IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-02-27

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CosmoHill 21:52:02 up 90 days, 0 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.15, 0.08, 0.0300:07
daumasoh, is it uptime comparing time?00:08
CosmoHillgo for it00:08
daumas16:08:00 up 104 days, 21:28,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.0100:09
CosmoHillgive me 14 days00:09
CosmoHill...after you reboot00:09
CosmoHillmake that 1500:09
ShadowJK 00:09:51 up 9 days, 22:27, load average: 0.17, 0.10, 0.1 <- my phone ;(00:09
daumashmm. i'd have a lot of users upset at me if it was rebooted right now.00:09
CosmoHillit would be 36000:10
mikeleibmy record is 400+ days.  I had to shutdown because they cut the power to the building00:10
* CosmoHill shakes fist at long power cut00:10
daumassounds like you guys need to buy some generators :P00:10
CosmoHillpersonal best: 18:58:53 up 374 days, 21:15,  1 user,  load average: 0.32, 0.47, 0.2400:10
CosmoHillactually the UPS could have taken it but i shut down cos it was very long00:11
CosmoHill2 mins later the power came back :(00:11
daumashow about MeeGo (Maemo/Moblin) uptimes? :P00:12
CosmoHilli'd imagine it would be in the hours00:12
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ShadowJKI had a month on my N900 at one point :)00:13
CosmoHillyou just put it to sleep?00:13
mikeleibmy moblin box boots in 5 seconds.  I shut it down all the time00:14
CosmoHillmine goes NVIDIA! then doesn't work properly00:14
ShadowJKCosmoHill, it's my main phone too, can't just put it to sleep for a month :)00:14
daumasi've messed with the kernel too much so my n900 has been up to a week max i think.00:14
CosmoHillwell with phones you leave it on and charge it00:15
CosmoHillmy main phone is a SE k800i, it shuts down randomly00:15
VLJwhat a shame that moblin doesnt support nvidia00:16
CosmoHillit's laggy00:16
ShadowJKnvidia isn't exactly forthcoming00:16
CosmoHillthen you install nvidia drivers00:16
CosmoHillthen the UI breaks00:16
VLJI've heard that installing latest clutter should resolve the issue00:17
tripzeroclutter shouldn't break on most nvidia cards00:17
VLJbut I didnt manage to build latest clutter for moblin00:17
VLJit doesnt on gnome 2.3000:17
daumaswhat version of the nvidia driver are you using?00:17
CosmoHillwell it does00:17
CosmoHillon mine00:17
tripzero195 is unstable00:17
CosmoHillVLJ: from source?00:17
VLJerr 195.36.0300:17
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daumasi'm using 195 on desktops with 9-series chips.00:18
* CosmoHill needs clutter00:18
VLJhow did you do that daumas ?00:19
tripzerowhat's the currently maemo5 ui done in? clutter?00:19
VLJyou used stock moblin live image ?00:19
daumasVLJ: Fedora :P00:19
VLJyep tripzero00:19
VLJand there is no issue with panels ?00:20
VLJin moblin ui00:20
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VLJinside fedora00:21
CosmoHillso i need to recompile clutter from source/00:21
daumasVLJ: i'm using gnome on my desktops, not moblin/mutter, sorry.00:21
CosmoHillas far as i know I'm updated them00:21
VLJbut it's not that easy00:22
VLJho ok daumas00:22
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VLJthe moblin jhbuild is really crappy00:28
VLJthere is so much unresolved dependencies00:28
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* CosmoHill grabs his laptop00:31
daumastripzero: maemo uses hildon/osso, which is proprietary i think.00:31
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murraycdaumas: libhildon is open source.00:36
murraycAs is libhildon-desktop.00:37
murrayctripzero: It's mostly GTK+ based, with some use of clutter by the WM.00:37
tripzerothe flick scroll etc seem to be ogl based00:38
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murraycYes, the desktop uses clutter, which uses OpenGL ES.00:39
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murraycActually, I don't know for sure that the desktop use clutter to do that.00:39
CosmoHilli need to sort out my boot, have to use command line00:40
lcukdoes the x86 system use gles?00:41
VLJgles stand for Opengl for Embedded System00:42
* CosmoHill logs into his moblin box00:42
CosmoHillnow what do i need tod00:42
daumasmurrayc: hildon-desktop is not linked against libclutter, so i don't think so.00:42
VLJas there is no "true" x86 embedded system00:42
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VLJdaumas > the latest hildon-desktop didnot merge to gnome yet00:43
thiago_homethe WM on the N900 is clutter-based00:43
thiago_homethe desktop isn't00:43
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daumasthiago: what is the window manager? i'm brain dead atm00:44
CosmoHilli have applications fail to start on moblin00:44
CosmoHillI've recompiled xorg00:44
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VLJwhich applications ?00:45
CosmoHillat the moment, all of them00:45
thiago_homeI don't remember what it is00:46
thiago_homeI'm just repeating what I remember being told00:46
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daumasah, so don't shoot the messenger :P00:46
VLJwindows manager is the "software" that draw your windows00:47
VLJie that place and render the windows00:48
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daumasVLJ: i was asking for the program/project name00:48
VLJerr sorry00:48
VLJi think it's clutter00:49
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daumasclutter is a GTK library, not a desktop00:49
CosmoHilli forgot the -o command and now curl is throwing up on my terminal00:49
daumas*library for GTK00:49
VLJwhat did you do CosmoHill ?00:50
CosmoHilldownload cutter00:50
CosmoHill-o directs the output00:50
bfreedon't Intel say the gma500 is an "embedded" gpu (and use that as the excuse for it not to be supported with Free drivers like their "non-embedded" chips).  and isn't it also essentially the same chip as is in the iPhone 3GS (sgx 535) and very similar to what's in the N900 (sgx500)?00:50
VLJand put it inside ubuntu/moblin00:50
ShadowJKbfree, they don't own it, they can't support it00:51
daumasbfree: Intel didn't make the chip00:51
ShadowJKis my theory00:51
VLJbfree: in fact the whole US15W is intended to become an embedded system00:51
VLJbut in fact, there is nothing but netbook that use atom Zseries/GMA50000:52
arjanbfree: I don't think intel ever said gma500 is embedded00:52
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arjanor used that as an excuse00:52
CosmoHillnow how do i configure clutter00:53
VLJin fact they didnt speak about it :p00:53
arjansome random internet rambling dude might make up any excuse... I've seen lots of ramblings00:53
arjanbfree: sure intel makes embedded chipsets too00:53
* CosmoHill needs the moblin config for moblin00:54
