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DocScrutinizer05 | how I hate sleeping | 00:32 |
DocScrutinizer05 | morning | 00:32 |
merlin1991 | dafuq? | 00:34 |
merlin1991 | morning | 00:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | to be politically correct I could wait another 25 min for saying "morning" | 00:34 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~xyawn | 00:35 |
infobot | xyawn is, like, big coffee | 00:35 |
merlin1991 | morning when hwere? | 00:36 |
merlin1991 | afaik you still live in cet :D | 00:37 |
merlin1991 | ah yeah 0:00 | 00:37 |
merlin1991 | now I get it xD | 00:37 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the police' "guten Morgen!" | 00:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when they stop your car at 00:15 | 00:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | they instantly earn all my sympathy doing that, each time ;-P | 00:43 |
merlin1991 | hm so far only been stopped by police 4 times | 00:49 |
DocScrutinizer05 | their policy regarding me changed with their files about me, I guess. When they thought I'm a RAF terrorist they *never* even showed up in uniform in my vicinity | 00:52 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when they thought I'm cheating the Sozialamt, they stopped me in the morning when fetching my pretzels and in the noon when sending a letter and in the evening when taking a bike-ride to next pub | 00:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | they actually managed to stop me 4 times one single day | 00:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the fourth time was no more fun, I just drove my car around next corner, coming from last check and not even gaining full speed yet, and the next police stopped me | 00:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I asked them how poor their coordination actually is, and if they don't notice what their colleagues are dooing, 200m away and 2 min back | 00:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, that stop been a tad shorter than the one before | 00:58 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the last 3 or 4 years I haven't had any such unpleasant encounters | 00:59 |
merlin1991 | how did you earn a reputation as raf terroris o_O | 00:59 |
Pali | Hi, now going to build u-boot in scratchbox and then push it into extras-devel | 01:11 |
Pali | now when autobuilder working again, new u-boot can be in extras-devel :-) | 01:12 |
merlin1991 | autobuilder works | 01:14 |
merlin1991 | just not the web interface thingy | 01:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (reputation) well, in the 80s it wasn't that difficult | 01:17 |
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Pali | u-boot was uploaded to autobuilder | 01:34 |
Pali | ... now waiting... | 01:34 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | merlin1991: http://www.google.de/search?q=komm+verhaftungen - pretty easy to become a "criminal" back when. I even entered the building when it was already surrounded by police, by explaining the police idiot "you're here to stop people from escaping, but I want *in* not *out*". Of course later on nobody admitted such an action would've been possible | 02:11 |
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freemangordon | OMG, it is the first time I see my swap usage dropping after 2 days of uptime :D. Usually it was ~110MB after 2-3 days of uptime. Now it is 84MB, yesterday was 93MB. | 09:44 |
freemangordon | Applications' startup times are like on a freshly booted device | 09:45 |
freemangordon | damn memory leaks :( | 09:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | we'll declare it a worldwide holiday | 09:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | StFreemanG | 09:51 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ;-) | 09:51 |
freemangordon | :D:D:D | 09:51 |
freemangordon | actually no need, several bottles of Jack will do the job better :P | 09:52 |
DocScrutinizer05 | freemangordon: actually kudos, your contributions to maemo are truly groundbreaking | 09:52 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: is that you? What's with you man, are you ok. I am constrained. :P:P:P | 09:54 |
* freemangordon fears that someone has stollen doc's nick :D:D:D | 09:55 | |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: ignore me, I am in a trolly mood this morning | 09:55 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hahaha | 09:56 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it's quite remarkable that I never seen this swap-hogging and device coming to a grinding halt after 5-or-so days - and I never ever use that unlock slider screen | 09:57 |
freemangordon | but yeah, it starts to get clear that all this "swap fragmentation" is caused by leaking memory | 09:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | which also might explain how that one could slip Nokia QA | 09:58 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: i've never seen it to "halt" in a couple of days or even weeks, but my swap is on uSD | 09:58 |
DocScrutinizer05 | probably there also nobody ever uses unlock screen | 09:58 |
freemangordon | might be | 09:58 |
DocScrutinizer05 | nice job | 09:59 |
freemangordon | thanks | 09:59 |
DocScrutinizer05 | good finding | 09:59 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and yes, of course this needs to go into CSSU, asap | 10:00 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | I even want to push it to Stable, pretty fast | 10:00 |
freemangordon | yeah. though maybe we should tweak the script reinob posted on TMO to be compatible with fremantle busybox and check for other leakages | 10:00 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: for sure. though I need to fix tklock's visual glitches first | 10:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | yeah, noticed that | 10:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | might be gpu barfup | 10:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | did he OC? | 10:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | (whoever reported that) | 10:02 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: does not matter, I can reproduce it too | 10:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | aah, k | 10:02 |
