IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-05-28

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newmandoes wine work on meego00:00
thiago_homeif you install it, it probably does00:01
thiago_homebut not on ARM00:01
newmanit worths trying00:02
ZeikkoTSCHAKeee: they're so much faster than touchpad00:02
Zeikkoand alt tabbing is something you can't live without00:03
newmancan someone explain to me how maemo joined moblin, all i see from meego is moblin itself00:04
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TSCHAKeeeum, i can alt-tab00:05
TSCHAKeeejust fine00:05
newmanor maybe moblin is the interface, maemo the app packaging00:05
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ZeikkoYou can? :o00:06
* TSCHAKeee takes a deeep breath.00:06
ZeikkoWithout any modifications, just out of the box?00:06
TSCHAKeeenewman: there are many different user experiences for MeeGo.00:06
TSCHAKeeenewman: the Netbook UX is written by Intel00:07
TSCHAKeeenewman: the Handset UX is written by Nokia00:07
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TSCHAKeeenewman: they both now run on the same basic OS core, Meego Core00:07
TSCHAKeeeZeikko: correct.00:07
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pupnikwell summarized00:07
ZeikkoTSCHAKeee: then you might also know how to shutdown this?00:07
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Zeikkobummer, anybody else?00:08
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ZeikkoAnybody know how to shutdown meego? :P00:09
jausmushit the power button ;)00:09
jausmusa dialog should come up asking if you want to shut down00:09
Zeikkohah, true00:09
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newmanhow about the media codecs stuff which are propietary....00:09
* thiago_home always takes the battery out00:10
Zeikkojausmus: the dialog appears but the OS doesn't shutdown00:10
thiago_homehint: add some tape to the back so it's easier to pull it out :-)00:10
GrubboloZeikko: i was wondering how to turn it off some minutes ago00:10
Grubbolobtw my eeepc 901 powers off nicey00:11
Zeikkoi have eeepc 901 also00:11
Grubbolothe clutter UI is really nice00:11
thiago_homenewman: no proprietary in the open source image00:11
thiago_homenewman: you can add it on your own, if you want to, from whichever sources you find00:12
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Grubbolowill the future versions keep this nice UI?00:12
newmanwell, end user will face the everlasting problem of linux then.. installing codecs00:12
newmanunless the resellers  add it00:12
ZeikkoParty! After accepting the shutdown dialog 15 times it started doing something00:13
Grubbolonewman: its more wide than just linux... apple and mac users know how codecs can be a pain.00:13
ZeikkoNow the yellow waving meego guy has been on the screen for quite long :P00:13
newmansomeone should write a guide for howto install these codecs like ubuntu doing00:14
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ZeikkoYellow meego is still standing :d00:14
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Grubbololast time I use RPMs mandriva was still called mandrake and just started to delay updates to non paying users00:15
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GrubboloZeikko: does "shutdown -h now" work?00:17
Grubbolothiago_home: are you assigned to work on meego currently?00:17
ZeikkoGrubbolo: it finally went to the "exit screen" but got stuck into there and i had to press the power button for 10 secs00:18
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GrubboloZeikko: did you install it on the ssd?00:20
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GrubboloZeikko: I'm still tunning off a sd-card00:21
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ZeikkoYeah i just installed it00:22
Grubboloon the 4gb drive?00:22
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thiago_homeGrubbolo: kinda00:24
thiago_homeGrubbolo: part of my work is to look into MeeGo and be the interface00:25
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mograOf the two downloads, what browser does the one not marked "Google Chrome" use?00:27
Grubbolothiago_home: are you working at the interface between intel and nokia then? Is the transition clutter->qt well accepted among the devs?00:28
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GrubboloI mean... is there any doubt about transitioning the GUI to qt?00:29
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thiago_homegrishnav: one of the interfaces00:35
thiago_homethe interface to Qt00:35
thiago_homeNokia isn't using Clutter, so I have no idea what devs think00:35
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shadeslayerhi does someone have a wget'able link of the latest release ( chromium browser ) or a torrent?00:40
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h00kmight this be a place to ask support questions, or should I head to the forums?00:54
thiago_homeask your question and we'll tell you00:55
h00kSure. I have an EEE and the bluetooth panel icon doesn't give me an option to enable/disable it00:55
h00kEEE 1000, anyway.00:56
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h00kI see where the on/off slider dealio should be, it's just not active00:56
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mograrepost: Of the two downloads, what browser does the one not marked "Google Chrome" use?01:01
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thiago_homeh00k: try the forum. No one seemed to know the answer here.01:01
jausmusmogra: chromium01:01
h00kthiago_home: yerp, already looking01:02
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infobotI herald you, my supreme master! Lead us into the light of your wisdom and power01:04
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RichiHinfobot: botsnack01:04
infobot:), RichiH01:04
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RichiHanyway, can anyone give me the md5sum, sha1sum or anything of the meego 1.0 netbook version with chrome, please?01:06
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pupniknice no problem install on x61s01:08
RichiHpupnik: from how i understand things, i can not only install from the usb image, but run the image as a live image, as well?01:09
pupniki havent heard of friends doing that01:10
pupniksome run in a VM01:10
mograanyone tested 1.0 on AA1 D-150 yet? I see 250 listed, and their hardware is similar.01:10
pupniki like thinkpad x series more every day01:11
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RichiHpupnik, mogra: could either of you md5sum the netbook iso with crome if you have it, please? my iso is still named .part and i took about two hours to download it so i am not keen on redoing that if i can help it01:13
mograI will have mine in about 15 minutes01:13
jausmusRichiH - you can use wget to continue a partial download, using the -c option01:15
RichiHjausmus: i am pretty sure it finished. also, the way the download is presented after acepting the eula does not exactly easy to get at the link (unless you just type it)01:17
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mograI am hoping task management has been cleaned up.01:22
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mograRichih: it's summing right now01:31
mogra6a33f61264ecfd3b4d1b430e5b7b8f3a  meego-netbook-ia32-
mograand yes, I got the Chrome Browser version01:32
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RichiH5a7d70a80da1550877598534b6d82162  meego-netbook-ia32-
RichiHdoes anyone have a link i can continue on?01:34
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mograI checked the link, they are bound to a sessionid, it seems, and an expiration time.01:35
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RichiHgreat, the link including session id is about a bazillion chars long and i can't copy it01:40
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RichiHas an aside, if meego used chromium instead of chrome, there would be _no_ eula01:40
RichiHjust a thought01:40
jausmusthere's an image that does exactly that01:40
jausmusif you don't care about chrome proper, just use the chromium image01:41
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RichiHmy main problem is that this will set me back another two hours01:41
pupniklol @ session ID01:42
pupnik"we want people to download this....  TWIcE!"01:42
