IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-05-30

pupnikmeego does not use a windows filesystem, correct spide00:01
spidewell atleast ubuntu image is in fat16/32 :)00:05
spideor is it unetbootin magic there.00:05
johnxyeah, lots of different ways to do a live boot00:06
johnxubuntu uses a live-cd style even when booting from usb00:06
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pupnikubuntu is trying very hard to piss me off, every month00:07
johnxthey do it just for you00:08
johnxthey all have meetings on IRC and talk about the next milestone for pissing off pupnik00:08
pupniki knew it00:11
johnxso I'll bite. how did they piss you off this month?00:12
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pupnik< spide> well atleast ubuntu image is in fat16/32 :00:12
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johnxreally? it's been like that for years00:12
johnxalso: you must get pissed off pretty easily00:13
pupnikwhy use that filesystem for a bootable linux OS image00:14
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johnxbecause they do the bootable thing by just copying the iso into place and mounting it loopback00:14
johnxor rather they copy the contents of the iso00:14
pupnikoh oh nm then00:15
pupniki misunderstood00:15
johnxthat's the cause of a lot of ubuntu hate :)00:15
odin_its all about, accessibility by windows users to Linux and trying to convert them to suck their blood00:15
johnxgranted, there are things to hate about it :)00:15
johnxbecause canonical is staffed by the undead00:15
johnxtheir thirst for blood and their hunger for brains is insatiable00:16
pupnikthat is so they can put thdeir readme on the usb/cdrom readble by winusers00:16
odin_and not have their windows users bitch and complain that the USB key can't be used to put other stuff on at the same time00:17
pupniki thought the livecd actually used some bastard vfat with metadata00:17
pupnikwhen i saw that comment00:17
odin_how long you'd think it would last not in FAT and only usable by linux, its just a survival mechanism00:18
odin_the longer it stays on the USB disk, the more chance the user might look at it00:19
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pupnikwell said00:22
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freddoi resolved my problem with bootloader . Meego does not install bootloader . Try install  other any distribution (archlinux for me) ... reboot and install meego with all erase partition. Meego use Grub MBR .01:43
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CosmoHillanyone know of a scsi to usb converter?02:07
johnxgoogle seems to know of some. no idea how well they work02:08
johnxI dumped my SCSI stuff years ago02:08
CosmoHilli have some scsi hard drives02:09
johnxwant some IDE hard drives? I have spares :)02:09
johnxshipping probably wouldn't be worth it sadly02:10
CosmoHillsomeone has a bundle of processors somewhere in his home02:14
CosmoHilli think he was gonna post it a year ago :/02:14
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tremnite all, sweet dreams02:19
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arjanfreddo: meego does not use grub but syslinux02:20
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tmztCosmoHill: try old usb floppy drives02:37
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CosmoHilli have a load of them somewhere02:37
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koupsaacan i use moblin-web-browser instead of chromium .at toolbar?02:46
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koupsaaEmpathy crash02:49
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giasonesomebody try to boot meego v.1.0 on parallels03:06
giasonethe live version I mine?03:06
arjankoupsaa: realistically, you can use chrome or chromium....03:09
arjanwe've stopped work on any other browser03:09
arjangiasone: that's going to be painful; I don[t know of any virtualization thing that supports 3D well enough03:10
CosmoHillVMware player?03:10
giasoneat the moment I istalling it on a virtualbox machine03:11
giasoneand seems like it go forth03:11
giasoneiI want give it a try before install on y netbook03:11
koupsaaarjan, ok, for now i use meego-chromium. but on somes site he doesn't work and after 3 or 4 tabs he become (became? sorry my english) very slow03:12
CosmoHillI've heard tabs 3 and later become slow03:12
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koupsaaarjan, it's happen to me too03:14
markattogiasone: as far as I know, meego does not really work in virtualbox03:16
markattogiasone: If you get it working, let me know what you did03:16
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giasonei reboot the vm but give me boot error03:17
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koupsaaarjan, you and your team have made a nice work (specially UI)  :)03:17
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giasonenice italian translation03:21
* CosmoHill gives intel and nokia a box of cookies03:24
koupsaaCosmoHill, and the others nothing? :( :)03:25
* CosmoHill gives a box to contributors03:25
koupsaahow many cookies for one rpm ?03:26
CosmoHillmaybe 203:27
koupsaaquestion: where can i posted my meego-rpm for the community03:28
CosmoHillI believe this was covered in the TSG03:28
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CosmoHillkoupsaa: look in this weeks TSG logs03:37
koupsaa2010/05/26 ?03:38
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giasonemarkatto: black screen after first configuration03:45
giasonedoesn't work03:45
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markattogiasone: yeah for me the installer works, but it can't actually boot03:55
markattoit hangs as soon as the wallpaper appears03:55
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giasoneyes the same for me03:59
giasonebut i try it on netbook directly04:00
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GeneralAntillesAny chance MeeGo will play nice with VMWare?04:01
giasoneI don't know but sure doesn't with parallels and freeze on desktop image in virtualbox04:02
