IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2010-05-05

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pinchartlis there a meego kernel developer here ? why does store patches in a quilt series instead of using a normal kernel tree ?00:03
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drizztbsdpinchartl: ?00:06
pinchartldrizztbsd: points to the meego kernel repository on gitorious where "all the development happens". that's basically a quilt series with a bunch of scripts. I can't believe development really happens there00:08
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drizztbsd I noticed it too, maybe quilt tree is faster to manager00:09
drizztbsdor easyer00:09
jannegpinchartl: the goal for meego is it to use a vanilla upstream kernel00:09
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drizztbsdjanneg: and the n900 binary blobs?00:10
pinchartljanneg: that's a goal we probably all agree with, but the truth is kernel development is still required. patches should be pushed to mainline, but they need to be developed somewhere00:11
pinchartldrizztbsd: are there n900 binary blobs in the kernel ?00:11
pinchartldrizztbsd: if so, do you know which ones ?00:11
drizztbsdthe battery controller00:11
pinchartldrizztbsd: do you know the module name ?00:11
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drizztbsdBME, WLAN, BT00:13
drizztbsdthe /lib/firware directory00:14
pinchartlah, firmware is another issue, yes00:14
pinchartlbut WLAN is open-source as far as I can tell00:15
pinchartlchecking bluetooth and BME00:15
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pinchartlthe BT driver seems to be open-source too00:16
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pinchartlso, if I understand things correctly, product vendors (Intel, Nokia and others) need to push their kernel patches to mainline before they get accepted into Meego ?00:20
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pupniki will donate money to fixed alsa00:20
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:36
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tripzeropinchartl, yes, it has been intel's policy to push upstream first instead of forking upstream and dabbling in your own mess like other platforms do.00:36
thiago_homepupnik: that will be a lot of money...00:40
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pinchartltripzero: does that work in practice ? there's the upstreaming delays on one side, and the time to market on the other side. I can't believe vendors won't release products with non-upstream code :-)00:44
tripzeropinchartl, i think it works very well.  development cycles in meego are generally longer than the kernel dev cycle so any upstream patches intel pushes are usually stable by the time we need to release.00:45
tripzerogetting them in the kernel mainline also helps get additional eyes and testers on the code that wouldn't have access to it normally00:46
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pinchartltripzero: so your kernel has absolutely no hack ?00:47
pinchartltripzero: not a single patch that hasn't been pushed upstream ? :-)00:47
tripzerofinally, pushing enhancements to upstream benefits IA across most segments, not just moblin/meego00:47
pinchartlI fully agree that enhancements need to be pushed upstream00:48
pinchartlbut what about security frameworks for instance ?00:48
tripzeropinchartl, honestly, i have no clue if we have any non-upstream patches or if it's pure vanilla atm00:48
pinchartllike the one developped for maemo 600:48
pinchartlI doubt it will ever get mainstreamed00:48
tripzeroiirc, that hasn't landed in the open world at all00:48
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thiago_homepinchartl: it's not contradictory00:49
thiago_homepatches should go upstream first00:49
thiago_homethat's the rule00:49
tripzeropinchartl, it could very well be mainstremed. just a non-default option is all00:49
thiago_homebranching and patching is the exception00:49
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pinchartlthiago_home: you think the maemo6 security framework has a change to get upstream ?00:52
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thiago_homeI have no idea what the framework is or does00:53
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thiago_homethe only thing I ever heard that might be remotely related was the attempt to make the D-Bus daemon block and ask the user for permissions when passing messages00:54
thiago_homeand I told them specifically for that case that the chances were "no way in hell"00:54
thiago_homeand I'm a D-Bus maintainer00:54
pinchartlthe kernel security framework adds hooks to various core subsystems. google did the same with android, and the patches got rejected00:58
pinchartlbut maybe they didn't do it right00:58
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pinchartlanyway, time for bed01:04
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* CosmoHill got home at 11:20pm :o01:36
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slaineCosmoHill: I feel your pain01:45
slaineI'm still working01:45
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CosmoHillI have a class diagram now :D01:47
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CosmoHillI can't get IRC at uni01:52
CosmoHillnot without a ssh tunnel01:52
CosmoHillit's cool cos it was just me and simon01:54
CosmoHillso we got a far bit done01:54
e-yesHello all. I've a little question about N900-Meego image. After flashing it, is it possible to charge battery? Is it possible somehow to check/display current battery status?01:55
CosmoHilli think there are two n900 images01:56
CosmoHilland they handle the battery in different ways01:56
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e-yesyes. is it possible for open source image? or, at least, for closed img?02:00
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CosmoHillthe open source image you should be able to get the src.rpm files from the repo02:02
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e-yesis there any open source 'replacement' for BME? and how much is it functional?02:03
CosmoHilli have no idea02:05
CosmoHillbut I'm sure someone else02:05
CosmoHillnight night e-yes and slingr02:05
slaineyeah, time I hit the hay too02:06
CosmoHillyou at home or work?02:06
slaineworked from home today02:06
slainei'm right beside my bed02:06
slaineit's calling me02:06
slaine3 more files to edit and then I'm done02:06
e-yesI work at home always. So I don't know where am I:)02:08
CosmoHillI'm staying late at uni02:08
CosmoHilli get more work done with simon :)02:08
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slainenight then02:12
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TSCHAKno Netbook UX code02:28
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Termanagood morning03:33
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* TSCHAK bummed that none of the UX code is checked in04:17
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sandsmarkI can only get a-z working when typing in the qemu image04:20
sandsmark(no uppercase, numbers, or -'s)04:20
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TermanaTSCHAK, I think it will be checked in with the 1.0 release. Don't quote me on that though, cause I might be wrong.04:21
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antonfI meet belowing Error while build meego iso from trunk repo:09:20
