00:40
lcukit takes one determined individual00:40
thiago_homecanonical is still doing something meego00:40
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thiago_homethey're not very pleased, but they're doing it00:40
arjanlcuk: it takes about 50k in terms of build hardware and datacenter space00:40
arjanI did not count people time00:40
lcuknope, it takes 1 person with 1 machine and some spare time00:40
arjanafter the fact maybe.00:40
lcuklinux on toasters00:40
lcuklinux on xbox00:41
lcuklinux on XXXXXXX00:41
lcukdo not underestimate the community00:41
arjanbut not during development of a distro; there you need a fast enough build result so that things aren't helt back00:41
arjanI do not underestimate the community00:41
arjanI see what kind of setup we need for what is produced right now00:41
arjanand how it scales in terms of adding arm and such00:41
lcuksure, and theres people out there twiddling their thumbs00:41
arjanand how many machines we had to add00:41
lcukjebba was in here recently offering to do it00:42
arjanand I'm more than halving that for this effort00:42
TSCHAKeee2oops wrong window00:42
arjanlcuk: there's NOTHING stopping him.00:42
lcukthere was at the time - the code wasnt up :p00:42
mindfaqat least the sdk simulator needs a solution to run without intel gma chipsets imho00:42
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lcukarjan, more difficult than recompiling would be something like Stskeeps attempted with mer - to actually rebuild maemo using sometimes altnerative apps00:45
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tmztmindfaq: I wonder what adding 2d intel support to qemu would entail00:45
tmztthey've used the same emulated card (cirrus?) for years00:45
ShadowJKbecause that cirrus card has documentation and is well known :)00:48
mindfaqyes, cirrus it was00:49
ShadowJKiirc someone was at some point writing opensource bios for that hw :)00:49
mindfaqare they planning to include other virtual graphics devices?00:49
mindfaqthink i read something on fedora's wiki00:50
ShadowJKI suspect it'd be easier to invent your own nonexistant graphics card, and then write drivers for it on every os00:50
mindfaqlike innotek did with virtualbox?00:50
ShadowJKthan to figure out enough of how existing cards work in order to emulate them..00:51
mindfaqas long as the drivers go into the kernel/xorg, that'd be fine00:51
mindfaqwith virtualbox, from time to time they are lacking support for recent x-servers00:52
mindfaqwould it be possible to run the meego sdk simulator on nvidia graphics hardware through xephyr if one would drop the nvidia GL libs into the meego chroot?00:58
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pupnikmindfaq: for sure if you dont use gl01:16
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Monotokohiya guys...telepathy keeps crashing when im trying to IM...afterwards, it wont let me open any new IM windows01:47
Monotokowithout a reset01:47
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sivangMonotoko: try to rebuild telepathy with debugging informaiton and run it through GDB02:16
* sivang -< sleep02:17
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mamoulhey budz03:14
mamoulI'm on my cute meego netbook now03:14
mamoulthis is interesting03:15
mamoulfor some reason the system update doesn't work03:15
mamoulit says something like invalid key03:15
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neopsiscan we install meego on vmware?04:38
neopsiscool :D04:39
neopsistry it now :D04:39
pupniklater. interested in handheld ux04:49
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arjanmeego/netbook does not work (well) on vmware or any current virtual machine04:51
arjandue to the need for fast 3D graphics04:52
GAN900arjan, VMWare does Aero.04:52
GAN900And Quartz, for that matter, now.04:52
arjanwhere's the (open source) linux 3d driver for it?04:53
arjanand does it need things like foul smelling kernel patches?04:53
arjanit'd be nice to have at least one virtual machine solution04:54
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neopsisyou guys can give me any recommendation on where to start for development?04:59
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arjanneopsis: qtdesigner is a very nice start05:08
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TSCHAKeee2okay, i'm gonna wipe this damn joggler05:10
TSCHAKeee2the factory OS is uuuuuuuuuselessss :P05:10
neopsisarjan: is there any tutorial website for qt designer?05:12
arjanI'm not involved in the sdk part of this much05:12
arjanmostly working on the OS itself05:12
arjanbut there's a bunch of guys who're working on the SDK + documentation05:13
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Arizonais the Meego chnnel live? And s there anyone here?06:57
TSCHAKeee2yes. although most of the developers are t "awake" at the moment.06:58
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* arjan is just hacking some Qt code ;)07:02
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ArizonaI've got a Asus 900 netbook, a cheap woot purchased one with a celeron instead of Atom processor, and no camera. I've been putting on quite a few small OSes on it and am currently downloading meego to see what you've got. Does Meego work on eee Netbooks?07:04
ArizonaWhat works and what does not?07:04
ArizonaThe download still has another estimated hour to go.07:05
ArizonaIs there any support for the wifi chipset in the EEE Pcs?07:06
arjanunfortunately, the meego build you download needs an Atom or Core2 or so processor07:06
arjanthe 900 does not work07:06
arjanthe 900A does work07:06
arjanbut not the celeron one07:06
ArizonaOK, I guess I'll stop the download. thanks for the info!07:08
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* arjan runs valgrind on my Qt app07:35
arjanoh my.07:35
TSCHAKeee2hahahaha07:37 week later....07:37
TSCHAKeee2oh look, a pixel07:37
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* TSCHAKeee2 is making a dev chroot for his joggler orbiter work07:39
arjanTSCHAK: more like.. tons of memory leaks07:48
TSCHAKarjan, are the bits of code for the current meego netbook UX still sitting over in moblin's repository?07:49
arjanthey're moving over tuesday07:49
arjanwe kinda missed them in the release plan07:49
arjanand when we realized that friday it was too late to do a proper move07:49
arjanwe want to move them while preserving branches and such07:49
arjanwhich means it's not a trivial "git push and be done with it"07:50
TSCHAKyeah, i'm aware..07:50
TSCHAKarjan, do you know what's being used as the window manager for the handset UX side of things?07:50
arjanthe meego touch one07:51
arjanI think it's called mcompositor or something07:51
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vikithakarIs there any way to use Meego on my desktop?08:56
arjanif you have intel graphics gpu.. then yes08:58
* arjan does it all the time ;)08:58
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CorsacI should try it, but I'm not sure celeron has the needed bits :)09:01
arjancheck for ssse3 in /proc/cpuinfo09:01
Corsachmhm though it's intel64 compatible, so...09:02
Corsacnop, sse, sse2 but no sse309:03
Corsaccrappy cpu09:03
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tmzt64bit celeron09:11
Corsacmodel name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.20GHz09:11
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villemvjust got "meego platform bug jar in email"09:33
villemvit seems to have bugs for handheld ux as well09:33
Stskeepsopen development is great, isn't it? :)09:33
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villemvdid I miss an announcement somewhere? :)09:34
Stskeepsnah, just that i think it's one of those areas that weren't closed off09:34
* TSCHAKeee2 facepalms09:34
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Stskeepssituation should hopefully change soon09:35
* TSCHAKeee2 does a rain dance09:35
* TSCHAKeee2 sacrifices a goat09:35
TSCHAKeee2hey, maybe it'll help09:35
TSCHAKeee2nothing else has at this point09:35
TSCHAKeee2:P :)09:35
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villemvat this point, if I was to look for information about MeeGo, it seems bugzilla is the place to go09:39
villemvyou can "deduce" tons of stuff from the bugs09:39
villemv(if one was not inclined to wait, that is)09:39
* TSCHAKeee2 wants to get his hands on mcompositor09:40
villemvTSCHAKeee2: mcompositor is on gitorious, right?09:40
TSCHAKeee2is it?09:40
villemvi think so09:40
TSCHAKeee2i couldn't find it09:40
TSCHAKeee2hm ok09:40
tmztwhat is the dui?09:41
villemvold name for meegotough09:41
tmztthis is the component that requires 3d hardware?09:42
Stskeepswell, not so much required but is optimized on top of09:42
villemvwell, it does use opengl, yes09:42
TSCHAKeee2hm it looks like it's over in..yeah.09:43
tmztdoesn't use TFP?09:43
Stskeepscompositor might i guess09:43
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TSCHAKeee2is the plan for meego touch to still use x, i wonder...09:43
TSCHAKeee2guess i will just rifle through the code09:43
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tmztlet's hope, everybody else is moving to android display system09:44
villemvmeegotouch uses normal X11 qt09:44
TSCHAKeee2android display system...heh.09:44
TSCHAKeee2openmax on a framebuffer09:44
tmztandroid display system isn't openmax09:45
TSCHAKeee2oh ok09:46
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faboCorsac: pykickstart accepted on Debian archive.09:58
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kisseis anyone awake?10:22