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CosmoHillyou can probably get meego into command line only04:17
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giasoneIt works on my Acer one 11004:28
giasonereally fastly04:28
s13gesomeone tested maemo @Asus 1101HA?04:30
s13ge:) sry04:30
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giasonebut what about a productivity software04:42
giasoneopenoffice and/or co?04:42
giasonei f i want read a document?04:42
koupsaagood night  meego to sleep04:43
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s13gegiasone, perhaps meego has packet manager, or some repositorys04:45
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s13gehope so :)04:46
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unohu62Is anybody running meego on an N800 tablet?05:07
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bjkare there any plans for recent phones running symbian os to be able to "upgrade" to meego OS? like an alternate OS05:22
Termanabjk, doubtful.05:22
bjki need a linux based phone but the symbian phones have all the hardware features i need. and i dont want to have to buy a new phone when meego is more widely available05:24
bjksome symbian based phones anyway05:24
Termanabjk, what about the n900? it doesn't suit your needs?05:24
bjkyeah, but i don't have that kind of money05:24
bjki wonder if anyones working on a linux port for any symbian phones. need detailed hardware specs.05:26
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microlithgood luck finding enough specs to port the kernel, then finding drivers for all the hardware05:32
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Monotokobjk, i dont think the phones are quite powerful enough to run meego properly05:33
Monotokobesides...symbian is an good OS05:33
bjkisn't symbian opensource now? shouldn't the drivers be too?05:33
microlithbjk: it is open source, yes, but the drivers may not be there05:34
bjkeven an openembedded recipe would be good. could put qtopia on there or anything X1105:34
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bjkhavent used symbian yet. i'm looking to get a new phone and i'd like to know my options for the future of it05:37
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breakd0wnhi, so both of the meego downloads either come with chrome or chromium?05:45
breakd0wnok, now I see that is true. Horrible05:48
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microlithI know, lack of adblock and noscript sucks05:49
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breakd0wni used to hate the word meego, but after looking around the site and seeing all the cool little cartoon guys. It kinda fits06:06
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TermanaMiguel de Icaza to the rescue on the mailing list07:10
TermanaMono rescue*07:10
TermanaI thought he worked for Microsoft though, but he is using a novell email address, so I guess not :P07:11
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microlithlet me guess, he's defending mono against "bs" concerns regarding patents07:32
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kissehardly "good" :(  I really wish I could figure out how to configure the power options on MeeGo08:31
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Termanahey lbt10:50
lbtwhat a nice sunny morning :)10:50
pupnikwe got some happy rain10:51
pupniklove it when it rains at night and I wake up to a freshly cleaned world10:52
lbt....and wet cats10:53
lbt"bugger off - it's 6am"10:54
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sivangmorning everybody11:33
sivanglbt: hehe11:33
sivanglbt: the cat ran out while it was raining ?11:34
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lbtsivang: seems like every time it rains.... soggy cat11:39
sivanglbt: hehe, you in the UK?11:39
lbthow did you guess ;)11:39
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sivanglbt: you're wonderful choice of words, and attitude :-)11:40
sivanglbt: I love the UK11:40
sivanglbt: I wish I could be there for a while.11:40
lbtyeah, it's a nice place11:40
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sivanglbt: bugger off is one of the nicest expression that had be concieved by human language.11:40
sivanglbt: it encompasses so many in it.11:40
lbtespecially when said by a northerner11:41
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pupniki thought the soggy cat gave it away11:44
janne_oksanenhas anyone had problems extracting the sdk? After a while of extracing a ton of files I get a:11:45
janne_oksanentar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors11:45
janne_oksanenI can't see any errors right above that11:45
janne_oksanennot within as far as I can scroll back anyway11:46
FryeDisk full? You could redirect the output of the tar process to a file (with stderr too) and see if that reveals the reason.11:48
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janne_oksanendisk is not full, or even close11:48
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janne_oksanenI guess I make an error log file then11:48
FryeThat is the easiest way. As the real error can be quite deep in the log11:49
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Vortiagojanne_oksanen, got the same error myself. But the sdk seems to work none-the-less11:52
janne_oksanenVortiago: I was thinking that it might be nothing11:52
janne_oksanenso far the only errors I'm getting are due to files already existing11:52
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janne_oksanenand this time it went cleanly through11:57
janne_oksanenoh wait, the last message went into the log too11:57
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gourdoes meego work under vm (vbox) ?12:02
janne_oksanenhmmm... startmeego doesn't appear to have started the Meego desktop12:05
janne_oksanenI'm just getting a black box12:05
janne_oksanenowell, will have to get back to debugging this later12:08
bogie11i had same kind of problems.12:08
janne_oksanendid you get it running eventuallt?12:08
bogie11well i switched to other console and ran startx12:08
