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CosmoHill | back | 00:06 |
CosmoHill | just been chasing my hamster around | 00:06 |
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* lbt sees the meego-community list is agreeing some groundbreaking stuff.... | 00:12 | |
leinir | lbt: can't paint bike sheds without a few colours to choose between ;) | 00:13 |
lbt | :) | 00:14 |
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slaine | typing an email to follow up on openness and transparency | 01:40 |
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Cosmo[PB] | think of the worst word you can | 01:40 |
Cosmo[PB] | but the words "Netgear is" infront of it | 01:40 |
lcuk | "Netgear Norton Antivirus" | 01:41 |
Cosmo[PB] | that's two words but I'll give you that | 01:41 |
slaine | Netgear Bollocectomy | 01:41 |
lcuk | just "Norton" works, but i was trying to clarify | 01:41 |
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slaine | I liked norton back in the DOS days | 01:42 |
Cosmo[PB] | was it bigger than the OS? | 01:42 |
lcuk | yes | 01:42 |
lcuk | (1st q) | 01:42 |
lcuk | it then got worse than the viruses it was protecting against | 01:42 |
slaine | Well, I was thinking more of the utilities | 01:43 |
Cosmo[PB] | norton disk doctor? | 01:43 |
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slaine | yeah, and speed disk | 01:43 |
Cosmo[PB] | I remember them :) | 01:43 |
Cosmo[PB] | I uninstalled norton at a lan party | 01:43 |
slaine | made my dev box ( a Pentium 50Mhz ) run like a charm | 01:44 |
slaine | 90, sorry | 01:44 |
Cosmo[PB] | like I'd tell the difference | 01:44 |
slaine | actually, no, that box was a 486DX 50Mhz | 01:44 |
slaine | my PC at home was the Pentium 90 | 01:45 |
Cosmo[PB] | I've used Windows 3.1 on a 66Mhz laptop | 01:45 |
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Cosmo[PB] | wb DawnFoster | 01:45 |
slaine | that was the uber machine of choice when 3.1 came out | 01:45 |
Cosmo[PB] | slaine: this was in 2006... | 01:45 |
slaine | this was 1995 :) | 01:45 |
Cosmo[PB] | if you opened the laptop wrong the keyboard went up with the screen | 01:46 |
DawnFoster | hey CosmoHill | 01:46 |
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slaine | Cosmo[PB]: lol, sounds like my old Vaio | 01:47 |
Cosmo[PB] | i don't know why we still had laptops with windows 3.1 on | 01:48 |
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Cosmo[PB] | the floor isn't the best place for my DSLR | 01:52 |
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aadster | ns identify santa572june | 01:52 |
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Cosmo[PB] | cyas | 02:17 |
aadster | lol gys im on my sisters ipod kind of irionc how its not banned on macosx olo | 02:17 |
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Gla | hey all, I've built a product that allows for real-time, brandable, communities to be created on the web and I was curious if you guys would like to take a look at what we have to offer. We've been working with a lot of communities on IRC and Freenode to get their feedback. | 02:51 |
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Termana | hey hey | 05:35 |
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Stskeeps | http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4006/4517519202_e1038a2e51.jpg | 11:18 |
Stskeeps | ^ FREE HUGS! | 11:18 |
Stskeeps | (yes, this is scaringily enough, meego related) | 11:18 |
frals | lol | 11:18 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: Mmmm....suggestive. | 11:18 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, lol | 11:20 |
lbt | ah, it doesn't say "embarass us" | 11:20 |
lbt | I'll take the one on the left | 11:21 |
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lcuk | so the new meego UX form factor is a 30" eink card and willingness to hug! | 11:23 |
Stskeeps | i'd take a good hug over a good UX. | 11:23 |
leinir | Yay free hugs! :) | 11:24 |
leinir | Best campaign ever :) | 11:24 |
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Gibba | meego netbook preview seems to hang on kernel bring up in vmware, anybody had any luck with virtualising it? Was attempting to have a peek (read being too lazy to boot it off a USB key). | 11:43 |
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lcuk | Stskeeps, can you find out if the hug group are going on a world tour lol :D | 11:44 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 12:04 |
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Stskeeps | morning jaffa | 12:06 |
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Stskeeps | welcome home? | 12:06 |
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slaine | fucking thread hijackers | 12:06 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: meh. 8GB USB stick might mean playing with Mer 0.17 soon | 12:07 |
Stskeeps | slaine: ah, yeah, that one bothered me a bit | 12:07 |
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ShadowJK | thread hijackers, top posters, people who don't snip, threading breakers.. | 12:15 |
