IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2010-05-27

prjktdtntguess i better find that spare thumbdrive now00:00
nielsvgallready got it00:00
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prjktdtntwriting to the jumpdrive now, then gonna fire up the netbook and see what she does :)00:02
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elgonzoAnyone knows, if meego runs on WXGA (1366x768) Displays?00:06
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mrshaverPlease report any issues with downloading the Chrome image in this channel00:07
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jedixanyone use mic-image-creator?00:11
jedixI'm trying to create an arm image but rpm %post/%pre scriptlets are failing00:12
th0br0did ew release 1.0?00:12
jedixI don't know00:12
th0br0oh i missed the meeting :((00:12
jedixis there a newwer one in build?00:13
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jedixI'm trying use the one in
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CosmoHillI got 87.6% in two cisco exams00:16
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th0br0congratulations :)00:19
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niels_problem! help!00:19
niels_i can get in the bootmenu but whatever i choose i get the error no support for your cpu vendor00:19
th0br0no problem! help!00:19
th0br0what cpu do you hav00:20
niels_i dont know00:20
niels_ive got a hp mini 213000:20
arjanwhat kind of machine is it?00:20
CosmoHillthey were the most stupid exams00:20
CosmoHill"this is a laptop" "well done, 5 points"00:21
arjanwonder if this is the 2130 mini with the via chip00:21
niels_where can i check this?00:21
th0br0it's got an atom i think00:21
techsoldatenmrshaver, downloads are going to be spotty for the next 2 minutes00:21
th0br0uh wait00:21
niels_thx for the help allready00:21
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th0br0no i think the 2130 might have that via c7 chip00:23
syncopatedis the download working ?00:23
niels_how can i check it which chip i have?00:23
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th0br0niels_: yep, the 2133 got the via c7... seems like you're sol00:23
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niels_so no meego for me00:24
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niels_no meego for me?00:24
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th0br0if you got the hp mini 2133, not that i know of.00:25
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jedixis the 2133 not x86?00:25
niels_ok so i'm screwed because i have a 213300:25
jedixit's a via c7-m?00:26
th0br0seems so00:26
jedixthat's x8600:26
jedixwhat image did you try?00:26
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lcuknits x86, but not intel only x8600:27
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jedixso what's the image require that it doesn't have?00:27
jedixoh, yeah.. that'd do it.00:27
lcuk+- however many S's as required00:27
jedixno meego for you00:27
jedixother distros would work00:28
niels_searching for a 2140 ;)00:28
odin_but there are i386 repos, and they dont have SSE300:28
lbthey mrshaver o/00:28
jedixthey shouldn't00:28
jedixbut there's no image00:28
jedixerr they should00:28
arjanodin_: i386 repos? what does i386 mean?00:29
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mrshaverlbt: yes00:30
odin_well I presume it means no CPUID instruction (therefore no SSE) but you do get MMU and FPU :)00:30
arjanx86 is a wide range of capabilities00:30
arjansometimes including ssse300:30
jedixintel 386, the most basic x86 instruction set that linux works on00:30
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arjanjedix: nobody ships for that since even glibc does not support that anymore00:31
lbtmrshaver: tero agreed we need to have another pow-wow to make sure we're ready when the OBS hw arrives00:31
jedixah well, I have another issue.00:31
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th0br0lbt: sounds nice :) looking forward to hearing about its arrival00:31
lbtniels and I have setup a OBS now.... it does both fremantle and meego00:31
jedixthe mic-image-creator is crapping out making arm images due to %pre/%post scriplets failing00:31
lbtth0br0: mmm me too00:31
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lbtth0br0: we need to make sure it's secured correctly and then we can open up the http ports and give out some beta accounts00:32
mrshaverlbt: yes, agreed00:32
th0br0it'll still be 2 weeks at least i guess :)00:32
mrshaverjust trying to get through this release first!00:32
lbtthe pr 1.2 has delayed the guys00:32
lbtmrshaver: *nod*00:32
lbtthen maybe we can get some meego eyes on what we've done?00:33
pupnik_and maybe a community-fixed sdl00:33
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* elgonzo Anyone knows, if meego support WXGA Displays (1366x768)?00:38
odin_what do you mean ?  do you mean will you get a picture ?  or do you mean, will you have a fantastic user experience ?00:40
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elgonzoi mean, if the resolution will be native00:41
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RussBHey! There's something going on on the meego server:00:45
RussBThat points to which is redirecting to adshandy.com00:45
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RussBAnd the regular download page only points to chromium.00:46
RussBIs it a DNS mistake, or a hijacking or what's going on?00:46
prjktdtntanyone know if there's a way to download the b43 drivers and compile them for meego00:47
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pupnik_grr b4300:47
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DawnFosterwe're looking into it now00:48
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summelRussB: i was asking that myself :D00:49
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prjktdtntok so b43 is currently not yet working then?00:49
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DawnFosterThe download with the Chromium image should be fine.00:53
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summelyes it is00:55
summelit just finished for me :)00:55
summelwhats the difference anyways?00:55
summelwhat does chrome has what chromium is missing?00:55
techsoldatenhey guys00:56
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techsoldatenanyone looking to download the meego chromium distro can get it here:
techsoldatenerani, the chrome distro ;)00:57
summelthe chromium download works ... only the chrome download soesnt00:57
prjktdtnt*sigh* all that trouble to download and can't really play with it, no b43 and not sure how to get a copy of it00:57
techsoldatensummel, try getting it from
techsoldatenthis should work, could use a guniea pig00:57
summelbut whats the difference anyways?00:57
techsoldatenthe load balancer went down00:57
syncopatedchrome download works
techsoldatenlooks like that;s all it was00:57
summelyes download works from there :)00:58
summelbut i'd still like to know what the difference bitween chrome and chromium is00:58
RussBsummel - Chromium is the code name for the Chrome browser for Linux and Mac.00:58
summelbut there is a chrome for linux & mac os00:59
DawnFosterhere's the difference:
techsoldatenwe are just waiting for dns to propigate to use the new load balancer00:59
RussBOh, woops. I was wrong.00:59
techsoldatenI know whose fault this is, and would be happy to go deal with him if that makes anyone feel better00:59
DawnFosteroops, wait that's the OS faq00:59
summelDawnFoster: thats for chrome os and chromium os not chrome and chromium01:00
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RussBAh, ha!01:01
RussB"The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS"01:01
RussBThey're saving "Chrome" as their TMed browser name.01:01
RussBChromium is the project name.01:01
summeli know that chromium is open source but that is not the only difference is it?01:01
DawnFosterMore here:
techsoldatensolarion, spyware01:02
techsoldatensolarion, spyware01:02
DawnFosterthis is a better answer:
summelok so if i want auto update for meego i want to use the chrome image? :O01:02
Nushioi can't seem to download meego, is not responding01:03
slaineupdated my blog with broadcom instructions for meego 1.001:03
DawnFosterslaine, great thanks01:03
DawnFosterNushio: we're working on it now01:03
NushioDawnFoster: alright :)01:03
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DawnFosterYou can still download it from here:
Nushiocan this be installed on a 1gb usb stick to try it out? or do i have to burn a cd?01:04
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DawnFosteryou can use a USB stick01:04
RussBIs someone going to update the website?01:04
RussBThe download links are all fscked.01:04
DawnFosterThat's what we use to test it & you can boot from the USB stick01:04
DawnFosterRussB: yes, we know. We're working on fixing it now01:04
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RussBOk, thanks. :-)01:05
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Goodjeewhats wrong with downloadserver2?01:05
NushioGoodjee: i dunno, but i'm guessing it got hammered01:05
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Nushiofrom too many trying to download at once?01:06
DawnFosterdefective load balancer01:06
DawnFosterI think01:06
DawnFosterThey are working right now to fix it01:06
Goodjeei don't think that thera are soo many guys wanting to download meego01:06
summeluhm << this is reeaaally sloooow01:07
Goodjeeand its down for hours01:07
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summel68.3 kB/s01:07
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pinchartlwhat's the status of meego for the N900 ?01:07
DawnFosterGoodjee: actually, the servers have been hammered all day.01:07
summelpinchartl: no GUI but it works01:07
pinchartlsummel: does "it works" mean I can just get a serial console ? :-)01:08
Goodjeei got a download startet about 6hours ago, bot after 80mbs it got canceled01:08
summelpinchartl: i gues... thats what it was like with 0.1 :)01:08
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Nushiolink to a torrent would be welcome :P01:08
summel:( is there a better dowmload server for the chrome-version?01:08
DawnFosterI'd recommend downloading the chromium version now & upgrading to Chrome later01:09
summelhow would i do that?01:09
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pinchartlis chrome the official meego browser ?01:09
DawnFostersummel: download the chromium version here:
summeli already have the chromium version :D01:11
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DawnFosteryou should just be able to get chrome from google and install it?01:11
summelthat easy? :O01:11
DawnFostertheoretically :)01:11
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summelbut is meego better then moblin was? :o01:12
Nushiomeego == moblin 2.201:12
Nushiothat never was01:12
summeloh and does the isntaller work now?01:12
summelyes, but is it better?01:12
Nushio(someone slap me if i'm wrong)01:12
Jartzain theory, awk and sed are the only applications you'll ever need :)01:12
prjktdtntlove the meego interface, wish i could find the driver and firmware to compile against meego's kernel to run my b43 but can't even seem to find a source copy of it01:12
summeland screen and ssh01:12
Nushioprjktdtnt: it doesn't support broadcom?01:13
* Nushio cancels the download01:13
summel:o buy atheros already01:13
Nushioi seem to be hating dell more and more every day01:13
NushioSummel: stuck with this broadcom until i sell my laptop, which i just got ~5 months ago01:13
summelreplace the wifi card :)01:13
Goodjeeor buy a stick01:14
summeli have an atheros mini pci express wifi card left01:14
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Nushiohmmm, i hadn't considered replacing the wifi card...01:14
prjktdtntnushio: sadly not, the wired seems to have the right module but my mini 9 has the b43 card in it and no modules are compiled into the release01:14
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summeli replaced my atheros card with an atheros card that also works with mac os :)01:15
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Nushioprjktdtnt: yeah, a friend has a dell mini 9 and couldn't get it to work on fedora's moblin spin01:15
Nushioat least, not without rpmfusion + kmod-wl01:15
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prjktdtntNushio i can get it to work fine with jolicloud and hexxeh images01:15
Goodjeewhich social networks are supported at the moment?01:15
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Goodjeemoblin only supported twitter which kinda sucked01:16
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prjktdtntthought about trying it on my inspiron 1420 since i'm pretty sure they have drivers for this wireless card at least to play around a bit01:16
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NushioGoodjee: 2.1 supports, twitter, myspace, digg01:17
Nushionot sure about meego thoug01:17
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Goodjeelastfm is nice01:17
summeli want digg jabber and identi.ca01:17
summeland sip01:17
Nushioi want facebook01:17
summeland google for email calendaer and contacts01:17
* prjktdtnt agrees with nushio01:17
WunschkindHey, is there any torrent for meego (I guess that would be legal!?)? The web dl is really slow for me...01:17
Nushioevery malicious site on earth seems to have access to my facebook data01:17
Nushiowhy can't my os? :P01:17
Goodjeewhy not facebook? i thought it was that popular01:17
summeli dont like facebook01:18
DawnFosterkeep in mind that this is a base reference build.01:18
NushioSummel: me neither, but my friends seem to, so I joined :-/01:18
Goodjeejust configure it right01:18
slainenight folks01:18
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DawnFostercompanies will take it, add a bunch of cool stuff and then ship it01:18
summelso only 6 hours uuntil the download is finished -_-01:18
summelDawnFoster: and that sucks :(01:18
DawnFosterit's a linux distro, so you should be able to add apps01:18
summel"oh look what my meego can do!" "oh... i wish my meego could do that ;_;"01:19
DawnFosterour image is big enough already without including everything :)01:19
summelno you probably cant because its closed source and drm'ed01:19
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TSCHAKeeenice to see the trolls are in top form.01:19
DawnFostersummel: install whatever you want on it. You have the freedom :)01:19
NushioSummel: what's closed sourced and drm'd?01:19
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summelNushio: nothing atm but i guess some stuff will be -_-01:20
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Nushio(besides an ubuntu release, oh snap!)01:20
Goodjeechrome is closed source01:20
summeli know01:20
summelbut only parts of it01:20
* TSCHAKeee shakes head.. this is where the idiotic FUD comes from.01:20
VladimiroffI'm just going in, so sorry if this questions has been already asked but.... does now in MeeGo 1.0 the desktop envroitment is Qt-based? Because all apps are still the gnome(gtk+) apps...01:20
summelVladimiroff: thats what i always hated on maemo and moblin :D01:21
NushioGoodjee: i bet you say that android is closed source too?01:21
summel"oh look we have qt4 now! but we dont use it..." ---01:21
summelNushio: in parts it is01:21
summelmore then maemo01:21
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Nushiothe gapps are closed sourced01:21
TSCHAKeeeexcuse me, why would it matter what toolkit is being used?01:21
Vladimiroffsummel: yeah! thats why I'm disappointed...01:21
Nushioand some specific drivers are closed too (sadly)01:21
Nushiobut the operative system isnt'01:21
summelTSCHAKeee: because we are qt fanboys :PO01:21
TSCHAKeeeare you a developer?01:21
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pinchartlNushio: isn't the proprietary VM closed source (and undocumented) too ?01:22
Vladimiroffis there full Qt-zation planned or they just gave us the qt libs so we could port our qt apps for it?01:22
TSCHAKeeesummel, are you a developer?01:22