bogie11it started twm12:08
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bogie11i had weird problem, it kept switching after few seconds back to blank page. maybe because of some watchdog12:09
janne_oksanenk, thanks12:10
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* gour is installing meego on under vbox13:21
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gourwell, i got it working (with the help from the forum), but having twm is not thrilling :-/13:31
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Vortiagogour, what did you do to get it working?13:34
gourVortiago: xorg & twm :-/13:35
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gourquite disappointed in comparison with moblin experience13:36
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gourthe only 'advantage' is that meego can be properly shutdown :-D13:37
CosmoHillgour: what version of meego? 1.0 or 0.1 ?13:39
gourCosmoHill: 1.0-chromium13:39
CosmoHillthis virtualbox 3.2?13:39
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gourCosmoHill: yes13:42
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Vortiagogour, then it's onwards to finding the startup-script and make changes so that the normal desktop runs13:44
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CosmoHillhey thiago13:51
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gourVortiago: i'm not sure it can work due to 3d accel. stuff13:54
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* CosmoHill wonders if anyone has vmware workstation / player13:55
gourVortiago: check thread13:57
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marquinosHi! Please, which installer is using MeeGo?16:01
CosmoHillwhat do you want to install it on?16:02
marquinosCosmoHill, I only want the name of the application16:02
marquinosit isn't debian installer, isn't it?16:03
CosmoHilli don't think so since meego uses rpm16:03
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marquinosI would localize it :)16:04
marquinosis Red Hat? is Suse?....16:04
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blablaIs here anyone who have meego on his eeePC 1000H ?16:04
CosmoHilldoes it support SSSE3?16:05
CosmoHillblabla: your device is supported16:05
* lcuk installs meego on CosmoHill and hopes his brainstem supports SSSE316:06
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blablaThat's nice, but my wi-fi doesn't work.16:06
* CosmoHill starts to drool16:06
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lcuknice fast 2d rendered drool i hope16:07
th0br0hello everyone16:08
CosmoHillhey th0br016:08
blablaI set my wi-fi connection and hit connect but seems nothing is happening.16:08
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blablaany ideas?16:14
CosmoHillbroadcom wiif?16:15
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CosmoHilllcuk: you watching the F1?16:48
CosmoHilldude is waving an ipad about16:48
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lcukCosmoHill, couldnt care less about ipad tbh unless i can install regular linux16:49
lcukive had a 12" slate for the last 18 months16:49
CosmoHillif i had an ipad I'd be like "yay i have an what?"16:50
CosmoHillthe ipad doesn't meet my requirments16:50
lcukhardware wise it kinda does16:50
CosmoHillirc + touch screen? no thanks16:50
lcukbut not being able to write on it with anything more delicate than a sausage is fail16:50
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CosmoHillit's like people who have iphones16:51
lcukreally old photo:
CosmoHillwhat the16:52
lcuk:) thats the original liqbase running on both my n810 and the x4116:53
lcukonce i knew that worked i started on the new liqbase framework16:53
CosmoHillI saw an N900 yesterday, a lot thinker than I thought they'd be16:54
lcukyeah its a bit deeper than my 810 was16:55
lcukand didnt fit in my crate properly16:55
CosmoHillI'd like it if nokia has a page that sony does16:57
CosmoHillwhere you go onto their website, enter your phone number and select your network16:58
CosmoHillthen they send settings to your phone16:58
lcukwhich phone are you having trouble with16:58
lcukand providers are meant to periodically resend details anyway16:58
lcukcant you request it from your provider..16:59
CosmoHillit's an O2 phone on the vodafone network16:59
lcukwhen you break the walled garden you are on your own :p16:59
lcukask vodaphone17:00
CosmoHilli did17:01
CosmoHillthey go "please select your phone" and then don't list mine17:01
lcukshit happens :P why would you expect nokia to know if your own provider doesnt17:01
lcuksince nokia would have to get the information from the provider17:02
lcukyou are going off piste17:02
lcuktry selecting a similar phone17:02
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CosmoHillin theory i should be able to select any phone17:03
lcukCosmoHill, and you should also have a pony17:09
CosmoHillmy aunty has a horse, does that count?17:09
Termana<lcuk> but not being able to write on it with anything more delicate than a sausage is fail17:10
Termanaoh noes what will lcuk ever do when Nokia is using capacitive screens!17:10
lcukTermana, what will nokians do when they cant use their nokias with capacitive screens in the cold?17:11
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lcukwhat will the hong kong/eastern countries do when they cant do HWR with fingers17:12
TermanaCall Ghost Busters?17:12
lcuksure, theres a fad for capacitive, but its not the answer to everything17:12
Termanasure, but Nokia has said they will be making Harmattan and on devices capacitive17:13
lcuksure and it will work rly rly well17:13
lcukand loads of apps will play nicely on them :D (mine included)17:13
TermanaSure, but what are YOU going to do?17:14
lcuki still write on my 81017:14
lcuki never stopped17:14
TermanaIsn't Nokia like almost the only company still making anything resistive? :P17:14
Termanaonly company == only major company17:15
lcukTermana, the nintendo ds..17:15
Termanalcuk, I mean more in the smartphone/mobile computing arena17:16
lcukds big17:16
* Termana notes lcuk avoiding the answer "yes" :P17:16