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kisseis there ANY possible way to configure moblin-power-icon at all?10:24
kisseit's like, someone decided that it was ok to dictate that everyone should have their machine enter sleep mode when they shut their lid10:27
Stskeepsmm, might be of help10:27
kisseI posted there, no one even responded at all about it10:27
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kisseThey like... ignore it, like it's some sort of horrible plague item10:28
kisse... personally, I don't blame them... as it seems to be and impossible thing that I'm asking for10:28
kisseit's like asking someone to willingly bash their head against the world, because I'm tired of doing so myself10:28
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Stskeepsnext step is meego-dev mailing list, indicating the problem, or submitting it asa bug10:29
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kisseStskeeps: I think a bug is a good call10:36
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kissev_v ... god... meego's link to create a bugzilla account returns "Access Denied"10:37
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kisseThis is seriously so frustrating, because I prefer Meego so much, that I'm willing to boot into Win7 to leave my IM on while my lid is closed while I sleep10:38
Stskeepstry with your login on bugzilla10:39
kisseyep, that worked :)10:39
Stskeeps'access denied' is such a horrid message :)10:39
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kisseI'm too worn out right now... my first instinct is to post a horrible hate and obscenity filled bug laden with arrogant and self-righteous indignity....10:42
kissewhich is ENTIRELY not lady-like10:44
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Stskeepswell, you're sending bugs to people who are humans too, so be specific and straightforward, that makes your bug be responded to better :P10:45
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Vortiagokisse, try editing the file /etc/acpi/events/lid.conf10:48
Corsacfabo: cool10:48
VortiagoAs I understand it that's the file being run when you close the lid10:49
kisseVortiago: I emptied out the entire file already.  The problem is that moblin-power-icon is actually doing the lid event10:49
kissethe runs as well, but it pretty much doesn't do anything at all, because moblin-power-icon is running10:49
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gouratm, meego does not work under vm (vbox) as moblin did, so the question is if it's on todo list or one has to buy new hardware to taste it?11:09
thiagothe problem is opengl11:11
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gourthiago: so, no solution on the horizon?11:25
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thiagogour: not that I know of11:28
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gourtoo bad...we had high hopes about the prospect of meego development based on moblin :-/11:29
gourit is really limiting that one needs intel graphic in order to be able to do pc development11:30
Stskeepsgour: handset ux or netbook ux?11:30
Stskeepsgour: i think it's actually more about that people should set up guides how to make .ks'es containing nvidia, virtualbox, etc11:30
gourStskeeps: i tried to install meego-netbook11:31
Tm_TStskeeps: the idea of copying the related files from host system sounds a reasonable solution to me if it works11:31
gourStskeeps: i can only see twm in meego under vbox :-(11:31
gourwith moblin it was dl & play11:32
kissemeego kind of had a bit of a radical rewrite... enough to lose some previous features :(11:32
gourtrue...but, imho, the current release hardly deserves 1.0 tag11:33
Tm_Thow so?11:33
* Tm_T thinks people stares too much those numbers11:34
gour..considering "this release provides developers with a stable core foundation for application development "...11:34
gourone needs special hardware in order to even see how meego looks11:34
gourTm_T: check some of the comments in
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pupnikruns on a lenovo x61 and S10-2 as well11:41
gourpeople wants running in VM11:42
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Stskeepsgour: grab mic2 and see if you can drop virtual box extensions into the meego image11:42
gourStskeeps: ok. will try11:44
Stskeepsi believe meego can't include them by default since they're closed source11:44
Stskeeps(to my best knowledge)11:44
* timeless_mbp is pretty sure the guest additions are open source for linux11:45
timeless_mbpfor windows they're closed11:45
timeless_mbpiirc i installed guest additions into moblin w/o significant issue (one bug + patch @
srs2khi there. where can i ask a question about meego setup?11:46
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Stskeepsdefine 'setup'11:46
Jartzayeah, without getting meego to run in virtualbox etc. it's quite useless & pointless at least for me11:47
JartzaI don't want to use my netbook for development :P11:47
timeless_mbpJartza: meego development isn't quite selfhosted11:47
timeless_mbpit's generally done using OBS11:47
JartzaI know11:48
timeless_mbpwhich is not really the same thing...11:48
timeless_mbpif you mean testing, ...11:48
Jartzabut for "real life testing" I'd like to run my apps in "real meego"11:48
Jartzaand yes, I count testing as a part of development :)11:48
srs2ki've downloaded meego image and want to put it on flash drive where grub4dos installed. which lines i need to write in 'menu.lst'?11:49
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mindThomasany guys from UK in here?11:54
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StskeepsmindThomas: phrasing it like you're not seeking out a date might be better :)11:55
Stskeepslike adding why you are looking for UK people11:55
sivangGood Morning to all the soggy cats.11:58
sivangStskeeps: hehe11:58
sivangthere are a couple11:58
timeless_mbpsivang: don't feed the ignorant, let Stskeeps teach them to fish11:59
sivangtimeless_mbp: sure sure , sorry :)11:59
sivangon a related note, anybody to offer a place to crash in London between the 15th and 17th of September? O:-)11:59
sivangI'll bring in good mood beer and snacks :)12:00
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spidepreferably a hot female. :)12:00
sivangspide: my sister (20 year old) will accompany me12:00
TermanaIf shes blonde, spide has a room12:01
spidesivang: adding a link to a pic of your sister might add to offers.12:01
sivangso shovenistic12:01
spidenot from uk sorry :(12:01
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Myrttiyou guys manage to disappoint me almost every day. Good Job.12:05
kissesivang: chauvanistic*12:06
sivangkisse: right , I should know this came from French :-p12:06
kisseah... chauvinist*12:06
sivangMyrtti: in what way?12:06
kisseAmi english drops so much vowel quality from unstressed syllables :(12:06
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Myrttisivang: making women (or atleast me) feel like piece of meat12:14
LinuxCodeyou are pieces of meat, just as we men are pieces of meat12:15
LinuxCodedirty filthy human pieces of meat12:15
TermanaEspecially LinuxCode12:16
* gour thinks that "...we have piece of meat, but we are not that..."12:16
LinuxCodeTermana, we are all pieces of useless humanoid meat12:17
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LinuxCodeprobably be all dead in 200 years12:17
LinuxCodeextinct as a race12:17
sx0nnerds as a race?12:17
TermanaLinuxCode, your timing is a little off12:17
LinuxCodeor species, rather12:17
Termana2012 is only 2 years away!12:17
sx0nit's dangerous specie12:18
LinuxCodethats what they said in 200012:18
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LinuxCodeand ehhh 1996 ?12:18
sx0nat epoch12:18
pupnikit is funny that "developers" have no idea why meego uxlaunch wont run in their non-gl VMs12:19
Stskeepsuhm, uxlaunch just launches gl-dependant stuff..12:19
sx0nis there easy way to deactivate uxlaunch? i tried to kill it.12:19
Stskeepsif you don't want a UI12:20
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TermanaStskeeps, isn't that exactly pupnik's point? People are wondering why gl-dependant things are unable to run in a non-gl enviroment12:20
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Stskeepslogic ought to be taught in first grade.12:20
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sivangStskeeps: Before birth.12:24
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tmztTermana: it can confusing why a 2d ui needs a 3d api12:27
leinirtmzt: You seem to be misunderstanding something vital about opengl... :)12:28
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leinirWell, opengl is a graphics acceleration framework more than it's a 3d framework :)12:30
mindThomasStskeeps: You live in UK right? I talked to you yesterday12:31
mindThomasAbout the O2 Joggler12:31
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pxchenIf meego will use QT to rewrite Netbook UX?12:48
sx0npxchen, User Experience will be powered by Qt.12:52
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sx0nat least.12:52
pxchenUse Harmattan UI Framework?12:53
Tm_Tprolly no12:53
Tm_THarmattan is quite different beast12:53
TermanaThats not very nice12:55
TermanaCalling Harmattan a beast12:55
Stskeepsgo read about it on wikipedia12:55
* sx0n loads a rifle with a silver bullets12:55
Tm_TTermana: better than calling it little kitty12:55
pxchenThis means Meego Use a new UI Framework?12:56
smoku"User Experience will be powered by Qt" - pretty buzzwords straight from marketing flyer :D12:56