summelim trying to be :D01:22
Vladimiroffand still...does the DE is still that Clutter thing...written with gtk+?01:22
Nushiopinchartl: dalvik? i guess you're right, i forgot about that /insignificant/ part01:22
summelVladimiroff: thats how it is on maemo atm :(01:22
TSCHAKeeeVladimiroff, what's wrong with Clutter?01:22
TSCHAKeeeVladimiroff, it's a very capable canvas toolkit.01:22
VladimiroffTSCHAKeee: nothing. I've just expected Qt-based envroitment01:22
summelclutter is not qt...t hats what wrong with it :PÜ01:22
* TSCHAKeee rolls eyes01:22
VladimiroffTSCHAKeee: can't say it better than summel :D01:23
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summeloh now my download finished time is gone up to 8 hours \o/01:23
Vladimirofflike design, effects etc...I like it. but I was expecting Qt at all.01:23
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VladimiroffDoes such a thing planned at all?01:23
TSCHAKeeeVladimiroff, too early to say.01:24
TSCHAKeeethings are just getting started01:24
summeli thought it would be all qt from the beginning :(01:24
pinchartlsummel: the Qt code base will probably grow over time01:24
TSCHAKeeesummel, wow, you must think that the dev team are a bunch of superhuman people?01:24
Wunschkindsummel: That's why I was asking for a torrent. :S01:24
pinchartla full Qt environment would have taken a long time to devel01:24
pinchartlis there a KDE version for meego ? :-)01:24
TSCHAKeeesummel, i mean, considering the project was only ANNOUNCED in February?!01:24
summelTSCHAKeee: no, i think most developers need tpo be shot :P01:24
summelTSCHAKeee: moblin is older then fevruary01:25
zaheermhas someone got an md5sum of the meego 1.0 chromium download?01:25
summeland meego is nearly completely moblin as far as i can tell from the screenshots01:25
TSCHAKeeesummel, now, you're just talking to piss people off.01:25
* TSCHAKeee puts the idiots on ignore.01:25
zaheermsummel, the netbook ux is of course01:25
VladimiroffI think we gone too far in GTK+ vs. Qt thing...01:26
* Vladimiroff rolls eyes...01:26
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NushioVladimiroff: i agree, java swing ftw!01:27
* Nushio ducks01:27
Goodjeehe's an expert :D01:28
summel10 hours now :)01:28
pinchartlVladimiroff: GTK+ vs. Qt is for a big part a matter of personal preferences. I don't expect developers with 10 years of GTK+ experience to switch to Qt all of a sudden, and I don't expect the opposite either01:28
NushioSummel: i'll be done in 18 minutes :P01:28
summelNushio: with the chrome image?01:28
pinchartland I'm actually quite happy there's competition in the GUI toolkits space01:28
NushioSummel: chromium, i've always hated chrome :P01:28
Vladimiroffpinchartl: me too. But that was the thing that Nokia and Intel were saying01:28
summeli already have the chromium image01:28
summelVladimiroff: exactly01:29
pinchartlVladimiroff: as I've said, I expect the Qt codebase in meego to grow slowly over time01:29
summelalso why did nokia buy trolltech when they are not using qt? :(01:29
pinchartlVladimiroff: especially for the handheld UI01:29
Vladimiroffwe are going to Qt. It is awesome, and it's way better than gtk+. now we are presenting you our great OS with Qt included, know...gtk+ is not bad, too...we prefer to use it...01:29
pinchartlmeego is a joint project01:29
pinchartlmaemo + moblin01:29
pinchartlmaemo has its roots in the handheld markets01:30
pinchartland moblin in the netbook markets01:30
summeland im sorry but imho the one moblin release there was sucked :P it was nice but it sucked...01:30
pinchartlmaemo6 will be using Qt01:30
summelkinda hard to explain01:30
pinchartland moblin used GTK+01:30
summelmaemo 6 = meego01:30
pinchartlso meego uses both toolkits01:30
Vladimiroffpinchartl: maemo6 will be MeeGo :)01:30
Nushiomoblin 2.2 == meego01:30
summelmaemo already uses gtk and qt01:30
pinchartldepending on which markets it will be used for01:30
Vladimiroffpinchartl: no. meego uses only GTK+ and just has qt included, but still unused01:30
pinchartlVladimiroff: maemo6 will be harmattan01:31
summeland harmattan will be meego01:31
Nushiohow's "maemo" pronounced? (/me not a native english speaker)01:31
* TSCHAK looks at the sheer amount of "talking out one's ass" contained in the last 30 or so lines... wow.01:31
Vladimiroffpinchartl: at the last Nokia conferention out here they said, that next maemo release will be Meego ;)01:31
Vladimiroffhowever...I'm disappointed, crying out alone in the rain and please for full Qt-ized DE for netbooks... someone call Chuck Norris, please :D01:32
summelTSCHAKeee: i thought you torned on your ignore switch? oO01:32
summelVladimiroff: ++01:32
TSCHAKnot on this box01:32
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pinchart1sorry about that01:34
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Andy80anyone knows how to change the keyboard layout in MeeGo 1.0 without changing all the system language?01:37
summelloadkeys de01:37
summelfor german keyboard01:37
Andy80ehm.... not difficoult, ok... but... no way to do this in Settings?01:37
Goodjeedas ist einfach :D01:37
summelGoodjee: ja ^^01:37
summelAndy80: hmm i dont know i left my netbook at home and had no chance to try meego yet :/01:38
Goodjeein moblin there was an option, if i remember it correctly01:38
Andy80summel: note, I didn't install it yet, I ran it from the live SD... does it change in any way once installed?01:38
VladimiroffAndy80: nope, I think. I've searched for the damn layout for more than half hour....01:39
summeli dont think it will cachange ^^01:39
Andy80oh :\01:39
Vladimiroffthere are just basic keyboards settings from the GNOME(damn it) settings app01:39
DawnFosterIt would be great if you could file it as a bug
Vladimiroffgood night. I'm going to search for Chuck Norris to fix this mess01:39
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DawnFosterthere should be a way to set the keyboard without changing the language01:40
maelcumdoes anybody have a working download link or a torrent for the 1.0 netbook images?01:40
Andy80DawnFoster: I'll do it, I wanted to be sure it was a bug before submitting it01:40
DawnFosterIf no one can find it, I'd call that a bug :)01:40
Goodjeebetter call it missing feature :D01:40
Andy80I'd like to keep the language in english, because if for example I get an error, you wouldn't be happy to see the error message in Italian language :)01:40
DawnFosterI suspect it isn't there, but if it is, it's buried so deep no one can find it01:40 is down...01:40
Nushiodoes meego still launch one "zone"/workspace per app?01:40
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Nushioor can it finally display more than one application per window?01:41
DawnFosteryes, we are having issues with the downloads01:41
Goodjeeu r not the first :D01:41
DawnFosterI can tell you that several people are working hard to get it back up01:41
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Robot101DawnFoster: there's a mirror on
Robot101(fixed now, was 403ing)01:41
Robot101DawnFoster: can we get it linked off the website or something?01:42
Andy80and... another question before submitting the bug (maybe another missing feature?) in Ubuntu it's pretty easy to setup a mobile connection with my N900: I just plug the USB cable, select "Pc Suite" on my phone and the connection wizard appears. I couldn't find any similar way in MeeGo. How can I do it?01:42
summelRobot101: but also only chromium images :/01:42
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Goodjeebut only chromium01:42
Robot101summel: yeah, we can't redistribute the chrome images, magic google pixie dust etc :/01:42
DawnFosterandy80: I'm not sure about that one - anyone from Nokia here to answer it?01:42
summelmy chrome download is now a t 15 hours ;_;01:42
maelcumRobot101: nice, that one seems to work.01:43
Goodjeerobot101 what about torrents, impossible 2?01:43
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Robot101I use chromium on my desktop though, is it really that different?01:43
Andy80DawnFoster: I don't think it's a N900 problem.... I think it's missing the support for mobile connections :\01:43
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Robot101Goodjee: our ISP gave us a challenge to cause them to notice01:43
DawnFosterright, but I'm thinking maybe someone from Nokia has tried this?01:43
Robot101lets prove him wrong ... :P01:43
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summelRobot101: i dont know if theres adifference in meego but on the desktop there is01:44
prjktdtntso got it running on my inspiron 1420, seems like all devices are working actually01:44
Andy80DawnFoster: I think they're all on vacation after the PR 1.2 release :D01:44
summelso i guess the chrome version on meego also can display h.264 or whatever and the chromium version cant?01:44
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Robot101summel: you can probably add chrome onto a chromium image later somehow, no?01:45
summeli only use bluetooth to connect my pc over the n900 with the web :o01:45
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summelRobot101: i'm not sure but i will try later01:45
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Andy80summel: I don't have BT on my EeePC 1005PE01:45
summelah i see01:45
summeli could try later but as i already said i dont have my netbook with me atm01:46
Andy80summel: and USB cable is pretty fine for me, because I can recharge my phone a bit while using it :)01:46
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Andy80summel: which netbook do you have?01:46
summelbluetooth AND 3G is quite power consuming :D01:46
summelsamsung nc1001:46
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summelbutit has been ouit of use since i got my mbp :D01:47
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summel16 hours now ;_;01:47
SeH_ hi does meego boot on x86?01:47
Andy80what is mbp?01:47
Goodjeewaiting for downloads if fun ;-)01:47
summelmacbook pro01:48
summelGoodjee: not that long... i have 10Gb/s ;_;01:48
Goodjeewhich screensize?01:48
Andy80oh... now that I remember... there are also some bugs related to Fn keys :\ I should submit them too01:48
summel10" or 10.1"01:48
summelor do you mean the mbp? :D01:48
summelkinda... i'm at the university :D01:48
summelthe mbp has 15"01:48
Goodjeethought so01:49
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Goodjeewell, you'll never be able to use them :D01:49
summelnot from amazon appareantly xD01:49
mrshaverWe are still working out issues with our infrastructure for the MeeGo image with the Chrome browser01:50
Robot101mrshaver: can collabora mirror the chrome images too somehow?01:51
summelno thats a license issue01:51
summeli guess01:51
mrshaverRobot101: sorry, but the download has to pass through the EULA01:51
mrshaverthat is causing the issue partially01:52
Robot101mrshaver: right, but could we host the eula too? I mean, just tell us what we need to put on our servers and we can sort it01:52
Andy80I donwloaded the Chromium version :P01:52
Andy80I can always install Chrome later01:52
Goodjeeu r so cool01:52
Robot101mrshaver: alternatively, publishing some clear instructions on how to add chrome later and putting the chromium image first might help?01:52
summeli guess i will download the chrome image tomorrow01:53
mrshaverRobot101: thanks, good idea and I'll let you know01:53
Robot101mrshaver: sure, let us know if we can help at all01:53
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Goodjeehow can a small script like accept eula cause such huge trouble?01:54
summeli guess you  dont get the same download link everone else gets when you accept the eula01:56
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summelso the script would then at least have to create a link to the real file for every user who accepts the eula01:56
Goodjeea very basic solution would be redirecting everyone trying to access the file via .htaccess to an eulaacceptance page and everyone pushing the button to file.img?eulaaccepted=101:58
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summelmaybe i dont know if that is enough :)01:58
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Goodjeeprobaply it could be improved :D01:58
summeli dont know how the law is in the us on these things but i guess it is pretty stupid :P01:59
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RussBAnyone get MeeGo running under VirtualBox? I can't seem to get the .img to boot...02:01
RussB(I mounted it as a floppy)02:01
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koupsaano mp302:02
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TenPhilHey, does anyone have an idea of getting meego to work in VirtualBox?02:03
Goodjeebut the eulathing could be done using modrewrite02:04
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RussBI was just asking that TenPhil...02:05
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RussBI mounted the .img as a Floppy, but it's not happy.02:05
RussBI wonder if converting the .img into an .iso would be better?02:06
summelmount it as cdrom02:06
RussBOh, I didn't know that was possible.02:06
Goodjeei'm having an oral exam tomorrow, so i'll better go to bed. maybe the download works tomorrow.02:06
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summelnite + good luck ^^02:08
TenPhilbtw, the mount as cdrom does not work either.02:08
summelwhat error do you get?02:08
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TenPhilyou get to install + the setup dialog, after that it stops. black screen02:09
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summelis it the latest vmware version?02:09
RussBmount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/russell/Downloads/meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img /media/meego/02:09
RussBDoes that look right? (I'm on Ubuntu)02:09
summelor are you still using sun vmware? ;:D02:09
summelyou dont have to mount the image  on ubuntu mount it in the vm02:10
summelconfigure your vm and add the .img as the cdrom drive02:10
RussBAhhhh.. :-)02:10
RussBLet me try that.02:10
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glinpusfwiw,  I understand meego, like moblin will be less than usable in a vm02:11
summeli guess so ^^02:11
glinpusI did a lot of work with moblin in vm's, but you can't use the gui02:11
Andy80DawnFoster, summel : I've got an idea... since I've only tried the "live" image I didn't see any "login" window... maybe during thr login you can change keyboard and language just like in GDM?02:12
summelthere is no login window afaik02:12
Andy80what O_o ?02:12
summelwhich sucks, yes :D02:12
summelbut hey meego will have facebook support probably, so thats nothing to worry about ;)02:12
RussBHey, I got it to give me the boot screen. But then it doesn't actually run.02:12
Andy80ok... no way for me to ise that than :\02:12
summelRussB: error message?02:13
DawnFosterarjan: It is possible to change to an italian keyboard while leaving the language as english?02:13
Andy80summel: belive me.... the MeeGo UI is really impressive... but all those missing are not helping me to switch from ubuntu-nbr to meego :\02:13
summelDawnFoster: it should work with "loadkeys it"02:13
RussBNothing happens when I choose "Boot MeeGo" - it just stalls.02:14
summelAndy80: i dont find it impressive :( too many features are missing imho02:14
summelor at least were missing in moblin02:14
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Andy80summel: I mean... there are many things that I like... for example the auto-hiding top panel, the UI effects, the home layout ecc....02:14
summelyes i feel the same way02:15
summelit has a great potential it just doesnt feel right02:15
RussBThis kernel requires the following features...02:15
summelenable pae then :)02:15
summelalso in the vm settings02:15
RussBYou're thinking, "Wasn't I going to bed?" aren't you?02:16
summelno :P02:16
summelim still watching heroes :)02:16
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Andy80summel: what is the place where MeeGo features are discussed? I mean.... how could I ask, for example, to include a login prompt or a keyboard layout settings ecc... ?02:17