RichiHjausmus: just to be sure, does the netbook version which does not say "chrome" come with chroium?01:42
RichiHor is that yet another image?01:42
jausmusyes, the "non-chrome" is a "with-chromium" image01:43
RichiHthat should be stated more prominently01:43
jausmushmm - agreed01:44
* RichiH would _never_ have thought about getting a eula-riddled image with chrome if he had known a proper browser came with the other image, as well01:44
shadeslayerRichiH: use the chromium one01:44
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RichiHshadeslayer_: yah, i am getting it as we speak01:46
shadeslayer_btw does anyone have a grub entry for meego? like i want to boot the iso directly off my hd with grub 201:47
RichiHjausmus: can you do anything about how the second image is presented or do i need to poke someone else>01:47
jausmusI'm sending an e-mail right now ;)01:47
RichiHshadeslayer_: not possible (yet)01:47
shadeslayer_RichiH: :(01:47
RichiHgrub 2 can reportedly do this with lots of magic, but not reliably01:48
RichiHsyslinux can do it, though01:48
RichiHso you _could_ chainload syslinux01:48
shadeslayer_RichiH: btw i should dd the iso onto the usb right?01:48
shadeslayer_RichiH: my thoughts precisely01:48
RichiHthat did not work for me, but then my image is broken, so...01:48
shadeslayer_RichiH: any particular byte size?01:49
shadeslayer_( for the dd command )01:49
RichiHpersonally, i expect grub 2 proper to be able to load from within isos within the next 6 to 12 months01:49
jausmusaaaand sent01:49
RichiHshadeslayer_: i presume that most bytes (since 1970) are precisely 8 bit in size ;)01:50
RichiHif you mean block size, 64k has proven to be the all-round faast & robust value01:50
shadeslayer_RichiH: yeah.. its been a long day :P01:51
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shadeslayer_RichiH: can we supply the kernel to grub2 for booting?01:53
shadeslayer_RichiH: im getting the guys over from #grub to help01:54
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shadeslayer_RichiH: phcoder01:55
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shadeslayer_btw does meego support the normal T series Intel processors and nvidia graphics cards?01:56
shadeslayer_ill be really surprised if it does :P01:56
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phcoderRichiH: grub2 is able to load files from inside iso image for at least one year.01:57
shadeslayer_phcoder: btw ill need to put the image in /boot to get it working right?01:58
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phcoderbut you can't chainload iso file, it would need BIOS hook which won't work with anything modern.02:00
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Bozzyhi guys...02:23
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Bozzyquestion about installation of meego 1.0 - perhaps u can help: The installation stucks when it comes to installing the bootloader... any ideas? I used default setup of partitions02:25
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pupnikno error message Bozzy ?02:26
Bozzynope.. screen is also not frozen.. just says "installing bootloader" - very early stage of installation02:27
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pupniki havent seen that problem yet.  perhaps a bug report is in order02:28
Bozzyis there a possibility not to install a bootloader?02:29
h00kI thought there was, I don't remember :$02:30
h00kI just installed it today, anyway.  Cool stuff.02:31
h00kCept bash is being silly.02:31
h00kI add bash aliases to ~/.bashrc and it doesn't recognize them, also, I added it to check in ~/.bash_aliases too, and it wouldn't02:31
h00k(closed, reopened terminal)02:32
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acurriehey meego users02:32
pupnikthis may address your problem Bozzy
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Bozzyyea found this thread also02:34
Bozzyi also tryied to manually set the partitions..02:34
Bozzybut thanks for your help.02:34
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pupnikgood luck Bozzy02:36
Bozzythx pupnik!02:36
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h00kIs there anything special with the bash included in MeeGo?02:48
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RichiHphcoder: so can i actually boot "into" an iso?02:49
h00kFor instance, my aliases are not working as they should02:49
pupnikyou mean short-bus "special"?02:49
RichiHphcoder: in any case: interesting :)02:49
h00kpupnik: perhaps :)02:49
h00kpupnik: 'different' in general, I guess.02:49
pupnikadding aliases to .profile or what02:50
h00kor to .bashrc inder the # for aliases02:50
h00kalias commandhere='this is an alias'02:50
phcoderRichiH: your question is imprecise and depending on what you mean it's either "yes" or "no". I can e.g. boot Ubuntu LiveCD stored in iso file.02:50
h00kpupnik: even including this isn't working properly02:51
pupnikwhat happens if you add the alias to .profile and start a new shell02:52
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h00kpupnik: and then adding them to ~/.bash_aliases02:53
h00klet me try .profile02:53
mattAhi there, just a quickie... has anyone managed to boot meego as a 'livecd'?02:53
h00kpupnik: no go there, either02:53
mattAi tried using unetbootin to transfer the .img to a usb pen but got lots of errors02:53
pupnikok now confused02:53
bef0rdmattA, use dd or meego image writter02:54
h00kpupnik: I've tried to add aliases to .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .bash_aliases, none of them seem to be responding02:54
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h00kpupnik: I've fired up a new shell, etc02:54
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pupniki would love an excuse to investigate that02:55
h00kpupnik: I don't blame you for not :)02:55
pupniklow on time.  let us know what it is02:55
h00kwill try. /me heads to forums02:56
mattA@bef0rd, cheers mate.. didn't actually know there was a meego image writer, it's not on the website/wiki02:56
bef0rdmattA, mic-image-writer
mattAdoh! didn't notice it before, thanks again +102:57
bef0rdmattA, no problem02:58
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BigLouhey all03:03
BigLouokay... im trying to install this on my laptop....03:03
BigLouim at the boot screen03:03
BigLouwith these options: boot, install, boot from local03:03
BigLoubut it does not recognize my laptop's keyboard03:03
BigLouso i can't select anything03:03
BigLouanyone know what could be causing this?03:04
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RichiHphcoder: nice. can you paste me the relevant snippet, please?03:12
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phcodermenuentry "Live CD ubuntu-9.10-beta-dvd-i386.iso" { filename=/ubuntu-9.10-beta-dvd-i386.iso; search -sf $filename; loopback loop $filename;         linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz  boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$filename;  initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz }03:18
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koupsaamplayer works04:09
koupsaagood night04:10
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mustiiiiido u use meego04:30
mustiiiiiwhat is ur rewiev04:31
mustiiiiiis it light?04:31
mustiiiiifor netbook?04:31
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TermanaSpammers :\04:49
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microlithman, I just don't get fedora's dependency selection05:44
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DuDuhello hola hi06:02
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DuDuno hay nadies aqui06:03
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PrOHi there, meego sdk only supports linux now, right?06:46
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minthello will meego work on a desktop computer with an intel cpu?07:25
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mintanyone here?07:28
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Termanano ones here07:30
Termanamint, it probably will, as long as the CPU has support for SSSE307:32
mintok thanks then ill download it and try it07:33
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chidmmm meego09:36
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chidI hear meego doesn't work with gma50009:38
chidbut the betas do09:38
chidis this true?09:38
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Stskeepswe have meego betas? :P09:39