lcukTermana, doesnt bother me, apps still work17:16
pupnikcapacitive is inferior tech for inferior minds17:17
Termanalcuk, sure, but didn't you just say you didn't like capacitive. Your going to be practically forced to use it17:17
pupniklike laptops with glossy screens17:17
TermanaDoesn't that... boil your bubble or something like that?17:18
lcuknot at all17:18
TermanaSo its all... chip chip cherio?17:18
lcukfinger friendly ui is great for lots of things17:18
pupnikif you have a hardware keyboard, which is better, you can use a resistive screen17:20
TermanaJust as an aside, HTC put out a resistive touchscreen smartphone - after doing so, they said they would never do it again17:20
pupnikdid it have a keyboard17:20
pupniknow we learned something, didnt we17:20
Termanapupnik, I don't know to be honest, it didn't interest me to read to far into it17:21
Termanapupnik, when you crush cornflakes it turns into milk?17:21
TermanaIs that what we learnt?17:21
CosmoHilllcuk: done :)17:21
Termanapupnik, I don't see what your point is anyway. Keyboard or no keyboard how does that make a difference17:23
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pupnikbecause people who type on a screen need a different screen behavior than people who click on a screen or tap urls on a screen17:24
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CosmoHillhome page was wrong and it cost me money :(17:24
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lcukCosmoHill, lol17:30
CosmoHillWelcome to O2, that will be 50p please17:30
lcuknormally its mms config thats sent!17:31
lcuki never used internet on tinyphones17:31
CosmoHilli went on the browser and the homepage is set to O217:31
CosmoHillwhenever I go online with my phone it's teathered to my laptop17:31
ivarelawhen using Meego in Applications / Settings / Languages, I've found an error. Which is the template translation to fix it?17:36
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CosmoHillnow to get it working with my mac17:40
CosmoHillthe nokia 6220c isn't on the UK website :/17:42
Zapphi everyone17:44
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Zappsometimes I lose my wifi conection, randomly (I've tried it with diferent acces points), my netbook is a eee 1000H wich comes with a ralink 2860sta ...any way to solve this, maybe a new module (even if its propietary)17:54
* CosmoHill dances cos he has 3G working on his nokia from his mac17:54
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pupniknice hotspot app eh CosmoHill17:57
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vgrademeego 1.0 on GMA500 based O2 Joggler with touch,
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TSCHAKeee2vgrade: am guessing you shoehorned IEGD onto it?18:08
CosmoHillmeego looks sweet18:10
CosmoHilli want >.<18:10
pupnikwould help if it had a descriptive title18:10
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vgradelong way to go here, but yes this is using old X as it must without 1.7 support from IEGD18:20
vgradeanyone know when the new driver is out, someone mentioned it was not called someting else18:20
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TSCHAKeee2yeah, they renamed it18:31
TSCHAKeee2but i dunno to what18:31
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AbhijeetHi guys.18:43
AbhijeetI want to develop applications for Meego. To do so do I need to install the latest meego release or there are other ways to do so?18:44
Stskeepsmeego sdk exists18:45
Stskeepsbut look into the qt sdk stuff18:45
AbhijeetStskeeps: i have downloaded the sdk... but there is nothing call Meego project in it.18:46
Abhijeetthere is no tutorial on meego site just like android have videos explaining from scratch about application development on android.18:47
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Stskeeps:nod: agreed18:48
Stskeepsi think this is under development.18:49
AbhijeetStskeeps: let say, i have created normal project using Qt as it is done for linux os... then how we can package or test it if it is working fine on meego enviroment.18:50
Abhijeetis there any meego simulator there?18:51
Stskeepsthere is one .. sec18:51
CosmoHillyou can chroot into meego18:51
StskeepsAbhijeet: actually, ask those questions on meego-dev mailing list. they're better at giving straight answerd18:52
StskeepsAbhijeet: you're a typical developer story so18:52
Abhijeetlet me try there.... I think nokia and intel started this project in hurry...18:54
Stskeepsyes and no, i just think the sdk stuff isnt 100 percent out yet. its supposed to glue in with qt creator18:56
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AbhijeetStskeeps: thanks.19:20
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reenignEesreveRi downloaded a CD image but it seems like a pretty normal linux distro ... i wanna see some eye-candy interfaces ... how can i do that?19:52
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arjanwhat did you download?19:56
CosmoHillhey arjan19:56
reenignEesreveRarjan, meego-1.0-preview-ivi-noemgd-201005121943.iso19:58
thiago_homeivi = in-vehicle infotainment19:58
arjanreenignEesreveR: that's just a core OS build19:58
arjannot a netbook/UI build19:58
arjanif you want to see the UI, get the netbook build19:59
reenignEesreveRbtw does the netbook build have touch support in UI?19:59
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reenignEesreveRi mean, is it finger friendly?19:59
arjannot really19:59
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arjanagain.. not really19:59
arjanfor that we'll have the meego touch framework in meego 1.119:59
reenignEesreveRare you guys planning to use hildon or something else?20:00
Stskeepsby god, i hope not ;)20:00
arjannope a QT based architecture20:00
thiago_homeno hildon20:00
bogie11is there already working DUI packages, i think that i saw it somewhere?20:01
reenignEesreveRCosmoHill, thats cool ... how can i try that out? :P20:01
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arjansome of it is in gitorious20:01
arjanbut I have to say that it's still quite rough around the edges20:01
arjanthat's why it's aimed at 1.120:02