arjanthose don't tend to end up in netbooks; netbooks tend to pick the price sensitive packaging option etc00:54
VLJI never found a device running under x86 except computers00:54
arjanVLJ: some models of blackberry run x8600:55
arjanlots of airplanes use x86 ;)00:55
arjanand a whole bunch of "small embedded" does to, includign settop boxes00:55
mikeleibthere are lots of embedded systems out there running x86.. zillions upon zillions00:55
mikeleibx86 dominates the pc/104 space00:56
mikeleibx86 dominates the compactPCI space00:56
mikeleibx86 dominates the SBC space00:56
lcukhow about mobile embedded tho - when you dont have the safety rope00:57
ShadowJKsafety rope?00:57
lcukpower cable00:57
arjanlcuk: dfine mobile embedded00:57
arjanwell ... see above ;)00:58
lcukyes, they all look to be home/office based?00:58
ShadowJKlcuk, get one of those nokia phones that take the rare BL-10C battery. It's about a month of standby or so ;-)00:58
* CosmoHill downloads clutter00:58
thiago_homethe space shuttle also uses x8600:59
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lcukdoesnt that have RTG?00:59
mikeleibmost satellites, too00:59
thiago_homeARM still has more volume, though00:59
ShadowJKshuttle doesn't have a radio thermal generator..00:59
ShadowJKIt has fuel cells though00:59
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ShadowJKchips going into space need to be radioation hardened :)01:00
VLJand what about "powerPC" based system ?01:00
ShadowJKGalileo has a tape drive, state of the art :D01:00
arjanpowerpc thrives in consoles01:00
VLJbut anything else ?01:01
VLJGalileo does exist ? ;)01:01
lcukrock solid reliable.  ShadowJK yeah my mistake about shuttle01:01
arjannot sure I've seen anything new on a powerpc lately other than consoles01:01
Corsacthiago_home: they have thinkpad t61p on iss01:01
Corsac(not for flight control though)01:02
ShadowJKVLJ, I mean the probe that went to jupiter.. not the gps thing.. maybe I remembered name wrong01:02
VLJin fact they share the same name01:03
ShadowJKanyway, look at the Apollo guidance computer for a real computer ;(01:04
ShadowJKthe one onboard the command module and lunar module01:04
ShadowJKiirc in one of the flights they reprogrammed it by punching in new opcodes on the numeric keypad which was the only input device :D01:05
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VLJdoes it work CosmoHill ?01:05
CosmoHillcan't get it to configure yet01:05
CosmoHill*** No gtk-doc support ***01:06
VLJyou're under ubuntu ?01:07
VLJtry apt-get install gtk-doc01:07
VLJyum install gtk-doc01:07
CosmoHillI seem to have so much dev stuff on here :(01:08
CosmoHillprobably not a bad thing since I'm learning C++01:08
VLJthere are a lot of dependencies01:08
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CosmoHillinstalled gettext-devel too01:10
* CosmoHill stabs01:10
CosmoHillwasn't needed01:10
lcukthinking different,  whats the easiest way to wire up a wall mount display system and are there any potential elegent fuel cell designs i could top up like watering a plant :)01:11
lcukjust pour something in the top and have it run for a couple of weeks01:12
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CosmoHill*** No glib-gettextize ***01:12
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VLJyou have glib-devel ?01:15
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CosmoHillno such package01:15
VLJglib ?01:16
VLJgtk2-devel ?01:16
CosmoHillah ha01:17
CosmoHillthat's it01:17
CosmoHillnow i can run autogeh...oh it failed01:17
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VLJmessage ?01:19
VLJare you sure this is the error message ?01:20
VLJI mean01:21
VLJthere is nothing before ?01:21
VLJif you install gnome-common ?01:22
CosmoHilli don't have that01:23
VLJlibtool ?01:23
CosmoHilli have that01:23
VLJtry libtool or libtool-devel01:23
CosmoHilli think01:23
CosmoHillyum info package_name ?01:24
VLJyum install libtool01:24
CosmoHillchecking for XDAMAGE extension... configure: error: not found01:25
VLJor x11-devel01:25
VLJsomething with x11 and devel01:25
tripzeroi think there is a libxdamage as well?01:26
tripzeroat least there is on this ubuntu box01:26
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CosmoHillalready installed01:26
VLJperhaps there is a libxdamage as tripzero said01:27
CosmoHillinstalled libXdamage-devel01:28
CosmoHillthat got it01:28
VLJso now it works ?01:29
CosmoHillonto the next error01:29
CosmoHillinstalling cairo-devel now01:29
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CosmoHillNo package 'pangocairo' found01:31
CosmoHillNo package 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0' found01:31
CosmoHillpango-devel :)01:33
* CosmoHill is going one package at a time01:33
VLJyou're not stuck ? ;)01:36
CosmoHillstuck on the gdk one01:36
VLJi'm quite interessed in your results01:36
VLJtry libgtk2-devel01:36
CosmoHillI am saying everyting do do cos i keep logs01:36
CosmoHilli must say you're being very helpful01:37
CosmoHilland yum is awesome01:37
VLJor gconf01:37
* CosmoHill hasn't used it much before01:37
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CosmoHillgtk2-devel, found you01:41
* CosmoHill dances01:42
arjanyum install "pkgconfig(cairo)"01:42
arjanfor things where configure requires a pkg config thing01:42
arjanyum install "pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)"01:43
arjanwill install all you need to fix that configure thing01:43
CosmoHillwhere were you half an hour ago!01:43
arjanin a bloody meeting ;(01:43
cwortharjan: Oh, that's nice to know.01:44
CosmoHillI'm in bed :)01:44
CosmoHillwell on bed01:44
CosmoHilldamn you, less than 2 mins to compile clutter01:45
VLJyou spend more time with handling dependencies than compiling the thing01:45
ali1234why are you compiling it?01:45
VLJnow install it ?01:45
* CosmoHill watches X repeatedly restart and growls01:46
VLJit seems not to work :/01:46
CosmoHillali1234: i think it might be the cause of programs not starting on my nvidia moblin laptop01:46
* CosmoHill goes to init 3 to make it stop flashing01:47
ali1234probably. but i doubt recompiling it will help much01:47
VLJyou may try to recompile x11 with xinerama support01:47
ali1234do you have the nvidia driver installed?01:47
VLJhe says it could help01:48
CosmoHillali1234: yes01:48
CosmoHilli found another guide01:49
CosmoHilldidn't have that01:49
CosmoHillfor now tell me how to force install clutter again01:50
VLJsudo make install ?01:51
VLJwhen you have build it01:51
CosmoHilli meant from the moblin repo so that it works01:51
CosmoHillvia yum01:51
VLJis there a --reinstall command ?01:52
ali1234you did a make install over the top of having the rpm package installed?01:52
ali1234welcome to hell :)01:52
VLJthe last one should do it01:53
