CosmoHill | rawr | 00:00 |
thiago_home | I don't think it will go anywhere | 00:00 |
javispedro | ... I really don't follow this discussion :) | 00:00 |
thiago_home | that's why I am saying you should investigate now enabling Telepathy to use retroshare | 00:00 |
Guest45046 | as javispedro quoted a mail, there has somone already in 2008 requested this | 00:01 |
thiago_home | request is not enough | 00:01 |
thiago_home | someone has to do it | 00:01 |
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Guest45046 | who? | 00:01 |
thiago_home | you tell me | 00:01 |
thiago_home | you're the one interested | 00:01 |
thiago_home | I'm not interested | 00:01 |
Guest45046 | why not? | 00:01 |
thiago_home | I had never heard of retroshare until you mentioned it | 00:02 |
Guest45046 | dont we need encrypted chat over mobile? | 00:02 |
Guest45046 | then test it | 00:02 |
thiago_home | skype works well enough for me | 00:02 |
leinir | i don't | 00:02 |
VDVsx | me neither :) | 00:02 |
javispedro | xmpp is also "encrypted" if you trust your server. | 00:02 |
thiago_home | anyway, this is open source | 00:03 |
thiago_home | if you want to see something done, either you do it, or you convince someone to do it | 00:03 |
Guest45046 | xD | 00:03 |
thiago_home | or continue waiting to see if someone gets convinced and does it | 00:04 |
Guest45046 | yes | 00:04 |
Robot101 | Telepathy is definitely the best layer to integrate this with MeeGo | 00:04 |
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leinir | Robot101: Not just MeeGo, but yes | 00:04 |
Guest45046 | if traffic is encrypted, a server is a waste | 00:04 |
Robot101 | we're working on end-to-end encryption in XMPP already | 00:04 |
thiago_home | you still need to send data somewhere | 00:05 |
Guest45046 | end to end is not secure, as you add the key over the same line | 00:05 |
thiago_home | that has nothing to do with whether it's encrypted or not | 00:05 |
javispedro | uh? | 00:05 |
Robot101 | what?! | 00:05 |
Robot101 | if you're doing broadcasting of data, like presence, not using a server is a waste :) | 00:05 |
* thiago_home joins the chorus: excuse me? | 00:05 | |
thiago_home | I think we are not understanding each other when you say "server" | 00:06 |
thiago_home | but that might be because we are _not_ Telepathy developers nor retroshare ones | 00:06 |
thiago_home | (well, most of us) | 00:06 |
javispedro | Robot101: is there any kind of end to end encryption standard in xmpp? | 00:06 |
thiago_home | you're talking to the wrong crowd | 00:06 |
leinir | You need to be in #telepathy or #retroshare (i guess) | 00:07 |
leinir | since this really has very little to do with MeeGo, other than an eventual package of the library and telepathy plugin | 00:07 |
Guest45046 | but it needs a post merger phase as well, and here added value is encrypted serverless chat | 00:08 |
Robot101 | javispedro: not agreed on, it's stalled because they wrote their own standard from scratch and nobody implemented it because there wasn't any proof it was secure, and now it's split between people (like the Telepathy developers) who want to use TLS for the end to end stuff, versus annoying web people who want to use some crappy per-message encryption they can implement in javascript | 00:08 |
thiago_home | Guest45046: sorry, it's Telepathy integration, pure and simple. | 00:08 |
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javispedro | Robot101: ah well :( | 00:09 |
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thiago_home | Robot101: TLS with X.509? | 00:09 |
Robot101 | thiago_home: deployment specific, so yes, or you just use ad-hoc session keys and then you separately do a negotiation to perform the channel binding step and decide you're talking to the right person | 00:10 |
* thiago_home would have preferred GnuPG keys | 00:10 | |
thiago_home | I already have the trust set for my friends :-) | 00:11 |
thiago_home | anyway, encrypting is easy | 00:12 |
thiago_home | the problem is authentification and identification | 00:13 |
thiago_home | you can't do all over the same channel | 00:13 |
thiago_home | you need some out-of-band verification of the identity | 00:13 |
Robot101 | right | 00:14 |
Robot101 | although leap of faith is better than nothing, most people (even geeks) don't check ssh host certificates | 00:14 |
thiago_home | well, that's because they're trusting the network | 00:14 |
Robot101 | and, when you get outside of geeks, people trust skype is secure and nobody has any idea how it's key management works or what it actually encrypts | 00:14 |