antonfError: failed to create image : Failed to build transaction : system-config-date-1.9.36-20.1.noarch requires gnome-python2-canvas09:21
antonfI checked, there is no gnome-python2-canvas package.09:22
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Stskeepsmorning slaine11:27
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slainemorning Stskeeps11:32
slainerefreshed I hope11:32
Stskeepsyeah, a bit better11:34
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slaineOh, wednesday already11:39
slaineTSG meeting tonight11:39
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StskeepsWAHa_06x36: jkirdner is also looking at beagle/meego i think - you two should coordinate11:52
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slaineDid you get any further with your watchdog problem WAHa_06x3612:02
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lbtslaine: pin12:11
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lbtwe're making progress on the RWG front as per emails12:12
lbtI'm building a system that will be a community OBS12:12
slaineis this all happening on the community list ?12:12
lbtit will be on -dev AFAI12:13
slainegrand, that's the only one I'm signed up to at the moment12:13
lbtalthough quim seems to have re-defined -dev.... which was a surprise12:13
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slaineindeed, he seems to have turned into a moderator of late12:14
lbtremind me ... were we discussing rpm 'training' ?12:14
pupniklooks like my registration problem only occurred with yahoo mail12:14
lbtages ago?12:14
Stskeepsredefined -dev?12:14
lbtStskeeps: as "platform dev only"12:14
lbthe redirected app-dev to -sdk/forum12:14
slaineas in not a developers list, but platform dev list12:15
lbtwhich kinda blew me away12:15
Stskeepswell, that might make sense to some degree12:15
TermanaBut isn't that the original intent of -dev?12:15
slaineI thought it was a list for developers12:15
slainenot just platform12:15
lbtyeah, except -sdk was about developing an sdk I thought12:15
lbtand what defines 'platform'12:15
slaineI've the same understanding12:15
lbtplus it ain't excatly bulging at the seams :)12:16
slainelbt, re the rpm training, I think it was th0br0 that was mentioning getting some Fedora heads together to offer some training online12:16
Stskeepsif things pick up more, -dev would be a horrid place to subscribe to12:16
lbtStskeeps: yes. but that's the time to start splitting it12:16
slaineWait 'til this time next month12:16
Stskeepslbt: old habits die hard :/12:16
Stskeepsie, split is better to do early than late12:17
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lbtit's a ml, not a forum... we have tools you know ;)12:17
slainewe should all have meego 1.0 in our hands (or on our laps, depending on hardware) and the list will explode12:17
lbtStskeeps: I disagree - a split increases the chances of missing something12:17
Stskeepswell, each his own opinion :)12:17
lbtright now we need to maximise awareness of activity12:17
Stskeepsi don't like the lack of Reply-to: for instance12:18
* lbt reply-alls12:18
Stskeepsand i also like splits because it aids metrics12:18
* lbt likes lkml12:18
lbtif it works for them...12:18
Stskeepswhich will come back to us again as a valuable tool12:18
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TheBootroowhen will the garage be opened ?12:19
* lbt pings th0br0 for rpm training support :)12:19
lbtTheBootroo: I'm working on it12:20
slaineTheBootroo: you keep asking the same questions12:20
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TheBootroolbt: you re charged of garage admin ?12:20
TheBootrooslaine: :-)12:20
lbtI'm not "in charge" of anything... but X-Fade and I are working on getting something up and running12:21
slainelbt, who supplied the hardware in the end ?12:21
pupnikhow is that possible without access to server12:21
slainepupnik: snap, haha12:22
lbtwe will be looking for people to alpha/beta-test the processes. They'll need a damned good justification to be part of the alpha-test group though12:22
slaineI rock12:22
slainedoes that count ?12:22
lbtslaine: we have a small server from maemo.org12:22
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lbtslaine: submit and see... you only get one submission :)12:22
TheBootrooi'm a roxxxin hard Qt dev, can I test ?  ;-)12:23
lbtsigh. that was 2 potential testers down at the first hurdle.... "What do you do to make lbt's life easier?"12:23
TheBootroocoffee ?12:24
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slainelol, So it's favors your after then lbt. I didn't know it was gonna be that kinda party12:24
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TermanaI can't remember exactly who was involved but there was a thread on the mailing list where someone said they had an n900 to help, and someone replied "I think Nokia has enough n900s" (or something like that). I lol'12:25
TheBootroowhy ?12:26
lbtheh... I will put out an email. And yes, I'm looking for people who can bring something significant to the party: process knowledge, experience with relevant systems/tools etc etc12:26
TermanaTheBootroo, can't you see the funny in that? :P12:26
pupnikbecause the poster apparently thought having a N900 was sufficient to assist with meego12:26
slainelbt, I would actually be interested in repackaging my moblin repo's rpms for x86 meego, so if there's space and that's something you'd like to test, give me a shout when you're ready.12:26
TheBootroonot really .... that's true and false12:26
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slaineTermana: it was probably TheBootroo that sent that email12:27
Termana:P meany12:27
TheBootrooi'm not on the mailing list12:27
pupnikprobably TheBootroo's dad12:27
lbtslaine: OK. I'll forget - but hopefully we'll get a thread going and there'll be a point to jump in.12:27
TheBootrooi have an N900 and i'm keeping it12:27
slaineI'll keep an eye out so12:27
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TheBootroopupnik: my father doesn't have a N900, even if he really wanted to12:28
slaineI'm somewhat familiar with .spec files too, so I may be able to offer some help there12:28
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TheBootroodo you think that there are some Nokia devs who have already a Meego 1.0 preview release running with preliminary Ui on their N900 ?12:30
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slaineTheBootroo: of course, it's already be discussed by our benevolent dictators12:30
slaines/be /been /12:30
infobotslaine meant: TheBootroo: of course, it's already been discussed by our benevolent dictators12:30
TheBootrooso ?12:31
TheBootrooit may happen a big leak like iPhone 4G one ?12:31
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StskeepsTheBootroo: no, everyone is running xterm with emacs inside ;)12:32
TheBootroothey're not testing the UX ?12:32
Stskeepsemacs is a UX ;)12:32
TheBootrooor have they all just an Iphone ?12:32
TheBootrooStskeeps: Emacs is not the handheld UX12:33
Stskeepsi would like to wager that emacs would be an excellent handheld u12:33
TheBootrooslaine: i know these 3 screenshots but are they the only one on the whole web ?12:34
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slaineand they weren't properly "released" by the meego team, so it might not even be accurate12:35
TheBootrooi hate 'artistic blur'12:36