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ali1234yeah, so, nvidia needs xinerama enabled in xorg. and it isn't enabled in moblin's xorg01:54
ali1234so you need to recompile it01:54
VLJali1234 you managed to get moblin working on a nvidia card ?01:54
ali1234or use the rpms madeo made01:54
ali1234no, i'm just reading the links and a bit of google01:54
CosmoHillgood news, I've reinstalled clutter01:55
CosmoHillbad news: I've uninstalled 28 other packages01:55
ali1234gotta love rpm01:55
VLJit's yum01:56
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CosmoHillit's me thinking yum would install it all again01:57
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VLJyou can run moblin with vesa drivers ?01:58
aukenot without rebuilding01:58
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VLJmoblin is really build for use with 100% intel hardware01:59
arjanyou really don't want to run a 3D GUI on top of vesa01:59
VLJno but you would be sure it works01:59
VLJI mean01:59
VLJto know if moblin ui can work even with 28 missing packages01:59
CosmoHillarjan: that is why I'm installed nvidia02:00
ali1234does moblin need composite extension?02:00
aukeyes, moblin uses compositing02:00
ali1234that's annoying02:00
ali1234composite and xinerama don't work at the same time02:00
VLJare you sure ?02:00
arjanbut composite and xrandr do02:00
ali1234so nvidia needs an xorg option that you would never possibly want to use02:00
tripzeroCosmoHill, does nouveau not work?02:00
arjanali1234: exactly02:00
lcuksince older devices have lower resolutions, is it more feasible on those than what you think02:01
ali1234nvidia sucks :)02:01
arjanali1234: since it does nto work, moblin does not enable it02:01
CosmoHillmoblin has nouveau?02:01
arjannot currently02:01
arjanin november it was clearly not ready02:01
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aukemaybe, soon? needs testing02:01
aukeno nv either02:01
aukeuseless without 3d support02:01
tripzero2.6.33 should have support for it02:01
arjannv is like vesa02:01
VLJali1234 I got compositing on every distro with nvidia :/02:01
ali1234arjan: nvidia driver will do composite fine, it will just disable xinerama. but it won't work at all if xorg was compiled without xinerama support02:02
CosmoHillwell if it helps my moblin installed is screwed02:02
ali1234but xinerama and composite don't work together on any driver, and never can02:02
VLJbut nvidia drivers doesnt work without xinerama, although the first thing it does is to disable it02:03
arjansounds like a crappy driver02:03
ali1234it can use xinerama if oyu disable composite02:03
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ali1234they are fundamentally incompatible at the server level02:03
VLJyep but there is no need to enable xinerama02:04
ali1234yeah. the crappy part is that it dies if xorg was compiled without xinerama02:04
ali1234it should just ignore the fact that it isn't there to disable02:04
ali1234good luck getting nvidia to fix it though :)02:05
VLJthe crappy part is that xrandr is not enabled with nvidia drivers :/02:05
ali1234yes it is02:05
VLJi mean xrandr 1.202:05
VLJyep twinview02:06
VLJbut twinview is not xrandr02:06
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ShadowJKnvidia may suck, but let's hope intel comes out with a new chipset of their very own design, that supports VA-API and gives h264 main and high profile hw accel :)02:06
VLJit does not work with integrated xrandr manager inside desktop environnement02:06
CosmoHillnvidia pay suck but I didn't have to pay for this laptop02:06
CosmoHillwhat is the package that installs the whole UI?02:07
VLJi have no idea02:07
ShadowJKor maybe a 4-core atom to decode h264 with :D02:07
VLJit would be a waste of power02:08
CosmoHillShadowJK: that mine just run flash02:08
ShadowJKmy atom 330 can *almost* decode very low motion 1080p h264 :)02:09
CosmoHilldamn you02:09
CosmoHillmy powerbook sets whatever it is on on fire when i use normal youtube02:09
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VLJGMA 500 should be able to decode anything at 1080p02:10
VLJbut in fact it doesnt on youtube with flash 10.1 :/02:10
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tybolltGMA500 is free and open and very well documented for all to see.02:11
rangeVLJ: Tried the third beta?02:13
ShadowJKtricore would do it for sure, quad core would probably ensure even hollywood shakycam actionfests decoded in time02:13
ShadowJK(with ffmpeg-mt)02:13
ShadowJKi heard flash isn't going to support hw accelerated decode for awhile02:13
ShadowJK(on linux)02:13
ShadowJKAnd you know, flash has all this extra things going on02:13
VLJon windows seven I myust admit02:13
rangeOh. Great.02:13
rangeBecause my lowly Intel chipset on my macbook now is supported.02:14
VLJwhat is it ?02:14
ShadowJKIt takes the decoded stream, converts it back into RGB, blends the UI components onto the video, blits to screen or converts back to yuv for blitting onto screen.. Just because a system can play back 1080p h264 doesn't mean it will be able to do it under flash, even if flash uses hw decode accels available..02:14
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VLJyep but I think that decoding stream is more power consuming the rest02:16
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ShadowJKIf only desktop CPUs weren't so enormously powerful maybe adobe would give up at some point, and convert their UI overlay to YUV and blit it ontop of the video instead as a subpicture stream..02:18
ShadowJKsure :)02:18
* CosmoHill needs a virtual package that installs the whole UI02:18
ShadowJKbut it sure doubles or triples the bandwidth requirements to play something through flash instead of a normal player02:18
VLJcosmohill > try mutter-moblin ?02:18
VLJor moblin-panel-myzone ?02:19
VLJby the way, are HTML5 enabled browser supporting hardware decoding ?02:19
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CosmoHillnope, neither02:20
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VLJmoblin-mutter ? ;)02:21
CosmoHillmutter, did something02:21
CosmoHilli used to have empathy start up and that was the only thing in X1102:22
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VLJbut you dont have moblin ui02:23
CosmoHilli have a pretty curser and a background02:24
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VLJi'm building gnome 2.30 with jhbuild02:26
VLJi'd like to build moblin afterward using package from gnome 2.3002:27
VLJit's a tool02:27
CosmoHillJeremy Huntworth?02:27
VLJit does everything for you : git cloning, configure, build, resolving dependencies if possible02:28
VLJnevertheless moblin2-jhbuild has a lot of unresolved dependencies02:29
VLJso I'm building gnome with it, to get fresh package02:29
CosmoHilloh i have something02:30