PrOIt seems meego sdk only supports linux, when will it starts to support mac and windows ?09:41
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StskeepsPrO: think that comes with the qt minded sdks09:42
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thiago_homePrO: soon09:52
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lbtStskeeps: have you seen arjan's email on -dev "they're being finalized right now and documented" (kernel process docs)10:02
lbtsurely that should be : "the first public draft is being written?" ...10:03
lbt"on the wiki"10:03
lbt"in the open"10:03
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* lbt goes for a shower10:03
Stskeepslbt: well, kernel team doesn't work in the open atm and i guess it's up to team members to determine policy .. but dunno10:03
Stskeepswe all have to bootstrap somewhere and it can't possibly be worse than the last one.10:04
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pinchartlStskeeps: is there a single kernel team, or different ones for the different platforms ?10:13
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Stskeepspinchartl: actually, we're not entirely sure.. there's one central repo10:13
pinchartlwell, one central official repo :-)10:14
pinchartlI would be very surprised if each device vendor didn't develop their own kernel changes behind closed doors10:15
Stskeepswe develop our n900 stuff in the open at least10:15
pinchartlStskeeps: including the kernel for n900+ (harmattan) ?10:16
Stskeepspinchartl: meego (proper meego) n900 kernel, 2.6.33 and such, is developed openly10:17
pinchartlah ok, that one10:17
pinchartlbut vendors will still customize kernels for their product. as much as we will encourage them to do so openly, I don't expect them to push all changes upstream for instance10:17
Stskeepsthey have to10:17
Stskeepsif they want their changes into meego kernel package10:18
infobotpinchartl meant: but vendors will still customize kernels for their products. as much as we will encourage them to do so openly, I don't expect them to push all changes upstream for instance10:18
pinchartlyes, *if* they want their changes into the meego kernel package10:18
Stskeepsthey can't be meego compliant otherwise10:18
pinchartlStskeeps: let's take an example then. what about the DRM (as in digital restrictions/rights management) framework scheduled for then n900 successor ? that one won't make it upstream10:19
Stskeepsthat's supposed to be open source, afaik, but we don't have anything to deal with the successor10:20
thiago_homeif the DRM framework isn't upstreamed, then meego probably won't have it10:20
thiago_homewhich means Nokia may have to keep that as a delta on top of meego10:20
pinchartlthiago_home: ok, that's what I thought. thanks for the clarification10:20
Stskeepspinchartl: i think kernel process is still being worked on10:20
thiago_homenote the "probably"10:21
thiago_homealso note that "not upstream" doesn't mean "not open source"10:21
pinchartlthe kernel is covered by the GPL license, and I wouldn't expect Nokia not to comply with it :-)10:22
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pinchartlI have no worries there10:22
thiago_homedamn, three negatives in the sentence :-)10:22
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pinchartlStskeeps: so you're working on the meego kernel for the N900 ? do you know if someone is working on the camera driver(s) ?10:25
Stskeepspinchartl: feel free to ask in #meego-arm10:25
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KhertanHi all !10:26
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_wasabii'm trying to figure out why aim won't connect on empathy or pidgin. i think it has something to do with the gnome-proxy settings10:42
_wasabibut i've tried changing it to direct connection but i still don't have any luck with aim10:42
_wasabihas anyone experienced the same problem?10:43
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Votanare u actually able to install ANY non-meego rpm without geting errors ?!11:23
Votanit wont even let me install dropbox o.011:23
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Votanhow do you actually open a shell in MeeGo ?11:29
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logic855Votan: in applications there is terminal? or do an alt+left ? or is that not what you mean?11:33
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flosithi guys, does anybody know, if you can save network profiles?  my router just quit and i had to reconnect but meego didnt save the password.  since my router is a bit unstable (as the one in university) this could very easily get on ones nerves.11:36
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Votananyone inhere tried to use chrome unstable instead of beta ?11:55
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troozersHi MeeGo Gurus... just trying to install MeeGo on an Asus 700 (4GB SD Disk).. whats the minimum partitions/sizes it requires - default layout complains of not enough disk space12:13
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ValiHi all12:31
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ValiI have downloaded the MeeGo live img with google chrome and run on intel pc12:32
Valiin applications there is no office or presentation viewr ? am i get the wrong image or MeeGo by default doesn't support the ooffice ?12:34
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Validoes meego support ooffice ?12:35
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Valiany one please help me ..12:41
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Vladimiroffwhat are system requirments for meego? I read these and I have them, but how much space I have to separate for it?12:43
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VladimiroffBecause I have one empty 8GB partition, but when try to format it as btrfs with mountpoint / from meego installer I get an error(not enough space for writting the partitions)12:44
w00t_DawnFoster: do you mind digging through the ML moderation queue at some point? nothing urgent -- I think you might have a mail from one of the collabora folks regarding our mirror being fixed now12:44
VladimiroffI could of separate for it not more than 8-10 in addition to these 8...but still?12:44
* w00t_ does not know12:45
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ValiIn MeeGo 1.0 is there any document viewer (.doc .ppt,pdf ) ?13:05
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petsoundshi all. congratulations for the release of meego 1.0. since i'm new with meego i think i want to understand why meego using .rpm instead of .deb? and also if meego using .rpm the command line will be like in fedora (yum)? thanks13:12
Stskeepsfirst question: because all the toolset (OBS, image building, etc) and OS core was rpm, and lightyears ahead of debian tools in some regards.. second is yum or zypper13:13
Tm_TStskeeps: lightyears? (:)13:14
StskeepsTm_T: my primary argument is that debian tools are good for managing stuff13:14
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VladimiroffMeeGo 1.0 can't install on 20GB partition, because of "Could not allocate requested partitions: Not enough free space on disk13:16
pupnik_Stskeeps: the HAM update times are unacceptable13:17
pupnik_meego must be much better13:17
VladimiroffI have more than 20GB free(un formated partition) and this thing doesn't even want to create a 1GB boot partition13:17
pupnik_in fact, i would ensure that if allowed13:17
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oiaohmI have a question why is mono included in meego when its legal status is undefined.   Does Intel or Nokia have an agreement that protects us downstream?13:25
leinirYes, it's called "Software patents don't apply in Finland" ;)13:26
oiaohmSo I am screwed13:26
oiaohmDon't download or use.13:26
leinirHonestly, i haven't a clue, i just personally don't really care for or about mono any way at all :)13:26
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oiaohmThe issue with mono is the patent issue is not resolved.   So everyone in countries where patent cases applies using it is a risk.13:27
oiaohmThat includes means to block imports of products including items in patent breach.13:28
oiaohmOnly one currently out side MS with distribution rights I know of is Novell.  leinir13:28
oiaohmIe get mono directly from Novell legally safe.13:28