slaineStskeeps: I'd rather use vim12:36
TheBootrooslaine: shame on you ^^^12:36
TheBootrooi would rather use QtCreator 2.012:37
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timelesshrm, didn't kwork13:51
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Stskeepsyeah, reggies upgrading them both15:11
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thiagoboth of one?15:11 and one15:11
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wazdheya people16:48
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TSCHAKeee if the released browser is going to be the loosely integrated chromium17:12
TSCHAKeeelike i am running here17:12
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TSCHAKeeei am going to throw up17:12
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* TSCHAKeee wonders why the hell they got rid of the browser as a tab17:12
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lbtjedix: ask in here jedix17:13
jedixdoes anyone know where the armv7 repo is?17:14
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lbtyou can lie to it and use the armv5el rpms in the :armv7el though17:14
lbtthen, create a project and build armv7el using armv5el to bootstrap17:15
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lbtStskeeps may know about armv7el17:15
jedixso I need to grab an entire copy of armv517:16
TSCHAKeeeso um, where's the next version of Mer?17:16
* TSCHAKeee chuckles and dodges the nerf darts17:16
lbtTSCHAKeee: OT, take it to #mer17:16
TSCHAKeeeAIIIEEE! *DODGE-BAZOOKA-FROM-stskeeps* just kidding! just kiddiinggg!!17:16
* w00t_ hands lbt a bigger stick17:17
jedixis there an rsync host or do I have to use wget?17:17
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lbtrsync? what centrury do you think this is?17:17
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lbtwe're talking Intel here....17:17
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* lbt hands jedix some 10baseT17:18
jedixwell, what's the best way to grab the entire package set?17:18
Fatalwhat's wrong with rsync now?17:18
lbtwget --mirror --no-parent --some other crap17:18
* w00t_ senses that someone's sarcasm detector is failing17:19
Fataloh.. god...17:19
lbtjedix: that link I gave you.... look in there17:19
jedixokay, it's going for armv517:21
jedixso I should follow that entire site?17:21
jedixlbt: you mentioned a static busybox?17:23
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lbtjedix: not the entire site... that's a complex mishmash for fremantle that's WIP at the moment17:24
lbtIt uses the rpm cross build process which I think needs static busybox.17:25
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lbtNB if you get this working can you document what you do in intimate detail please?17:25
jedixI will try, for sure17:26
jedixbut to get to this point was hell17:26
jedixie: vmware->qemu->vbox to just get the image going17:26
jedixthen vbox wasn't working right for the obs17:27
jedixthe web stuff was not reachable17:27
lbtmmm xen :)17:27
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TSCHAKeeeand i thought the linuxmce build system was insane17:27
* jedix -> coffee17:27
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lbtTSCHAKeee: OBS is wonderful17:33
* lbt is serious :)17:33
* lbt goes for coffee too17:33
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jedixoh sweet coffee17:36
jedixOBS is wonderful?17:37
slainejedix, you should be able to write a script to pull down all the packages17:37
jedixslaine: wget can do it..17:37
slaineI did one last year to get all the moblin stuff17:37
jedixnot sure what you mean17:37
slaineI probably just didn't know how to use wget to get the directory I wanted17:37
jedixI have the src.rpm's17:37
jedixjust grabbing the amrv5 stuff17:38
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jedixso I can bootstrap the puppy17:38
slaineI pulled down all the .src.rpm's to rebuild them17:38
slaineepic fail17:38
slainehopefully they've sorted their packaging this time around17:38
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jedixoh god17:38
jedixdon't tell me I'm setup for an epic fail17:38
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slainejedix: here's an example17:41
Stskeepsjedix: i'd wait personally17:42
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jedixwhat I don't get is this page says it's uisng a repositories17:44
jedixI can't use them17:45
jedixStskeeps: it's either wait or try myself17:45
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jedixlbt: so are the repositories important in this setup?17:48
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slainejedix: alot of it is probably still behind the iron curtain17:51
jedixslaine: yeah, that's why I'm wondering if it's necessary17:52
slainei'd imagine it is as a lot of necessary stuff is still behind said curtain17:52
jedixlooking at the howto, they're using debian/ubuntu to bootstrap.. which doesn't really make sense but maybe it doesn't matter, maybe it's just for the inital build17:52
slaineI see the Moorsetown chip is finally out, now called the Atom Z60017:54
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slaineinteresting stuff18:03
TSCHAKeeeand what's that they show on the screen?18:05
TSCHAKeeeof course18:05
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slaineStock phone photo though18:06
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thiagoit's an Aava Mobile phone18:11
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thiagohow do I order one?18:13
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lbtjedix: that webpage was about building fremantle on obs, not meego.18:15
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lbtit's not a howto... it's a "oh, right. Maybe I could try something like that" guide18:15
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jedixlbt: yeah, just wondering if the repos are necessary18:16
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jedixbecuase they seemed to be when I was playing with it18:16
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lbtwhat do you mean by repo.18:17
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slainewhat repository18:24
slainemeego arm repo's or maemo ones18:24
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slaineOh god NO18:54
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slaineIntel GMA 600 Graphics – Integrated power-optimized 2-D/3-D graphics with up to 400MHz graphics core frequency, support for OpenGL ES2.0, Open GL 2.1, and OpenVG 1.1, and hardware-accelerated7 HD video7 decode (MPEG4 part 2, H.264, WMV & VC1) and encode18:55
slaine(MPEG4 part2, H.264). Supports internal display up to 1366 x 768 LVDS or 1024 x 600 MIPI.18:55
slaineThat's what's on the Atom Z60018:55
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Bostikslaine: I was under the impression that the major problem with poulsbo/GMA500 was that Intel didn't acquire full rights to the system but only licensed the core; hence they never had specs to give out, and even the drivers were written by someone else19:00
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slaineBostik: precisely.19:08
slainelovely hardware, little support19:08
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Bostikone can hope they had learned the lesson19:09
Bostikbut this is real life, so not much chance of that happening19:10