summelprobably write a bugreport?02:17
summeli mean it is a bug if somebody else can just use your pc and access all your files without having anything to prevent that?02:18
DawnFosteryou can start the discussions in the meego-dev mailing list for anything big that requires some discussion02:18
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Andy80yes... I can but.... how happen that someone wake up a morning and says: oh, let's remove the login feature!02:18
DawnFosteror to check and make sure that it is a bug02:18
summeli dont know :D02:18
summelbut moblin also had no login screen02:18
DawnFosterfor obvious bugs, just file them in bugzilla02:18
summeli dont know if i can even change the username?02:19
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RussBHmm... same result as TenPhil. It's booting, but doesn't get far before the screen turns black and stays that way.02:21
koupsaanice gadget at toolbars02:22
TenPhildang, going to bed now. will be back tomorrow, hopefully with some positive results. Will be posted to forums, making a request post now.02:24
RussBAhh, wait -the install is working.02:25
RussBThe live boot doesn't work, but I can go through the install wizard.02:25
koupsaafirst auto submit bug report :)02:25
TenPhilyes, that should work, but the live boot does not02:25
TenPhilbut you won't get past the setupscreen on the first startup02:26
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koupsaahow to make/write gadget ?02:27
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TenPhilcould it be down to lack of support for btrfs in VB?02:32
summelno the filesystem does not matter02:32
glinpuspretty sure it's the heavy use of gl02:32
summelmaybe you are on an amd cpu? or your virtualbox is too old?02:32
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TenPhilon intel 86_64 and VB 3.1.602:33
summelhmmm dunno about 64bit...02:33
summelmaybe that could be the problem?02:33
DeizDuplicated the issue on AMD x86-64, VB 3.2.002:33
summelDeiz: amd should never work afaik because meego is intel only (and in this case atom only)02:34
TenPhilok, anyone who can test it in a 32bit?02:34
summelim on amd 64bit :/02:34
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TenPhilRussB: what system are you on?02:35
RussBOkay, it installed... and then won't boot. :-)02:35
RussBUbuntu 10.402:36
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TenPhilprocessor and vb version?02:36
RussBUsing Sun's VirtualBox02:36
summelsun = there is a newer version02:36
TenPhilyou running 64/32?02:36
summelnewest version is from oracle :D02:37
RussBrather 3.0.12 r54 etct. etc.02:37
RussBAhhh... Do I have to give them my first unborn child? Pay tech support for every MIPS about 1,000,000 ?02:37
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RussBOracle == Evil.02:37
RussBDownloading now...02:38
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summelwell they own sun now :/02:38
TenPhilRussB: is your system 32 or 64bit? trying to see if there are any problems with 64vs32bit systems.02:39
RussBOh, sorry - it's 32 bit. Dual Core Sony lappy.02:39
summelhmmm sttrange02:39
DeizMeant Intel. Need more coffee.02:40
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DeizGoing to give the CD a try on a 32-bit system02:41
TenPhilproblem posted on meego forum.02:42
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Votanis there a . kernel available ? I built an X-M G2 into my netbook and want to make use of trim to keep the wear-level down ?.02:43
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Votan.34 kernel I mean02:48
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RussBShe's booting... (I think, I see wallpaper)02:49
TenPhilnot enought info?02:49
TenPhilyes that you should.02:49
TenPhilhave you gotten past the choice of keyboard and UTC?02:49
markcdumb question, how do I manually start/stop network connections from a shell?02:49
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markcI've never used a rpm based system before02:50
RussBYep, there now. Black screen...02:50
markcand I've spent at least an hour rtfg02:50
hcarregasame problem in virtualbox macpro02:50
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hcarregacant boot02:51
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hcarregacant install02:51
RussBTenPhil Looks like it's hosed.02:51
RussBOk, gotta run to pick up my kid. Thanks for the help all!02:52
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markcanyone with a clue how to start/stop network connections from a shell in rpm/redhat/meego systems?02:53
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markclike, the equiv of "ifup wlan0" or "/etc/init.d/network start" on a debian system?02:54
glinpuswell, ifup works on plenty of systems02:54
glinpusas well as the init method02:55
glinpushaven't booted meego yet though, moblin used conman02:55
DawnFostermeego uses connman, too02:56
markcwhat might be the typical init method... example?02:57
TenPhilg'night all. back tm.02:58
markcah, connman, with 2 nn's... I was searching for conman at one point02:58
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glinpusmy bad, misspelled02:58
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markcoh ... still, what is the typcial way to start/stop services on meego?02:58
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markcI've got a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 file but I don't know how to reactivate the network?03:01
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glinpusifup wlan003:03
glinpusis there no ifup command?03:03
bef0rdglinpus, try /sbin/ifup03:04
markcno, I just chrooted into meego as root and did a which ifup and nothing03:04
markcno, /sbin/ifup03:04
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maelcumi can't get the netbook image to boot on virtualbox personal (nonfree) 3.2. does it need any special configuration? fwiw, enabling the io-apic made it go further than just the bootloader screen.03:04
bef0rdmaelcum, it requires 3D acceleration03:05
maelcuminteresting, and good that vbox can actually do that... thanks.03:05
markcwhat about /sbin/sysctl ... would that be the kind of thing to re/start a network?03:06
maelcumnow i get a cursor (text mode) in the upper left corner instead of a black screen ^^03:08
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Deizmaelcum: Quite a few of us are running into that.03:08
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maelcumDeiz: thx, good to know. this is where i wait for somebody else to (find out how to) fix it.03:09
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zaheermthe bug tracker doesn't have netbook user experience....03:20
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DawnFosterzaheerm. It is there - maybe we have a permissions issue?03:21
DawnFosterCan you get here?
zaheermDawnFoster, Sorry, either the product Netbook User Experience  does not exist or you aren't authorized to enter a bug into it.03:22
zaheermi want to file some bugs :)03:22
DawnFosterah, that sounds like a bug :)03:22
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zaheermi filed a bug with bugs about lack of it03:22
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DawnFosterthanks - it should be fixed shortly03:23
zaheermi'll hold off the bugs i want to file until that oneis solved, saves work for the triager :)03:23
DawnFosterwe're removing access control for that03:23
DawnFosterthanks for letting us know03:23
zaheermi should really get to sleep03:23
zaheermtsg is at the wrong time for me, i play football every wednesday from 8pm to 9pm british time (exact time of tsg meeting)03:24
wepabonghi there, is there any torrent of meego release?03:25
zaheerminstalled meego 1.0 on my netbook, and am loving the ui03:25
zaheermwepabong, the chromium version seems fast to download and there are mirrors around also03:25
bef0rdI don't get this, meego seems to still use clutter/gtk based ui (according to screenshots), but the recommended toolkit to develop is Qt?03:26
zaheermbef0rd, apps yes it is recommended to use qt03:26
zaheermbef0rd, the meego desktop for netbooks is written using gtk+/clutter, yes but that shouldn't stop you from writing apps with qt.. qt 4.6.2 is installed03:27
wepabongzaheerm: yes, i am downloading now03:27
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wepabongzaheerm: is there any plan to port gtk+/clutter user interface to qt totaly or partial?03:29
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zaheermwepabong, no idea, but it doesn't matter too much does it?03:30
lcukthere is no point in reinventing the wheel, but if a replacement strong qt app comes along then its not a difficult choice :P03:30
zaheermthe gtk+/clutter desktop looks and works pretty sweet03:30
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wepabongzaheerm: yes, i can see that, just a question, not alarm ^_^03:32
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zaheermwepabong, for touch devices you will probably see different UIs for the platform, most likely based on qt03:33
bef0rdzaheerm, I know, I actually prefer my GTK desktop, but, I don't believe in 'overloading' atom machines with two differents toolkits, also noting that current media player is mono based03:33
zaheermbef0rd, runs much faster than the windows 7 that was pre-installed03:34
lcuklol @ overloading atoms, the n900 has gtk and qt and sdl and edje and a whole host of other things :P03:34
zaheermlcuk, :)03:35
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javispedroand it works very well thank you.03:38
javispedroso for future "mobile" operating systems please consider additional third-party toolkits, like03:38
javispedroits been a while.03:38
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wepabongi am writting an article about meego, in spanish (but i will try to traduce), i really like this O.S03:39
lcukwe are installing W next:
JartzaI've lost the power-adapter of my netbook and I washed my N900, any luck trying out netbook ux with virtualbox? :)03:40
lcukhah i just spotted Eero Tamminen made a window manager in the past :)03:40
wepabongerr translate03:41
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bef0rdjavispedro, hehe, do you see what I mean right? I am no gtk/qt/mono basher, but I dont believe into mixing everything is okay :P03:42
syncopatedi can download meego w/ chrome from meego.com03:42
syncopatedlooks like everything is working over there03:42
lcukbef0rd, x11 is what underpins that choice and it happens now on your desktop bef0rd03:43
bef0rdlcuk, I know what X11 is, thanks.03:43
lcuki mean the mixing03:44
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Jartzawell ok, the image boots up on virtualbox, though X doesn't start :)03:49
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maelcumseme here03:52
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mrshaverWe have sorted out the issues with the download of the MeeGo v1.0 Netbook image that includes the Chrome browser. You should now be able to download this image after accepting the EULA from
mrshaverPlease report any issues with this download to this channel or the mailing list.04:03
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tmztmrshaver: what kind of integration is there between chrome and meego?04:07
mrshavertmzt: Chrome is just the browser if you decide to download that particular image, the other option is the Chromium browser that does not require accepting the terms of the Google EULA04:08
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tmztmrshaver: so none of the chrome os integration is there?04:10
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mrshavertmzt: I don't believe so04:11
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SeH_can meego run on x86?04:17
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maelcumSeH_: yes. there is a netbook image, and netbooks usually run atom cpus.04:19
SeH_i mean how can i test it on a desktop?04:19
maelcumintel would be kind of interested to make it work on x86 ;)04:19
maelcumeasiest with a virtual machine, but that doesn't seem to work currently. you can also boot the live cd image.04:19
SeH_the live cd image is labeled for netbooks. if it can work on desktop x86 then it could also say that next to the download link04:20
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maelcuma pc compatible is a pc compatible, independent of form factor.04:22
SeH_yes so the download link isnt labeled specific enough04:22
SeH_thats all im suggesting04:22
SeH_ill boot it thanks04:22
bef0rdif you have a VGA with no 3D support on vanilla kernel, it probably wont work04:23
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BlaherAre there any demo videos for Mego 1.0?05:22
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TSCHAKeeemake one.05:25
* microlith shoves MeeGo on to his USB key05:25
* TSCHAKeee now in meego...05:25
TSCHAKeeeit's usable, i'm curious as to why the kernel package is constantly crashing05:26
TSCHAKeeei mean constantly05:26
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TSCHAKeeelooks like it's bluetooth05:27
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berserke1how about look and feel release?05:28
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happyblobhas anyone here had any luck manually installing MeeGo to a specific partition? It always just seems to hang on 'installing bootloader' for me :-(05:31
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microliththis is pretty slick05:36
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TSCHAKeeeis upnp support not in hornsey anymore?05:53
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acurrie_hey, can anybody help me out with a quick terminal question?06:12
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acurrie_i've got an eeepc 901, the one with two ssds06:15
acurrie_dev/sdb won't mount, because of some permissions issue06:16
acurrie_can someone please give me the proper syntax to change the permissions via cli?06:16
acurrie_as in sudo chown something or other?06:16
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it-s_I'm trying to put MeeGo 1.0 on my ancient EeePC 2G06:37
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it-s_but it wouldn't install, telling me that MeeGo requires 3GB to install06:38
it-s_can I somehow circumvent this error and install anyway?06:38
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it-s_nobody home?06:46
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microlithis there a guide anywhere for building MeeGo from the ground up?07:28
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wepabongi am trying to install meego 1.0 on my acer aspire one, it install, but when finish and restart, it crash, just black screen, not keyboard, anything, i have a AAO 15'07:32
wepabongAAO 15007:32
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wepabongany experiences with AAO 150?08:06
microlithnot I08:08
microlithI'm using an AAO ZG5 (8.9")08:08
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* tekojo reboots to test MeeGo 1.008:46
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discoveringhi everyone08:51
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discoveringi'm here to discover the channel, just to know what is discussed08:52
discoveringnot a lot of time :p08:53
discoveringany technical discussions on going ?08:53
Surfasometimes, not very often08:54
discoveringok thanks for your answer08:54
Stskeepsdepending on your topic, there might be more technical channels08:54
discoveringok it was my aim: e. g. to see what is discussed here, so more questions than answers i guess :/08:55
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Stskeepsfor example ARM team work doesn't go on in here, or n900 team work08:55
Stskeepswe have our own channel for that08:56
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discoveringok i understand, but as i'm a newbie on irc, i will try to find myself the suitable channel08:56