leinir | zealots who insist on breaking conventions set down in top-posted threads and force bottom-posting at any cost... | 12:16 |
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leinir | That sort of thing | 12:16 |
slaine | people who kill kittens | 12:17 |
leinir | That too | 12:17 |
Termana | I think 99% of tmo has been summed up in three sentences | 12:17 |
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Termana | Some of the junk people have been posting there. Some idiot was posting either acting drunk or so drunk he couldn't help himself but be a douche | 12:19 |
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lcuk | Termana, but random drunks cause amusement! | 12:19 |
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Termana | maybe sometimes. But that doesn't explain the n900 porn threads | 12:20 |
lcuk | theres more? | 12:21 |
Termana | Theres a couple laying about I believe :\ | 12:21 |
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lcuk | as a community grows it emcompasses a wider scope of society and to some people porn is one of those things | 12:22 |
lcuk | just like the car threads and dismantling hardware threads | 12:22 |
suihkulokki | not enough moderation.. | 12:22 |
Termana | Right, no one said they can't discuss these things. But I think theres a line between discussing and talking junk | 12:22 |
lcuk | indeed | 12:22 |
lcuk | light hearted banter around most subjects is amusing | 12:23 |
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lcuk | the balanace is always shifting though | 12:23 |
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* lcuk must learn to type one day soon | 12:24 | |
lcuk | balance | 12:24 |
Termana | heh didn't even see it till you mentioned it - you shouldn't of said anything :P | 12:25 |
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Termana | have said* | 12:25 |
lcuk | :D | 12:26 |
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slaine | rage building | 12:59 |
Termana | slaine: Whats wrong pussy cat? | 13:00 |
Termana | WOAH WOAH WOAH | 13:00 |
slaine | more thread hijacking AFTER my original plee to stop | 13:00 |
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slaine | townxelliot1glad you enjoyed that you tube vid | 13:00 |
slaine | townxelliot1: glad you enjoyed that you tube vid | 13:01 |
slaine | oops | 13:01 |
townxelliot1 | slaine: yes, it was v. funny | 13:01 |
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Termana | slaine: You mean on the mailing list (the full openness thread)? | 13:02 |
lcuk | slaine, that always happens | 13:02 |
slaine | I know | 13:02 |
Corsac | slaine: sorry for hijacking, but doesn't the concept of subthread helps? | 13:02 |
lcuk | the streisand effect :D | 13:02 |
slaine | it's such an important topic though | 13:02 |
Corsac | slaine: and please don't CC:, I'm subscribed | 13:02 |
Gibba | Jaffa: looks like you've had quite a journey, back safe and sound in the office/at home now? | 13:03 |
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slaine | I'd appreciate it you some of you would chime in to keep the thread on topic | 13:03 |
Stskeeps | Corsac: stupid reply-to rules | 13:03 |
slaine | you all bitch and moan about it here enough ;) | 13:03 |
Jaffa | Gibba! | 13:03 |
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Jaffa | Gibba: Long time no speak! | 13:04 |
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Gibba | Jaffa: hello mate! Indeedy. | 13:04 |
Jaffa | Gibba: Yeah, just popping out. Wifey and kidlets want to go looking at rabbits. Not for pies, unfortunately. | 13:04 |
Jaffa | BBL | 13:04 |
Corsac | Stskeeps: hmhm, there's no reply to in the mail, afaics. Here thunderbird “reply” replies to the list (as well as the reply-to-list feature) | 13:04 |
Gibba | Alrighty, catch you later. I'm hanging out in here at the mo after my joggler order | 13:04 |
Corsac | Stskeeps: but I guess what slaine used was a “reply all” | 13:04 |
slaine | Yes I did | 13:05 |
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slaine | I'm not going to apologies for that if etiquette was already out the window | 13:05 |
Corsac | I wasn't asking for an apology, I was just saying that next time you don't need to CC: me :) | 13:06 |
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Corsac | (now that you know that I'd prefer not have them, that's all) | 13:06 |
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heffer | welcome back you hundreds of people | 13:06 |
slaine | sure, I'll make an effort not to do reply all | 13:07 |
slaine | to used to it from internal emails | 13:07 |
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Termana | Gmail won't let you automatically reply just to the mailing list :P Reply just replies to the person, reply all replies to the person and the mailing list. I guess you can just remove the To: and just have it CC:'ed to the mailing list? | 13:07 |
Termana | (general question) | 13:07 |
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Termana | no one know? :P | 13:18 |
