IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2010-04-12

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* CosmoHill pokes luke-jr 00:34
luke-jrcan't find any docs on how to build MeeGo...00:34
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CosmoHillyou mean download the RPMs and install them?00:40
CosmoHillor compile them yourself?00:40
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luke-jrCosmoHill: compile the base OS from scratch00:42
luke-jrto begin porting to a new platform00:42
CosmoHillI think you'd basically have to download the src.rpm files and recompile them00:43
luke-jrwhat about these .ks files?00:43
CosmoHilli think they are to make images from the pre-compiled rpms00:44
CosmoHillwhat platform are you thinking of?00:44
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luke-jrCosmoHill: I'm doing the EFIKA MX port00:45
CosmoHillI've not heard of it00:45
luke-jrbased on Freescale i.MX51500:45
luke-jra Cortex A800:45
CosmoHillhave you ported anything else to that arch?00:46
luke-jrwell, I *was* working on Mer, until it got superceded by Nokia to MeeGo ...00:46
CosmoHillI'll take that as a bitter yes00:46
luke-jrI don't especially care for either platform; I use Gentoo00:47
luke-jrMer was GTK-centric, which I didn't like; MeeGo switches it to Qt, but uses RPM :(00:47
CosmoHillwell the RPM should be written for both ARM and x8600:48
CosmoHillthe Cortex is ARM right?00:48
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thiago_homeCortex-A8 is ARM00:50
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thiago_homeit's the one powering the N900 too00:50
CosmoHillso no porting will be required?00:50
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luke-jrother than drivers, which is what I was expecting anyway00:52
CosmoHillshould just be able to recompile the src.rpm files for that arch00:53
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CosmoHillinventory.hpp:9: error: ‘string’ does not name a type >.<01:08
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tealbirdAnyone in SF south bay looking to carpool for ELC?01:24
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CosmoHillthat's never something I've head on IRC before01:25
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CosmoHillbye bye02:18
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hagisbasherukwhats the user/password for the netbook usb image ?03:49
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hagisbasheruktried meego/meego  , meego/password , meego/(blank)04:00
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Maulkinhcarrega: tried root/moblin ?04:29
Maulkinhagisbasheruk even04:29
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steventaoHi all07:01
steventaoI have some problem when I try to create my Meego image.07:02
steventaoError: failed to create image : Failed to find package 'fastinit' : No package(s) available to install07:03
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steventaoI don't know how the fix it.07:03
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MaulkinAfternoon :)10:04
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asturi would like to know how to start to do translations en my language10:43
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Stskeepsastur: look into the localization team10:45
asturthanks, but that's the problem, I don't find the link... :S10:45
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steventaoHi all.11:31
steventaoCould I create a Meego image on ubuntu 9.10?11:32
Tumi_you should be able to11:33
Stskeepssteventao: there is a longer discussion about this on meego-dev11:33
Tumi_add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:   deb /11:33
Tumi_then you should have package 'mic2'11:34
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steventaoI got the mic211:36
steventaobut when I try to make the image11:36
steventaoError: failed to create image : Failed to find package 'fastinit' : No package(s) available to install11:36
steventaoThere are some error message11:37
steventaoI don't know why.11:37
Tumi_sorry, haven't had time to test it yet myself :(11:37
steventaoThat's fine. I am still trying it.11:38
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Tumi_steventao: great, let me know how it goes!11:42
Tumi_I guess I have to struggle similar issues this week...11:42
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steventaoHa, I do what I can11:50
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hagisbasherukwhats the user/password for the netbook core image , i have tried meego/(blank pass) , meego/password , meego/meego ,meego/moblin11:52
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hagisbasherukahh , found it in comments , user is root and password is meego , brb going to try12:00
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slainemorning all12:01
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exmanAnybody knows IME of Meego ?12:46
exmanWhat is the official IME Framework?12:46
exmanin Meego12:46
exmanInput method engine12:46
CosmoHilli have no idea12:47
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Anss|I think qt's light house might be one candidate12:47
Anss|but i am just guessing12:47
exmanI found a duiimframework. but qt already has a many kind of ime support options.12:48