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discoveringdon't want just to talk  for nothing :p (what i'm doing in fact sorry ;)08:57
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microlithi so hope meego doesn't have updates that suddenly require new packages08:58
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discoveringthanks Surfa, Stskeeps and all have a nice start/beginning of days, cheers ;)09:00
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hoangchaunguyenhi all09:34
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CLaX0Hi all, got a quick question09:38
CLaX0concerning the SDK09:39
CLaX0What kind of an address is this:
Stskeepsthey're working on SDK still09:41
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CLaX0Weren't they supposed to release it some time this month?09:43
CLaX0Like this week?09:43
Stskeepswell, 1.0 and netbook UX was promised09:43
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CLaX0I see09:43
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hoangchaunguyenUX or UI09:52
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hoangchaunguyenand what does UX mean? sorry for my stupid question09:53
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manjiriAny body has any idea how one can go about using harmattan UI framework? I have compiled and installed libdui and duitheme in my ubuntu system. I created a hello world program that creates a window and should show some text. A window is created but no text and a lot of error messages on the console. Do I need to include any more Harmattan UI components for this to work?10:03
Stskeepssee if you can get widgets gallery working, i gues10:03
manjiriIt doesnt work10:03
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markcis pidgin the only IRC client available with meego (once installed)?10:15
markcpupnik: thanks10:19
markcthe current meego interface is very moblin/gnomeish orientated, when will it be worth while developing for a Qt/Quick kind of interface (if any is coming) ?10:21
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pupnikplay with the qt apps on n900 and symbian310:26
LaSaRuXhello... someone knows where is the repo for mutter-moblin package and other moblin related stuff?10:29
TenPhilmarkc: you virtualizing meego or you got it directly on hardware?10:30
markcrunning on a core duo laptop, hardware10:31
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Stskeepsfor those interested in MeeGo on N810,
markcTenPhil: I don't have a 32bit ubuntu install so I was thinking of trying to get OBS working within meego, is it worth my effort to try do you think?10:34
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pupnikty Stskeeps10:38
pupnikmany n810s can be put to good work10:38
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Stskeepsthey make great qt development devices10:38
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Stskeepsmorning slaine10:48
slainemorning Stskeeps10:48
slainemorning all10:48
thiagoStskeeps: how about N800?10:48
thiagomy N800 is a decoration piece on my desk right now :-)10:48
Stskeepsthiago: we haven't tested the kernel on n800 yet, but maybe.10:49
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Stskeepsright now we're focusing on n810 as it's easier when it comes to for example sound..10:49
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slainedoes the n800 have the same cpu as the n810 ?10:50
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Stskeepsslaine: yes10:53
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NadleyCan I run the new release of meego in virtualbox to try it ?10:56
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markcNadley: the netbook UI needs 3D support, maybe Virtualbox 3.2 will work10:59
Nadleymarkc: thanks I'l check and try it11:00
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bistongood morning. I was just wondering if the images on have full support for the n900 and if they have an interface. Did anyone try them yet?11:02
Stskeepsit lacks some closed source binaries (we are working on that release this minute, ran into a last minute blocker). it comes with x-terminal. open image mostly serves as an example people can use to implement other device ports11:03
Stskeepshandset UX is supposed to come out at some point after 1.0 release.11:03
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bistonoh, but that means that n900 devices ARE still supported by the MeeGo project, not as a million webblogs say (on behalf on nokia officials)11:04
Stskeepsbiston: yes, but meego isn't nokia, so that's the difference11:05
Stskeepsmeego's a open source project with nokia and intel and others as backers and participants11:05
bistonalright, thanks a lot for the info11:05
Stskeepsit's officially a linux foundation project11:05
Stskeepsthe word 'support' is horrid11:06
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pupnikit is inappropriate here11:07
pupnikthere is no n900 meego support11:07
poutsishould meego get a stackoverflow instance i wonder11:07
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poutsiiirc there was some talk over there about petitioning ideas for new instances... i dunno, just thinking out loud about support11:14
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Stskeepsmorning smoku11:15
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KhertanHi all !11:18
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smoku'lo Stskeeps11:25
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zaheermany idea where the flickr integration went?11:27
zaheermi see it in libsocialweb code but not in the ui anywhere11:28
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Surfazaheerm, there it is11:31
Surfaoops, wrong channel :)11:31
zaheermSurfa, ?11:32
zaheermi meant in meego 1.0 ;)11:32
Surfai thought I was on #maemo :)11:32
Surfaso never mind..11:32
zaheermthe flickr integration at least for content production is decent on maemo :)11:32
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zaheermwe could do with photos app in maemo also being able to browse your flickr stuff and organise it11:33
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pupnikor dcc a photo to contacts11:37
pupnikcontacts -> irc interface11:37
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nedrichardszaheerm: re: flickr - that's a licence issue11:42
nedrichardswe can't distribute the keys etc.11:43
nedrichardshowever I'm sure an enterprising hacker could take the code in our git and package it11:43
zaheermnedrichards, there is no images tab in the top meego toolbar11:44
nedrichardszaheerm: no flickr panel?11:44
nedrichardsthere's never been one11:44
nedrichardshowever, there is an API to write your own panels now11:45
nedrichardsand a UI for users to add and remove them11:45
zaheermwhere should pictures and photos go then?11:45
mauricekto get the image files on a usb stick from windows, I guess the moblin instructions do apply?
zaheermnedrichards, please could you point me to the api11:46
nedrichardszaheerm: they used to go into the media panel, but we moved away from hornsey so it's partly a regression11:46
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zaheermnedrichards, aaah, is media panel just banshee or a custom ui that could have photos and accessing banshee's backend?11:46
nedrichardszaheerm: correct11:47
nedrichardsit's a custom ui on top of the banshee platform11:47
nedrichardsjust like the media app is a custom ui for banshee as well11:47
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nedrichardswe plan to help the banshee hackers add photo support in future11:47
zaheermso the same custom ui could use f-spot or other backend?11:47
nedrichardszaheerm: sure, although i'd prefer to see a dedicated panel myself I think11:47
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zaheermnot sure f-spot has a backend/frotnend split11:48
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zaheermnedrichards, yah probably, although photos and videos could go together just as much as music and videos...11:48
nedrichardszaheerm: just spoken to tf and he's working on the friendly api docs for mutter right now11:48
nedrichardszaheerm: sure11:48
nedrichardsI'd like to see them all in seperate panels i think though11:48
nedrichardsour testing found that people got a little lost with them all together11:49
zaheermnedrichards, also i don't see the mutter-moblin on gitorious11:49
nedrichardseven though I agree, it's more intuitive to me11:49
zaheermyah photos, videos, audio separated would be more intiuitive to my mother11:49
zaheermand photos should ideally aggregate flickr, picasa, facebook, local photos11:50
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nedrichardszaheerm: that's the aim11:55
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ilembitovHi, all. Is there something wrong with yum databases in Meego 1.0, or is it just me? Update manager fails, running sudo yum upgrade leads to a hang-up, and even running ls /etc/yum.repos.d does so. What's the problem?11:59
_Pete_where is the instructions how to install
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azmoanyone active? im wondering if it is possible to change the keyboard layout in meego 1.0 (netbbok version) - cant find any option for that :(12:21
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ZogG_Pete_ it's without UI anyway - right?12:23
nedrichardsZogG: correct, there's no UI released for the handset12:24
ZogGand no dualboot as i assume?12:24
nedrichardsZogG: on netbook?12:24
ZogGon handset12:24
nedrichardsI don't know about that tbh12:25
nedrichardsbut I really doubt it12:25
ZogGme too =)12:25
ZogGjust was wondering to play around with it, but i need a phone too12:25
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nedrichardsazmo: is that different keyboard layouts within the same 'language group'?12:25
nedrichardsi.e. Dvorak etc.12:25
skynetsmeego 1.0 not for phone12:25
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skynetsexpensive brick12:26
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azmonedrichards language group? its seems to be english keyboard layout qwerty and id like it to be qwertz with äöü (german layout)12:26
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nedrichardsazmo: but still with english as the UI language? or changing everything to german12:27
ZogGazmo maybe you should check for configs?12:27
ZogGdoes it use udev?12:27
azmocant find any option for it and cant use console because i dont know live image's root pwd..12:27
ZogGazmo, check the /etc/udev for any keyboard rules12:27
Stskeepsskynets: no, handset UX not out yet12:27
azmodont care if UI is german or english..12:28
skynetsi thought MeeGo won't be on the N90012:28
azmohavin a look at udev12:28
Stskeepsskynets: no, nokia meego won't be on n90012:28
Stskeepsmeego will be for sure12:28
skynetsNokia version vs community version?12:28
Stskeepsnokia doesn't answer your tech suppot calls and you won't have their differentiation12:28
skynetsscrew nokia12:29
Stskeepsfair enough12:29
skynetssince the N97 theyve been going downhill12:29
azmonedrichards anyways is it even possibler to change evryting to german right now?12:29
leinirskynets: So... Nokia allowing you to install unsupported software is screw-them-worthy... Nice stance, i applaud your connection with reality, Sir ;)12:29
nedrichardsazmo: I believe the layout is supposed to change when you change the language12:30
azmowell i cannot find any layout options in /etc/udev12:30
skynetsleinir.. allowing? you can do that with pretty much any phone these days12:30
skynetsandroid on the iphone12:30
Stskeepsnot intentionally fwiw12:30
azmonedrichards but where to do that? cant find any config tool12:30
skynetsandroid on the n90012:30
Stskeepsapple could block hacks of that order if they want12:30
nedrichardsazmo, launch the settings application12:30
Stskeepson nokia n900 you dont even have to jailbreak :)12:31
nedrichardsthere should be a language option in there12:31
skynetsStskeeps, yeah but there isnt any good software to block to begin with12:31
skynetsi dont care if i jailbreak it, i end up with good software if i do12:31
leinirMmm, troll-tastic ;)12:31
skynetsthe n900 has like 100 apps12:31
Stskeepseither way12:31
nedrichardsazmo: however, in an off the books fashion i've just typed sudo zypper install system-config-keyboard12:32
Stskeepsthis is meego, not noki12:32
nedrichardsand then run system-config-keyboard on the command line12:32
nedrichardswhich will certainly work12:32
skynetsgood luck with meego12:32
skynetsi hope it goes well12:32
Stskeepswe try to do the right thing here :P12:32
azmonedrichards: ok thank you i will try that12:32
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azmonedrichards: and i found the settings finally didnt even know they were there.. its a bit confusing..12:33
ZogGleinir, the difference is that you don't have proper support for official os =)12:33
nedrichardsazmo: sure, last time I looed it was a default favourite - not sure why that's not in the release12:33
nedrichardsI'll have to file a bug ;-)12:34
azmonedrichards: yeah.. i sposethat wil be changed someday.. alyways the first thing i do, tweak the settings. i like the ui and everything and was just playing around when i realized that it was the wrong keyboard layout.. ;)12:34
leinirZogG: No proper support for maemo5? Not sure i follow you there... what with the release of PR1.2 yesterday and such, i feel it's being supported quite well, really ;)12:35
robsternedrichards: settings have never been in default fav apps. :-)12:35
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nedrichardsrobster: It was on my list that it was supposed to be12:35
ZogGleinir check the bugs that were fixed, some of them are not.12:35
nedrichardsif you remember the 'that means there'll be 5 and it'll look wrong' discussion ;-012:35
azmonedrichards: whats the live systems's root pwd btw?12:35
robsternedrichards: hehe, yeh, but was it ever in bugzilla.. ;-)12:36
robsterazmo: meego?12:36
nedrichardsazmo: I'm not totally sure, bet it's meego12:36
ZogGleinir, btw the adv says about flash , but sites are going for 10, and you don't =-)12:36
nedrichardsrobster: thus my point above - bug or it didn't happen ;-)12:36
azmo"meego is not the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."12:36
ZogGleinir, you don't have any info and the main force are in meego now... 1+1 =...12:36
nedrichardsazmo: seriously12:36
robsternedrichards: exactly, and it's not something we can upgrade through either..12:36
inteallahonsenHi folks, does the Meego 1.0 work on core 2 duo machines with intel graphic (nott gma500)? Or is it just Atom based stuff?12:36
ZogGazmo, have you found keyboard rules?12:36
robsterazmo: yeh, that's the case on the live system su will work.12:37
ZogGinteallahonsen, why would you want it on core 2 duo?12:37
nedrichardsinteallahonsen: I see no reason it wouldn't work12:37
leinirZogG: Oh well, that's your opinion i'm sure - i just happen to find maemo decidedly better supported than e.g. the HTC handsets running... well, anything really ;)12:37
nedrichardsso long as the features are >Atom and the graphics has an open driver it should work12:37
robsterinteallahonsen: should work, needs SSÂÂE3 (core 2+) and i9+ graphics12:37
azmozogd nope.. not yet. i managed to change language (but change will occur only when next login and im on a live system so reboot is out of the question.. any manual logout/login options there?12:37
leinir(htc as an example, there's plenty others out there)12:37
summelwhy cant meego connect to wpa2 networks?12:37
ZogGleinir, maybe HTC because they don't have their own Os, but nexus ?12:38
inteallahonsenZogG: Because I dont go to the store and spend shitloads of cash when I got a laptop already?12:38
robsterazmo: press power button twice12:38
nedrichardssummel: that's a bug, it can for me12:38
robstersummel: when you open a bug report make sure to include the output of lspci12:38
nedrichardsyes, please12:38
summeli cant join wpa2 personal or wpa2 enterprise networks12:38
nedrichardswhat robster said12:38
summelalso synching with my n900 does not work12:38