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deepa | am trying to create rootfs image using mic2 | 14:02 |
deepa | with this options | 14:02 |
deepa | sudo mic-image-creator --config=arm-n900.ks --format=fs --cache=mycache | 14:03 |
deepa | it is giving ImportError: No module named pykickstart.parser | 14:03 |
deepa | any idea what is the problem? | 14:03 |
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Stskeeps | install a fedora VM | 14:04 |
Stskeeps | or install a package containing pykickstart | 14:04 |
deepa | am working in ubuntu | 14:07 |
Stskeeps | yes, but mic2 needs some dependancies that are not yet in that distribution. | 14:07 |
Stskeeps | as far as i know | 14:07 |
Stskeeps | get a fedora vm, it helps things a lot :P | 14:07 |
deepa | pkg name is pykickstart is it | 14:07 |
deepa | ? | 14:07 |
Stskeeps | it seems like this package doesn't exist in ubuntu | 14:09 |
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lbt | Stskeeps: gah, I'm close to getting "osc build <image>" running ... but I'm off on another task now. | 14:10 |
Stskeeps | lbt: looking forward to it | 14:10 |
Stskeeps | :P | 14:10 |
lbt | is anyone working on imaging? | 14:10 |
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lbt | ie we could collaborate? | 14:11 |
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Stskeeps | lbt: there's one downside of osc build <image>, need to have a obs to do it against | 14:12 |
lbt | ah, true... | 14:12 |
Stskeeps | while mic2 would only need a rpm repo | 14:12 |
* lbt mutters darkly | 14:12 | |
lbt | goes back to django | 14:12 |
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timeless_mbp | fwiw, i'm starting to setup a git clone mxr for some maemo6 stuff | 14:15 |
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timeless_mbp | it's temporarily @ mxr.moego.org/maemo6/ | 14:15 |
timeless_mbp | the indexing won't start until i convert it, i think | 14:15 |
timeless_mbp | if someone reminds me what i did to setup my moblin repo index, i can set up a new one for the meego 'day 1' repo | 14:16 |
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lbt | what's wrong with gitorious? | 14:21 |
lbt | which is where all the rest of meego lives | 14:22 |
Stskeeps | it's a cross-ref | 14:22 |
Stskeeps | not a repo :P | 14:22 |
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lcuk | any python people here able to share tips on speeding up python, general or specific observations and brainstorming desired :) : http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=50737 | 14:49 |
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deepa | stskeeps: i am not able to find the package fastinit in repo...getting the error as "Error: failed to create image : Failed to find package 'fastinit' : No package(s) available to install" | 15:26 |
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deepa | what could be the reason? | 15:26 |
Stskeeps | deepa: what is your command line? | 15:26 |
deepa | sudo mic-image-creator --config=arm-n900.ks --format=fs --cache=mycache | 15:27 |
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deepa | and that package is specified in arm-n900.ks | 15:27 |
Stskeeps | ok, you're missing -a armv5tel | 15:28 |
Stskeeps | to point to the ARM version | 15:28 |
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slaine | I assume -a tells mic which architecture to source for ? | 15:29 |
Stskeeps | yes | 15:29 |
Stskeeps | there's this stupid /ia32/ /arm/ seperation | 15:29 |
Stskeeps | so it was trying to source ia32 packages from the /arm repo | 15:30 |
deepa | stskeeps: sudo mic-image-creator --config=arm-n900.ks --format=fs --cache=mycache -a armv5tel | 15:30 |
Stskeeps | right | 15:30 |
deepa | is this sufficient | 15:30 |
Stskeeps | yes | 15:30 |
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Efraim | Algum brasileiro? | 15:33 |
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Efraim | hi | 15:36 |
Efraim | i need help | 15:36 |
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Stskeeps | so, since someone hacked android on to the iphone, who's making the first meego port? | 15:59 |
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TomaszD | Stskeeps, http://instantcrickets.com/ | 16:06 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, hasnt the primary reason for not trying to do iphone been screen resolution? | 16:07 |
lcuk | "oh its too low, maemo/mer wont go to that happily" | 16:07 |
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Termana | I think people have missed out on the fact that there ALREADY was Linux on iPhone a year before this. Its only because its now got the Android tag that its exciting | 16:08 |
lcuk | with scalable ui now being designed into all apps in the os it becomes something feasible | 16:08 |
lcuk | linux != windowing platform | 16:08 |
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lcuk | sure, seeing a console boot somewhere makes people w00p occasionally (meego ;)) | 16:09 |
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lcuk | but seeing the real fluid os running ontop would say linux was there | 16:09 |
