IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-04-24

slaineBe came very close with the PPC BeBox's00:00
lcukthe way the core chipset operated in harmony made it a joy to use00:00
lcuknot tried00:00
ShadowJKslaine, i tried it both with and without ram expansion, and with kickstart 1.3 and 2.0 :(00:00
lcukshall do sometime tho00:00
DawnFosterjrayhawk: it's an extended learning class taught by John Hartman & Carri Bugbee00:00
ShadowJKI only wanted to play Elite :/00:00
lcuk:D ShadowJK00:00
slaineGod, that was an EPIC game00:00
slaineNot EPIC the publisher that is00:01
lcukno internet required and millions of planets to visit00:01
* lcuk trades ore with ShadowJK 00:01
ShadowJKore!? pah. I'll see you at Riedquat, let's settle this!00:03
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lcuktime for me to find some alcohol in the bernards star sector00:04
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CosmoHillanyone got RHEL 6 installed?00:05
ShadowJKlcuk, Barnard's star was in the sequels :)00:05
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slaineShadowJK: nerd00:06
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jrayhawkHuh. Didn't even know about that department.00:06
ShadowJKiirc safe agricultural place. you could throw away the guns on your space ship and use the extra space to haul more rice to starving Sol, where people were too advanced and stagnated by then to know how to feed themselves ;p00:06
ShadowJK<- played elite & sequels alot :(00:07
th0br0bye everyone00:07
DawnFosterjrayhawk: it's outside of the traditional PSU curriculum. Mostly for professionals who want to pick up some new skills
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* CosmoHill dances00:27
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lbt<grin> my first proper job involved 3D models and renders00:30
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vgrade6k ram,6k rom, acorn atom, showing my age there00:32
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tremnite all, sweet dreams00:36
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pupnikDoes meego have to offer a "run your android apps as well" experience in 2011-2012:00:57
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microlithif someone feels brave, and has the time to burn00:59
slainetime for bed01:00
slainecatch you all later01:00
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CovalenceCosmoHill: does grub2 support btrfs yet?01:58
CosmoHillI don't know01:59
Covalencethat will be so sweet when it does01:59
* arjan wonders about grub202:00
arjanwhy would anyone care02:00
Covalencebooting snapshots of filesystems02:00
* arjan just likes syslinux better I guess02:01
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arjanone bootloader for the installer, live image and final OS02:01
CovalenceMore like taking snapshots of the rootfs over time and reverting back if u need to....useful when doing yum upgrades and something breaks02:02
Corsacgrub2 is nice when you want a large stuff which is able to do quite some stuff, one bootloader to rule them all etc.02:02
Corsacsyslinux/extlinux is nice when you just want a simple task done02:02
arjanCovalence: btrfs does that for us02:03
arjanCorsac: ... like booting ;-) ?02:03
Covalencearjan: exactly...but picking which snapshot to  use on boot would be cool02:04
jrayhawkSeems like more of a job for an initrd, but I guess grub2 is slowly subsuming most initrd functionality anyway.02:05
CosmoHillgrub2 is good for CLFS because it supports multiple arches02:06
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Covalenceso will the meego telephony be open enough to implement UMA?02:10
ShadowJKI don't think any hw vendors are offering such 3g/gsm modems02:12
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scorpius_can meego be installed on an iphone?02:14
ShadowJKApple doesn't let you install anything on it02:15
Covalencewhy does hw matter?02:15
Covalenceuma looks like it can all be done in sw except for one codec that i think requires hw assist02:16
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ShadowJKWell you could probably run all of gsm in software02:20
ShadowJKbut usually you have modems with their own cpu, firmware and sdram doing that, and talking to the host system via some protocol02:21