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CosmoHilli clicked on something, it opened nicely and now X won't stop restatrting02:32
CosmoHillnow i have an error message02:32
VLJwhich is...?02:33
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CosmoHilli open the panel, click something and it restarts]02:33
CosmoHillsame thing i had before i screwed up moblin02:33
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VLJyou can rebuild mutter too, perhaps the problem comes from here02:34
VLJsadly there is no error log when running on a nvidia card02:35
VLJI go to sleep, see you !02:36
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CosmoHillmeh sod it02:42
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jebbaHmm, i  `git clone  git:// && cd moblin2-jhbuild && make install &&  jhbuild-moblin2` but i get: "Unable to find JHBuild in PATH"03:14
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mrmquick question - i have a lot of C++ experience and am looking to get involved - should i buy a device or wait and just use an emulator - are new devices on the horizon?03:33
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kebaxqt is more than c++03:40
mrmso you suggest I shouldn't get involved because i don't know qt already??03:43
kebaxno I do not03:43
kebaxbut I think you should study qt03:45
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mrmconsidering  i've worked on c/win32 mfc atl com gtk i'm pretty confident the qt part will be learning another framework03:47
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mrmi'm more interested in whether investment into existing devices like n900 are worth the personal money at this time03:48
mrmor, new devices are on the horizon03:49
ShadowJKThere are always new devices on the horizon03:49
mrmheh, true03:50
mrmlet's say 1-2 month time frame03:50
ShadowJKIf your aim is stricly meego, then I'd wait.03:50
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ShadowJKIf your aim is QT, then anything that runs QT, including N900, is viable03:50
ShadowJKIf you want the best GNU/Linux phone available, then N900 is for you03:51
ShadowJKI seriously doubt any meego device is coming the next 1-2 months :)03:51
ShadowJKWell maybe something netbook-ish?03:51
mrmright, will there be an SDK in that time?03:52
ShadowJKmrm, let's hope so :)03:52
mrmgreat thanks everyone!03:52
ShadowJKIf you're new the QT, I think there's alot to investigate before the meego/device specific things appear03:52
mrmwell, i have other motivation which is i'm tired of my iphone and blackberry tour03:53
mrmyikes - kids are home - chaos - thanks for the help03:55
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mmgcsquestion: does the maemo sdk emulator support connecting to exchange 2007?06:51
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mmgcsno takers on the maemo sdk emulator supporting connecting to exchange 2007?07:00
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lucentasking about maemo in meego channel. son I am disappoint.07:12
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mmgcspardon me, i must have forgot the meego infrastructure is 100% operational, my bad07:17
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Ambyhello everyone12:35
Ambydo you think we will have a MeeGo discussion somewhere about quality standards of UI etc.?12:37
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PluxAmby, Probably yes. But I would guess that it would be based much on
thiago_homeor not12:42
thiago_homeyou don't know if the Maemo 6 UI will be anything like that12:42
thiago_homein fact, not even I know that12:43
Pluxthiago, well, thats why I didn't say "it would be" but "i would guess" so yes, true I don't know.12:43
AmbyPlux: how much community involvement was there for the UI style?12:44
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PluxAmby, I'm not really sure about that for either moblin or maemo.12:46
AmbyI especially miss a stronger "key principles" part.12:46
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thiago_homemy guess is that there won't be one MeeGo UI only12:51
thiago_homethere will be slightly different ones depending on the form factor12:51
Ambythiago_home: right, I was more talking about the reference UI12:52
thiago_homereference UI per form factor12:52
gouri wonder if one could use other toolkits for meego development, e.g. wx?12:53
thiago_homeit's X1112:55
thiago_homeuse whatever you will12:56
thiago_homebut don't expect it to come preinstalled in the devices, though12:56
goursure. that's no problem. considering i plan to use wx (with haskell for desktop app), i'd like to write 'lite' version for mobile device using wx and not being tied to qt-only...that's all12:58
* ShadowJK is guessing anything that pulls in tens of megs of wx wouldn't be considered 'lite' by most people ;-)13:00
gourShadowJK: heh, devices like N900 have lot of mem and here it is important to have 'lite' version running on mobile device anyhow13:02
aldenis qt liter than wx?13:02
aldenme = n00b, sorry13:03
gouralden: probably it is, considering that wx is a layer on top of another toolkit, e.g. gtk+13:03
jrayhawkGour: What are you working on?13:04
gourjrayhawk: planning to work on vedic astrology program13:04
aldenjrayhawk: cool :)13:04
jrayhawkhee :)13:05
aldengour: cool :)13:05
ShadowJKit didn't "feel" light on my desktop, wonder what it'd be like on a mobile device :)13:05
gourShadowJK: well, for now the only option is app running on old everything running on meego is huge plus for me13:06
gourit is interesting that before i went on holidays (end of jan), i was researching which platform to use for mobile development and was not easy to choose between maemo and moblin. now when i returned i 'discovered' that the two are merging :-)13:08
thiago_homegour: :-)13:08
jrayhawkGour: A friend of mine made a very simple "make a window and start mucking about directly in Cairo" Haskell library13:09
gourprior to that, moblin got some advantage and i was thinking to wait for some moblin-based it should be easier and hopefully we'll see more meego devices13:09
jrayhawkyou can clone if you want to take a look at it.13:09
gourjrayhawk: i plan to use wxhaskell13:09
jrayhawktalking like that will make poor cworth cry :(13:10
gourwith moblin, one could just play with clutter i wonder that will happen with clutter13:10
jrayhawkIntel OSTC bought the developers out, so I assume they're still interested in it.13:11
jrayhawkI haven't been paying attention, but I assume some of them are even in here.13:12
gourwhat will nokia say about it13:12
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jrayhawkAnd, of course, someone should warn you that compiling Haskell on ARM is a bit... um... tedious, to be generous.13:21
aldenbecause of glibc?13:22
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jrayhawkI doubt it.13:23