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Jartza | stop flooding :) | 16:56 |
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postmanPechkin | hi | 17:06 |
Stskeeps | wello | 17:06 |
postmanPechkin | how do you do? | 17:07 |
Stskeeps | good, glad work day is over | 17:08 |
postmanPechkin | me too) | 17:08 |
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Jartza | ahh, day off :) | 17:08 |
Jartza | woke up 2 hours ago :) | 17:08 |
postmanPechkin | Jartza: where are you from? | 17:09 |
postmanPechkin | usa? | 17:09 |
Jartza | finland | 17:09 |
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postmanPechkin | so, you woke up in the middle of the day)) | 17:10 |
kebax | end of the working ady | 17:10 |
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kebax | sa/ady/day) | 17:11 |
Jartza | postmanPechkin: yeah, 3pm | 17:11 |
postmanPechkin | i'm from Moscow) | 17:11 |
postmanPechkin | Jartza: you free man) | 17:13 |
Jartza | yeah, freelancer :) | 17:13 |
rmrfchik | you bring us a note about boy, postman? | 17:14 |
Jartza | :) | 17:14 |
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slaine | Excellent, some insight into what's going on | 17:22 |
* w00t_ clicks | 17:25 | |
w00t_ | that's good | 17:26 |
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* postmanPechkin slaps rmrfchik around a bit with a large trout | 17:35 | |
postmanPechkin | rmrfchick: äà | 17:36 |
postmanPechkin | à ÷òî? | 17:36 |
postmanPechkin | íó ìíå ïðîñòî íå÷åãî äåëàòü(( | 17:36 |
Jartza | ok | 17:36 |
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postmanPechkin | sorry, i've a question. | 18:01 |
Termana | ask away postman pat | 18:01 |
Termana | err... postmanPechkin | 18:01 |
Termana | :P | 18:01 |
Termana | KA-CHING | 18:01 |
postmanPechkin | i installed Ubuntu and then Qt on it, | 18:02 |
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postmanPechkin | but Qt don't built examples, or other "hello word" stuff.. | 18:03 |
till- | did you install the -dev packages? | 18:04 |
postmanPechkin | the erroe: -I../../../QT/qt/include -I. -o main.o main.cpp | 18:04 |
postmanPechkin | make: g++: | 18:04 |
postmanPechkin | Command not found | 18:04 |
postmanPechkin | make: Leaving directory | 18:04 |
postmanPechkin | till-: no( | 18:04 |
Termana | postmanPechkin: You don't have g++ in your path | 18:04 |
postmanPechkin | where should i get it ? | 18:04 |
Termana | or you don't have it installed at all | 18:04 |
till- | apt-get install build-essential | 18:04 |
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till- | and qt4-dev-tools | 18:05 |
till- | or so | 18:05 |
postmanPechkin | i just installed Qt creator. | 18:05 |
till- | should be a dependency | 18:06 |
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Termana | postmanPechkin: I would try the command till- gave you - sudo apt-get install build-essential | 18:09 |
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slaine | Hmmm, more revelations about meego appearing in the press | 18:09 |
slaine | http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/04/meego-mobile-linux-will-also-do-laptops-and-desktops.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss&comments=1#comments-bar | 18:09 |
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Stskeeps | desktops.. really? are we going to throw all optimizations towards well, non-3ghz systems away? :P | 18:11 |
* Stskeeps ponders idly | 18:12 | |
postmanPechkin | ok | 18:12 |
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Stskeeps | i could have understood "meego will run your kitchen sink" literally, but not metaphorically | 18:13 |
Stskeeps | :P | 18:13 |
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lcuk | Stskeeps, my kitchen sink has a perfectly viable OS at the moment, but my cig lighter is lacking :D | 18:15 |
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postmanPechkin | but where can i get a packages? | 18:46 |
Stskeeps | repo.meego.com? | 18:47 |
postmanPechkin | no, for Qt? | 18:47 |
lbt | email seems to get stuck for 30mins in the meego.com mailer | 18:47 |
lbt | postmanPechkin: eg http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/devel/trunk/repo/ia32/os/i586/qt-4.6.1-12.1.i586.rpm | 18:48 |
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slaine | ok, commute time | 18:54 |
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CosmoHill | anyone here on mibbit?\ | 19:16 |
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Anonymousfr | Hi everyone | 19:17 |
CosmoHill | hi | 19:18 |
Anonymousfr | I'd like to know if I can help by translating at least the meego website into french.... | 19:19 |
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CosmoHill | that would be helpful | 19:21 |
CosmoHill | DawnFoster: poke | 19:21 |
Anonymousfr | how could I do that? | 19:21 |
DawnFoster | hey cosmohill | 19:21 |
CosmoHill | DawnFoster: i think you're the person that Anonymousfr would need to talk to about translating the meego website into french | 19:22 |
