IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2010-02-18

slaine_running a fedora moblin spin shows acceptable performance on Atom and on this hardware00:00
RST38hWhich is also not exactly fresh00:00
villemvah, "supplemental"00:00
lcukat least with all the slow performance in emulated environment we will get great results on actual hardware00:00
RST38hCore2 Duo should make the job00:00
lcuksince devs will work extra hard to ensure its quick00:01
villemvyeah, my core 2 duo has pni, ssse300:01
slaine_arjan: anyway. What I'd like to know now is, how can I help00:01
villemvpni is what matters I guess00:01
RST38hCore2 Duo is SUPPOSED to have SSSE300:01
slaine_I've built MeeGo trunk00:01
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slaine_I've booted it and it's pretty rough at the moment.00:02
slaine_So what's the plan here00:02
villemvarjan: so how do you develop with moblin? do you use a chroot or what?00:02
slaine_How are patches to be submitted etc.00:02
villemvor do you use moblin as host environment while you do it?00:02
RST38hWell my personal plan is to go hit the bed and continue using Maemo5 for now :)00:02
lbtvillemv: OBS makes chroot setup trivial00:03
villemvok, so OBS creates a chroot "rootstrap" for you?00:03
slaine_as doe the moblin tools00:03
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lbtvillemv: essentially, yes00:03
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villemvand you use xephyr too?00:03
lbtit has flexibility and can create 1/pkg per arch00:04
lbtyes you can00:04
lbtusually the chroots are minimal based on build-deps00:04
chickengeorge_n irc://      <------------ meego-professional-helpdesk german/english00:04
lbtyou can extend them to full envs for testing or use vms00:04
villemvokay, so we can have all that we have have w/ sbox then00:05
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lbtand more (without the "ugh")00:05
* timeless_mbp gets a moblin boot screen00:05
timeless_mbpthe white on black is a lot nicer than nokia's blue on white :)00:05
lbtvillemv: it's really nice :)00:05
villemvsounds like it00:06
lbtvillemv: feel free to bug me about it - but you'll have to teach others anything you learn ;)00:06
timeless_mbpslaine_: i thought meego sources wouldn't be available for a whlie00:06
lbtvillemv: and just to play with it you can look at this tutorial - it's worthwile even though it's not moblin :
villemvlbt: thanks for the offer, I might actually bring you up to task on that ;-)00:07
lbtfocus on the Getting Started para - it's a cut'n'paste step by step00:07
lbtvillemv: are you nokian btw00:08
lbtwe have some internal training material too00:08
lbtlbt on p.m.o.00:08
villemvbut luckily I'm clueless about this new development, so I don't breach any NDA's by looknig stupid here :-)00:08
villemvor is that ml?00:09
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villemvah, no, I don't use p.m.o jabber00:09
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villemvI thought you had some material up on PMO00:09
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villemvsec, pm00:10
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timeless_mbpslaine_: so, my vm doesn't seem to boot past the moblin splash screen00:11
timeless_mbpis there a way for me to do something?00:11
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Stskeepsauke: thanks for the kind words, - think a CC to the list would work too to calm the waters :)00:20
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w00tmeego-dev, probably00:22
aukeStskeeps: shush, don't want to be seen brown-nosing too much :)00:23
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slaine_timeless_mbp: tbh I can't recall if I needed to do anything extra, I've had that VM for a almost 2 years I think00:26
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timeless_mbpslaine_: you sure i can't convince you to clone your vm, strip out all the private bits and publish?00:26
lcukor find out if anyone else has a fresh clean one somewhere00:27
slaine_I'm sure there's details out there on googleland00:27
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timeless_mbpslaine_: google land isn't being kind to me00:27
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lcukslaine_, i would consider irc to be better for an active community, and it only takes one knowledgable person with the info to post a link than having us as technical n00bs scavenging around not knowing exactly which is right00:29
slaine_timeless_mbp: can you check if ACPI/IO APIC/PAE are all enabled ?00:29
slaine_iirc, you need them all00:30
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timeless_mbpi have IO APIC checked00:30
timeless_mbpand pae/nx00:30
timeless_mbpand vt-x/amd-v and nested paging00:30
* timeless_mbp enables 3d accel and 2d accel00:31
lcukafk anyway, cyas later timeless w00t etc \o00:31
slaine_turn off 3d accel00:31
lcukStskeeps, ^00:31
slaine_later lcuk00:31
javispedrobye lcuk00:31
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koupsaboot on init3 in console mod00:32
koupsaalt+f1 on moblin boot then access grub00:33
timeless_mbpkoupsa: ok, alt+f1 got me grub00:33
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timeless_mbp'now what'00:33
w00tcya lcuk00:33
* GeneralAntilles wonders who the Bugzilla contact is Moblin-side.00:33
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koupsaerase quiet and (arf i dont remember) 2minutes00:34
aukeGeneralAntilles: for maintenance or QA?00:34
koupsaboot on console mode init3 then startx00:34
GeneralAntillesauke, for the web stuff.00:35
javispedromoblin-2.1-final-20091103-002.img: ISO 9660 CD-ROM. uhh..00:35
GeneralAntillesauke, I'd like to try to start coordinating between b.m.o and b.m.c00:35
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timeless_mbpkoupsa: sorry, is 'boot on console mode init3' part of my grub args?00:35
slaine_at the end of the kernel parameters in grub, put 300:35
slaine_with a space before it00:35
timeless_mbpok, w/o the 3, i ended up being able to reach some screwed up console00:36
timeless_mbpbut i think it keeps switching to a broken x console?00:36
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slaine_if you have the parameters right, it shouldn't00:37
timeless_mbpit looks like it's trying to respawn x11 and failing miserably00:37
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slaine_you might have to alt+f2 to a different console00:37
Stskeepsauke: was more in degree of helping to steer discussion in a saner way :), not seeking public praise00:37
slaine_it's more likely the KMS framebuffer wasn't cleared as it was expecting to hand over to X00:37
Stskeepsbbl sleep00:37
pwnguintimeless: donno what you need, but boot init=/bin/bash might be an option :)00:38
pwnguinor sh, i donno what moblin ships00:38
timeless_mbpok, now i can't get a grub console00:38
slaine_timeless, what are you using, moblin 2.1 final image ?00:38
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slaine_I'll give it a shot here00:38
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aukeGeneralAntilles: send an e-mail to me and arjan, we'll take it from there?00:39
javispedrothe livecd doesn't use grub seems00:39
timeless_mbpok, i'm in, the 3 seems to have helped00:40
slaine_Tab should still get your the boot menu though00:40
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javispedros/menu/kernel cmd line :)00:40
slaine_that gives you the console00:40
GeneralAntillesauke, OK.00:40
slaine_you can change the default boot to be run level 3 for now if you like, edit the /etc/inittab file00:40
javispedrothat skips gdm I guess00:41
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slaine_there is no GDM00:41
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slaine_uxlauncher starts X and the sessions00:41
GeneralAntillesauke, the auke-jan.h.kok at intel dot com one?00:41
timeless_mbpok, so now i should try startx? as root or user?00:41
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aukeGeneralAntilles: yep. I don't use my one much00:41
timeless_mbp(user fails)00:42
* timeless_mbp tries as root00:42
slaine_it might give you an idea as to why it's not working00:42
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javispedrowhile we're at it, what's the root password? :)00:42
slaine_moblin iirc00:42
javispedroah, moblin00:42
timeless_mbpok, this is shiny00:42
koupsasudo startx00:42
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slaine_timeless_mbp: success ?00:42
timeless_mbpso um00:42
koupsaroot not a real user in moblin00:43
timeless_mbpwhy doesn't the normal thing work?00:43
javispedro"moblin is not in the sudoers file", fwiw.00:43
timeless_mbpkoupsa: eIDontGiveADmn00:43
slaine_javispedro: when you do an actual install the user you created does get added00:43
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javispedroso well, I had same problem as timeless, but startx as root helped. vmware server here.00:44
timeless_mbpjavispedro: yeah, startx as root worked00:44
javispedroclearly using software rendering...00:45
javispedrotimeless: does vbox gl stuff work? is the ui snappy?00:45
slaine_interesting, I don't recall having to do that00:45
slaine_slow as a slow thing00:45
javispedroah, well.00:45
timeless_mbpjavispedro: sorry, i wouldn't know00:45
timeless_mbpthe system is responsive enough00:46
slaine_the VM's don't have a DRI2 driver00:46
slaine_it's usable as a test bed00:46
javispedroI can quickly put vmgl in there,00:46
javispedrobut vmgl is "only" gl 1.100:46
timeless_mbpslaine_: glad to see that the home page doesn't fit in my screen00:46
timeless_mbpthat's awesome.00:46
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javispedroit crashed on me already :)00:47
javispedrohey, i tried three distros and managed to crash the ui on all three without even dropping on a terminal00:47
slaine_I think by default it runs at 720x40000:47
slaine_you have to install the guest tools00:47
timeless_mbpslaine_: i have 800x600x3200:47
timeless_mbpit detected my new media, showed me the task switcher, and opened the file browser00:48
javispedrolooks cool00:48
timeless_mbpand it has *two* "The media contains software. [Open Autorun Prompt]" rows00:48
slaine_min screen size it expects is 1024x60000:48
javispedroa pity that's über slow here, due to the software rendering00:48
timeless_mbpwhat idiot would add two?00:48
pwnguinif there's two autoruns on the media i guess00:49
* slaine_ coughs politely 00:49
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timeless_mbppwnguin: how does one manage that?00:49
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slaine_more likely, vbox installed one already and you added a second one00:50
timeless_mbpthere's an autorun.inf and an autorun.sh00:50
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pwnguinthere ya go00:50
pwnguinthats how00:50
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pwnguinim guessing the .inf is windows00:50
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slaine_yeah, same iso for all platforms00:51
javispedroslaine_: btw, I just checked and confirmed vbox uses the xengl approach. It shouldn't even need DRI but some patches to libGL.00:52
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timeless_mbpthe guest additions fail to install00:53
timeless_mbpit just says 'Detected unsupported x86 environment.'00:53
slaine_oh shit, forgot, you need some dev tools installed00:53
* javispedro ponders wheter spending a few minutes trying vmgl on the VM...00:53
timeless_mbpok, this is just because it's actually 32bit not 64bit00:54
timeless_mbpi picked the wrong critter00:54
timeless_mbphow do i get linux kernel headers?00:54
slaine_Go to the Applications panel open the terminal00:54
timeless_mbpyeah, i'm there00:54
slaine_and then do00:54
slaine_sudo yum install gcc make kernel-netbook-devel00:54
* mikeleib waves to tripzero00:57
timeless_mbpsomeone should convert these instructions into a wiki page00:58
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trip0mikeleib, hi00:58
* timeless_mbp wonders how to 'shutdown'00:59
timeless_mbpSoftware Update Viewer is running as a privileged user01:00
timeless_mbpPackage management applications are security sensitive.01:00
timeless_mbpRunning graphical applications as a privileged user should01:00
timeless_mbpbe avoided for security reasons.01:00
timeless_mbp[Cancel] [Continue Anyway]01:00
* timeless_mbp doesn't get it01:00
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slaine_timeless_mbp: the design philosophy behind the UI was that it would turn your netbook into an appliance01:03
slaine_So there's no reboot/shutdown buttons on the UI, you use the hardware buttons01:03
timeless_mbpslaine_: i meant in the terminal01:04
timeless_mbp'shutdown' didn't work01:04
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koupsa(and after, ntfs gstreamer...)01:04
slaine_koupsa: ?01:05
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slaine_timeless_mbp: try01:05
koupsamoblin cant use ntfs01:05
slaine_sudo shutdown -h now01:05
timeless_mbpslaine_: i was su01:06
koupsano mp3 divx etc01:06
timeless_mbpand shutdown -h now did not work01:06
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javispedrodoes it use upstart?01:06
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javispedroeither way dunno about the shutdown event's name.01:06
slaine_koupsa: try my gstreamer rpms,
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slaine_timeless_mbp: works for me01:07
javispedroi've hard powered off mine already :)01:07
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javispedro(was booting from cd either way so)01:07
koupsathanks slaine_ i have alreeady install gsteamer ntfs ;)01:07
timeless_mbpslaine_: ok, for now, i'm trying to find the find the update manager01:07
timeless_mbpi think it's running in the background01:07
timeless_mbpbut i can't find it01:07
slaine_there's a daemon01:07
slaine_koupsa: grand01:08
slaine_timeless_mbp: did you launch the app ?01:08
timeless_mbpslaine_: it came to me!01:08
timeless_mbpbut i found it by searching01:08
timeless_mbphow do i find out when i can safely reboot?01:08
timeless_mbpif this stupid thing is running in the background01:09
slaine_click on the Zones panel01:09
slaine_if the application is running, it'll have a window in a zone01:09
slaine_or alt+tab01:09
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lbtruby example01:09
lbthmm, I should type my headings into my editor...01:10
timeless_mbpit says 'no zones yet'01:10
slaine_no app windows then01:10
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slaine_safe to reboot01:10
* slaine_ runs and hides01:11
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timeless_mbp[root@timeless-desktop timeless]# shutdown -h now01:12
timeless_mbpbash: shutdown: command not found01:12
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timeless_mbp /sbin isn't in path01:12
* timeless_mbp su -'s01:13
javispedrosomething that's common in ... redhat based distros!01:13
* javispedro hides01:13
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nidOhrm. "unknown error" on trying to restore communication and calendar from backup after flashing :<01:14
fnordian900its safer when you know which binaries you are invoking as root by explicit pathing01:14
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timeless_mbpnidO: what platform?01:14
slaine_Fedora has had sbin in the patch since F11 iirc01:14
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nidOpr1.1.1, flash has gone fine, device booted, loaded backups, selected the backup to restore, went ok, device restarted, loaded to desktop, gave an error about communication and calendar restore01:15
fnordian900haven't touched fedora since core 5 or similar01:15
nidOand then carried on with the app redownload fine01:15
koupsamaemo possible on virtualbox ?01:15
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timeless_mbpkoupsa: Mer, sure01:16
timeless_mbpmuch much much much easier01:16
slaine_often wondered that myself01:16
koupsathanks i RTFM01:16
timeless_mbpthat's the wrong page01:16
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timeless_mbpuse that01:17
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timeless_mbpyou want mer-x86-generic-image-v0.16.vmdk.zip01:17
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nidOthis is something I haven't noticed before either, correct me if it's obvious though01:19
nidOloaded a backup to restore, device went to offline mode, did it's restore, rebooted in offline mode (didnt ask for pin), finished the restore, then went back online still without asking for my sim pin01:19
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GeneralAntillesOK, I've setup access for most of the relevant #meego-* channels.01:20
timeless_mbpnidO: is this moblin or maemo?01:20
nidOmaemo, pr1.1.101:20
nidOI do of course only now realise I have the wrong channel focused, stupid lame client :<01:21
koupsaonly one channel on futur?01:22
timeless_mbpok, so how the heck do i startx on this stupid system?01:22
timeless_mbpif i startx as root, the apps get pissed that they're running as root01:22
koupsalike in the 90's01:22
timeless_mbpbut if i don't startx as root, it doesn't start x ! :o01:22
timeless_mbp-bash: gdm: command not found01:23
koupsasorry sudo yum install gdm01:25
timeless_mbpi don't want some random graphical windowing system01:25
timeless_mbpi want moblin's01:25
koupsalol good luck01:26
koupsaon atom ? or only on vm?01:26
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koupsawith no "startx" i have no solution01:27
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koupsamoblin is not usefull in vm. too slow and bug in panel01:28
timeless_mbpi'm just trying to see how the strings play out01:29
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javispedroafter reading some of the Maemo Qt, I'm even starting to think that HIM doesn't suck! how's that even possible.01:33
simula_javispedro... what is HIM?01:34
GeneralAntillesGotta love ZDNet01:35
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GeneralAntillessimula, Hildon Input Method01:35
javispedrohildon-input-manager (aka maemo's onscreen keyboard and related techs)01:35
javispedroer.. method :)01:35
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javispedroGeneralAntilles: lol, he failed to find meego's actual home page?01:37
aukeZDnet. just because someone pays us.01:37
FatalSaintThat was entertaining General01:37
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: nice article01:37
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GeneralAntillesauke, do they?01:37
GeneralAntillesauke, I'd always figured more: ZDNet: I have a spleen and it needs venting01:38
aukeno, that would be their slogan though, I think01:38
GeneralAntillesMan I hate bloggers.01:38
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, did you catch rcadden's bow-out?01:38
aukeI always smell a whiff of redmond when I visit zdnet's website01:39
GeneralAntillestimeless, it's a classic:
GeneralAntillesI guess he deleted it01:40
GeneralAntillesWell, cached.01:40
javispedrohe already deleted the entire maemo-guru domain01:40
javispedrothat was fast01:40
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javispedros/domain/site contents/01:40
javispedrowhat guru giveth, guru taketh.01:41
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timeless_mbpsorry, i don't think i've ever read him01:42
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, just as well.01:42
* timeless_mbp still can't figure out how to get moblin2.1 to boot safely01:42
pwnguin"merge Maemo and Moblin to create MeeGo, yet *another* identity for this awkward project they've had, and revealed plans to put it on everything from tablets to phones to TVs."01:42
pwnguinI'm guessing it's more along the lines of not wanting to rule anything out01:42
javispedrohey, I would pay to see MeeGo on my tv set.01:43
pwnguin'you could do ANYTHNIG with it, if you buy intel hardware!'01:43
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, indeed.01:43
timeless_mbpjavispedro: i've already met tv's w/ linux on them01:43
timeless_mbpthat's hardly new01:43
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zerojayHe was bitching about the change of name meaning he'd have to purchase a new domain and instead said "fuck it".01:43
javispedrotimeless: I've said it once here already..01:43
timeless_mbpi saw one in boston a couple of years ago01:43
* GeneralAntilles suspects this MeeGo thing will be less beneficial for bug #630 than it first appears.01:43
javispedrotimeless: my tv set is tivoized. has wi-fi hardware but not the kernel driver.01:43
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, there's Linux in TiVo, too.01:43
GeneralAntillesWho cares?01:43
GeneralAntillesDoesn't help unless you can do cool things with it.01:44
* timeless_mbp shrugs01:44
timeless_mbpall i want is stuff that works01:44
pwnguinmy set top box runs windows ce =(01:44
timeless_mbpthe DVR i have here does *not* work01:44
timeless_mbpit makes the junk i get from certain other hardware vendors seem amazing01:44
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, my definition of "works" includes being able to do things like installing additional codecs and new software.01:44
timeless_mbpand well... that stuff is still junk01:44
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javispedrobut when they have the 800€ and the 1600€ models, and the only difference is that the latter has some gplv2 kernel module installed01:45
javispedrowhy bother.01:45
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GeneralAntillesUm, why is the meego-community list bouncing?01:45
FatalSaintthey already switched it to smeegol GA.. you didn't get the memo? :D01:46
* FatalSaint hides01:46
timeless_mbpUnknown username "system" in message bus configuration file01:47
timeless_mbpthat sounds nice01:47
timeless_mbprc.vboxaddservice: line 0: daemon: command not found01:47
timeless_mbpthat's helpful01:47
timeless_mbpanyone know what 'daemon' is and where i can get it for moblin?01:48
pwnguinscrew that01:50
pwnguintell me where line zero is01:50
javispedrosounds like someone's not expecting upstart there.01:50
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timeless_mbpdaemon $binary01:50
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timeless_mbpsorry 26001:51
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arjanjavispedro: currently moblin does not use upstart01:51
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javispedroarjan: ah, but it doesn't use the usual rc scripts either?01:52
timeless_mbparjan: so what magic do i need to get 'daemon' so that my vbox is failing?01:52
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slaine_hmm, what happened there me wonders01:52
timeless_mbpslaine_: also, how do i update my system from the commandline?01:52
arjanjavispedro: we support the normal init.d scripts.01:53
timeless_mbpi don't like this ui i don't understand01:53
arjanjavispedro: we just do not use many of them ourselves01:53
slaine_sudo yum upgrade01:53
timeless_mbpNo Packages marked for Update01:53
timeless_mbptotally unhelpful01:53
timeless_mbpand Really Screwy caPitaliZation01:53
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slaine_is your network routing working ?01:54
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slaine_or did you already apply the upgrades via the PackageKit GUI01:54
timeless_mbpyes networking is working01:54
slaine_Does yum repolist return sane settings ?01:56
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arjanif [ "$system" = "redhat" ]; then01:57
arjan    . /etc/init.d/functions01:57
arjanthat piece (esp the sourcing) needs to be done for moblin too01:57
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slaine_the witching hour approacheth, time I was off to my laba, Oíche mhaith.01:59
timeless_mbpdo you want the redhat or suse version?02:00
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auketalk about a disaster of an init.d script02:00
