IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-03-14

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th0br0right Stskeeps looks like it'll be next sunday.08:48
th0br0any time preference there on your side? lbt put his cross for all choices there ...08:51
th0br0or well, i guess i'll just create a new poll and send that one to the mailing list08:51
Stskeepsno time preferences, but not before 10am and before midnight ;)08:57
th0br0true :D08:57
th0br0any idea on a rough agenda already?08:57
Stskeepsi don't have one at 8am :)08:58
th0br0it'd be great if we could at least have some official there who's currently involved with packaging to inform us in more detail about the current situation08:58
th0br0haha me neither :) ok.08:58
Stskeeps1. Discuss scope and areas08:59
Stskeepsand making the proposal into a publish-able one for approval08:59
th0br0Introduced OBS to Maemo and working on Nokia build infrastructure.  << maybe lbt knows about this08:59
th0br0he put that in his contribution info09:00
th0br0but yah we'll just see09:00
th0br0we should try to get anaZ maybe; he is the one who put up the Packaging/Guidelines wiki page09:01
Stskeepson a sidenote, what's your background?09:03
Stskeeps(just curious)09:03
th0br0mine? been packaging rpms for fedora for the past year.09:04
th0br0nothing more actually ;) i wanted to dive into maemo one day before meego was announced :S09:05
Stskeepsday zero was a madhouse for me, heh09:07
tmzt_hey keeps finally made it09:07
Stskeepslo tmzt_09:08
tmzt_obs is hosted or still at opensuse?09:08
Stskeepsseperate instance of meego obs, binaries/sources still not out yet though09:09
tmzt_I finally have my own internet so I can do more offline building of whatever09:12
Stskeepswe're basically waiting for day zero when the arm stuff comes out :P09:16
Stskeepserr, day one09:16
th0br0ah, day 1 will be arm only?09:19
th0br0morning markey09:19
Stskeepswell no, but the first release09:19
Stskeepswould be silly it being arm only09:19
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th0br0indeed :D09:20
docksideday one will be source i hope09:21
Stskeepsthat too09:22
th0br0would you call that spam "We, the Forum Nokia N900 follow developments with interest Meego. (And hoping for results soon)" (on the doodle poll) ;)09:28
Stskeepsgood question09:29
th0br0especially as that's some flirt-page09:30
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th0br0 ah well09:31
docksidehm i want one of those pixel qi screen kits, damn hard to read in this sun light09:39
docksideOh it was in dutch09:40
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bleetergah still no n900 release in .au - at this rate meego will be out before the n900!13:59
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hopeygot n900 and can't wait to get to test meego... and finally broke my phone as I promised to do during the first week I get it14:01
hopeygoal was to get it into a condition where making a phone call is impossible14:01
hopeyI've had it already for several months, so what can I say, I fail14:02
lcukhopey, sorry, we will make sure you can break your meego device within 7 days of purchase in future14:06
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hopeymaybe I just didn't try hard enough:
lcukhopey, but thats a fun game to play14:14
* lcuk has an uber high score on it14:14
* CosmoHill looks at the screen shot and blinks14:15
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hopeyI'll try it out14:15
lcuklol hopey b careful!14:15
lcukon the stairs.14:15
lcuk(whole sleeping bag round it)14:15
MiXu-breaking a linux phone where you can get root priviliges is a nobrainer :)14:16
lcukMiXu-, i can drive my car into the wall if i want but i try best not to.  the same with maemo14:17
hopeywell sure, you can rm -rf * / but...14:17
hopey1m is best I dare to do atm14:17
lcuki started wrapping my device in sleeping bag after it hit the..ceiling14:18
CosmoHilloh crap, it's mother's day14:19
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ShadowJK"Core features dependant on region, carrier and device are simply not good enough for consumers who spend a significant sum of money on a handset. For developers the uncertainty creates design decisions ultimately impacting the user, producing a disjoint experiences"15:02
Stskeepsthat one is a bit difficult to parse15:03
ShadowJKit's actually a rant about android ;)15:04
ShadowJKfragmentation vs coherence I guess15:06
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CosmoHilli hope the logbots don't include join / part messages18:11
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JaffaCosmoHill: Shush, you'll cause a stampede ;-)18:21
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CosmoHilltuesday: 400 people joined, 420 people left, 7 people said something18:22
CosmoHill0 people said something of interest18:22
andresCompared to #meego some weeks ago thats dead-silent18:23
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javispedroyes, I wonder why...18:24