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DawnFoster | anonymousfr: all of the localisation conversations are happening in this mailing list http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-il10n | 19:22 |
DawnFoster | right now, we're more focused on translating the product | 19:22 |
DawnFoster | I don't think we've decided whether to translate the web pages, but the right place to ask is the mailing list | 19:23 |
DawnFoster | thanks, CosmoHill :) | 19:23 |
* CosmoHill just likes to help :) | 19:23 | |
Anonymousfr | ok I could do that too.... | 19:23 |
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CosmoHill | I don't know if anyone is interested but RHEL 6 Beta is out | 19:27 |
CosmoHill | and free! | 19:27 |
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* CosmoHill keeps getting DawnFantasy confused with DawnFoster | 20:02 | |
DawnFoster | ah | 20:03 |
DawnFoster | oops, meant ha | 20:03 |
CosmoHill | and you're both on freenode so you're in the same group of tabs | 20:03 |
CosmoHill | also doesn't help that you both left at 17:58 | 20:04 |
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CosmoHill | 25MB to download :o | 20:57 |
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CosmoHill | 100%[====================================>] 4,150,891,556 225K/s in 5h 10m a | 20:59 |
CosmoHill | ouch | 20:59 |
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Stskeeps | ah, glorious netjoins.. | 21:09 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:09 |
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CosmoHill | rawr!!! | 21:13 |
CosmoHill | the check sums don't match and it took me 5 hours to download | 21:13 |
CosmoHill | and my server doesn't have xz, bollocks | 21:13 |
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timeless_mbp | xz? | 21:14 |
CosmoHill | it replaced lmza | 21:15 |
timeless_mbp | hrm, have they really decided not to have another TSG meeting for a whole year? | 21:15 |
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GAN900 | timeless_mbp, hey, open isn't any fun if it actually is. :P | 21:17 |
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*** Stskeeps changes topic to "MeeGo - http://meego.com - FAQ: http://meego.com/about/faq | This channel is logged, see them at http://mg.pov.lt/meego-irclog/ |http://wiki.meego.com/Whos_who - add yourself | Blog post, Day One is here: http://bit.ly/9sQdbg | The Next TSG meeting is 28 April 19:00 UTC, http://bit.ly/9L3vpy in #meego-meeting, questions in #meego-meeting-questions" | 21:18 | |
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DawnFoster | thanks stskeeps :) | 21:18 |
Stskeeps | DawnFoster: regarding my proposal, I'm wondering if to take it on another angle - it does seem like that we're on the same page as the TSG as to how the project openness should be like. would there be a benefit developing into a wiki-style handbook that teams can pour their experiences into, use as a starting point for their public work .. and then when we engage people and have them out in the open, how we can tell them how to ... | 21:19 |
Stskeeps | ... stay visible | 21:19 |
timeless_mbp | hi DawnFoster | 21:19 |
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* timeless_mbp goes back to po backporting | 21:20 | |
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DawnFoster | stskeeps I'm not sure. I think it's more a matter of figuring out when stuff can move into the open and less of people not knowing how. | 21:20 |
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Stskeeps | DawnFoster: :nod: i guess project structure comes first before we can say anything about how people work | 21:21 |
DawnFoster | maybe it's different at Nokia, but most of the people at Intel are active contributors to mulitple open source projects and certainly know how to do this. | 21:21 |
DawnFoster | exactly | 21:21 |
CosmoHill | timeless_mbp: what are you back porting? | 21:21 |
Stskeeps | well, maemo devices are too, for that matter, except it isn't obvious until you start reading doorsigns there :) | 21:21 |
* lcuk2 carefully notes every door in NRC | 21:22 | |
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* lcuk then plans to avoid everyone | 21:22 | |
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lcuk | every one | 21:23 |
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Stskeeps | DawnFoster: otoh, it is also a matter of providing same tools as exists on the inside - like, it's 'easy' to use the internal pastebins, or internal git hosts and so on | 21:23 |
RST38h | lcuk: National Republican Convention? =E | 21:23 |
Stskeeps | it's easy to slip and go back to your typical working pattern, so | 21:24 |
DawnFoster | but that's my point. On the Intel side, this isn't really typical. Most of these guys are kernel contributors or other open source projects, so they are used to this. | 21:24 |
Stskeeps | :nod: | 21:25 |
DawnFoster | I really think this is a transition issue, not an education issue (speaking on Intel's side) | 21:25 |
* VDVsx waves at RST38h :D | 21:25 | |
timeless_mbp | CosmoHill: i'm dancing between maemo5 pr1.1* and maemo5 pr1.2 | 21:25 |