javispedrothe non-working lfs version! ;)02:00
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timeless_mbpok, now it says it started :o02:02
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* timeless_mbp will file a bug against vbox in a minute02:02
javispedroheh, since you said it was fast before installing the tools now I am left to wonder if the patched libGL works.02:03
timeless_mbpwell, i now have a bigger screen02:03
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timeless_mbpok, the gui claims no updates available02:07
timeless_mbpi guess that means it updated everything already02:07
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timeless_mbpmoblin2.1 shipped w/ ff3.5.302:09
timeless_mbpthe update gave me 3.5.502:09
timeless_mbptoo bad current is um02:09
pwnguinubuntu has 3.5.702:10
timeless_mbpthere's a 3.5.802:10
timeless_mbpso ubuntu isn't current02:10
pwnguin3.5.8 dropped today02:11
pwnguinso i probably need to run update instead of checking my existing ff about box02:11
timeless_mbp3.5.5 is so old that it isn't even on the server :)02:11
pwnguinyep. *my* ubuntu is out of date02:12
pwnguinGet:1 karmic-security/main firefox-3.5-branding 3.5.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.102:12
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timeless_mbpthe preferences dialog doesn't fit in moblin02:13
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koupsawhy not firefox 3.6 ?02:14
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timeless_mbpkoupsa: because it's unfair to slam a linux distribution for not upgrading to a newer feature line02:14
timeless_mbpit's perfectly reasonable to slam it for not keeping current on security updates02:14
timeless_mbp(in case you're curious, maemo5 won't be remotely current until the next real update comes out)02:15
* arjan got a new maemo5 today :)02:16
arjan(my n900 told me to update)02:16
koupsais alway security update... get the source so you have not to wait to x-cmunity02:16
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GeneralAntillesarjan, little itty bitty update.02:17
arjanI did not notice anything different02:17
arjanso far02:17
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koupsacan we with maemo install tar.gz like another distro? have we the necessary dev ? (sorry poor english)02:18
pwnguinarjan: i think the transisitions are a bit smoother, but otherwise, nothing substiantial02:18
GeneralAntillesSomebody still needs to go digging to figure out what they did to apt to prevent it from installing Ovi stuff.02:18
javispedrokoupsa: not really with the default fw. I suggest getting the SDK, or creating a chroot to install all the dev stuff.02:18
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GeneralAntilleskoupsa, yes, tar is available.02:19
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: iirc apt doesn't support user+password auth or something silly02:19
GeneralAntilleskoupsa, most people tend to package as .deb, though.02:19
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: busybox tar02:19
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, yeah, but it forks for this purpose. :P02:19
timeless_mbpif you want real tar, you have to install it :)02:19
javispedroah, tarball containing a binary?02:19
javispedroI thought source.02:20
* arjan kinda doesn't see compiling, say, openoffice on the n900 as an idea that's viable02:20
timeless_mbparjan: you don't have 10 years of time to wait?02:20
arjan(heck it's not really viable on a dual nehalem monster)02:20
GeneralAntillesarjan, Maemo users do all sorts of insane shit.02:20
timeless_mbphow about a beowolf cluster of n900's?02:21
timeless_mbpthen you can distcc build openoffice :)02:21
arjanover 3G02:21
pwnguinarjan: maybe if we did some network memory and distcc and ccache02:21
timeless_mbpn.b. i don't think beowolf support is available02:21
mikeleibicecream is more better than distcc02:21
timeless_mbparjan: bluetooth pan (not supported) :)02:21
arjanwonder how many n900's pack in a cubic meter02:21
javispedroarjan: there are gentoo people that _built openoffice_ on the n81002:21
timeless_mbparjan: w/ or w/o power cabling?02:21
javispedrousing distcc since the n810 doesn't have enough swap ;)02:21
arjanjavispedro: I understand "am student, got drunk, did something stupid" as concept ;)02:22
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itdocksarjan: maybe our friends at nokia can build such a thing :)02:22
zerojayGeneralAntilles: Does it matter what Nokia did to stop atp from installing Ovi stuff? It's all getting dumped anyways.02:22
koupsatimeless_mbp yes and not only n900... N900 and atom and x8602:22
GeneralAntilleszerojay, I'm just vaguely interested in seeing how the Ovi folks are going to embarrass themselves this time.02:22
koupsawhy not? if all connected02:22
arjanI wonder when I can connect my n900 to that nokia windows app02:23
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timeless_mbparjan: eh?02:23
* arjan got that from his old phone and it sucked, but it was useful02:23
timeless_mbppc suite or ovi suite?02:23
arjanI used to have pc suite, but it told me to migrate to ovi suite02:23
timeless_mbpit lied :)02:23
arjanI guess so02:23
timeless_mbpovi suite doesn't support as many products02:23
arjanit also uses 100Mb of memory02:23
arjanbut that's another story02:23
timeless_mbpyeah, its footprint is impressive02:24
timeless_mbpso is its usefulness (or lack thereof)02:24
* timeless_mbp also likes the explorability factor when no compatible devices are available [=none]02:24
arjanfor 100Mb of memory you;d expect something mega cool02:24
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mikeleibsuch as emacs.. zing!02:25
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koupsais iptable on maemo?02:26
timeless_mbpwell, excel included a wolf3d like game iirc02:26
timeless_mbpkoupsa: you could ask #maemo02:26
* timeless_mbp should really look to see if #moblin is helpful02:26
* arjan wonders how to run powertop on his n90002:27
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GeneralAntillesarjan, should be included out of the box.02:27
GeneralAntillesarjan, not sure if it's on user's path.02:28
* GeneralAntilles isn't actually sure that it wasn't dropped somewhere along the line.02:28
timeless_mbpso roughly02:28
timeless_mbpmoblin feels like OLPC done wrong02:28
javispedroalso, sometimes I have to run it twice (powertop)02:28
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timeless_mbpcould someone explain to me how moblin is better than olpc? :)02:28
javispedrothe first one it crashes/quits02:28
GeneralAntillesarjan, if it's not installed, it should be available from
arjantimeless_mbp: different audience for sure02:30
arjanGeneralAntilles: I'll give it a shot..02:30
GeneralAntillesI guess the moved it to,
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: yeah, my old internal links to* all died02:30
* timeless_mbp grumbles02:31
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timeless_mbpare people not familiar w/ the concept of leaving redirects?02:31
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, yeah, that's what we did when we killed the old Midgard wiki.02:31
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, file a bug and make sure dneary is CCed?02:31
GeneralAntillesOr prod him directly.02:31
timeless_mbphrm, ok, maybe, from work, tomrrow02:32
ShadowJKpowertop came preinstalled, but at one point it vanished from all firmware images. There are people on the forums that tarred up the executable though... The preinstalled powertop doesn't have the fancy UI of the one, but it shows much more info than the powertop02:32
javispedroit was on pr 1.0 and 1.0.102:33
javispedro(at least)02:33
timeless_mbpthere was a reason it was removed :(02:33
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javispedroI don't know if I want to know it...02:33
itdockswhat was it02:34
ShadowJKit doesn't get removed with firmware upgrade, but the firmware *images* Hif you reflash) don't have it02:34
timeless_mbpyou don't want to know02:34
javispedroShadowJK: starting from pr 1.1. I never ota'd :)02:34
javispedropr 1.0 has it for sure.02:35
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ShadowJKSome devices that came with 1.0 did not have it02:35
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javispedroeither way it's not something I'd want filling up rootfs.02:36
javispedrounless required.02:36
timeless_mbpyeah, realistically it should just come from extras02:36
timeless_mbpthat'd make everyone happier02:36
ShadowJKit's tiny and tremendously useful02:36
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ShadowJKthe one doesn't show the power states of the omap3 parts for example02:38
ShadowJKpowerdomains I guess the word is :)02:39
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ShadowJKI wish they'd forgotten to remove the Energy Profiler too02:41
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badone     "It is hosted by the Linux Foundation on a domain name originally registered in 1999" lol02:50
badonea long time in the planning :)02:50
javispedroor a quick lookup at the "trademark drawer".02:50
javispedrowhen in times of need.02:50
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pwnguinim imaging a scenario02:51
pwnguinwhere nokia wants to call the merged project 'maemo' and intel wants to keep it 'moblin'02:52
javispedropwnguin: i don't think it wouldn't be such a bad idea.02:52
pwnguinsome frustrated linux foundation employee threatens to use their worst case scenario name, 'meego', which they have sitting around02:52
pwnguini haven't decided who called the bluff but the end result is meego.com02:53
javispedroheh :)02:53
arjancan you imagine lawyers and trademark people of two companies in one room02:54
arjanneeding a name that all can agree with?02:55
arjanmight as well wait for the polar ice to melt, that'll be done quicker02:55
javispedroyes. Though the scene has a BOFH and some bricks too.02:55
arjanI'm sure02:55
trip0arjan: i'll drive my car more and the ice will melt faster02:55
arjanmy personal experience; the more lawyers in the room, the more the outcome looks like hospital food02:56
arjan(no office to any lawyers here; I know some very good ones, and as long as they're alone, they're great ;-)02:56
arjanoffence even02:56
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trip0everyone knows that a meego is an alien being who came to earth from the planet marmazon to bestow on humans technology that we cannot yet comprehend02:57
pwnguini thought it was a robot toy that corrects grammar02:58
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trip0pwnguin, that's what they "want" you to believe02:58
simula_no no, it's an alien fungus:
* arjan sends some black helicopters to trip002:59
simula_but i kinda actually like the name... it's simple and catchy02:59
* arjan heads home...02:59
simula_gnight arjan02:59
trip0'copters are coming, time to go home as well...03:00
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timeless_mbp ticket for vbox filed03:02
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crashanddie_can anyone confirm this bug: If you have a account, and are subscribed to the mailing lists (at least one), go to your "My Account" page, and tell me if it says "Not subscribed" for each mailing list03:20
javispedrocrashanddie_: meego-community    Subscribe for digest (receive emails in a bundle)03:21
javispedro(which is true)03:21
GeneralAntillesUnfortunately is undeliverable.03:23
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koupsagood night....03:30
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uhsfi'm disapointed didn't wait for MeeGo and chose Android04:36
ml-mobilewould you wait on an unknown?04:46
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jacquesdupontdhi everybody05:10
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bzhbIs this the (alpha) source of the project?
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jaywalkbzhb: I dont know, I read the press release when that got out but havent had time to dig more into meego05:19
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jaywalkinteresting to note that all rpms are for x86 though, nothing for ARM05:20
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bzhbI guess it is because they imported it from moblin05:24
bzhbthe ARM version should follow05:24
jaywalkI came here from the maemo side, so yes, hopefully. :)05:26
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* microlith rages at comcas^wXfinity05:41
GeneralAntillesmicrolith, there's something we can all get behind.05:41
GeneralAntillesI just keep mine on a low burn 24/7.05:41
microlithbut the past two days have been bizzare05:41
microlithmy IP changed the other day, first time in more than a year05:41
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microlithbut the connection has been unstable as all get out, which is rare05:42
GeneralAntillesmicrolith, clearly it's time to go trolling again, then.05:42
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melikdoes meego have an official blog?05:49
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GeneralAntillesmelik, no.05:59
GeneralAntillesmelik, but we may do something with talk.maemo.org05:59
GeneralAntillesThere are mailing lists.05:59
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* rwhitby wonders what contains ...06:06
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Stskeepsmoo Texrat06:07
Texratwow so lively here06:07
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Stskeepsit grew and kept on growing06:07
mikestaszelmeego devs, how will you turn src.rpm's into .rpm's ;)06:08
mikestaszelcross-compiled using what?06:08
Stskeepsmikestaszel: OBS is one way06:10
GeneralAntillesYo, Texrat.06:10
Texratyo ho06:10
mikestaszelthat just rings the openSuse Build System bell in my head :P06:10
mikestaszeldid i guess right?06:11
Stskeepsmikestaszel: open build service, one instance is but there'll probably be a build.meego.com06:11
mikestaszelwoo, guessed it...thanks06:11
StskeepsTexrat: so are you going to help bringing the feel and goals into meego? :)06:12
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, what are you, a plant? :P06:12
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: 5am06:12
TexratStskeeps not by myself!!!06:13
StskeepsTexrat: of course not :)06:13
GeneralAntilles"Here's twenty bucks to ask me favorable questions."06:13
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i did not know of meego until the announcement, so no :P06:13
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, Texrat could've paid you at any point in the last 3 days. :P06:13
Stskeepsi would have made a briliant plant however :P06:13
Texratwith what?06:14
Texratmy good looks?06:14
GeneralAntillesTexrat, um . . . favors? Of some sort. . . .06:14
TexratI just spent all I have on a new microphone06:14
Texrata beauty06:14
GeneralAntillesGonna become a reporter?06:15
Texratmainly for music, but also podcasting06:15
GeneralAntillesWhat do you play, anyway?06:15
Texratguitar, half ass.  I mostly compose electronically06:16
GeneralAntillesMmm, I can get behind that.06:16
* Texrat covers ass06:17
* GeneralAntilles is listening to Brian Williams on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.06:17
* Stskeeps headdesks over all the 'officially supported' meego on n900 threads06:18
* Texrat facepalms06:19
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I think we should build a new MeeGo theme for Talk in secret and just execute a DNS change sometime next week.06:20
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Stskeepsif there's a active and stable platform created by meego (with proper production QA etc) and a open attitude from nokia to have those apps and drivers updated across their nokia devices due to cross-platform-ness, who cares if it's not officially supported..06:21
Stskeepsand ability to generate those images where it's hard to tell the difference between a official and non-official..06:22
Texratconspiracy talk!06:24
TexratGA finally succumbed to it06:24
GeneralAntillesThey found me out!06:24
* GeneralAntilles runs.06:24
Texratlike a girl06:25
Texratflail your arms less06:25
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GeneralAntillesTexrat, do you see, now, why I love geneven so much, by the way? :P06:26
Texratbecause he's full of surprises?06:26
Texratdude made me shit my pants the other day06:26
GeneralAntillesSomething like that. . . .06:26
Texrat"some company hire Texrat"06:26
Texratfucker's tryign to kill me06:26
GeneralAntillesHe must've been taking his meds for that one.06:26
TexratI'd give geneven's left nut to find the right team podcasting solution06:27
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GeneralAntillesCon crashanddie into making you something06:28
StskeepsTexrat: i think if the n900 discussions continue i'm going to ask for a simple statement of: Will Nokia be helping MeeGo community in order to have hardware support for it's open devices .. and would they use the cross-platform ability of MeeGo to help give their devices longer life, by publishing new/updated Nokia apps on top of most if not all MeeGo on Nokia devices06:28
GeneralAntillesI hear the mwkn backend would've cost 80k.06:28
Texratgood point Stskeeps06:28
StskeepsTexrat: they don't get to weasel out of that ability if it is truely cross platform framework :)06:29
TexratGeneralAntilles what I hear is that Pandora will run MeeGo06:29
* Texrat runs06:29
TexratStskeeps let's collab and build our own open source hardware for meeGo06:29
TexratI have some 770 parts...06:30
Texratan old VCR...06:30
StskeepsTexrat: i think it's better to just ask the chinese and tell them to build something off a reference board06:30
Texratand some PC parts06:30
GeneralAntillesI guess we'll see you guys back sometime in 2015? :P06:30
Texratoh way to get behind the dream GA06:30
StskeepsTexrat: and -still- we'd be shipping before the pandora06:30
Texratthe eternal 2 months06:31
GeneralAntillesWhen is fanoush paying up, anyway?06:31
TexratNokia rushed N900 just to screw fanoush06:32
* Stskeeps goes back to bed06:32
* Texrat pokes Stskeeps06:32
GeneralAntillesI wish fanoush had more time.06:33
GeneralAntillesWe need to find a way to get him hired as a hackmaster for maemo.org06:33
GeneralAntillesEr (shudder)06:33
Texratgawd that name06:33
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GeneralAntillesTexrat, did you catch that tombstone picture?06:33
Texratyes, good stuff06:34
GeneralAntillesBrought a tear to my eye.06:34
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TexratI heard angels06:34
Texratscrew it though, silly name or not, I'm gunnign for a job :D06:34
Texratgunning too06:34
Texrattired of babysitting software migrations06:34
GeneralAntillesGonna end up working for some Chinese outfit that's going to end up shipping a complete, proprietary UX on top. :P06:35
TexratWho do I have to fluff to get a work email address?06:35
Texratsooner or later my boss is gonna catch on...06:36
Texrat"I have to go to Amsterdam... Santa Clara... helsinki..."06:36
Texrat"no, it won't be work-related"06:36
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TexratQuim's gonna have to hire me just to keep me close and quiet06:37
Texratyou'd think the usb falling out fiasco would have done the trick06:38
Texrat"shit, get that nut back in here and shut him up!"06:38
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Texratfriggin pc shut down06:47
GeneralAntillesTexrat, they know it wont work.06:47
GeneralAntillesSo they figure there's no point wasting the money. :P06:47
Texratyay n90006:47
GeneralAntillesTexrat, by the way, you know you can run XChat on the N900, right? :P06:47
GeneralAntillesSlap an irssi proxy on your home machine.06:47
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Texratga you gotta admit my juggling meego dude was cool06:50
uhsfTexrat: how could Pandora run MeeGo? Pandora is already shipping.06:50
GeneralAntillesTexrat, I liked the "I surrender!" one better.06:51
Texratuhsf it was a joke06:51
uhsfi would like pandora to merge also06:51
Texratyes we can be meegodora06:52
uhsfand samsung to forget about bada and go MeeGo06:52
ali1234or meegopee06:52
Texratfirst product will be called explora06:52
uhsfand switch back the name to Maemo06:52
ali1234meegodora sounds like something that would fight godzilla06:52
Texratso it shall be done06:53
Texratmeegodora would kick gojira's fat ass06:53
uhsfthat really all sounds foolish06:54
Texratuhsf no fun on your planet?06:54
uhsfmaemo, moblin, meego, bada06:54
Texratcould be worse.  could be yoogo06:55
uhsfall sounds like these web2.0 startups that tried to be bought by google06:56
uhsftrying too hard to find the short letters sequence that'll please the sheep teenage crowd06:57
Texratmeegle!  moogle06:58
ali1234uhsf: have you actually tried moblin? it is more of a social networking appliance than a real distro, and aimed directly at teenagers and twenty-somethings06:59
ali1234so the name fits perfectly06:59
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GeneralAntillesTexrat, that's not worse.07:00
GeneralAntillesI can get behind that one.07:00
ali1234they already named it after an obscure character from a japanese RPG once, might as well do it again...07:01
Texratali1234 are you taking lessons from guber99?  :p07:01
ali1234Texrat: who?07:01
ali1234anyway, i;m not saying there is anything wrong with making a distro designed around social networking07:02
Texratnevermind ali1234-- a tmo character07:03
ali1234but any such thing is going to be used by teenagers and young people because that is who is using social networking07:03
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Stskeepsmorning guys and girls09:09
Corsachey Stskeeps09:10
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markeygeez, 356 nicks :)09:17
markeychannel about to explode, then implode, then become a tiny black hole09:18
markeythen we're dead09:18
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Stskeeps#maemo didn't explode yet09:18
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Stskeepsso any news overnight?09:21
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Stskeepsmorning david09:37
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lbtHey Carsten10:15
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jaemhmm... interesting10:24
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markeybut, you could kinda see it coming10:31
markeyI guess10:31
markeythe Atom thing10:31
jaemI wonder what else may come to light in the next few weeks10:33
jaemI think MeeGo is a very interesting move, but after all the negative response when they went from Diablo to Fremantle, I'd have to think there are things that they haven't mentioned yet10:33
jaemapart from backports and such, it's a fair bit of upheaval10:34
jaemI think it's probably good in the long run, but I hope everything's been thought out10:34
markeyyup :)10:35
jaemit's sad to see all the uninformed freaking out and trolling, though10:36
Stskeepspeople should stop freaking out and help shape things instead10:36
* jaem agrees10:36
imad...and we are really could use all the help :-)10:36
bzhbI just hope the ARM port won't be too much a second citizen...10:37
Stskeepsbzhb: i think people will fight to the teeth to it not becoming so10:37
imadno need to fight really... just contribute10:37
jaemStskeeps, agreed, and it looks like people will have much more of an opportunity to do so10:37
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imadif someone wants xyz, they should just contribute it -- so if a hardware vendor or someone is interested in seeing a specific thing supported; they should just contribute it10:38
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Stskeepspeople are just afraid of this openness10:39
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Stskeepsimad: going to assume you're not imad sousou?10:40
imadactually I am10:40