sx0nsmoku, yes :) but that's because i don't know anything.12:57
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smokusx0n: :)  no offence. you just made me laugh ;-)12:58
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Guest18947Is there any information about the handset UI?13:03
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gourhavinr read that "he next Nokia mobile phone running the Harmatten “MeeGo Instance” will not be a pure MeeGo device, but will support MeeGo applications." makes me really wondering what will happen with meego13:09
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Termanagour, in what way?13:10
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gourit looks like mudded water13:10
gournokia is not behind meego, meego is quite closed...strange13:11
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Termanagour, how is MeeGo closed?13:11
TermanaThat would defy one of the very reasons MeeGo exists13:11
gourTermana: it needs special hardware...have you read comments in &
Termanagour, needing GL/GLES - a) does not require "special" hardware and b) does not make it closed13:13
TermanaYou can full well run MeeGo without GL/GLES hardware, you just won't be able to use the MeeGo UIs13:13
gourTermana: it requires one to have intel graphic in order to develop for it13:13
gourhow can i test app without ui? building terminal apps?13:14
Termanagour, use something like Gnome, KDE, XFCE etc.13:14
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gouri use that, but i would like to develop mobile app as well13:15
Termanagour, also while I don't like the fact the x86 instances of MeeGo are very Intel specific - it doesn't make it closed13:15
gouri don't need meego for desktop replacement13:15
gourok...let's stick to a) then13:15
Termanagour, you can run MeeGo with Gnome, KDE etc. instead of the MeeGo UI and develop apps with that13:16
gouras i said, i have my desktop DE...i want to develop app for netbook/smart-phone and do you expect to have gnome kde etc. there?13:16
Termanagour, no, but you can still develop an app that runs under the MeeGo UI without using it yourself13:17
gourhow? by magic?13:17
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smokugour: Nokia fully supports MeeGo. They just invested too much in Meego6/Harmattan, that they cannot afford scraping it. And even if they could, there's no way of getting MeeGo ready for the upcoming 2010 device. But I guess next NIT will be MeeGo based, not only MeeGo compatible.13:17
Tm_Tsmoku: you'll mean Maemo6/Harmattan there13:18
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smokuTm_T: yup. typo :)13:18
Termanagour, obviously you don't understand the way Linux is architectured. Its the same thing with running KDE apps in Gnome13:18
gourTermana: you forget one thing...kde & gnome runs on whatever hardware13:19
* gour uses lxde + xmonad13:19
* Tm_T is silly and has KDE in Windows too13:19
Termanagour, EXACTLY - but you don't need to be USING KDE to compile and use a KDE app13:19
gour..which is not the case for meego.13:19
goursure, but i can install kdelibs and see how it works under gnome13:19
gourand i cannot even run meego installed under vm13:20
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gourbtw, it's not me only who can try to defend as much as you like13:20
Termanagour, you'll find that you can still use the MeeGo libraries, just not the UI13:21
TermanaUI itself*13:21
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gourwhich meego libs?13:21
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gourwhat's the point of them without ui?13:21
Stskeepsgour: i think it's on organisational level, not technical level13:21
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gourStskeeps: it's showstopper, no matter on which level13:22
Stskeepsgour: i agree13:22
gourand that's what counts13:22
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Tm_Tyou cannot change past, so let's work on for the future13:22
gourit's better to agree (/me appreciates Stskeeps) than to defend effortlessly13:23
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gourTm_T: yeah, but it's disappointeg move after quite nice experience with moblin13:23
Tm_TI have seen almost only negative complaining after the release, instead of building for whatever they are interested on13:23
Tm_Tgour: and complaining wont change it, unfortunately13:23
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Tm_Tall this critique is going well past the usefullness IMO13:25
mindThomasAny UK guys in here who would call their local O2 store for me and ask if they have any O2 Joggler's left?13:25
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gourmaybe, 1.0 was rushed a bit13:26
Tm_Tsure it was, I didn't expect anything more13:26
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gourthen it should have 0.1 tag...13:27
Tm_Tgour: hey, really, it is already done, there's no amount of complaining that will change it13:27
Tm_TI know it very well how easy it is just complain instead of do something myself so the next release would be better13:28
gourTm_T: there was, imho, enough time after merge was announced to devise a better plan...13:28
gournow it just creates bitter taste and make people to turn to android...13:28
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Tm_Tgour: and we are going circles, it's already done, you cannot change the past13:29
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gourTm_T: right. but i see some people here are defending the present status which means that the lesson is not learnt ; (aka, we can expect similar blunders in the future)13:30
Tm_Tgour: well, things aren't decided here, so better give propositions with positive examples towards release planning13:31
sx0ngour, which android version are you referring? i've heard that those are not compatible which each other. that's good reason to complain imo.13:32
Stskeepsgour: i think the best direction is showing we can include virtualbox 3d drivers for instance13:32
smokugour: but what's your point really?  if you want to develop app for the upcoming meego, just start developing Qt app. then when the release is settled you need to make only minor adjustments.13:32
pupnikgour did you once work in molecular biology?13:32
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gourTm_T: then it meens that we are coming to b) :-D13:32
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goursx0n: i'm not at all familiar with android...didn't even take a look at it...only moblin & maemo were on the stake here13:33
gourStskeeps: that would be cool13:33
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Stskeepsgour: the alternative is qemu gaining  3d ability13:33
gourit could be...13:34
pupnikbtw i think vmware can pass opengl to host X session13:34
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goursmoku: i'm not sure how many adjustments would be required...e.g. handheld ui is not the same as desktop13:35
VortiagoAnyone tried running it with the help of VMGL?13:35
sx0ni've hoped for over 10 years that linux provide good hw integration but has not happened so far.13:35
sx0nhopefully meego will provide that.13:35
StskeepsVortiago: feel free to be the first13:36
smokugour: well.. I'm sure it's less work, than waiting and starting from scratch when meego settles13:36
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goursmoku: how do you think this graphic issue will be resolved?13:37
gour(than one can develop on desktop pc using VM)13:37
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jarkko^vmgl supports only  < 2.0 opengl13:39
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jarkko^atleast the last time i tried it13:39
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jarkko^not very good long term solution13:42
jarkko^shaders and such things are mandatory to do any real world gl stuff13:42
gouri also doubt about qemu & 3d13:42
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jarkko^"OpenGL up to version 1.5 is supported (sorry, no 2.0 shading languages,)"13:45
jarkko^from vmgl homepage13:45
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smokugour: what do you need VM for?13:46
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smokugour: Qt runs natively on most platforms13:46
Tm_Tsmoku: name one platform it doesn't run13:47
VortiagoMy Wii13:47
pupnikRoughly speaking, OpenGL up to version 1.5 is supported (sorry, no 2.0 shading languages,) with the following exceptions:13:47
Stskeepsnokia 770?13:47
Tm_T...that is even closely relevant to this topic, that is (:13:47
StskeepsVortiago: actually, not true13:47
StskeepsVortiago: Mer had Qt which ran on wii13:47
Tm_TStskeeps: it doesn't run on it?13:47
VortiagoStskeeps, seriously? Sweet13:47
pupnikhaha jarkko^13:47
smokuTm_T: MorphOS13:47
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StskeepsVortiago: we made a powerpc port ;)13:48
goursmoku: to run meego ui13:48
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Tm_Tsmoku: never heard of it13:48
jarkko^pupnik: duplicate :)13:49
smokuTm_T: congrats ;P13:49
Tm_Tsmoku: (:)13:49
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pupniksmoku: tried building anything yet?13:51
smokupupnik: context?13:51
pupnikfor meego13:51
smokuno. I hate Qt ;-)13:51
pupnikis sdl banned then?13:52
smokuwell... but it's not really "for meego" then ;-)13:53
Stskeepsjust like maemo didn't ban qt when it was qt..13:53
Stskeepswhen it was gtk based, that is13:53
smokubut I tried building my own image with mic213:56
smokuand failed so far ;-)13:56
Stskeepsx86 or arm?13:56