BilliusHow does composition work with Meego? do you use OpenGL ES for hwa composition?20:02
thiago_homeOpenGL ES is used in most configurations20:02
arjanon netbook we use openGL for composition20:02
thiago_homeOpenGL where available20:02
arjanopenGL-es is for handset20:02
arjanit's a per-device-category thing20:02
Stskeepsvgrade: i'm actually amazed the netbook ux can work sortof on the iegd configuration20:02
arjantablets likely will be openGL for example20:02
arjanStskeeps: it does? last we tested it fell rather appart badly20:02
Stskeepsarjan: well, watch the video :P20:02
Billiusany plans to use OpenWF-composition for lower power?20:03
vgradestskeeps, yes you said it as not possible earlier :)20:03
Stskeepsthat CosmoHill just linked - joggler's a gma500 and we hacked iegd onto meego20:03
Stskeepsseems like it's falling apart a little bit still20:03
thiago_homeOpenWF is one of several technologies we're looking at in Qt20:04
thiago_homeOpenKODE too20:04
Stskeepsbut then again, it's on top of a nasty hack20:04
* TSCHAKeee2 read that as OpenWTF20:04
arjanmeego requires opengl/es anyway20:04
arjanso why not use it20:04
thiago_homeTSCHAKeee2: happened to me the first time too :-)20:04
thiago_homeBillius: but, no, for the moment X is used, so GLX is available.20:04
arjanthiago_home: btw I'd like to talk to you abuot qt timers some time ;)20:04
TSCHAKeee2so, just to be sure, the first UX built atop Qt will be the Handset UX?20:05
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thiago_homearjan: before you do, try running the app/test without the glib mainloop (export QT_NO_GLIB=1)20:05
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arjanthiago: more API like things20:05
CosmoHillhey trem20:05
arjanwant to have range timers as an api20:05
arjanand as well as a "seconds" API that rounds internally (like I did for glib)20:05
thiago_homerange timers? As in they fire for a while then auto shutdown?20:05
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arjanmore like "I want a timer between 5 and 7 seconds from now"20:06
arjanand then within that 2 second window it coalesces with other existing timers20:06
thiago_homeand then fire at the first oportunity that a timer is already set?20:06
BilliusI'm new to X so I need to look into how it backends onto the hardware for composition. Obviously if you are using GPU for UI anyway then you can use it for composition. However for full screen video with some blended overlays it would be better to use alpha blending hardware in LCD controller or OpenVG h/w if present20:06
arjanrather than the current "I want a timer 5.0000000000 seconds from now"20:06
arjanthiago: yup20:06
thiago_homeok, I see20:06
thiago_homecoarse timer20:06
thiago_homedo you need to specify how coarse?20:07
arjanfor glib I added an API that takes "seconds" only20:07
arjanand rounds behind the apps back20:07
thiago_homewithout letting the app specify how to round?20:07
arjanin fact, it rounds such that all apps in the system that use seconds, round to the same poinmts20:07
arjan(for recurring timers)20:07
arjanbasically what I did for glib, was pick a point inside the second20:08
arjanwhich is the same point for all apps in the system20:08
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arjanand then "seconds" timers round to that point20:08
arjanand once you're on that point, obviously recurring timers will stay on that point20:08
lcukis qildon being used20:08
thiago_homeis that point inside the second fixed, or is it random per app?20:08
thiago_homelcuk: no20:08
lcukand whatever happened to qtablet20:08
arjanit's the same within the system20:08
Stskeepslcuk: qildon is just to add qt widgets in hildon desktop20:08
arjanbut different between systems20:08
arjan(basically a hash of a session env var)20:09
lcukis that code around ?20:09
Stskeepslcuk: right20:09
thiago_homearjan: why not just stick to a constant section fraction of the monotonic timer?20:09
arjanby making it the same within the system, all apps group their background work timers to the same point20:09
lcukcos that worked nicely on 8x020:09
lcukor so the video showed20:09
thiago_homearjan: the monotonic clock isn't shared between systems20:09
arjanthat could have worked I suppose20:09
lcukStskeeps, by right its around? do you have url20:10
arjanso yeah that'd work too20:10
arjanas long as not all devices on the internet do the same one ;-)20:10
thiago_homeQt already uses the monotonic clock, so the simplest is to just use a known value of the seconds fraction20:10
thiago_homelike 020:10
Stskeepslcuk: qtablet is around somewhere, google for it, qildon too20:10
arjanthiago: yup20:10
tremhey CosmoHill20:10
thiago_homesounds easy and doable20:10
lcukqildon is on gitorious20:10
lcuki know that20:10
arjanthiago: it's a good thing for power, since all those "once every few seconds do X" things do cause tons of distributed wakeups20:11
lcukit was qtablet that was lacking20:11
arjanin glib, once the API was there as a very obvious right thing to use, people just use it automatically for all background stuff20:11
thiago_homearjan: we've been thinking of a coarse timer API for a while already20:11
arjanand... get the gain20:11
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arjannow the range timers are also potentially useful for finer grained stuff20:11
arjanbut the second one is an obvious20:11
thiago_homethings like a 30-second timer for a socket20:11
thiago_homeit doesn't need to be precise20:11
arjanthe linux kernel also has the range timer concept20:12
arjanby default we give each timer like 50 usecs slack like that20:12
thiago_homewe were actually wanting to do this for all timers20:12
arjanbut each app can change that slack all the time20:12
arjanand the kernel will group it with various system events (say hw interrupts) within this interval20:12
thiago_homeauto-coarse depending on the interval you select20:12
arjan(in meego we set the default to 1ms)20:12
thiago_homegood, that's how it should be20:12
arjanauto-course with an optional "I want this one precise"20:13
arjanso if Qt knows the tolerance, it can tell the kernel20:13