Stskeepsoh, cool10:40
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imadthanks Stskeeps10:40
Stskeepsnice to meet you, if so :) i'm carsten munk, distmaster - previously involved in OS development facilitation for the community10:40
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imadahh, good to meet you10:41
slaine_morning all10:41
Stskeepsand did the Mer project, where we tried to do many of the same things MeeGo has as goal10:41
Stskeepsso am naturally excited about this project :)10:41
imadyeah I looked at what you guys did in Mer -- very cool10:41
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timeless_mbphas anyone here had problems w/ their meego account?10:41
imadlots to learn from Mer10:41
slaine_timeless_mbp: still at it ?10:42
jaemimad, oh, *that's* why your nick rang a bell10:42
slaine_how's your vbox install ?10:42
jaemnice to see you on here10:42
timeless_mbpslaine_: um10:42
imadthanks jaem -- been really hectic the past few days sorting things10:42
Stskeepsimad, and a good signal to send to hang out here as well, being one of the top guys10:43
timeless_mbpi had it running at 1024x whatever10:43
jaemimad, no doubt.  As I said, I'm really impressed with the direction this is heading overall... I just hope people dont' continue to be jerks about it10:43
imad of-course --10:43
timeless_mbpslaine_: i was hoping to run the gui so i was 'user' instead of 'root'10:43
timeless_mbpbut i failed10:43
timeless_mbpanyway, currently my pain is that the wiki doesn't like me10:44
slaine_So still needing to do the startx stuff ?10:44
imadi think once we sort out the initial code stuff and release it in the next two or three weeks... thing swill start looking different than now10:44
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timeless_mbpslaine_: i seem to10:44
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timeless_mbpwhat's the "proper" way to do it? i tried /usr/bin/moblin-dm or something like that10:44
timeless_mbpand it just said 'killed'10:44
Stskeepsimad: i think what people are wondering as well is things like scheduling of TSG meetings as well - we had a regular sprint meeting as well so10:45
Stskeepsit's every two weeks, but when does it start and where ;)10:45
imaddefinetly will start it next week... i'll make sure to announce these here10:45
slaine_timeless_mbp: I didn't look any further into it after you got passed the virtual terminal part. I'll see if I can have a poke around later today10:45
jaemimad, most of the ranting I've seen was uninformed - did they even *read* the FAQs?!10:46
timeless_mbpslaine_: ok10:46
imadi hope people would cut us some slack the firt few things as we get things going10:46
timeless_mbpslaine_: anyway, i have vbox guest additions working and x11 works10:46
timeless_mbpbut i still don't have the proper launch sequence10:46
Stskeepsimad: i can definately not recommend trying to read then :)10:46
slaine_yeah, that's what I'll look at later, see if we can get that moving10:46
imadi read the logs -- too bad I wasnt here for the fun :-)10:46
imadwas stuck in Barcelona10:46
jaemimad, it's the Internet - people are stupid10:47
jaemor rather, the people who are stupid can all get together10:47
jaemI'm pretty sure it will all blow over in time10:47
slaine_typical post being "Hi, I don't know anything about this, but here's my 2cents worth"10:47
jaemmost of the people I've seen making noise are newbies anyway10:47
jaemslaine_, more like $210:47
lbthi imad10:47
slaine_lol, yes true, they didn't hold back10:48
Stskeepsjaem: the challenge is channeling that energy into something productive.10:48
imadi know - it was kind of funny that a lot of these guys never contributed a line of code to maemo or moblin10:48
jaemStskeeps, anything in particular?10:48
imadhi lbt10:48
Stskeepsjaem: turning their arguments on them and asking to help out :)10:48
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jaemimad, how much of Maemo is actually /in/ MeeGo?  The marketing-spiel didn't mention much more than Qt10:48
jaemif you can tell me, that is10:49
Stskeepsjaem: i have difficulties describing what Maemo actually is :P10:49
imada lot of maemo will be in MeeGo -- not just QT10:49
imadthe Maemo gues did a lot of terrific work10:49
lbtI take it you're seeing the mailing list discussions too? Especially the 'upstream' and collaboration area?10:49
jaemimad, that's good.  it was a bit vague, and some people seemed to think that Maemo was just being scrapped, with a bits tacked onto Moblin10:49
jaemI didn't think so, but I wasn't sure what the deal was10:50
imadthe problem is that a lot this will get sorted out publicly -- we've been careful not to make all the decisions upfront  for the obvious openness reasons... so we really started with few key things that we had to have10:50
lbtI think those of us who don't care about a file format *do* care about the "MeeGo is just a toy OS for phones - why would you need a full OS on there?" kinda thinking10:51
imadthings that would get us to bring up the base OS, and a reasonable application development env10:51
jaemmakes sense10:51
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jaempersonally, I'm waiting for more information to be released before making any major judgements, but I think the potential is great10:52
jaemand as for Openness, it sounds like a big move10:52
jaemwhen you guys say that the base system is going to be completely Open Source, I would presume some drivers still won't be?  Or are you planning on leaning on the manufacturers a bit?10:53
imadyeah... it will come together... we chose to do it openly and that makes it double hard...10:53
jaemno doubt, but it's admirable10:53
* timeless_mbp sighs10:53
Stskeepsjaem: yeah.. waiting for source and participating in discussions10:53
imadkernel drivers will be all open -- at least we are making this a requirement for now10:53
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kadimad: what about gl drivers, e.g. for the chip on nokia netbooks ?10:54
lbtimad: I'd be interested on your thoughts on Moblin having no upstream distro? Not reusing all that inter-package integration QA work...10:54
imadthere will be some userland driver (probably one) with one of the gfx vendors who we are unable to push over yet10:54
Stskeepsuserland is not as limiting as kernel drivers though (see our VSC proposal) :P10:54
imadthe upstream distro was a really hard decision to make a year or so ago10:55
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imadwe started with an upstream... but we started diverging given what we really need to do for devices.10:55
kadlbt: having no upstream distro is sometimes better. you have faster adoption pace from real upstreams like gnome, kde, ...10:55
jaemapparently most of the trolls haven't figured out the "no upstream" part10:55
jaemor they just don't care, being trolls10:55
lbtkad, I see that - but I worry about the lack of OSS ecosystem10:55
imadso ath that point, we decided it would be far cleaner to be our own upstream10:56
kadlbt: like what ?10:56
JaffaMorning, all10:56
jaemJaffa, hi10:56
lbtlike the 20K packages in Debian10:56
lbtor similar in other distros10:56
lbtas Jaffa said10:56
kadlbt: amount doesn't matter if quality is not good :)10:56
lbtwhen a dev wants a library and imports the dependencies10:56
imaddont get me wrong... all these distros are great -- Debian, Fedora, OpenSuSE... but all target different usage models10:57
kadlbt: you can check with many active users, how many of those 20k is really used.10:57
lbtit makes life hard10:57
imadwe wanted something that is specific to devices ranging from netbooks to handsets to TVs, etc...10:57
lbtkad agreed - and that's part of the approach10:57
lbtbut having them to call upon is valuable10:57
lbtimad: different usage models?10:57
kadlbt: I yesterday had a long discussin with one of geeks about Debian and Ubuntu - and his main complain about ubuntu was about packages which comes from Debian and how badly it works :)10:58
imadI mean... we wanted something that is specific to the needs of what we are trying to do10:58
Stskeepslbt: 'mobile usage'10:58
slaine_Don't talk to me about TV's10:58
kadslaine_: why ? :)10:58
slaine_bloody Philips and their broken SerialXpress protocol10:58
jaemimad, was RPM a specific design choice, or just a carry-over from Mobline?10:58
Stskeepsjaem: general consensus is that it is because there's a full toolchain (builder, image builder, qa, etc) already set up around it10:59
Stskeepsand we don't need to reinvent it10:59
lbtI do agree with the mobile usage of course - but I think a lot of this is about libraries vs ui10:59
jaemStskeeps, where?10:59
imadthere was many factors of how we selected the key things -- meaning distro infrastrcuture, packaging toolkit10:59
Stskeepsjaem: well, it is lost in all the noise, but this was the response here10:59
slaine_I've just found out that Get responses are not atomic and are infact overwritten by the TV if the user happens to be interacting with the remote at the same time10:59
jaemslaine_, yikes11:00
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slaine_broken by design11:00
lbtand imad, having a relationship with an upstream may still mean repackaging11:00
imadthe packaging itself wasn;t really that important -- what was important the infrastrcuture that we could start with11:00
lbtbut syncing on versions11:00
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lbtand making the autopackaging use the 'upstream distro'  and not the pristine source11:01
kadlbt: syncing on versions slowdowns development. look at ubuntu and debian.11:01
imadwell the problem with packaging vs upstream is that they are not consistent anyway... so if you look at the RPM distros... none of them are compatible with each other... they just HAPPEN to use a specific packaging format -- similar with the DEB based11:01
Stskeepslbt, i saw the current repo set the other day.. there's still a lot of room for policy changes and fixes to help things11:01
slaine_imad, Do you have any contact details I could use how to become an OSV of Moblin/MeeGo ?11:01
slaine_I've been trying for a very, very long time and gotten nowhere11:01
lbtStskeeps: I haven't seen the repo set11:02
Stskeepslbt: sec11:02
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imadwhat do you mean...becoming an OSV?11:02
lbtimad: indeed - but 2 upstreams are more consistent than 2000 original tarballs11:02
kadlbt: it's easier to track 2000 original tarballs than sometimes fight with community of upstream distro for minor need changes11:03
lbtif you fight then submit the change upstream to original11:04
lbtthat problem you face anyway11:04
lbtif original source won't accept you maintain a patch11:04
lbtsame as now11:04
lbthowever, much of the time you'd offload the patch maint to upstream distro11:05
imadwe're about to make the initial source tree available, just waiting mostly on things that we need to do including making the full build infrastrcuture also openlll so once that is all there... anyone can take it and create a commercial distro out of it11:05
kadlbt: in case of dpkg or apt for example, debian is the upsream. there is no upper way to escalate.11:06
kadlbt: and this is one of examples.11:06
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lbtre: dpkg/apt   decision is made : np11:06
Stskeepsthe discussion is just to not shoot ourselves too much in the foot :)11:06
kadlbt: well, it was not about re-open holly war, but just to provide example :)11:07
lbt(kad, same arg for any app developed by a distro : zypper, yum etc)11:07
lbtWe don't need to marry an upstream though11:07
lbtjust stalk them ;)11:07
lbtwe can be the creepy distro :D11:07
imadat some point, we need to get to one packaging system in Linux -- maybe we can call it DPM11:08
jaemStskeeps, how many levels of "shot" are there in the foot-gun you're using, then?11:08
lbtimad: I was hoping that we could use an open OBS as an initial touch point11:08
Stskeepsjaem: kill off everything in packaging not relevant to mobile usage.11:08
jaemlbt, what? You don't already stalk people through commit logs? XD11:08
lbtfor multi distros11:08
lbtjaem: heh11:08
kadlbt: I agree that zypper is nowdays somehow comparable to dpkg. but in case yum - Sith is alsmost independed from distro, as there are many contributing distro/customers11:08
Stskeeps , jaem (and others willing to read my "don't shoot yourself in the foot" distro)11:08
Stskeepser, suggestion11:09
lbtkad: too specific for ignorant old me11:09
kadlbt: :)11:09
jaemStskeeps, I skimmed it, but it makes sense11:09
jaemwhat /is/ the build system that's being used?11:09
imadog guys -- have to go to sleep now -- just arrived back from Europe... will talk to you tomorrow11:09
lbtimad: I think Stskeeps has developed what I was trying to get at there11:09
jaemimad, cheers, thanks11:10
lbtgood to see you here imad - thanks11:10
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ScriptRippergood morning11:11
lbtmoin SR11:11
ScriptRippermoin david11:11
Stskeepsmorn SR, nice to see you here too :)11:11
jku_jaem, obs (and no, it's not opened yet)11:11
ScriptRippermoin carsten, nice to meet you11:11
lbtso kad how do we grow the ecosystem around MeeGo in the most efficient manner?11:12
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StskeepsScriptRipper: and very happy to see OBS used in all this11:13
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ScriptRipperi am collecting new features we might need inside BS to make it more convinient11:15
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ScriptRipperi read that an SDK is highly on the prio list11:19
kadlbt: what exactly you mean by ecosystem ? external development ? contributions to distro ? something else ?11:20
ScriptRipperat the moment, webpages show only QT creator11:20
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kadScriptRipper: what do you mean by SDK in case of distros like Debian/Fedora/Ubuntu/etc ?11:20
chakie_workScriptRipper: OBS?11:21
lbtkad: I feel that the repo that makes up 'core' Moblin is tiny by comparison to most distros11:21
slaine_its that way by design though11:21
lbtand for a developer used to normal distros looking to pull in a reusable library...11:21
lbtthat's a problem11:21
slaine_This isn't a normal distro though11:22
lbtslaine_: no, it's that way by economic neccesity11:22
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kadlbt: this core of the distro is enough to build most usable software. if somebody want something more, available in other distro - it's not hard to became maintainer and help distro :)11:22
slaine_What we need is an extra's type repo11:22
ScriptRipperi mean: a way to run stuff inside a virtual machine like OBS does and connecting to tools11:22
lbtsec - phone - kad, will reply11:22
ScriptRipperoutside of the virtual machine11:22
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kadScriptRipper: I'm maybe not representative developer, but I'd prefer to build in high power build system and then install from repo packages rather than VMs11:24
Jaffakad: Err, it *is* hard if high-end app developers have been enticed to the platform and they find there's no easy way of communicating with an LDAP server or posting to Twitter. They may not even *know* that a different repo's package can be repackaged, let alone how to do it. Having a dedicated team of people who respond to app author's saying "I want to post a message to Twitter from Python, how do I do it?" and they respond "We've just created python-twitt11:24
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kadlbt: my battery running out, so maybe rejoin irc in ~1h.11:25
ScriptRipperkad: OBS uses a virtual machine *to build*11:25
JaffaScriptRipper: VMs aren't a very enticing option for attracting developers. People expect to be able to do cross-platform, cross-compiling build and debug without having to install a VM.11:25
kadScriptRipper: not always, it's fine with chroots.11:26
jaemJaffa, well, the Maemo SDK VM is convenient - if I could set up SBox and friends natively on my Arch box, I'd be happy11:26
JaffaMeeGo app developers WILL NOT solely be running Linux.11:26
jaembut the VM makes it work nicely11:26
ScriptRipperI know. I wrote parts of OBS11:26
jaemJaffa, I take your point, though11:26
ScriptRipperI am just loudly thinking about11:26
RST38hJaffa: But Moblin people do not know that yet ;)11:26
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ScriptRipperhow to better instrument the OBS virtual machines / chroot11:27
Jaffajaem: It's really not convenient. It's bloated, it's another OS to maintain, integration into the tools and editors that a developers like on their platform of choice is poor.11:27
jaemScriptRipper, if you think more quietly, your computer won't hear you :O11:27
jaemJaffa, I meant for setup, as compared to the current Maemo alternative11:27
kadjaem: luckily, you wouldn't need scratchbox anymore :)11:27
jaemI agree that it's far from ideal11:27
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Jaffajaem: Will, yes - if your only alternative is Scratchbox on a Linux box having a VM is better ;-)11:27
jaemkad, I've never developed with OBS... what's the workflow when testing locally?11:28
JaffaSomething *like* MADDE (i.e. with its requirements and goals) is essential to attracting a wide range of developers.11:28
slaine_that's something I wondered too11:28
slaine_git checkout, make an rpm ?????11:28
kadJaffa: I can use my TextMate, osc client, rpm on my mac os :) just using build on servers, not locally.11:28
ScriptRipperyou can use the local command line client to run a build also on the local machine11:28
ScriptRipperit then sets up chroot/kvm/XEN on the local machine11:29
ScriptRipperinstead of the server11:29
kadjaem: again, I might be not representative developer in a scence. my habbits is to make patch, update spec, commit to obs, wait it build, install package from repo on target hw.11:29
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ScriptRipperJaffa: what is MADDE ?11:30
Jaffakad: and if I want to do dev on the train? Or abroad? Or anywhere without a data connection? ;-)11:30
* kad running out of battery on laptop. let's speak a bit later.11:30
jaemkad, sure11:31
kadJaffa: in train, for supplying patch is enough to have even costy gprs :). without data connection - use vmware with simple linux install and chroots. no problem with that.11:31
JaffaScriptRipper: That's cool. Is it *theoretically* possible for the osc to set up a VM for the building on Windows?11:31
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ScriptRipperyes it is11:32
Jaffakad: Sorry, but you're wrong. MeeGo has to entice developers who are also looking at iPhone, webOS and Android - and the development tools are something that Maemo's taken 5 years to even get *close* to getting right.11:32
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ScriptRipperbut OBS currently does not support windows package install11:33
Jaffakad: Saying "you have to develop in a mindset of a 1970s timeshare mainframe" isn't going to cut it.11:33
JaffaScriptRipper: Or, presumably, OS X?11:33
JaffaScriptRipper: Although that might be easier as a next step.11:33
ScriptRipperso you would need some prepackaged .rpm or .deb packages for this target OS11:33
ScriptRippersame for Solaris or OS X11:34
ScriptRipperor other BSD like OSes11:34
ScriptRipperI think there is a .deb based solaris version, that should work anyway then11:34
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ScriptRipperwe had more than once thought about adding other package formats to OBS also11:35
ScriptRipperlike Solaris pkg format or OpenEmbedded and the like11:36
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RST38hSorry for a really stupid question but what is OBS?11:36
StskeepsRST38h: a builder system or a really clever way to construct chroots.11:36
RST38hOr, to make things simpler, can I simply write a Makefile and type "make" to compile applicaiton under meego?11:36
RST38hSts: so OBS ~= Scratchbox?11:37
StskeepsRST38h: sortof, except saner. the base user mode emulation just works. and then you can drop in x86 packages on top to cross-compile fast.11:37
ScriptRipperand: OBS can do things like scratchbox can do for cross building11:37
RST38hYes, I have seen this link yesterday but could not figure out what it means for a normal app developer11:37
StskeepsRST38h: it's comparable to native building.11:37
RST38hStskeeps: Ah, ok11:38
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X-FadeHmm is there a problem with the MeeGo lists?11:39
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RST38hX-Fade: Yes, they are not viewable on the web =)11:41 :P11:42
X-FadeRST38h: Well, they are. But don't update anymore.11:42
RST38hah cool11:42
X-FadeArchives don't update and mail doesn't seem to get through.11:42
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RST38hStskeeps: That openSUSE page about OBS seems to imply that it is kinda autobuilder, i.e. you cannot build locally with it. Is that true?11:43
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ScriptRipperyou can build also locally11:45
ScriptRipperits both: an autobuilder and local build11:45
meceoh we're discussing meego repositories I'm guessing. Haven't been following. OBS seems pretty cool actually.11:46
StskeepsRST38h: you can build with it locally too11:46
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feedcrunchhi all, i have question regarding MeeGo and python. Will it be possible to run my python+QT applicatoin on MeeGo?11:48
ScriptRipperthere seem to have been many discussions about .deb vs .rpm the last days11:48
ScriptRipperOBS can do both11:48
jaemfeedcrunch, well, it's Open Source, so yes11:48
ScriptRippereven in one package source11:48
ScriptRipperif you package it correctly11:49
jaemfeedcrunch, as to whether it will work out of the box, you'd have to ask someone else, but I'd expect so11:49
RST38hWell, it only has to do one that will be used by the OS11:49
villemvNokia is doing PySide themselves11:49
mecevillemv, very nice!11:49
villemvso it's slightly more than "community supported"11:49
villemvthe fact that it uses underlying "fully supported" Qt itself guarantees the native look as well11:51
feedcrunchjaem: tanks for the answer! Yes it would be possible, but i wonder if there will be a "official" repository by the community. Like Extras in maemo where you can install all the python-dependencies and so forth.11:51
lcukmornin meego11:51
villemvfeedcrunch: don't worry about it, of course there will be full python experience11:51
leinirlcuk: Wooh! :)11:51
mecelcuk, 'sup11:51
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feedcrunchvillemv: hehe, thanks, now i feel a lot better, Back to programming! :)11:51
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slaine_morning lcuk11:57
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HukkaJust watched a video on the new LG phone. I'm a bit worried that they have their completely own UI :/12:03
villemvhave the url to vid handy Hukka?12:04
HukkaSorry, not anymore12:04
HukkaBut it's trivial to google12:04
Hukka"meego phone"12:04
leinirIt's basically the same UI they've got on the Arena and like devices...12:04
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HukkaI also watched a bit on the S-class12:04
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HukkaBut what I'm wondering is that if the OS in that phone is actually OSS, or interchangable12:05
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HukkaWill there be even Qt?12:05
Stskeepshence the need for things like our proposed VSC12:05
leinirIt's LG, so it's likely locked so far down you can't get to it12:05
leinir*nods* Indeed12:05
HukkaThe meego arch images tell us about the split UI from Maemo and from Moblin, but nothing about the vendors actually ignoring both...12:05
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villemvLG had no prior linux phones? so I suppose it has to have at least moblin ui12:06
HukkaSince if that's whats going to happen, then it doesn't really matter at all how open Meego supposedly is12:06