Stskeepsmeego is a linux foundation project13:29
oiaohmAnd guess what the foundation has sections of it inside the USA.  Stskeeps13:29
Tm_TI'm sure they have lawyers involved if needed13:30
oiaohmSo yes its a what the heck is going on question.  If some side distribution like Ubuntu wants to ship mono who base of operation is out usa fine.13:30
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oiaohmProblem with these patent cases they will wait until the item is in major use before hitting.  Tm_T13:30
oiaohmAnd then are able to hit right back to the point you started using.13:31
oiaohmIf there is a deal there covering it no issue.13:32
Tm_Toiaohm: you think Linux Foundation haven't think of this? Or other parties involved? (:13:32
* Tm_T just finds it funny why these are discussed here13:32
Stskeepsor the hordes of nokia and intel lawyers..13:32
oiaohmThat is if they know yet.  Stskeeps13:33
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pupnik_a bit less government would help things along13:33
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oiaohmThing the past versions of nokia and intel os did not include mono.13:33
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Stskeepsoiaohm: silverlight's also coming to meego, it seems like13:34
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oiaohmsilverlight is covered by a intel coverage deal.13:34
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oiaohmNow if mono is as well fine.13:34
Khertan_atWorkHi !13:34
oiaohmBut for us handing it we need to know what is covered and what is not.13:34
Stskeepsraise the issue on mailing list, LF lawyers are listening in13:35
oiaohmNovell deal clearly says if it comes from novell fine.13:35
oiaohmBut if you pass it on to anyone else13:35
oiaohmYou are toast.13:35
tekojooiaohm are you a lawyer?13:35
sx0nwhere is that mono used?13:36
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oiaohmI have had lawyers go over using mono.  tekojo13:36
oiaohmReason why I am asking question.  I know exactly where limits are.13:36
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oiaohmUnless there is some other agreement I don't have.13:36
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tekojoI would also suggest taking it to dev list, that's where the you will find either lawyers or maintainers who talk to lawyers13:36
oiaohmI will you can understand why I want answer.  tekojo13:37
tekojoI know enough to always ask a lawyer :)13:37
* sx0n is wondering should i buy law firms stocks, they have golden time coming 'coss foss13:38
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oiaohmI was hoping it would be simple as read this agreement over there its covered.13:38
oiaohmNot ok lets not worry about it.13:38
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tekojolegal things are never simple, it's always a situation where you have several opinions, a law to be interpreted and a court to handle the whole thing13:39
tekojoso always best find a lawyer to ask :)13:40
sx0nit's like cold war, where everybody loses13:40
oiaohmI hope the answer is intel or someone has a deal covering everyone.13:40
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sx0nas reading mono wiki pages, i don't see why it would be important, or even provided in releases.13:42
jusliukkwhen doing stuff for resource constrained devices, one might do well to avoid excessive framework layers… there is limited amounts of memory‚ cpu and battery power available...13:43
sx0nkiss ftw13:44
lcukjusliukk, sure, thats why meego is written entirely in binary.  i've worn off the 1 and 0 keys on my laptop keyboard :(13:44
jusliukklcuk, :D13:44
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sx0nAmiga had good philosophy: Excellence through simplicity13:45
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lcuksx0n, +1000000000000013:48
oiaohmMost people failed to notice more and more of mono has changed to MIT licence that does not have even implied patent protection.13:49
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Tm_Tnotmart: ohai13:50
notmartTm_T: yo13:50
bpeelbanshee is written with Gtk#, hence the inclusion of Mono13:51
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oiaohmbpeel: not a good enough reason if its not legally covered.  Fedora does quite well default without Mono.13:54
oiaohmSo without benshee13:54
Stskeepsbanshee's an reference app, you can remove it in own images13:54
Tm_Talso you can write an app that is so much better than banshee, making use of it worthless13:55
oiaohmIf its just a reference app and there is not a legal coverage it should be gone.  Then correct app will have to come.13:56
oiaohmI have posted to the mailing list see what comes of it.   Hopefully its not oversite because this could cause some mirror sites some issues.13:57
Tm_Tit seems pretty pointless to continue the discussion here, there won't be any decisions made at this time and all that jazz13:57
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oiaohmI was hoping it was a simple case I had missed a coverage document.  Tm_T13:58
oiaohmSo I would not have to bother developers.13:58
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oiaohmI just know from my past is really simple to be in a rush to put something together and forget about legal sides then go o crap.13:59
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Ddorda_ntbkon what distro is meego based?14:09
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Stskeepsit's based on itself14:10
Ddorda_ntbkit doesn't uses any package type?14:10
leinirWhat' that got to do with distro? :)14:10
Robot101it uses the OpenSUSE build service, rpm packages, and has some stuff taken from fedora but a lot re-packaged too14:10
lucazadehi! i'd like to know if meego will support gma500 (in future rev)? because i've seen some patches for psb in the git repos14:11
Stskeepslucazade: i doubt netbook ux will, but i've seen IEGD mentioned as a point of reference for meego14:11
Ddorda_ntbkRobot101: thanks14:11
lucazadeStskeeps: thanks for the info.. i'll throw this netbook out a window :(14:15
Stskeepslucazade: i'll take it if you won't ;)14:15
lucazadewill u put windows on it?!?14:15
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Stskeepswell, i have a similar situation, i have a joggler with gma50014:17
Stskeepsi can still find good use for it14:17
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TigerTaelI assume nothing new on the Meego N900 UX?14:18
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lucazadei can find a good use as well.. but.. it still remain a terrbile situation14:18
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zsHi, any chance to get apache package from somewhere or do I have to build from source?14:19
lbt_lucazade: I'm hoping we can have unofficial support for that kind of thing on the community OBS14:20
lbt_zs: have you looked in extras14:20
lucazadei believe a voodoo gfx card is better supported :)14:20
lucazade lbt_ : i hope too14:20
zslbt_: I activated all repositories but I dont see it there14:21
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lbt_hmm, I thought lighttpd was in there... but I can't find that now either14:22
zsright, I will build from source then14:23
lbt_wouldn't it be nice if you had an OBS to do that on.... grrr14:24
lbt_zs: would you step up and 'maintain' it for the meego community?14:24
koupsaa(slow slow chromium)14:25
zslbt_: I am not as good to do that :)14:25
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lbt_zs: np... got to ask :)14:25
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dstar_one the "disable touchpad when typing" option in touchpad settings seems to lag me out14:29
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dstar_oneno cursor lag now that i unchecked this option, fingers crossed14:32
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Stskeepsalso, are we a lightning rod towards open source issues here? rpm vs deb, mono, .. gtk vs qt14:56
Stskeepswe're really mounting a impressive bunch of issues ;)14:56
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Tm_TStskeeps: indeed14:59
Tm_Tcan't wait vim vs emacs and konqueror vs chrome15:00
* Tm_T hides15:00
koupsaaanybody knows a cool frontend in qt for mplayer ?15:00
Tm_Tkoupsaa: kmplayer15:00
Tm_Twell, it's not plain qt but...15:01
koupsaa'k' like kde ?15:01