ShadowJKlike AT or phonet, I guess02:21
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Covalenceright...but is uma usually implemented at that level?  i dont think it is since it works over any data connection02:23
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Covalencemy understanding is its an ipsec tunnel to funnel what normally goes to the towers02:24
CosmoHillnight night02:24
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ShadowJKas far as I understand from the graphs though, there could be a binary blob translating the protocol the modem speaks into the protocol ofono speaks, so if you dont need the modem for it...02:25
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Covalencein theory ofono could talk at a stub acting as a software modem marshalling the data over a uma session02:27
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Covalenceill have to read up on ofono...not familiar at all with it or how it usually how modem exposes itself02:29
ShadowJKit's weird how uma looks kinda dead02:32
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ShadowJKand picocells are starting to look more common02:32
* ShadowJK wonders if on 4g it'll just be datapipe + voip02:32
arjanShadowJK: ofono is gpl02:33
arjannot lgpl02:33
arjannot sure you can/want do to binary blobs in that setup02:33
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Covalenceit is weird...but uma provides a lot that isnt there with current voip offerings like all sms and voice calls seamlessly work with it using the already existing phone number02:34
ShadowJKblob daemon then? :P02:34
ShadowJKI thought the hard part about using ofone was obtaining driver for your modem?02:34
* ShadowJK can move phone number to voip anyway.. but point about sms :)02:35
Covalencei loved UMA when i had it...made my phone work seamless as if i was in the US when i was in south america...with only wifi.02:35
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: aiui it actually is IP datapipe and VoIP02:35
ShadowJKy voip I probably meant SIP02:36
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DocScrutinizerbtw SIP can do "SMS"02:37
Covalencebut id need a whole new number and service provider02:38
DocScrutinizerin fact some SIP providers convert INFO IM to outbound SMS02:38
ShadowJKMy operator dropped UMA support but kept SIP support02:39
Corsacarjan: yeah but sometime you want to boot some more exotic layouts02:40
ShadowJKI guess UMA came in an expensive black box with huge annual fees02:40
Corsac(though you might consider that complex stuff should be handled by an initrd only, and request a /boot partition easily available in all cases)02:40
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arjanUMA is GSM-over-IP basically02:44
arjannot "standard voip"02:44
Covalenceright thats my understanding02:46
CovalenceIPSEC tunnel for GSM like packets.02:47
DocScrutinizerhmm, just all-is-IP02:50
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DocScrutinizerover whatchamaycallit OTA RF02:51
arjanso if you do gprs02:52
arjanyou get ip-over-gsm-over-ip02:52
arjanwhich likely is ip-over-ppp-over-atm ;)02:52
DocScrutinizeralso they're unbundling the carrier and voice provider02:52
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DocScrutinizerso it's quite possible SIP roviders extend their service to genuine SIP-over-LTE/UMA02:53
DocScrutinizeriirc even such things are specified like SIP provider plugin to carrier account&balance02:57
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ShadowJKdon't worry, they'll pick the technically ugliest solution :)03:00
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DocScrutinizeryeah, that's what that review in german mag c't said. They already did03:04
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lbtmeego is doomed13:45
lbtno emacs13:45
TermanaOh no! Saint GNUcious won't be happy :(13:46
TermanaGNUcio* something like that13:46
TermanaThe fat man the normal people call Stallman :P13:46
lbtwell, that totally justifies the RWG / Surrounds WG :)13:46
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* thiago_home agrees13:47
thiago_homenow I have to support that proposal13:47
lbta reply to the -ml wouldn't go amiss...13:48
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lbthmm, maybe meego has a chance after all...
