IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-05-15

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alecrimtrying to install meego but facing problem with "Instalation only"   ... any other way?01:23
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fadhlyCan somebody tell me what is the role of Linux foundation in Meego?02:24
ShadowJKthey're the pope02:24
DawnFosterfadhly MeeGo is a Linux Foundation project - they own the trademarks, etc.02:24
DawnFosterdid you have a specific question?02:25
fadhlyI am a linux lover and would like to know is Meego is the Linux representer in Mobile computing02:27
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DawnFosterwell, it's built on the Linux kernel. The architecture diagram might help you understand our approach
DawnFosteractually, hang on I have a better version of that02:30
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fadhlyThanks, I just register in the community website02:31
fadhlyDo we expect to see products based on Meego soon ?02:32
DawnFosterhere: this is a better explanation of the technical pieces:
fadhlyThanks I will look at it02:32
DawnFosterwe'll have a community release with the netbook ui in  a couple of weeks.02:32
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fadhlyThank you for your help. I am not an iphone gui and would like to see Meego very successful02:36
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DawnFostergood luck02:37
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THK|g00fyhi there03:43
THK|g00fyany1 online?03:43
TSCHAKeee ;)03:43
THK|g00fyjust a short question: is there a way to change the input language in meego?03:43
thiago_homeTHK|g00fy: the input language of xterm?03:44
THK|g00fyjust started up meego03:44
thiago_homeTHK|g00fy: there's only one app: xterm03:45
thiago_homewell, two, if you cound the window manager03:45
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THK|g00fyactually I dont really know what you mean03:45
thiago_homeif you want to change its input language, do it like in any X: use setxkbmap03:45
THK|g00fyall I get is the command line03:45
thiago_homeare you running the ARM version?03:46
THK|g00fyno, the netbook03:46
THK|g00fyfor atom03:46
thiago_homeright, that one doesn't even have xterm03:46
thiago_homehave you started X on it?03:46
THK|g00fythats what i'm talking about03:47
THK|g00fyso how to change the input lang03:47
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thiago_homeuse loadkeys03:47
THK|g00fyneed more input...03:49
thiago_homejust start X instead03:49
thiago_homedon't try to configure the terminal, since you're not supposed to run console apps03:50
THK|g00fyX only brings a black screen with a "_" in the upper left corner03:52
THK|g00fyand now?03:52
thiago_homenow you start your app03:52
THK|g00fywhich app?03:52
thiago_homeyour app03:52
THK|g00fywhich app???03:52
thiago_homethe one you're developing03:52
THK|g00fyI'm not developing yet03:53
thiago_homethen you need to develop your app before you can run it03:53
THK|g00fyfirst i really need to change the input language03:53
thiago_homewhy does the input language matter?03:53
thiago_homeyou don't have an app yet03:53
THK|g00fycause its quite hard to write with a german keyboard with an activated american layout03:53
THK|g00fy<-- germany03:54
thiago_homewhy are you writing in the first place?03:54
thiago_homeyou don't have an app yet03:54
thiago_homeyou should develop the app first03:54
THK|g00fyas i already said: i am not a developer yet, only a user03:54
thiago_homeyou downloaded a developer version of MeeGo03:54
THK|g00fyi am just THINKING about to start dev03:54
thiago_homeit's not for end-users03:54
THK|g00fywhere is that said?03:55
thiago_homein all the notices about what this image is about03:55
thiago_homethis is an early developer code-drop03:55
thiago_homeif you're not developing this image, or apps for MeeGo, it's a bit too early03:55
THK|g00fywho ever said "you are not a developer? so you are not alloewd to use this!"03:55
thiago_homeyou are allowed to use it03:55
Myrttiit doesn't have any kind of GUI03:55
thiago_homein fact, you are using it right now03:55
THK|g00fyi already know this ^^03:55
thiago_homeyou're seeing, right now, all that it can do03:55
thiago_homethat black screen with a _ at the top03:56
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THK|g00fyguess it would be better to join a "how to program your first app in linux" channel03:57
thiago_homeyep, that may be03:58
THK|g00fysry for confusing... i just thought "hey, moblin is/was such a great experience for me... just try the next level.."03:59
thiago_homebut you got confused by what this code-drop is03:59
thiago_homethe full release is coming at the end of this month03:59
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THK|g00fycant wait any longer, hehe03:59
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THK|g00fyis the current meego version already able to connect to the internet?  (sry for stupidness :-p  )04:03
thiago_homeyes, connman is present04:04
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* TSCHAKeee facepalms again04:09
TSCHAKeeepeople never read04:09
THK|g00fyas I said... i am german04:10
THK|g00fyand there is no german documentation yet04:10
THK|g00fyso its quite hard for me to find all informations04:10
TSCHAKeeeit's mentioned in bold type next to the download link04:11
TSCHAKeeeand, every announcement mentions the fact that if you're not a developer04:11
TSCHAKeeeyou should not use it.04:11
TSCHAKeeestill more mention that there is only an xterm04:12
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THK|g00fyhmmm, you said that its mentioned somewhere... but can't find it04:13
THK|g00fywhen you say "dl link" do you mean "" ?04:14
TSCHAKeee"The available MeeGo repositories now include the operating system base from the Linux kernel to the OS infrastructure up to the middleware layer. The downloadable images available now will boot from a CD or from a USB stick, but since the MeeGo User Experiences for the usage models are not yet included in today's MeeGo core, these images will boot into terminal."04:14