inteallahonsenrobster, nedrichards: Thanks! :D12:38
ZogGinteallahonsen, but the point f meego for netbooks, the laptop can run a regular OS =)12:38
summeland brightness controls also dont work :/12:38
nedrichardssummel: I've not tested enterprise but I have a personal one at home12:38
nedrichardsinteallahonsen: when you run it on a laptop you'll see big screen mode - new for 1.012:39
inteallahonsennedrichards: big screen mode?12:39
nedrichardsthings will behave a bit more like a normal os than on a netbook12:39
azmorobster ah su works yeah thx.. pressig power twice now12:39
summeli also have a wpa2 personal network at home... but when i enter the password i just get an "connection failed"12:39
robstersummel: that's something that's only guaranteed to work on productized builds when you buy a netbook with MeeGo preloaded12:39
inteallahonsennedrichards: ah.. lol as in opposed of small screen 7-10 inch.12:39
nedrichardsinteallahonsen: yup12:40
robstersummel: that kernel support / hardware just isn't there for all the variety of netbooks.12:40
azmorobster: ok pressing it twice made the system shutdown ;)12:40
summelok im back to another distribution then -_-12:40
leinirZogG: The nexus is Google's dev device - if you take a look at the google phone 1, well... how well is that being supported now? :)12:40
robsterazmo: yup and then you can reboot by turning it back on ;-)12:40
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azmorobster: lol ok but on a live system i dont think the changes will survive the reboot :-p12:40
summeldoes bluetooth syncing with an n900 work for anybody else?12:40
robsterazmo: ah, yes. that's true isn't it.12:41
azmorobster: well i wil install it anyways now..12:41
robsterazmo: the live system is only in english i guess :-)12:41
ZogGleinir new android is going to nexus. and maemo is dead, while n900 is 6 month old and there a lot of non-functional stuff. meego is not going to n900 officialy12:41
azmorobster the last hint with the console ability and the settings app decided it for me :)12:41
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robsterazmo: on the installed version, you user is in the sudoers file btw, it's just a live system thing12:42
azmorobster think so.. was just confused about the apparent lack of settings app but now im quite happy12:42
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robsterazmo: has the documentation12:43
VotanAre there any plans for a backport of the .34 kernel with trim support ?12:43
StskeepsVotan: hopefully meego will go on 2.6.34 when it's released.12:44
azmorobster thx its getting even better ^^12:44
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ZogGleinir i'm not one of the whining guys, i'm trying to be objective. i love n900 and maemo, but maemo doesn't got the fully functional OS and it wouldn't because Nokia is all in MeeGo now. as well i don't like google(it's evil) but their support is much better.12:45
azmook thank you all i will try an install now ^^12:46
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VotanStskeeps i see, is there no pre-compiled .34 kernel with standard meego settings ? like the mainline-ppa for ubuntu ?12:47
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StskeepsVotan: 2.6.34 wasn't released when freeze in meego came about, at least12:47
VotanStskeeps yes, but maybe some dev compiled a .34 kernel with the meego settings and could put it online for testing purposes or at least TRIM support for people with modern SSDs12:48
smharI just found this:
StskeepsVotan: haven't seen it yet. ask on mailing list :)12:49
ZogGand n900 is not the phone, it' expensive handset and the its wrong to support it only for half year. i believe will get pr1.3 with small fixes and maybe 1.4 but you even don't know that as nokia's policy is " we don't own you anything", you bought it - okay, that's what you have. on other hand look as n900 was launched in Hong-Kong not that far ago, and it was already when Nokia switched to MeeGo. it's not right to make an 6months old O12:49
ZogGS. and i wouldn't care if maemo was fully open with open drivers, than community would do what Nokia haven't done12:49
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Stskeepsmeh, that's supposed to be what is changing with meego :P12:50
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ZogGStskeeps, what n900 drivers currently are supported in MeeGo?12:51
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ZogGStskeeps, if i would install it and get hildon on it, how workable it would be?12:51
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StskeepsZogG: image with closed bits? bluetooth, wifi, 3d acceleration, battery charging, telephony stack in progress12:51
ZogGso i can get functional thing except phone?12:52
Stskeepsi mean, technically, yes, but there's no UX and there's a lot of leg work in putting hildon anywhere due to maemo gtk12:52
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ZogGStskeeps is pr1.2 hildon still in gtk?12:53
summelodin_: yes12:53
summeland i dont think it will change12:54
ZogGand meego pkgs are rpm?12:54
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ZogGbut i would be able to convert deb pkgs from maemo to meego's rpm and install them manuanlly12:55
Stskeepsright, except that maemo gtk is incompatible and older version of gtk12:55
ZogGthan i could run hildon but still would need stuff to work with bluetooth and wifi and so on?12:55
ZogGStskeeps, with hildon you mean or meego? meego has gtk?12:56
Stskeepsmeego has gtk but it isn't maemo gtk :)12:56
VotanIs ConnMan now actually supporting VPN ?12:56
Stskeepstrust me, it is a bit complicated12:56
ZogGStskeeps i'm talking theoretically and just want to understand how it works =)12:56
ZogGis netbook meego suppose to be for multitouch screens?12:57
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Stskeepsi wonder when the first crazy person comes around that wants to put meego on his 770..13:00
robsterZogG: no.13:00
Tm_TStskeeps: I would have done it already if I had such hardware13:00
ZogGStskeeps if i had n70013:00
Tm_TStskeeps: but I can try with Freerunner if that makes you happy13:01
StskeepsTm_T: nah, we build for armv5 and armv713:01
ZogGi'm thinking more and more about gentoo13:01
Tm_TStskeeps: I know, that wouldn't stop me though (:13:01
ZogGStskeeps, i want meego port for 808613:01
TermanaTm_T, wouldn't stop you, but you'd still have to recompile all your applications etc.13:01
ZogGi mean 386 =)13:02
Tm_TTermana: I know that very well (:13:02
Tm_Tthat was the point in my comment (:)13:02
Tm_Twhatever makes Stskeeps happy13:02
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_Brandon_hi, anyone knows how to use the meego .img file under vmware/virtualbox? I got a black screen with vmware and a freeze with virtualbox after selecting "boot meego"13:09
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pupnikcan v13:11
pupnikmware use .img?13:11
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stefan99virtualbox can, but I have the same issue13:12
_Brandon_well the img looks like an iso file to me13:12
stefan99installing worked but after reboot nothing shows13:12
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Rods_TigerI've installed meego to my Acer Aspire One but it doesn't work. I get: init id x respawning too fast, disabled for five minutes, repeatedly line by line on the screen and no further progress13:13
nedrichardsstefan99: AFAIK Virtualbox doesn't accelerate DRI2 so it won't work13:13
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stefan99nedrichards, ok thanks, to bad though :(13:18
_Brandon_apparently with vmware it didn't freeze, I can login from a console, but xorg is probably crashing13:20
nedrichardsstefan99: yeah, it's annoying - we've been spending some time working on this for the SDK and stuff but it's a little way off still13:21
Rods_Tigerhow can I make it work?13:22
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azmothe meego install was succesful ^^13:26
nedrichardsazmo: excellent13:26
azmounfortunately, my win xp does not boot anymore now13:26
azmothere is much work to be done to improve meego.. grub isnt supposed to kill my xp boot... tryig to restore now13:27
pupniksmall favors13:28
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Rods_TigerI'll try and repeat the installation - is there anything I should do or shouldn't have done, to avoid this init idx respawning nonsense?13:29
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vincenzo1234Hi-m testing meego on the eeepc... It is a surprise for me that the main UI is the old moblin clutter UI13:32
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vincenzo1234is a qt UX in the workings?13:33
nedrichardsvincenzo1234: not that I'm aware of13:33
vincenzo1234where  will qt be emploied? just for apps development?13:33
nedrichardsvincenzo1234: well, we're shipping with Qt and the Garage app is written in it13:34
nedrichardsso it's up to developers if they want to use it13:34
nedrichardsother UXs will have different policies and be written in different tech13:35
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vincenzo1234from the press I understood that the main gui toolkit for meego was going to be qt...13:36
vincenzo1234as it is now it looks more a side feature/option than a core technology.13:36
macronIt will be, it might just take some time to turn around Mobiln apps etc. to make them Qt.13:36
macronThe MeegoTouch UI framework is based on Qt (QGraphicsView)13:37
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vincenzo1234macron: ah, ok, that makes a whole lot of sense!13:37
ieatfishIs Skype available for MeeGo?13:38
nedrichardsieatfish: I've used the Fedora version succesfully13:38
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vincenzo1234macron: any idea on when to expect the <>?;''massive transition to qt13:39
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Rods_TigerI've just reinstalled it to my Acer Aspire One and it worked properly this time. I unplugged the external monitor this time during the installation and initial booting, if that made a difference.13:45
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vincenzo1234macron: sorry I got disconnected13:47
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vincenzo1234macron: do you know when the transition to qt will take place for the moblin apps?13:50
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edentIs there a guide to flashing the official MeeGo to the N900 (Linux 64 bit)?13:56
Stskeepschances are you'll want to wait a little bit for us to publish the closed image. both have only a x terminal so careful what you wish for :)13:57
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tekojoDoes anyone know if MeeGo 1.0 has an irc client?13:57
nedrichardstekojo: not in the default install but you can install telepathy-idle and there should be other apps available in extras/garage either now or soon13:58
Tm_TStskeeps: makes me smile how much people expect everything to be ready now as version number is 1.013:58
tekojonedrichards: thanks that's one of the things that is lacking13:58
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mauricekTm_T: I had been happy if it at least booted ;)14:03
Myrttitekojo: I thought that all geeks needed was gcc, terminal and a bit of magic? what the hell are you asking for, a GUI?!14:05
Tm_TMyrtti: especially for irc...14:05
Myrttiget a compiler, hippie ;-)14:05
* Tm_T goes put irssi to default installs for now on14:06
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Tm_Tor perhaps hcirc, hard coded to one channel, with manual pong answers to server etc14:07
Myrttieven _our_ company has a shell server with irssi on it. true, it is mainly used to connect to the localhost bitlbee which connects to the localhost xmpp server, but still! IRSSI!14:07
Myrttion unrelated note, I just had my first cup of coffee in about a month.14:08
Tm_TI can tell14:08
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti14:08
FunkyPenguinis there a faq for the 1.0 netbook release?14:10
* FunkyPenguin is looking specifically at minimum screen resolution14:10
tekojoMyrtti: I just want an irc client I already got the compiler and kernel sources :)14:10
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koupsaatekojo: for irc on meego we have empathy 2.30.114:11
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koupsaaim on it14:11
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nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: same as before 1024x60014:20
nedrichardswhilst it may actually work on smaller than that, I've never tested it on less14:21
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FunkyPenguinnedrichards, ok thanks14:22
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nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: it works better on bigger screens now though14:22
FunkyPenguinhmm looking at my crappy old 701 it seems to work fine, other than not seeing the battery14:22
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FunkyPenguinim glad you dropped the web panel though, that was a pita to build for me :)14:24
nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: it's not dropped!14:25
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nedrichardssome nice men in china worked very hard on that14:25
nedrichardsit works with chrome and everything14:26
FunkyPenguinhmm maybe the 701 still cant display it properly14:26
* FunkyPenguin tries with an external monitor14:26
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nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: go to settings and have a play with toolbar settings14:26
nedrichardsor, as you say, an external monitor14:26
nedrichardswhich now works properly14:26
nedrichardswith hot plug and unplug14:27
CosmoHill :)14:27
sivangis there going to be a MeeGo summit in Ireland ? (I can't remember if it was a maemo summit or meego)14:30
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FunkyPenguinnedrichards, ok looks like 800x480 is still too much of the suck :/14:31
nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: I'm afraid so14:31
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CosmoHillsivang: yes, in Dublin14:32
sivangCosmoHill: is there a wiki for taht or some way to register ?14:33
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alterego11:34 < CosmoHill>
alterego11:34 < CosmoHill>
alteregoDagnamit ..14:37
alteregognome terminal is buggered.14:37
CosmoHillthere's an echo in here14:37
sivangalterego: hehe14:37
alteregoHeh, actually I think it's my mouse, works with the mouse pad O_O14:37
alteregoFixed :)14:37
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FunkyPenguinok the customisable toolbar is great!14:38
CosmoHillI've spotted a typo on that page14:38
sivangis there going to be there discussion and spec'ing for the user experience working group?14:39
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CosmoHillisn't Amy Leeland the person intel flew over to dublin to check it out?14:43
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CosmoHill" What is the smooth way to move RPM -> DEB?"14:44
CosmoHillisn't that the wrong way around?14:44
Corsacdepends on what you want?14:49
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CosmoHillah I see, it might be the right way around14:52
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CosmoHillhey dazo14:52
dazoCosmoHill: hi!14:53
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CosmoHilldazo: I got RHEL 6 beta working with grub2 :)14:56
* dazo is a bit confused .... tries to remember when/where he discussed RHEL6 and grub2 ....14:57
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CosmoHillwell I've never talked to you so it wasn't with me14:58
sivangCosmoHill: nice , is this a special thing? e.g. grub2 not stable enough still ?14:59
CosmoHillit took me a few days to work out the configuration14:59
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dazoCosmoHill: ahh :)  that makes me feeling less crazy :)15:00