RST38his there pico?15:54
lbtsure M-x pico-mode15:54
RST38hnaah, real pico15:54
lbtdoes not compute"15:54
RST38hnot the LISP interpreter masquerading as one15:55
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lbt"Bad id for repo: Meego Extras, byte =   5" really means "Space invalid in a repo name" .... talk about the bleedin' obvious...16:09
lbtnote that byte=5 uses a base index of 0...16:10
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MacTarbohow can i write a .usbimg on a usb drive ?18:46
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DawnFosterMacTarbo: these are some older instructions from Moblin on how to write the image to a usb drive:
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MacTarbothanks . i will try18:56
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wolfsohnhi @ all19:00
th0br0hello wolfsohn19:03
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* CosmoHill has a hamster rolling around his room22:42
Stskeepswell, at least you're not looking through DUI code like i am22:43
Stskeepsi'm wondering how it actually works.22:43
th0br0or trying to find this horrible esp bug caused by polymorphism22:43
infobotth0br0 meant: or trying to eliminate this horrible esp bug caused by polymorphism22:43
th0br0I've spent the past 2 hours trying to solve it -.-22:43
Stskeepsi'm wondering how the hell i am only getting 2fps on a simple panning on a atom device22:44
CosmoHillI really should do work :(22:44
Stskeepsie, in software rendering, which it can seemingily do22:44
lcukn900thought you had hw rendering now sts22:45
* CosmoHill may require redball22:45
th0br0How proficient are you guys at C++?22:45
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th0br0but nvm i think this problem in particular is caused by v822:45
CosmoHillCosmo < th0br022:46
thiago_homeGoogle V8?22:46
th0br0It's a nice framework22:47
CosmoHillI think if i didn't have a load of cables down there freddy would have taken out my server ethernet :/22:47
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lcukn900stskeeps but either way if its a simple screen whats the bottle neck?22:50
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Stskeepslcukn900: that's what i'm pondering22:51
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Stskeepsi mean, from a first glance, a widget toolkit on top of qgraphicsview shouldn't be that slow22:51
lcukn900does rest of x11 work at normal speed?22:53
thiago_homeGV is not optimised for Atom and Intel graphics cards22:53
lcukn900ie before you start adding the layers22:53
th0br0although, come to think of it, this could also be a bug in the msvc 2k8 compiler ...22:53
lcukn900thiago? which is it optimized for?22:54
thiago_homeNVidia cards and ARM22:55
thiago_homethat's what we have in the office22:55
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thiago_homewe can get 60fps out on the N90022:55
TSCHAKeeethat truly is impressive22:55
lcukn900but my nvidia card is on amd chipset machine22:55
VDVsxStskeeps, H Direct UI ? :D22:55
lcukn900thiago cool stuff22:56
StskeepsVDVsx: meego touch, the new name22:56
VDVsxso last one (0.20)22:56
thiago_homedon't get me wrong, but I'm trying to stop DUI22:56
lcukn900thiago just stop drinking22:56
VDVsxthiago_home, stop ?22:56
thiago_homestop it from being used22:57
lcukn900so where can i get 60fps dui from?22:57
lcukn900which repo is it on22:57
lcukn900cos 60fps is what liqflow runs at22:57
thiago_homeI didn't say 60fps DUI22:57
lcukn900at cal and stuff22:58
thiago_homeI said 60fps Graphics View22:58
VDVsxlcukn900, do you have a super computer with 4gb of graphics card ? :D22:58
lcuklol VDVsx no need with liqbase :P22:58
lcukahhh 60fps GV22:59
th0br0dui / liqflow?22:59
lcukdoes x11 refresh that quickly?22:59
thiago_homelcuk: OpenGL/ES22:59
lcuki just know liq* stuff refreshes faster than any x1122:59
thiago_homethe vsync is 60fps22:59
lcukhence the 60fps == something not x122:59
lcukso how well does DUI work ontop of graphicsview?23:00
lcukon anything reasonable for meego23:00
lcukie atoms or arms23:00
lcukstskeeps wheres the code you are working from for your DUI testing - so we can get some open eyes on it to see whats up23:04 obviously23:05
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lcukreasonable enough23:06
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lcukis this on n900 or on other device?23:07
Stskeepsatom board/joggler23:07
* lcuk has a joggler :D23:08
lcukrunning on meego base on joggler or mer?23:08
Stskeepsbasically i'm wondering why the toolkit is so slow (even on a fairly capable processor), when it doesn't use a qglwidget as a backport.. i mean, yes, it should be slower, but not deadly slow :P23:09
Stskeepser, not backport, viewport23:09
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lcukpersonally i dont see why any 3d should be "slow" - we all played 3d games for years well on software rendering23:10
VDVsxStskeeps, does joggler has any kind of graphics accelerator/card ?23:10
Stskeepsyes, gma500 (i know..) but i am working on the hypothesis that it really shouldn't be that badly performing, even in sw rendering :P23:11
lcukisnt the gma500 ~= the powervr?23:12
Stskeepsroughly, just insaner divers23:12
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th0br0bye, ttyl23:35
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* lbt enjoys running "apt-get install nc" on meego23:47
* CosmoHill doesn't enjoy adding a non playing person to his game23:48
CosmoHillanother linked list to deal with :(23:50
CosmoHillah new idea23:52
CosmoHilladd a linked list of non playing people to the map class instead of the location, since they have location IDs anyway you know where they are23:52
* CosmoHill is thinking out loud23:53
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CosmoHilloh bollocks23:56
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