arjanand the kernel will naturally group stuff between apps20:13
thiago_homewe tell people that Qt timers below 15 milliseconds are imprecise already20:13
arjanthats something i haven't worked on for glib since it does not fit the glib api model20:13
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arjanon linux that's not really true20:13
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arjanwe give nanoseconds to apps nowadays20:14
* arjan did the work to move select/poll/etc away from jiffies to precise tiemrs20:14
thiago_homemaybe, but the point was to ask that people don't count on it being exact20:14
arjanthe nice thing with Qt/C++ is that you can just provide a different prototype for a precise set20:14
arjanon the same object20:14
arjanso you can within the same API, do a sane default and an optional "I know what i'm doing" option20:15
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thiago_homewould you mind logging this as a suggestion in ?20:15
lcukwhat sorts of things need ms precision20:15
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arjanlcuk: media playback20:15
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arjanAV/sync kind of stuff20:16
thiago_home60 fps screen updates20:16
arjanyou don't want your audio to be 10 msec disconnected from your video stream. trust me ;)20:16
lcuksure but thats different surely?20:16
* thiago_home thinks this will require some C++ ugly hacks to get the new prototypes in QAbstractEventDispatcher20:16
thiago_homeprobably QAbstractEventDispatcherV220:16
arjanlcuk: not really. to achieve that, you end up needing relatively precise timers20:16
lcukor you just accept you can never get timing like that and make algorithm work based on interval since last ;)20:17
lcukthen it works on any machine whether slow or fast20:17
arjanthe media people will kill you20:17
arjanthey need that anyway20:17
lcuknot really20:17
arjanbut they also want to get the common case working well20:17
lcukits like a clock timer that needs to update seconds hand20:17
arjanif you show "seconds" on the default screen I'll yell at you anyway20:18
arjanone wakeup per second for a clock on the screen is silly20:18
lcuksame goes for minute20:18
arjanminute is fine, we give that a nice range20:18
lcukyou cant just set a 60second timer and expect it not to drift20:18
CosmoHillarjan: isn't that pretty resource intensive?20:18
lcukeach iteration you adjust, it might be 59.4 seconds you need20:18
arjanlcuk: sure20:18
arjanlcuk: just the sound people want to adjust every few milliseconds20:18
arjanand the more precise you give them *on average* the better they can do that without distortions20:19
arjan(or heavy compute work)20:19
lcukanyway, teatime \o20:19
thiago_homeanyway, we wanted to make the default timers coarse20:20
thiago_homeand add a precise timer for precise things20:20
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thiago_homeit's far more common that people need coarse20:20
arjanin glib the 'seconds' api seems very popular20:20
arjanalso because it conveys in the api what the person wants20:20
arjanhe wants "10 seconds"20:20
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arjanso he'll rather pass "10" to something called "seconds"20:20
arjanthan "10000" to something else20:21
arjanapi psycology 101 ;)20:21
thiago_homeof course20:21
arjanwe have pretty nifty tools to show the effects and how well it works20:22
arjan(have you seen timechart ?)20:22
thiago_homehave you seen FineToothComb?20:22
arjanshows on a nanosecond-to-nanosecond what happens in the system20:23
* arjan googles20:23
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arjanI've heared about that20:23
arjanslightly different level but very interesting20:24
thiago_homefull-speed instruction dump20:24
arjantimechart soon will soon at least show you which functions are hot20:24
arjanbut it also shows you who you're talking to20:24
arjanlike you can follow a dbus conversation and why it's slow20:24
arjanand it's pure s/w, no special hw needed20:24
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arjanftc will be one level more detail even20:25
arjanwhich is interesting for sure20:25
arjantimechart tries to be a multilevel representation, so you can zoom in for more details many times20:26
arjanwhile still also showing the high level behavior20:26
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thiago_homeif you want talk to the author of ftc, I can put you in contact20:27
arjanI might have already20:27
arjanbut some of that has nda's deeper than this server allows ;)20:27
arjanit'd be awesome to zoom timechart all the way into the actual instruction stream ;-)20:28
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thiago_homeright, we can't give you the devices with the wings and ETM ports20:28
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thiago_home(that's why he had to draw it by hand)20:28
thiago_homebut discussing the tool, how it works, etc., I'm sure we can20:29
arjanwe have internal stuff as well like this that we can't share20:29
arjanbut we're not even allowed to talk about them in public20:30
arjanor even under NDA normally :)20:30
Robot101arjan: hey, have you seen bustle?20:30
thiago_homethen we'll need some NDAs in order to get our hands in some of those things20:31
Robot101arjan: d-bus sequence diagram tool -
Robot101arjan: popular in the N900 performance team :)20:31
Robot101like "why the hell does the media player take 2 years to start... oh hey, 50,000 d-bus round trips"20:31
pupnikty ty20:32
arjannot seen actual bustle20:32
arjanbut I've had the same thing found with timechart20:32
arjantimechart can find it without you knowing it's dbus yet ;)20:32
arjanit just show you "oh you're talking to dbus daemon, and then waiting for a reply"20:32
Robot101arjan: are you going to computex btw?20:33
arjanno travel budget20:33
Robot101ah, so not many meego folks?20:33
* arjan makes too many other work trips20:33
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arjanmore like I travel too much already20:33
arjanfor my budget group20:33
Robot101I know the feeling :)20:33