freemangordon | I was testing with forced rotation on, the moment i disable it, i got black screen in tklock too. when coming from phone app | 10:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | nasty | 10:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | good luck debugging that | 10:03 |
freemangordon | yeah. but I know where to look, so it should be easy to fix it | 10:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | sweet | 10:03 |
* DocScrutinizer05 feels embarrassed to not even have updated to T6 | 10:05 | |
DocScrutinizer05 | but I'm starting to feel bored by the conflicts of MP with procps and camera-ui | 10:06 |
tadzik | DocScrutinizer05: what's "OC", in "did he OC?" | 10:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | maybe I should think of a update script | 10:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~omap-oc | 10:07 |
infobot | somebody said omap-oc was http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2010-08-01.log.html#t2010-08-01T22:16:05 read that!, or and this http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2011-03-11.log.html#t2011-03-11T03:04:11 | 10:07 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: BTW do we have bug report against camera-ui segfaultng? | 10:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | not sure | 10:07 |
tadzik | ah, no, I don't overclock | 10:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I think it's GPU blowing chunks, which is declared unrelated to camera-ui but only happens on nicocam for me nevertheless | 10:08 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: what? | 10:08 |
freemangordon | what happens? | 10:08 |
freemangordon | the segfault? | 10:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | my problems with nicocam are from black screen and camera-ui freezing due to "DSP" fsckup | 10:09 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: there was a problem in h-d causing that, this is fixed since august or something | 10:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | oooh | 10:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I *might* give nicocam a second chance then | 10:10 |
freemangordon | it was causing an aditional rotation while overlay was on. or something like that | 10:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | still leaves me with MP vs procps conflict | 10:10 |
freemangordon | WTF is procps? | 10:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | proper ps | 10:10 |
DocScrutinizer05 | conflicts with messybox | 10:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | in MP | 10:11 |
freemangordon | hmm, can't you just install -mp, and then change ps symlink? | 10:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | maybe I could do some such botch, yeah | 10:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mv /bin/ps ~ps | 10:12 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: actually h-d problem was causing camera-ui (i.e. DSP) to reboot the device. DOn;t know if your problem is the same, but i'll appreciate if you test it | 10:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | install MP | 10:13 |
DocScrutinizer05 | mv ~ps /bin/ps | 10:13 |
freemangordon | :nod: | 10:13 |
freemangordon | or just edit the symlink to point to ~ps | 10:13 |
freemangordon | DocScrutinizer05: the way to reproduce it (camera-ui) is to hold the device in portrait and to open camera cover | 10:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I have rotation locked, so this shouldn't apply to me | 10:14 |
freemangordon | it was causing WD to kick here in ~3 of 10 attempts. | 10:15 |
freemangordon | nervertheless, try it | 10:15 |
freemangordon | *nevertheless | 10:17 |
chem|st | merlin1991: yes, that was the idea "we" had when I pushed stable the first time | 10:18 |
chem|st | if freddiii asks again... next week or this weekend | 10:18 |
chem|st | and I do like waffles! | 10:18 |
* freemangordon hands chem|st a waffle | 10:19 | |
* chem|st noms a waffle | 10:19 | |
chem|st | the problem with building twice is that for some reason I cannot build a package or you cannot build one | 10:20 |
freemangordon | chem|st: as we discussed with merlin1991, you can take .debs from -testing, you only need to hand-craft .changes files | 10:21 |
freemangordon | but you'd better confirm ^^^ with merlin1991 | 10:21 |
chem|st | I have no idea of handcrafting them... | 10:21 |
freemangordon | maybe merlin1991 knows how | 10:21 |
chem|st | well I am stuck with modest the second time now | 10:22 |
chem|st | the first time it was the order of installation of some dev packages | 10:22 |
chem|st | crank | 10:22 |
freemangordon | chem|st: and what now? | 10:22 |
chem|st | well I will build everything else, push it and then reset my target again | 10:23 |
chem|st | then build modest | 10:23 |
chem|st | if I have to do that the next time as well you better have another email client | 10:23 |
chem|st | I have build some packages already | 10:24 |
chem|st | builds of some... | 10:24 |
freemangordon | chem|st: well, I have no problem building modest here, both in ARMEL and THUMB targets | 10:24 |
chem|st | freemangordon: you didn't follow right... | 10:25 |
freemangordon | chem|st: possible | 10:25 |
chem|st | the procedure was: I built modest, I installed some python dev for xml, I was told wrong modest version, tried to build again and deleted the debs built before BAMM, then I learned I had the right version | 10:26 |
freemangordon | chem|st: BTW I hope you have pulled the latest sources for modest and tinymail. both have bugs fixed and are in -testing for long enough to assume them stable | 10:27 |