DawnFoster | we'll get the rest of those tools out | 21:25 |
Stskeeps | i hope it's a transition issue too - what worried me was that people had same impressions of moblin work for instance | 21:25 |
RST38h | Heya, VDVsx | 21:25 |
timeless_mbp | i live in 1.2 land, but my changes apply to 1.1*, and i'd like to be able to give them to people in 1.1 land | 21:25 |
CosmoHill | 57.6Mb/s, not good :( | 21:25 |
DawnFoster | I'm encouraging people to move conversations to the open if at all possible | 21:26 |
Stskeeps | :nod: | 21:26 |
* Stskeeps does believe that TSG and you and quim are doing your best to encourage things | 21:26 | |
leinir | mmmm, pr1.2... :) | 21:26 |
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VDVsx | pr1.2 isn't that a myth ? | 21:27 |
* VDVsx hides | 21:27 | |
leinir | ;) | 21:27 |
Stskeeps | VDVsx: everyone quit after the rpm vs deb choice? | 21:27 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:27 |
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CosmoHill | oh crap | 21:27 |
CosmoHill | I ran out of space :( | 21:27 |
VDVsx | Stskeeps, fremantle still uses deb, so no reason for that, I guess :D | 21:28 |
leinir | Hehe, i've only got 43.8MB left on my / ;) | 21:28 |
lcuk | pr1.2 was delayed whilst we help VDVsx move house | 21:28 |
VDVsx | lcuk, agree with that | 21:29 |
VDVsx | still have need so help | 21:29 |
lcuk | those ikea flatpacks are difficult | 21:29 |
VDVsx | *still need so.. | 21:29 |
lcuk | VDVsx, house warming party :) | 21:29 |
lcuk | bring your own screwdriver | 21:29 |
VDVsx | heheeh | 21:29 |
CosmoHill | lcuk: they're cheap, not difficult | 21:30 |
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lcuk | CosmoHill, its flying that screwdriver 2000 miles that more difficult ;) | 21:31 |
CosmoHill | hah yes | 21:32 |
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postmanPechkin | hi, i used command SUDO, but qt still isn't working( | 21:34 |
CosmoHill | :o | 21:35 |
thiago_home | Qt has nothing to do with sudo | 21:35 |
CosmoHill | sudo is bad and should be avoided | 21:35 |
CosmoHill | well it's not bad but most people i know use it instead of actually fixing the permissions | 21:35 |
thiago_home | except sudo gainroot :-) | 21:35 |
postmanPechkin | i am newbie in linux. | 21:36 |
CosmoHill | okay | 21:36 |
postmanPechkin | how to set qt creator work? | 21:36 |
CosmoHill | if you have to use the sudo command, think about it | 21:36 |
thiago_home | postmanPechkin: how about you tell us what you were trying to accomplish? | 21:36 |
CosmoHill | to install software you'd need sudo, probably | 21:36 |
CosmoHill | to run it you don't | 21:36 |
lcuk | postmanPechkin, can you click run button (play icon) in ct creator doofer editor thing? | 21:36 |
lcuk | most people dont need the console do they? | 21:36 |
* lcuk sodu chops CosmoHill | 21:36 | |
CosmoHill | the way I've used linux for the last few years I've used CLI | 21:37 |
* CosmoHill sudo kicks lcuk | 21:37 | |
CosmoHill | or were you saying "sod you cosmo"? | 21:37 |
lcuk | CosmoHill, i come from windows, the play button is ingrained and should work everywhere | 21:38 |
CosmoHill | dammit | 21:38 |
lcuk | washing machines and irons and other electrical equipment i barely understand should have them too :D | 21:38 |
CosmoHill | my server is topping out at 57.6Mb/s over SFTP | 21:38 |
postmanPechkin | i installend Qt, and it works, but stuff like "hello world" don't compilled, | 21:38 |
postmanPechkin | -I../../../QT/qt/include -I. -o main.o main.cpp | 21:39 |
postmanPechkin | make: g++: Command not found | 21:39 |
postmanPechkin | make: Leaving directory | 21:39 |
lcuk | postmanPechkin, what does it say when you try | 21:39 |
CosmoHill | how did you install Qt? | 21:39 |
CosmoHill | oh | 21:39 |
lcuk | wheres that from and how did you install qt | 21:39 |
CosmoHill | you don't have gcc installed | 21:39 |
CosmoHill | postmanPechkin: gcc --version | 21:39 |
thiago_home | you need a compiler before you can compile | 21:39 |
lcuk | thiago_home, :D tracy is getting me lego men - she saw my twit yesterday about it and ebayed for me | 21:40 |
thiago_home | the red one? | 21:40 |
lcuk | yeah and yellow and blue and black and white i think :D | 21:40 |
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CosmoHill | you're getting a rainbow of lego men | 21:40 |
lcuk | a whole rainbow set :D im gonna have em dancing on my monitor | 21:41 |
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lcuk | heh CosmoHill | 21:41 |
* lcuk is reminded of the intel space men adverts :D | 21:42 | |
CosmoHill | part of me wants a new server | 21:42 |
CosmoHill | but i know it will be faster than my desktop | 21:42 |
arjan | desktop??? | 21:42 |
* arjan hasn't had a desktop computer in.. like 8 years | 21:42 | |
arjan | portable + server ftw | 21:42 |
postmanPechkin | i downloaded it from site and (i don't know how.. started it to install with installation master) | 21:42 |
CosmoHill | arjan: I don't use it to much now, mostly videos | 21:43 |