jrayhawkBootstrapping GHC6 takes around a week, last I heard.13:24
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gourghc is getting llvm backend...13:25
gourotoh, i was running ghc on moblin image without any problem13:26
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Stskeepsevening qgil21:36
qgilhi Stskeeps21:37
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qgilhi CosmoHill21:43
qgil"Harmattan, originally slated to become Maemo 6, the 6th incarnation of Nokia's Maemo mobile operating system, is now considered the first MeeGo release, and branded as such by the Maemo community."21:45
zaheermi want to write an app with qml, anyone know if there will be major changes that may affect my app for meego/harmattan?21:46
RST38hHow it is branded is no big deal21:46
RST38hInternally, it is still Maemo6 though, isn't it?21:46
qgilI'm not supposed to edit the MeeGo page at wikipedia since I might have a conflict of interest but that sentence sounds wrong...21:46
zaheermharmattan isn't the first MeeGo release right?21:47
RST38hWell ask the General and he will edit it for you21:47
qgilRST38h no "Maemo 6" used inside Nokia21:47
RST38hWas "Maemo 5" used on the inside?21:47
qgilharmattan =! MeeGo as OS21:47
RST38hthis starts sounding like a mess :)21:48
ShadowJKTo me it sounds like they read the press release and tried to translate marketdroid->english. Lost in translation I guess :)21:49
RST38hno wonder21:50
richieeee72HI Quim, did you draw any conclusions from the TMO thread about how to launch the x-terminal in Harmattan/MeeGo?21:51
ali1234so if harmattan won't be called "maemo 6" but it won't be "meego" either, what will it be called?21:51
thiago_homezaheerm: no, there shouldn't be21:51
qgilrichieee72 no conclusions, we'll see21:52
thiago_homeali1234: it will be "meego enabled"21:52
ali1234hmm ok, fair enough21:52
thiago_homethat's a term that doesn't mean "is MeeGo" but can be applied to just about anything that Nokia chooses to :-P21:52
ali1234still that doesn't sound like a name as such...21:52
thiago_homeit's not a name21:53
qgilusers care mostly about the name of the device21:53
ali1234how about "the operating system formerly known as maemo"21:53
thiago_homeali1234: we'll suggest that :-)21:53
CosmoHillqgil: they do?21:53
RST38hqgil: why do you think so?21:53
RST38hqgil: especially considering that internet is basically "maemo this ... maemo that... "21:54
CosmoHillan important thing when naming a device is how it translates21:54
qgilah, forget it, it's saturday night  :)21:54
thiago_homefrom New York?21:54
CosmoHilli think there was a car that when you translated it from something to english spent cu...21:54
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qgilHarmattan is not MeeGo but I *personally* guess it will be fair to call it "based on MeeGo" or "MeeGo compatible"21:57
qgilas explained in the link above, the differences will matter to a minority of users/develoers that probably will know well the deal and the details21:58
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qgilin other words: you21:59
thiago_homealso note that it will not be the first device either. It may be the first smartphone, though.21:59
mgedminthat clears a bit of the confusion, thanks, qgil21:59
richieeee72qgil: okay thanks. So long as you can still get the x-terminal some way in Harmattan/Meego, that'll be fine.21:59
CosmoHillthe first device would be a netbook / nettop right?21:59
qgilonce there is a release out...22:00
ShadowJKrichieeee72, and rootsh!22:00
qgilthe first device can be an existing device with an installable image for it22:00
qgilwhat was the first "Debian device"?22:00
qgilabout new devices with MeeGo out of the box22:01
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qgilI don't expect the Nokia device to be the first one22:01
richieeee72ShadowJK: Yeah, but I think the new security platform puts a spanner in the works with rootsh in closed mode anyway22:02
ShadowJKsucks :(22:03
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qgilget your facts right before concluding that something sucks22:03
richieeee72ShadowJK: so long as you can still use the x-terminal at user level and SSH that'll do me. I very rarely use root on the N90022:04
ShadowJKqgil, well actually we don't know anything about it yet, so :)22:04
qgilso  :)22:04
ShadowJKwe can only make vague handwavings against the approaching evils :)22:04
ShadowJKI guess it depends both on how crippled it'll be in the closd mode, and how limited the closed kernel is (if you need a new one for NAT and such like on N900, or if the default 'closed' one is fine)22:05
ShadowJKcrippled in non-closed mode I mean... if everything stops working when you flash your own kernel :)22:06
qgilhave you tried asking at + related Talk thread?22:06
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GAN900It's going to be a lot more depressingly relevant to try to get Nokia to integrate patches.22:09
qgilalso "Company/developer" info at feels not completely right22:09
GAN900Stupid DRM22:09
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lcukwill it be possible to use the ubuntu moblin as the same/similar base for meego too22:09
qgilMeeGo trademark and project are from the Linux Foundation22:09
qgilIntel and Nokia are the companies putting together a huge amount of "company" and "development" but it's open to others22:10
qgillcuk define "use"22:11
GAN900lcuk, MeeGe is lower than Moblin22:11
lcukwell in the same way that m6 will be pretty much compatible22:11
qgiland efine "ubuntu moblin" btw  :)22:11
GAN900lcuk, when people say "Moblin", they often mean something more like "Hildon"22:11
lcukusing ubuntu moblin + the qt stuff should be the same effect22:11
ali1234lcuk: if you write everything in Qt it will work fine on any distro that ships Qt, which means any distro22:11
lcuktheres a ubuntu build with moblin ui ontop22:11
qgilis "ubuntu mobile" supporting Qt and Web Runtime?22:12
ali1234ubuntu moblin is the moblin UI repackaged to run on top of ubuntu. ubuntu ships Qt 4.6 in the next release which will probably be out before meego22:12
lcukali1234, that would be the idea - but if thats the case it should be possible to use meego on n81022:12
lcuksince we can put qt there22:12
ali1234lcuk: sure. we can put ubuntu arm or debian or any other arm supporting distro on the n810 too22:13
GAN900Er, yeah. . . .22:13
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qgillcuk it depend on what you are looking for: MeeGo API compatibility or MeeGo UX look & feel (or both)22:14
ali1234i have no idea about web runtime, but if it is open source, and it becomes popular, you bet it will show up in all distros quickly22:15