chem|st | don't know if it will do good to just start from scratch with my git copy, if that does not help I try at my sisters SB | 10:27 |
chem|st | freemangordon: sure | 10:27 |
freemangordon | ok | 10:28 |
chem|st | so off to work see you guys at 8 | 10:28 |
freemangordon | bye | 10:28 |
* freemangordon is off to work too | 10:28 | |
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DocScrutinizer05 | chem|st: you got a sister who got SB? How old? ;-D | 11:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | married? | 11:25 |
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chem|st | DocScrutinizer05: 33 and probably getting divorced^^ | 11:30 |
chem|st | got her to use linux as primary system 3 years ago, bought a n900 last year after seeing me and my brick | 11:32 |
RST38h | chem|st: So, is Elop to blame? | 11:37 |
chem|st | RST38h: no blame me in this case | 11:43 |
DocScrutinizer05 | hmmm | 11:48 |
DocScrutinizer05 | :-D | 11:49 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ooh, good that konversation shows topic, and that I've set it | 11:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | this whole fundraiser stuff and tmo disaster almost made me forget about meeting tonight | 11:50 |
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merlin1991 | I don't get it why tmo has to stay in us | 13:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | dafaq, that's BS, tmo has to move out of US if anything | 13:31 |
merlin1991 | 10-4 | 13:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | US privacy laws are mere BS, compared to EU | 13:31 |
freemangordon | BTW i agree TMO should be in Europe, if not for other reason, then for moderators availability. | 14:04 |
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Pali | freemangordon, I updated systemui packages and after restarting systemui daemon in powerkey menu is missing cellmodem ui options (disable/enable modem) | 14:35 |
Pali | bug or feature? :D | 14:35 |
Pali | is there any debug output for powerkey menu plugin? | 14:36 |
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chem|st | I don't get why *everything needs to be on USA soil?! *law in USA is BS as it is | 14:41 |
chem|st | some people will learn a lesson with that NPO shit | 14:44 |
chem|st | if they start sending around money with paypal... the end is close | 14:45 |
freemangordon | Pali: cellmodem ui options? | 15:15 |
freemangordon | what is that? | 15:15 |
Pali | http://maemo.org/packages/view/cell-modem-ui/ | 15:16 |
Pali | freemangordon, it adding new button to systemui powerbutton menu for disabling cellular modem | 15:17 |
freemangordon | Pali: /etc/systemui/systemui.xml is overwritten. raise a bug against that package to not mess with /etc/systemui/systemui.xml, but to provide its own xml | 15:17 |
Pali | it has own file: /etc/systemui/cell-modem-ui.xml | 15:18 |
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Pali | but for unknown reason your new plugin does not add new button | 15:18 |
freemangordon | Pali: it is symlink, maybe that's the reason. | 15:20 |
Pali | yes, it is symlink | 15:20 |
freemangordon | lemme check | 15:20 |
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freemangordon | Pali: BTW anything in syslog? | 15:21 |
Pali | syslog | grep systemui --> nothing | 15:22 |
freemangordon | hmm, what about grep systemui /var/log/syslog? | 15:23 |
freemangordon | Pali: ^^^? | 15:25 |
Pali | $ alias syslog='less /var/log/syslog' | 15:26 |
Pali | so that is same :-) | 15:26 |
Pali | there are only output like: systemui-tklock[25027]: Method call received from: :1.14, iface: com.nokia.system_ui.request, method: powerkeymenu_open | 15:26 |
Pali | or systemui-tklock[25027]: Method call received from: :1.14, iface: com.nokia.system_ui.request, method: tklock_open | 15:26 |
Pali | and systemui[25027]: Loading all plugins | 15:26 |
Pali | but nothing interesting | 15:27 |
freemangordon | Pali: ok, i'll check it | 15:27 |
freemangordon | Pali: or you may check it too | 15:27 |
freemangordon | :P | 15:27 |
Pali | now I'm checking why battery applet not sending too low message... | 15:28 |
freemangordon | source has "standalone mode", you can compile and run outside systemui | 15:28 |
freemangordon | as a simple application | 15:28 |
freemangordon | just uncomment #define POWERKEYMENU_STANDALONE | 15:29 |
freemangordon | Pali: cannot reproduce it here | 15:54 |
Pali | it working? | 15:54 |
freemangordon | Now I have a buttn named "Tablet mode" | 15:54 |
freemangordon | yes | 15:55 |
Pali | how can I correctly restart systemui? | 15:55 |
freemangordon | killall systemui | 15:55 |
freemangordon | dsme should start it for you | 15:55 |
Pali | still missing :-( | 15:56 |
freemangordon | Pali: no need to restart systemui though | 15:57 |
freemangordon | Pali: please, checkout the code, uncomment "standalone" define and use http://pastebin.com/eymwWPGu to compile | 16:00 |
freemangordon | There seems to be some problem, but I cannot reproduce it here | 16:00 |
freemangordon | it could be related to your language or whatever setting | 16:01 |
freemangordon | s | 16:01 |
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freemangordon | Pali: still here? | 16:05 |
Pali | sill not working | 16:05 |
Pali | output is here: http://pastebin.com/ZFtydqE2 | 16:05 |
freemangordon | is that all in syslog? | 16:06 |
freemangordon | that's too short | 16:06 |
Pali | yes, nothing more | 16:06 |
freemangordon | wtf? | 16:06 |
freemangordon | do you run it as user user? | 16:07 |
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Pali | yes | 16:07 |
freemangordon | did you export DISPLAY=:0 | 16:08 |
freemangordon | ? | 16:08 |
freemangordon | i guess you run it from ssh session | 16:08 |
Pali | $ echo $DISPLAY >> :0.0 | 16:09 |
Pali | yes | 16:09 |
Pali | it again does not show cellmodem ui button | 16:10 |
freemangordon | Pali: if you have all of the buttons, but "tablet mode", your log is screwed, you should have one "powerkeymenu_add_menu_entry" for each button | 16:10 |