Stskeepsand under what os13:56
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smokuto run it on meego qemu13:56
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Stskeepswell, come debug it in #meego-arm13:57
smokui think it may be an issue of mic package for Arch Linux13:57
Stskeepsmight be13:58
smokuI will once I get back to it :)13:58
Stskeepsi use fedora chroot as a basis13:58
smokuI would rather fix the port rather than workaround with chroot14:00
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pupniksome of those threads on forum are disheartening14:03
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jozefkcan i install meego on nokia n95 8gb?15:49
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jozefkit's only for netbooks?15:50
spideyou can install the meego core to n900 but it is not much of an experience.15:51
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jozefkit's only good for netbooks I think15:52
spidefor now.15:52
spidemeego with UI for n900 will be released later.15:53
jozefkit's still new OS it seems15:53
jozefkn900 is coming with maemo by defualt I think. it is also some kind of linux15:54
spideyou are correct.15:54
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jozefkbut maemo is not listed on distrowatch.com15:55
jozefkmeego and moblin are there. meego is based on moblin15:56
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spidemeego is supposed to be moblin + maemo merged as one.15:57
jozefksounds good15:57
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timeless_mbpsounds complicated :)15:59
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timeless_mbpfwiw, the n95 was capable of running an older version of maemo15:59
timeless_mbpbut the reason you can't run <whatever> on your n95 is that to do it you need a signing certificate for the bootloader and friends15:59
pupnikcan i get that timeless_mbp ?15:59
timeless_mbpand nokia doesn't distribute those15:59
timeless_mbppupnik: no16:00
timeless_mbpwell, get a job at nokia :)16:00
jozefkor buy n90016:00
timeless_mbphe already has one of those16:00
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jozefkn900 don't need certificates?16:00
spidebuying n900 doesnt get the maemo / meego on n95 :)16:00
pupnikit would be so cute on a n97 mini!16:00
spidewell for n900 you get the "official" maemo / meego images.16:01
jozefkspide, but it gets them on n900 :)16:01
sivangpupnik: I actually want to run S60 on N900 :)16:02
sivangpupnik: see my ML thread :)16:02
timeless_mbpjozefk: kinda16:02
pupnikgoing back to tampere in august i think timeless_mbp16:02
* CosmoHill has just seen the indy 500 crash :/16:02
timeless_mbpyou can generally flash most parts of the system w/ whatever you like16:02
timeless_mbpthat excludes the cellmo module16:03
sivangtimeless_mbp: ah, so no calls16:03
sivangtimeless_mbp: and that is the exact reason why I wanted it16:03
timeless_mbpwhich can only be upgraded to a newer signed software16:03
timeless_mbpsivang: which?16:03
sivangtimeless_mbp: to have the lighter S60 on the N90016:03
* timeless_mbp is terribly confused16:03
sivangtimeless_mbp: although after reboot calls reciving and making is snappy16:03
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jozefkmaemo is open source or not?16:05
sivangjozefk: it is, in its most part.16:06
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sivangtimeless_mbp: I wanted to expriment with S60 on N900 and MeeGo on N8, since it has better CPU etc.16:06
sivangtimeless_mbp: as an example16:06
sivangtimeless_mbp: so the choice of device AND os.16:06
timeless_mbpsivang: well16:07
timeless_mbpin theory open symbian could probably be ported to the n90016:07
timeless_mbpi certainly wouldn't waste my time w/ it16:07
sivangbut then I am alone16:07
sivange.g. no Nokia help16:07
sivangsince it's not their cut16:07
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TermanaLook, I mean no offence to the Nokians that might be idling in the room that may work on Symbian at Nokia, but Symbian sucks and no one cares about it.16:08
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TermanaNo one WANTS that thing ported16:08
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Stskeepsbut but it'll give us proper ovi maps ;p16:09
jozefkwhat's worng with symbian on n95? it works fine I think16:10
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spidei think most of the people have issues with s60 not symbian itself.16:11
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* CosmoHill has S60 :/16:11
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spideS60 is the UI framework that runs on Symbian OS.16:13
sivangIt is true that S60 is not perfect, but it is far from being useless and people do care for it. It just need some more polish and to adopt some more to the new hardware and utilize it16:14
sivangI acan't wait to see S^3 on N816:15
sivangI'm sure it improved and solved many of the issues with S^2/S6016:15
clipartcatsivang, are you referring that maemo/meego is useless?16:15
sivangclipartcat: no, these aer differnt tools for differnt audiences and markets.16:16
sivanglatency is bad today16:16
clipartcatwe need local echo back!16:17
sivangclipartcat: so if I need to choose a phon for my 20 yo sister, I give her S60, if I choose a phone for my CTO friend , I give him MeeGo/Maemo16:17
sivangon N900 and future devices16:17
TermanaI reiterate, I don't think anyone really cares about Symbian. If you seriously believe Symbian is the platform that has future and the platform Nokia needs to put out in the high-end smartphone market...16:17
Termana...with the likes of the iPhone and the Android platform16:17
Termanathen I am truely sorry for you16:17
pupniksivang: i want an n8 just cause it is -gorgeous- hardware16:17
clipartcatTermana, nokia sure cares as consider how much it gives time to meego vs. s6016:17
sivangpupnik: I want it to poke inside S3 and learn about it with relation to the Nokia ahrdware.16:18
TermanaEven Nokia is clearing Symbian out of their high-end smartphones16:18
TermanaThey do actually have sense16:18
pupnikplus n8 will be a great portable media player16:18
clipartcatTermana, well not in two years.16:18
sivangtimeless_mbp: Symbian is in the mid-range market, for multimedia savy non tech users.16:18
pupnikbingo sivang16:19
sivangpupnik: exactly16:19
sivangif you need a mobiule compupter phone, you use maemo16:19
sivangor MeeGO16:19
jozefkmeego is made by nokia?16:19
sivangerr latency!16:19
pupnikalsol the screen is +so+ useful for taking good photos16:19
sivangjozefk: and intel16:19
sivangpupnik: indeed, and it has professional grade digicam16:19
sivangthere's even diffrent use cases in my opinion16:20
jozefkintel and nokia are behind meego :) that must be something good then16:20
sivangwhen I go to a confeerence our abroad for a long time, I take the tablet (n900)16:20
sivangjozefk: it is.16:20
* pupnik is excited for meego + amoled screen16:20
Stskeepssivang: i learnt that the hard way from dragging a laptop around all the time in hong kong, heh16:20
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TermanaSymbian will never regain mindshare in the US16:20
sivangif I go to a cycle or to a party, I take my N97 Mini16:20
Termanaand the US' biggest export is culture16:21
sivangTermana: US is an odd market in its own regard. People there tend to prefer lock down aolutions16:21
pupniksivang: how do you feel about n97 mini keboard vs n900?16:21
sivangpupnik: even a bit better16:21
sivangpupnik: more resilient to miss press16:21
pupnikhmm i like n900 feel though16:21
sivangpupnik: and snappier in response int he softwware16:21
TermanaSymbian has a lot of marketshare in Europe (AFAIK) but I still don't think it has mindshare and I don't think it will get it16:21
sivangright, it feels better for the kbd16:21
sivangbut the N97 mini is a bit better in seperating the keys.16:22
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sivang(e.g. plastic hardware layout)16:22
pupnikyep.  finally had a chance to grope all the nokias16:22
sivangTermana: in Asia as well16:22
sivangTermana: and middle east :)16:22
jozefkwhat about e90? can it be used with meego or it also only symbian?16:22
Termanasivang, either way NO MINDSHARE.16:22
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TermanaMaemo doesn't exactly have too much of it either. But hopefully MeeGo will be able to bring that forward16:23
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sivangTermana: I don't think there has ever been such a brave attempt to do something like Nokia had done with Maemo.16:23
Termanasivang, expand on what you mean?16:24
sivangTermana: it is like Netscape and mozilla for me16:24
TermanaCreate an open phone?16:24
sivangTermana: in that direction, yes16:24
sivangTermana: AApple would have never done something like that and for me that says something about the company philosophy16:25
TermanaAndroid is completely open, Maemo is 57% closed - how do you make that open phone comparison?16:25
sivangTermana: and conduct16:25
TermanaGoogle have made sure 3 phones were able to be used in a completely open manner - ADP1, ADP2 and the Nexus One16:25
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TermanaMaemo is 57% closed. You can't just rebuild all of Maemo. Thats not an open phone, and an open OS.16:26
TermanaMeeGo changes the game a little bit. But Nokia still plans to use closed packages for differentiation in end products.16:27
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smokuTermana: "Android is completely open"???!! What a load of BS.