* thiago_home has a workstation in the office so he can connect two 22" monitors | 21:44 | |
thiago_home | 3360x1050 ftw :-) | 21:44 |
TSCHAKee | ;) | 21:44 |
GAN900 | thiago_home, 20" is better. ;) | 21:44 |
TSCHAKee | my next workstation will have a graphics card with four ports | 21:44 |
* TSCHAKee wants 4 monitor action | 21:44 | |
TSCHAKee | :D | 21:44 |
GAN900 | Ridiculously overpowered desktop + N900 is the way to go. | 21:45 |
* GAN900 is currently at 4. | 21:45 | |
* VDVsx has 24" :D | 21:45 | |
CosmoHill | my friend has one monitor via HDMI on his laptop and another via a USB adapter | 21:45 |
* CosmoHill has a 20" Dell | 21:45 | |
CosmoHill | there is something called 16:9!!!! | 21:46 |
postmanPechkin | how can i recognaze if i have a compiler? i thought in Ubuntu 9.10 compiler is integrated... | 21:46 |
* CosmoHill is mildly annoyed having to watch TV and DVDs at 16:10 | 21:46 | |
TSCHAKee | postmanPechkin: apt-get install build-essential | 21:46 |
* VDVsx tried a 30" dell today, insane :D | 21:46 | |
GAN900 | Semi-recent: http://www.flickr.com/photos/generalantilles/3981783507/ | 21:46 |
CosmoHill | with sudo infront | 21:46 |
CosmoHill | I tried a 27" iMac | 21:46 |
GAN900 | VDVsx, 2x 30" is really unworkable. | 21:46 |
CosmoHill | never before have i had to move my head that much to use a computer | 21:46 |
postmanPechkin | TSCHAKEee: i did it. | 21:46 |
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CosmoHill | postmanPechkin: now type "gcc --version" | 21:47 |
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GAN900 | I'd do a 30" with two portrait 20"s on either side, though. | 21:47 |
VDVsx | GAN900, if you sit 5 m from the screens yes :D | 21:47 |
CosmoHill | we have a 37" in the living room | 21:47 |
GAN900 | VDVsx, hehe. | 21:47 |
postmanPechkin | i am on win now, i'll restart and check) | 21:48 |
arjan | postmanPechkin: onubuntu you might need to install "development base" or something like that to get enough tools to have a useful compiler | 21:48 |
CosmoHill | build-essental is all you need | 21:48 |
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CosmoHill | son of a | 21:50 |
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* CosmoHill steps into a cupboard and swears like nuts | 21:50 | |
postmanPechkin | build-essentian -what is it? (i should put there path to package or i just need to type build-essential) | 21:50 |
postmanPechkin | ?) | 21:50 |
CosmoHill | postmanPechkin: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 21:51 |
CosmoHill | this installs a group of tools need to build packages | 21:51 |
postmanPechkin | of | 21:51 |
postmanPechkin | *ok) | 21:51 |
till- | or you may use synaptic or so | 21:51 |
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postmanPechkin | gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) 4.4.1 | 22:04 |
postmanPechkin | after SUDO etc | 22:04 |
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postmanPechkin | user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | [sudo] password for user: | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | Reading package lists... Done | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | Building dependency tree | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | Reading state information... Done | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | E: Couldn't find package build-essential | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | user@ubuntu:~$ | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | and qt still doesn't work | 22:05 |
postmanPechkin | CosmoHill? | 22:08 |
CosmoHill | one mo | 22:08 |
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arjan | it's essentialS | 22:11 |
arjan | eg you missed the (lower case) s at the end | 22:12 |
postmanPechkin | if it acn help i instaled ubuntu througth Wubi | 22:12 |
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GAN900 | arjan, I've seen both. | 22:13 |
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Stskeeps | excellent, i have meego codedrop running on my n810 | 22:19 |
Stskeeps | with the same excellent xterm ;) | 22:19 |
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* GAN900 needs MeeGo for N1. | 22:20 | |
lcukn900 | n97 would do | 22:21 |
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CosmoHill | my lap is getting rather hot :/ | 22:27 |
CosmoHill | yay | 22:27 |
CosmoHill | I got my file fixed with rsync :D | 22:28 |
CosmoHill | instead of having to download everything again | 22:28 |
Stskeeps | http://www.daimi.au.dk/~cvm/meegoonn810.jpg | 22:29 |
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frals | nice Stskeeps :) | 22:30 |
Jartza | cool | 22:30 |
Jartza | I only have N800 :) | 22:30 |
Jartza | I had N900 for 3 weeks before I broke it. | 22:30 |
brik | how did you manage that? | 22:31 |
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Jartza | I dropped it into the sewer :) | 22:32 |
brik | O.O | 22:32 |
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Jartza | downsides of the profession | 22:32 |
brik | poor n900 | 22:33 |