exmanso... it's very confused. why did dui author makes duiimframework...12:49
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timeless_mbpexman: so...13:01
timeless_mbpdui* isn't really the future13:01
exmanwhat's mean?13:02
lcuk2timeless_mbp, just the person :)13:02
timeless_mbpthe reason dui stuff was made is because dui needed to be made when the team was planning13:02
timeless_mbpQt is a base level toolkit13:02
timeless_mbpQML at the time harmattan was being developed was not expected to be production ready in time for ship13:02
timeless_mbpand certainly not in time to do dev work13:02
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timeless_mbpthere was work by the symbian team on another similar toolkit13:04
timeless_mbphowever we didn't know about their work, their time table wasn't compatible w/ ours13:04
timeless_mbpand their vision wasn't compatible w/ ours13:04
timeless_mbpso we went ahead and made dui13:04
timeless_mbpand then at some point, we lost13:04
timeless_mbpfwiw, directui is not the first directui13:04
timeless_mbpmicrosoft has been shipping a directui for a while :)13:05
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exmani thought dui is main gui toolkit of Meego. isn't it?13:05
timeless_mbpQt is the main toolkit13:05
Anss|what is directui?13:05
timeless_mbpdui is the toolkit that Nokia will be using for most of its apps13:05
timeless_mbpAnss|: an accelerated toolkit built around the Qt framework13:06
timeless_mbpwith certain shiny bits13:06
timeless_mbpat least, that's the theory13:06
timeless_mbpQt is interesting, but it has problems13:06
timeless_mbpthe Qt widget set is old, and hard to accelerate13:06
timeless_mbpw/ Qt 4.something, they added better primitives for use with hardware that does graphics acceleration13:07
Anss|there also some references to direct ui from symbian side.13:07
timeless_mbpyeah, um13:07
timeless_mbpeveryone picks 'directui' as a name13:07
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timeless_mbpsee my reference to microsoft13:07
timeless_mbpthe harmattan team picked the directui name before the symbian team did13:07
timeless_mbpso we won the right to use the name13:07
timeless_mbpthe symbian people got the name 'orbit' (?) instead13:07
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timeless_mbpand in addition, they won the right to have the winning/surviving toolkit of the future13:08
timeless_mbpwhich is probably much more important/interesting13:08
Anss|for the implementation, direct ui as symbian context is more like paradigm13:08
timeless_mbpanyway, anywhere you see symbian-directui, please read symbian-orbit13:08
timeless_mbpit'll simplify your life13:08
timeless_mbp(not much, but a little)13:08
* CosmoHill gives Tumi_ a poke13:09
Termanatimeless_mbp: Sounds like Nokia's internal team are taking gambles on future devices :P13:09
timeless_mbpTermana: and this surprises you because?13:09
timeless_mbpthere's a company in east asia which would assign 3 complete teams to make 3 competing products13:09
timeless_mbpthey'd go off, come back, the best one wins, and would be the only one to ship13:09
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timeless_mbpnokia only has the resources to do two teams, and we let both ship :)13:10
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exmanIt's very useful information for me13:11
* timeless_mbp shrugs13:11
exmanthanks timeless13:11
Anss|Nokia dropped qtopia, which would have been third.13:11
timeless_mbpoh, qtopia is dead dead?13:11
Anss|at least not shipped in device13:11
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Termanatimeless_mbp: When you say they have the right to the winning toolkit, does that mean the Symbian team exclusively gets it or that the Symbian team just gets to use it?13:13
BostikTermana: I would guess their design won the evolutionary contest and is selected for use across the board13:13
timeless_mbphow precisely that will be implemented is still probably a bit up in the air13:14
timeless_mbpit might be integrated into Qt<something>13:14
timeless_mbpor it might just be shipped "everywhere"13:14
Anss|is there really some new about this "competition"/winning toolkit. i think that is only a wild speculation.13:16
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Anss|according gitorious directui is very active project13:16
exmanAnyway... direct-ui is not a official meego gui toolkit. right ? so ... Will direct-ui be only used for symbian, not maemo?13:17
timeless_mbpwell, we're going to use it for harmattan <period>13:17
timeless_mbpexman: please reread13:17
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timeless_mbpsymbian's toolkit is 'orbit'13:17
timeless_mbpdon't call it something else, you'll confuse everyone13:17
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timeless_mbpofficially we do not encourage third parties to build on harmattan's dui13:17
exmansorry ^^;13:17
timeless_mbpit's open source13:18
timeless_mbpyou can use it if you like, you can even submit patches13:18
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timeless_mbpand as long as management isn't busy retasking engineers, they'd probably take them13:18
timeless_mbpbut, officially we do not encourage people to use the toolkit13:18
timeless_mbpthe people working on the toolkit are of course proud of the toolkit and would like others to use it13:18