Termanasmoku, I've already seen that blog, so I anticipated someone saying that16:28
Termanasmoku, That blog post is a load of bullshit :)16:28
TermanaLook at the comments for starters16:28
* saft agrees16:28
smokuAndroid is no more open than Maemo. Google uses the same tricks as Nokia in Maemo.16:29
Termanasmoku, WRONG. You can COMPLETELY recompile Android and still have everything you originally had16:29
TermanaYou absolutely CANNOT do this with Maemo16:29
smokuTermana: like GMail app?16:29
smokuor store app16:29
Termanasmoku, we are talking the core OS here. But if you want to get into the apps - you CAN still use those apps16:29
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smokuTermana: keeping core OS, what exactly you cannot compile in Maemo?16:30
sivangTermana: the same in Maemo16:30
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sivangTermana: and Nokia opened that to community particiaption (apps and more) very very early.16:30
sivangreleased the platform while it is known it is still not perfect.16:31
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sivangthat's brave.16:31
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TermanaIt isn't the same I'm afraid. You cannot even charge your battery without using closed source software.16:31
smokuthat's not core OS16:32
TermanaHow is that not to do with the core OS, and retaining all the features16:32
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TermanaAlso, if you try and recompile Maemo, I think you'll have a hard time getting back any of the apps on top that are closed16:33
TermanaWhereas with Android, the apps can just be reinstalled16:33
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smokuMer project recompiled all open Maemo parts and have a functional system. Moebian project is integrating Maemo proprietary apps in plain Debian ARM system with success.16:34
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Termanasmoku, BUT neither are full recompiles of the Maemo core OS plus the proprietary bits placed back on16:35
smokuyup. It's not joe-user ready, but it works.16:35
Termanabits in Maemos case are apps and packages of the core OS16:35
smokuTermana: same for Android.16:35
Termanabits in the case of Android is just the apps16:35
Termanasmoku, NO its not the same for Android - for Android it is just the apps.16:36
smokufor Maemo it's just the apps too16:36
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PolarFoxMeego is pretty... pretty little thing... Mmmm... :)16:37
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jadamshas anyone run into and fixed the "INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes" bug?  I've seen it reported a few times after a cursory google search, but found no solutions16:37
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sivangsmoku: is that a community project? (Moebian)16:37
sivangsmoku: how do they get access to the prop. stuff?16:38
TermanaJust browsing
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TermanaThe telephony stack is completely closed in Maemo, but I guess you could argue that its replaceable with ofono, whatever.16:40
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TermanaThe browser UI is closed. Just as a reference, the Android browser IS open16:41
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* timeless_mbp shrugs16:42
timeless_mbpthe browser ui was open at times16:42
TermanaLooks like there is some of the multimedia framework closed off16:42
timeless_mbpwe didn't really get patches from the community16:42
timeless_mbpeven when i explained to people how to write them16:42
sivangtimeless_mbp: you did not explain that to me! :)16:43
sivangtimeless_mbp: or at least, I wasn't there when it was open16:43
timeless_mbpsivang: the sources for some chinook or diablo version are still around somewhere16:43
Termanatimeless_mbp, OH I see, so its ok to close off packages if your not receiving patches from the community?16:43
timeless_mbpTermana: oh, go to ****16:43
clipartcattimeless_mbp, well that's a good reason to close it.16:43
timeless_mbpbeing accusatory will not get you anywhere useful16:44
timeless_mbpif you want to be an *** then you shouldn't expect positive responses16:44
timeless_mbpin general, engineers want to be on your side16:44
TermanaNow hold on a minute, I'm just asking you to clear up what you said16:44
timeless_mbpbut if you piss *us* off16:44
* sp3000 wants to be a star!16:44
timeless_mbpforget about anyone supporting you against the managers16:44
timeless_mbpsp3000: i want food16:44
TermanaI'm asking if thats the reason it was found acceptable to close the package off16:44
timeless_mbpi missed dinner yesterday16:44
timeless_mbpTermana: it wasn't the reason16:45
sp3000it's early, or late16:45
timeless_mbpbut it is a reason that i'm less interested or fighting16:45
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timeless_mbpthe browser ui from fremantle is a dead end16:45
timeless_mbpit's also entirely uninteresting16:45
timeless_mbpplease note that if we were to open source it today16:45
timeless_mbpand people then provided patches to it16:45
timeless_mbpand we ignored them16:45
timeless_mbpwe'd be trashed for tossing junk code at the community16:46
timeless_mbpand asking them to maintain it16:46
timeless_mbpthat's not a winning proposition16:46
timeless_mbpthere is a general sense that one shouldn't open source code w/o accepting an obligation to maintain it16:46
timeless_mbpdoing otherwise engenders very negative feelings16:46
timeless_mbpi'll take counter arguments on that point now16:46
timeless_mbpyou have 5 minutes.16:47
TermanaFine, but shouldn't it have been open from the start?16:47
clipartcattimeless_mbp, god bless that there is no junk code @ nokia.16:47
timeless_mbpclipartcat: thankfully i'm not currently responsible for any such code16:47
timeless_mbpi got in trouble the last time management forced us to make a contribution16:47
timeless_mbpi'm really not interested in a repeat16:47
clipartcati've heard horror stories of people parsing timestamps with regular expressions <316:47
timeless_mbpthat sounds better than some of the code that extended the browser pre 1.216:48
timeless_mbpparsing xml files one character at a time16:48
sivangclipartcat: oh dear16:48
sivangtimeless_mbp: oh DEAR16:48
sivangtimeless_mbp: XUL content?16:48
timeless_mbpsivang: no, this was an addon16:48
timeless_mbpnot written by the browser team16:48
timeless_mbpi'm not saying the browser team code is great16:48
timeless_mbpby comparison, our code was saintly and leak free!16:49
timeless_mbp(this is the same code which was among the reasons 1.2 was delayed16:49
timeless_mbpit was the code which caused people to complain that the browser was too stable and was hurting the system16:49
timeless_mbpbecause the code was slowly leaking16:49
timeless_mbpwhich isn't a problem if the browser crashes regularly)16:50
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timeless_mbpanyway, enough about that code16:50
timeless_mbpit's best left forgotten16:50
* timeless_mbp grumbles16:50
timeless_mbpparsing sqlite3.c is painful16:50
timeless_mbpthe file is >2mb16:51
timeless_mbp(111k lines)16:51
sivangIn timeless_mbp true16:51
sivangwrong language and console :)16:52
timeless_mbpsadly there are a couple of copies of that file in this repo16:52
timeless_mbpsp3000: anyway… i've gotten genxref to think about things in a merge-able manner :)16:52
sivangtimeless_mbp: we'll make it all better with MeeGo, there's chromium to maintain as well ;)16:52
timeless_mbpsivang: thankfully not in this iteration of the index16:53
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TermanaMy point still stands you cannot piece together anything that will be exactly the same as Maemo. It is completely possible to do so for Android. To go back to the original point, yes Maemo and Nokia have done some good things for the future of open phones.16:54
* timeless_mbp ponders16:55
timeless_mbpiirc you couldn't use the android store if you pieced together your own pone16:55
infobottimeless_mbp meant: iirc you couldn't use the android store if you pieced together your own phone16:55
sivangTermana: you mean ground breaking things, that you'd see android and friend projects will use.16:55
timeless_mbpmaybe google changed that16:55
sivangtimeless_mbp: due to signing right?16:56
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timeless_mbpsivang: implementation detail16:56
* timeless_mbp shrugs16:56
* sivang likes the fact installing stuff on MeeGo/Maemo is amtter of download an rpm/deb and installing it just on a regular desktop system.16:56
sivangno signing no nothing.16:56
sivangand there are a couple of apps that are from the OVI store (actually quite a few) that are shipped that way.16:57
sivangtimeless_mbp: heheh16:57
TermanaYou can use the store on your own phone16:57
TermanaTheres no technical limitation, there is a licensing limitation however16:57
timeless_mbpthere was certainly a time when dev phones in dev mode could not use the store16:58
timeless_mbpbecause google didn't want people to buy a product, copy it, "return it", and copy it back16:58
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timeless_mbpbut i don't really care16:59
timeless_mbpyes google has made an interesting platform16:59
timeless_mbpbut if you want to talk about #android, might i suggest #android or @twitter ?16:59
sivangdoes not use Java?16:59
timeless_mbpthis is #meego16:59
timeless_mbpcomplaining about nokia's historical gaffs is as offtopic as complaining about google's16:59
timeless_mbpall that should matter here is what you're doing to help meego17:00
timeless_mbpi'm currently building an xref for meego.com17:00
timeless_mbpwhat are you doing today?17:00
clipartcatcoding with erlang and nothing for meego!17:01
TermanaThats they way you change the subject so you stop looking like a fool. Tell the room its off-topic and act like you never discuss anything "off-topic".17:01
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sivangTermana: may I offer some slides?17:02
timeless_mbpTermana: complaining about nokia's open sourcing or lack of open sourcing a component for maemo is offtopic17:02
sivangTermana: maybe some questions will be answered or some nice info to consume17:02
Myrttimeh. Be productive folks.17:03
timeless_mbpmanagement decided to be annoying and refused to let use continue to work on the browser ui in the open for fremantle17:03
w00t_timeless_mbp: xref?17:03
timeless_mbpw00t_: cross reference17:03
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timeless_mbplike mxr.maemo.org17:03
timeless_mbpbut in this case, mxr.moego.org17:03
* w00t_ does not know of this, and goes to investigate17:03
timeless_mbpw00t_: *sigh*17:03