* CosmoHill is doing his C++ assignment18:25
CosmoHillnot that i should have started this 2 weeks ago18:25
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GAN900andres, no code, little visible activity.18:31
CosmoHilli deleted main.cpp by accident18:31
GAN900andres, hard to contribute to a vacuum.18:31
* Jaffa twiddles his thumbs noisily.18:32
* Jaffa imagines lbt as the ghostly librarian at the start of Ghostbusters.18:34
JaffaIt's a disturbing thought, TBH ;-)18:34
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* lbt considers making a ghostly cisco vpnclient18:36
lbtby kicking the living s**t out of it!!18:36
* javispedro hears that tune. yes that tune.18:37
javispedronow I won't get it out of my head for hours.18:37
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summeljavispedro: i know why :P18:50
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CosmoHillhow long have you guys been using linux?18:57
szbalintabout 3 hours18:57
CosmoHilli like your answer18:57
Stskeeps 17:57:27 up 10:39, 11 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.15, 0.0918:57
CosmoHill 16:39:41 up 105 days, 18:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0018:57
Stskeepsi would probably have more if i didn't turn off my laptop at times :P18:58
CosmoHillthis is my server18:58
CosmoHilli need to reboot at some point cos of some kernel changes to the iptables tracker thing18:58
* thiago_home has just arrived home from Portland19:00
leinirUptime: 2 days, 4 hours and 57 minutes19:01
leinirnot that long this time 'round, it seems ;)19:01
Stskeepsthiago_home: had a good time there?19:01
thiago_homeStskeeps: yes19:02
thiago_homeall the way until I started coming home19:02
thiago_homeflight from PDX to SFO got delayed, then I got rebooked to the next morning19:02
thiago_homethen today I arrive in Frankfurt and they can't find my reservation19:02
Stskeepsthat sounds a bit nightmare-ish :P19:02
thiago_homecalled travel agency and had them book me on the first flight out19:03
thiago_home$1000 though19:03
Stskeepsbusiness trip though, i assume19:03
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thiago_homesomeone is going to foot that bill, because it's not my fault19:03
CosmoHillwait, you flew to there, didn't get into your hotel and flew back?19:05
thiago_homeI flew to the US, got to the conference, had a very productive time there19:05
thiago_homegot to meet mmeeks, for example :-)19:05
CosmoHillso he's not a computer in a basement?19:05
* mmeeks waves suitably at thiago_home etc.19:05
thiago_homeit started to go wrong again when I got to PDX to come home19:06
* CosmoHill waves to mmeeks 19:06
thiago_homeCosmoHill: no19:06
thiago_homeor it's a super sophisticated computer that has an avatar19:06
SWFu64When will the build for the n900 be ready? aprox.19:06
* mmeeks makes some more grisly mistakes to prove his humanity etc. ...19:06
thiago_homeSWFu64: there's nothing ready19:07
thiago_homeand it's ready when it's ready19:07
thiago_homealso, it will be out when it's ready19:07
CosmoHillSWFu64: there isn't a build, for anything19:07
szbalintby christmas? Not telling which year though ;-)19:07
CosmoHilli don't think there is even a repo yet19:07
summelSWFu64: i would ask if the first release would be appropriate for end-users or if it is more like moblin and you dont really want to use it :D19:07
thiago_homeszbalint: I'd hope for something sooner19:07
StskeepsSWFu64: , 'Nokia and Intel have set the target to open the MeeGo repository by the end of this month. I guess this is something that finally will signify the real "Day One" of MeeGo project, a genuine merger of moblin and maemo. What is scheduled to be available then is the first and very raw baseline to a source and binary repository to build MeeGo trunk on Intel ...19:07
thiago_homewe're working towards something sooner19:07
Stskeeps... ATOM boards and Nokia N900.'19:08
CosmoHillszbalint: you sound like the release guy for grand turismo19:08
szbalintsorry, just the standing joke from the Perl 6 community...19:08
thiago_homeszbalint: like Duke Nukem Forever?19:08
thiago_home"in two weeks"19:08
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* SWFu64 shoot me down 19:09
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SWFu64I love the fact I ask a simple question yet get a simple answer 1:1, just wondering guys.19:11
Stskeepsyou got the exact info that's public :P19:11
summelbut i want to know whats not public :P19:12
tmzt_so I'm trying to see if there's ever going to be any hope for a modern soc that can be fully supported in qemu in a non devboard design19:13
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Stskeepstmzt_: n8x0 was actually supposed19:13
VDVsxsummel, how much are you willing to pay for that ? :D19:13
tmzt_yeah, just saw that19:13
tmzt_but I don't want nand just yet19:13
summelVDVsx: :O19:13
Stskeepssummel: you're assuming you'll want to hear what's not public19:13