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lcukqgil, that was sorta the point of the question, as long as meego on m6 is compatible enough it wont matter to most people and thats a good thing22:16
thiago_homethat's the entire point of MeeGo22:17
thiago_homemake everything underneath the applications common, shared and open source22:18
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lcukthiago_home, i was at the fosdem (and maemo summit) talks on security and ive read up quite a bit about them, any idea how they can work if the whole stack is open source and hence recompilable by users22:24
thiago_homeI don't have any idea22:24
ShadowJKlcuk, I think the bootloader isn't open ;p22:25
Stskeepslcuk: by the apps and kernel needing to DRM not being so?22:25
thiago_homethere's also a security feature on the ARM chip too22:25
* lcuk nods22:26
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mgedminlcuk, I was at the security talk in the maemo summit in amsterdam, they talked about a first-stage boot loader checking the crypto signature of the firmware and disabling decryption keys in the hw chip if it wasn't a blessed fw22:28
mgedminso you end up being able to do anything except decrypt DRMed content22:28
mgedminneedless to say the first-stage bootloader isn't end-user-replaceable22:29
thiago_homethat usually isn't22:29
thiago_homeotherwise you could brick the device22:29
mgedminit'll be interesting to see if people will start finding bugs in it22:29
mgedminfascinating reading:
thiago_homeyou need a cold-flash toolkit to do it22:29
lcukyeah but if i can put the meego stack ontop of any os that supports qt what effective difference will lack of bootloader lead to22:30
mgedminI liked the arguments about how many people wouldn't have bothered trying to break the xbox if MS allowed them to run linux on it from the start22:30
mgedminmany technical people will ignore DRMed content and so won't have a motive to start cracking the framework, as long as they can get root and install their own kernels and whatnot22:31
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qgilN900MeeGo Thoughts but his comments about Ovi services are a bit confusing22:33
thiago_homeqgil: by curiosity, do you get emails about travel advisories to the US?22:33
qgilN900i mean the article is good, but the Ovi part is confusing22:33
qgilN900thiago_home yes, they are hillarious22:34
qgilN900you fly to Portland in 2 weeks and you get an email warning you about a tsunami in Hawaii......22:34
thiago_homejust got one about tsunami forecast22:34
qgilN900I remember one warning you about protests in thed Basque country. My flight was to Gran Canaria. (2000 km away or more)22:35
* ShadowJK read the security wiki discussion and talk threads...22:36
ShadowJKI sure hope Ovi will be able to distinguish between closed and free maemo^Wmeego instance, and not offer things that depend on jail :D22:37
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qgilN900ShadowJH, I don't get you Ovi comment either (maybe it's me then)22:38
* mgedmin is kind of boycotting Ovi since it requires a username/password even for free apps22:39
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Stskeepsten minutes with moblin image creator and i feel like rewriting or improving it..22:40
ShadowJKqgilN900, ah I mean if you don't have the closed kernel anymore (and from the comments it seems restoring would require total reflash), but software/media which do not use any of the DRM/securestorage is still supposed to work, what happens if you'd for example accidentally pay for something that turns out not to work on your device?22:40
VLJhow long does it take to download everything with moblin image creator ?22:41
ShadowJKIn a sense there'd be two kinds of <nextdevice>, drm-free and drm-enabled, which are slightly incompatible with eachother :)22:41
qgilN900what happens if you pay for DRM content when you don't want DRM in your device, you mean?22:41
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ShadowJKThis would also be relevant for repositories, or the future equivalent. For example the current mobile-hotspot (iirc) software would, in its current form, kill DRM on the device or just not be installable on the DRM-enabled devices22:42
qgilN900and you won't re-enable the default behavior with DRM either?22:42
ShadowJKI got the impression "re-enabling" would be full reflash?22:42
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qgilN900no idea but what if you have to reflash?22:44
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VLJDRM stand for Direct Right Management or Direct rendering manager ?22:44
lcukthe former22:44
ShadowJKDigital Restrictions management?22:44
thiago_homeVLJ: both, but this discussion was the former22:44
ShadowJKqgilN900, Well then you lose whatever you downloaded anyway? ;-)22:45
lcukStskeeps, how would you change it for the better.  is the new version for meego underway, would your notes and observations make for a clean start for the proper meego one?22:45
thiago_homeyour purchases are recorded in the Ovi Store, so you can redownload them.22:45
qgilN900mmm no idea in a Harmattan device but if you look the N900 flashing doesn't touch your eMMC22:45
thiago_homeactually, it does erase /home22:46
lcukflashing touches installed apps tho22:46
thiago_homenot /home/user/MyDocs22:46
Stskeepslcuk: once i'm done whining about it i'll be constructive :)22:46
lcukStskeeps :)22:46
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qgilN900no idea where your DRM media goes22:46
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lcukmost people dont just get media tho, ovi store is mainly for apps atm isnt it?22:47
zaheermthe talk at fosdem was good re: security framework for haramattan22:47
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lcukyeah zaheerm it seemed to flow better than the summit one, seemed to clarify a lot more than the first22:47
zaheermwas more technical than the summit one22:47
ali1234so, regarding DRM, can i use it for my own evil purposes?22:47
thiago_homeno, the store also has other stuff, like ringtones, videos, wallpapers, etc.22:48
zaheermali1234, she explained in the talk that user apps can use the encryption keys22:48
qgilN900and was 4 months further in development22:48
lcuksure ali1234, if its your digital media and you can wonga up enough cash for a certificate22:48
ali1234eg can i make it so that my N900 will only run code signed with my key, and not anyone elses?22:48
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zaheermthe security framework is for harmattan not for fremantle22:48
ali1234s/N900/what ever the new thing is called/22:49
infobotali1234 meant: eg can i make it so that my what ever the new thing is called will only run code signed with my key, and not anyone elses?22:49
lcukali1234, thats a bit fruitless just dont share your code/apps with anyone22:49