koupsaadon't now if meego support kde libraries15:01
Tm_Tyup, can use mplayer and phonon (and phonon can use then vlc, xine, mplayer etc)15:01
Tm_Tkoupsaa: ah, that can be an issue, yes15:01
Tm_Tbut I would assume there is/will be support for KDE stuff15:02
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koupsaathx i go to see phonon15:02
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Tm_Tkoupsaa: phonon is not player itself, it's just... framework library15:03
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koupsaai already have mplayer installed in meego codec etc... . but i need a frontend (my friend laugh when he see terminal :) )15:05
koupsaahe ask me if my eepc is an amstrad :)15:05
koupsaarun "videohollydays.avi"15:06
Tm_Tkoupsaa: smplayer perhaps?15:06
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koupsaamkdir ~/git15:19
koupsaaeuh woops sorry15:20
koupsaaR Federer is so great.  he disturb me :)15:21
lcukmeego handheld has the security framework stuff planned for it15:22
lcukwill the same framework exist on desktop variant?15:22
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Gaaphi all :)15:23
Gaapi see that meego 1.0 for netbooks is out15:23
Gaapdo you know if it supports wpa enterprise connections?15:23
koupsaayep it supports wpa15:23
Gaapcertificates too?15:24
Gaap(moblin doesn't)15:24
Gaapi need to connect to a wpa-EAP15:24
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koupsaaGaap, sorry i watch rolland garros . well i m on wpa (tkip+aes). i don't now if this helpyou15:39
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koupsaatry in 'liveusb'15:40
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Ddordais it possible to run MeeGo on VirtualBox?15:45
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Stskeepstownxelliot: couldn't we technically ask people to drop in their libGL* from their host system into their chroot? in nvidia scenario for instance15:47
townxelliotStskeeps: you know more about it than I do :) I know very little about the OpenGL stuff (I'm really an application developer, not a platform guy); Haitao Feng, Jackie Wu, the people who've answered on the thread are the technical people on that; if it would work, why not?15:50
Stskeepstownxelliot: hmm, i'll try to bait the idea.. i mean, it is the GL api the UX uses anyway15:51
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townxelliotStskeeps: punt it to meego-sdk, those guys will probably be able to help15:52
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j-bhello. Is OpenMax IL officially part of MeeGo?16:22
jusliukkj-b, atm, only as gstreamer plug-ins16:23
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j-bmeaning I am not allowed to use it, else?16:24
jusliukkj-b, no - just that you can't rely on it being available on other meego based systems16:24
jusliukkit's not part of the stable api at this stage16:24
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j-bAre there plans to be?16:25
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jusliukkj-b, i'm pushing it so there is hope16:26
j-bthat would be cool.16:26
jusliukkj-b, by any chance of the vlc fame?16:26
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j-bjusliukk: ?16:26
jusliukkhelio chissini de castro told me of this guru vlc developer he met last wekeend16:26
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jusliukkhelio is in my team16:26
j-bthis vlc-plugin makes it quite fast to decode on N90016:27
jusliukkj-b, very nice :)16:27
j-bso before working on a MeeGo interface, I would prefer to know if it is hopeless or not16:27
j-band of course for the Intel Platfomrs, VAAPI is present16:28
j-bbut that is easier16:28
jusliukkyou can assume that omx support is basically inherited from the n900, unless we get something better in16:28
jusliukkthat something better will be discussed next week16:28
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j-bwell, IIRC, we just dlopen the .so16:29
j-band we don't need extra headers, since they are copied into the omxil vlc plugin tree16:29
jusliukkthat's a very spartan approach, but works16:30
j-bmultimedia is always spartan ;)16:30
jusliukki very much hope we get meego be a 1st class openmax citizen, to get some standardization and good apis in place16:30
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heliocastroj-b: Hey, your travel back was ok ?16:31
j-bWell, we have quite impressive perf on N900 (but using Hildon)16:31
j-bheliocastro: f**king long, but cool. I read a lot16:31
j-band coded  :)16:31
j-bas expected, :)16:32
heliocastroi saw webm announcement16:32
j-bthat was easy :)16:32
heliocastrofor you16:32
j-bdifficult is to stabilize the encoding16:32
Tm_Thi heliocastro16:32
heliocastroTm_T: Hey16:32
j-bBeing able to do DVD -> webm quickly is the funny part16:33
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heliocastroi will put my quad core to test encode today16:33
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j-bencode is easy, muxing correctly for live isn't16:34
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j-bjusliukk: many thanks for the answers.16:35
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jusliukkj-b, my pleasure16:36
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j-bbye guys16:37
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Nils^hello people. Now with the 1.0 release I read news which confused me. Some say the n900 is a "core platform", some say there is no support for the n900 in meego (or other way around? No nokia support for meego?). The question is: Is meego considered as an n900 os where I can make phonecalls and sms after the installation.16:42
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Tm_TNils^: not yet16:43
Tm_TNils^: there will be release with n900 binaries later (or so I heard)16:43
Nils^ok, but the plan is to be a n900 os sometimes in the future, right?16:44
Stskeepsyes, but not from nokia, from meego project instead16:44
smokuNils^: N900 is the development platform for MeeGo developers. But there will be no official release of MeeGo for N900 by Nokia.16:44
Stskeepsand it might not be as polished as a nokia release16:44
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: I think we need a canned message bot. ;)16:45
Tm_Tyou mean factoids?16:45
Nils^I am just concerned that maemo will die as a platform. Not concerned for maemo, but for me :)16:45
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Stskeepsmaemo is dead, once fremantle is no longer getting updates16:46
Stskeepsmeego's the future16:46
Nils^Thats what I think, too.16:46
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Tm_TI thought the whole point of meego was to obsolete maemo16:47
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TSCHAKeeewhy is this percieved as a bad thing?16:47
smokubut then harmattan is steel maemo based, yes?16:47
BugheadGood morning!16:47
TermanaBughead, good morning16:47
TSCHAKeeethere is work being done towards pushing meego to the N900.16:47
Nils^Tm_T: well, yes. But now nokia says "meego is not for n900, our super phone/device".16:47
smokuso, there will be maemo 6, but just won't be called by maemo name16:47
TSCHAKeeemy gosh, where do you guys get your info?16:47
Tm_TNils^: not yet, yes16:47
BugheadSomeone can tell me if MeeGo will USB boot in my MacBook (9400M)?16:48
TSCHAKeeesmoku: Harmattan is built on Meego Core16:48
TSCHAKeeesmoku: with Nokia's UX.16:48
smokuTSCHAKeee: no, it's built on maemo core16:48
TSCHAKeee(you might as well tell them that, explaining that it is meego compatible is only going to make it worse)16:48
Stskeepsit's an instance of meego apis plus ux plus nokia differentiation on top of maemo core.16:49
smokuTSCHAKeee: read: still debian based16:49
* Termana dies16:49
TSCHAKeeei'm wondering why people are going all ape over these little details16:49
Stskeepsbecause of one simple reason16:49
TSCHAKeeethe meego transition happened well into Nokia working on Harmattan...16:50
Stskeepsthey are calling harmattan meego16:50
Stskeepswhich is screwing up things immensely :)16:50
TSCHAKeeeok, i'll give you that one.16:50
smokuas i understand it, Nokia is proceeding as planned and will be releasing Maemo 6 (codename Harmattan) as planned16:52
smokuthey just not calling it Maemo anymore16:52
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smokuif, you paint a dear in black-white stripes and start calling it zebra, does it mean that the dear is dead?16:53