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slaineIt's possible that the IEGD team have gotten upto speed with the driver code19:14
slaineit was a long time ago that Tungsten Graphics wrote the original driver for them.19:15
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* CosmoHill offers people cheese toasties19:20
slaineAwe dude, that's just wrong19:21
CosmoHillno, bottle guy is wrong19:21
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slaineQ: "Why don't doctors give cervical exams to women over 65 ?19:23
slaineA: "Have you ever tried to open a cheese toastie ?"19:23
CosmoHillewww wtf19:23
DawnFosterok, people19:23
* slaine runs for cover19:23
DawnFosterJust letting you know i'm paying attention :)19:23
CosmoHilli was talking about the food19:24
DawnFosterCosmoHill - you're in the clear, but Slaine is lucky he ran for cover :)19:24
slainealmost are rumbled as this guy,
slaines/ are / as /19:24
infobotslaine meant: almost as rumbled as this guy,
CosmoHillI feel pretty tired19:26
tripzeroyou look pretty tired19:26
slaineCosmoHill: yeah, me too. And I've another late night tonight19:27
CosmoHillwhat you working on?19:27
slainecustomized linux distro19:29
slainebased on Fedora at the moment19:29
CosmoHilli have a small custom one for my server19:29
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slaineI need one for our hospital units and set top boxes19:29
slainewe've got a hand rolled one that's mostly ok, I'm working on the tools to create, package, distribute it19:30
slainefrom scratch19:30
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th0br0heya everyone19:34
CosmoHillhey th0br019:35
th0br0let's see what tonight's meeting will bring19:35
CosmoHillI'm watching Ultimate Police Chases: Nowwhere to run19:35
CosmoHillit's horrible editing19:35
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CosmoHilleven tho they've redone it with an english narrator19:36
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th0br0what is / was the original language?19:36
CosmoHillit's just toned down a bit19:36
CosmoHilland less annoying19:36
CosmoHillstill the editing is all over the place19:38
CosmoHillthe story is linear but the video clips aren't19:38
slaineth0br0: looking forward to the "* Upcoming Release" agenda item :)19:40
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CosmoHillslaine: I have two assignments due in friday19:45
slainestop watching car crash tv then19:46
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CosmoHillmy biggest problem now is the report19:46
slainethe non-coding part ?19:46
slaineyeah, no motivation to those parts19:46
CosmoHilli think I'll watch a movie19:47
CosmoHillthen work on it after dinner19:47
CosmoHillmy game is almost finished19:47
CosmoHilli have a strong urge to watch Roborts19:48
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CosmoHillwhat I'd like is a good computer monitor that can also handle 16:9 stuff from the DVD or sky box19:51
CosmoHillI do like that the first thing you see is "Do turn your mobile phones off and reframe from talking"19:52
CosmoHillthe only DVD I've seen that has it19:52
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jedixslaine: that's what I'm saying20:04
jedixthere are no meego repos20:04
jedixand there's no choice in obs to use maemo20:04
jedixso wth do I do?20:04
slaineyou wait, like we said earlier20:05
slaineit's all still behind the iron curtain20:05
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jedixbut the srpms are out20:06
jedixI can't wait20:06
wolfalohalanijust for command line, jedix20:06
wolfalohalanino ui yet20:06
slainethere's lots of inconsistencies. there's kickstart files that are public that reference repo urls that are closed etc.20:07
slaineit's a bit of a mess atm. But should clear up over the coming weeks20:07
jedixso the equilivant n900 image x support?20:07
wolfalohalaniyes, i think everyone's pretty busy knitting together the codebase20:08
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slainetime to commute20:16
slainecatch you all later20:16
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wolfalohalaniso, am i correct in thinking that the meeting is in a little more than 30 minutes?20:20
thiago_homeno, you're not20:21
thiago_homeit's 99 minutes away20:21
thiago_home19:00 UTC20:21
CosmoHillhey thiago_home20:21
thiago_homehey CosmoHill20:21
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CosmoHillI'm happy with the code for my assignment :)20:22
thiago_homebut the important question is whether your professor is happy with it too :-P20:23
thiago_home(or the assistant)20:23
CosmoHilli think he's alright with it :020:24
CosmoHillit's due in friday20:24
CosmoHilli need to do a 1500 word report on it20:24
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wolfalohalaniah, okay - I'm an hour off20:24
wolfalohalanii'm not correcting for daylight savings20:25
wolfalohalanihey Cosmo, what are you writing?20:25
CosmoHilla text based rpg game20:25
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wolfalohalanithat sounds like fun20:26
CosmoHilldepends how my work is going20:26
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wolfalohalanilike a mush?20:26
TSCHAKeee@ <-- the icon for a spiraling vortex of pop culture hell20:26
wolfalohalaniyeah, it was a text-based rpg20:27
wolfalohalaniwell more like a kind of software you could use to play a rpg20:27
wolfalohalanithere were mush'es, moo's, one called tinyMush...20:27
wolfalohalanithis was right before mosaic released20:28
wolfalohalaniprobably no one uses them at all now20:28
* TSCHAKeee remembers20:28
TSCHAKeee<-- old grey haired bastard20:29
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CosmoHillI'm not old or grey haired20:29
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DawnFosterQuick reminder that the TSG meeting starts in 55 minutes (19:00 UTC).21:04
thebootroook thx21:05
DawnFosterAgenda / logistics here:
th0br0Cheers, DawnFoster :)21:05
DawnFostercheers th0br021:05
th0br0oh, i meant it as "thanks", not bye ;)21:05
th0br0btw, just *where* does the community come into play in that meego structure graph?21:06
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DawnFosterth0br0 - people can participate in almost any area.21:10
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DawnFosterright now, most of the people running those functions will be intel / nokia until people start contributing and rise up in the ranks based on merit21:11
DawnFosterFor example, in the community office, we have people outside of Intel / Nokia in key positions - like Reggie who runs the forum21:12
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DawnFosterIn the program office, localization has tons of contributions from people doing community translations.21:12
DawnFosteranyone can submit bugs, contribute patches, etc.21:13
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th0br0 what about community-run initiatives?21:15
th0br0I don't really see any place for that in there.21:15
th0br0.seen lbt21:15
th0br0.any lbt21:16
wolfalohalanimorning Dawn21:16
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DawnFosterCommunity run initiatives can happen anywhere21:18
DawnFosterwherever they make the most sense.21:18
DawnFostersome might fall under the community office, while others, like localization, fall into other areas21:19
wolfalohalaniDawn, I'm just getting ramped up - do the TSG's happen every week at the same time?21:19