ali1234no you dont understand at all22:49
ali1234i dont want to lock my apps to my specific device22:49
zaheermnot sure how much you'll be able to modify the policies22:49
ali1234i want to prevent execution of anything i didn't sign myself22:50
ali1234at the bootloader level22:50
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zaheermi doubt it22:50
lcuksure you can as long as your write/build/compile the bootloader yourself you get to choose the encryption algo/key22:50
zaheermthe bootloader will either run kernel images signed by nokia and hence allow access to the encryption keys or run any other kernel22:50
ali1234so i can't use the bootloader to boot my kernel with my keys and my DRM22:51
zaheermdevice won't start if you replace the loader22:51
zaheermali1234, the keys are stored in hardware#22:51
ShadowJKqgilN900, it just looks to me like it'll split the devices into two categories, where some software (wizard-mounter, mobile-hotspot, joikuspot, for example) would only work on an open kernel, and presumably some other software that requires DRM features would only work on the closed kernel devices?22:51
ali1234so i can only use the DRM/encryption with nokia's keys?22:52
zaheermwith your device's keys22:52
ali1234but i wont know what those keys are22:52
ali1234therefore they are nokia's22:53
zaheermbut you'll be able to use them to encrypt, sign decrypt etc.22:53
ali1234but i wont be able to use them to sign my own binaries22:53
ali1234because that would totally defeat the purpose of the DRM22:53
qgilN900shadowJK why are you assuming that those apps won't run with your default config?22:53
qgilN900(note: I don't know them)22:54
zaheermqgilN900, maybe because they'd require kernel mods...22:54
lcukShadowJK, boot to task switch!22:55
ali1234can i replace the keys with my own? (i don't care that that means i can't use nokia's kernel or watch movies)22:55
zaheermali1234, you won't be able to modify the hardware22:55
ali1234well it sounds to me like this can only be used against the user22:56
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ShadowJKqgilN900, well the ongoing trend has been feature culling :)22:56
qgilN900MeeGo has no trend22:56
qgilN900as for yet22:56
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qgilN900I guess your questions will have easier answers after the first MeeGo and Harmattan releases including kernel and security framework22:58
ShadowJKWell let's hope that we can get many useful features included in MeeGo so that vendors don't get too tempted to throw out half the kernel :)22:58
zaheermqgilN900, has there been any timeline committed for that?22:59
qgilN900in the times of Nokia being the sole vendor and maintainer of MeeGo, it made sense to remove tricky parts that are not very relevant to your next products22:59
ali1234btw i highly doubt ever device will have a unique key stored in hardware :)23:00
* thiago_home missed oprofile on the N90023:00
zaheermali1234, that was what was said at the security talk at fosdem23:00
arjanthiago_home: have yo used perf (and sysprof) yet ?23:00
qgilN900but in MeeGo there is platform development targetting many vendors, with maintenance open to whoever cares about a specific feature or component23:00
ali1234you;d need to make a unique signed upgrade for every device23:00
thiago_homearjan: no, I haven't23:00
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arjanthiago_home: worth a shot.. it's actually very nice23:01
thiago_homearjan: actually, I just wanted to access the performance counter registers on ARM23:01
arjanactually nicer than oprofile by quite a bit23:01
arjanthiago_home: that's what perf is for :)23:01
thiago_homewe can read the TSC in userland on x86, but not the equivalent on ARM23:01
zaheermqgilN900, will vendors be able to deviate from the meego default kernel and still call their device a meego device?23:01
qgilN900that is a good question for someone sitting closer to the MeeGo kernel - I don't know23:02
zaheermali1234, no you wouldn't the policy wiould be that public keys of nokia and other trusted parties would be there such that your device would be able to verify the signature23:02
* arjan works on meego & kernel ;-)23:02
lcukhow about fun:  whats the biggest screensize we are gonna have by default for meego :D23:02
arjanzaheerm: I suspect the answer is "it depends"23:02
ali1234hmm yeah i suppose that is is true23:03
thiago_homearjan: please turn on the performance registers for me to read in userland :-P23:03
lcukpeople have said for ages about variety of machines for maemo - with meego this is practical23:03
arjanzaheerm: if you want to add some drivers etc, that's very very different than going 6 versions back and having a different ABI23:03
qgilN900lcuk: counting TVOut cable?  ;)23:03
lcukqgilN900, nooo it will have to be wireless, we know of the limitations of standing near the projectors23:03
lcukthose cables are the only frustrating part23:04
lcukotherwise its perfect :D23:04
zaheermarjan, so would device manufacturers be able to remove support for netfilter and nat etc. assuming those are in the kernel?23:04
mgedminlcuk, two n900's, one running x11vnc, the other running full-screen vncviewer23:04
arjanzaheerm: removing is a much harder question than adding23:04
lcukmgedmin, indeed23:04
mgedminthat would probably suck over wireless23:04
arjanzaheerm: since that means you might break app compatibility23:04
mgedminespecially at a conference23:04
lcuktheres more than one way to skin a cat tho23:04
arjanzaheerm: which would defeat half the point of meego23:04
zaheermarjan, the concern of developers would be the minimum subset of options23:05
arjanzaheerm: why would you want to delete pieces btw?23:05
arjanto save 20 Kb of code space?23:05
lcuklean n mean23:05
zaheermarjan, i wouldn't but nokia or random chinese manufacturer might23:05
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CosmoHillyou missed an s23:06
ShadowJKI guess we're just using the N900 kernel's lack of NAT and [network] filesystems as example :)23:06
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arjanzaheerm: I don't think there's any official answer yet (this is all work in progress), but I suspect that "removing options that are userspace visible" will be rather frowned upon23:06
arjan(while options that add, or are not userspace visible... much easier story)23:06
Stskeepsdefine removing, making into a module should be fine23:06
arjanbreaking app compatibility => evil23:07
arjanStskeeps: if it's application visible... ;)23:07
zaheermarjan, so then the important things are, what will be the minimum subset of enabled kernel options23:07
arjanzaheerm: and that part has not been defined at all ;-)23:07