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villemvMeeGo is open enough so that you can make a locked phone with it ;-)12:07
Naranek_the LG GW990 seems really promising, but I have no previous experience with LG. Is it really possible that even though it runs meego, it's still locked down?12:07
StskeepsVendor social contract:
villemvthey could prevent installing new stuff on it12:07
HukkaStskeeps: Yeah, I know12:07
villemvbut then, the "meego" marketing moniker would be BS12:07
Naranek_for me that kind of defeats the purpose of running linux :)12:07
leinirHukka: There's 390 people in here, i'm sure one or two missed it ;)12:08
HukkaStskeeps: But since the phone is already running the OS in the expos, there's no stopping them now12:08
villemvwhy would they lock it down?12:08
StskeepsHukka: of course12:08
Hukkavillemv: Old school thinking12:08
Hukka"Of course we lock it, it's OURS"12:09
mecevillemv, also, support. Less people screw up their devices.12:09
Naranek_the same reasons everybody locks their devices down12:09
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mecevillemv, exactly.12:09
meceerr Naranek_, exactly12:09
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villemvold linux devices were locked down because the native platform was immature, apple & google lock down because of app store & drm...12:12
villemvwhy LG?12:12
lbtjaem_away: ping me re local OBS workflow12:12
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villemvlbt: you might want to post the local OBS workflow somehere if you are making a novel out of it12:13
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lbtJaffa: you need to learn more about OBS :) it's not quite what you think it is12:13
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lbtvillemv: I'd like to  :   is a good start12:13
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hrwuf... maemo-dev and meego-dev marked as read12:21
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slaine_Can you point local OBS's build script at a directory of src rpms ?12:31
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Stskeepsi do that with dscs often, but one at a time12:32
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Mirvif you have that bunch of src rpm:s in your so-called home project of obs, you can do osc build for all of those12:33
slaine_Was trying to follow this, but didn't get very far12:35
slaine_just complains that it can't find the spec files12:35
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megabasthi, is there something to install to use web browser on maemo 5 sdk (on maemo interface)12:36
megabastwhen I click on web browser window, it happens nothing12:37
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pan1nxmegabast, do you have the nokia binaries installed?12:47
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Jaffalbt: re-reading up12:49
megabastpan1nx: I installed openVMTools and guestadditions12:49
megabastI am in the SDK virtual machine12:49
lbtslaine_: try the Mer build link to get started with OBS12:49
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slaine_lbt, I'll book mark it. I'm too swamped at the moment to lilkely get back to it shortly12:50
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lbtsure - it's an alternative tutorial that may help you debug build fails - uses deb but as you'd see that's not relevant12:51
slaine_yup, defo interested12:51
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slaine_I've just got loads of meetings today and some new hardware I need to check out before I'd get time to look at it yet12:52
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slaine_I literally spent 5 mins getting the build script installed and ran it12:52
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pan1nxmegabast, wait, i check it on my sb12:57
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koupsameego is a ugly name13:03
mecewell put :)13:03
Stskeepswe can all agree on that, but let's put something cool behind it?13:03
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Stskeepsit does have benefits13:04
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w00teven if it does make you think of it as jar jar binks' distro13:05
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dl9pfhi all !13:09
kadJaffa: recapturing discussion. I said only about myself. I'm not a typical developer, and for me vim+chroot is more than enough. in worst scenario VM.13:11
StskeepsJaffa: in most circumstances, people will be developing x86 natively13:11
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kadJaffa: iPhone development requires Xcode, and thus, it simplifies a lot of thing - you have there cross gcc, custom binary representation format, so in that scenario you don't really care what you have as host OS.13:12
kadJaffa: in case of Linux development, the biggest problem of crosscompiling is that many programs in their Makefiles using binaries which are just built.13:13
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kadJaffa: and this implies that you either need to be in VM, or natively do build on target HW, or use some crunches like SB.13:13
Naranekgoogle isn't that cool name either, but see what they've accomplished :)13:14
robstakad: "many programs" ?13:14
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kadrobsta: sorry for spelling errors, english is not my native language :)13:15
robstakad: that's not what i mean, it's just not so many13:15
kadrobsta: well, it's enough to make distro builder'ss life horrible.13:15
robstakad: maybe if you're building a general purpose distro who's goal is to have as many packages as possible13:16
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kadrobsta: I don't recall exact stats, but few years ago some of our collegues were trying to participate in cross-deb activities. It was quite a lot of packges which were requiring modifications for compile case where host arch != dest arch13:17
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jumpulait's not a problem of deb, it's rather a problem of the userland software itself13:19
jumpulaonly few pieces can be properly cross compiled13:19
kadrobsta: it might be some generic stuff (like, let me just pointing randomly somewhere without evidences, TeX) that you need to build your good app, but would require some tricks if you try to cross-compile it.13:19
jumpulathus leaving one in a situation of either extensively patching the rest or using sb or somesuch to circumvent the issue13:19
robstakad: most of the software stack in meego comes from freedesktop and other sane places and is already being used in embedded development, and cross compiled on a daily basis13:19
kadjumpula: agree, it's all about majority of currently available open source soft.13:20
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kadrobsta: I'm not argueing with that ;)13:20
robstakad: hopefully you also agree that the majority of available open source software is irrelevant to meego13:21
kadrobsta: I'm just saying that there exceptions, and as Jussi mentioned above, you either spending time patching and workarrounding, or use something to emulate "native" build13:21
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Stskeepser, why not look at how insanely cool OBS does _cross? :P13:22
MelisUHello community! I want a high level compiled language for Qt. Any suggestions? (GTK had Vala, Genie and Mono)13:22
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kadStskeeps: I've looked. :) but initial question was from Jaffa "how to use it on train with Windows laptop"13:22
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kadrobsta: well, I personaly use maybe 40% of packages available in Fedora repos. And for me content of MeeGo is more than enough. If I need something, I would be able to build it myself, as majority of build dependencies are already there.13:24
kadrobsta: but there are people who's only criteria to be "cool distro" is to be able to say "my distro has 20k packages".13:24
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Stskeepskad: yes, there's an area in local building that needed improvement13:25
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Stskeepskad: but it isn't impossible.13:25
kadStskeeps: under windows ? I've looked into code of "build", but kind of bit sceptical that it would work correctly on non-POSIX OS.13:26
Stskeepskad: under windows is more difficult. it'd probably be MADDE like.13:26
Stskeepswindows situation right now is horrid anyway13:27
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kadStskeeps: I haven't looked at MADDE, so no opinions :)13:30
Stskeepsworth a try, kinda cool for what it does13:30
JaffaStskeeps: "Windows situation [for Maemo development] right now is horrid anyway"13:30
Stskeepsexcept for MADDE, that is13:31
JaffaStskeeps: Indeed.13:31
kadStskeeps: by brief look, just on install page, I'd be very fear to install it on my systems.13:31
Stskeepskad: it didn't kill mine.13:31
Stskeepsit's just very large.13:31
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kadStskeeps: well, it doesn't kill, but I fear of amount of unpredictable hacks that those installers do in the system during installation.13:32
Stskeepskad: technically it's a mingw32 system13:32
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kadStskeeps: I'm speaking about darwin or linux installers. I don't have windows :)13:32
niqtto start developmen i need opensuse or fedora?13:33
Stskeepskad: ah13:33
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kadniqt: any linux in my opinion. OBS client is available for major linux distros, and you can have chroot anywhere if needed.13:34
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niqtto begin follw this link
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J_PHi all, just a very important question: MeeGo will use apt-get/.deb right?13:39
Stskeepssorry to disappoint you - now, do you want the organisational reason?13:39
Stskeepsit uses rpm, but not sure about apt-get style setrup13:39
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J_PStskeeps: wow. Why rpm? lsb?13:40
townxelliotI'm going to attempt to fix some issues with the wiki logins - anyone working on it right now? shouldn't need a restart, but may invalidate existing cookies briefly13:41
StskeepsJ_P: actually, it's due to what tools in place. moblin brings to the table a build service (this can handle debs though, but keep listening), image builders, repositories, QA, and many other state of the art tools13:41
StskeepsJ_P: these are all centered around RPM.13:42
StskeepsJ_P: if .deb was to be adapted, all those tools would have to be rewritten to fit deb, as it isn't trivial to take tools, since they are, well, tied to debian.org13:42
Stskeepsalso, the benefit of integration13:43
StskeepsJ_P: i am personall a .deb fan, but i think this is a compelling reason for the rpm choice.13:44
J_PStskeeps: I don't know if you are inside MeeGo team, If yes, please transmit my message: Not use .deb will be a bigger mistake.13:45
slaine_oh ffs, not this conversation again13:45
slaine_it's been like ground hog day, everyday this week13:45
StskeepsJ_P: i'm not, but i ask you to read my argumentation13:45
StskeepsJ_P: if you aren't willing to listen to other people's views, it isn't a very constructive conversation13:46
AVeeSomething different then, did anyone manage to subscribe to the meego-community list?13:46
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lbtslaine_: like it or not we need to do this with all newcomers13:46
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lbtif you want to help then make a wiki page13:47
slaine_We should just point them to the FAQ at this stage though13:47
Stskeepsslaine_: i think once tools are up and running and people see how smooth things run, it will be more and more difficult for them to argue.13:47
J_PStskeeps: your argumentation is not valid. Because MeeGo will start a new modification is world for many years.. and is better a effort now (to use deb) than a not perfect system in the future13:47
lbtoh look - no infobot :)13:47
maclaverAvee: I subscribed, did not get any mails yet.13:47
StskeepsJ_P: how is it not valid? it's an organisational choice - a choice of tools?13:47
AVeeHmm, the confirmation get rejected for me.13:47
Stskeepsi don't care about rpm vs deb, i care about what works.13:48
Guest58941+1 !13:48 doesn't exist13:48
rosch+1 !13:48
StskeepsAVee: i subscribed online13:48
GeneralAntillesAVee, yes, setup is broken.13:48
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GeneralAntilleslbt, I send a memo to TimRiker.13:48
J_PStskeeps: not. Don't vorry. Not valid I told as not (for my opinion) as a world plataform best choice13:48
AVeek, I'll try again later then.13:48
lbtGeneralAntilles: ?13:48
StskeepsJ_P: okay, let me ask this another way13:48
GeneralAntilleslbt, infobot's owner.13:49
StskeepsJ_P: have you ever packaged anything for Maemo?13:49
StskeepsJ_P: have you tried the current process and tools in place?13:49
J_PStskeeps: yes... is dificult..13:49
StskeepsJ_P: right. this is one of the choices that was pre-made for us. there's tools to make this immensely easier. moblin have tried those and use those. it is a integrated product, centered around rpm technology.13:50
StskeepsJ_P: you no longer have to deal with many of the insanities of maemo.13:50
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Stskeepsand we don't need to spend several years getting maemo tools up to speed.13:50
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Stskeepscan you see the organisational argument for that?13:50
Guest58941which we dont have13:50
J_PStskeeps: yes, I understand you. But is possible alter that for have less dificult or (as you told) rewrite for deb13:51
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flightplanat the expense that users would need to deal with rpm?13:51
StskeepsJ_P: yes, but this changeover will take several months.13:51
StskeepsJ_P: would you rather see android succeed as preferred mobile platform?13:51
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J_PStskeeps: I thinking MeeGo in 4, 5, 10 years.. not13:51
J_P1 or 213:51
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J_PStskeeps: not, android NOT!13:52
StskeepsJ_P: MeeGo is supposed to be up, working, in few months.13:52
Stskeepstiming matters, and people need to realize that if you want a succesful project, you have to make compromises and choices.13:52
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Guest58941J_P: time matters13:52
slaine_And MeeGo wasn't designed from scratch13:52
zerojayStskeeps: Months?13:52
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slaine_MeeGo is Moblin, which has been around for a couple of years at this point13:52
Stskeepszerojay: honestly i don't know timeline, but i can imagine it isn't a year.13:52
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roschthe meassage at release, was that devices should be out this year13:53
StskeepsJ_P: another issue is training the systems people. there's no alternative to moblin - and maemo isn't exactly the best base for things13:53
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slaine_If you where starting from scratch then the deb vs rpm arguments would have some validity. But that's not the case here. The app stack from Maemo is moving to an alternative platform that is Moblin13:53
Guest58941so 1/2 year until testing starts13:53
kadJ_P: deb toolchain is not something easily hackable.13:53
zerojayslaine_: Aren't we starting from scratch? It sure feels like it since we're tossing out everything on the Maemo side pretty much.13:54
StskeepsJ_P: i have personally spent a year shoe-horning Maemo on top of Debian/Ubuntu. It isn't easy.13:54
GeneralAntillesSo why, again, hasn't anybody just gone ahead and written up all of the technical, organizational and political arguments behind the choice on a wiki page somewhere so we can stop having this discussion every 30 minutes? :)13:54
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: w00t tried and it drowned13:54
slaine_zerojay: the maemo guys have lost the most in this transition13:54
Stskeepsor gained13:54
Stskeepsdepending on perspective13:54
zerojayslaine_: That's an understatement.13:54
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, not much can offset the loss of a good brand. :(13:55
zerojayGained nothing but another year of scratching and clawing to get back to where we were.13:55
Stskeepszerojay: there was a need to reconstruct maemo and now we know what works.13:55
kadGeneralAntilles: writting them down would decrease amount of buzz going arround ;)13:55
slaine_And I think the PR exercise that is MeeGo has done you all a disservice.13:55
zerojayStskeeps: What need?13:55
Stskeepszerojay: if you spent enough time developing with maemo, you'd see the issues. platform stall and inability to spread to other devices easily.13:56
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Stskeepszerojay: i think all this scratching and clawing has put us in a position where we can actually try and run things.13:57
J_PStskeeps: most people here works with Debian/Ubuntu where environment is deb.. this will be better environment to Meego.13:57
Guest58941J_P: it will work !13:57
J_PStskeeps: most people on the works use .deb, why not use .deb too13:57
StskeepsJ_P: yes, deb is a brilliant format but a choice was made and i explained you why it is so13:57
J_PGuest58941: yes, windows works too. with expetions, but works13:58
zerojayStskeeps: No, it's put us in a position where apparently there was no confidence in Maemo and the community around it, so we get to sit on the sidelines.13:58
slaine_Why on earth does one archive format over another make such a difference to people.13:58
slaine_gah, I'm getting sucked in again13:58
Stskeepszerojay: otoh, one of the 'dictators' was idling in here earlier and was discussing issues with people :P13:58
yngwinindeed, as a format deb and rpm are very similar13:58
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Guest58941J_P: the tools work on your distro of choice13:59
Stskeepszerojay: this is the top of the project, instead of hiding away in offices13:59
yngwinwhat matter is the tools13:59
zerojayslaine_: I don't care about what archive format is used... what I care about is that everything we worked for and worked on has been tossed aside for this shit on a whim.13:59
w00tGeneralAntilles: there is a wiki page13:59
Guest58941slaine_: ppl are used to their toolss13:59
w00tGeneralAntilles: it's a bit biased, but hold on and I'll try hunt it down13:59
kadJ_P: regardless of wrap, most valuable thing is inside the box. packaging doesn't matter much if you app is crap.13:59
GeneralAntillesw00t, good! Now we just need a bot to spit it out every time a baiting phrase pops up.13:59
flightplanslaine_: because it is not only the archive format, it is a matter of source package architecture, tools and what not. however because of OBS dealing with rpm... wl you got your reasons.13:59
Stskeepszerojay: i don't see it as being thrown away, i'm seeing it as them giving us what we actually want, in a shorter timeframe than what we would had to slowly and iterately gain.14:00
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J_PStskeeps: Guest58941 kad "..deb is a brilliant format but a choice was made.." So if choice was made, we don't need more talk about this.14:01
zerojayStskeeps: They didn't talk to anyone about "what we actually want".14:01
J_PI was thinking just to help!14:01
StskeepsJ_P: i think the deb vs rpm thing has been noticed by everyone in charge14:02
w00tzerojay: realistically - if people do want change, then it can still happen14:02
Stskeepszerojay: well, with a dysfunctional council, it was hard to get any policies done.14:02
w00tI haven't seen any statements to the contrary14:02
w00tbut I also haven't seen any consensus that change is necessary, nor stepping up and taking charge of it14:02
yngwinif the dev vs rpm thing is the only major bone of contention, then things are in pretty good shape ;)14:03
slaine_w00t, not with MeeGo 1.0 only a matter of weeks/months away14:03
Guest58941basically - if someone does rewrite all tools -> fine14:03
w00tslaine_: *shrug*14:03
w00tslaine_: timeframes don't change things14:03
flightplanmaybe already gives enough of argumentation to forward askers to?14:03
slaine_It does to the people paying for the work to be done14:03
w00tslaine_: if people wanted it changed, they'd want it changed - instead, as far as I can tell, most people decided to be vocal about it and suddenly look the other way when they were asked to organise doing something about it14:03
zerojayStskeeps: Nothing on that page matters anymore.14:04
Guest58941but hey, no one stepped up14:04
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w00tGuest58941: exactly14:04
Stskeepszerojay: because it is coming true.14:04
J_PStskeeps: you works on intel?14:04
slaine_No reason why an OE project couldn't be setup to take over14:04
w00tslaine_: OE?14:04
StskeepsJ_P: no, i don't14:04
slaine_Open Embedded14:05
zerojayStskeeps: You must be in different places than I am because I'm not seeing it.14:05
w00tslaine_: ah, right - well, if there is an interest in it, I can only consider it a positive thing that it happens14:05
flightplanas far as I recall help has been offered initiate obs supporting deb, no?14:05
slaine_Thats the point we're both making I think. There's a lot of belly aching over the changes but no affirmative action14:06
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w00tflightplan: there has been some activity, yes, but I don't think there has been a lot of it, and not a lot of proactive activity on it (i.e. "what needs to change to use debs")14:06
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Stskeepszerojay: release soon and often - entire base system will be publically developed. one place to track feedback: public bug tracker on, co-production of documentation: seems to happening, community localisation: l10n is already being set up, variants: -everyone- including non-nokia can join in.14:06
w00tI'm done with that topic for now14:06
rangeIs everybody still bitching about the package format?14:06
w00tno need to add more to the noise :)14:06
slaine_ +114:06
w00trange: I'm certainly not14:06
slaine_I'm off to do some work14:07
rangew00t: Not calling names :)14:07
rangeJust looked in for today and see the same discussion.14:07
w00trange: I was explaining how I see things having evolved over the past few days, I couldn't care less what format is used personally, so long as there is consensus and effort is acknowledged if people want to put it in14:07
J_PStskeeps: well, I wait the MeeGo will be very good. Because I loved hear notice about merge maemo and mobling to competition with android and iphone OS14:07
Naranekwhat's your take on meego running on older tablets?14:07
StskeepsNaranek: unsure. depends.14:08
w00tStskeeps: surely the platform itself being designed to run on multiple devices means that won't be as difficult a goal at least14:08
StskeepsJ_P: let's look at the technical merits when there's a system to look at, okay?14:09
NaranekStskeeps: thanks. That'll do for now :)14:09
StskeepsJ_P: i'll like to bet a beer this will be awesome.14:09
J_PStskeeps: :-)14:10
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slaine_The future's bright for sure. A lot of very clever and passionate people are getting together14:11
Stskeepswe also have to set aside our differences and work together, yes14:11
zerojayIt's got no choice but to be bright when we're completely and suddenly plunged into complete darkness.14:12
w00tzerojay: think bright pink and fluffy, we're going places14:13
zerojaySomeone tell me when all the rpm/deb BS stops coming up in the mailing list.14:13
lcukslaine_, we have been growing larger and larger around maemo for a while now :) this just combines things again like power frikkin rangers ;)14:13