Pali | there is something new in syslog when I started standalone binary again: http://pastebin.com/ffvfXhBN | 16:12 |
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freemangordon | ignore that, it is because of the "standalone mode". BTW you should stop with ctrl-c | 16:14 |
Pali | yes, I killing it with ctrl+c | 16:14 |
freemangordon | ok | 16:14 |
freemangordon | Pali: please do tail -f /var/log/syslog and start the binary again | 16:16 |
freemangordon | it is impossible to have only one " powerkeymenu_add_menu_entry" in syslog | 16:17 |
freemangordon | aah, wait | 16:18 |
freemangordon | WTF? | 16:18 |
Pali | look: http://pastebin.com/LN4ncXY2 | 16:19 |
Pali | nothing more | 16:19 |
freemangordon | Dec 13 15:17:27 Pali-Nokia-N900 last message repeated 14 times | 16:19 |
freemangordon | :P | 16:20 |
Pali | aaaah | 16:20 |
Pali | I did not see that | 16:20 |
freemangordon | tell me the result of "cat /var/run/ssc" | 16:20 |
Pali | btw, last git commit 4710f5e7aa85d6f10dee886f92ebf937fd6f5890 | 16:20 |
Pali | sim_ready | 16:21 |
freemangordon | now raise a bug against cell-modem-ui :P | 16:23 |
freemangordon | there is no sim_ready in cell-modom-ui.xml | 16:23 |
freemangordon | there is no sim_ready in cell-modem-ui.xml | 16:23 |
freemangordon | BTW what do you expect to see? | 16:24 |
freemangordon | which entry from cell-modem-ui.xml? | 16:24 |
freemangordon | Pali: ^^^ | 16:24 |
Pali | what does sim_ready means? | 16:27 |
freemangordon | NFC | 16:27 |
Pali | is modem active? | 16:28 |
freemangordon | how am i supposed to know | 16:28 |
freemangordon | Pali: well it turned out to be a feature :D:D:D :P | 16:30 |
Pali | I found this README: /usr/share/doc/ssc-daemon/README | 16:31 |
Pali | in ssc-daemon deb package | 16:31 |
freemangordon | Pali: would you pastebin that readme? | 16:40 |
Pali | there is nothing usefull, but ok :-) | 16:40 |
freemangordon | i thought there is :D | 16:40 |
Pali | http://pastebin.com/mFrfYH7k | 16:41 |
freemangordon | Pali: what do you usually see, with old powerkeymenu? | 16:42 |
freemangordon | I mean with that unprocessed status | 16:43 |
Pali | there is no unprocessed status: only your gsm/3g modem is up or down | 16:43 |
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Pali | when I do not enter pin code then is down | 16:44 |
freemangordon | Pali: when "cat /var/run/ssc" gives "sim_ready", what do you see with old powerkeymenu? | 16:44 |
Pali | going to downgrade | 16:45 |
freemangordon | ok | 16:45 |
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Pali | freemangordon, hm, cellmodem ui button missing too | 16:58 |
Pali | so then it is bug in cell modem ui | 16:58 |
freemangordon | :D:D:D | 16:58 |
freemangordon | toldya | 16:58 |
Pali | going to upgrade & restart sscd | 16:59 |
freemangordon | Pali: why not reboot the device? | 16:59 |
freemangordon | (after upgrading) | 16:59 |
Pali | because testing battery applet | 16:59 |
freemangordon | aah, ok | 16:59 |
freemangordon | Pali: remember, there is no need to restart systemui anymore if .xml for poerkeymenu is changed | 17:00 |
freemangordon | it is parsed every time | 17:00 |
freemangordon | before the menu is shown | 17:01 |
Pali | now I restarted both systemui & sscd and after entering pin tablet button is there :-) | 17:01 |
Pali | freemangordon, also new library is readed from /usr/lib/? | 17:01 |
freemangordon | Pali: what library? | 17:03 |
Pali | your new powemenu library | 17:03 |
Pali | e.g. if systemui will reinit library when changed or not | 17:03 |
Pali | if not then I must restart systemui | 17:03 |
freemangordon | Pali: no, you have to restart systemui | 17:04 |
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kerio | freemangordon: when are you going to update tklock in cssu-devel? | 18:32 |
kerio | and/or when are you going to fix tklock? | 18:32 |
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Pali | hm, what about adding portrait support to tklock? | 18:41 |
Pali | background image can be same | 18:41 |
Pali | only need to rotate text with swipe widget | 18:41 |
tadzik | it is causes it to be as slow as qtlockscreen... | 18:41 |
tadzik | I'd rather have another time label, rotated by 90 degrees, so you don't have to cock your head | 18:42 |
kerio | Pali: the default image wouldn't work, the clock would end up on a bright image | 18:42 |
kerio | *bright part of the image | 18:42 |
Pali | ah | 18:42 |
kerio | hm, maybe not, actually | 18:43 |
* merlin1991 just plugged 2 n900 chargers in to be able to triple check bugs | 18:46 | |
kerio | :D | 18:46 |
merlin1991 | Pali: the profile swap widget you did, does it support portriat? | 18:47 |
merlin1991 | *portrait* | 18:47 |
Pali | merlin1991, do you mean status menu profile applet? | 18:48 |
kerio | Pali: have you used qt? | 18:48 |
Pali | where? | 18:48 |
kerio | the space between buttons is different | 18:48 |
kerio | in the profile switcher status menu applet | 18:48 |
Pali | qt in hildon status menu plugin? | 18:48 |
Pali | that is not possible | 18:48 |
kerio | Pali: then why is there a lot of space between the buttons? D: | 18:48 |
Pali | kerio, because I still do not know how gtk counting spaces | 18:49 |
merlin1991 | Pali: yes | 18:49 |
kerio | i see | 18:50 |
Pali | merlin1991, I did not added any hildon window flags, because it is modal dialog | 18:50 |
Pali | and I think that dialogs do not need portrait flag | 18:50 |
Pali | if parent window has portrit flag, then dialog will be rotated to portrait too | 18:50 |
merlin1991 | the stock plugin seems to have some problem, but atm I can't test it since my -T device isn't booted yet :D | 18:51 |
kerio | Pali: opening the internet connection dialog when a window is in portrait turns everything back to landscape | 18:51 |
kerio | except when no window is in front | 18:51 |