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Corsacis it possible to get some real debugging info from mic-image-creator, especially during the packages install part?15:01
CosmoHillI was going to ask you if you knew somebody but I can't find their name in my logs15:01
CorsacI have packages failing installation because of exits in scriptlets, but I can't really debug them15:01
Corsac(--verbose, --debug don't do anything)15:01
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CosmoHilldazo: << Hope you find that useful15:07
* dazo is surprised .... he is on a MeeGo channel, and gets hints about RHEL6 and Grub2 :)15:08
dazoCosmoHill: thx! :)15:09
dazoit's actually interesting, though ;-)15:09
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FunkyPenguinaargh ok so how does one burn a .img file to disc in linux?15:11
CosmoHillthe biggest problem i have with rhel6 is that it dies after waking from sleep15:11
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Corsacwodim trouc.img15:11
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CosmoHillFunkyPenguin: hmm15:11
CosmoHillI think i just renamed img to iso and burnt it15:12
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FunkyPenguinCosmoHill, yup that works thanks :)15:14
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blueCmdIf I were to report a bug related to cryptsetup / LUKS, what product an15:17
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blueCmdIf I were to report a bug related to cryptsetup / LUKS, what product and component would I use?15:17
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CosmoHillproduct / compoent?15:18
blueCmdyes, in bugzilla15:18
koupsaachromium 1 tab is ok but 4 or 5 and became slow slow slow15:18
CosmoHillI don't know, sorry15:19
CosmoHillkoupsaa: there's a reason they're not first15:19
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CosmoHillinfobot: info15:27
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CosmoHillhmm, firefox gets pissy if you open a 125MB html file.15:37
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koupsaapossible to change chromium to moblin-internet-browser in internet panel? i see moblin-internet-browser in app15:38
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pinchartlI've just heard that the default audio player on meego is banshee. does that mean meego has a core dependency on mono ?15:41
TSCHAKeeeconsidering that Banshee is written for Mono15:43
TSCHAKeeewouldn't you think yes?15:43
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Tm_Thi tomaw15:43
Tm_TTSCHAKeee: simple "yes" would have sufficed15:43
pinchartlhow was that decided ?15:43
TSCHAKeeewonderful, I love waking up to religious discussions.15:44
TSCHAKeeeTm_T: it was a very stupid question.15:44
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Tm_TTSCHAKeee: didn't make your answer look any better though (:15:44
pinchartlTSCHAKeee: religion aside, we got a patent problem issue there. I'd like to know what the decision process behind pulling mono in was15:45
pupnikthe default audio player should maybe be left to such people as flock to that territory15:45
* dazo remembers a quote he learned as a little boy ... "There ain't no stupid questions, only stupid answers!"15:45
pupnikand stupid quotes :)15:46
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Bostik"There are no stupid questions, only stupid people."15:46
dazosounds more like how peterz (kernel guy) would phrase it15:47
pupnikactually the meego audio player should depend on as many proprietary things as possible to give each dork company a piece of bark to scratch their initials15:47
pupnikmake it depend on mono *and* java!15:48
pupnikans qt!15:48
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dazoseriously ... pulling in mono is only suitable for Novell ... who got this treaty with Microsoft .... mono is in a big grey area of patents ...15:49
pinchartldazo: that's why I'm really puzzled. especially with the apple-nokia patent lawsuit ongoing, I thought nokia would have known better15:50
TSCHAKeeeit's called "Novell has their version of MeeGo too."15:50
dazoTSCHAKeee: I think it's even called MeeNoGo :-P15:50
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dazopinchartl: I agree ... but this might have been inherited from Moblin ... it might (hopefully!) change in the future15:51
dazobtw ... how useful is MeeGo on N900 nowadays ... still no GUI and no phone features?15:52
pinchartldazo: that's the kind of answer I'm looking for. why it's there, and if it will stay15:52
Stskeepscore dependency? no, its ux dependency15:52
pinchartlit's been announced recently15:52
pinchartlso I don't think it's been inherited from moblin15:52
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Stskeepsspecificlly netbook ux15:52
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pinchartlStskeeps: sorry, I should have expressed myself more clearly. it's indeed not a "core" dependency per-se, but a dependency of central components15:54
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nachohey guys15:54
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nachowhat tool do you use to create the bootable usb?15:54
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nachoah! ok15:55
CosmoHillfrom the image you mean?15:55
TenPhilnacho usb-imagewriter in ubuntu15:55
CosmoHillthere are instructions on the website15:55
TSCHAKeeeargh, the moblin-web-panel keeps crashing15:56
dazoI know it's been announced been announced ... but it's not clear for me how usable it will be on the N900 :(15:56
nachoTenPhil, cool thanks15:56
zogg_laptopStskeeps, i read about twm =) how does it look - any screenies?15:56
pmarshthere a torrent of the 1.0 image floating around?15:56
* TSCHAKeee laughs15:56
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CosmoHill2007, 11, 20)15:57
CosmoHillpmarsh: no, why?15:57
TSCHAKeeesorry, just had an "old guy" moment15:57
zogg_laptoppmarsh, you can get it from
CosmoHillyou can get it from the website or a mirrorr15:57
* TSCHAKeee remembers when twm was folded into X1115:57
pmarshCosmoHill: just trying to help alleviate the bandwith :)15:58
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zogg_laptopTSCHAKeee, it's in repo so u can get it on n900 =)15:58
TSCHAKeeezogg_laptop: twm was the first window manager to be bundled with X version 11.15:58
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TSCHAKeeezogg_laptop: written late 1986... it's very minimal.15:59
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TSCHAKeeeit was built just as a matter of course with X, until Xorg modularized the tree.16:00
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zogg_laptopTSCHAKeee, grandpa, is it you?16:02
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TSCHAKeeei'm not that old.16:03
zogg_laptopmaybe i'm that young =)16:03
TenPhilVaughan-Nichols of computerworld has successfully installed and ran MeeGo in VB 3.2, but I can't reproduce the result16:04
CosmoHillVisual Basic?16:04
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dazoVirtualBox, probably16:05
CosmoHilloh thank god16:05
TSCHAKeeeTenPhil: is there an article somewhere?16:05
CosmoHillTenPhil: there's a good chance he replaced the kernel16:05
zogg_laptoparticle for what?16:05
CosmoHilloh computer world is a website16:06
dazooften called confuserworld :-P16:06
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CosmoHillTenPhil: ah I see what he did16:07
CosmoHillhe uses a program that comes with virtual box to convert it from an img to vdi file16:07
the_lordHi! is it true that I can install meego 1.0 on my N900 ?16:07
dazothe_lord: please do and tell me if it is usable :-P16:08
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* dazo read something that the user experience was slated to start in June for N90016:08
the_lorddazo, I could say exactly the same to you :P16:08
* TSCHAKeee facepalms16:08
dazothe_lord: then you need to be patient :-P16:08
TSCHAKeeegood god, we get this question 47,000 times a day16:09
pinchartlthe_lord: from what I've heard, there's no UI at the moment16:09
TenPhilhmmm, tried that as well but not from within VB16:09
CosmoHillI can't get meego to boot on my machines :(16:09
TSCHAKeeeno matter where it's posted16:09
CosmoHillTSCHAKeee: about the n900?16:09
* TSCHAKeee gives CosmoHill a mushroom print16:09
dazoTSCHAKeee: get it on the MeeGo news ... and point people there ;-)16:09
the_lordTSCHAKeee, if you're so tired, post the answer to the topic, it's kind of logic that the users come here to ask precisely that question16:10
TenPhilCosmoHill, I ran it from a usb and it worked fine. what processor you got?16:10
TSCHAKeeewell we did16:10
TSCHAKeeebut we had to put other stuff there too16:10
CosmoHillIntel T573016:10
TenPhilCosmoHill: How far do you get?16:11
CosmoHillmum's failed in a similar way16:12
CosmoHillbut I was able to use ctrl alt del16:12
dazolooks like a bad filesystem16:12
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CosmoHillI might zero the SD card and try again16:14
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ufameego does not recognize my nokia phone as a modem16:21
CosmoHillcould be a missing package16:23
ufaand it does not mount any of my local drivers16:23
sivangmeego is already having GUI and everything? Are there screenshots?16:23
CosmoHillsivang: yes on the website16:23
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CosmoHillor wiki16:23
ufasivang > yes16:23
ufaseems pretty snappy though16:23
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sivangCosmoHill: made by intel/nokia or just reusing the maemo stuff ?16:24
ufadespite buggy16:24
CosmoHillit's screen shots of meego16:24
CosmoHillufa: if it were bug free then there wouldn't be any work to do16:25
sivangCosmoHill: so one can already install it on N900 for example and use it for calls and stuff instead of Maemo?16:25
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Corsacthe screenshots are for the netbook UI, not handset16:25
ufaCosmoHill > ya, but there is functional bugs, like do not mount local drives, nor usb sticks16:25
sivangufa: yes, I'm counting on it , I want to establish a pro-active QA team, that bugs like: would not be considered as "no software bug"16:26
povbot`Bug 9089: Upgrading Maemo itself (nokia official recommended upgrade) failed with "no enough space" on target device.16:26
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sivangI just got a couple of more iphoners laughing at me today for that, and a couple of disappointed freinds with N900.16:27
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ufamy n900 had the micro usb pulled out16:27
ufait is in transit to repair center16:27
ufasivang maemo != meego16:28
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TenPhilI think I might consider making some space on my harddrive to run it.16:30
sivangufa: not a maemo issue anymore, but something I wanna make sure will not re occur in MeeGo, hence the mention here.16:31
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smoku LULZ16:33
ufasivang > :)16:34
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ValiHI all16:35
portisheadwhat packages are available for meego? Is there an overview somewhere?16:36
* CosmoHill gives up trying to boot meego16:37
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markumanhm is it possible to install meego on usb stick?16:44
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CosmoHillinfact it's designed to be16:45
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CosmoHillif you follow the install instructions it tells you how to put it onto a usb stick / memory card16:45
CosmoHillif you'd like to burn it to a CD change the .img to .iso and burn that16:45
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portisheadis it true you can't connect to wpa2 networks?16:47
markumanCosmoHill: for testing i've dd the .img on usb stick. but the installer don't recognize another usb stick to install on it16:47
CosmoHillmarkuman: can't you run the live image and save to the usb stick?16:48
Valiis there any MeeGo1.0 live image available to run on virtual box ?16:49
TenPhilmarkuman: try usb-imagewriter, that's how i got it working16:49
CosmoHillVali: i think virtualbox has a tool to convert the img to vdi16:49
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pmarshVali: I just tried, and it seemed to go through the install process but doesn't seem to boot properly after that16:50
Valiis it will work on general x86 pc ?16:50
CosmoHillVali:   35675 Apr 01 14:21:49 <slaine>        VBoxManage convertdd <path/to/.usbimg> <path/to/.vdi>16:50
CosmoHillVali: no idea16:50
Valihow to run .vdi file16:51
CosmoHillit may need a new kernel and a few other packages replaced16:51
CosmoHillVali: you make a new virtual machine and set the .vdi file as the hard drive16:51
markumanTenPhil: usb-imagewriter? is it a tool of meego?16:51
Valii will try now..:) thanks16:51
pmarshCosmoHill: or just mount the .img as your CD-ROM image16:51
pmarshVali: I meant that for you16:51
pmarshI'm on Vbox 3.1.6 let me know how it goes for you16:52
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TenPhilno, I run it in ubuntu, but it can be used to write the image to a usb, worked fine16:52
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markumanTenPhil: yeah, i did it with dd, i guess it's still the same. but this is not an correct installation16:53
arjanVali: no16:53
arjanthere's no way to run meego in vbox16:53
arjanmeego does not run in virtual machines.16:53
arjanit needs good 3D graphics, and no virtual machine provides that16:53
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TenPhilarjan, it has been run in VB.16:55
TSCHAKeeeSJVN did it apparently16:55
Valimeans it will not run or running slowely ?16:55
TSCHAKeeeprooobably the latter16:56
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TenPhilslowly most likely, it was quite fast and responsive when I ran it from usb16:56
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CosmoHillI've had meego 0.1 run in virtualbox but that is cli16:57
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sivangCosmoHill: cli's are the best ever16:58
arjanmeego runs bash FAST :=_16:58
sivangCosmoHill: Why did we have to move out of DOS/DesqView16:58
sivangI liked it so much running my BBS software16:59
sivanganyone as old as me here?16:59
CosmoHillyou've love what my server looks like16:59
sivangCosmoHill: screenshot and paste16:59
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CosmoHillall you need is a serial cable...16:59
sivangCosmoHill: hehe that's great.16:59
CosmoHill(it does have ssh too but serial is my backup)16:59
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riotis there any non-atom/arm "demo" or live-iso available?17:07
rioti'm really having a hard time deciding between android and again maemo/meego17:08
microlithmeego and android are wildly different17:08
rioti know.17:09
microliththere aren't any live-isos that will run on non-Atom chips, I don't know of any non-atom chips that support all the instructions17:10
rioti have a 810 with diablo next to my thinkpad17:10
arjanmicrolith: all core2 and later intel chips also run meego (as long as you have supported instructions)17:10
riotand my thinkpad already virtualizes a live android-iso.17:10
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* arjan runs meego just fine on my core2 laptop and mt core i7 machines17:11
microlithof course they'll run fine on an i717:11
microlithhow old is the core2?17:11
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arjancore2 got released in 200617:12
arjanmine is a bit newer than that ;-)17:12
arjanactually one of my core2's is from 2006 I think17:13
microlithwell you put the qualifier "as long as you have supported instructions" in there17:13
arjanit was one of the first laptops with core217:13
arjanI meant graphics, not instructions17:13
arjansorry too early in the day17:13
CosmoHillcore 2 was Q3 or Q4 or 2006?17:13
microlithyeah understandable17:13
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arjanCosmoHill: I thought it was q217:13
arjanbut not sure anymore17:13
arjanloooong time ago17:13