timeless_mbpbut that's an engineering level thing13:19
andrehas anyone here done on-device debugging on the N900?13:19
timeless_mbpevery parent is proud of their baby, no matter how unloved it is otherwise13:19
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Anss|btw latest blog of NG widgets used term MVC, that reminded me about directui.13:20
timeless_mbpmodel view controller has been a buzzword for um13:20
timeless_mbp15 years?13:20
timeless_mbpat least 1513:20
* timeless_mbp remembers it from high school13:20
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Anss|yep. At least microsoft used it a looong time a go.13:21
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timeless_mbpmfc always was mvc13:22
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Anss|basically not bad idea.13:22
Anss|but in practice...13:22
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Anss|it is very challenging design pattern or some consider it even anti-pattern.13:23
Bostikandre: does strace count? I haven't managed to get gdb produce anything sensible from Qt linked binaries on N90013:23
andreBostik: no, I am talking about using gdbserver on the device13:23
timeless_mbpandre: i've used it13:24
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timeless_mbpothers on our team have too13:24
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andreBostik: I can set breakpoints, and use 'stepi', but 'step' fails13:24
andretimeless_mbp: so you could simply break at main and single-step?13:25
timeless_mbpthis is meego or maemo?13:25
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timeless_mbpbecause in maemo, there's the launcher which makes 'main' painful13:25
timeless_mbpi think there are rumors of plans to do something similar for post maemo platforms13:25
andretimeless_mbp: plain Qt Gui app on maemo I suppose13:26
timeless_mbpok, so no maemo-launcher13:26
timeless_mbpyeah, breaking at main can work13:26
andretimeless_mbp: I haven't seem a 'launcher' so far,13:26
timeless_mbpi've probably seen sketches for one or two instead of impls13:26
timeless_mbpi'm not looking, i like keeping my head in the sand13:27
andretimeless_mbp: yes, break work, and I can enter functions with 'stepi', but no with 'step'13:27
timeless_mbpthis stuff is always disgusting13:27
timeless_mbpandre: info shar13:27
timeless_mbpyou need to get symbols happy on the gdb side13:27
timeless_mbptypically you're missing symlinks13:27
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andretimeless_mbp: what version of gdb were you using?  ah...13:27
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timeless_mbpum… right now? i use crash reporters instead13:29
timeless_mbpand mxr's13:29
timeless_mbp(or bonsai's)13:29
timeless_mbpgdb's are for other people :)13:30
timeless_mbpi tend to use 6.8 self built iirc13:30
timeless_mbpbut you can use pretty much anything13:30
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andretimeless_mbp: ok.. mis-matching debug symbols might be my problem. looks like gdb sets a breakpoint 8 bytes before a bit of code that's actually executed afterwards.13:30
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exmantimeless, i have a one more question. how about gtk apps in meego? is it okay in meego ?14:14
exmanQt based app is recommanded, and gtk apps also okay.14:16
exmanright ?14:16
exmanhamattan ui apps also okay14:16
exmanright ?14:16
exmanwhat's different between X-based PC Linux distros and Meego ?14:17
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CosmoHilldammit, I made two false commits >.<14:19
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exmanactually my question started from what's the official IME framework? :-)14:20
exmani thought meego has officals in many part of GUI framework. (e.g - IME, Toolkit... packaging (related .desktop files or short cut in desktop))14:22
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slaineexman: There's nothing special about meego in that it is just another linux distro14:27
slaineHowever, the details of how it's different from distro X is somewhat like "how long is a piece of string"14:28
CosmoHillhey slaine14:28
CosmoHillI started my prorgramming assignment again and it's going very well14:28
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exmanhmm.. thanks~ siaine14:29
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* CosmoHill tests his program on linux14:31
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CosmoHillmy server has a stricter version of gcc than my laptop14:31
exmanCosmoHill, What kind of s/w do you coding for meego?14:31
slaineCosmoHill: that's a nice thing about gcc, it gets stricter as it grows14:32
exmanslaine, do you know about pyqt or pyside?14:33
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CosmoHillexman: none14:34
CosmoHillnate@blue[1019]:~/trunk2 $ gcc --version14:35
CosmoHillgcc (GCC) 4.2.414:35
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CosmoHilllaptop: powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)14:35
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amjadi have filed my first meego bug :)15:39
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* CosmoHill wants for amjad to be assassinated15:44
amjadlol, CosmoHill, how many assasination attempts have you survived :)15:46
slaineDawnFoster: hey Dawn. Will any of the MeeGo presentations from the collab summit later this week be made available online for us poor saps that can't make it ?15:46