timeless_mbpiirc's being in the #maemo irc topic for years17:03
w00t_I don't usually see topics unless someone updates them or I actively request them17:04
w00t_I *am* in like over 80 channels, so17:04
timeless_mbpthe meego one isn't topic'd yet because i haven't gotten my cname and i don't have a happy repo for meego17:04
w00t_looks interesting though17:04
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sp3000timeless_mbp: that reminds me, mxr.maemo wasn't PR1.2'd yet last I looked17:07
sp3000and it's been out for like several minutes!17:08
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timeless_mbpsp3000: heh17:08
timeless_mbpyeah, i need to do that17:08
timeless_mbpshould we use swift or one of your boxes? :)17:08
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Myrttineed moar coffee17:08
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sp3000timeless_mbp: gaaah! :)17:09
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ManssonI am confused. The 0.9 ARM code was available as meego_qemu_nand.img. The 1.0 only as a ".raw" file to be flashed on N900. How do I do if I want to run 1.0 for ARM in qemu?17:32
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timeless_mbpyou want to use system qemu?17:33
ManssonI just want to follow the instructions on but get to 1.0 instead of 0.9.17:35
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sivangtimeless_mbp: so if I flash 1.0 onto my N900, I just have a console after boot?17:39
* timeless_mbp shrugs17:40
* timeless_mbp wouldn't flash it17:40
* sivang wiki's17:40
timeless_mbpyou're welcome to do so17:40
timeless_mbpbut i like having working phones17:40
timeless_mbpso i can choose to ignore phone calls and meetings...17:40
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sivangtimeless_mbp: hehe17:41
sivangtimeless_mbp: I wonder what happens now when you have it installed and there's a call, how do you answer?17:41
sivang"Press ENTER to answer the call from 972-??-?????" :)17:42
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Myrttiyeah, I thought 1.0 was the netbook version17:43
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Mansson1.0 for ARM did not quite work on N900, but It should be useful in qemu nevertheless. The 0.9 for ARM did only have yum - not zypper so it's a dead end.17:48
timeless_mbpyou can't install zypper w/ yum?17:49
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sivangzypper is how apt is called in MeeGo?17:52
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timeless_mbpsivang: roughly17:53
timeless_mbpthey're functionally similar17:53
timeless_mbpbut entirely unrelated17:53
timeless_mbpapt-get/apt-cache/whatever are layers on top of dpkg-whatever17:54
timeless_mbpyum is a layer on top of rpm17:54
timeless_mbpzypper is a more advanced thing that i believe just layers above rpm17:54
sivangah, like Gustavo Nymer's package manager sort of thing?17:55
sivanglike one interface, multiple backends?17:55
timeless_mbpgoogle :)17:55
* sivang googles :)17:55
sivangfinally I recalled the name17:55
timeless_mbpmeego is using rpm as its package system instead of deb17:55
sivangI know17:55
timeless_mbpbut the ideas behind how one does this stuff are roughly the same17:55
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* sivang googles.17:55
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sivangforums kill me17:58
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sivangwhy can't we just use MLs?17:58
sivangso much overhead using a browser to communicate through a forum software.17:58
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sivangand some forum software with tons of js bring some mobile browsers down...17:58
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pinchartlsivang: I've always preferred MLs over forums too18:00
sivangbut I guess there's a group of users more comfortable with forums than with MLs.18:01
sivanga rather large group :)18:01
lbtforums are for users18:02
gourhow many of those are devs...that is the question18:02
pinchartllbt: why are users assumed not to be able to use e-mail ? :-)18:03
sivanglbt: I see, when you sent me to look over the forum the other day on the ML thread, I stood still and lost my way through the tangling forum threads :)18:03
* sivang is too old18:03
sivangI've been using mutt not until recently when gmail got big.18:04
infobotsivang meant: I've been using mutt just until recently when gmail got big.18:04
gourthen it means that /me is too old using gmane to follow MLs18:05
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sivanggour: heh18:06
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sivanggmane is nice if you are tired of choosing the month of the thread18:07
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* gour uses gmane for 99.9 MLs18:09
gour(using claws as mailer)18:09
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sivanggour: you use a gmane plugin?18:16
goursivang: no. claws can handle nntp18:17
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* gour uses rss plugin18:17
Yoshi47anyone here running meego 1.0 on a dell mini 12?18:17
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CosmoHillInspiron Mini 1012 ?18:20
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CosmoHillYoshi47: Inspiron Mini 1012 ?18:23
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Yoshi47CosmoHill, yes18:23
CosmoHillit's listed as a supported device18:24
Yoshi47i know, but it can't seem to find my frame buffer18:24
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arjanYoshi47: mini 12?18:36
* arjan looks up18:36
Yoshi47arjan, yes18:36
Yoshi47can't find any bugs18:37
Yoshi47or others have this problem18:37
arjan12.1 does for sure not work (chipset with no linux support)18:37
arjanif your atom cpu starts with a Z it's not supported18:37
arjan(since it then has the menlow chipset with gma500 graphics )18:38
Yoshi47i have had multiple linuxes on it18:39
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Yoshi47ubuntu netbook remix18:40
arjanwhat graphics does it have?18:40
arjanmenlow/gma500 ;(18:40
arjanyeah that's not supported by the hw vendor on linux ;-(18:40
arjanI wish I had a better answer18:40
arjan(especially as someone working for said hw vendor)18:40
Yoshi47then why can i get other linux to work18:41
arjanvesa mode18:41
arjanbut if you really need 3d..18:41
LaSaRuXbut there are drivers...18:41
arjanthere was a driver at some piont for older linux as well18:41
arjanbut it's unmaintained and not provided for newer kernel/X18:41
Yoshi47arjan, why do they say mini 12 is supported then?18:41
arjanwe do ?18:41
Yoshi47you do18:41
Yoshi47if your a dev18:41
Yoshi47its on the web page18:41
arjanYoshi47: have the url?18:42
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arjan(the website is big ;l-)18:42
Yoshi47look at the supported hardware18:43
Yoshi47never mind18:43
arjanInspiron Mini 101218:43
Yoshi47i have the 121018:43
Yoshi47not the 01218:43
arjanthat's a Mini 1018:43
Yoshi47well that sucks18:43
arjanI'm sorry I wish I could support said hardware ;(18:43
arjan(and trust me, we've fought about this internally)18:43
sivangI've had issues with it on Uubuntu as well18:44
sivangso I eventually got a GMA4500 based system18:44
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Yoshi47yes inorder for hardware accel to go you need to get the sources from dell and make a image for it18:46
Yoshi47it was a pain, but i did get it too work18:46
Yoshi47but then my hard drive clunked out18:46
Yoshi47and now i need a ssd for it18:46
Yoshi47then i want to sell it18:46
LaSaRuXwatch that18:48
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gouranyone tried qt port for android?18:52
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koanso I installed MeeGo 1.0 on my netbook, but I can't find the settings for 3G internet connections (I have a 3G USB dongle)18:56
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renegaidI just tried this yesterday. really buggy19:16
arjanrenegaid: can you be bothered to fire off an email with the bugs you find?19:17
arjanor just say here which areas you consider buggy19:17
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renegaidthe ui crashes and the software update does not work19:18
renegaidhow come there is no open office19:19
tyler_Can't you add the repository manually?19:19
tyler_(I don't really know, I haven't tried the OS yet)19:19
arjanwe don't have open office since openoffice is pretty bad for a small screen19:19
arjanmany dialogs don't fit and such19:19
tyler_It's also pretty resource intensive.19:20
arjanwell that too yes19:20
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renegaidI use MS office on my eeepc no issues19:22
CosmoHillcan you use youtube without issues?19:22
CosmoHilldamn you -.-19:23
tyler_arjan: Do you know if the MeeGo team plans to officially support proprietary drivers (Nvidia)?19:23
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renegaidCosmoHill: maybe you have an old eeepc19:23
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spidei was trying to get wvdial to work but run into troubles while compiling wvstreams.19:23
CosmoHillI have a high end laptop19:24
CosmoHillit's just old :(19:24
renegaiddo you problems with youtube19:24
arjantyler_: we're not.19:24
CosmoHillsometimes I can use 480p19:24
spideit is saying that openssl is missing even when it is installed.19:24
renegaidoh. I thought meego was only for atom19:24
arjantyler_: but we may look at nouveau for 1.119:24
CosmoHillarjan: is it possible to install nvidia drivers from the command line if you boot meego into init 3?19:25
arjanI don't know.19:25
tyler_arjan: I was just wondering because I have an Asus N10 (you can switch between discrete and int. graphics).19:25
arjanthat switching isn't very well supported by X yet19:26
arjanread dave airlie's blog; he is making some progress, but only some19:26
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arjanyeap that19:27
arjanit still involves an X restart19:27
arjanbut it's better than nothing :)19:27
arjanand a good step forwar19:27
CosmoHilldoes it invole logging out?19:28
tyler_Well, I wasn't planning on using the switch but it would be nice to have a netbook OS that can use the proprietary graphics.19:28
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CosmoHillah yes it does19:28
arjantyler_: why is it nice to use proprietary graphics??19:29
arjanwhy not use Windows.. that's all proprietary ;)19:29
CosmoHilllater in the week I might try and install meego onto my laptop and then install drivers19:29
CosmoHill(my laptop being nvidia)19:29
tyler_Because the open source driver stack sucks and doesn't work?19:29
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tyler_I would like to actually, play games, on my netbook.19:30