* arjan does not actually report into the meego group, travel budget wise20:34
* Robot101 is in a plane... on the ground... at heathrow. sigh.20:34
Robot101german ATC is closed due to a dead hamster or something, so 1-2 hour delay20:34
arjanI don't travel as much as I used to, but it's more last minute20:34
arjanwhich means more $$$20:34
Robot101do you know of (m)any meego folks from Intel going?20:34
StskeepsRobot101: wasn't it the german ATC that was running on linux and was 'rock solid'? ;p20:35
arjanat least a few from oregon are going20:35
thiago_homeStskeeps: not only that20:35
thiago_homeStskeeps: it runs Qt too20:35
arjanStskeeps: dead hamsters are a biological attack ;)20:35
thiago_homebut I guess the German traffic controllers are busy watching Lena arrive in Hamburg20:35
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Robot101they'd better fix it, flightradar24 shows quite a lot of flights in the air above germant atm :)20:36
vgradedon't mention eurovision20:36
vgradevgrade from UK20:36
arjando not mention eurovision.20:36
arjanthat does not exist.20:36
Robot101I'm pretty sure that have some hung over friends who would beg to differ... :) unfortunately20:37
CosmoHillvgrade: cool, that would explain the O2 jogger20:37
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Robot101*that I20:37
* Robot101 seems to be terrible at typing today20:37
BilliusWhat's the Meego presence likely to be like at Akademy in Tampere?20:37
thiago_homeBillius: there will be some people20:37
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CosmoHillRobot101: you should see reenignEesreveR, he's typing everything backwards20:38
janne_oksanenBillius: what academy would that be?20:38
thiago_homevaltteri halla (Nokia, TSG, etc.) will be there giving a keynote20:38
pupnikmy n900 cght a wlan beacon 30k feet over sweden20:38
arjanBillius: not sure if there's official meego.... I mean... meego isn't kde20:38
Robot101Billius: collabora is sponsoring and I guess quite a few collabora folks will go20:38
Robot101not sure if I will, will decide nearer the time :)20:38
thiago_homeyou can expect a lot of Nokians too20:38
thiago_homewe'll be 10-15 from the Oslo office20:39
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Robot101heh, the collabora wiki has grown a recipes page since I last looked20:39
janne_oksanenwould someone tell me what this academy in Tampere is?20:39
janne_oksanenI live near Tampere20:40
thiago_homejanne_oksanen: Akademy20:40
janne_oksanenI cee20:40
BilliusHmm, might look into coming - Akademy
Robot101oh look, there's a MeeGo party20:40
Robot101we'll have to have a MeeGo vs Collabora party contest :D20:41
Stskeepscombine to make it a bigger one? ;p20:41
thiago_homeRobot101: the one last year was awesome :-)20:41
Robot101actually it might be the day trip from us this year20:42
* Robot101 is also thinking what Collabora should do for its 5th birthday this summer20:43
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BilliusMobile track on Sat - day one - looks ok.
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lcukRobot101, how far away is birthday20:49
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arjanthiago: btw .. there's a need for a Qt tutorial book that does not start with 15 chapters of GUI stuff20:52
arjanbut focuses on all the other parts of Qt20:52
thiago_homesounds like a tutorial I'd like to see :-)20:53
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* arjan wants to write a meego touch framework app... but want to get solid on qt fundamentals first20:56
arjanjust the qt gui stuff isn't as appropriate to start with20:56
arjanoh well. time to go to a long lunch L)20:56
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* TSCHAKeee2 fries his evol buttermilk battered southern fried chicken, for lunch21:00
* CosmoHill noms pizza21:01
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bogie11cooked Macaroni with minced meat (+tuna fish)21:14
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CosmoHillI'm sure my server case shouldn't flex like that21:21
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cwellshi, just installed meego on a EEE 1001P.   couple of small issues: doesn't seem to want to do update ("can't establish trust relationship") and can't install software from garage.   I assume they are related21:45
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mindThomasHi. Any UK guys in here?22:00
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Stskeepsuk or dk? :P22:00
CosmoHillwhat's the follow up question?22:01
mindThomasI'm DK22:01
mindThomasbut I'm looking for UK guys22:01
Stskeepsto buy a joggler?22:01
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mindThomasI'm really into embedded electronics22:01
mindThomas <- that's my blog22:01
Stskeepskeep in mind the joggler has gma500 and hence may not have sane meego experience22:01
mindThomasand unfortunately I first saw today that it has been on sale for quite a while22:02
mindThomasIt is going to be used with Linux22:02
Stskeepsit's a bargain at 50 quid, yeah22:02
mindThomasUbunto Network Edition22:02
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mindThomasBut I think it's the last day tomorrow22:02
Stskeepsit's good to some extent, but UNE isn't really a touchscreen os..22:02
mindThomasas the campaign only runs throughout may22:02
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Stskeeps(i know, i run , hobby project for me)22:03
mindThomasanyways, then it can run some IRC bots or server for me :)22:03
CosmoHillhalf price but out of stock22:03
mindThomaswouldn't it be able to do that?22:03
mindThomas1.3GHz and 512mb ram22:04
Stskeepsgo read what's possible to do on it at my blog :P22:04
mindThomasthat should be plenty :)22:04
mindThomashave read it22:04
Stskeepsyou can pretty much boot a lot of things (android is fucking up)22:04
mindThomasout of stock :(22:04
CosmoHillthat spec? that's better than my server :/22:04
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mindThomasIs it only possible to buy them online?22:05
mindThomasFrom o2?22:05
Stskeepsthink so, or in shop22:05