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StskeepsDawnFoster: your topic got cut off in the meeting room21:20
DawnFosterthe TSGs happen every week at the same time.21:23
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DawnFosterif we cancel them, you'll see a note at the top of the TSG wiki page:
DawnFosterstskeeps - thanks - should be fixed now21:23
wolfalohalaniokay, thanks21:23
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StskeepsDawnFoster: when things step up something like ubuntu's 'fridge' meeting calendar could be nice21:28
Stskeepsie, show when the meeting room is booked21:28
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VDVsxStskeeps, what about mfe ? </troll> :D21:31
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DawnFosterstskeeps: yeah, we'll need something like that21:34
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DawnFosteroops :)21:50
jedixSo.. I have a repo made, but I don't know how to setup a Cross compile for OBS21:50
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demee_hi all21:50
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wolfalohalanihello again jedix21:52
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lbtslaine: I propose we update the protocol to include a "raise hand for question"22:25
slaineI thought the whole point of putting QUESTION in front of a comment was that it was noted and addressed in due course22:25
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DawnFosterslaine the problem is that questions get lost. We've had times where we're like 10 questions behind - it's too hard to manage22:26
slaineSo how do I ask a question then ?22:26
DawnFosterwait until this question is wrapping up22:26
slaine(it had gone quiet when I started typing it, so I thought everyone had said their piece)22:27
DawnFosterno worries - we'll wrap this one up22:27
lbtslaine: that's why we need a raise hands :)22:27
DawnFosterwe're still working out the bugs in the process :)22:28
lbtslaine: I'll be looking for beta testers RSN for the meego-community OBS that we're building22:30
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lbtslaine: and make sure you cc -dev on the mail to Imad :) ...22:31
tekojoslaine the idea with extras is pretty much to host your type of thing22:31
slainetotally, but as arjan points out, that might not always be the case22:32
tekojolegal questions naturally need to be looked at sure, but at least the wlan drivers are clean?22:32
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slainewell, that depends on who to you talk to22:33
slaineGregKH took exception to me providing a binary rpm of the broadcom drivers as he sees any kernel drivers as derivative works and therefore covered by the GPL22:34
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slaineI respected his position and came up with a more complicated source rpm route22:35
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tekojowhich works nicely, but is hard to distribute22:35
slaineyes, took a good bit work to make it as simple as possible22:36
* lbt stomps all over lcuk22:37
th0br0thanks lbt for posing that question earlier ;)22:37
slaineyes, I was going to follow up, WHEN THE TIME WAS RIGHT, ;)22:37
lcukits ok lbt i was OT - thought we were on other business and arjans point piqued interest22:37
th0br0but I'm happy to see some constructive tsg meeting today22:39
lcukmeeto :)22:39
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lcukformatting and balance is very comfortable and people are managing to speak clearly22:40
lcukeven when misfires occur22:40
lbtarjan: I'm just prodding about mic2 vs kiwi... IMHO you should aim to move away from mic222:41
lbtbut clearly not until something meets the needs22:41
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Stskeepswell, at least the project structure looks sane22:44
Stskeepseven though some annotation would be good22:44
arjanlbt: I disagree.22:45
arjanlbt: kiwi is not there yet. and also, sometimes it's ok to be leading in some area rather than following.22:45
lbtOK but you did say "=0"22:45
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ezjd__I wasn't there when meeting started. But I have an impression now is that MeeGo will be a distribution only and any "dev projects" will be treated similar like other upstream projects like Am I right?22:46
arjanezjd__: more or less, but they're still under the meego name/project22:47
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arjanit's ok to take credit for the work we all do for meego22:47
thiago_homethen there are the apps22:47
arjanwe're not, say, ubuntu or some other integration-only distro22:47
thiago_homesample and real apps for each segment22:47
Stskeepsezjd__: that's probably good though22:47
dhqdoes meego have better maps than maemo522:47
lbtezjd__: not quite... we think the Extras-ish will help22:47
thiago_homelike the desktop/homescreen22:47
thiago_homedhq: not yet22:48
dhqthankx for the info :)22:48
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lbtarjan: I know how important security is. I am not surprised it's being done right. I just want to see it explicitly :)22:48
ezjd__That sounds OK to me. My next question is that for a dev project like UI framework I am interested, will it run pretty much independent to MeeGo?22:49
thiago_homehmm... not so much22:49
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thiago_homeits main goal is to provide a UI framework for meego, so it can't be that independent22:50
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lbtthiago_home: but it would be nice to ensure it is not "designed to be unuseable"22:51
lbtie it uses standard apis, is freedesktop compliant etc.22:51
ezjd__thiago_home: But I though it will be easy to use MeeGo framework on other distribution since the underlying infrastructure is very similar.22:51
thiago_homewell, it might be designed to be used on meego only22:51
thiago_homemaking it work on other distros may not be easy22:52
thiago_homefor example, current Maemo SDKs use Scratchbox. That's a PITA to get working outside of Debian 32-bit based distros.22:52
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lbtthiago_home: give me a week...22:53
lbtwe have a community OBS running22:53
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thiago_homeI don't want an OBS. I want to build on my own machine.22:53
thiago_homebut fortunately, I've already built my own toolchain. It works just fine.22:54
lbtthen you don't understand OBS :)22:54
thiago_homeexcept Creator is hardcoded to think that "anything that isn't MADDE is Desktop"22:54
TSCHAKeeewhose fault is that?22:54
thiago_homethe berlin guys, of course, but I didn't insist on a fix because I know they have more important things to do.22:54
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lbtooh, shiney....we're getting a gui...22:56
lbtand by the sound of it... xeyes too!22:56
thiago_homewhat? no more xterm only?22:56
DawnFosterlbt: dang, and I was hoping we'd keep the fancy terminal window as the UI :)22:56
microlithwoohoo, xeyes!22:56
slaineDawnFoster: can I ask a question now ? Or should I keep waiting ?22:56
thiago_homexeyes for touch interface :-)22:56
lbtthey're letting in the riff raff now :)22:56
DawnFosterWe're about out of time22:56
ezjd__Looks like to me that the UI is Moblin UI only :)22:57