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CosmoHilli think it could be like with the google brower19:31
CosmoHillyou have nouveau for the OSS meego version19:31
CosmoHilland the nvidia ones for the EULA like you have with chrome19:31
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spidehow should a phone modem show up in meego or are they even supported / do I need some other sw as well?19:32
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arjanspide: it's supposed to show up as 3G in the network panel19:32
arjanif it does not that's a connman bug.19:32
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spideconnected my 3150xm via usb and i see nothing.19:33
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sx0n|homegallium is quite interesting:
spidealso tried if iwconfig or ifconfig would tell anything.19:34
tyler_It's also five times slower then the proprietary drivers provided by Nvidia.19:35
spidemaybe my trusty e90 would do better.19:35
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CosmoHilltyler_: hmm19:36
CosmoHillyou need drivers to use meego19:37
CosmoHillif meego came with nouveau you could use meego19:37
spideforget it. don't have correct usb cable for that one.19:37
tyler_I want to play games.19:37
tyler_3D games.19:37
CosmoHillif you wanted better performace you could then go onto and get the propriotory drivers19:37
tyler_My question was that if there was going to be official support for it though.19:38
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arjantyler_: and the answer so far is no.19:38
arjanthe tsg has said they do not want to support binary kernel drivers19:38
tyler_Which is a bummer.19:39
CosmoHillas it's been pointed out to me it's too legally "iffy" to ship meego with propriety nvidia drivers19:39
arjantyler_: the linux foundation has a very clear position on binary kernel drivers19:39
arjanI suggest you read it ;-)19:39
arjanthe LF thinks they're very harmful to linux19:39
CosmoHillso my new point is that nouveau drivers are better than nothing19:39
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hylix_again all19:40
hylix_do you know if there is a way to have the same interface that meego ?19:40
tyler_arjan: Thanks for the condescending and demeaning tone. I meant a support similar to how Ubuntu helps users download and install proprietary drivers.19:41
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smokutyler_: it's not a job of meego to deliver proprietary software. it's a job of tha manufacturer. In windows world whan you buy a hardware, you get the drivers CD and noone complains...19:42
CosmoHilltyler_: you mean some kinda of script that gets the drivers from nvidia and install them for you19:42
* gour did some research about the prospect of using qt port for android for possible development for android OS...but meego still looks as better option19:42
arjantyler_: are you volunteering to do the work for that? sounds like a good thing to start a wiki about, and once the wiki is mature, automated it somehow19:43
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arjanlike slaine is doing for broadcom wifi19:43
tyler_And it's not the job of Canonical to provide help for users to have a better experience if the own a nvidia card. They do it anyway.19:43
tyler_CosmoHill: Yes, like that.19:44
CosmoHillah yes about the wiki19:44
CosmoHillis it possible to change the default for the search bar from "go to" to "search"19:45
smokutyler_: I'm sure once Nvidia joins Meego foundation, we'll have their drivers as integraded as Intel ones. :)19:45
CosmoHillthat way it would search the wiki instead of telling you you don't have permission to edit it19:45
tyler_arjan: I'm not on the MeeGo team. I was just asking if there was going to be an 'easy' way to install proprietary drivers.19:45
CosmoHilltyler_: I'll have a play and see if i can make a shell script for meego19:45
CosmoHill(but anyone else is free to do it instead)19:45
goursmoku: then it means that ati folks is doomed...19:45
arjantechnically you asked if we were going to officially support the prop. drivers.19:46
smokugour: they can join too :) AFAIK there's no restrictions19:46
goursmoku: well, all i'd like to have (for development) is to be able to run meego under vbox as i did with moblin19:47
hylix_noone has an idea ?19:47
tyler_CosmoHill: Thanks.19:48
CosmoHillI'm not making any promises tho19:48
tyler_CosmoHill: Haha, I'm thanking you for the offer really.19:48
tyler_I could probably install it manually... it would just be a pain.19:49
CosmoHillarjan: what did moblin come with?19:49
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CosmoHillwas it just vesa?19:50
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arjanCosmoHill: moblin has intel graphics and vesa19:50
arjansame deal basically19:50
arjanall open graphics drivers that work with the UI19:50
CosmoHillcos I could get moblin to boot on my laptop19:51
arjan(the UI has pretty high demands for graphics driver features/quality... for the intel driver we found and fixed many many issues)19:51
CosmoHillI wouldn't mind a slow interface as long as it allowed me to get the drivers19:52
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CosmoHilli don't want it to be like installing the graphics drivers on a computer using a serial cable19:53
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tyler_What I'm going to have to do is install Fedora on one partition for the games and MeeGo on the second partition for other stuff.19:54
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CosmoHillI wonder if I have enough free space on my hard drive19:55
CosmoHillI might have to replace RHEL6 but I don't want too cos that took me a day to boot19:55
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CosmoHilldid anyone in here download the meego image from ?20:01
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CosmoHillIf you did can you let me know if it worked?20:02
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tyler_arjan: Is there going to better codec support for MeeGo then there was for Moblin? I.e, will there be a user friendly way to install codecs to play mp3 files and watch DVDs?20:13
arjanwe're trying to see how to do this legally20:13
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CosmoHilli think slaine was doing something about VLC for meego20:14
arjansince someone needs to pay the per-unit fee, we need to figure out how this all works20:14
RST38harjan: separate package that a user would download later20:14
tyler_I don't know how feasible this is, but what about a dedicated optional repository that is added by the user?20:15
tyler_And a how-to guide that pops up on install?20:15
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CosmoHillpost-install would be better20:15
CosmoHilla webpage that opens first boot?20:15
tyler_Not only better, but also legal.20:15
tyler_Yeah, something like that.20:16
arjantyler_: if we help it too much its' likely no longer legal20:16
arjan"assisting with a crime" is also a problem usually ;)20:16
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arjanrather just do it correctly20:16
arjan(since both LF and Intel are US companies this matters anyway)20:16
CosmoHill"It was nokia"20:16
arjan(oh and the assumption that software patents don't matter for europe is ... dubious at best ;-)20:17
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tyler_I was just thinking that something similar to Medibuntu for Ubuntu would be helpful until legal issues were sorted out.20:19
* CosmoHill is reading about libCSS20:19
CosmoHill"Many GNU/Linux distributions do not contain libdvdcss due to fears of running afoul of DMCA-style laws, however they may provide the tools to let the user install it themselves."20:19
CosmoHilltyler_: we seem to be on the same track :p20:19
* arjan tries to find how to go from a QImage to a QGraphicsLayoutItem20:20
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CosmoHillI swear i read on wikipedia that VLC was illegal in France because of libdvdcss :/20:21
tyler_Does anyone know how the Linux Mint team gets away with packaging it with their distro?20:22
w00t_arjan: not sure what QGLI is, but if you're trying to render a QImage in a QGraphicsView, you'd want QGraphicsItem (or, depending on your needs, QGraphicsWidget)20:22
w00t_arjan: #qt is often a help, too20:22
koupsaavlc illegal in france? i think not20:22
thiagoQGLI is one of the two base-classes of QGraphicsWidget20:22
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* arjan looks up QGrpahicsItem20:22
thiagoyou want a widget that displays images20:22
thiagothere's QGraphicsPixmapItem, but it's not a layout item20:22
CosmoHillhey thiago20:23
thiagohi cosmo20:23
CosmoHillnot a bank hoilday for you then?20:23
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thiagofinally a Monday that isn't a public holiday20:23
arjanah via QGraphicsPixmapItem20:23
* arjan already has a layout thing20:24
thiagoon the widget model, you use QLabel to display images20:24
arjanjust need to plump pictures20:24
TSCHAKeee2it's memorial day here.20:24
arjana label of pictures? ok ;)20:24
thiagoQLabel displays images too :-)20:25
w00t_QLabel has a setPixmap method20:25
thiagoTSCHAKeee2: what are you memorising today?20:25
* TSCHAKeee2 laughs20:25
TSCHAKeee2good question :P20:25
thiagoour next public holiday is Christmas20:25
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TSCHAKeee2arjan: what are you coding?20:26
arjantrying to make a simple touch app likea  remote control20:27
arjanshow a grid of pictures, and let the user click them20:27
* thiago goes have a barbecue20:27
thiago7:30 pm, we've got another 2-3 hours of daylight20:28
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CosmoHill << cool, USB monitor20:28
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tyler_I'm off. Thanks CosmoHill for feedback and thanks arjan for the useful information.20:31
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w00t_thiago: enjoy20:31
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arjanah sod it20:35
* arjan sticks with text labels20:35
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w00t_arjan: if you want, I can give you a small example20:39
arjanwould be much appreciated20:39
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w00t_k, I'll see what I can do tonight.. got a mail address, though? I need to run off to make dinner and stuff for now20:40
w00t_(also, it's probably good if you tell me exactly what you want :-P)20:40
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arjanbasically I have a grid layout in my Qgraphicsview20:42
arjanand want to stick QImage pictures in a set of grid items20:42