CosmoHillthe trick is to keep close to someone and then step quickly to the left when anyone goes for you15:46
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maclaverslaine: I am not sure if the Linux Foundation will be recording the Workgroup's presentations, I will ask Dawn in person on Thursday.15:56
slainemaclaver: great, thanks15:57
Anss|have you guys check the dui gitorious lately?16:00
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Anss|or should i say meegotouch16:01
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DawnFosterslaine / maclaver - I'm not sure if they'll be recorded, but I'll try to find out.16:14
maclaverDawnFoster: We could ask the presenter to put the slides on the wiki in PDF format at least.16:17
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DawnFostergood idea.16:18
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CosmoHillsome of my friends record lectures with a Dictaphone and listen to it later as they go through the slides16:20
CosmoHillmaybe if it's not recorder someone could get it on a dictaphone16:20
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timeless_mbpso um16:25
timeless_mbpi should probably note that my information is not necessarily accurate or current16:25
timeless_mbpit's roughly 2 months old16:25
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timeless_mbpdanielwilms: hey, "pong"16:25
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danielwilmstimeless_mbp hey16:26
slaineDoes X work on the x86 netbook  images yet ?16:27
timeless_mbpdanielwilms: so i left a tiny note in the wiki bit you asked me about16:31
timeless_mbpbut if you have more questions, now's a good time to ask16:31
danielwilmstimeless_mbp perfect, thanks...let me have a look16:32
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danielwilmstimeless_mbp looks good, thanks a lot!16:41
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w00t_timeless_mbp: what information isn't accurate?16:46
* w00t_ wonders if he missed something16:46
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slainew00t_: I'd imagine it was related to earlier conversations on QML and DUI16:49
slainejust a guess though16:50
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slainelbt: you about ?16:50
timeless_mbpslaine: yeah16:50
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timeless_mbpw00t_: you missed an internal email which i don't [want to] understand16:51
KhertanHeya !16:51
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timeless_mbpsince i don't [claim to] understand it, i can't comment more than to underscore that i don't officially know or understand anything about what happens anywhere :)16:51
* timeless_mbp underscores that a few more times for good measure16:52
andretimeless_mbp: I've been through a whole zoo of gdb versions now and none of them is able to step into a function. so either this never worked, or I am doing something conceptionally wrong.16:52
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lbtslaine: yes16:57
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slainehas anything further happened on the Repo WG ?16:58
lbtno, I wanted to do some work on it this weekend but stuff happened16:58
lbtmaybe tonight :)16:58
slaineyeah yeah16:59
slaineWhat work are you looking to do on it ?16:59
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slaineOther than, "Give us access to OBS please"16:59
lbtI think the TSG felt +ve enough that it's worth expanding16:59
lbtit will include "how the f*ck are we supposed to build" :D16:59
slainethere's still a firewall curtain in the way17:00
slainehopefully we'll get that big reveal at either IDF or Collab summit this week and we can at last move on17:01
lbtmore importantly there's a policy in the way17:01
slaineThe policy of doing things behind the curtain ?17:02
lbtheh, no17:02
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slaine'cause that is an issue17:02
lbta policy of "none of those annoying end-users on our nice OBS"17:02
slaineOh that one17:02
lbtyeah. that one17:03
timeless_mbpandre: heh17:03
lbtwe have SSO now though...17:03
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lbtso I can ask the CWG why I can't use SSO to logon to the OBS17:03
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lbtisn't the OBS a community resource then?17:04
lbtis it private?17:04
lbthow can that be?17:04
* lbt wonders if his english sarcasm is showing17:04
timeless_mbpandre: so17:04
timeless_mbpi asked oleg which gdb/gdbserver he's using17:04
slainelbt, quiet well :)17:04
timeless_mbpthe answer is he's using a gdb-cross build that *i* made for him :)17:04
slaineDawnFoster: Actually is there a TSG meeting this wednesday too ?17:05
timeless_mbpthe gdbserver comes from our rd image17:05
slaineI missed last weeks due to illness17:05
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slaineis there a way to get yum to list the contents of a package from the repo data ?17:08
CosmoHill :)17:09
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amjadslaine yum info gives information of package17:15
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slaineI know, but not about the files that are in the rpm17:15
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slaineyum knows the info as I can give yum a file path and ask it what package provides it17:16