thiago_home | there's your out-of-band verification there | 00:14 |
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javispedro | either you design the system for paranoids, or you design the system for mass wild usage .. | 00:15 |
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javispedro | but in this age (of security practices) designing a system for both is impossible. | 00:15 |
thiago_home | when I worked for Accenture, in 2005, they rolled out an encryption layer on top of MSN Messenger | 00:15 |
thiago_home | when you started talking to a new contact with new keys, you'd get a notice asking you to verify | 00:16 |
thiago_home | most people do the "get me the hell away from here" solution though | 00:16 |
javispedro | so you did something ala openssh big warning.. | 00:17 |
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thiago_home | but for the company's objectives, it was probably working: you're likely to start chatting with your buddies while in the office | 00:17 |
thiago_home | when you're outside, you have their keys already | 00:17 |
thiago_home | that means your chat isn't readable by passersby in the café or by the IT admins at the client company you're working on | 00:18 |
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Guest45046 | yes, that is the goal of retroshare / libretroshare, keep the bypassers out | 00:24 |
Guest45046 | so it is ideal for companies etxc | 00:24 |
Guest45046 | good night | 00:25 |
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CosmoHill | night night | 02:46 |
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Lantizia | its been a few weeks... still rpm based?? lol | 08:27 |
lcuk | no, they changed to pacman | 08:28 |
Lantizia | arch! | 08:28 |
Lantizia | sarcasm? | 08:28 |
lcuk | tongue very much in cheek | 08:28 |
Lantizia | lol | 08:29 |
Lantizia | is it true nokia helped mozilla make a qt firefox... and is firefox for mobile using qt? | 08:31 |
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TigerTael | Does Eclipse work okay with GCJ? | 08:38 |
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slonopotamus | TigerTael, i'd rephrase. does GCJ work okay? | 08:49 |
* tigert thinks nick hilight has some issues lately ;) | 08:50 | |
Fatal | =) | 08:50 |
thresh | easily solved: ban out everyone who has letters from your nick | 08:54 |
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DawnLight | hello | 09:21 |
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amjad | hi DawnLight | 09:22 |
DawnLight | hi amjad | 09:22 |
DawnLight | so when's the fist phone coming out? | 09:23 |
lcuk | fist phone, popular amongst the boxing community | 09:25 |
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DawnLight | huh? | 09:26 |
thresh | :-) | 09:26 |
DawnLight | :/ | 09:27 |
* DawnLight looks right then left then right | 09:28 | |
amjad | will meego use Adobe 10.4 ?? | 09:29 |
amjad | err Adobe Flash player 10.4?? | 09:29 |
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DawnLight | that's a question to ask adobe, though. not? | 09:30 |
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qgil | amjad: I don't think MeeGo will "use" Adobe Flash since it's not needed for the platform | 09:39 |
qgil | but of course Adobe might be interested targeting MeeGo for their Flash releases | 09:39 |
qgil | and MeeGo device vendors might be interested too | 09:39 |
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amjad | the reason i asked it cuz G1 (Htc dream) did not come out with flash support, it had youtube but thats it | 09:41 |
arachnist | flash - the way to make a quad core desktop crawl while playing 1080p videos | 09:42 |
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robsta | arachnist: | 09:45 |
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robsta | not quite the link i was looking for though, apparently support for intel gpu acceleration is also being worked on | 09:47 |
robsta | | 09:48 |
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qgil | robsta "MeeGo Flash support" in fact doesn't mean much. The meaning comes clearer when you say "Intel/Atom support" and "ARM support" | 10:08 |
robsta | qgil: i was replying to "(08:42:39) arachnist: flash - the way to make a quad core desktop crawl while playing 1080p videos" | 10:09 |
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timeless_mbp | fwiw, it's true that nokia (Maemo) worked on a Qt port for Firefox. But Firefox for Mobile will use whatever it needs to. | 10:19 |
timeless_mbp | Firefox for Mobile for Windows Mobile will not use QT | 10:19 |
timeless_mbp | or Qt | 10:19 |