w00t_should be possible20:42
arjanwhich needs a QGraphicsLayoutItem compatible class20:42
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arjandon't kill yourself over it; I can always ask folks at work tomorrow20:43
w00t_nah, it's np20:43
arjanbut if it's easy it's very appreciated20:43
w00t_I need things to entertain myself :-)20:43
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arjanworst case  I need to subclass/etc20:45
arjanbut one would think that that would not be needed for just showing an image20:45
w00t_from thinking about it and digging around a bit (I'm a relative newcomer to QGV), you will need to subclass20:48
w00t_easiest route is QGraphicsWidget, alternative is multiple inheritance: QGraphicsLayoutItem and QGraphicsItem20:49
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w00t_QGV doesn't really offer a lot of advanced stuff, it's just the building blocks stuff gets built on20:49
w00t_(somewhat unfortunately, since it seems a lot of reinventing the wheel gets done)20:49
w00t_now, dinner.. i'll hack up an example when i get back20:49
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CosmoHillw00t_: enjoy20:50
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BugheadHi all!21:28
BugheadAny sucess in runing MeeGo inside VirtualBox?21:28
BugheadIt just stuck in the background ... after boot.21:29
Stskeepsnot yet, i think21:30
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CosmoHillmeego requires 3D graphic acceleration that virtualbox is unable to support at this time21:31
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Bugheadhmmm ...21:32
BugheadIt will not boot in my MacBook I guess ..21:33
BugheadThank you Stskeeps. I will read the thread!21:34
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maragatowhat's the crash reporting tool being used by Meego?21:39
maragatobug buddy?21:39
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maragatoarjan, thanks21:43
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maragatoarjan, how is the crash information being stored? (I'm assuming the info is being send to a Meego database)21:48
arjanit goes to a simple database21:49
arjanprimarily for getting statistics21:49
arjanso we know which bugs are hit the most21:49
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arjan(so that we then fix those first)21:49
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maragatoarjan, where's this db hosted? better yet, is the data freely available to anyone?21:50
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arjanit's on a meego server21:51
arjanI don't think this data is freely available due to privacy issues21:51
arjanbut maybe the overview data can be, would need to check21:51
maragatook, just checking. I'm looking at how much we know about crashes happening in the wild.21:52
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GeorgiusCzHello, I have a problem. I need to boot the rescue image, but according to I should download the N900 kernel & rescue initrd, but I cannot find eiter. And I do not have flasher-3.5 so far. Can you help me, please, to obtain those ?21:52
StskeepsGeorgiusCz: ok, first off, what do you need the rescue image for n900 for?21:53
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GeorgiusCzN900 reported some database corruption in the contacts and I was stupid enough to reboot the device21:54
GeorgiusCzSince it is not able to boot, recpectively it boots up to "hands shaking" and then reboots again21:54
GeorgiusCzIf there is a SIM present, it goes for "enter pin" screen, but it does not react and boots within a second or son21:55
Stskeepsfair enough, hang on a second21:55
Stskeepswill you help updating the documentation if i find you the right links?21:55
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GeorgiusCzIf switched on with USB in, it mounts as a mass storage, but only /home/user/MyDocs21:55
GeorgiusCzyes, I would be happy to help21:56
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Stskeeps , i believe21:57
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Stskeepsthose should match21:58
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GeorgiusCzOK, I will firstr try them and then I will be updating the docs ... as a flesher is OK ?21:59
Stskeepsand remember you can just load the kernel+initrd, don't have to flash them22:00
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GeorgiusCzhow do I do it ? I am just downloading flasher ...22:01
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Stskeepsah, the wiki page says that pretty specifically22:03
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GeorgiusCzyou mean sudo flasher-3.5 -k boot/<vmlinuz>-n900 -n boot/initrd.img -l -b"rootdelay=1 root=/dev/ram0" ?22:03
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GeorgiusCzOK, just last question, is it safe to launch it with SDHC card inside ?22:04
GeorgiusCzThank you so far, I will be back after trying ...22:04
Stskeepsunless you usb export and overwrite the sd obviously ;)22:05
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GeorgiusCzStskeeps: I have not used RedHat for ages (last try RH 7.0) so I am not familiar with rpms. rpm2cpio nokia-n900-rescue-initrd-0.1-1.3.armv7l.rpm |cpio -vid vmlinuz-n900 does not do anythig22:13
GeorgiusCzit claims :3293 blocks22:13
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GeorgiusCzand does not create any file22:13
GeorgiusCzjimmac: greetings to western Bohemia from Prague !22:14
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StskeepsGeorgiusCz: hmm? should generate boot/ for instance i think22:17
GeorgiusCzit was my feeling as well22:18
Stskeepsoh, wait, not cpio -vid vmlinuz-n90022:18
Stskeepsjust cpio -vid22:18
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GeorgiusCzcpio: ./usr/share/doc/nokia-n900-rescue-initrd-0.1/COPYING: Cannot open: Permission denied, otherwise seems ok so fat22:20
Stskeepsyou're not unpacking into your root filesystem, right? :P22:21
GeorgiusCznope, I am using Linux for 10 years now ;-)22:21
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GeorgiusCzSuitable USB device not found, waiting.22:25
GeorgiusCzThen I connected the device, inserted the battery and ...22:26
GeorgiusCzguess what, It was just mounted as a storage and the flasher did not do anything :-(22:26
Stskeepsturn off n900 completely22:26
GeorgiusCzit was22:26
Stskeepsok, battery out, start flasher, plug in usb cable in both ends, put in battery.22:26
GeorgiusCzexactly what I did22:27
clipartcatyou need to press u22:27
GeorgiusCzOH YES , I was using the wiki and it is not there !!22:27
GeorgiusCzgoing to do second attempt22:27
* Stskeeps has yet to need to use 'u', but hey :P22:27
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GeorgiusCzdid not help22:31
GeorgiusCztried twice. First U, then the cable, then battery22:31
Stskeepsthat's odd. are you running flasher as root?22:32
* Stskeeps ponders22:32
GeorgiusCzmaybe mass storage driver has to be removed ?22:32
Stskeepsor phonet22:32
Stskeepscan i see your command line for flasher?22:33
GeorgiusCzsudo flasher-3.5 -k boot/vmlinuz- -n boot/initrd.img-rescue- -l -b"rootdelay=1 root=/dev/ram0"22:33
Stskeepslooks right22:33
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Stskeepswhat OS?22:33
ZogGGeorgiusCz no space needed after -b?22:33
ZogG -b"r22:33
ZogGi tried =)22:34
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GeorgiusCzmaybe the battery not fully charged ?22:36
Stskeepsnot impossible, but it's odd flasher doesn't pick up your n90022:36
Stskeepslast idea is rebooting your machine22:36
GeorgiusCzI am running Linux, you know ;-)22:37
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GeorgiusCzUbuntu 9.10 32bit22:37
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Stskeepsi know, but that kernel has phonet and stuff kernel driver22:39
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Stskeepsrmmod cdc-phonet, might have to temporary blacklist it22:41
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GeorgiusCzERROR: Module cdc_phonet does not exist in /proc/modules22:42
GeorgiusCz lsmod|grep phonet is empty22:42
Stskeepscould i see your lsmod?22:42
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GeorgiusCz\me is going to flood ;-)22:43
GeorgiusCzModule                  Size  Used by nls_iso8859_1           3740  0  nls_cp437               5372  0  vfat                   10716  0  fat                    51452  1 vfat binfmt_misc             8356  1  vboxnetadp              7296  0  vboxnetflt             14344  0  vboxdrv               177320  2 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt dm_crypt               12928  0  snd_hda_codec_idt      59876  1  snd_emu10k1_synth       6140  0  snd_em22:43
Stskeepsis that a real machine, fwiw?22:43
Stskeepsin a usb hub or straight port?22:46
GeorgiusCzusb hub22:48
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GeorgiusCzcan make a difference ?22:48
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Stskeepstry directly in port22:50
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GeorgiusCzgreat, I have a shell !22:56
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GeorgiusCzbut only for few seconds :-( then mass storage starts up22:56
GeorgiusCzany idea ?22:58
Stskeepsdid it show a shell on the device?22:59
Stskeepsand then it showed nokia logo?22:59
Stskeeps.. did you hold down 'U' key by chance?22:59
GeorgiusCzyes, pressed and hold up to shell start23:00
Stskeepswell, that's why23:00
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StskeepsToggle USB storage mode on/off (U)23:01
Stskeepsfunction of the shell ;)23:01
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GeorgiusCzeven with U and report that mass storage is of, it swithes to that mode (with no console)23:13
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GeorgiusCzneither on nor off make any difference :-(23:15
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GeorgiusCzwiki updated with the info I know so far23:21
GeorgiusCzStskeeps: any idea ?23:21
CosmoHillalt + F4 ?23:21
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StskeepsGeorgiusCz: avoid pressing u23:23
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CosmoHillhey thiago_home, how was the bbq?23:24
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GeorgiusCzstorage 0, networking 0 .. storage0 networking 0 - Nokia logo - reboot23:31
GeorgiusCzI did not touch anything23:31
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GeorgiusCzStskeeps: strange, isn't it ?23:34
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CosmoHillTumi_: << if you're interested, it's my sound system23:59
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