Stskeepszerojay: -community should be quiter, hopefully14:13
slaine_lcuk, mighty morphin' meego rangers14:14
kadzerojay: this hollywar would be going for long time ;)14:14
zerojayStskeeps: btw, yes, you tend to get broken councils when it turns into a popularity contest.14:15
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: Heh... I think I'm one of the few that doesn't mind the name.14:15
* GeneralAntilles wishes somebody would fix MeeGo-community.14:16
GeneralAntillesMeeGo-dev is all religious war spam.14:17
w00tGeneralAntilles: I really think it's quieted down a fair bit the past few days14:17
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w00tcompared to what it *was*14:17
w00tit's still not ideal, no, but that'll continue to settle down14:17
X-FadeAny MeeGo server infra admin awake?14:17
MelisUHello community! I want a high level compiled language for Qt. Any suggestions? (GTK had Vala, Genie and Mono)14:18
StskeepsX-Fade: i think townxelliot said something about wiki edits14:18
zerojayX-Fade: You mean to tell me you don't have access?14:18
X-Fadezerojay: nope14:18
GeneralAntilleszerojay, I poked some people about it.14:18
GeneralAntilleszerojay, planning an IRC meeting possibly next Wednesday evening to discuss all these details.14:19
villemvMelisU: C++14:19
GeneralAntillesUm, also, #meego-ui and #meego-meeting have been registered and appropriately accessed.14:19
zerojayGeneralAntilles: We'll see if they can find it in their hearts to give any of us some access.14:19
GeneralAntilles#meego-devel was picked up by somebody I don't know.14:19
Stskeepszerojay: i have only met open arms so far.14:19
townxelliotX-Fade: having trouble logging into the wiki?14:19
w00tStskeeps, GeneralAntilles, whoever: has someone thought to file a GCF for #meego?14:19
GeneralAntilleszerojay, arjan said as long as people are vetted it wont be an issue.14:19
Stskeepsw00t: i did earlier14:19
X-Fadetownxelliot: No, mailserver doesn't like me.14:20
GeneralAntillesw00t, I poked arjan. . . .14:20
w00tStskeeps: good boy, I'll do a little prodding there later14:20
MelisUvillemv: C++ stinks. I want more features and memory management.14:20
Stskeepsw00t: but there's really no indicated power structure than imad and vallerti, so it is a little hard to distinguish atm14:20
X-Fadetownxelliot: Server prevents hosts from sending when dns lookup doesn't work.14:20
GeneralAntillesw00t, just as we get setup for #maemo it becomes irrelevant.14:20
GeneralAntillesLe sigh14:20
w00tGeneralAntilles: *g*14:20
townxelliotX-Fade: ok, right - we need somewhere to log these issues, not sure if anywhere exists as yet - I'll check14:21
GeneralAntilleszerojay, if you want to rage against people, rage against Nokia/Intel execs and lawyers.14:21
w00tStskeeps: well - it's not really that big an issue I think14:21
GeneralAntilleszerojay, neither justified nor productive to rage against anybody at this level.14:21
GeneralAntillestownxelliot, hopefully RSN? :)14:21
slaine_GeneralAntilles: ++14:22
* GeneralAntilles has got cool plans for pretty, friendly guided submission forms and everything.14:22
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* w00t eyes GeneralAntilles nervously14:23
w00twhenever I hear the word 'plans' I get all worried14:23
GeneralAntillesw00t, oh, I have some GOOD plans for you. *g*14:23
w00tthat makes me even more worried ..14:24
villemvMelisU: havy you tried C++ & Qt ? It doesn't stink, really. You miss some goodies like closures, but it won't slow you down that much14:24
w00tMelisU: Qt removes most of the aspects of memory management from you (unless you choose to handle it manually) if that's what you're worried about14:24
villemvother C++ frameworks do stink by design, of course, but don't let that stop you14:24
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slaine_Does Qt have language bindings ?14:25
villemvyes, several14:25
slaine_Or is it C++ only ?14:25
w00tslaine_: yes14:25
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villemvI'm waiting the Golang binding :-)14:25
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w00tsee also: pyqt (or pyside), etcetera14:25
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slaine_not looked at Qt since 2003'ish, so looking forward to having an excuse now14:26
villemvbut really, many who try Qt with C++ can get by with just the good old C++14:26
da4089which of pyqt vs pyside is best to look at?14:26
w00tslaine_: if you ever need help - ask14:26
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w00tda4089: licence-wise, pyside is more permissive, but it's not really stable in some areas yet14:26
slaine_I may do, my C++ is rusty as a rusty thing14:26
* villemv is pseudo-hardcore pythonista14:26
villemvhuge advantage of using C++ is Qt Creator14:27
villemvjust like eclipse is one of the few good reasons to use Java ;-)14:27
w00tcreator is indeed a big advantage :)14:27
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* mece concurs. qt creator is sweet.14:28
leiniri personally preffer kdevelop4, but that is not to say that qt creator is not very, very nifty :)14:28
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slaine_It'll probably be next weekend that I get any real time on this unfortunately. It's birthday week for me at my house, (My wife, then me, then my son over  a few days. )14:28
MelisUvillemv: I hate C++. Sorry. It is rusty. I hate .h and .cpp whenever I see it. I really don't want to deal with such an old language.14:29
da4089w00t: thx14:29
J_PMelisU: PySide or PyQt is a very good development system to MeeGo. Is perfect to maemo and I think will be to MeeGo too..14:29
w00tda4089: no problem -- let me know if you need help with it14:29
MiXu-C++ doesn't feel that bad when there's Qt14:30
MelisUJ_P: Python is dog slow and needs memory like the structural integrity of the universe would depend on it.14:30
flightplanMelisU: maybe one of these might fit your needs ->
villemvWell, many of the alts are not much better (Java, C#, I'm looking at you)14:31
MelisUflightplan: Thanks, I will take a look.14:32
w00toh dear14:32
w00tfrom one religious war to another :-)14:32
MelisUfight fire with fire :)14:32
J_PMelisU: not. You are talking about use PyQT in 200MHZ and 16MB. Actually all smarphones.. used arm or atom that has >=600MHZ and minimum one core. memory >=512MB. Will be fast as C++14:32
MelisUJ_P: Nope, I run Kubuntu and I know how slow the python KDE apps are. Not suitable for a smartphone PERIOD14:33
J_PMelisU: that is not optimized..14:34
w00tMelisU: fwiw, I've used python a fair bit with Qt for my n900, and it's perfectly responsive14:34
villemvpygtk apps are also ok on n81014:34
w00tthe only problem is that they have about a 1-1.5 second startup delay because I'm too lazy to pull in classes individually, and I import the whole of QtGui and QtCore14:34
yngwinand dont compare bloated kde with pure Qt14:34
J_PMelisU: python for rewrite for maemo.. is very fast.. see what w00t say..14:34
w00tMelisU: while I'm not saying I'll change your mind, I'm just saying it might be worth reevaluating14:35
yngwinMelisU: but there's also Qyoto if you prefer c#/mono14:35
flightplanqyoto was discontinued IIRC, was't it?14:36
MelisUthanks guys, do you think Googles Unladen Swallow Python optimisations will make it to Meego?14:36
J_PMelisU: yes.. pure QT is very fast compared with kde14:36
yngwinflightplan: qtjambi was, not qyoto afaik14:36
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yngwinMelisU: at some point yes14:36
J_PMelisU: I not your question, could you repeat with other words?14:37
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inzMelisU, depends on whether it's a South African or European Swallow.14:38
lcukinz, hi \o14:38
slaine_MelisU: that uses even more memory that cpython and starts way way slower, so I can't see why you'd want it14:38
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inzlcuk, hi14:38
lcuki notice you took down your maemo urls14:38
lcukor its broke14:38
inzlcuk, got some web crawler DDoS14:39
lcuk:( bah14:39
inzlcuk, apparently they went bezerk when MeeGo was announced.14:39
lcukyeah - thats called thousands of hungry OSS advocates sniffing :p14:39
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javispedrothousands of .deb advocates >:)14:40
J_PMelisU: do you think that 1s to start a app is much?14:41
leinirjavispedro: s/advocates/zealots/ ;)14:41
leinirgah! i fell in, sorry :)14:42
MelisUJ_P: Well, not really .. BUT you have to compete with Iphone etc, where everything is really fast. People notice 1 second14:42
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J_PMelisU: we are talking about a alternative to C++.14:43
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J_PMelisU: people, correct me if I'm wrong. But, if you don't wont to write app in C/C++, actually better alterative is Python + QT.14:43
J_Pfor MeeGO14:43
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MelisUJ_P: So ? I just prefer compiled language without bloat14:44
yngwinfwiu, yes, C++/Qt or PyQt4 is the way to go14:44
lcukvisual basic ftw14:45
yngwinand of course QML14:46
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slaine_QML ? Qt Markup Language ??14:47
jku_J_P, 1 second app startup does sound like a lot... considering the whole OS starts in < 10seconds :)14:47
MiXu-Which OS starts in 10 seconds?14:47
yngwinyeah the new qt declarative ui14:47
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slaine_yngwin: hmm, nice14:48
MiXu-It's gonna be a lot more on the first MeeGo phone.14:48
* GeneralAntilles doesn't care about boot times.14:48
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GeneralAntillesI don't use Intel processors on my phone, so I actually have good battery life.14:49
meceyou should never have to boot your phone, so boot times i completely irrevlevant imo.14:49
GeneralAntillesmece, well, except when you take it out of the box. ;)14:49
jku_mece, I wasn't really claiming that. I wanted to point out that it's not unreasonable to expect apps to start up pretty much immediately14:50
mecejku_, that is true. Depends on the app though.14:51
* w00t shakes fist at meego-community bounce14:51
mecejuk_, but something should happen immidiately.14:51
MelisUjku_: Exactly. I really think Intel and especially Nokia needs to build something Vala-like for Qt.14:51
MelisUThey seem to push Pyhton .. but that has so many downsides.14:52
lcukapp startup time in python is worse14:52
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lcuknormal app startup time in general needs optimizing14:53
lcuksome frameworks are faster than others14:53
meceMelisU, how about vala? That works.14:53
MelisUMeego needs a productive high level compiled language or it will die.14:53
MelisUVala does not work with Qt14:53
MelisUonly GTK14:53
lcuksome are near instantanious14:53
meceMelisU, k.14:53
lcukqt is already OO14:54
lcukthats valas key14:54
* w00t yawns14:54
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MelisUlcuk: No its key is to reduce complexity. Making writing fast programs simpler and being more productive14:56
vmlemon_Does Java meet that criteria?14:56
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lcukMelisU, is there so much boiler plate for qt?14:57
MelisUvmlemon_: No, monsterous big Vm14:57
lcuki thought it was all encapsulated and simplified14:57
lcukby virtue of it being c++14:57
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pillar_and no vm14:57
MelisUIt is simple for C++14:58
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javispedrolcuk: it's a bit less verbose since it has a "preprocessor" that creates all boilerplate14:58
MelisUbut that is still way off from really simple .. you still need to deal with .h shit and all the rusty rest of it14:58
lcukso now people are requesting a pre-pre-processor?14:58
MelisUkinda .. yes14:58
lcukwell make an easy api wrapper class?14:59
lcukwith just the essentials14:59
javispedroyou're telling me Qt is not easy enough?14:59
vmlemon_So everyone's saying that they don't want Qt... But they do? ;)14:59
w00tMelisU: you do know you don't *have* to split the two, right?14:59
* lcuk is gonna make qt classes encapsulating liq* soon :)14:59
javispedrodamn, you could classify as a student in javispedro's no-autotools school of programming14:59
w00tclass foo { foo() { bar(); } void bar() { return; } }; is perfectly valid C++15:00
pillar_I, for one, am thrilled about Qt making it15:00
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lcuk++ pillar_15:00
yngwinQt is the reason i'm getting involved15:00
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GeneralAntillesAh, I see religious wars have now been pulled into my web coordination thread.15:02
w00tGeneralAntilles: I did my best to stomp on it.15:02
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GeneralAntillesw00t, nah, not Bergie, Aldon.15:03
GeneralAntillesw00t, Midgard vs Drupal is something that needs discussing.15:03
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GeneralAntillesw00t, we don't want to dump a bunch of work into Drupal if we decide it's not suited.15:04
w00tGeneralAntilles: if it does, and people are willing to invest effort into it, great15:04
w00tGeneralAntilles: I'm just trying to avoid a repeat of the packaging discussion, really15:04
GeneralAntillesw00t, we have a LOT of time and effort into Midgard and quite a few people who know how to work it.15:04
w00tGeneralAntilles: i.e. a lot of talk over not a lot and pretty much no action15:04
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GeneralAntillesw00t, well, there's people willing and able to do with this discussion, so there's definitely action set to come out of it either way. ;)15:05
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w00tGeneralAntilles: *g*15:05
da4089hard to have action until there's a MeeGo distro to act on15:05
w00tGeneralAntilles: what makes drupal so bad?15:05
X-Fadew00t: And so far no a lot of input is asked from our side.15:05
GeneralAntillesda4089, web stuff.15:05
GeneralAntillesIndeed, the stuff is basically all Intel.15:05
X-Fadew00t: And I'm not suggesting using midgard for forum stuff either.15:05
GeneralAntillesda4089, before we get users pouring in is the time to figure this out.15:06
w00tX-Fade: sure15:06
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X-FadeYou have one chance to architect things and start from there.15:06
GeneralAntillesw00t, I've just had a consistent string of bad experiences with it as a user and as an website owner.15:06
w00tlike I said: if midguard really is the better solution, then let's go for it, I don't know much about either since I avoid prepackaged CMS like the plague15:06
X-FadeWe just need to make sure it fits our needs beforehand.15:07
GeneralAntillesw00t, I think the biggest argument for Midgard are the tools and expertise we already have for it.15:07
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w00tGeneralAntilles: *nod*15:07
GeneralAntillesWe actually have a big community running on ours, too. *eg*15:08
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w00tthat's a bit below the belt *g*15:08
X-FadeThe community aspect on has been growing and evolving over many years. We know what our needs are.15:09
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bergiehi, w00t, GeneralAntilles, X-Fade15:13
w00tbergie: hi there15:13
GeneralAntillesHey, bergie.15:13
bergieindeed, running a community like needs quite a lot different infra than a typical open source project15:13
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w00tX-Fade: I wonder, though, whether you've put thought into what aspects of those needs could/will change15:14
*** lizardo has joined #meego15:14 actually is not just a single project, it is a collection of platform developers, end-users and many different smaller projects15:14
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w00tX-Fade: meego is a pretty big open slate that can be drawn on15:14
villemvMelisU: intel & nokia endorse C++ for this15:14
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X-Fadew00t: Yes, but let's use experience we gained in a few years of growing.15:14
villemvfor end user applications (with speed, fast startup etc)15:14
w00tX-Fade: I'm not talking about throwing anything out, either on the ML, or here15:15
w00tX-Fade: I'm just doing some idle thinking now15:15
villemvit's a good thing to have most people using the same language too - for code reuse15:15
villemvVala is not really needed for Qt in the sense it's needed for Gtk15:15
bergiew00t: stuff like Karma and application quality assurance can of course be developed from scratch, but even then the experiences gained on what works and what doesn't on are valuable15:15
MelisUvillemv: OK, but that is IMO old and rusty. No type inference, closures, big, bloated and generally not really modern. Sorry.15:15
lcukvillemv, fast startup is not something that is granted solely by the language, you can make c++ go slower than python for example15:15
villemvMelisU: C++ has type inference in C++0x15:16
lcukvala works because the bloat required to code gtk objects in c is overwhelming15:16
villemvright lcuk15:16
MelisUvillemv: Yeah and C++0x is right around the corner15:16
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lcukbut long before c++ i remember writing guis in c15:16
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lcukand having everytihng, it all comes down to the complexities of the framework15:17
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bergiew00t: but also, we're offering the existing code and experience from to be reused on I think it'd work pretty well15:17
villemvMelisU: soon enough, no sense to bank on another language instead15:17
w00tMelisU: for the case of a number of compilers (gcc, vc2010, at least), you can quite a few bits of it right now15:17
villemvI'd rather see emphasis on Go, it actually has significant advantages over C++ (while still being "native", without vm)15:18
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w00tbut oh well, enough religious warfare for me today :-)15:18
villemvI just don't see the C++ part a problem for Qt & MeeGo15:18
lcukme neither15:18
MelisUvillemv: Yeah Go would be great .. but still too new.15:18
w00tbergie: sure, sure, I don't know why, but everyone seems to be implying that I have a problem with reusing existing infra -- if my mail gave that impression, it was not my intention15:18
lcukpresence of qt api within Go is something interested parties can work on tho15:19
w00tby no means am I a person to throw out a baby with the bathwater15:19
lcukand doesnt impact on benefits15:19
villemvyes, it's new and has no Qt bindings. But C++ is Qt's "mother tongue", no intermediate layer needed15:19
lcukof using c++15:19
GeneralAntillesw00t, we hate you and we want to burn your house down.15:19
w00tGeneralAntilles: *shake fist*15:19
GeneralAntillesw00t, so get in line or burn! :P15:19
Stskeeps416 people..15:19
Stskeepsmaemo is 60315:19
villemv416 people, everyone with an opinion :-)15:19
w00tvillemv: that's pretty much the way everything works15:19
GeneralAntillesvillemv, mine is clearly superior to yours.15:20
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w00tthe thing is, how many of those people will actually do things based on those opinions! :P15:20
* GeneralAntilles will!15:20
bergiew00t: ok, great, it was a misintrepretation then :-) Anyway, hoping that we can help to build a cool community out of MeeGo. I was pretty happy with the Maemo one15:20
w00tafternoon, Terminus-15:20
w00tbergie: *nod*15:20
X-Fadew00t: We are the exception as we actually _do_.15:20
villemvGeneralAntilles: undoubtedly. that's why I retain my best opinions until the initial flamewars are settled15:20
w00tX-Fade: just keep calling people out on it, they either start doing, or get very quiet and hide15:21
w00tX-Fade: at least, that's my experience15:21
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* GeneralAntilles can't wait for the ARM vs x86 flamewars.15:21
villemvthat's a boring one, over too fast15:22
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wazdGeneralAntilles: you can start one :P15:22
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X-Fadew00t: Yes. Talk is cheap.15:22
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: the ARM saboteur ones are already insane15:23
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, an Atom SoC as my only migration choice for a new Maemo er . . . MeeGo device scares me, too. :P15:25
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i'm curious what the MeeGo stance is on resistive vs capacitive15:25
lcukresistice vs capacitive vs none15:25
w00tStskeeps: oh shut it :P15:26
lardmanjust as long as it has a kb15:26
* GeneralAntilles throws cold noodles at Stskeeps.15:26
GeneralAntilleslardman, not nearly enough.15:26
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pillar_lardman: I'm afraid of losing the kb too, capacitive multitouch is not the same..15:29
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lardmanpillar_: capacitive is nasty anyway, though I'd have resistive multitouch15:30
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lardmanno way I'll go near something without a kb15:30
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lardmanseeing my wife curse her Android phone and trying to get useful work done on an N800 have proven that to me15:32
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w00tlardman: *grin*15:33
lardmanshortly followed by her cursing me for having suggested she get an Android phone so I could see what it was like :)15:34
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w00targh, will the package format discussion diealready15:34
Stskeepsw00t: it reached a sane point: try to align things a little bit so it doesn't matter anymore15:34
w00tStskeeps: not that thread15:34
w00tStskeeps: see aldon's latest mail for an example of what I mean15:35
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* GeneralAntilles restrains himself from sending angry emails to Aldon.15:38
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* GeneralAntilles went with (mostly) friendly.15:38
javispedro... but you can't use yum in vbulletin!15:38
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* GeneralAntilles throws more cold noodles javispedro's direction.15:38
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lardmanso have we decided that deb is the best then?15:39
lardmanI must admit I lost interest after post c.1e715:40
Mirvhi bergie15:40
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GeneralAntilleslardman, we're actually just going to go with tarballs.15:40
GeneralAntilleslardman, it'll help keep users from hurting themselves with 3rd-party software.15:40
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GeneralAntillesand making packaging so much easier15:40
bergiehi Mirv15:40
Stskeepsno, applications should be transferred on floppy disks15:40
lardmanpunch cards15:40
GeneralAntillesDamn you, lardman.15:41
* GeneralAntilles typoed.15:41
lardmanwave them in front of the camera to read them15:41
javispedroI can not help but imagine the face of the iphone users when the n910 ships with optional usb floppy reader.15:41
javispedroa full computer!15:41
vmlemon_It's better than an iPad15:41
lardmanof course, as long as it has a kb!15:41
vmlemon_and cheaper15:41
GeneralAntillesvmlemon_, sadly it's got a worse name.15:41
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w00tpunch cards? that's a luxury15:42
javispedro/mee doesn't know what name is that ;)15:42
vmlemon_You can get worse than a MaxiPod?15:42
* vmlemon_ hides15:42
w00tand here I was thinking we'd all handwrite them and send our device and the written code to Stskeeps and get him to type it in15:42
javispedro... the battery cover hides the binary switches15:42
javispedroplease refrain from quoting xkcd, thank you.15:42
lardmanand the leds to you know you've put it in correctly15:43
Mirvwe would get back to the old good days when programs were distributed via printed magazines15:43