timeless_mbp | Firefox for Mobile for the n900 uses Gtk | 10:19 |
timeless_mbp | it's probably that a Firefox for Mobile for Symbian would use Qt, although i don't know and don't care :) | 10:20 |
timeless_mbp | And I don't think a Firefox for Mobile for Android would use Qt | 10:20 |
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inz | There's a term you don't want to abbreviate... | 10:25 |
timeless_mbp | QT v. Qt ? | 10:25 |
inz | No, Firefox for Mobile | 10:26 |
timeless_mbp | google says did you mean ffmpeg? | 10:26 |
inz | There seem to be quite a few uses for ffm | 10:27 |
inz | (according to wikipedia, of course) | 10:27 |
timeless_mbp | well, i've been to Frankfurt | 10:28 |
* timeless_mbp has given up on focus follows mouse | 10:28 | |
inz | I used to use sloppy focus; but gnome has spoiled me | 10:29 |
inz | And laptops | 10:29 |
Fatal | I need focus follows thought | 10:29 |
thiago_home | timeless_mbp: it's Qt | 10:31 |
thiago_home | and no, there is no work in a Qt-based Firefox | 10:31 |
inz | I would rather trust timeless's word on this matter. | 10:33 |
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Stskeeps | seems like there -was- at least, | 10:34 |
timeless_mbp | thiago_home: as opposed to QT? yes, that was a typo | 10:34 |
slaine | I remember blog posts to that nature alright | 10:34 |
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timeless_mbp | however, the Firefox for Mobile on my n900 is Gtk | 10:35 |
timeless_mbp | it is on yours too | 10:35 |
timeless_mbp | just because someone might have private builds of a Firefox for Mobile in Qt doesn't mean it has shipped anywhere | 10:35 |
* timeless_mbp grumbles | 10:36 | |
slaine | I think it was for mobile either, just regular Qt | 10:36 |
timeless_mbp | why does the IME keep giving me hebrew? | 10:36 |
timeless_mbp | slaine: you're welcome to not believe me | 10:36 |
timeless_mbp | i've only spent my last 10 years working on Mozilla | 10:36 |
timeless_mbp | including being involved in at least 2, but probably more Qt ports for it | 10:36 |
slaine | I think I was actually agreeing with you timeless_mbp | 10:37 |
slaine | who spit in your coffee | 10:37 |
thiago_home | there have been at least three separate attempts to port Firefox to Qt | 10:37 |
timeless_mbp | i think actually 4 | 10:37 |
thiago_home | those ports usually go nowhere due to lack of interest and help from Firefox developers | 10:37 |
lpotter | all ave ben a code and dump and run | 10:37 |
timeless_mbp | thiago_home: that's ok | 10:37 |
lpotter | all have been, that is | 10:37 |
timeless_mbp | there have been a number of dumb and run faceless backends too | 10:37 |
timeless_mbp | two attempts at doing nanox | 10:38 |
timeless_mbp | the fact that the trolls did dump and run is unfortunate | 10:38 |
timeless_mbp | and i blame them for it | 10:38 |
timeless_mbp | they could have maintained it from their beginning port | 10:38 |
slaine | Moblin 2.0 used a headless mozilla backend iirc for the the clutter based browser | 10:38 |
timeless_mbp | and we'd be somewhere else today | 10:38 |
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thiago_home | but you can expect a WebKit-based browser to show up too | 10:39 |
timeless_mbp | where? | 10:41 |
timeless_mbp | there have been a couple of attempts for Maemo | 10:41 |
timeless_mbp | e.g. Tear | 10:42 |
Shrik3 | every other mobile device is running webkit | 10:42 |
* timeless_mbp has found them to be woefully uncompelling | 10:42 | |
thiago_home | and webkit will be on the devices too, all of them | 10:42 |
Shrik3 | mobile safari changed the way I use the web on the road | 10:43 |
timeless_mbp | yeah, having Qt4.5+ means there's a WebKit available | 10:43 |
thiago_home | 4.4+ | 10:43 |
timeless_mbp | Shrik3: how many people have you run over? | 10:43 |
Shrik3 | webkit on symbian sucked so hard that I stopped using it completely | 10:43 |
Shrik3 | (and it still does) | 10:43 |
timeless_mbp | thiago_home: blah, no one uses 4.4 anymore ;-) | 10:44 |
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timeless_mbp | thiago: am i correct in recalling that qt4.4 for wince didn't have WebKit? :) | 11:00 |
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CosmoHill | anybody know a program for symbian based nokia that would measure Decibels? | 12:15 |
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* CosmoHill headbangs the des | 13:24 | |
CosmoHill | desk* | 13:24 |
Stskeeps | that bad monday? | 13:24 |
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CosmoHill | something isn't working in my program and I can't see why | 13:25 |