Pali | kerio, relevant lines: https://gitorious.org/~pali/community-ssu/pali-status-menu-applet-profiles/blobs/master/profiles_status_menu_item.c#line232 https://gitorious.org/~pali/community-ssu/pali-status-menu-applet-profiles/blobs/master/profiles_status_menu_item.c#line245 | 18:51 |
Pali | for spaces | 18:51 |
Pali | there is TRUE, TRUE arguments | 18:51 |
Pali | need to understand what doing | 18:51 |
Pali | merlin1991, I do not have enabled forced rotation and profile dialog rotating... | 18:52 |
Pali | I have last hildon from cssu-devel | 18:52 |
kerio | Pali: yep, it goes back to landscape | 18:53 |
kerio | but it works fine when forced | 18:53 |
Pali | kerio, what? new profile dialog? | 18:53 |
kerio | yes | 18:53 |
Pali | hm, why then it working on my n900? | 18:54 |
kerio | Pali: hildon-home cheats | 18:54 |
kerio | open a window that rotates in portrait and test again | 18:54 |
Pali | kerio, do you have last hildon-home from cssu-devel? | 18:54 |
kerio | hm, no i don't, actually | 18:54 |
kerio | it doesn't rotate to landscape to open the dialogs? neat | 18:55 |
Pali | yes | 18:55 |
Pali | hm, that is stupid | 18:55 |
Pali | but when I rotate to landscape and then back to portrait, dialog rotate back to portrait | 18:55 |
Pali | why?? | 18:56 |
Pali | this sounds like bug in hildon-home | 18:56 |
Pali | ping arcean | 18:58 |
merlin1991 | ping andre__ | 18:58 |
andre__ | merlin1991, pong | 18:59 |
merlin1991 | I totally forgot to bring you into the loop | 18:59 |
merlin1991 | in 2 hours we'll have a meeting here | 18:59 |
merlin1991 | and part of that will be squashing of bugs :) | 19:00 |
arcean | Pali: give me steps to reproduce :) | 19:00 |
Pali | arcean, install hildon status menu profile applet from cssu-devel. that is my rewrite which open normal modal dialog without portrait flag. Disable forcerotation. Open desktop and rotate phone to portrait. Then open status menu and click on profile selector | 19:02 |
Pali | profile modal dialog will open in portrait mode | 19:02 |
Pali | next open CSSU calculator (which has native portrait mode support), rotate phone to portrait and click on status menu again | 19:03 |
Pali | then open profile selector and for unknown reason it will rotate screen to landscape | 19:04 |
Pali | arcean: so this is bug | 19:04 |
arcean | Pali: could you try with another portrait-capable application? | 19:04 |
arcean | like e.g Settings? | 19:04 |
kerio | arcean: this isn't even a problem of the profile selector specifically | 19:05 |
kerio | every dialog opened from the status menu does that | 19:05 |
Pali | arcean, I opened settings in portrait mode and then opened hildon status menu and clicked on profile selector button | 19:05 |
Pali | it again rotated screen to landscape | 19:06 |
kerio | i'm not sure what's the bug, though - is it that it goes back to landscape, or is it that when h-d is on the home, it doesn't rotate to landscape? | 19:06 |
Pali | when I'm opening status menu from desktop and then opening profile selector it will not rotate to landscape | 19:07 |
arcean | Pali: could you reboot and try again? | 19:07 |
arcean | it works fine here | 19:08 |
Pali | arcean, I cannot reboot now, because I'm testing battery status menu plugin | 19:08 |
arcean | oh | 19:08 |
Pali | I will reboot after battery will be fully charged | 19:08 |
arcean | kerio: ? :D | 19:08 |
kerio | arcean: technically those dialogs aren't marked as "supports portrait" | 19:08 |
kerio | so why are they forcibly rotated by h-d when there's no window in focus? | 19:09 |
arcean | it depends on the parent window | 19:09 |
arcean | when there's no window, the parent window is the desktop | 19:09 |
Pali | arcean, it is needed to add portrait flags to modal dialogs too? | 19:09 |
kerio | why does the desktop forcibly rotate stuff when forcerotate is disabled? | 19:09 |
arcean | Pali: no | 19:10 |
Pali | ok | 19:10 |
arcean | kerio: because the desktop supports portrait | 19:10 |
kerio | the calculator supports portrait too | 19:10 |
arcean | and people wanted such behaviour | 19:10 |
kerio | OMP supports portrait too | 19:10 |
kerio | arcean: either say "ok, h-d will forcibly rotate dialogs opened from the status menu when in portrait" or make it configurable | 19:11 |
arcean | kerio: it works fine here, so maybe something has changed in the latest release from cssu-devel :) | 19:11 |
kerio | anything else is a bug | 19:11 |
kerio | i'm using the h-d from -T5 | 19:11 |
arcean | i'm going to downgrade h-d and check how it works | 19:13 |
Pali | hm, and there is another problem. If I have phone in portrait mode and I will start Calculator from application menu, it will rotate to landscape for unknown reason... | 19:14 |
Pali | why? | 19:14 |
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merlin1991 | hm 36 bugs to look at, that's going to be fun | 19:14 |
kerio | Pali: keep holding the phone upright when you do that, it should stay in portrait | 19:14 |
arcean | Pali: depends | 19:14 |
arcean | Pali: if the device lies flat on a table, if an application uses Qt, etc | 19:14 |
merlin1991 | kerio: come on, proper bug reports should be made on -T6 ;) | 19:15 |
Pali | Calculator is Qt | 19:15 |
kerio | merlin1991: sssssh | 19:15 |
kerio | merlin1991: or they won't take my bug reports seriously! | 19:15 |
Pali | arcean, is there any problem with Qt? | 19:15 |
arcean | Pali: yes, a lot | 19:16 |
kerio | Pali: qt sucks | 19:16 |
arcean | Qt plays with window's flags on device orientation change | 19:16 |
kerio | Pali: for instance, it doesn't follow my xkb layout | 19:16 |
Pali | ah, ok | 19:17 |
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arcean | Pali: I've just checked this and it might be a good idea to add portrait_support flag to the dialog's window | 19:31 |
Pali | arcean, I added portrait flag to usbmode status menu widget and it rotate to landscape too | 19:32 |
merlin1991 | hm usbmode status menu widget | 19:33 |
merlin1991 | I don't know that | 19:33 |
merlin1991 | it's like secret candy .D | 19:34 |
Pali | merlin1991, part of package usbmode.sh | 19:34 |