Tm_Tdeer, you mean?16:53
Termanasmoku, right, with but not just as planned, they are making sure its ABI compatible with MeeGo16:53
andre__smoku, #philosophy is a different channel16:53
* Stskeeps passes andre__ a good beer16:54
TSCHAKeeegood beer16:54
infobotsmoku meant: if, you paint a deer in black-white stripes and start calling it zebra, does it mean that the deer is dead?16:54
smokuTm_T: thx16:54
andre__Stskeeps, thanks :)16:55
TSCHAKeeedoes anyone actually talk in #meego-dev?16:55
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Stskeepsdunno, not a official channel16:55
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smokuTermana: that's nice. but following this rationale, if I start bundling WINE with my Linux distribution it's not Linux anymore - it's Windows!16:57
TSCHAKeeenow they tell me16:57
TSCHAKeee:P :)16:57
Termanasmoku, I wasn't drawing a line from the ABI compatibility to the name and saying thats why they are doing it.16:58
TermanaI simply made sure you understood its not just what they had planned, its also making sure there is API compatibility16:58
TermanaAPI* for all the times I used ABI - late night :P16:59
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smokuSo where the voices "Maemo is dead" came from, then?17:01
timeless_mbp17621 timeless  18   0 2264m 1.4g  532 R  0.2 82.7 791:59.28 genxref17:03
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timeless_mbpthe computer i'm using has no memory available (11mb free, 4mb swap)17:04
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koupsaafirst day for ipad in france.. and second day of meego for me.. but i m not on tv show :(17:09
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DawnFosterHey everyone. We're working a troubleshooting faq for users of MeeGo 1.0 on Netbooks. It's not quite ready for users, but we could use help getting it written :)17:58
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* w00t_ mumbles about mailing lists and egos18:10
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Tm_Tw00t_: sometimes topics like that seems to be more ego/religion than sense18:14
w00t_i take it you know the thread i'm mumbling about? :)18:14
Tm_Tvery well18:14
* w00t_ hopes he can help push a bit of sanity in18:15
Dstar_1hi when i switch to external display my netbook screen turns off, is this a bug or feature?18:16
GAN900w00t_, sounds fun.18:16
GAN900w00t_, which thread?18:16
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w00t_browser thread on meego-dev18:16
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* GAN900 wishes fervently for threading in Modest.18:18
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TSCHAKeeethere are bigger issues to figure out18:21
TSCHAKeeeand no, the fact that netbook UX bundles Banshee isn't one of them18:22
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Tm_Tyup, it will be replaced with Qt apps anyway...18:22
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* w00t_ headdesks. :P18:23
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FunkyPenguininteresting, when using the disk utility manager via the usb image to view a local hdd Meego crashes18:32
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shadeslayerhi where can i find the md5sum for the chromium image?18:33
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FunkyPenguinonly plus is that it crashes quickly and cleanly without spurting a ream of errors, but that is also a negative :)18:33
shadeslayeroh noes..18:35
shadeslayerdifferent md5sums :P18:35
shadeslayerbtw i downloaded from a different site.. so will that matter?18:35
CosmoHillshould all be the same18:36
* shadeslayer wonders if theres a torrent18:36
CosmoHillyou can download the image from that server too18:37
shadeslayerokies... looks like ill have to download again18:38
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techsoldatenshadeslayer, have you been having trouble downloading MeeGo from the actual site?18:39
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techsoldatenlike from here?18:40
Tm_Tw00t_: can I complain now about Qt vs QT ?18:40
* Tm_T hides18:40
CosmoHillthat image should work, the md5sum checks out18:40
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jvillaloHey I just my Dell Mini 10v setup with Meego 1.0.  I got the Broadcom driver setup and installed.  Only weird thing is that it doesn't show any wireless networks unless I do a "sudo iwlist scan" :(  Is there some magic to fix that?18:41
jvillaloWhen I do the "iwlist scan" as my normal user it says the interface doesn't support scanning.  So I have to be root to scan.18:42
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w00t_Tm_T: QuickTime is no good, Qt rocks. end of story. :-)18:42
CosmoHillcould be a permission's issue18:42
shadeslayertechsoldaten: no actually i want a wgetable link or a torrent18:42
shadeslayeri keep closing and opening chromium :P18:42
Tm_Tw00t_: tell that in ML (;18:42
CosmoHillshadeslayer: the link i gave you :)18:42
techsoldatengot it18:42
jvillaloCosmoHill: That was my assumption :)  But I don't know how to give it permission.18:42
techsoldatenmind testing that link for me tho?18:43
CosmoHillchmod +s /path/to/file18:43
shadeslayertechsoldaten: which one?18:43
techsoldatenI am the guy making sure the servers work, and just want to check in on the experience for other folks18:43
jvillaloCosmoHill: The magic is in knowing what file ;)18:43
techsoldatenI know it;s not wgettable18:43
shadeslayertechsoldaten: oh i downloaded from dowload3.meego.com18:43
CosmoHilltype -p iwlist18:43
techsoldatenthat works too18:43
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techsoldatencame down okay? no serious issues?18:43
shadeslayertechsoldaten: that was yesterday and now the md5sim is bad18:44
shadeslayertechsoldaten: well.. i downloaded with a -c option18:44
Dstar_1techsoldaten: j0nni've downloaded a corrupt .img twice today from, im looking for officially supported torrent? this was me yesterday18:44
shadeslayerTorrents are more reliable18:44
techsoldatenit was from one of the servers?18:44
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techsoldatenteh deal with the chrome torrent is google does not want anyone getting that without agreeing to the EULA18:45
techsoldatenohthehugemanatee, some backchannel:18:45
techsoldaten[11:44]  <Dstar_1> techsoldaten: j0nn i've downloaded a corrupt .img twice today from, im looking for officially supported torrent? this was me yesterday18:45
shadeslayertechsoldaten: yes18:45
techsoldaten[11:44]  <shadeslayer> techsoldaten: that was yesterday and now the md5sim is bad18:46
techsoldatencould this just be an issue with the checksum itself?18:46
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ohthehugemanateewe can generate a new checksum18:46
ohthehugemanateethey've changed the name of the file since downloads started, maybe the checksum was off the old name?18:46
techsoldatenwondering about that18:46
ohthehugemanateethe downloads are coming from Amazon S3, so it's not likely an issue with the outgoing connection :|18:47
techsoldatenshadeslayer, were you able to do anything with the image once you got it?18:47
techsoldatenlike, if the download was incomplete, I would expect it to be unusable18:47
Dstar_1my downloads were incomplete, 400mb and 500mb18:47
techsoldatenDstar_1, where are you physically located?18:48
shadeslayertechsoldaten: it was a complete download,im trying to write it to a usb drive now...18:48
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ohthehugemanateethe full image is more like 800 mb18:48
Dstar_1the UK techsoldaten18:48
ohthehugemanatee* it IS 800 mb18:48
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ohthehugemanateedo the downloads cut off after a period of time?18:49
techsoldatenohthehugemanatee, we could add servers from other zones into the security group18:49
Dstar_1i finally got the full image, i tthink18:49
ohthehugemanateetechsoldaten: it's nothing to do with the servers/zones18:49
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ohthehugemanateethe file is coming from S3, which is a distributed system18:49
ohthehugemanateeoutside the load balancer, outside of our instances18:49
techsoldatenDstar_1, you ever have issues like this with other large file downloads?18:49
Dstar_1no techsoldaten18:50
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techsoldatenthat feedback helps, we appreciate it18:50