MirvI remember typing furiously on my ZX Spectrum15:43
* javispedro laughs at slashdot's latest article.15:43
vmlemon_We were at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, once - software (in BASIC) delivered through TeleText...15:44
javispedrolet's go back to vm based software distribution15:44
javispedroBASIC vm.15:44
Jaffavmlemon_: Mmmm, BBC teletext adapters.15:44
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* Jaffa almost convinced his parents to get one, only a few months before they pulled the plug on it being a s/w delivery channel.15:45
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vmlemon_None of that VBI-based lark now. You're having MHEG-5 and DVB, whether you like them or not. (At least as long as OfCom are getting their way).15:46
vmlemon_*OfCom and the broadcasters15:46
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hanezhello, is there a list of devices which meego will run on somewhere?15:59
GeneralAntilleshanez, sort of?15:59
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lcukawww GeneralAntilles you got me all excited there, i tohught theywould list proper viable available preinstalled hardware :p16:01
GeneralAntilleslcuk, Dell, Samsung, MSI.16:02
GeneralAntillesOtherwise wait 6 months.16:02
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luke-jrGeneralAntilles: are the pictures on that page "next gen" art, or just some sloppy coder throwing something together?16:03
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, I'm presuming they have little relation to reality.16:03
javispedroyou mean the screenshot in the netbook section, or the general clipart?16:03
lcukGeneralAntilles, model numbers etc would be good16:03
GeneralAntillesBut I wasn't involved in the production of anything on, so I have no idea.16:03
GeneralAntilleslcuk, Dell is the Mini 10v16:03
hanezGeneralAntilles: thanky, but i meant is not a list of device types but devices like G1 etc16:04
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GeneralAntilleshanez, MeeGo hasn't had its first release yet.16:04
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GeneralAntilleshanez, so, there isn't such a beast.16:05
lcukGeneralAntilles, those are pcs tho16:05
hanezi know... ok, i will wait. do you think that it will be available for older devices such as G1 etc in the future?16:05
GeneralAntilleshanez, if it's got less than 800x480, I doubt it16:06
GeneralAntillesUnless some third party adds another UI on top.16:06
javispedroI doubt it either way..16:06
hanezdoes the ui really need 800??16:06
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hanezthis should be patchable16:06
nidOthe g1's olllld, cant see that supporting meego releases16:06
GeneralAntilleshanez, to what end?16:07
javispedropatchable, yes.16:07
GeneralAntilleshanez, you'd just be removing functionality.16:07
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javispedrowe patch xorg and create a virtual screen larger than the real screen.16:07
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javispedroand you use the accelerometer to scroll.16:07
javispedrohey, I'm going to patent that.16:07
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, likely already been patented.16:07
nidOwhen you do, make sure its disableable for those of us who're sane :(16:08
javispedrowhy? I'm having UX orgasm here.16:08
* lcuk mutters something about flexible ui scaling16:08
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lcukqt handles it gracefully afaik16:09
lcukand if not, you can always add a third ui to it16:09
lcukor 4th16:09
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, there are limits.16:09
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lcukGeneralAntilles, i know this16:10
hanezok, thanks for the first information. i am new to moblin/meego but i will watch the project... ;)16:10
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X-FadeThis interface looks like the base of the harmattan idea ;)
hanezandroid is very nice but i dont want that stupid layer for writing graphical apps. i want gtk! :)16:10
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LynoureI'm happy with Qt. :)16:11
lcukX-Fade, gulp! i tried similar with liqbase scrolling ages ago, it needs flawless rendering to work or just leaves you feeling sick16:11
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hanezLynoure: i don't like c++... ;)16:12
Lynourehanez: there is pyqt, at least16:12
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X-Fadelcuk: Yeah, rendering need to be flawless. But then again, when doesn't it :)16:13
hanezbut the coolest thing in meego is that the developer has the choice...16:13
javispedrolol to the spiraling zoom16:13
hanezi really love to write apps in c16:13
lcukX-Fade, yeah we know that :)16:13
X-Fadejavispedro: Their first concept was before maemo5.16:14
lcukhanez, can i develop qt apps in c?16:14
leinirhanez: Good thing Qt isn't really c++ then ;)16:14
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wazd <- join the deb gang!16:14
hanezleinir: ??16:14
hanezqt is c++16:14
lcukwazd, i cant even read that16:14
hanezlcuk: i dont think so16:14
wazdlcuk: ofcourse you can't, it's a tag :D16:15
lcukno, i can normally read the graffiti around here16:15
leinirhanez: Sort of like how Vala is technically C ;)16:15
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hanezleinir: isn't vala a language to language compiler? qt is a set of c++ classes...16:17
javispedroqt also has its own compiler16:17
hanezah ok16:17
hanezjavispedro: i didn't knew taht16:17
andre_hanez: it's wrong16:18
javispedrothe moc is technically a compiler16:18
andre_hanez: Qt uses some code generators saving you from witing boilerplate code16:18
javispedroof course Qt's C++ isn't as different from normal C++ than Vala is different from C16:18
javispedrobut "Vala uses some code generators saving you from writing boilerplate code" is also true.16:19
hanezandre_, javispedro: ok, i don't know much about qt.16:19
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hanezbut isn't the result for qt a set of c++ classes16:19
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lcukbut isnt the result of vala a set of c classes16:20
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hanezlcuk: but what the result for qt is, is that you could not write qt apps in c16:21
javispedroyes, you can't. but I find it hard to hate the C++ subset used by Qt.16:22
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hanezjavispedro: i don't hate it! i don't like c++ at all... thats why i am devleoping c apps16:23
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villemvargh, of course qt is straight c++16:23
villemvmoc is a code generator16:23
villemvnot compiler16:23
javispedrowhat's a compiler? what's a code generator?16:24
lcuk2whats the difference? ;)16:24
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leinirand foreach is just a macro, but your point is what? ;)16:24
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leinir:) even16:24
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villemvmoc doesn't generate machine code16:24
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lcuk2old style c compilers didnt either16:24
* lcuk2 remembers .a files16:24
villemvit just looks at some files and creates a cpp file16:24
villemvthink of a corba program, for example16:25
villemvis a program using CORBA a C++ program, because it invokes an IDL compiler and generates some code16:25
javispedroIDL compiler :)16:25
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villemvyes, ok, you got me on semantics here16:26
javispedrobut this is being a bit nitpicky of course.16:26
villemvbut it's nowhere near to how e.g. vala works16:26
* lcuk2 parses javispedro and generates 3 umpa-lumpas 16:26
villemvwhere you don't run you "own" code at all16:26
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villemvmoc-hatred is fud mostly16:26
leinirvillemv: The point simply is that Qt is not your standard c++ :)16:26
javispedroI don't hate moc.16:27
lcuk2villemv, and if vala changed to generate and link the asm?16:27
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lcuk2even iwth the c stage in the middle?16:27
leinirAnd as such, it basically makes c++ pleasant to work with :)16:27
lcuk2would you think differently?16:27
villemvlcuk2: that would be even worse16:27
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villemvvala would be like Qt + moc if it looked for some macros in the headers and created a .c file16:28
villemvthat you just added to your program16:28
villemvand you would write the rest of your program in normal c16:28
villemvbut now, Vala creates code that actually does all the logic, and your original code doesn't get run at all in the form it's written in16:29
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juergbivillemv: it rarely does with compiled languages16:29
juergbicpus tend to not understand human-readable programming languages16:29
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w00t_darn CPUs ;)16:30
javispedroit's a compiler. it parses an input and generates code on the output. the fact that it is 95% similar is just a side effect >:)16:31
lcuk2then there is only one fix:  build better humans16:31
villemvof course "to each his own" and old c++ compilers generated C code as well16:31
villemvbut comparison with moc is seriously strething it16:31
javispedroin fact, come to think of it.16:32
villemvthere is nothing "nonstandard c++" in moc usage16:32
javispedroisn't moc = "meta object _compiler_" heh16:32
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villemvyou will never write code that is not standard c++16:32
javispedropublic slots: is hardly standard c++16:32
villemvthat's a macro16:32
villemvdefined in a standard fashion16:32
luke-jrQt is a programming language16:32
luke-jrit happens to be mostly source compatible with C++16:33
luke-jrjust like C++ was with C16:33
luke-jrthe current implementation of Qt uses C++, just as the current implementation of C++ uses C16:33
villemvthis is getting psychedelic16:34
javispedroyou asked for it! :)16:34
luke-jrso it's not that Qt violates C++ standards; it simply isn't the same language :)16:34
lcuk2villemv, nahh, this is tame, just wait until you start working on compiler compilers with BNF grammars and stuff ;)16:34
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villemvI mean the conversation, leers around semantic bickering instead of actual technical details16:35
fgI create a image with follow meego a total moblin img, only run on a ATOM cpu...will we build a full new sys without maemo resources?16:35
villemvC++ using qt is perfectly standard C++16:35
lcuk2this is meego though, bickering over technical details is required?16:35
villemvwell, if we were talking about technical details instead of playing around with words...16:36
javispedrooh, at least I'm an academic. I tend to get lost on technical details until someone tells me "it's just yet another reimplementation of an NPDA".16:36
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poutsiisn't there a simple litmus test for whether it's c++ or not, namely does it compile with a c++ compiler? after code generation and macro expansion naturally16:36
javispedroit would compile, but fail to link I guess.16:37
villemvpoutsi: exactly16:37
villemvyes, linker error unless you add the object file you got from moc16:37
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villemvc++ standard doesn't say whether you are allowed to link stuff to your program16:38
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poutsiyeah, and not allowing code generation is like saying you can't generate headers from idl files, it just doesn't make sense16:38
javispedropoutsi: the issue here is, would you say idl is c++ because the idl compiler generates c++?16:39
villemvof course not16:39
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villemvc++ standard doesn't say every file you deal with has to be c++16:39
villemvmakefiles would fail that test real fast ;-)16:39
poutsijavispedro, this is exactly where I use my litmus test16:40
vmlemon_The difference is that you never feed a Makefile to a C++ compiler, I guess. Which makes it all moot16:40
poutsithe end result, whatever it is, goes through a c++ compiler, therefore for all useful intents and purposes it is c++16:40
javispedrowhich is a bit useless since you don't question if the output of that compiler is useful at all.16:41
poutsinow I don't follow you16:41
javispedroQt code would pass that test, but would fail to link. Is that C++ then?16:41
villemvc++ standard doesn't say what you can link to16:41
villemvyou can link to .o files created from assembly16:42
poutsiyep, that's pretty crucial here in my mind too16:42
villemvor whatever16:42
javispedrovillemv: but what was previously selfcontained is no longer selfcontained if you use a standards-compliant c++ compiler16:42
javispedrothus it's broken.16:42
villemvthat's a different matter altogether16:42
villemvstandard doesn't say anything about being "selfcontained"16:43
villemvnothing is selfcontained in the world of libraries etc16:43
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poutsion another totally unrelated matter, anybody happen to know if it's legal to use an URI as an id in QML?16:44
poutsiI can't be bothered to /j #qt :p16:44
villemvprobably not16:44
villemvalmost definitely not ;-)16:44
poutsiwell, it's magic time then I guess16:44
villemvwhat on earth are you trying to do? :-)16:45
poutsidynamically generated ui based on rdf data16:45
villemvok... yeah, flattening scheme time16:46
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villemvqml has own irc channel too16:47
villemv#qt-declarative or somesuch16:47
villemvsorry, "Qt Quick"16:47
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javispedrovillemv: oh, I'm pretty sure that any sane standard would mention that the code actually build.16:49
villemvjavispedro: standard deals with creation of valid object code16:50
javispedrowhich you cannot with Qt code unless you use the Qt toolchain.16:50
villemvlinkage is separate (platform specific) matter16:50
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javispedrovillemv: actually standard doesn't talk about creation of valid object code16:50
javispedrothat would be ELF stuff etc.16:51
javispedrothe standard is on a higher level16:51
javispedroit talks about language features, standard libraries and behaviour16:51
villemvjavispedro: ok, chalk that object code stuff to "behavior"16:51
javispedrobeahaviour is that a hello world C++ app with a sample class works.16:52
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javispedroargh, *behavior16:52
villemvnot sure if c++ standard says what it should do16:52
villemvnever got around to reading the standard, only people talking about the standard16:52
javispedrowell but I'm sure you know a certain quote.16:53
javispedro"i = i++" being undefined behavior16:53
javispedroit does not say nothing about it generating n relocations to x object files and libraries16:53
villemvactually, it's not undefined16:53
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villemvi = i++ is defined16:53
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villemvit just has some redundancy ;-)16:54
inzi is incremented, then reset16:54
javispedronot in C16:54
javispedrowell, this is all old stuff16:54
javispedroyou're going to make me check16:55
villemvwhat would it do in C?16:55
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javispedrowhatever the implementor wanted16:55
javispedrowell, whatever.16:55
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villemvno, it should evaluate rhs first, then do the assignment16:55
villemvyou may be confusing this with having many ++ operations on same variable in function arguments for a call16:56
javispedroeven if it's specified it later revisions, my point is that it doesn't say if the object code generated for that is an addi instruction or a function call to a library function.16:56
inzi dont think the evaluation order is defined, but the evaluation of rhs doesnt affect the lfs16:56
slaine_What flame war are we on at the moment ?16:56
villemvslaine_: "is Qt standard C++"16:56
villemvslaine_: which it is, obviously ;-)16:57
MisterNslaine_: they are exploring what c++ is.16:57
slaine_Hmm, my C++ consists of C with classes16:57
javispedrowe are wasting some time before lunch :)16:57
poutsithis should be a Qt FAQ :)16:57
w00t_oh dear16:57
slaine_I've just had a lovely lunch16:57
w00t_I stop paying attention for an hour and miss all the fun16:57
MisterNonly if that is your definition of fun.16:58
w00t_MisterN: call me a masochist16:58
slaine_w00t_: I'm sure we can start up another one, let me refer to my checklist.16:58
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w00t_slaine_: what's next on the agenda? the merits of emacs?16:58
javispedroslaine_: oh, lucky you. :(16:58
slaine_I think that was covered on Tuesday evening16:58
MisterNw00t_: but it's ok. some people will even debate whether c++ is a different language than c.16:58
poutsi"which desktop environment is best for meego development"?16:59
inzslaine, did you do apt vs rpm already?16:59
* w00t_ stabs inz in the eyesockets16:59
slaine_I skipped that one, it'd only give me indigestion.16:59
slaine_skipped, who am I kidding16:59
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inzw00t, ha ha, blocked with my eyeballs!16:59
slaine_After 5000 emails to the list, I'd want to be super man to skip over that one16:59
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villemvjavispedro: now that's extremely weird17:02
villemvdoes C indeed not specify it??17:03
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w00t_--i++ is a bit more fun, btw17:04
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w00t_or something like that17:04
* w00t_ forgets it now, was discussed long long ago17:04
javispedro--i++ depends mostly on the operator precedence I guess, but I believe it's pretty well defined otherwise.17:05
w00t_IIRC it's deceptive in that it looks well defined but it's not17:05
w00t_but I'd have to go reading17:05
javispedrothe result of the first evaluation would not be an lvalue17:06
villemvright, gcc gives 317:06
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villemvwithout giving a warning even17:07
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w00t_my favourite Cism is the undefined signage of char17:08
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javispedroyeah :)17:08
w00t_that has bitten me in the ass before when putting code on PPC.17:08
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javispedrothe maemo toolchain also has reversed signedness vs gcc x86.17:09
javispedro(of char)17:09
javispedrowhich causes hard to track bugs sometimes... :(17:09
w00t_it was something like getopt() in a loop with a char, while != -1 or something17:09
w00t_and of course, it using unsigned char on PPC, meant that bad things happened17:09
javispedroyeah, I imagine :(17:10
CosmoHillhey w00t_17:10
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JaffaFor those intersted, pending discussions elsewhere (such as meego-community), there's a discsuion about fora at
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w00t_ta Jaffa17:23
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ambyhi all17:28
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ambyquestion: i'm having problem w meego-community mailing list17:29
ambythe qestion: did anyone manage to post there?17:30
bvawhats the problem than amby17:30
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Jaffaamby: AFAIK, it's still broken. Various threads about it on meego-dev ;-)17:30
ambyahma, thx17:30
ambyhow do I cultivate and support the diverse MeeGo community then? ;)17:31
Jaffa5 mins before you joined, I said:17:31
JaffaFor those intersted, pending discussions elsewhere (such as meego-community), there's a discsuion about fora at
Jaffaamby: And there's and other pages under
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ambyJaffa: thx, missed that thread17:34
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* Jaffa 's got his community facilitator hat back on. It's just like the 770 days :)17:34
ambyI've signed up for the community workgroup17:35
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GAN900Jaffa, fun fun. . . .17:37
X-FadeAdded my thoughts.17:38
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Jaffaamby: Ah, just spotted from RenegadeFanboy's sig that you're them.17:40
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bvalittle notice: MeeGo Wiki -> Preferences -> Special pages -> files :  some HTML being showed on that page.17:47
bvadont know who to tell that so I just tell it here17:47
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Jaffabva: townxelliot would be my guess17:48
townxelliotbva: Special pages > File list?17:48
townxelliotbva: paste the URL in here, I'll have a look17:49
bva   -> files17:49
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bvaGuys I like to contribute to Meego altough I'm not really a programmer / anything fancy titled ... whats the best way to be helpfull?17:51
townxelliotbva: better? (MediaWiki default, not sure why that was broken)17:51
bvatownxelliot: nice one :)17:51
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th0br0if one is interested in one of the working group proposals, i guess i should just add myself?17:53
Jaffath0br0: correct17:53
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CosmoHillhey guys, you know some websites have things to make the font bigger if you find it's to small to read17:53
CosmoHillhow easy is it to do that?17:53
JaffaCosmoHill: It's called the text-zoom feature in your web browser. Try holding Ctrl and scrolling up & down on your mouse wheel ;-)17:54
bvaCosmoHill: If you implement it from scratch building its not that hard17:54
CosmoHillI'm making a wesbite and have been told to research it17:54
Stskeepsbva: there's many different areas to help out in :)17:55
villemvrule #1: have sensible size text17:55
bvaI think you better go to #php or any other language you are using17:55
Stskeepsbva: when the structures start appearing, i'm sure you'll find a spot17:55
villemvnot "too small by default, allow making it larger"17:55
villemvjavascript snippet probably17:56
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bvaCosmoHill: Or you can refer to different css style pages17:56
CosmoHillI'll have a play this afternoon17:56
CosmoHillkinda hooked on a game atm :)17:57
bvalike add a "do you have glasses" option button on the profile page :D17:57
th0br0Jaffa: ok, done .)17:57
yngwinshould be pretty easy with some javascript17:57
th0br0yay1 yum!17:57
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bvatha advantage of JS is that you dont have to reload I guess17:58
CosmoHillI'm doing two websites for differnet modules17:59
CosmoHillone is xhtml + css + JS only17:59
CosmoHillthe other has that and php + mysql17:59
th0br0Jaffa: funny / interesting how there are pretty much only nokia guys (and girls) listed on the working group contributors / interested ppl list18:02
Stskeepswe're a very very active community18:02
th0br0and some maemo officials too18:02
th0br0;P Stskeeps18:02
th0br0Stskeeps: why iz there no meego-packaging list yet? :D18:02
th0br0eeh -repository18:03
Stskeepscode first, wine later18:03
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th0br0;) true.18:03
kebaxwhat is the first target for meego? ARM?18:03
th0br0kebax: arm and x86 i gues18:04
bvaso did ppl decided to go for a combined packaging syustem or just  solo RPM ?18:04
kebaxokay, so mobile-ux for arm and netbook-ux for atom.. er, sorry.. x8618:05
th0br0meego will be using yum, bva...18:05
th0br0therefore separated packages for all architecutres.18:05
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th0br0btw, is that rpm vs deb still the same trolling thread it was at the beginnign?18:07