CosmoHill | i have 3 class definition files and they begin like | 13:25 |
CosmoHill | #define _PEOPLE 1 | 13:25 |
CosmoHill | #include "config.hpp" | 13:26 |
CosmoHill | config.hpp is | 13:26 |
CosmoHill | location goes "i can't fine the definition for inventory" and fails | 13:26 |
CosmoHill | but i know inventory class is being loaded | 13:27 |
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CosmoHill | great | 13:30 |
CosmoHill | now somehow the program includes the header file inside itself | 13:30 |
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* CosmoHill growls | 13:35 | |
CosmoHill | by somehow changing the order of the includes stuff works | 13:35 |
CosmoHill | or not | 13:36 |
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thiago | config.hpp is a bad name for an include | 13:56 |
thiago | worse than that is only config.h | 13:56 |
CosmoHill | it's annoyed me that I've remove it from all the class definition files | 13:57 |
CosmoHill | it seemed to not include things when it should | 13:57 |
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CosmoHill | and include the class definition inside the same class and break everything | 13:58 |
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shabz | anyone had problems with the bluetooth panel? | 15:48 |
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lcuk | shabz, that would imply we have meego on our machines | 15:49 |
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shabz | maybe some other dev :) | 15:50 |
shabz | who has had a go with it | 15:50 |
CosmoHill | the repo is out? | 15:52 |
Stskeeps | hm? | 15:52 |
Stskeeps | :P | 15:52 |
Anssi__ | is this still day zero ? | 15:53 |
X-Fade | Anssi__: -15 or so. | 15:54 |
lcuk | the following takes place between 10 am and 11am | 15:54 |
Anssi__ | -15 before Meepoch | 15:54 |
burchr | armeegoddon | 15:54 |
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Anssi__ | actually.. | 15:54 |
* lcuk thinks shabz is running 0day warez | 15:54 | |
Anssi__ | 15 before Meepoch :) | 15:55 |
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Stskeeps | meepoch, hehe | 15:57 |
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* CosmoHill stabs IIS | 17:03 | |
swc|666 | haha | 17:03 |
swc|666 | stab it for me once | 17:03 |
th0br0 | ohai everyone | 17:05 |
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swc|666 | o/ | 17:06 |
tybollt | \\o | 17:06 |
* leinir ponders "... tybollt is a spindler?" ;) | 17:07 | |
Anssi__ | ^o^ | 17:09 |
CosmoHill | omfg | 17:09 |
* CosmoHill stabs IIS repeatedly | 17:09 | |
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CosmoHill | it works for no reason at all | 17:10 |
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swc|666 | CosmoHill, was it daylisght savings time thats the issue? | 17:14 |
swc|666 | daylight savings time* | 17:14 |
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CosmoHill | nope | 17:15 |
CosmoHill | it wouldn't display some pages | 17:15 |
CosmoHill | like index.html | 17:15 |
CosmoHill | but it would display index.php | 17:15 |
CosmoHill | and it wouldn't show a folder | 17:15 |
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CosmoHill | rawr | 17:40 |
* CosmoHill stabs iis | 17:40 | |
slaine | CosmoHill: sounds like a killing rampage | 17:40 |
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swc|666 | CosmoHill, weird.. but thankfully i havent had to touch IIS in depth for sometime now :) | 17:41 |
CosmoHill | it works and now it doesn't | 17:42 |
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slaine | biggest hassle I've always had with IIS has actually been the underlying ntfs security settings on the directory where the files are located | 17:42 |
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slaine | welcome back nedrichards | 17:56 |
CosmoHill | screw this | 17:57 |
* CosmoHill remove IIS and installs XAMPP | 17:57 | |
nedrichards | slaine: hello there | 17:57 |
DocScrutinizer | CosmoHill: lol | 17:58 |
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CosmoHill | phase one isn't gong to plan | 18:02 |
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trupheenix | | 18:08 |
trupheenix | can someone explain that? | 18:08 |
trupheenix | rumour? | 18:08 |
Fatal | ah, so we're back to that, shame. oh well, unless one bought the n900 under the false pretense they were going to support meego on it this is back to what nokia said from the start pre-meego announcement, maemo 5 for n900, maemo 6 for later devices | 18:09 |
leinir | Please - read the entire thing :P | 18:10 |