arcean | Pali: parent window was in portrait? | 19:35 |
Pali | arcean, what is parent window of hildon status menu? | 19:35 |
arcean | the thing in the back :) | 19:36 |
arcean | desktop, or an application | 19:36 |
Pali | application control panel, and yes it was in portrait | 19:36 |
Pali | hm, now I see where is problem | 19:36 |
Pali | https://gitorious.org/rx51-bme-replacement/usbmode/blobs/master/cpusbmode.c#line284 | 19:36 |
Pali | I need to add portrait mode flag to dialog too | 19:37 |
Pali | arcean, but I think that modal dialog should have also portrait flag if parent window has | 19:38 |
arcean | indeed | 19:40 |
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arcean | IIRC I was working on this some time ago | 19:40 |
arcean | but ... where are my notes ? :D | 19:40 |
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luf | kerio: do you have win 7 64-bit? | 20:19 |
kerio | luf: nope | 20:19 |
kerio | not even in a VM | 20:19 |
luf | Hmmm neither me. I can't reproduce the problem with bluez-4.99 and win 7 :( | 20:20 |
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kerio | cool | 20:22 |
kerio | CLOSED CANTREPRODUCE | 20:22 |
luf | :D | 20:25 |
luf | It seems I'll be available at 20:00. Bye now. | 20:29 |
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arcean | heh, "Bastard hack part 2" http://maemo.gitorious.org/fremantle-hildon-desktop/libmatchbox2/blobs/master/matchbox/core/mb-window-manager.c#line691 | 20:37 |
kerio | arcean: classic :D | 20:39 |
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chem|st | merlin1991: meeting is where? | 20:52 |
chem|st | freemangordon: it is not a borked git... | 20:52 |
merlin1991 | here | 20:52 |
chem|st | ok | 20:53 |
merlin1991 | because we abuse #maemo-ssu for everything :) | 20:53 |
* chem|st feels abusive! | 20:53 | |
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chem|st | merlin1991: any further idea on modest? | 20:53 |
merlin1991 | handcraft a .changes file and grab deb and tar.gz from -testing | 20:53 |
chem|st | merlin1991: does not solve it for the future | 20:54 |
merlin1991 | why, we could make a build once copy after policy | 20:54 |
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luf | I'm back :) | 20:55 |
merlin1991 | and even 5 mins early | 20:55 |
luf | It should be marked as a bug :D | 20:56 |
chem|st | merlin1991: where will we store these | 20:57 |
chem|st | an idea would be that you delete stuff which should not go to stable... | 20:57 |
merlin1991 | well we only have to "store" the changes files everything else is in the maemo.org repo :) | 20:58 |
merlin1991 | alternatively I can just upload each release into a folder on my server | 20:58 |
merlin1991 | so far there are still 396G of free space | 20:58 |
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chem|st | as long as we delete obsolete stuff that would be prefered | 21:00 |
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chem|st | looking at stuff like qt4... I could miss to download thihngs | 21:00 |
merlin1991 | well you can even abuse the server to forward to maemo.org | 21:01 |
chem|st | I have osso-wlan qt-x11-maemo osso-xterm curl and libxml2 in the pipe for now | 21:01 |
chem|st | I might get to upload and release on saturday | 21:02 |
freemangordon | chem|st: don;t forget tinymail | 21:02 |
chem|st | I'm late on microb tinymail and modest then | 21:02 |
merlin1991 | okay we've passed the starting time, ping Pali arcean andre__ DocScrutinizer05 freemangordon luf Sc0rpius chem|st | 21:03 |
freemangordon | pong | 21:03 |
Pali | pong | 21:03 |
chem|st | pong | 21:03 |
luf | pong | 21:03 |
arcean | pong | 21:03 |
andre__ | pong, though slacking | 21:04 |
Pali | romaxa is not here | 21:04 |
Pali | and did not reply on my mail | 21:04 |
freemangordon | Pali: well, either way he can't do much but give an advisi, so | 21:05 |
freemangordon | *advise | 21:05 |
merlin1991 | well topics we have: bugs, browser-ui, new stuff (systemui mainly) and whatever someone throws in right now | 21:05 |
* chem|st wristwraps | 21:06 | |
freemangordon | glibc | 21:06 |
freemangordon | and kernel | 21:06 |
freemangordon | luf: what about bluetoothd? | 21:06 |
Pali | new stuff -> battery & profile status menu plugin | 21:07 |
freemangordon | hmm, is he here? | 21:07 |
merlin1991 | luf did pong 4 mins ago ;) | 21:07 |
luf | freemangordon: bug reported againist win7 | 21:07 |
freemangordon | ok | 21:07 |
Pali | rtcom-messaging-ui-portrait | 21:07 |
luf | So I'm not sure if it's ready. But I stuck as I can't reproduce because no win7 here. | 21:07 |
freemangordon | ok, I propose to leave the bugs(those on the bugtracker) for the end. | 21:08 |
merlin1991 | luf I have that here | 21:08 |
freemangordon | luf: where did you search for that? | 21:08 |
freemangordon | :P | 21:08 |
luf | freemangordon: Here in my computer ;) | 21:09 |
merlin1991 | luf and since I bought my latest notebook I even have a bluetooth adapter inside :) | 21:09 |
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freemangordon | merlin1991: do you agree with ^^^ | 21:09 |
freemangordon | bugs at the end that is | 21:09 |
arcean | bluetooth insideâ„¢ | 21:09 |
freemangordon | hehe | 21:09 |
merlin1991 | yep bugs at the end I'd say | 21:10 |
freemangordon | ok, lets start with the most critical stuff in my book - systemui | 21:10 |
merlin1991 | perfect, give us an overview please :) | 21:11 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: powerkeymenu is more than ready, so it will be good to include it along with h-d | 21:11 |
freemangordon | alarmui: | 21:11 |
freemangordon | not 100% sure, but lets bite the bullet and include it too | 21:12 |
freemangordon | I had some reports, but nothing real | 21:12 |
freemangordon | as information that is | 21:12 |
freemangordon | so, lets include it and see how it will go | 21:12 |
freemangordon | btw anyone using it? | 21:13 |
freemangordon | (besides me) | 21:13 |
luf | I'm using alarmui. | 21:13 |