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kebaxhow is architechture separation dependable on package sysetm?18:08
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th0br0kebax: it is not. but i don't know whether it's rpm or yum, but ... oh...18:09
th0br0i misunderstood bva's question i guess.18:09
kebaxI did not undestand that eiher18:09
th0br0no, it's yum for both architectures. only that ofc you've got different rpms for the 2 architectures, not both in one ;)18:09
th0br0kebax: i think he wanted to know whether meego would use sth like apt or yum or interface with rpm directly18:10
bvawell, it was about the RPM vs DEB thinghy. I followed the discussion a bit and ppl are agreeing in supporting both at the same time18:10
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th0br0both at the same time? that's ... crazy.18:11
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th0br0and completely unlogical... that requires twice the amount of qa and whatnot.18:11
bvawell thats the last post I read about it18:11
th0br0mh, ok, so it's not really important ;)18:11
bvaMy opinion? people have to just accept decicions that are being made ... adn not question EVERYTHING :)18:12
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th0br0yeah. i think pretty much the same way although i have got a yum/rpm "background" ;)18:13
bvaunless they have a valid reason for it and know what they are talking about18:13
kebaxer, isnt maemo packaged in deb?18:14
th0br0there has been no eta on code so far, has there?18:14
th0br0kebax: it is; meego however will be packaged in rpm18:14
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X-FadeYou have to understand that the largest vocal community is coming from and they know deb.18:14
X-FadeSo they come from that standpoint.18:14
kebaxwell, I heard a long time ago that moblin was planning deb packaging18:15
th0br0yeah X-Fade i know.18:15
th0br0 << nice to see that meego will be vm-able without problems... or so it seems18:15
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kebaxso maemo does deb well, wouldnt that be a synergy aspect18:16
th0br0I guess I'll take a look at the specs used right now.18:17
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th0br0mh, right now that only seems to contain moblin-related stuff.18:19
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J_Pth0br0: you are right18:20
th0br0... but?18:21
JaffaX-Fade: Let me introduce you to townxelliot (Niels Breet meet Elliot Smith). One's the webmaster, the other is the website techy.18:21
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Stskeepssomeone keeping a who's who yet? :P18:23
* Jaffa was going to start-one, but we've basically got one for the community peeps at
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bvaI just started that :D18:24
* itdock gets thoroughly caffinated18:24
CosmoHillwell I'm cosmo18:24
Jaffabva: URL?18:24
bvaI thought, damn I have to write this down!18:24
bvaNo url yet, can I make one?18:24
th0br0Stskeeps: no, i was ... thinking about starting one, too18:24
* Jaffa starts one. Hang on18:24
th0br0thanks Jaffa :)18:25
* bva thinks jaffa is to enthousiastic :p18:25
th0br0well, right now, there is no code, so you've got to do somethink ;D18:25
JaffaPut a structure in place, not created any links yet.18:26
bvaTBH im kind of new in this comunity thing so im a bit "afraid" of making things and such18:26
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Stskeepsbva: everyone is a newbie atm18:26
th0br0Much like most open source projects governed by a benevolent dictator, the MeeGo project will be led Imad Sousou ( and Valtteri Halla ( duh... well, i guessed sth like that still they should make some board that get's like 1/2 community, 1/3 nokia & 1/3 intel :D18:26
bvaJaffa maybe drop the ' to avoid problems?18:26
JaffaThe names in the first bit are easy, the names in the third bit are easy (for me); some of the names for the fourth group I got from townxelliot18:27
Jaffabva: But then it'd be grammatically incorrect ;-)18:27
th0br0maybe make it 3/7 community 2/7 intel 2/7 nokia yah...18:27
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bvaJaffa: true18:27
Jaffabva: I've added a redirect at to make it easier to type though ;-)18:27
StskeepsJaffa: first one, imad's nick is imad and was here earlier today18:27
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JaffaStskeeps: Indeed18:28
* CosmoHill offers people tea and hobnobs18:28
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bvaOk hope I didnt mix Townx and X-fade up :p18:29
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th0br0you could#ve put some links in there bva ;)18:31
bvahey as I tokd you I'm very new to this community thing so :p I'm stil llearning :D18:31
bvaLet me  try this :p18:32
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Jaffabva: I've just saved the whole page so you may get a conflict.18:33
th0br0too bad i missed imad :(18:33
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bvaDamn you Jaffa  :p18:34
Stskeepsi think he'll be back once he's not jetlagged anymore :)18:34
Jaffabva: sorry, I'm feeling fervent18:34
th0br0true :) oh yeah... i completely forgot that the nokia ppl are in pretty much the same timezone as i am ;)18:34
* Jaffa limits himself to the Maemo community stakeholders for now18:34
bvanono go ahead :p18:35
bvalet yourself go18:36
bvabe wild! :D18:36
ml-mobilefire alarm18:36
CosmoHillgood thing you're on your mobile18:36
bvain that case your supposed to get out of the building ml-mobile18:36
ml-mobileoh I am18:36
th0br0would be nice to see the source code released by the end of this week though... imad's "about to" looks great .D18:36
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th0br0besides, forget that timezone gibberish, i forgot that imad's from intel (therefore usa) and not the nokia guy :)18:37
tripz0heh... source code... heh18:37
th0br0it's kinda sad to see OBS and not koji + bodhi being used ( ;) ) -- (koji is our build system; bodhi is our package qa tool... give karma to packages / updates!)18:38
* bva found the wiki userguide and has soem reading material now18:39
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bvaCant wait for the first (affordable) mobile Meego device to come on the marked18:42
* CosmoHill rage quits a game18:42
bvaI'm working with WM now (dont shoot)18:42
th0br0right, i'll be back in ~2h i guess. ttyl18:42
CosmoHilli'm a small guy just starting out and i get crushed :(18:43
th0br0CosmoHill: which game?18:43
th0br0never heard about that18:43
CosmoHillit's from 2001 iric18:43
th0br0yeah just looked it up18:43
th0br0looks like c&c18:43
bvaonly one game in the world :D *WoW*18:43
leinirbva: Indeed... and the Gluon team is aiming at changing that ;)18:44
* RST38h moos18:45
leinirNah, we just kinda hope that people will like our little utopian idea :)18:46
* Jaffa finishes his first round of edits on so anyone else feel free to go at it and I won't step on your toes (sorry bva!)18:46
bvaleinir: I sure hope they succeed! Wine isn't all that :s18:46
leinirbva: Indeed :)18:46
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StskeepsJaffa: nicknames might help?18:47
* bva 's toe is crushed! :p hehe good job Jaffa!18:47
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* Stskeeps goes edit the ones he knows18:47
leinirOhnoes, you toe-crushing madman! ;)18:47
* Maulkin waves18:48
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JaffaStskeeps: You can get 'em with a URL hover, but agreed.18:50
bvaI'm done working so I'm off to home... see you later18:51
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JaffaStskeeps: I suspect dirkhh_ is on the TSG, but I've seen no confirmation apart from imad and valhalla18:53
JaffaStskeeps: Perhaps the "Real name/Nick" format as used on
* Stskeeps edits18:54
th0br0mmh good idea.18:54
th0br0I should add my nicks there too18:54
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Stskeepsright, done editing :P18:58
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JaffaStskeeps: You've missed off the link to your account ;-)18:59
slaine_Interesting stats could be derived from that page18:59
th0br0slaine_: as in?18:59
th0br0how many nokia, intel, meego, moblin, 3rd party ppl?18:59
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CosmoHillyou know i described how to change font size in a website19:01
lbtJaffa: maybe now we can have
CosmoHilldoes that have a technical term?19:01
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villemv"select text size javascript"19:02
villemvseems to be digested by google properly19:02
CosmoHillthis seems good19:03
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JaffaStskeeps: suggested a different nick FWIW19:09
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StskeepsJaffa: hm, she didn't use 'margie' the other day so19:09
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CosmoHilli wrote some javascript :)19:11
CosmoHillno i feel dirty19:11
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timeless_mbpJaffa: she gave me a different nick when i contacted here19:12
CosmoHillthanks for the hints / help guys :)19:14
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villemvno need to be embarrassed about javascript, it's the new cool thing19:35
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villemvholywar #1211119:36
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slaine_commute time, catch you lot later19:44
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anunakinHi All!19:44
anunakinAny hope about MeeGo on BeagleBoard?19:45
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timeless_mbpanunakin: i hope if it's open source and you bring your own engineers, you can make it work :)19:45
timeless_mbpbut, some version(s) of maemo ran on BeagleBoard ...19:45
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timeless_mbpanunakin: what kind of answer did you want?19:48
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timeless_mbpit's not like there are any source repositories on today :)19:49
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anunakinok thanks19:50
anunakintimeless_mbp: On time! right19:50
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CosmoHillhey arjan20:24
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sh0gunHi all20:53
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leinir'lo :)20:53
leinirwow, it's been quiet in here the last couple of hours! :)20:53
sh0gunNokia said some tim before, that UI for new Symbian and Maemo 6 will be the same. These plans are not true anymore since merging with Moblin?20:54
leinirsh0gun: That's an odd statement...20:54
leinirWait, are you sure they did not mean that the same framework can be used to create applications for both?20:54
leinirRather than the UI actually being the same...20:54
RST38hNokia intends to use two different qt based frameworks for maemo and symbian20:55
sh0gunsure that framework, but I'm pretty sure that I read about UI too20:55
sh0gunlet me find it again20:55
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leinirHmm... i'd be interested in seeing that, as i'm pretty sure that's a bit of a dud statement (smartphones and mobile computers are, after all, not the same thing...)20:55
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RST38hleinir: talk.maemo.org20:56
leinirRST38h: thanks :)20:56
leinirbut that's a slightly imprecise position ;)20:56
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sh0gunhmm, ok lets say that it was in dream :D.... anyway, Nokia just released Maemo 6 UI couple of days ago, seems that they put a lot of work into it, is it going to be used in MeeGo?20:57
CosmoHilloh crap, that's right, i have homework for tomorrow20:57
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sh0gunOr what do they plan? Different UI's for netbook MeeGo and mobile MeeGo?20:59
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th0br0different ones sh0gun21:00
sh0gunbecause I have seen UI of Maemo 6 and it doesn't look very nice, Moblin seems far nicer for me21:00
th0br0at least, according to the architecture page.21:00
sh0gunso it is highly possible that MeeGo will continue in Maemo 6 UI?21:00
RST38hIt will probably be Maemo6 UI21:01
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RST38hWith some additions from Moblin21:01
RST38hbased on the fact that Moblin adopts Qt21:01
RST38hand that it has been using Nokia's Hildon all along21:01
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CosmoHillwill meego support a wider range of x86 devices than moblin currently does?21:04
CosmoHilland other chipsets / graphics cards like nvidia?21:04
tripz0hmm... i suppose that depends on who rolls the distribution.  For example, the ubuntu moblin supported nvidia etc21:05
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tripz0moblin vanilla didn't tho21:06
CosmoHillubuntu moblin?21:06
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CosmoHillyou mean their netbook edition?21:06
tripz0yes, ubuntu moblin remix21:06
tripz0well, they have a netbook remix and a moblin remix21:06
CosmoHilli might give the mobin remix a go21:07
koupsaubuntu is unbuntu and moblin moblin isn't it?21:07
CosmoHillno point doing the ubuntu one cos I might as well use the full version21:07
koupsanot same projest?21:07
CosmoHillthis it's a laptop i have, not a betbook21:07
CosmoHillkoupsa: maybe ubuntu mobin remix is like what centOS is to redhat21:07
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tripz0not really21:08
tripz0ubuntu moblin is ubuntu's core with moblin UI on top21:08
tripz0it's not just a rebranded version of moblin21:08
JaffaHmmm. Have the mailing lists now died completely or did all the RPM/deb discussions die out?21:08
tripz0ubuntu literally deb packaged up moblin packages for their own distro21:09
th0br0Jaffa: i hope for the latter21:09
* CosmoHill jumps on Jaffa 21:09
VDVsxJaffa, if you like we can argue about that here as well (again) :D21:11
JaffaNo, it's OK.21:12
CosmoHilltripz0: i might have to give that a go21:12
JaffaIt's obvious we should use ZeroInstall, anyway.21:12
JaffaAnything else is just stupids. Duh.21:12
tripz0CosmoHill, i hope it fairs for you better than it did for me.  I found stability an issue on my dell 1012 netbook21:12
tripz0ended up just installing vanilla ubuntu21:12
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CosmoHilli can find the ubuntu netbook remix21:13
CosmoHillbut not the moblin one21:13
tripz02 secs21:13
tripz0iirc, it was a pain to find21:13
VDVsxJaffa, I want something like symbian, where we've to accept 5+ notifications when the packages aren't signed ;)21:14
StskeepsJaffa: 'big corp vps' btw?21:14
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JaffaStskeeps: As in "vice presidents". US companies hand that title out like sweets21:14
CosmoHillat the moment my laptop has windows 7, lfs and clfs21:15
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CosmoHillit's weird that my best computer is probably used the least21:17
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koupsabye all21:21
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CosmoHillbtw how long has this channel been logged?21:36
th0br0yesterday i guess21:36
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timeless_mbpCosmoHill: you could follow the link from the channel topic and see for yourself :)21:46
CosmoHilltripz0: can I copy the moblin ubuntu reminx to SD card?21:46
CosmoHillchickengeorge_n: in english?21:46
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chickengeorge_nReiserFS: Use it or you will be dead.     /// this was the last words that Hans Reiser said to his wife21:47
chickengeorge_nthis picture is hans reiser21:47
mikeleibthis is unhelpful21:48
RST38hIs Hans Reiser dead already?21:48
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chickengeorge_nno, but his wife21:48
chickengeorge_ncause she did not want to use his filesystem he killed her21:49
RST38hWeird then: he obviously has no chance to use his fs, but he is still alive21:49
chickengeorge_nand cause of this i made this picture21:49
chickengeorge_nmaybe he programm it in jail21:49
chickengeorge_nor he is forced into pain in jail and forced to use ntfs-fs there :)21:50
* RST38h yawns21:50
chickengeorge_nits crazy21:50
CosmoHilldoesn't his company still work on the FS?21:50
villemvNamesys considers ReiserFS (now occasionally referred to as Reiser3) stable and feature-complete and, with the exception of security updates and critical bug fixes, has thus ceased development on it to concentrate on its successor, Reiser4.21:51
chickengeorge_nseems so21:51
RST38hSome autistic schmuck kills his mail-order wife and somehow it is a tragedy21:52
RST38hA mild amusement, at most, hardly a tragedy21:52
chickengeorge_n#yes a mixture of both21:53
* vmlemon_ wonders if anyone's likely to buy the Puma Phone (outside of the folks here, of course)...21:53
villemvit's a persistent source of laughs at places like slashdot, but it's interesting to see how much tech technically "dies" by occurences like this21:54
villemvname is stained21:54
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CosmoHillpuma phone?21:54
villemvat some point people were waiting for reiser4 like the next coming21:54
jrayhawkHans had NPD, not autism.21:55
chickengeorge_nthis nationalsocialist party?21:55
chickengeorge_n#i see21:55
vmlemon_Heh, I like this bit of Engrish on the Samsung Wave site - "Wave is delight. Bada platform and Samsung Apps is an array of pure fun and joy!"21:56
CosmoHilli keep thinking of Jaguar21:56
* vmlemon_ seriously doubts that it'll live up to that21:56
RST38hjrayhawk: Even worse, as it can hardly be caled a medical condition21:56
CosmoHilloh it is made by the sports cloths people21:56
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jrayhawkPsychological disorders aren't medical conditions?21:57
vmlemon_Makes about as much sense as the Prada Phone, or the Vertu crap from Nokia21:57
CosmoHilloh and there website is pretty much unuseable21:57
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vmlemon_(Series 40 handsets without colour displays or basic functionality in gaudy cases, at excessively high prices!)21:58
chickengeorge_nsamsung serene22:00
vmlemon_Or the SEMC Xperia Pureness22:00
vmlemon_Now that's pointless22:00
RST38hjrayhawk: Outside of the US, usually no22:01
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* vmlemon_ is constantly amused by some of the crap that people post there22:01
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RST38hvmlemon: Have they started proposing perpetual motion engines already?22:02
vmlemon_Nah, just some idiot that wants a "bomb detection device" that wastes battery power and racks up data charges for the user to do nothing but send data constantly, without even telling the user22:03
vmlemon_what it's doing22:03
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villemvI've sometimes thought that a phone with snap-out blade could be a hit22:04
vmlemon_A literal RAZR...22:04
vmlemon_Shame that Motorola never ran with that idea ;)22:04
villemvit would of course have camouflage covers22:04
th0br0:P villemv22:04
villemvFor  scanning hardware, it should so small, that can fit in mobile device, device or hardware may be in nano technology or in any technology, and it should be small and tiny. it will need high efficiency nano technology Scanner or radar.22:06
villemvdoes that stuff exist?22:06
vmlemon_Probably not22:06
villemv"""Army personnel is important and he fights on behalf us. Just like that, you are helping your country to protect your own people. Just using your mobile and without your notice."""22:07
villemvtalk about not sticking with the implementation trivia...22:07
vmlemon_Do. Not. Want.22:07
villemvwell, iPhone halfway fills that role as an explosive device22:07
vmlemon_Or anything with a Sony Li-Ion battery22:07
CosmoHillthat is how i got a free battery replacement :)22:08
vmlemon_Still, @cdavieswashere and myself had a field day on Twitter with dissecting that crazy idea22:08
villemvlol @ comments22:09
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vmlemon_It's his only Idea too, which doesn't exactly give him credibility22:09
villemvtalk about "there's an app for that"22:09
vmlemon_"When our glorious overlords find their target, will they be sending in the black leather clad overwatch troopers or will they just douse the area in VX gas and call it a day?"22:09
vmlemon_There was someone else who was insistent that nobody down-ranked his shitty Idea too22:10
vmlemon_Of course, everyone did downrank it22:10
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vmlemon_Heh, some folks wanted to rename both the Platform and the Foundation too, ignoring the fact that there's been heavy investment in rebranding it, already22:12
vmlemon_That was shot down, too22:12
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Stskeepsevening kathy :)22:14
RevdKathyEvening Stskeeps22:15
Stskeepshow's it going?22:15
Suurorcakathy :)22:15
vmlemon_"I do not about gray market, Just  I am thinking about safety or crucial information that police should know. Its our self responsibility to help them, because they keep us safe." - More LOLs22:16
RevdKathyevening Suurorca22:16
RevdKathyBit flat tonight22:16
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slaine_RevdKathy: that's a good thing given the last few days onslaught :)22:16
th0br0RevdKathy: is the Revd supposed to stand for revered or reverend?22:17
StskeepsRevdKathy: think everyone is exhausted after these days22:17
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RevdKathyI think not getting the update makes me just feel that somehow it's all a bit irrelevent22:17
RevdKathyreverend, th0br0. Methodist22:17
th0br0ah ok :)22:17
StskeepsRevdKathy: you're on vodafone or how was it?22:17
Stskeepsor just general UK22:17
RevdKathyno, just general UK - 90% didn't get it22:18
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Stskeepsyeah, it's kinda weird it didn't22:18
RevdKathyYo timeless_hbp22:18
villemvI'll file an idea about anomaly detector22:18
th0br0heya timeless22:18
RevdKathystrange garbled message via someone's call to custy support that 'they know'22:19
villemvsomething phone hw can do22:19
th0br0villemv: haha, find some way to optimize the compass's in the various symbian phones so that you can detect magnetic fluctuations!?22:19
villemvnot sure about exact algorihm. "they" will tell me when I sleep22:19
* timeless_mbp is brancing into more channels22:20
th0br0:) timeless_mbp22:20
villemvvoices, man22:20
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th0br0villemv: hell yes!22:20
th0br0i only haven't gotten them to actually reveal algorithms or code to me -- unfortunately.22:21
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villemvit's very subtle. some kind of scheme dialect22:22
StskeepsRevdKathy: are you still a bit unsure about the whole situation btw?22:22
th0br0never learned scheme, although i know that they're learning it at one of the universities i'm close to22:22
slaine_timeless_mbp: hey22:22
slaine_looking at vbox now22:22
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Suurorcascheme is quite funny22:23
RevdKathyStskeeps... deep down, yes. Trying to look enthusiastic. But we're losing a lot22:23
RevdKathyStskeeps... that's just between us 417, isn't it?22:23
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StskeepsRevdKathy: we're losing some but also gaining a lot - we're getting something in a very short timeframe we'd first be getting in the very long term22:23
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Stskeepsif we were to go in the traditional iterative pace22:24
th0br0villemv: but it's a good idea... i should get 'em to tell me code. that'd be awesome.22:24
RevdKathyfor the OS, yes. Maybe less for the devices and the community. Huge gain for the OS22:24
th0br0what was the record?22:24
StskeepsRevdKathy: from a developer point of view, it was a huge benefit to have many different device communities work together22:24