qgilN900zaheerm I don't know Nokia but "random manufacturer" might just go for the change if really needed for their busines and simply claim the MeeGo "compatibility" or simple take the OS and sell products without calling it MeeGo23:07
ShadowJKI guess "application visible" only matters for applications in the base meego, too :)23:07
arjanShadowJK: eh... and ovi store and other stores and ... and ...23:07
zaheermqgilN900, random manufacturer that hasn't called its platform meego wouldn't be so important for devs23:08
* CosmoHill wonders if he could recompile meego for his own stuff23:08
StskeepsCosmoHill: i sure hope you can :P23:08
* mgedmin wonders what "meego apps compatibility" means when there are devices using different architectures, screen sizes and input/output paradigms23:09
zaheermqgilN900, so i am guessing meego will have to certify the manufacturers' devices before they can use meego in their marketing material23:09
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* CosmoHill has compiled a linux system from source files23:09
qgilN900zaheerm think of Asian manufacturer selling a device without really caring much about the OS brand, or even abojt a certification23:09
zaheermqgilN900, then i as a 3rd party developer don't need to worry about them23:10
qgilN900a different story goes for devices targeting EU / America23:10
ShadowJKoh yeah, there are some selling devices claiming "Maemo" :)23:10
qgilN900zaheerm indeed, and they don't care much about you either23:10
arjanzaheerm: anyway, general objective is to get to a situation where app writers can assume a basic set of "services", including kernel services etc23:10
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arjanif the phone vendor doesn't care about being compatible, it's open source , they can do whatever they want I suppose, but they lose the value of this compatibility23:11
RST38hServices are insufficient for portable apps23:11
zaheermqgilN900, important part is if i write some low-ish level app/library that i want all meego devices to be able to run, it should be runnable on all meego certified devices23:11
ShadowJKmaybe one could take the default fedora (or debian) kernel, and just change the minimum amount required to make it run on a device :D23:11
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ali1234why would you take fedora/ubuntu kernel over mainline?23:12
RST38hYou need abstractions for inputs *and* abstractions for UI that are agnostic toward screen sizes and input paradigms23:12
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zaheermarjan, can we influence the basic set of services chosen?23:12
ShadowJKali1234, I mean regarding the .config23:12
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RST38hNot exactly the easiest kind of design job23:12
arjanzaheerm: kernel wise? I'm sure once we get a prerelease out you can see what we start with, and then the normal bug/feature request will work for suggesting changes23:13
ShadowJKInstead of, say, taking an allno config and enabling the minimum amount that makes the device and default meego userspace stack work23:13
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zaheermwith android, only google practically can influence it...hence the apalling multimedia on android23:13
arjanzaheerm: I suspect that's the most efficient way of going about it; since I bet 90% or more of what you'd want will just be there already23:13
qgilN900zahherm, fully agree there - I just wanted to point out that if a vendor wants to cut features A, B, C and that is more important for their business than an official MeeGo logo or fully compatible device, they can still get the whole stack, customize with the MeeGo infra a cranck a device with the resultin image23:13
arjanbut if you have something very specific concern, do speak up..23:13
zaheermqgilN900, fair enough, that is the case with everything23:13
zaheermarjan, nothing specific sorry, i am just asking to see how open the process is23:14
* ShadowJK mentions cifs23:15
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arjanzaheerm: fair enough23:15
zaheermandroid, the code is free, the process is very closed23:15
arjanzaheerm: it's going to be a rather tricky balancing act btw23:15
arjansince one the one hand people will want every kernel thing under the sun23:15
arjanand on the other, it needs to run on a wide range of devices23:15
arjanbut hey... if it were easy they'd not pay us to work on it23:15
zaheermarjan, understood....23:16
zaheermarjan, qgilN900: will there be non-intel non-nokia non-LF people in any of the decision influencing/making roles for the platform?23:16
* qgilN900 starts thinking on the book he has next to his bed....23:17
ShadowJKtry send a patch and see if/why it gets rejected, I guess ;-923:17
* arjan hands qgilN900 a kindle instead ;-)23:17
* zaheerm starts thinking of porting some ugly asp code...23:17
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qgilN900zaheerm that depend on non-intel non-nokia non-LF people getting involved with responsibilities etc23:18
zaheermqgilN900: it would give extra credence to the platform if such people do get involved23:20
lcukqgilN900, what book are you on atm, ive just finished another set of larry niven books and am eyeing up something different23:20
qgilN900zaheerm sure, this will come mainly from 2 sides:23:21
qgilN900corporate partners joining23:21
qgilN900individuals joining23:21
zaheermqgilN900: in the way that it is not just corporate governance on the project23:21
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qgilN900for the latter I expect the usual way23:21
qgilN900you start in some area23:22
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qgilN900or you area already The King of Mambo in certain area upstream23:22
qgilN900you get a role, permissions, responsibilities...23:22
zaheermqgilN900, great, i look forward to the whole thing panning out23:23
qgilN900me too, believe me  :)23:24
zaheerm:) the announcement excited me, now i have to keep patient to see it in action23:25
qgilN900me too, believe me :))  :/23:25
lcukzaheerm, how is the scanning process coming, do you have the documents available from bcn long weekend?23:25
qgilN900anyway, 's book is waiting for me23:26
lcukwhilst you are being patient ;)23:26
zaheermlcuk, all done, i emailed you a while back with them!23:26
zaheermlcuk, all on wiki23:26
* arjan has the Don Camillo movies.. brilliant23:26
zaheermlcuk, let me dig up the link23:26
* lcuk has been run off feet, musta missedit, ill dig and look thanks23:26
qgilN900Arjan you rock now even more :P good night!23:26
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zaheermlcuk, did it before fosdem
lcukheh cool stuff :D23:27
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zaheermarjan, thanks for the clarifications btw23:30
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