Stskeepsi think some questions or #meego afterdiscussion might be worthwhile personally22:58
Stskeepshandset UX not being part is a bit of a shocker :)22:58
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Stskeeps(even though it does lessen the pain a bit that it's coming out soon after.)22:58
lbtsound like a scheduling issue?22:58
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Stskeepsprobably a team that didn't deliver22:58
Stskeeps(so it goes everywhere)22:59
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TSCHAKeeeno handset UX?22:59
lbtTSCHAKeee: +1 hr22:59
slainethey couldn't get back from Beijing in time ;)22:59
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: nah, just delayed22:59
TSCHAKeeeshit i missed it again?22:59
TSCHAKeeetoday has totally sucked22:59
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lbtreally pleased to see the "structure" diagram... thanks DawnFoster :)23:00
TSCHAKeeegirlfriend dumped me, another job offer told me no, broke, electrics about to be turned off, rent not paid.23:00
lbtouch TSCHAKeee :(23:00
lbtheh... I hear MeeGo is hiring....23:00
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StskeepsTSCHAKeee: perfect time to apply for a job at meego devices23:01
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slaineOh really ?23:01
DawnFosterstskeeps: we're having some issues with the meetbot - none of the topics appeared in the minutes23:01
StskeepsDawnFoster: hmm.23:01
vgradeNo loss tere23:01
lbtyeah distmaster... go debug it23:01
StskeepsDawnFoster: i'll take a look23:01
GAN900thiago_home, the first time I installed the xeyes widget on Fremantle I had my N900 sitting on my desk. Tapped all over the screen trying to get them to move before I realized it was accelerometer based. . . .23:01
DawnFosterTSCHAKeee: yikes - sorry about your day23:01
slaineI saw them earlier ( was 10 mins late and looked at the online log)23:01
* lbt makes a note never to write a quick script to help someone out....23:01
lcuklbt he would debug it, but the OBS wont build the debug tools :p23:02
StskeepsDawnFoster: i think one of the issues might have been that it wasn't opped from start on23:02
Stskeepsi'll quickly test that theory23:02
thiago_homeGAN900: hehehe23:02
th0br0DawnFoster: uh, as long as the logs are complete23:02
th0br0you can always just replay them23:02
th0br0I guess the <'s and >'s might have confused meetbot23:02
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th0br0oh nvm he's already add that ,)23:02
lcukGAN900, xeyes is the first time any of liqbase code was integrated into another app o_O23:02
th0br0s/add that/at it/23:03
infobotth0br0 meant: oh nvm he's already at it ,)23:03
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StskeepsDawnFoster: yeah, i think it was that :/23:03
StskeepsDawnFoster: i'll see if there's some commands for log replay23:03
th0br0btw, lbt, what's that about obs and you?23:03
lbtth0br0: rpm school!23:03
th0br0Stskeeps: afair there are.23:03
th0br0lbt: yes?23:03
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lbtth0br0: I'm setting up an OBS with X-Fade23:03
th0br0for teacing packaging?23:04
lbtit will be a prototype for the community OBS for Maemo and MeeGo23:04
lbtso, 2 topics th0br0 :)23:04
th0br0:) ok, cool.23:04
lbt1. Community OBS (as you asked about)23:04
th0br0community OBS MeeGo -> repository wg?23:04
lbt2. RPM training (I need help)23:04
lbtyes community OBS MeeGo -> repository wg23:05
th0br0go ahead, I'll try to help you as best as i can.23:05
StskeepsDawnFoster: if you give me a bit i'll see if i can make a new log that fixes things :)23:05
lbtgod it's hard when you interleave irc with yourself23:05
th0br0that's great to hear. I've to admit i haven't been following the mailing lists recently; too much trolling. but everything seems to be taking on form now, I guess I'll start doing it again.23:05
lbtso, my internal team at nokia is doing some work to help the internal devs learn how to transition from deb to rpm23:06
lbtand we are getting permission to publish that to wiki23:06
th0br0huh, you're from nokia?23:06
lbtwith my other hat on, yes23:06
th0br0oh, didn't know that :)23:06
lbtI'm a community bod ... they hired me23:07
DawnFosterstskeeps: thanks so much for looking into it!23:07
lbtso I advocate from the inside too ... gently23:07
th0br0^^ ok23:07
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lbt6+ months23:07
th0br0oh right23:07
Stskeepsand seemingily i'm outed by now as working for meego too :P23:08
DawnFosterstskeeps: weird, I op'ed it about 15 minutes before the meeting23:08
th0br0so what do you need my help on?23:08
lbtth0br0: basically the guys writing this stuff are learning as they go23:08
th0br0I'll only be around for about 30-45 minutes more tonite as i'm writing a test tomorrow, but i'll be around from 16:00 CEST tomorrow I guess.23:08
StskeepsDawnFoster: that is weird23:09
lbtso would take any advice if you get time to keep an eye on it23:09
th0br0lbt: sure.23:09
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lbton a general note, we really need to look at meego policy23:10
lbtit's a tad vague in places :)23:10
th0br0there is no really complete official one yet is there?23:10
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lcuklbt i thought make install was depreciated yet its squarly in the middle of the example?23:11
lbtit's a crucial part of making it work23:11
lbtlcuk: correct23:11
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lbtlcuk: just like distributing src is deprecated... :)23:11
lcukand wont the rm -rf be dangerous depending on buildroot location23:11
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th0br0buildroot is a chroot23:11
th0br0*must* be23:11
lcukhopefully will be else ww3 occurs23:12
lbtlcuk: you can be a guinea pig too ... you'll learn lots and you can help debug it23:12
Jaffalbt: Does the Nokia Qt SDK do anything with packaging?23:12
lbtI also took a look at changelogs this week23:12
lcukth0br0, i come from a simpler time when you didnt need external services and chroots just to build some cdoe23:12
lbtJaffa: yes, it makes .debs :)23:12
th0br0but you need that when creating packages ;)23:12
lcukthats just scary tho!23:13
Jaffalbt: Right, so targetted at Ovi and closed source stuff23:13
StskeepsDawnFoster: new theory - qgil was chairing the meeting and hence it ignored all your #topic's23:13
Jaffalbt: Bah, humbug.23:13
lbtJaffa: I'm not up-to-date to be fair :)23:13
th0br0 << any plans on getting that into meego repo?23:13
lbtalthough I'd expect it to be aimed at VB-level coders :)23:13
DawnFosterStskeeps: oh, interesting23:13
Jaffalbt: I'd be surprised if it spat out a .tar.gz with a debian/ and a .dsc (or a .tar.gz and a .spec)23:14
thiago_homelcuk: that's how I made my toolchain. A cross-compiler and a --sysroot= switch23:14
lbtJaffa: I saw something on the ml to that effect23:14
Jaffalbt: don't you know - it's the future!23:14
lbtI think23:14
lbtbah humbug23:14
lcukthiago_home, i just said sod it and built directly on device23:14
DawnFosterstskeeps: I'm in a meeting now, but we should try to confirm that23:14
lcukmake install on the n900 is surprisingly effective23:14
DawnFosterand keep in mind that chair must set topics23:15
lcuksame as gcc23:15
thiago_homelcuk: my N900 has nowhere the processing power of the compile farm in the office23:15
lcuksure but if you are modifying a single widget within your app its fine23:15