RevdKathyThis is thoughtful:
Stskeepsas we had more in common than we were different22:25
villemvperhaps asking on meego-dev will help find likeminded people22:25
RevdKathyI think it's probably good for the developers - I hope so. In the end they're the drivers22:25
polacvillemv, Hi, long time no see... :)22:25
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RevdKathyI'd love to have some real interaction with the moblin people22:25
timeless_mbpRevdKathy: i just spent an hour speaking w/ a moblin person22:26
RevdKathyright now, they run the infrastructure but they're invisible to us end-users22:26
villemvpolac: uiq?22:26
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RevdKathytthat's good. timeless_mbp. Was it helpful?22:26
arjanRevdKathy: what kind of interaction do you want?22:26
StskeepsRevdKathy: my biggest worry until this morning was that this was a corporate run project without community in mind, until you end up talking to one of the 'dictators' (we need a better word)22:26
timeless_mbpRevdKathy: well, it's a start22:26
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StskeepsRevdKathy: and we are starting to try and help the communication through a who's who as well22:27
arjanRevdKathy: I may count as a moblin person ;)22:27
timeless_mbpthis is more about building relations than about anything else22:27
villemvpolac: or am I stealing someone's nick?22:27
arjan(being someone who works on moblin and does a lot of the os level stuff)22:27
polacvillemv, what does uiq mean? Like symbian uiq?22:27
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RevdKathyReally? Hello arjan. May I shake your hand? (virtually)22:27
timeless_mbpslaine_: lemme know if there's anything to know22:27
arjanRevdKathy: sure22:27
timeless_mbpi'm cloning moblin atm22:27
villemvpolac: for a moment I was thinking whether you were one of the guys who worked at uiq. apparently not :-)22:27
polacvillemv, no you are not. You probably just do not remember me anymore.22:27
arjanRevdKathy: if you have a set of questions we may want to do /msg since this is a busy channel22:28
arjanotherwise here is fine too with me22:28
villemvpolac: I have only been using this nick for a few weeks actually22:28
villemvpolac: so perhasp I am?22:28
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villemvin light of "long time no see" :-)22:28
wazdwe found him! Start the fire!22:28
th0br0burn the impostor22:28
RevdKathyNot really, arjan - it's more about just 'hanging out' - the community at does that as well as actual business stuff22:29
RevdKathyit builds community22:29
arjanthere's a bunch of us here22:29
* RevdKathy shakes hands with any available moblin peoples22:29
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wazdarjan: you can save your soul by giving us the list with the names :P22:29
Stskeepssituation is a bit comparable to that of meeting people in a totally dark room, you know they might be there, but you're not sure who's who and where :)22:29
* timeless_mbp grumbles22:30
arjanStskeeps: lets keep darkrooms out of this.. the mental picture is a bit... not what I want to think of right now ;)22:30
arjanwazd: I see Anaz and auke here for example22:30
RevdKathyOr even just a very big corporate event. Unless everyone is wearing name badges, you're lost22:31
arjanwazd: in terms if "A's" in the nic list22:31
arjanwell there's a whole bunch more, no point naming them all I suspect.... ;)22:31
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RevdKathyso you guys are Mobline devs?22:31
arjanwe also are timezone distributed; bunch of are in the UK, I and others are US westcoast22:32
th0br0Stskeeps: especially as not everyone's got a cloak.22:32
arjanRevdKathy: yes22:32
Stskeeps'lo suihkulokki22:32
arjanRevdKathy: I work on moblin a lot, mostly overall architecture, boot time, performance, power management but well all over the map in practice22:32
RevdKathyYou don't have ordinary end users, though do you. Our community has a lot of us (for good and ill!)22:32
Stskeepsth0br0: i registered for a group on freenode22:32
th0br0for meego?22:32
Stskeepsth0br0: aye22:32
th0br0can you do that? don't you normally have to supply them with far more information?22:33
arjanRevdKathy: it's more a corporate kind of community... so I think moblin and maemo are nicely complementary22:33
Stskeepsth0br0: well, the community isn't exactly built up atm.22:33
RevdKathyHow to the moblin peole feel about us spartan hordes? We're very noisy22:33
CosmoHilli'm installing windows movie maker and i swear SQL server CE just went by on the install screen...22:33
* slaine_ jumps up and down22:33
slaine_I'm a Moblin user22:33
arjanRevdKathy: I don't mind noisy from people who contribute :)22:33
Clayme too22:33
th0br0Yeah, Stskeeps22:33
slaine_Ugh, that sounds like one of those crappy ads22:33
CosmoHillRevdKathy: you from meade?22:33
arjanRevdKathy: I do mind noisy from people who never contribute anything but are only loud and annoying ;)22:33
CosmoHill(the non moblin one)22:33
wazdarjan: ah, thank god I can talk loud then :D22:34
CosmoHilli should have just said nokia22:34
Stskeepsth0br0: but it's important to get these things started already as well, we're a big channel already, big community :)22:34
arjanRevdKathy: it seems that on monday we had mostly the former; while saner minds are now here22:34
RevdKathyThanks arjan - that's the distinction I make. Though sometimes people make quite a lot of noise before they get around to contributing22:34
wazdStskeeps: we should convince infobot to join us here :)22:34
arjanRevdKathy: true; sometimes. but sometimes it's just to be loud.22:34
arjanRevdKathy: I don't mind talking with loud people who are there to help/contribute/etc... I rather do not waste time with those who are just loud to be disruptive22:35
arjan(like we had a lot on monday here)22:35
RevdKathyI'd love to be able to create a structure that would... quieten... the disruptors22:35
arjannot easy though22:35
jeremiah_I think a healthy debate is fine.22:35
arjanwell it seems the disruptors mostly have gone away now.... time solved that for us22:36
arjanjeremiah_: oh absolutely.22:36
RevdKathyBut we do like to have fun, too - there's a lot of playfulness at maemo.org22:36
RevdKathywe still have a few22:36
* RevdKathy counts on fingers the real pains22:36
Claya lot of the disruptors on monday i think were because with the announcement there were very few details22:36
arjanI'm an engineer. for me, at the end of the day, it needs to come down to something tangible as outcome22:36
jeremiah_Its hard though, some of these things mean a lot for people22:36
th0br0true Clay... and we still haven't really got much22:36
jeremiah_People have a lot at stake.22:36
arjanClay: if we had many details we'd have gotten "you have done EVERYTHING behind closed doors" instead22:37
arjanClay: just cannot win22:37
arjanth0br0/Clay: I may know many more details22:37
arjanif you have specific questions/etc I'm happy to try to answer/explain/etc22:37
RevdKathythat's very true: the decisions that were taken people dont like, then they complain that there is no direction  on other things22:37
th0br0well, there isn't really much that i want to know right now :)22:37
arjanthere are some issues I cannot talk about (NDA, busines stuff bla bla)22:37
arjanbut I'll let you know when that happens22:37
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jeremiah_arjan: Are there plans for OBS?22:37
th0br0basically all my questions have been answered so far... rpm, yum, obs, no upstream...22:37
arjanjeremiah_: as in "when will it go live" ?22:38
th0br0my only question would be :when do we see code or a running system? ;)22:38
Clayarjan: maybe some would say that, but for the majority i dont think thats true. moblin has never really had a clear roadmap thats available to people outside the company22:38
th0br0but then, i guess it'll be soon anyway.22:38
jeremiah_arjan: I was thinking a bit more basic. :)22:38
arjanmy current guess is 2 weeks from now22:38
RST38hyou forgot lsb22:38
RST38hlsb is important22:38
jeremiah_But I guess that answers my question22:38
Clayarjan: there isn't as much transparency as an open project should have22:38
arjanClay: agreed.22:38
th0br0Clay: maybe that will come with time.22:38
jeremiah_Clay: What parts do you want open?22:38
arjana lot of moblin also has been rather pragmatic "lets get stuff done" more than 3 year plans22:38
arjan(that then don't mean anything anyway)22:38
th0br0but yeah... right now, this community exists solely on basis of the webpage and the announcement22:38
RST38hScrew transparency, fill up the web site with content at least22:39
* cworth shakes hands back with RevdKathy22:39
ClayRST38h: thats part of it22:39
RevdKathyHi cworth :)22:39
Clayso many questions, not many answers22:39
Claythus people making a rumble22:39
arjananyway in terms of roadmap... we want a release out in "Q2" (assume somewhere in May, but this is still in flux)22:39
RevdKathyWhere are most of the mobline people, btw? Maemo tends to be very eurocentric22:39
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arjanRevdKathy: we have a group in the UK, and the rest is westcoast US22:39
polacyou people mentioned helping and contributing to meego. Is there allready something bite size to start with? Or should beginner like me wait until the 'infrastructured' is properly build?22:39
RST38harjan: release for what hardware?22:40
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arjanRST38h: x86 netbook for sure, arm/phone is more likeyl a developer kind of thing22:40
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arjan(eg there will be stuff like that, but it's a different level of maturity)22:40
RST38harjan: So, no N900 version?22:40
arjanRST38h: I doubt it'll work entirely perfect as a phone OS for n90022:40
RST38h(because netbook version is kinda uninteresting, given Windows/Linux availability)22:41
arjanRST38h: but that also depends on how much others want to contribute to make it happen for n90022:41
timeless_mbparjan: so, i'm looking for someone who runs dns for meego.com22:41
RST38harjan: even something at the scale of Mer would be nice22:41
Stskeepsarjan: we made a ofono dialing on Mer on n900, shouldn't be that far off :)22:41
arjantimeless_mbp: I can get  you in touch; msg me and I'll give you some email addresses22:41
arjanRST38h/Stskeeps: this is also where we need your help ;)22:44
arjanmost of us moblin/intel guys don't tend to work on arm stuff22:44
th0br0what about the nokia guys?22:44
timeless_mbparjan: roughly i'd like to setup something like mxr.maemo.org22:44
timeless_mbpfor meego22:44
RST38his Nokia participating in MeeGo development at all?22:44
timeless_mbpth0br0: most of us nokia guys don't tend to work on intel stuff22:44
RST38hat the OS level I mean?22:44
arjanRST38h: yes22:44
th0br0timeless_mbp: i was talking about the arm stuff22:44
arjanRST38h: but there's that maemo6 distraction for them as well22:44
RST38hah ok22:44
RST38hthat explains it =)22:44
pinchartlarjan: distraction ? :-)22:44
pinchartlarjan: let's say instead that all the work done on Maemo6 will end up in MeeGo ;-)22:44
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arjansure ;)22:44
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arjanbut "next gen development" and "working on finishing a product" are different resource sinks22:44
timeless_mbppinchartl: very funny22:44
RST38hpinchartl: Oh will it?22:44
arjanall OS vendors have that nice tension ;-)22:44
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Stskeepsarjan: a silly question, is moblin/meego currently built for ARM as well?22:44
Stskeepsjust wondering how big challenge things are atm22:44
pinchartlRST38h: everybody hates working on code that will be thrown away for the next version of the product, so I certainly hope most of the code will be useful :-)22:44
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RST38hpinchartl: "hope" or "know"?22:45
arjanStskeeps: but hopefully enough that you can start working on it ;)22:45
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Stskeepsarjan: fair enough - the problem is really if we're going to spend months adding and patching the machine room or it's a matter of adding ARM support to imagers and so on22:46
RST38hStskeeps: we kinda got Moblin 2.2 live cd to boot on a plain /dev/fb0, if it helps22:46
Stskeepsmachine room being the base libraries :)22:46
RST38hStskeeps: the cpu is still atom though22:46
pinchartlRST38h: hope. Maemo6 is huge, I don't know what all of its parts will become in MeeGo22:46
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arjanhopefully you guys get X working22:47
arjanwithout X it'll suck22:47
Stskeepsah, if it's at that layer than no issue22:47
RST38has I said, the Developer Edition boots on the plain frame buffer22:47
slaine_How does ARM handle the DRI2 layer ?22:47
slaine_is that available ?22:47
Stskeepsslaine_: welcome to the arm platform, where x86 sanity doesn't always exist :)22:47
arjanthat's up to the people providing the graphics driver22:48
RST38hForget DRI2.22:48
Stskeepsyou're more likely to have custom libGLES and so on22:48
slaine_so no kernel level drm for either then ?22:48
arjanin this case that's more likely a question for a nokia guy, not for me22:48
Stskeepsand maybe a fbdev with SGX acceleration in some areas22:48
pinchartlStskeeps: packages might build on ARM, but integrating the platform-specific kernel drivers with the userspace software is complex and will take time22:48
RST38harjan: That would be ImageTech and they do not normally provide shit22:48
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suihkulokkiie. just like GMA500...22:48
pinchartlslaine_: let me check22:48
MelisUarjan: Isn't the ARM side doomed because the gfx drivers are all closed? Moblin was always the newest kernel right? How is that going to work?22:49
slaine_suihkulokki: don't mention the war22:49
StskeepsMelisU: noone says there can't be closed userland libs and open kernel drivers22:49
arjanMelisU: powervr has no binary kerenl parts22:49
arjanonly X22:49
Stskeepsor even closed pieces in a MeeGo system22:49
arjanlife is always easier if you have open drivers22:49
arjanand personally, I'm happy for that22:49
pinchartlslaine_: on the N900 at least there's not DRI2, and the userspace part is closed-source if I'm not mistaken22:49
suihkulokkislaine_: sorry, just joined, no idea of what previously have been flamed here22:50
Stskeepssuihkulokki: besides RPM vs DEB, not much ;)22:50
slaine_suihkulokki: was kinda joking, but gma500 makes me shudder22:50
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slaine_unfortunately, it sounds just like where the n900 hardware is22:50
ShadowJKWith powervr having the stronghold it has, I imagine the situation on ARM is pretty identical to the situation with x86 and gma500?22:50
Stskeepspinchartl: the GLES libraries are closed source yes, but not xserver-xorg-video-fbdev22:50
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slaine_infact, didn't imagatech provide the 3d core for the gma500 too ?22:51
pinchartlStskeeps: with GLES it's a bit pointless, isn't it ?22:51
MelisUStskeeps: OK, but those binary parts need to keep up with the kernel and X .. that usually doesn't work so well22:51
suihkulokkiStskeeps: I expected that, that is why no joining earlier ;)22:51
slaine_MelisU: which is exactly where pulsbo failed22:51
StskeepsMelisU: actually it works kinda well if you don't toy around with switches22:51
ShadowJKMelisU, at the moment I think the missing touchscreen kernel in newer kernels is a bigger issue :D22:51
arjanMelisU: that'll depend on Nokia22:51
arjan(just like gma500 depends on intel)22:51
pinchartlto get the powervr driver open sourced we need to push hard enough. maybe the joint Nokia-Intel effort will have more influence than Nokia alone22:52
RST38hYou will not get powervr driver open sourced.22:52
slaine_Or intel alone22:52
RST38hforget it22:52
Stskeepsbut yes, Nokia being 'the good hw vendor' in MeeGo will be interesting to see if happens22:52
Stskeeps(yes, i know imgtec is another company, but for other parts of the system, battery management, etc)22:52
slaine_lol, it's good cop bad cop now is it22:53
pinchartlslaine_: it's always been good cop bad cop, but inside a single company until now22:53
arjanmy personal goal is to make the intel side play as well as we can (and gma500 is "lalalalalala I can't hear you" '=)22:53
arjanand hopefully hw vendors realize that playing nice with meego in that regard is in their own business interest22:53
suihkulokki.o( we could just all buy imagenation stock until we have enough voting power together to force them to opensource the driver )22:54
RST38hnot imagetech, I guess22:54
MelisUgma500: Intel was young and needed the money :P22:54
pinchartlarjan: it will be easier for Intel, as the same company develops the OS and the GPU. on the powervr side we'll have much more troubles22:54
slaine_I don't that powervr stuff was isolated to the gma500 though22:55
slaine_isn't there a new generation gpu with the same licensing issues ?22:55
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* timeless_mbp sighs22:55
arjanpinchartl: you have no idea how much pain pvr gives me day to day...22:55
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timeless_mbpmy computer ran out of space22:55
MisterNtimeless_mbp: you actually work for nokia? i only know you from your rants in #jsapi22:56
arjanpinchartl: all the more reason to show how easy it COULD be ;)22:56
timeless_mbpMisterN: yes22:56
RST38hslaine: I guess you mean GMA315022:56
timeless_mbpi haven't always worked for nokia22:56
ShadowJKmoblin+maemo=meego thing piqued my interest in meego, which amusingly makes me far less interested in the Nokia Booklet 3g (gma500) :D22:56
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Stskeepsah, nice - quim just said they're bringing core and middleware people to meego22:58
MelisUyeah, Meego may have a lot of rough edges for some time, but I think it will be worth it and people will be interested22:58
leinirStskeeps: Nicely :)22:58
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slaine_RST38h: yeah, possbily, I find the naming hard to penetrate22:59
RST38hslaine: The wiki page makes it kinda clear22:59
MelisUMoblin was seen as Intel and Maemo as Nokia .. Now they should get all the Genivi guys on the homepage (like BMW etc). That would help even more22:59
MelisUBMW joins the Linux Foundation would be a cool headline22:59
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Suurorcathe booklet (capabilities aside) is quite nice, actually23:00
Suurorcatoyed with one for a few minutes today23:00
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slaine_I've got too many kids hanging out of me to read it properly now RST38h23:03
slaine_bed times, bbs23:03
Suurorcabut obviously more or a mac-ish fashion accessory than direct competition for the cheaper netbooks23:03
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th0br0I'm out, bye everyone.23:14
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slaine_RST38h: No, the 3150 isn't it, that's the embedded gfx in the latest CPU's23:20
slaine_with is basically a 96523:20
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villemv_fakeis meego ok with GPL3 gcc versions btw?23:27
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Stskeepsvillemv_fake: gcc isn't traditionally shipped on devices though? but yes, this policy is going to hurt at times :P23:28
* villemv_fake is hoping to "some day" see c++0x23:28
villemv_fakeStskeeps: apple has an issue with that. I don't think that makes any sense either23:28
villemv_fakeStskeeps: obviously I mean "using gpl3 for build tools"23:28
Stskeepsvillemv_fake: i think they want to see more cases related to gpl3 and how it's interpreted23:29
Stskeepscompany cautiousness23:29
villemv_fakeso does the same thing apply for meego then?23:29
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detective_deb deb deb deb deb deb deb deb deb23:30
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MisterNrpm rpm rpm rpm23:30
CosmoHillvirgins you say?23:30
CosmoHilloh crap, my laptop is 68'C23:31
crashanddiewell, I thought the whole rpm v deb discussion was pretty moot23:31
crashanddieCosmoHill: 68 minutes?23:31
crashanddie" is seconds, ' is minutes...23:31
detective_deb? or rpm?23:32
Stskeepsvillemv_fake: there's a policy stated somewhere about licensing regarding gplv323:32
CosmoHilldegrees Celsius23:32
crashanddieCosmoHill: there's no apostrophe in the celsius notation ;)23:32
detective_deb? or rpm?23:32
CosmoHillwell i can't be botherd to learn the degree button23:33
crashanddieCosmoHill: that's my point, the English keyboard doesn't have it, so just don't use it23:33
HydroxideCosmoHill: on my desktop it's <compose key> o o :)23:33
Stskeepsdetective_: go read the logs, there's plenty of discussions in this area :)23:33
detective_Stskeeps: and what are the results?23:33
HydroxideCosmoHill: -40°F = -40°C23:33
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crashanddiedetective_: no results23:33
Hydroxide(yes, english keyboard)23:33
CosmoHillalt + h23:33
crashanddiedetective_: only trouble23:33
detective_mh : /23:34
crashanddieCosmoHill: not really the right one23:34
crashanddieHydroxide: if you find it for my mac, yell23:34
detective_and which packagemanager will be choosen? zypper or yum or what?23:34
crashanddiedetective_: please go read the logs23:34
crashanddiedetective_: and don't try starting another flamewar here, thanks23:35
detective_uhm... okay o_O23:35
CosmoHillif that why we have a logger? so we don't have to answer the rpm vs deb debate every 30 mins?23:35
Stskeepsdetective_: i -think- zypper but don't hang me up on that23:35
StskeepsCosmoHill: we should have had one from minute zero in this channel, to document early discussions23:35
detective_Stskeeps: okay thanks23:35
crashanddieStskeeps: we'll hang you for anything23:35
CosmoHillStskeeps: well we have one now23:36
StskeepsCosmoHill: yes, thank god :P23:36
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villemv_fakethis is the stuff we want meego on (now android):
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* CosmoHill can see this happening23:47
CosmoHillI love adam!23:47
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CosmoHillthe table computer i mean...23:47
villemv_fakeright. It's happening all over the place now23:47
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CosmoHillthat would be cool23:48
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CosmoHillooo, matte screen23:51
tripz0adam actually looks pretty nice23:52
CosmoHillhdmi output23:52
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villemv_fakecan't imagine a better way to vacuum some VC money than promising to deliver a table this year ;-)23:56
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villemv_fakeventure capital23:57
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tripz0MSI also had an nvidia tegra based tablet shown off at CES.  not to many ever saw it though23:57
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CosmoHillthat reminds me, i need to find my business study books23:57
jebbaMy understanding is that moblin used OBS for building and that is what meego will use. Anyone know if their build machine runs fedora, suse, centos, etc? Which?23:58
tripz0arjan knows23:58
jeremiah_hey jebba23:58
jebbaheya  :)23:58
jebbaarjan knows everything, methinks  ;)23:58
CosmoHilli think it's fedora or ubuntu23:58
tripz0my bet is fedora23:58
mikeleibit's true23:58
jebbaCosmoHill: would likely be fedora then, because there aren't ubuntu packages for OBS...23:59
mikeleibthe part about arjan knowing everything, that is23:59
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CosmoHillwhat is the build enviroment? i think i might be able to do it with clfs23:59
tripz0i don't doubt it23:59
jebbaI looked into it a few weeks ago and it seems upstream just packaged for opensuse and centos.23:59

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