THK|g00fyso what?04:15
THK|g00fycan't find a mention about the ability to copnnect to the www04:15
TSCHAKeeeyou're an idiot.04:15
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THK|g00fyan you are quite unkind04:16
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TSCHAKeeeTHK|g00fy: I picked a random link off google:
TSCHAKeeeTHK|g00fy: and oh look, another random link:
TSCHAKeeewow man04:17
TSCHAKeeeif you spend04:17
TSCHAKeee5 seconds on google04:17
TSCHAKeeereading articles04:17
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TSCHAKeeeyou'll get the message! :)04:17
THK|g00fyok, got it...04:19
THK|g00fy"only pros should use it, cause no UI!"04:20
THK|g00fyalready knew that04:20
THK|g00fybut i am a practical person04:20
THK|g00fyaka "firestarter"04:20
THK|g00fylearning by doing04:20
THK|g00fyever heard about it04:20
THK|g00fyguess so04:20
TSCHAKeeeyes. but. even when I jump into a project, I do a little looking around, first.04:21
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THK|g00fyfirst: a pro also was a noob before learning something, right?04:21
THK|g00fyan i WANT to learn04:21
THK|g00fyso i thought "ask someon in the irc.. perhaps they might help you, in a KIND way..."04:22
TSCHAKeeethe first MeeGo code drop, was done so that people could see the core and middleware pieces of the system04:22
TSCHAKeeeI am sorry for snapping at you,04:22
TSCHAKeeebut please understand, this question gets answered repeatedly04:22
THK|g00fyaccepted *handshake*04:22
TSCHAKeeebasically, if you don't know what you're getting with this version of the release, it's not for you.04:23
THK|g00fyokay... in this case i will wait until the first ui-included version is released... gonna be a haaaard time for me ;)04:24
TSCHAKeeeok. if you want to see an idea of the UI, you can get an older version of Moblin04:24
THK|g00fyso it gonna be quite the same first? good2know04:24
THK|g00fycause moblin 2.1 is still my main os04:25
THK|g00fyreally love it04:25
THK|g00fybut still 2 many bugs04:25
THK|g00fyok, last try: is there a way to change the input language via cmd line? Yes / No / facepalm!04:26
THK|g00fyaaaaaand good night (3:27 local time)04:28
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breezescuti encounter a problem,please help05:56
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chronim"Widelands uses sound in OGG format, and Maemo SDL_Mixer is compiled without OGG support.13:56
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lbtit's kinda interesting
lbtI'd be quite grateful if someone could point me at a python library to handle rpm files14:20
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DocScrutinizerlbt: wouldn't os.system("path/to/rpm -option foo") just do?14:25
lbtwell, yes...14:25
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lbtbut I want to process all the files in a release on a regular basis in a reasonable time14:26
lbtalthough, frankly, the way rpm lacks any decent policy on naming etc makes it stunningly hard14:27
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glinpuspython-rpm is what yum, smart use14:28
lbtglinpus: ta... any docs?14:28
lbt<giggle> I meant useable ones...14:29
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lbtthe more I work with rpm the more I like deb... and it has nothing to do with technical ability and everything to do with quality, policy and docs14:31
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lbtso far I've spent about 30 mins just looking for some docs.14:32
glinpusit doesn't help that rpm has splintered14:36
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lbtand here's some python sample code
lbtnote the slight problem given python's indentation requirements... :)14:42
lbt"Furthermore, if you look into the .c files that make up the Python bindings, you can find PyMethodDef structure tables. These tables provide useful glimpses into the Python API."14:43
lbtie "Read the raw C code for vague hints"... and that's in the official docs.14:44
lbtsod it ... I've got better things to do with my time14:44
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marcotouch@find roobin hood18:12
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th0br0Long live Zathras! Oh and hello :)20:02
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* thiago_home is in SG-1 mode now20:07
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th0br0:P thiago_home I personally dislike most of the SG-1 seasons. they are kind of boring and repeating.20:17
CosmoHillhey th0br0 and thiago_home20:18
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th0br0heya CosmoHill20:19
th0br0How are your assignments faring?20:19
CosmoHillI handed in web design yesterday20:19
CosmoHillthanks for asking20:19
CosmoHillI quickly made a animated image in photoshop an hour before i handed it in20:19
CosmoHillwhich is hard cos I don't have photoshop :/20:20
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CosmoHillI'll let you guys know about the results if you want them when i get them20:24
* lbt abandonded meego today... rpm ... ugh20:25
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lbtgood news is that I got maemo-extras building on the OBS :)20:25
lbtwhich paves the way for a obs20:26
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lbtwhich in turn may encourage a meego obs20:26
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TSCHAK2and my moblin netbook just ate itself20:27
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Natty2K10hi all23:54
Natty2K10whats up??23:55
CosmoHillceiling cat23:55
CosmoHillno he's not watching me do that23:56
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Natty2K10did anyone tried mqstardict???23:57
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