Fatal | keyword being official :P | 18:10 |
leinir | And then think a bit further than your own back yard | 18:11 |
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trupheenix | leinir but what would stop nokia from putting a new fs? its just a fs and a kernel. | 18:13 |
w00t | god. | 18:13 |
w00t | what's the saying? | 18:13 |
Fatal | leinir: I do, I only wanted to clarify for trupheenix, but I guess I was misinterped as whining :) | 18:13 |
w00t | misinformation runs around the world 1000 times before the truth can put its pants on? | 18:13 |
leinir | Fatal: No, no, it wasn't aimed at you :) | 18:13 |
w00t | | 18:13 |
leinir | w00t: Thank you :) | 18:13 |
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* w00t shakes another fist @MeeGoExperts | 18:14 | |
leinir | It was /never/ supposed to be a case of MeeGo suddenly showing up as a software update in the App Manager | 18:14 |
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w00t | leinir: even then, that article is -really- badly worded. | 18:15 |
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w00t | if their intention was to state that there won't be SSU from *MAEMO* to MeeGo, then that should have been emphasised rather more strongly, as that's not how it comes across at all | 18:15 |
w00t | and even then, there's still a big fat [citation needed] sticker across the whole thing | 18:16 |
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leinir | Anybody got a cnet asia account so that link can get posted there? | 18:16 |
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leinir | w00t: That too ;) | 18:16 |
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w00t | no account, unfortunately | 18:17 |
slaine | commute time, catch you lot later | 18:18 |
w00t | cya slaine | 18:18 |
slaine | might be on later, if I can get some peace and quiet ;) | 18:19 |
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thiago | the article is citing Nokia sources, but doesn't provide the link to the sources or announcement | 18:20 |
thiago | and the article is pointing out that it contradicts the blog from Valtteri, who is from Nokia | 18:20 |
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burchr | thiago: exactly :-) | 18:21 |
thiago | so, between an unnamed, unproven Nokia source and a named, proven one, who do you choose to believe? | 18:21 |
burchr | thiago: that's what i meant by [citation needed] | 18:21 |
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arachnist | SSU from maemo to meego might be not possible | 18:21 |
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arachnist | but a flashable image should be ok | 18:21 |
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lcuk | i dont see how else we will get even a meego baseline image on | 18:21 |
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trupheenix | obviously a ssu is not easy but reloading the firmware is the best way. | 18:23 |
trupheenix | point is how could some media outlet make such a useless comment | 18:24 |
trupheenix | then meegoexperts on twitter puts out a statement like that | 18:24 |
trupheenix | obviously to an experienced developer that will sound like hog wash | 18:25 |
trupheenix | but to the less informed it would ring alarm bells | 18:25 |
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trupheenix | and cause disrepute to the platform | 18:25 |
trupheenix | so someone give a statement or i will give one. | 18:27 |
arjan | was there any plan to do the same for maemo 5 -> maemo 6 ? | 18:28 |
javispedro | not really, at least, not public. | 18:29 |
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VDVsx | who are these maemo/meegoexperts ? | 18:30 |
leinir | social media people, they're up near Birmingham :) | 18:30 |
leinir | (as in, the real one, not the fake one in the US ;) ) | 18:30 |
javispedro | btw I think that this whole debacle was to be expected. even the good news were misinterpreted by the twitter media (meego will be built for the n900 gets converted into "Nokia will drop MeeGo aka N900OS 40.0 in my inbox this year". | 18:30 |
javispedro | ) | 18:30 |
javispedro | but since back then those were good news, (I at least) didn't try to battle the issue. | 18:31 |
leinir | javispedro: Of course - this is what social media does :) Roughly as related to the truth as Fox News ;) | 18:31 |
VDVsx | strange, by their record they don't seem very "expert", at least in maemo :D | 18:31 |
Jaffa | VDVsx: Nope | 18:31 |
leinir | VDVsx: They're not, really, more a focus thing than an expert thing ;) | 18:32 |