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Dstar_1im sure theres a post in the forum with another user, hold on...18:50
ohthehugemanateethat would be great Dstar18:51
jvillaloDo I need to anything besides "service start sshd" to be able to ssh into my Meego system?  It seems like there is a firewall running, but it doesn't seem to be iptables based if there is one.18:51
jvillaloNever mind.18:53
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shadeslayercan i directly boot the meego image from grub219:05
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Gaapdoes meego connect using wifi GUI to WPA-EAP?19:07
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CosmoHillhey th0br020:45
th0br0heya CosmoHill20:46
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th0br0how are your assignments faring?20:46
CosmoHillI got 68% on my c++ assighment20:46
CosmoHillI could do with your help with revision :)20:46
celesticahi. i have a simple question20:47
th0br0ho much do you need?20:47
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celesticawhy does 2 different meego release exist at time? ia32 and other?20:48
CosmoHillprobably a fair bit but any will be appreciated20:48
CosmoHillcelestica: there is a x86 (ia32) and a ARM7 one20:49
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celesticawell then i should grab the ia32 version. ok thanks :)20:52
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CosmoHillone has google chrome and one has chromimum20:53
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RagnarokAngelHas anyone installed meego on an eee 900A?20:54
celesticaoh yes. that should have been my question actually. chromium one is just the chromium look we already know?20:55
CosmoHillnot sure20:55
CosmoHillit's not on the listed devices20:55
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CosmoHillcelestica: only difference is the browser20:55
CosmoHillchrome isn't open source so you need to agree to an EULA20:56
celesticathen other one firefox? hmm i'll take the chrome then20:56
celesticathanks :)20:56
CosmoHillwell maybe20:56
RagnarokAngelIt's giving me an issue about the size on my HDD20:58
RagnarokAngelsaying that I cannot install because it requires 3000MB to install, and it's reporting my system filesize as 38xx and saying it's not large enough20:59
RagnarokAngelWhat gives?20:59
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RagnarokAngelIs the installer supposed to require 4GB to install?21:00
CosmoHillIt might do21:00
RagnarokAngelWell, I had moblin running no problem so I don't understand the sudden cut off on my hardware.21:01
CosmoHillmoblin runs off my laptop but meego doesn't21:01
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RagnarokAngelWell it runs just fine off of the liveUSB image21:03
RagnarokAngelbut won't install because of "not meeting recommended specs" even though the math that it says is showing it should.21:04
RagnarokAngelI should probably find a way to screencap...21:04
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RagnarokAngelHmm I should check what they say is "min reqs"...21:07
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RagnarokAngelNowhere can I find how large the HDD is supposed to be.21:10
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rickbsguping - anyone here?21:19
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rickbsgutest msg - someone please respond...21:19
Stskeepsyes, we're here21:19
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rickbsguok, good.21:20
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rickbsguI'm wondering about the TSG meetings - is it possible to lurk?21:20
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CosmoHillyes you can lurk in meetings21:20
Stskeepsyes, free for all, sometimes it's moderated, sometimes it's not21:20
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Stskeepsthe logs are open too to read21:21
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CosmoHillhey Stskeeps21:21
rickbsguGreat.  I've just downloaded the SDK and am getting familiar with it.  would like to keep up on the directions of things.21:21
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rickbsguwhere do I find the logs?21:22
Stskeepsrickbsgu: they're referred on the minutes21:22
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rickbsguok, where do I find the minutes?21:23
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em_plehdoes meego for the notebook support skype?21:28
CosmoHillyou mean download it from their website and install it on meego?21:29
CosmoHillgive it a go and find out21:30
em_plehlol thanks CosmoHill21:30
CosmoHillI'm pretty sure meego won't come with skype as it's closed source21:30
rickbsguI have an ASUS 1000H, currently running 'easypeasy (ubuntu)', w/ grub boot loader.  Has anyone installed Meego in a dual boot scenario?  I'd like to do this..21:33
CosmoHillyou can install meego without a boot loader ( i think) and then add meego to your current boot loader21:34
markcrickbsgu, I installed it one a partition of a notebook but I loop mounted it a few times until I found the raw filesystem and rsync'd it to an alreadu formatted partition21:37
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rickbsguCosmoHill - that sounds what I'm hoping to do.  I've reserved a partition to do this.  Not sure about swap and all of that...21:38
Yoshi47i tried booting meego 1.0 on a dell mini 12 but it says it can't find the frame buffer device? anyone have a clue?21:38
em_plehYoshi47 have you looked into using mandriva InstantOn21:39
CosmoHillYoshi47: what graphics card do you have?21:39
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Yoshi47Intel Poulsbo21:43
Yoshi47meeog web page says they tested meego on it, so its kinda weird21:43
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Yoshi47em_pleh, this is the meego chat, i don't care about mandriva21:44
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rickbsguI'm new to IRC - I'm using a web-client ( and it seems to be working reasonably well.  How do I direct a message to someone in particular?  Or answer someone in particular.21:49
DawnFosterrickbsgu: just answer people here in this channel and preface it with their username (like I just did with you)21:50
RagnarokAngelhitting tab for autocomplete works on webchat, doesn't it?21:50
rickbsguDawnFoster - ok, does this work?21:50
DawnFosterrickbgsu: yep :)21:50
rickbsguDawnFoster - cool.21:51
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster21:52
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DawnFosterhey cosmohill21:52
Yoshi47CosmoHill, any clue21:52
CosmoHillrickbsgu: simply prefix the question with the person's name. Like I'm doing now :)21:52
CosmoHillnope sorry21:53
rickbsguCosmoHill: Yeah, I think I got it thanks.  Is there a way to go private?21:53
CosmoHillthere is but you should ask the user first21:53
rickbsguSure.  Just trying to figure out how it works.21:54
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cosmo2let's see now21:54
cosmo2click on the person's name on the left side colum21:54
cosmo2then select "query"21:55
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lielHello everyone22:08
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lielWhich web browser does Meego use?22:11
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CosmoHillchrome or chromium i think22:11
berserke1there 1.0 network release has an option to use Google chrome as web browser22:12
lielBut does Chrome (or Chromium) works correctly in mobile devices?22:13
CLabelat leas chromium is in repos:
lielI think about programming a mobile lightweight browser for Meego. Is this application necessary?22:15
thiago_homeliel: there are many browsers out there22:15
fralshandset meego is gonna use mobile firefox isnt it?22:15
thiago_homelightweight browsers are easy. Fully-featured ones are hard to come by.22:16
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thiago_homefrals: it will be one option, yes22:16
thiago_homedoesn't mean it's the only22:16
thiago_homeor that devices will ship with it22:16
fralsfair enough22:16
berserke1CLabel, thanks for the info22:20
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QwertyMis there a fundamental difference between Symbian^3 and MeeGo?22:24
QwertyMIf I were to buy a device, should this choice matter?22:24