lbtsummel: previously unreleased estimate: it will be ready in 15 days 6 hours and 3 minutes19:13
summeli dont like to pay. thats why i use linux :P and why i dont like the ovi store :P19:14
tmzt_found that looking for usb client support, I don't want to use ethernet19:14
summellbt: thx :D19:14
* lbt checks with his cat and revises estimate since she wants more biscuits...19:14
lbtI'm not sure where she gets her info though...19:14
summelwell... so i can sue you and your cat if the info is wrong :D19:15
lbtyou can sue my cat19:15
summelyou gave her biscuits! :O19:15
lbtwarning though ... she's an assassin cat...19:15
VDVsxsummel, , careful with that, heard that cats can get layers in Switzerland19:16
VDVsxI think lbt's cat is from there :D19:16
SWFu64Swiss biscuits are the best19:16
lbtcat solicitors19:16
summellike satelite and maps? :P19:16
summelgoogle cat maps19:17
VDVsxerr, * lawyers19:17
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tmzt_ah, so n800 is not upstream?19:18
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messengerhi is the meego messenger open source?23:42
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Guest45046hello is the meego messenger open source?23:42
thiago_homewhat meego messenger?23:43
thiago_homeand you don't need to repeat your questions23:43
Guest45046nokia develops one23:44
thiago_homeI don't see one23:44
Guest45046 is another one23:44
VDVsxthere's no official meego code released yet23:45
thiago_homeMaemo uses a Telepathy-based instant-messaging client23:45
Guest45046for meego or for messenger, yes telepathy, but will it be open?23:45
Guest45046Kate is working on it23:46
Guest45046want to ask, to make a common project with project23:46
leiniri bloody well hope not23:46 is horrible :P23:46
javispedromeegomessenger already? O.o23:47
leinirand more seriously, if you can wait just a liiiittle bit longer... you know, until there's code released... basically what VDVsx said ;)23:47
thiago_homeGuest45046: all of MeeGo's base distribution and reference apps will be open source23:47
thiago_homeALL of it23:47
thiago_homeso anything you find in will be open source23:47
Guest45046ok cool, then maybe we can add to meegomessenger from nokia23:47
Guest45046either in gui or in telepathy23:48
thiago_homestart doing it now23:48
Guest45046is someone working on/with telepathy to get in?23:48
VDVsxwith Qt23:48
* VDVsx hides23:48
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thiago_homeI have never heard of retroshare23:48
thiago_homeif you want to ask if someone is working on retroshare support for Telepathy, you should ask retroshare developers and Telepathy developers23:49
thiago_homenot us23:49
VDVsxperhaps there's a #telepathy channel23:50
Guest45046but as no one acts, we make the mobile retroshare messenger called meegomessenger.sf.net23:50
* thiago_home doubts MeeGo Messenger will exist as such23:50
thopiekarare there any news from intel about the poulsbo graphicsdriver?23:51
thiago_homeit will be a thin UI wrapper around Telepathy and Qt Mobility Messaging23:51
leinirwxwidgets... that's an "interesting" choice for a meego app ;)23:51
Guest45046yes and why not serverless retroshare?23:51
thiago_homeand the UI may vary according to vertical23:51
thopiekarthe old one is outdated and doesn'T work23:51
thiago_homeserverless = Telepathy23:51
Guest45046that is old webpage from which is the wx gui for libretroshare23:51
thiago_homefirst step: make it work with Telepathy23:52
thiago_homesecond step: analyse what MeeGo will have for IM UI23:52
thiago_homesecond step is not possible yet23:52
leinirSo, back to step 123:52
leinirrinse and repeat ;)23:52
javispedrobecause step zero was "wait" as leinir said...23:53
Guest45046my point is, that making a messenger is in our eys not only adding 1+1  telepathy and qt23:53
thiago_homethere is no step zero23:53
thiago_homestart in step one23:53
Guest45046but it needs a post merger phase as well, and here added value is encrypted serverless chat23:54
Guest45046so please either invest in libretroshare in telepathy23:54
Guest45046or we have a second messenger for secure chat23:54
thiago_homeyes, please invest in Telepathy23:54
Guest45046we are open for integration23:54
thiago_homewhy don't you do it?23:54
Guest45046i am not a coder23:54
thiago_homethen have someone do it23:54
Guest45046what is that outdated?23:55
Guest450463 years old23:55
javispedrowell the basics have not changed much...23:55
Guest45046wrong , libretroshare is based on gnupg23:56
javispedroboth maemo and moblin have been using telepathy as the backend for their respective chat applications23:56
Guest45046libretroshare is still missing,23:56
Guest45046that is the point for telepathy23:56
thiago_homeso you make it happen23:56
thiago_homemake Telepathy and retroshare work together23:57
Guest45046that is the right direction, but if there is no one interested, we need to see where the project goes23:59
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