CosmoHillMacs came out with Core 1 in Q1200617:14
riotarjan: did you do anything special or download a special iso?17:14
CosmoHill3 months after I got my powerpc mac >.<17:14
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CosmoHillhowever my mac still works, i'm on it now :)17:14
arjanriot: no17:15
arjanjust standard images17:15
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arjanonly thing is my core i7's don't have reasonable graphics17:15
arjanso I tend to run those in text mode17:15
arjan(can you believe that the 3d chip (some matrox thing) is slower than software rendering on that guy)17:15
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riothmhmm.. there is a strange mentality all over the website. It talks about "open" but at the same time about "we", "us"  in a strangely excluding manner... all those "steering groups".. hmhm. Doesn't feel like opensource at all.17:19
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pupnikok, opensource-contribute17:21
rioteven the term "steering group"... annoys the hell out of me...17:21
GAN900riot, yeah. . . .17:25
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riotwell, its probably just terminology, i suppose. Other big oss-projects have benevolent dictators et al...17:26
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riotStill, i'm used to being able to install new (usually debian ;) updates to my old machines. So pulling of a "No-Maemo5-for-your-n810-or-older" again would seriously piss me off.17:28
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arjanthe hard part of getting a distro running on such an older machine tends to be the hw support17:29
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thiago*especially* ARM hardware17:29
jusliukkriot, nokia's business is selling devices… they have a long tradition of not wanting users to upgrade their old devices, but buy new ones… this open source stuff has them learning new habits, i hope ;)17:29
arjanif someone who knows what he's doing can contribute that, I don't see a reason fundamentally why meego wouldn't run on n81017:30
FunkyPenguinnedrichards, ok playing with the toolbar settings means i can get things to work pretty well on the eepc70117:30
arjanbut it's not for the faint of heart... see what thiago said ;)17:30
slainemy undestanding is that there's a community effort to do just that arjan17:30
w00t_there is already a project for n81017:30
nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: awesome! glad it works17:30
lcukarjan, n810 is a rocking device, but to get uber performance you have to be slimline and nimble17:30
thiagoI'd love my N800 to actually boot up17:30
nedrichardsI thought it might with the flexible17:30
w00t_Stskeeps is the real guy to poke at the moment, hang out in #meego-arm too17:31
lcukbut of course those same things help later devices by giving back battery and time17:31
thiagootherwise, it's just decoration on my desk17:31
nachoI've just tried meego, it looks really nice17:31
nachothough, wans't meego suppose to use qt?17:31
riotjusliukk: exactly what i think, too, yes. They can't piss of their users - esp. not developers - it doesn't compute.17:31
nachoseems like most apps are gtk17:31
FunkyPenguinonly complaint is that hbons or jimmac didnt do a Meegofied Chrome icon17:31
thiagonacho: "do what I say, not what I do"17:31
arjannacho: meego uses qt for all the applications17:31
arjanand I'm hoping some of the core UI panels will be rewritten in Qt as well...17:31
arjanor at least the meego touch stuff that's a layer on top of qt17:32
thiagoarjan: whenever you get any hard data on qt gl performance on intel video cards, let me know17:32
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thiagoour Atom boards haven't arrived yet17:32
riotwho came up with the batcrazy (but somehow cool ;) idea of putting chrome inside???17:32
nachoarjan, but i.e: banshee, gedit etc are gtk17:32
arjanriot: chrome/chromium is a much nicer browser than firefox17:33
thiagoand it's webkit17:33
Corsacwhy not funding midori?17:34
arjanI feel bad for the firefox guys; but they've been overrun by chrome/chromium by quite a lot17:34
FunkyPenguinarjan, who is the best person to speak to about ACPI support?17:34
FunkyPenguinfor some reason the new kernel doesnt seem to support the eeePC 701 properly17:34
riotarjan: for embedded devices - i'm totally sure. On my debian boxes - NO way.17:35
arjanFunkyPenguin: 701 is the preatom one right?17:35
arjanFunkyPenguin: seriously surprised that that one works17:35
Corsac(chromium looks like gtk+ for me, too)17:35
arjanCorsac: that's a theming thing mostly17:36
GAN900It's too bad too, since Google is eeeviiiil17:36
Corsacarjan: I mean it *is* gtk+ :)17:36
arjanriot: even on a core2 or other heavy laptop, chrome/chromium beats firefox HARD17:36
GAN900Core 2 is "heavy" now?17:36
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arjancan900: compared to a small atom it is ;)17:37
FunkyPenguinarjan, yup, celeron based. everything works fine apart from battery status17:37
FunkyPenguini seemingly have no battery according to the applet17:37
w00t_I have that on a samsung N220 as well, actually17:38
FunkyPenguinyet afaik all the details are upstream in the kernel17:38
w00t_"no battery"17:38
* GAN900 wishes for an OMAP4 netbook.17:38
* w00t_ has a note to look into bugs.m.c later17:38
bpeelFunkyPenguin: MeeGo is compiled to use SSE2 math which I think isn't supported. last time I tried on a 701 it wouldn't even boot17:38
GAN900Atom sucks juice like a fullsize17:38
bpeel(although that was a long time ago)17:38
GAN900and has nearly the performance of an ARM.17:38
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FunkyPenguinbpeel, im running it now on my 701 ;)17:39
sivangfor the kids here, this is what desqview was :)17:39
FunkyPenguinmanaged to run everything since 2.017:39
riotarjan: speedwise, maybe. But speed isn't everything17:40
* FunkyPenguin may have been premature, running from media works fine, but looks like there is an issue installing the bootloader17:40
jimmacFunkyPenguin: it exists for moblin17:40
FunkyPenguinjimmac, but not meego?17:41
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jimmacFunkyPenguin: << suse moblin17:41
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ScatterBrainHow does one activate a Broadcome BCM 4312 WiFi card?17:42
arjanScatterBrain: you go to slains website ;)17:42
FunkyPenguinjimmac, ah ok so i have it in obs already17:44
ScatterBrainarjan:  slains????  sorry MeeGo noob.17:44
jimmacFunkyPenguin: very likely17:44
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arjanslaine on this channel has a webpage for it17:44
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ScatterBrainarjan: slaine:  URL??17:45
ScatterBrainnvm found it - thank you google.17:46
sivangoh and on the nostalgic hour of the channel, one must not forget
nedrichardsFunkyPenguin: sadly, the whole point of using Chrome is the branding and not touching it, so we take their icon17:46
FunkyPenguinnedrichards, yeah but it make the whole yummy loo17:47
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FunkyPenguinnedrichards, what i meant to say was - it breaks the whole yummy look though17:47
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FunkyPenguinbugger, bootloader fails to install :(17:50
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CosmoHillFunkyPenguin: it can be done by hand17:51
CosmoHillyou might need to boot another livecd and install the boot loader17:51
* FunkyPenguin retries17:52
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ScatterBrainslaine: Thanks!18:03
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FunkyPenguinCosmoHill, have you got any docs on that?18:04
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ScatterBrainSo now that I know that MeeGo uses yum, I'm assuming that the core was based on Fedora/Red Hat.  Is that right?18:09
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slaineScatterBrain: No18:09
slaineGod, not this discussion again18:10
ScatterBrainI'm sorry.  I'm a meego noob and just trying to find out more about it.18:10
slaineScatterBrain: no problem. I've been listening to this for over a year since Moblin2 came out.18:10
ScatterBrainSo is there a "history" page that I can read or something?18:11
slaineIt's not based on Fedora, in the same way that OpenSuse usn't based on Fedora. Both use rpms. Yum And Zypper are available on MeeGo.18:12
slaineScatterBrain: well, it's only a few months old, so we're making history now :)18:12
slaineA wiki page stating that Moblin is NOT Fedora, is not based on fedora etc., might be a good idea18:12
slaineI couldn't count the times I've seem people come into #moblin complaining that their moblin install was messed up because they added some Fedora packages and borked their packages18:13
ScatterBrainI know that Moblin and one other project merged to become meego, but that's it.18:13
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slaineMaemo is the other project18:14
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CosmoHillFunkyPenguin: docs for what?18:16
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trixturHello All18:18
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trixturI installed MeeGo on my Dell Inspiron mini 1012 last night. It is on the list of supported netbooks18:20
trixturI love the interface18:20
trixturits awesome!18:20
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davidehi there18:20
DeVeloxhello.. got some questions about MeeGo.. 1) is there a (or rather what is the preferred) way to connect to wireless networks with IEEE 802.1X authentication (it doesn't seem to be supported out of the box.. and manually editing wpa_supplicant.conf first comes to mind) 2) where is grub.conf? or where can I edit the boot parameters18:20
ScatterBrainI think once I get the wifi working, this little netbook (Dell Mini9) will be my main machine.18:20
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ScatterBrainMainly because of the interface and quick boots.18:20
slaineScatterBrain: that's what I use18:20
slainethe guide should help18:21
slaineif you're stuck, drop me an email18:21
trixturYeah I can't get the wifi working either18:21
davidecan u indicate me how to install meego with othetr OS ?18:21
ScatterBrainslaine: I'm half-way through the guide right now.18:21
ScatterBrainslaine: thanks for the help offer.  ;-)18:21
trixturwhere is this guide?18:21
townxelliotslaine: you seem well placed to write the wiki page about "MeeGo is not Fedora etc." ;)18:21
slainetownxelliot: lol18:21
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townxelliotslaine: then when it crops up again you can just paste a link18:22
davideyes liks the guide please18:22
Votananyone here who knows if ConnMan or MeeGo in general fnially has VPN capabilities ? (Netbook Atom edition)18:22
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster18:22
davidenobody installa it with other OS ?18:22
DawnFosterhey CosmoHill18:22
CosmoHillcan't get it to work on my laptop or mum's PC :(18:22
koupsaa(hard to make a rpm)18:23
CosmoHillit's not18:23
CosmoHillit's hard to make a good one :p18:23
DeVeloxuhm, if anyone was referring to me with "the guide" advice.. and if "the guide" is I can assure you there is absolutely nothing helpful there.. could someone at least point me to the grub.conf file as it's not in the usual place (/boot/grub/) and I think wpa_supplicant should take care of the wifi18:23
davideit works from USB but I would like to innstall it, can I do it mantaining the old OS ?18:23
* trixtur searches the forum for help on wifi issues18:23
CosmoHilleverytime I install one of my RPMs something breaks18:23
DawnFosterbummer. do they have Atom processors?18:24
CosmoHillthey do have SSSE3 tho18:24
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FunkyPenguinCosmoHill, for messing around with the bootloader18:24
slaineAMD ?18:24
koupsaaCosmoHill, i try to make ntfs-3g rpm and gstreamer (it's remember me moblin)18:24
DawnFosterah, the 1.0 netbook builds still only support a limited number of configs18:25
CosmoHillslaine: Intel T5730 (i think) and Intel Q930018:25
DawnFosteruntil people start to build it out for other platforms18:25
DawnFosterThis give you a better idea of the types of systems it works on
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koupsaaeepc s101 works great mms ssd18:26
trixturwhat do you do if your device is a supported platform but the wireless doesn't work?18:26
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davideit works from USB but I would like to innstall it, can I do it mantaining the old OS ?18:26
DawnFostertrixtur: can you post something to the meego-dev mailing list or to with more details about exactly what doesn't work?18:26
davideDawnFoster can you help me please ?18:27
CosmoHillhey arjan18:27
trixturDawnFoster: I'd love to...18:28
davideI womt to install it in my netbook but I do not want to loose my XP and Ubuntu OS18:28
CosmoHilldavide: do you have a spare partition?18:28
davideno I am a beginner, so I have to create it ?18:28
DawnFosterdavide: I've only done clean intstalls - I'm not a good person to talk about installing it in a dual boot environment18:29
airmackdavide: you can all the time install it on a different partition with no bootloader and manually set it18:29
koupsaadavide you can test in live (usb/cd) or choose partitions and file format (brtfs/extfs..)18:29
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airmackmanually set the bootloader18:29
davidethanks to all18:29
CosmoHillif you use grub you can press "c" to enter command line mode18:29
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CosmoHillthis is good if the distro isn't in the boot loader options18:29
trixturDawnFoster: do you know if I need to do some kind of modprobe on the wifi device to get it to run?18:30
CosmoHillarjan: don't you have meego running on your mbp?18:30
CosmoHilltrixtur: have you got your wifi working on other distros?18:30
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trixturCosmoHill: This is the first time I've installed a Linux based OS on that machine18:31
trixturI originally bought it for my wife for school, but she is done with school now so its mine18:31
trixturit was running windows 718:31
CosmoHillI'm guessing you don't have a ubuntu disc about18:31
trixturI bought the inspiron mini 1012 specifically because I knew they were supposed to run MeeGo18:32
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CosmoHillcan you give me your wifi card model?18:32
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sivangso what sort of user experience is there currently for N900 ?18:32
davideAtheros works fine18:32
sivangDawnFoster: "middleware layer" = ?18:32
trixturCosmoHill: um...are there different models for the same device?18:32
CosmoHillno idea18:33
CosmoHillopen the terminal and type "lspci"18:33
CosmoHillthen pastebin the output18:33
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trixturIf not I'd assume it is the Deel Wireless 1397 802.11g Half Mini-card18:33
hjsmDawnFoster: It's great to see MeeGo 1.0 release yesterday. And I am looking forward to the MeeGo SDK. Any estimation?18:33
trixturCosmoHill: thanks, I'll give that a try18:33
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nachoprobably the most stupid question to ask, but how do I halt the computer without using a terminal?18:36
DeVeloxnacho: press the power button on your device?18:37
CosmoHilltrixtur: you have a Broadcom Corporation BCM431218:37
nachommm, right! though, I was expecting something like ubuntu18:38
trixturCosmoHill: Broadcom is a pain in the ass18:38
CosmoHillthis may help you18:38
davidehi nacho: have you installed it with ubuntu ?18:38
DawnFosterhjsm: the sdk is based on qt. details are here:
arjannacho: hit the power button!18:40
nachodavide, I removed the ubuntu I had to install it18:40
arjanhow else would you turn a device off than with the power button ;-)18:40
arjanmaybe we should make the shift key act like the space bar18:41
arjanand then tell people to not use the space bar to get a space in their text ;-)18:41