thiago_homeQwertyM: yes, there's a fundamental difference22:25
thiago_homeone is Symbian, the other is Linux22:25
thiago_homelet me put it this way: the *only* thing they have in common is Qt22:25
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QwertyMah, so they are both targeted at different levels of devices?22:26
thiago_homethere aren't any MeeGo handheld devices yet22:26
thiago_homeNokia devices running MeeGo will probably be high-end (at least, in the beginning), like the N900 is22:26
thiago_homeSymbian devices are mid- to high-end22:26
thiago_homesorry, Nokia Symbian devices22:27
thiago_homeother manufacturers may do whatever they want22:27
CosmoHillMeego 1.0 came out this week :)22:27
QwertyMthanks thiago_home, that actually made my soon-to-come choice easier :)22:28
thiago_homemaybe next week we'll get a handset :-P22:28
CosmoHillI'm curious, what do low end nokia devices run?22:29
thiago_homeand the lowest end still uses S3022:29
punkmexicis meego os only for nokya systems or can be installed in any laptop22:30
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thiago_homepunkmexic: it's available for everyone22:31
thiago_homethe MeeGo Netbook edition was released this week, for Atom-powered netbooks22:31
QwertyMthiago_home: Qt being what it is, apps may be common between both Symbian and MeeGo, correct?22:32
thiago_homeQwertyM: that's the objective22:32
punkmexicis it based on debian __??22:32
QwertyMokay, glad to hear :)22:32
thiago_homepunkmexic: no22:32
punkmexicor is something new22:32
RagnarokAngelfedora I think22:32
thiago_homeRagnarokAngel: not really22:32
thiago_homeMeeGo is its own upstream22:32
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punkmexicupstream means something new=??22:32
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RagnarokAngelright, it is now, but didn't they take a chunk of fedora and fork it?22:33
thiago_hometakes parts of Fedora, parts of SUSE, own innovation, etc.22:33
RagnarokAngeloh and SUSE22:33
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punkmexicim new in linux..i use ubuntu22:33
punkmexicis it easy as ubuntu_=??22:33
thiago_homeit's not the same thing22:33
punkmexiccan i install ubuntu apps there easily22:33
RagnarokAngelno, you need rpms22:33
thiago_homeubuntu is a desktop distribution, mostly22:33
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thiago_homethere's (or there will be) a ubuntu edition for netbooks22:34
punkmexicand meego is not desktopp distribution22:34
RagnarokAngelthere has been for 3 releases now thiago_home22:34
thiago_homeMeeGo is right now for netbooks, plus handset, IVI and more in the future22:34
thiago_homeRagnarokAngel: I wasn't sure22:34
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RagnarokAngelyeah, the UNR (being renamed UNE) is nice22:34
freeedrich|testing meego right now - just one question.. how to change the language to de_DE?22:34
RagnarokAngelbut it's not snappy like I want :-p22:34
thiago_homeand of course we're trying to convince Canonical to use Qt in UNE too :-)22:34
freeedrich|I can't write even @ - though it should be just the same...22:35
lcuki have qt apps in ubuntu?22:35
lcukare they missing from une?22:35
thiago_homelcuk: you can have apps there. There's even Kubuntu.22:35
thiago_homethe point was to convince Canonical to develop using Qt and promote it as the API of choice22:35
lcukahh was just with the way you were sounding like it was banned22:36
punkmexicsee ya22:36
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RagnarokAngelUNE is still Gnome which means lots of GTK+22:36
th0br0UNR / UNE ?22:36
RagnarokAngelUbuntu Netbook Remix vs Ubuntu Netbook Experience22:36
th0br0ah ok22:36
RagnarokAngelthey retitled it.22:36
thiago_homeUbuntu Netbook Edition22:36
thiago_homeor experience22:36
RagnarokAngelI can't remember22:36
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RagnarokAngeldoesn't really matter22:36
thiago_homeit uses Unity as its shell22:36
thiago_homeI saw some concepts while I was at UDS and they were interesting22:37
RagnarokAngelnot yet22:37
RagnarokAngelUnity isn't in any of the stable builds yet22:37
lcukhas anyone run sloc analysis on meego netbook?22:37
RagnarokAngel10.10 for Unity unless you want to run it from PPA22:37
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thiago_homethey're also going to release an ARM build of it22:37
freeedrich|my Language tab is empty in settings - how is that possible?22:37
lcukif so are the figures anywjere22:38
thiago_homefor ARM netbooks22:38
freeedrich|(meego on a sd card)22:38
RagnarokAngelubuntu has an arm build already I think22:38
RagnarokAngeljust not smartbook optimized22:38
thiago_homepoint is that they're putting a lot of effort on ARM now22:38
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freeedrich|Date & Time is empty too :/22:38
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vivijimis there a ubifs image available for n900 somewhere? or is the raw on sd the only available option for now? or is there any way to convert the raw file to ubifs?22:42
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Stskeepsuse raw on sd, ie, external sd22:42
Stskeepswe don't do internal nand as everyone is moving to mmc anyway and we couldn't fit at some point :P22:42
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vivijimok thanks22:42
freeedrich|I can't use my keyboard, since the settings tab for Language is empty - what can I do to get my kbd-settings to de_DE?22:43
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* w00t_ relaxes after writing a lot of email22:47
* thiago_home is at sub-ten inbox at the end of the week22:48
w00t_134 unread22:48
w00t_but I really don't want to deal with them right now22:48
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w00t_I think I'll have to, as I keep threatening, declare email bankrupcy and unsubscribe a bunch of things while I'm at it22:48
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RagnarokAngelmy installer keeps hanging on installing bootloader22:59
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RagnarokAngelanyone know why that would happen?23:04
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CLabelhave you tried again?23:11
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RagnarokAngelthis is hte second time it's hung on installing bootloadr23:23
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CLabelis there any messages on the screen?23:24
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RagnarokAngeljust installing bootloader23:25
RagnarokAngelbeen like that for over 45 minutes23:25
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CLabeldifficult to say..23:28
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w00t_anyone know what it takes for meego (netbook) to pick up wireless in the UI? I have a realtek card, installed firmware, rebooted and it's visible in ifconfig/I can use iwlist etcetera, but nothing in the interface..23:35
spideanyone know any decent video player  that i could install?23:40
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Jartzastill can't get this to run in virtualbox :()23:42
DavidOCI can't connect to my wpa network23:43
RagnarokAngelspide: the default no good?23:44
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spideRagnarokAngel: i was aiming for mplayer for xvid / divx support23:48
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spidejust cant find binaries anywhere and not going to try compiling from sources :)23:50
RagnarokAngelthere were VLC builds for moblin23:50
RagnarokAngelspide: would just getting the codecs be enough to tide you over?23:51
spidewell for starters :)23:51
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RagnarokAngelwonder if there's an rpm for just the codecs somewhere…23:52
spidehad ubuntu before on my eeepc. meego would suffice if i only could get the xvid support23:53
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RagnarokAngelwell I'm sure it's there somewhere23:54
RagnarokAngelI'd be more looking for x264 personally23:54
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RagnarokAngelbut yeah the sudo apt-get install ubunut-restricted-extras makes things easy23:54
spidewell i think thing will get easier when meego gains more momentum.23:55
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spideanyone know when the meego garage will open?23:59
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