slainebut I'd like to go the other way and look at what files a package provides17:16
lbtrpm -ql <pkg>17:18
lbtor is this for a non-installed package?17:19
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amjadslaine : rpm can give files in package by rpm -qi --filesbypkg <packagename>  or rpm -qp  --filesbypkg <packagename> , i think -qi is for uninstalled package17:21
slaineyes, I know guys17:21
slaineI'm talking about non-installed packages17:22
jusliukk1slaine, afaik yum doesn't look into local package files, you'd need to do "rpm -qp bla.rpm"17:24
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slaineyes, non-local is what I'm talking about17:27
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arauhohi there, /usr/sbin/liveinst: No such file or directory17:38
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arauhowhen booting the meego image, any idea?17:38
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slaineyum install installer arauho17:39
slainenot sure it works yet though17:39
CosmoHillfrom the usbimg or the vdi?17:39
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slaineit didn't when I tried last week17:39
arauhoCosmoHill: usbimg ..17:39
slainearauho: it's not meant to be installed yet17:39
slainethere's still more behind the scenes stuff going on17:40
CosmoHillslaine: any idea how to get x11 or a gui installed?17:40
slaineCosmoHill: I've too little time to bother trying17:40
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CosmoHillfair enough17:40
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slaineFrom what I can see, they don't want us using it properly until they're ready, hence the staggered releases17:40
CosmoHillI've not done any work since lunch so i should17:40
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slaineWe had a more usable Meego build from the Moblin trunk repo prior to the move of servers etc. So I fail to see how we're worse off now unless for some non-technical reasons17:41
arauhoslaine: well, I have seen it might take soem effort to get X properly working here17:41
GeneralAntillesSo, who is actually going to be in SF?17:42
arauhoslaine: CosmoHill so, none of you guys have tried to get it installed?17:43
slaineGiven that Intel are hosting an IDF in Beijing over the next 2 days and we've got the Collab summit later this week, I have a feeling there's going to be a big reveal and then we'll get moving17:43
CosmoHillnope, I just got the live image to boot17:43
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slainearauho: tried, didn't work out too well, gave up as I wanted a usable netbook17:43
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arauhoslaine: heh, I understand ..17:43
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* arauho will play a bit around this and see what he can do17:44
slaineI'm sure I could have figured out what was wrong and how to make it work, but at the end of the day if it was going to take that much effort to get Xorg and an xterm up I didn't see the point17:44
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CosmoHillwhat's it called when you have one class inside another18:00
CosmoHilland you create functions of the outter class to access the functions of the inner class?18:01
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* CosmoHill looks it up18:06
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CosmoHillat the moment I have something like this:18:10
CosmoHillbool locationClass::delItem(int itemID)18:10
CosmoHill  return locationItems.delItem(itemID);18:10
CosmoHilllocationItems is a class instance inside the locationClass18:11
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slaineCosmoHill: poor design ?18:14
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* slaine ducks18:14
CosmoHillfor all i know it could be18:15
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CosmoHillinventory has a linked list of items18:15
CosmoHilllocations has a inventory18:15
CosmoHilland maps has a linked list of locations18:15
CosmoHillso would i need to make functions that head downways from maps to inventory?18:16
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* CosmoHill goes ahead with these functions18:29
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Noveelhi there19:26
NoveelI've got one question will it be possible to update moblin 2.1 to meego?19:27
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NoveelI've one question will it be possible to update moblin 2.1 to meego?19:30
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slaineNoveel: Not likely, they're technically different OS's19:30
Noveelok thx19:30
slaineI'll be backing up my /home/glen dir to a sdhc card prior to doing a fresh install19:31
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slainetime for the commute19:54
slainecatch you lot tomorrow19:54
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blakecallensanyone know what the plans are for putting meego on a phone?23:19
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CosmoHilltheirs a guide to putting meego onto an N90023:21
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thiago_homeand Nokia will make devices that run MeeGo23:24
thiago_homeshipped from the factory23:24
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