lbtth0br0: need more info... but arjan is probably the man to ask. I'd suggest putting it into extras though23:15
lcukmost people do not require to build all of qt23:15
* Jaffa 's N900 seems to have the power of our build farm for the past few days :(23:15
StskeepsDawnFoster: i just confirmed it by editing the log file and replaying it after editing all DawnFoster> #topic to qgil> #topic23:15
th0br0ok lbt23:15
JaffaDamn VMware23:15
lcukits same pricniple as just using python23:15
thiago_homelcuk: even libqt4-dev is maybe too big for the device23:15
lcuksure - but pyqt works and includes all the same defines...23:16
DawnFosterstskeeps: thanks! that seems like a bug to me :)23:16
DawnFosterbut one we can work around23:16
StskeepsDawnFoster: is fixed minutes, old ones left as
lbtlcuk: the problem is that make install is selfish :)23:16
lcukergo - it SHOULD work23:16
thiago_homelcuk: that's different, that's python23:16
lcukthiago_home, think about the principle tho23:16
th0br0Source0  upstream or debian/copyright  << doesn't make much sense23:17
lcukyou say libqt4-dev wont work23:17
lcukthat is just a list of function defines etc23:17
StskeepsDawnFoster: next time quim or you can do #chair DawnFoster23:17
lbtth0br0: so we're looking at templating and accelerating package creation. So "hints and tips" like this that eventually become best practice23:17
StskeepsDawnFoster: and it will accept you as chair as well23:17
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th0br0*much sense23:17
th0br0sure lbt23:17
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DawnFosterperfect! I'll add that to my notes & I'll let quim know about this23:17
thiago_homelcuk: one more thing: the libqt4 build is a cross compilation, so uic, moc, rcc and qmake are x86 binaries23:18
th0br0IMHO it would be easier to semi-copy fedora's packaging guideline in the end tho... i doubt that packaging policy will differ that much23:18
lbtImadSousou: are you around?23:18
lcukthiago_home, well compile those for arm23:18
lbtth0br0: 100% agree!23:18
th0br0but nvm.23:18
StskeepsDawnFoster: have a good meeting, i'm afk for tonight :) (and remember to post the minutes to mailing list)23:18
lbtth0br0: no. please do mind....23:18
thiago_homelcuk: yeah, but we haven't done that yet23:18
th0br0yeah right :)23:18
Jaffalbt: did you see gcobb and I kicking around the idea of making mud target SRPM (on meego-dev)?23:18
lcukthiago_home, whats gonna happen when theres arm chipset big enough to be usable as desktop23:19
th0br0that deb_conversion_example is just a draft tho, right?23:19
lbtJaffa: I want you + gcobb to help me proto my community OBS23:19
lcukisnt it just a case of building full qt for arm23:19
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thiago_homelcuk: when that happens, desktops will be still 10x faster23:19
lbtth0br0: it's a "release early" and the best we can do so far :)23:19
lcukare you sure?23:19
th0br0i mean, transmission might be a bad example if you don't build subpackages / transmissiond... after all, you don't have to use %config etc otherwise23:19
Jaffalbt: happy to :)23:19
DawnFosterstskeeps - have a good night, and thanks for the corrected minutes - I'll post to the mailing list shortly :)23:19
th0br0the best based upon the OBS status or your knowledge?23:19
lbtJaffa: I think that will replace/supercede mud23:20
thiago_homelcuk: pretty much. ARM is not targetting server business.23:20
th0br0besides, shouldn't Requires: meego-lsb be actually part of the default buildroot?23:20
lcukthiago_home, all im saying is its technically feasible to do native compilation, it may be impractical in the qt sense23:20
thiago_homelcuk: it's targetting the low power market23:20
Jaffalbt: Yeah, I think you're right. Probably.23:20
th0br0You can split buildrequires to multiple lines to facilitate readability23:20
lbtth0br0: mmm23:20
thiago_homelcuk: sure, technically it is feasible.23:20
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thiago_homelcuk: my whole point was practicality. It's a lot more practical to cross-compile and deploy.23:20
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th0br0you forgot to remove the group in %postun lbt23:20
lcukthiago_home, ifa cluster of arm chips can fit 100x more chips in a cabinet because of their power profile then its feasible23:20
lbtth0br0: not me :)23:20
Jaffalbt: But then we'll want the app SDK to spit out something which can be submitted to the community OBS23:21
thiago_homelcuk: the office next to mine is the S60 Test Lab23:21
lbtth0br0: actually I admit, I've barely read it23:21
lbtJaffa: *nod*23:21
Stskeepsso, who's up for making a emacs based handset UX since we won't have one for n900? ;)23:21
thiago_homelcuk: there are about 50 N97s, 5800, N86 and N95 in there23:21
lbtJaffa: and we get osc build too23:21
lbtStskeeps: woo hoo23:21
Stskeeps(until it's out)23:21
thiago_homelcuk: they had to install an extra A/C23:21
lbtStskeeps: see org-mode!23:21
thiago_homeit's noisy inside23:21
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Jaffalbt: *nod* - but remembering app SDK runs on more than Linux :)23:22
JaffaStskeeps: Eclipse UX ;)23:22
thiago_homethough, truth be told, the noise and heat come from the base cradles and the routers23:22
lbtth0br0: please feel free to edit the page/discussion page23:22
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lbtJaffa: yes, so does osc :)23:22
lcukheh thiago_home23:22
lbto/ InformatiQ23:22
th0br0lbt: will you be around tomorrow?23:22
JaffaStskeeps: Eclipse Clearly Leads In People Superceding Emacs23:23
lbtyes.. ping me to get my attention23:23
th0br0ok. i'll try to give the page some love too23:23
Jaffalbt: ah, cool. Last time I asked the response was less.... positive23:23
lbtJaffa: Eclipse. emacs for the 23rd century...23:23
Jaffalbt: zactly :)23:23
lbtie you need to wait that long for CPUs to run it in real time!23:24
thiago_homedoes Eclipse still have a button to run the garbage collector?23:24
Jaffathiago_home: No, that's always been a third-party plugin23:24
* lbt is convinced java is a black-ops project by Kingston23:24
Jaffathiago_home: which I've never had need for, but some of my colleagues like it for its provision of a memory monitor23:25
thiago_homelcuk: like "humans were invented by water to transport it uphill" ?23:25
RST38hthiago: bsd fortune cookie db?23:25
th0br0by kingston? huh?23:26
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lbtthey make memory...23:26
Jaffath0br0: Memory manufacturer23:26
th0br0ah huh... :D23:26
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* CosmoHill didn't fall asleep >.>23:26
JaffaSomeone asked today if our product would run, in production, on a 1GHz Celeron with 18MB of RAM. "No" was the short answer.23:27
JaffaHa, er, s/18/128/23:27
th0br0just who still uses such old systems in production23:27
lcukthats high spec!23:27
vgradeThe relase has been branched and is being matured now (qgil, 19:50:30), anyone have a link?23:28
Jaffath0br0: Noone, it was a new grad employee looking foolish :)23:28
RST38hJaffa: written in java? =)23:28
th0br0ah ok23:28
JaffaRST38h: Indeed23:28
RST38hJaffa: know...23:29
th0br0Java rocks!23:29
lbtyeah, grads...23:29
Jaffath0br0: Trying to impress with his knowledge of CPU types or something23:29
th0br0Isn't that what you wanted to say, RST38h? ;)23:29
JaffaRST38h: Shush you.23:29
* lbt hugs java23:29
lbtvery very tightly23:29
* lcuk drinks java23:29
th0br0RST38h: not at all.23:29