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postmanPechkin | i still don't work | 22:43 |
postmanPechkin | with 's' in the end or without | 22:44 |
postmanPechkin | *it .... doesn't | 22:44 |
NishanthMenon | arjan, ping | 22:45 |
Gla | hey guys, what is meego? | 22:45 |
thiago_home | www.meego.com | 22:46 |
Zeikko | Me go Meego! | 22:47 |
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postmanPechkin | WHY IT ALWAYS HAPPENED WITH ME? | 22:50 |
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* CosmoHill hugs postmanPechkin | 22:51 | |
postmanPechkin | *happen | 22:51 |
postmanPechkin | so, no one know what to do? | 22:51 |
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CosmoHill | postmanPechkin: i might be able to help you but I'm busy with a friend at the moment | 22:53 |
postmanPechkin | sorry,,( | 22:54 |
CosmoHill | I'm also trying to watch the political debate | 22:54 |
lcuk | postmanPechkin, on ubuntu things go smoother if you use the ubuntu software centre to install stuff, where did you get your qt installation from and have you confirmed you downloaded the complete package and not just the ide for instance | 22:55 |
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postmanPechkin | ok) when i get unlimited truffic i will download all internet) | 22:57 |
postmanPechkin | thnks to everyone) | 22:58 |
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lcuk | postmanPechkin, if you right click on the internet, you should have an option to "make available offline" | 23:00 |
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adorsey | ls | 23:00 |
adorsey | blah, wrong window... | 23:00 |
CosmoHill | adorsey: command not found. | 23:01 |
postmanPechkin | huh | 23:01 |
postmanPechkin | ) | 23:01 |
adorsey | lls | 23:02 |
adorsey | oh ffs | 23:02 |
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adorsey | i hate how virtualbox allows seamless mouse pointer integration | 23:03 |
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adorsey | and then you start typing | 23:03 |
adorsey | and it's irc. | 23:03 |
postmanPechkin | sorry, one more question, | 23:05 |
postmanPechkin | how i can start moblin on VB | 23:05 |
thiago_home | VB? | 23:05 |
postmanPechkin | someone here have told me that it's very difficult | 23:06 |
postmanPechkin | virtual box | 23:06 |
thiago_home | ah, ok | 23:06 |
thiago_home | I thought you mean Visual Basic | 23:06 |
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postmanPechkin | i am newbie, but not an IDIOT))) | 23:06 |
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lcuk | postmanPechkin, i spent 10 years as a vb developer and still do same double take | 23:07 |
lcuk | nothing at all related to your skills | 23:08 |
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postmanPechkin | ok, but how can i start moblin on vb | 23:08 |
postmanPechkin | ? | 23:08 |
postmanPechkin | can i? | 23:08 |
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postmanPechkin | lcuk: but what about VB.net? is there compiler for Linux, or for moblin? | 23:12 |
* CosmoHill gets his sword | 23:15 | |
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Stskeeps | http://www.visionmobile.com/blog/2010/04/is-android-evil/ is a good read so far (no, not wanting to pick on android, but i think we might have similar challenges) | 23:35 |
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thiago_home | yep | 23:36 |
thiago_home | I read that blog | 23:36 |
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GAN900 | Yes, yes it is evil. | 23:37 |
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thiago_home | lots of mistakes not to make | 23:37 |
Stskeeps | hmm, would DUI run on a device that doesn't have a GL(ES) backend? | 23:38 |
Stskeeps | ie, the widgets set, not the whole desktop | 23:38 |
thiago_home | no | 23:39 |
thiago_home | we've been through this: MeeGo will require GL | 23:39 |
Stskeeps | yes, i know that | 23:39 |
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Stskeeps | i'm just curious about the actual impl of things in the so-called modern touch widget sets :P | 23:40 |
thiago_home | last I looked at DUI code, there was GL all over | 23:40 |
thiago_home | plain Qt as well as QML runs without GL | 23:42 |
Stskeeps | k - thanks | 23:43 |
GAN900 | thiago_home, GL/GLES to be pedantic. ;) | 23:46 |
thiago_home | yeah | 23:46 |
slaine | postmanPechkin: VirutalBox doesn't have the graphical capabilities to run Moblin, so it won't be able to run meego | 23:47 |
slaine | also there's a kernel issue with the Day1 release | 23:47 |
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postmanPechkin | oh, i see, you already explained it. | 23:50 |
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postmanPechkin | )) | 23:50 |
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CosmoHill | :) | 23:53 |
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CosmoHill | after 5 hours I found out that my download was screwed up | 23:59 |
CosmoHill | but with the clever use of rsync I fixed it in 10 mins | 23:59 |
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