Stskeepsor on ebay, where people charge a shitload ;p22:05
mindThomasSo theoretically there could be stock in a shop?22:06
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CosmoHillif i had one of them i could attach it to my speakers via the 3.5mm jack22:08
CosmoHilland use it for music22:08
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* CosmoHill blinks22:12
CosmoHillthey wrote the applications in flash...for a linux based device..crazy people22:13
Stskeepsnot a bad idea if you need simple dev env though22:13
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TSCHAKeee2I want to eventually make them an Orbiter for bedside use22:19
TSCHAKeee2but i am still researching orbiter ideas that can run okay on that constrained GMA50022:19
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Stskeepsit ran hildon desktop fine22:20
mindThomasAnyone who could be one for me?22:20
CosmoHillnot me, sorry22:21
StskeepsmindThomas: sorry, got mine from a guy in UK too :P22:22
* CosmoHill blinks22:22
CosmoHillI'm on a computer store and under "toys and gadgets" there is "Nissan Cars" :/22:22
mindThomasStskeeps: You did :P22:23
Stskeepsand i think he's maxed out atm :P22:23
Stskeeps(there's a limit on how many jogglers you can buy)22:23
mindThomasoh, there is? :O22:24
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TSCHAKeee2yup. 222:26
mindThomasmax 2?22:27
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CosmoHillI think there are two O2 shops in my town22:37
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mindThomas"None left in the central Newcastle-upon-tyne or Metrocentre stores. " -
mindThomasCosmoHill would you mind buying one for me?22:38
lcukbuying a whole shop?22:39
mindThomashaha :D22:40
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sivanglbt: hey, just responded to your email :)22:51
sivanglbt: so I Know which meeting, on the 2nd of june :)22:51
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lbtsivang: cheers23:38
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riochWill meego also work on a mid/umpc?23:45
thiago_homemeego works on netbooks23:46
thiago_homeand eventually slates23:46
markattoand phones23:46
markattoI don't see why not mid23:47
arjanmid/umpc ... also depends on the hw in use23:47
thiago_homewhat's the difference between a netbook and a mid after all?23:47
riochtrue, true23:47
arjanand the exact usage model you expect23:47
arjanfrom where I sit, mid/umpc does not exist23:47
riochwell, I want to write an application that I need to carry around with me all the time23:47
arjanit was more a vision of what turns out to be a few different device categories23:48
thiago_homewell, what device are you going to carry that application on?23:48
thiago_homeI can carry applications on a USB stick, but they're not very useful without another device23:48
riochI haven't got a device yet. I need it to be touchscreen, around a 5 inch screen (not so small it's useless, not so big that it's not portable)23:49
riochI've been looking at a few, like this one:
thiago_homewhat's the difference between that and a slate?23:49
arjannetbook sized ones... I'm now using a lenovo s10 3t23:50
riochthiago: it's small23:50
riochI dunno, maybe it is a slate23:50
arjanit sounds halfway between an ipad and an iphone23:50
arjansize wise23:50
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riocharjan: yeah, I'd say so23:51
thiago_homemaybe slightly larger than an N810 then23:51
lcuksmartq is prolly closest :)23:51
lcukthat already ran mer23:51
lcukthe device is an arm11 one23:51
lbtdidn't meego used to have lighttpd?23:51
arjanmeego never had a httpd server yet23:51
lcukdoesnt qt have one23:52
arjanwe've been asked a few times but with not-so-clear reasons23:52
thiago_homelcuk: no23:52
arjanalso, doing http serving is.. interesting security wise23:52
arjanopen port and all that23:52
thiago_homeunless you count the MiniHttpServer I wrote in several unit tests23:52
lbtarjan: OK - I thought I'd found one... been asked about it23:52
lcuki expected qkitchensink->httpserver or something thiago_home :D23:52
arjanI can see a small packaged apache as well if we'd really need one23:52
arjankinda hoping we don't need one23:53
riochthiago_home: so, how can I tell if it will work? Is there a list of compatible devices?23:53
lcukin the default install i can see not including it23:53
lcukbut why prevent people from doing what they want23:53
thiago_homerioch: if it runs OMAP3, there's a high chance it will work23:53
thiago_homeARM11 isn't so23:53
riochwhat is OMAP3?23:53
thiago_homean ARMv7 SoC from TI23:54
lcukwill the handset ux work on netbook23:54
thiago_homelcuk: if you install it, it will probably run23:54
lcukso it will be open source enough to build or just a case of binaries for different platforms?23:54
thiago_homebut it's meant to be used on a small-screen touch device, not on a medium-sized one with keyboard and touchpad23:54
lcukwell like in the arm11 example - could i theoretically (forgetting performance) run the handset ux on open moko23:55
thiago_homeif you recompile, yes23:55
thiago_homethe ARM builds are done for ARMv7 CPUs23:56
lcukand theres no blockers for recompilation beyond software bugs23:56
thiago_homeand the need for OpenGL ES23:56
lcukwell that can technically be emulated cant it?23:56
lcukok, so its not a blocker as such23:56
thiago_homeif you do the work of isolating and testing the non-OpenGL ES codepaths23:56
thiago_homeI'm pretty sure the developers aren't doing it23:57
lcuki dont blame them23:57
arjansince tablets will use opengl and share a bunch of the underlying code23:58
arjanthat'll get debugged as well23:58
thiago_homeopengl2 is a superset of opengles223:58
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thiago_homebut testing the raster and X11 codepaths may not happen23:59
arjanoh sure23:59
thiago_homeor what happens for the effects and other portions of the code depending on opengl23:59
benp_Hi there. Giving meego a try and have a bunch of questions. Is this the right place?23:59
lcukmmm no x11?23:59

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