* Stskeeps glances at minutes23:30
lcuklbt - round the neck?23:30
Stskeeps'director of nokia meego'23:30
Stskeepsis that meego devices or what does that mean? :P23:30
RST38hStskeeps: "owner" would sound cooler23:30
lbtI saw that Stskeeps... ain't irc conversation.... persistent23:30
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lcukit means a guy called meego is now director of nokia23:30
RST38h(I know we cannot wish for "emperor")23:30
JaffaStskeeps: Presumably th former. Otherwwise: game over.23:30
Jaffalbt: could be worse, could be trying to be a cross-platform, web-based product ISV with C++23:31
lbtyeah. that'd never work!23:31
lcukwhat about those suckers that built kernels and things in .. c ?23:32
lbtnot unless you had a mobile phone sugar daddy23:32
lcuksurely it wouldv been better in java :D23:32
Jaffalcuk: perhaps different technologies are better suited to different tasks?23:32
lbt(there (is (only) (one) true) way)23:32
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lcukperl for web apps23:33
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Jaffalbt: There'll probably be a port of DUI to JavaScript output. GWT for Qt <shudder/>23:33
* suihkulokki remembers the days when sun was boldly claiming how every bulb will have a ip address and run on picojava...23:33
Jaffalcuk: Perl's the exception. It's perfect for everything.23:34
suihkulokkiexcept reading?23:34
Jaffasuihkulokki: LightFactory?23:34
th0br0Perl is outdated.23:34
Jaffasuihkulokki: Well, yes :)23:34
Stskeepswrite once, cry everywhere23:34
lbtperl6 man!!23:34
th0br0C++ for webapps! Wt++!23:34
lcukand demonstrating your fact jaffa, i compiled your comment up and its a working xml processor!23:34
th0br0(wihtout the ++ after Wt tho)23:34
lbtJaffa: so... mud on an OBS...23:35
lbthow does that work then?23:35
lbtis it just about declaring a repo that is "meegoplus"23:35
Jaffalbt: On N900 so dodgy West Coast Main Line data23:35
lbtand bunging a load of libraries+apps in there23:36
lbtah, commuting?23:36
slaineWhat's wrong with C you guys23:36
Jaffalbt: can the repo have a pre-processor? "mud" would then munge whatever it got in with some heuristics23:36
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Jaffalbt: yeah, late nights for next 3 months or so.23:37
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lbtI'm thinking that we should focus on a repo and some policy first23:37
lbtwith a strong eye to automating it with mud l8r23:37
lbtI'm also writing an event system for nokia OBS/QA systems23:38
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Jaffalbt: absolutely, you mentioned mus ;)23:38
Jaffabah. sodding keyboard23:38
lbtwell, just keeping you keen :)23:38
bfreeIntel state the z6xx (Moorestown) will support Meego so does anyone know if that means they are going to produce a Free "driver" for the powerVR based gma600?23:39
th0br0right, I'm really out now. bye. Jaffa I'd prefer to have a MeeGo MUD :)23:39
Jaffalbt: there are loads of comments on meego-* about providing h/w for repos etc. Didn't Mer use OpenSuSE's? What's the story there?23:39
lbtwe want our own IMHO23:39
lbtwe'd integrate with SSO23:39
th0br0(where MUD == "Multi User Dungeon") ;) /me signs off.23:40
lbtautomate promotion like the autobuilder23:40
Jaffath0br0: You have encountered a tmo troll waving a 770 at you. You have: no tea.23:40
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lbtplus the opensuse OBS is heavily slow23:40
Jaffalbt: Thought: EC2 or similar for scalability23:40
lbtheh... I have an AWS account23:40
lbtI'm working on it :)23:41
Jaffalbt: :)23:41
lbtworried about security though23:41
lbtwe can't create a VM inside an EC2 VM23:41
Jaffalbt: They're doing VPN stuff now, AFAIK23:41
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InformatiQi hear the N word23:41
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lbtand chroot is escapable....23:41
InformatiQdragged in mud23:41
lbthey InformatiQ... yes indeed23:41
InformatiQhave respect23:42
Jaffalbt: Some h/w as core & master - then spawning EC2 instances when demand is high23:42
InformatiQnow EC223:42
lbtthe problem is that the EC2 systems would run user-provided stuff as root23:42
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InformatiQsome one breif me in23:42
Jaffalbt: Ah.23:42
lbtInformatiQ: possibly scaling the OBS using EC2 workers...23:42
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lbtI've been looking at it23:43
lbtJaffa: yes... ah23:43
InformatiQhmmm not bad23:43
Jaffalbt: sbox uses chroot ultimately, we don't worry about escapage on Maemo autobuilder23:43
Jaffa(o we?)23:43
InformatiQon demand workers in cases of high load23:43
InformatiQpas as you go23:43
lbtJaffa: stakes are higher23:43
lbtInformatiQ: *nod*23:43
Jaffalbt: true23:43
JaffaInformatiQ: exactly23:43
JaffaReduces capital expenditure for community repo too, especially at start23:44
JaffaEasier sell to sponsors23:44
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InformatiQand what is mud?23:45
lbtit would be an interesting thing to make work...23:45
JaffaInformatiQ: - makes it easier to create Debian packages for Maemo from upstreams (e.g. tarballs, svn etc.) without upstream having Debian packaging support23:47
JaffaInformatiQ: And without maintaining a whole copy of upstream just to add that, especially when most of it is machine creatable.23:48
InformatiQsounds interesting but depends on the implementation23:48
lbtJaffa: this is one reason I'd like us to adopt a policy of "when in doubt, Suse/Fedora/... is upstream"23:49
JaffaInformatiQ: I'd point you to my vim & vala packages in MUD if I wasn't on a slow, laggy link23:49
Jaffalbt: problem with a similarly packaged upstream is if it's base policies (dependency names, package responsibilities) aren't compatible.23:50
Jaffalbt: found that with the Debian upstream mode of mud early on23:50
lbtthis is the reason I'm pissed that MeeGo didn't make that statement for the core23:50
lbtit wouldn't have hurt...23:51
Jaffalbt: which is why mostly "upstream" for mud packages is real upstream23:51
lbtyeah, which means you still need to follow a package chain, find the upstream etc23:51
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lbtyou can't just adopt the package chain and create a -maemo1 variant :)23:52
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Jaffalbt: indeed23:52
Jaffalbt: and it only gets worse over time :(23:53
lbtand it adds zero value23:53
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* lbt grinds teeth :)23:54
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* lcuk shoots lbt, my teeth are sore again 23:55
* lcuk needs a new mouth23:55
* lbt wonders just what would be possible on a community OBS...23:56
lcuklbt if i were developing at home23:56
lcukhow would i make a package to install/test myself23:57
lcukdoes everything need to go through obs23:57
lbtI think your dad did that lcuk23:57
lbtyou mean for the OBS23:58
lbtyou know you were talking chroots earlier23:58
lcuki mean, if im developing appXYZ23:58
lcukand i want to test it on my device23:58
lcukcurrently i dpkg_buildpackage and jobs done i copy .deb and install23:58
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lcuk(assuming scratchbox style)23:59
InformatiQlcuk: should be the same with osc build23:59
lbtwrite a tarball, specfile, run rpmbuild and you get an rpm23:59

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