davideThank you nacho18:41
ScatterBrainI tell you the more I use this netbook the more I'm impressed with the power of the ATOM.18:41
davidethe user experience in meego is really fine18:42
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hjsmDawnFoster: I thought MeeGo SDK will be something like Nokia Qt SDK, you can download the pacakge, install and create your MeeGo application. I didn't find that info from your link. (I know Qt Creator part. I am looking for a complete package for MeeGo SDK)18:43
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trixturMeeGo is 32 bit right?18:45
arjantrixtur: yes18:45
arjanI hope to investigate at least running a 64 bit kernel soon18:45
arjanbut that's research for a next version18:45
ScatterBrainthank you slaine!  the wifi is now working!18:47
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FunkyPenguinthe bootloader fails to install regardless of where i choose to install it :(18:48
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DawnFosterhjsm: it looks like we have more info on the wiki about building the dev env using the sdk:
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trixturThere is no make inside of MeeGo?18:55
trixturwhat a pain18:55
hjsmDawnFoster: I am pretty familiar with this chroot development since Moblin. Is this mean MeeGo SDK is still based on mic-chroot? I thought MADDE and QtSDK are invloved for MeeGo SDK.18:55
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Stskeepsisn't that url closer to a platform sdk or something? :P18:57
Stskeepsbut not sure.18:57
ScatterBrainOk, I setup two appointments for today - they show up in "myZone" like I'd expect, but they're showing up 6 hours late...18:57
arjantrixtur: the default image does not have software development stuff installed18:57
ScatterBrainmeaning I made the appointment for 2:00pm, and the appointment is set for "18:00" or 6:00pm.18:58
arjantrixtur: yum groupinstall "Development Tools"18:58
ScatterBrainHow do I fix that?18:58
davideHow can I change the keybord from american to italian ?18:58
arjandavide: system-config-keyboard? there's also a settings thing18:58
davidethere is no menu for this18:58
trixturarjan: thanks18:58
davidearjan thank's18:58
davider u sure ?18:59
davideI did not find it...18:59
arjandavide: it might be part of the language dialog19:00
davidemay be, I'll try19:01
trixturarjan: can I use yum to install broadcom drivers?19:01
arjanonly if someone has a yum repo for it19:01
arjandunno if someone has19:01
Stskeepshow are we with metrics going to be seperating user support and development on mailing list activity?19:01
Stskeepsi mean, we're seeing support requests on meego-dev :)19:01
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arjanStskeeps: just need to politely but insistently point people to the other list19:03
arjanand NOT answer them19:03
arjanbecause once they get answers on -dev there's no stopping19:03
arjan(and do answer them on the non-dev list of course)19:03
arjanfedora had a long history of issues with this until they became a lot more firm on enforcing the split19:03
arjan(politely enforcing of course)19:04
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Stskeeps(what other list?)19:04
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Stskeepsi see dev, community, l10n and sdk.. i guess we mean the forums?19:05
arjanI'm pretty sure there's also a "meego" list19:06
* w00t_ knows of no such list19:06
Stskeeps doesn't list one at least19:07
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DawnFosterthe user questions can be directed to the forums19:23
DawnFosternow, we need to get the right people monitoring the forums :)19:24
arjanwould be nice to have user mailing list as well19:24
lcukdoes the qt nokia sdk beta work on meego - for cross dev direct to n900?19:25
DawnFosterWe made the decision to separate the user requests and put those in the forum (users tend to be more comfortable with forums) while leaving all of the developer stuff on the mailing list19:25
DawnFosterI would like to avoid having the user stuff in 2 places where it is harder to track19:26
lcukDawnFoster, with users, just wait till they start setting up their own communication methods19:26
DawnFosterhaving it all on the forums also makes it easier to search for questions you know have been answered19:26
lcukits like herding cats, the community will sprout up where you dont expect it19:26
CosmoHillhearding cats?19:26
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CosmoHilllcuk: you have to much spare time19:26
DawnFosterbut I only want one official place for users to submit questions19:27
CosmoHilland cats19:27
DawnFosterthey can create as many other channels as they want :)19:27
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lcukCosmoHill, whats spare time? i spent 20 hours yesterday hand holding users through updates19:28
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davidecai I installa VLC on meego ?19:29
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trixturarjan: thanks for getting me on the right track. I fixed the wifi issues19:42
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TSCHAKeee#magoo? :P19:43
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ScatterBrainThe appointments widget on the "Myzone" tab is off by 6 hours.  How can I fix that?19:48
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arjanScatterBrain: move to the UK so that you live in UTC time ?19:53
ScatterBrainarjan: funny... :)19:53
arjanthe myzone developers do live in the UK19:53
* arjan wonders if a bug snuck in that way :)19:53
lbtwe're on BST so +1 at the moment...19:54
lbtdid you notice them all going home early though?19:54
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realitygapshi guys is it possible to boot n900 meego off a microsd?20:04
Stskeepsyes, in fact, it's only way20:04
realitygapsSyskeeps: does it require flashing the device?20:04
realitygapsStskeeps: does it require flashing the device?20:05
Stskeepsyou can write it to sd and then load the kernel with flasher20:05
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realitygapsany docs?20:05
Stskeepsodd question, anyone who tried out the open N900 image here?20:06
Stskeepsaren't you getting random reboots?20:06
realitygapsthx, didnt find that link20:06
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* CosmoHill takes dazo_afk's unguarded keyboard20:08
DawnFosterhjsm: it looks like the SDK image hadn't been uploaded yet when I was talking to you earlier. Hopefully, this is what you needed:
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DawnFosterit's a tarball with the sdk20:13
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StskeepsDawnFoster: btw, since we now have proposal that actually got approved.. should we move them somewhere else?20:16
Stskeepsit's not so much proposal anymore :)20:16
DawnFosteryes we should move them20:17
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DawnFosternot sure exactly how it should be organized.20:17
Stskeeps:nod: just noticed20:17
DawnFosterugh, I thought someone was going to reorganize the wiki home page before the 1.0 launch - looks like it never happened.20:18
DawnFosterthe proposals don't belong on the home page of the wiki anyway20:18
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Stskeepsa lot can be done with wiki homepage at least -i'm still amazed to what they did with for example
Stskeeps(looks a bit screwed up now cos of adding 'yes, we're a dead project, stop bothering us' text)20:20
lcuk"our hibernating goals"20:20
sivangso all the upcoming feature in are bsically developed closed source yes?20:21
Stskeepsqt's not20:21
Stskeepsqt mobility neither, i believe20:21
sivangStskeeps: right, "MeeGo UI Framework"20:21
sivangStskeeps: is what I'm curious about.20:21
Stskeepsi'm more curious it's called like that20:22
* sivang is highly interested in the platform development and polish20:22
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sivangStskeeps: right, I mean, just take the Hildon stuff and port it to Qt ? ;-)20:22
Stskeepshopefully not20:23
sivanganyway gotta run20:23
sivangStskeeps: hehe20:23
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DawnFosterStskeeps: I bounces the wiki homepage request over to Quim. It's part of this plan to update the website:
DawnFosterwe just need to figure out what was updated and make sure that someone is on the hook for the rest20:25
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airmackanybody got the image working in a vm?20:47
CosmoHillarjan: say's it can't be done due to the current lack of 3D graphics support20:49
airmackyou can get that with virtualbox and the guestextension20:51
Stskeepsisn't that part closed source and non-redistributable though?20:51
airmackhmm i might be mistaken20:52
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* lcuk cries at so much talk of closed source and distribution problems and eulas and crud standing in the way of open accessible distro20:52
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arjanlcuk: at least we have the chromium stuff on and other mirrors too21:21
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lcuksure arjan but to need to explain the difference is bad in itself21:22
lcukjust adds to confusion21:22
arjanno argument21:23
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Zapphi everyone....just downloaded and installed meego on my 1000H and I keep loosing my wireless connection every 5 or 10 minutes, I wanna know if it's a problem with my netbook or may AP...21:23
arjanespecially since chromium and chrome are basically fromt he same source code21:23
arjanZapp: could also be your wifi driver... we've had some issues with some drivers like that21:24
arjanwe also have some guys that have been able to fix a few drivers21:24
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arjanso it'd be interesting to get a bugzilla about this with details ;)21:24
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Zappok...I'll try to get a report21:24
Zappactually nothing crashes do I get get a bugzilla...anyway it is suposed to be plain linux so I should be able to use a linux's a Ralink RT2860...if anyone knows of a driver that works I'd be really thankful21:26
arjanwe had to fix that guy ina  few places21:28
arjanmaybe not enough :)21:28
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Zappit looks like it is already using the same module I use on my Debian....21:34
Zappthose who have fixed it, what did you exactly do?21:34
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solarionhow does one get started developing for meego?21:50
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Form0Don't see any option for keymaps, suppose I'll have to use xmodmap?21:51
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DawnFostersolarion: this is the best place to start for developing apps:
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solarionDawnFoster: is all of my maemo knowledge lost, or are they pretty compatible?21:59
Stskeepsif you did qt before, then no22:00
* solarion has done gtk+ primarily22:00
solarionnot opposed to qt per se; just not had a need to learn it22:00
Stskeepswell, there's still gtk+ but it is not hildon22:00
Stskeepsand not recommended for development, i guess22:01
solarionqt has all the special meegoey goodness?22:01
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Myrttiatleast according to newspaper I've got fans.22:06
pupnikevening Myrtti22:07
* pupnik waves a fan at Myrtti 22:07
Myrttiperhaps I should start a Facebook page people can become fans of22:07
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pupnikdo a "fan dance" for it22:07
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ieatfishcan you change the clock from 24 hour to 12 time?22:10
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alteregoIS the meego v1.0 release for the N900 a fiasco image? Or just a raw fs?22:11
Stskeepsit's a raw fs for flashing to a mmc and a kernel22:12
Stskeepswe don't have system in NAND anymore, except for a initrd at times or kernel22:13
alteregoAh, okay, so if I want to run it with qemu, I need the kernel and the image?22:13
Stskeepsright, and a updated qemu as it's now 2.6.3322:13
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alteregoStskeeps: I've been compiling qemu for N900 support from the git repo22:14
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Stskeepstest with qflasher then i guess22:15
alteregookily dokily, thanks.22:15
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ieatfishHow does one install moblin apps on Meego, or is it not possible?22:28
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maemouseris meego out and in use?22:54
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ScatterBrainyes maemouser, version 1.0 was released yesterday.22:56
sandstormcan we use it on N900 ?22:57
sandstormofficially ?22:57
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ScatterBrainI don't know anything other than it being released.  (noob meego user here)22:58
sandstormsame here hehe :)22:58
ScatterBrainwhat process keeps "myzone" in sync?22:58
ScatterBrainBecause it appears to not be communicating with with Evolution anymore.22:59
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dazosandstorm:  I doubt the GUI is ready for N900 ... but if you want a basic text based terminal ... meego is perfect :-P23:06
DawnFosterKeep in mind that the meego 1.0 release from yesterday is for netbooks.23:06
sandstormoh I see, so maybe there will be a N900 release one time hopefully23:07
dazosandstorm:  seriously, I read somewhere today that the "tablet" type (touch screen) stuff will come in MeeGo 1.1 ... which I'd expect N900 will depend on23:07
TSCHAKeeethere will be23:07
TSCHAKeeewait a bit longer.23:07
DawnFosterthere will be handset versions shortly23:07
sandstormI am just enthusiastic about intels and nokias collaboration in MeeGo on N90023:07
sandstormsure thing, I can wait for the right time23:08
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sandstormbtw, what is the core of MeeGo, is it a linux kernel ?23:08
sandstormor something completely new?23:09
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DawnFostersandstorm - meego uses a lot of standard open source components, including the linux kernel23:10
DawnFosterYou get many of the details here:
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j0nnhi, i cant download the meego img, do we have a torrent link?23:28
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koupsaaempathy crash23:35
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ScatterBrainFolks, love the interface.  Love the intention.  But 1.0 and my netbook simply aren't getting along.23:36
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vastakScatterBrain, how come?23:37
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ScatterBrainWell, the wifi keeps dropping (BCM 4312), Suspend actually locks the machine, The touchpad keeps freezing up, and the "Myzone" page is either 6 hours late or stops working altogether.23:38
ScatterBrainI am a noob and I can blame myself for a lot of things, but all of those can't be me.23:38
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newmanhow r u23:42
markattohas anyone managed to get the netbook images working in virtualbox?23:43
newman a qs, what is the best qualified out-of-thebox netbook or labtop that is supported by meego fully23:43
newmancuz i ana get a new one and dont want to be dissappointed23:44
newmanaha ok thanks ddint know about this list23:44
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ScatterBrainlater all, time to go home....23:47
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j0nni've downloaded a corrupt .img twice today from, im looking for officially supported torrent?23:52
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ZeikkoThe lack of shortcuts in Meego is making me mad23:53
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TSCHAKeeedifferent paradigm23:55
TSCHAKeeewhy do you need them?23:55
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