arcean | alarmui tklock powerkeymenu | 21:13 |
freemangordon | luf: 0.3.3? | 21:13 |
luf | No :( | 21:14 |
Pali | I'm using all packages from cssu-devel for one day | 21:15 |
freemangordon | ok, the rest, please install and test it, so if something arise, merlin1991 will exclude it from the next -testing. or will include a fixed version, it depends of the nature of the bug, Agree? | 21:15 |
freemangordon | luf: 0.3.2? | 21:15 |
luf | I'm imbecil. I installed it only on my dev N900 :( it seems. I was sure I installed it also on prod one. | 21:15 |
freemangordon | luf: well, now you can do it :P | 21:16 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: do you agree? ^^^ | 21:16 |
luf | What's the package name? | 21:17 |
freemangordon | osso-systemui-alarm | 21:17 |
freemangordon | iirc | 21:17 |
luf | I have 0.3 | 21:17 |
freemangordon | luf: thats older than me :D | 21:17 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: here? | 21:18 |
merlin1991 | yep | 21:18 |
luf | No it can't as it's your version :D | 21:18 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: according to changelog 0.3 was your first re release | 21:19 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: I know, I am kidding | 21:19 |
freemangordon | but there are lots of bug fixed between 0.3 and 0.3.2 | 21:19 |
freemangordon | 0.3.3 is just using osso-system-ui-dev, no code changes | 21:20 |
merlin1991 | ah well I'd say if we have a few users on 0.3.2 and nothing shows up untill I pussh -T7 it can go in | 21:20 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: 0.3.3 is the latest. and that's what is in the repo | 21:20 |
merlin1991 | or that :) | 21:20 |
freemangordon | :) | 21:20 |
freemangordon | ok. now tklock: | 21:21 |
freemangordon | first - it works :D | 21:21 |
freemangordon | but has a visual glitch | 21:21 |
freemangordon | and i'll appreciate if someone (Pali, arcean, whoever) help me on that. Not that I can't fix it on myself, but it will take me more time that really needed | 21:22 |
freemangordon | the bug is 100% reproducible | 21:23 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: in short - it is not ready for -testing | 21:23 |
luf | +1 | 21:23 |
freemangordon | luf: ? | 21:24 |
luf | +1 - it is not ready for -testing | 21:24 |
freemangordon | elaborate plese, is there anything besides that visual glitch? | 21:24 |
freemangordon | *please | 21:24 |
merlin1991 | luf agrees with you, that's all | 21:24 |
arcean | freemangordon: is it a problem with window's repainting? | 21:24 |
luf | No. but it's enough. | 21:24 |
freemangordon | ok | 21:24 |
freemangordon | arcean: yes | 21:24 |
Pali | portrait mode swipe slider :-) | 21:24 |
freemangordon | Pali: that's RFC :P | 21:24 |
Pali | I will look at it after battery applet & rx51 bme replacement will working... | 21:25 |
freemangordon | Pali: have in mind stock one leaks memory like mad | 21:26 |
merlin1991 | so for tklock I'd suggest you write the actual bug down somewhere (since that's missing in your description) and then everybody can feel free to step in | 21:26 |
freemangordon | it is up to you of course | 21:26 |
luf | freemangordon: alarmui doesn't follow package name convention (missing cssu in version) | 21:26 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-ssu-irclog/%23maemo-ssu.2012-12-12.log.html#t2012-12-12T13:23:34 | 21:27 |
freemangordon | luf: possible, will fix it | 21:27 |
freemangordon | maybe it is missing licensing too | 21:27 |
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freemangordon | will fix it as well | 21:27 |
freemangordon | the link I posted is the "bug report" against tklock | 21:28 |
merlin1991 | okay so that's about tklock then | 21:28 |
freemangordon | i think yes | 21:28 |
freemangordon | but please, lets give that top priority | 21:29 |
merlin1991 | yeah the memleaks are insane | 21:29 |
freemangordon | we are talking memory leak after all | 21:29 |
merlin1991 | next I'd say rtcom-messaging-ui-portrait | 21:30 |
merlin1991 | Pali: did anybody test it besides yourself? | 21:30 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: if Pali used what i've sent to him, I use that for the last year or so | 21:30 |
Pali | I'm using it and no problem | 21:30 |
Pali | freemangordon, I used version with some changes | 21:31 |
freemangordon | well, NFC then :) | 21:31 |
Pali | see commits: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/rtcom-messaging-ui-portrait/commits/master | 21:31 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: this is not critical, I'd say push it | 21:31 |
freemangordon | lets procedd as with alarmui | 21:32 |
Pali | freemangordons version + this patch: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/rtcom-messaging-ui-portrait/commit/5b17a2fd50ef1a482bcfb5ef52a0c5c61ff2f92c | 21:32 |
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Pali | it has better avatar support (should be same/similar as original version) | 21:32 |
Pali | merlin1991, do not forget to add dependency to cssu metapackage | 21:33 |
freemangordon | Pali: is that in -devel? | 21:33 |
Pali | yet | 21:33 |
Pali | yes | 21:33 |
freemangordon | ok, going to install it | 21:33 |
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luf | Pali: also missing +XcssuY in version | 21:33 |
luf | I'm going to install it too. | 21:34 |
arcean | a couple of people uses messaging-ui here without complains | 21:34 |
Pali | + we need to add that messaging-ui to hildon-home whitelist | 21:34 |
Pali | without it portrait mode will not work | 21:34 |
freemangordon | Pali: no | 21:34 |
Pali | or you need manually enable forcerotation for testing | 21:35 |
freemangordon | it looks ugly in portrait, lets leave that to users | 21:35 |
freemangordon | ar at least we should finish portrait VKB before enablit portrait mode for it | 21:35 |
Pali | freemangordon, that old version was really ugly, but that new is better | 21:35 |
freemangordon | *or | 21:35 |
Pali | ok | 21:35 |
freemangordon | Pali: no pint without portrait VKB | 21:36 |