tybollt | leinir: wtf?!? you telling me Fox News isnt telling the truth!?? | 18:32 |
* tybollt gasps in aww, sheer aww | 18:32 | |
tybollt | or is that awe? :) | 18:32 |
leinir | tybollt: Didn't you know? They mostly exist to provide The Daily Show with stuff to talk about ;) | 18:32 |
w00t | faux news! | 18:32 |
tybollt | leinir: heh, that's a nice interpretation :) | 18:32 |
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arjan | hey conservative talk radio is great | 18:33 |
tybollt | leinir: I'd say rather... they mostly exist to give a nice and comfy news interpretation to the Bush/Murdoch families | 18:33 |
leinir | tybollt: GraphJam is fun ;) | 18:33 |
arjan | how else do you learn how to sell your gold for cash :0 | 18:33 |
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trupheenix | hmmm me making a cnet asia account to put that link to the maemo wiki | 18:36 |
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thiago | who is @meegoexperts? | 18:38 |
w00t | thiago: someone who does little fact checking on twitter, apparantly | 18:39 |
* thiago loves to watch The Daily Show make fun of Fox News | 18:39 | |
javispedro | is there anything really informative in that cnet article? why would it have to be in the maemo wiki? | 18:40 |
thiago | there's nothing in that article | 18:40 |
w00t | javispedro: the point is linking to the maemo wiki in a comment on that article, not vice versa | 18:40 |
w00t | misinformation is spreading far too fast by people who don't understand or read | 18:40 |
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trupheenix | w00t exactly i'm putting a link to the wiki as a comment | 18:42 |
arjan | there's nothing that kills missinformation gunk as good as real hard facts | 18:42 |
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w00t | arjan: yes, and I've done what I can to correct that, but there's a lot of idiots. | 18:42 |
thiago | arjan: where's that blog that next blog that we discussed last week? | 18:42 |
trupheenix | w00t unfortunately their damn facebook connect api works | 18:43 |
trupheenix | doesn't work | 18:43 |
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CosmoHill | my god | 19:03 |
CosmoHill | XAMPP worked straight a way :o | 19:04 |
lbt | you called | 19:04 |
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townxelliot | CosmoHill: XAMPP is a great tool - used it myself for several years | 19:12 |
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CosmoHill | </sarcastic> | 19:12 |
CosmoHill | i knew it would work | 19:12 |
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CosmoHill | <.< | 23:10 |
CosmoHill | >.> | 23:10 |
CosmoHill | good, nobody about | 23:10 |
CosmoHill | rawr! | 23:10 |
CosmoHill | damn shitbag program | 23:10 |
lcuk | CosmoHill, whilst its quiet, come hang out in #maemo :) | 23:11 |
lcuk | theres plenty of us chattin | 23:11 |
CosmoHill | damn program | 23:11 |
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CosmoHill | i have an item class | 23:15 |
CosmoHill | i have an location and a people class which both use item class | 23:15 |
CosmoHill | location builds just fine | 23:15 |
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CosmoHill | people fails to build unless you include item | 23:15 |
CosmoHill | then the program goes nuts for having item twice | 23:15 |
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lcuk | CosmoHill, :) break your classes into header and code files | 23:17 |
lcuk | definition/implementation | 23:17 |
lcuk | then have the compiler build all 3 classes individually | 23:17 |
lcuk | but each looking at dependencies header file | 23:18 |
CosmoHill | i have | 23:18 |
lcuk | then ink and win | 23:18 |
lcuk | l | 23:18 |
lcuk | then your definition is borkened or your linking is incorrect | 23:18 |
CosmoHill | the top of the files looks like this | 23:20 |
CosmoHill | #include <string> | 23:20 |
CosmoHill | #define _PEOPLE 1 | 23:20 |
CosmoHill | using namespace std; | 23:20 |
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CosmoHill | the define being the class | 23:20 |
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CosmoHill | this works fine apart from the people.hpp file | 23:21 |
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* VDVsx is a bit annoyed with all the top posting in the meego MLs | 23:58 | |
thiago_home | if you reply to someone who did top-post, add a polite PS about top-posting | 23:58 |
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thiago_home | don't make an issue out of it, don't reply just because of it | 23:58 |
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