freemangordon | *point | 21:36 |
merlin1991 | I'll put a notice into the cssu changelog that in order to use it one has to whitelist it, that should be enough for now | 21:36 |
freemangordon | :nod: | 21:36 |
Pali | but at least package can be added to cssu for forcerotation users | 21:36 |
freemangordon | sure | 21:36 |
merlin1991 | okay, next up profile status menu plugin | 21:37 |
merlin1991 | afaik it does what the original does + enables one to use additional defined profiles? | 21:37 |
Pali | yes | 21:37 |
Pali | it show all configured profiles in dialog | 21:38 |
merlin1991 | are there more than 2 profiles defined by default? | 21:38 |
Pali | not only general & silent | 21:38 |
Pali | no | 21:38 |
freemangordon | Pali: how to add more? | 21:38 |
Pali | only general & silent are defined in config files | 21:38 |
freemangordon | Pali: is that FOSS replacement? | 21:38 |
Pali | new profile for profiled daemon can be created: create new file in /etc/profiled/number-name.conf and write here one line [name] | 21:39 |
Pali | that should be enought | 21:40 |
luf | ProfilesX? | 21:40 |
Pali | (+ wait some time, until profiled daemon will reread configuration) | 21:40 |
Pali | I do not know what profilesX and other profilesometing apps doing | 21:40 |
Pali | byt my dialog read available profiles from profiled daemon | 21:40 |
Pali | note that profiled daemon is closed in fremante, but was opened for harmattan | 21:41 |
freemangordon | Pali: my question is - on "stock" CSSU, the only difference will be that new one is FOSS, ain't? | 21:41 |
Pali | yes | 21:41 |
merlin1991 | and it will allow to use more profiles | 21:42 |
Pali | plus new will show all profiles (not only general & silent) | 21:42 |
freemangordon | well, why not then | 21:42 |
freemangordon | ok, ok | 21:42 |
merlin1991 | Pali: is there an ui to configure a new profile or does one have todo that by hand? | 21:42 |
Pali | merlin1991, maybe profile<someting> application can do something | 21:42 |
Pali | no idea | 21:42 |
merlin1991 | oh okay so for now we only have the *better* status-menu applet | 21:43 |
luf | ProfilesX can be used (I'm using it). | 21:43 |
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freemangordon | luf: and how do you shwitch the profiles? | 21:43 |
vi_ | yo. | 21:43 |
Pali | luf, can you install new profile status menu and test? | 21:43 |
luf | But I see no change except FOSS replacement for status menu plugin. | 21:43 |
freemangordon | luf: well, that's good enough reason :) | 21:43 |
luf | Status menu -> Profile -> (dialog with all profiles) | 21:44 |
luf | Power menu -> just silent & normal | 21:44 |
Pali | harmattan profiled is compatible (and code seems to be same) as freamantle | 21:44 |
freemangordon | wait, wait | 21:44 |
Pali | I'm using harmattan profiled for a long time | 21:44 |
luf | freemangordon: I'm just asking what's changed/ | 21:44 |
Pali | I tested both versions with widget and working fine | 21:44 |
freemangordon | powerkeymenu shows what's in .xml | 21:45 |
freemangordon | luf: ^^^ | 21:45 |
freemangordon | now we have the source, we can add whatever we want there | 21:45 |
freemangordon | Pali: once created, can you edit it somehow? | 21:45 |
freemangordon | the profile that is | 21:45 |
freemangordon | from settings or wherever? | 21:46 |
Pali | by editing that text file | 21:46 |
freemangordon | well, ok | 21:46 |
Pali | maybe 3rd apps can support it | 21:46 |
Pali | but I do not know | 21:46 |
freemangordon | Pali: well, it is not that easy | 21:46 |
freemangordon | I mean, it'll mess up powerkeymenu | 21:46 |
Pali | by new dialog, you can change vibrate option | 21:46 |
luf | I'll test status-menu-applet-profiles_0.13-1_armel.deb - again wrong naming convention (missing cssu) | 21:47 |
luf | Pali it's the same as I have. | 21:47 |
luf | status-menu-applet-profiles 0.12+0m5 | 21:47 |
freemangordon | Pali: check https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/osso-systemui-powerkeymenu/blobs/master/systemui.xml#line43 | 21:47 |
Pali | freemangordon, if you use other profile, silent/general button will not be visiblw | 21:48 |
freemangordon | if /home/user/.profiled/current contains anything but "general" or "silent", the menu will not show "profile" button | 21:48 |
freemangordon | yes, but that's regression | 21:48 |
Pali | I know | 21:48 |
luf | No regression. | 21:49 |
luf | It's same behaviour as with previous version. | 21:49 |
freemangordon | luf: it is, as you can no more switch pthe profile from powerkeymenu | 21:49 |
vi_ | you guys are aware of profilesX right? | 21:49 |
freemangordon | the regression will come if we include additional profiles | 21:49 |
freemangordon | vi_: yes | 21:50 |
luf | freemangordon: It's not regression - It should be bug but no regression. | 21:50 |
Pali | but cssu is not including any new profile | 21:50 |
vi_ | AFAIK nicolai just tapped into unused features of profiled. | 21:50 |
freemangordon | the point is that that application is not distributed with CSSU | 21:50 |
* vi_ lurks. | 21:50 | |
Pali | freemangordon, also can you fix that xml file to show "general" profile if any other is actived? | 21:50 |
Pali | now general button is show when only silent is actived | 21:51 |
Pali | if we need some button, general is good idea | 21:51 |
luf | I agree with Pali. | 21:51 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: the fact is, if we provide the profile applet there are still only 2 profiles existing, hence we don't have a regression | 21:51 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: agree | 21:51 |
freemangordon | I was in the future :D | 21:51 |
merlin1991 | only when we start providing an ui to add profiles we have to fix the powermenukey | 21:51 |
merlin1991 | and hey thanks to you we have the source :) | 21:52 |
vi_ | merlin1991: | 21:52 |
freemangordon | anyway, I am ok to include that | 21:52 |
merlin1991 | vi_: yes? | 21:52 |
Pali | other question about profiled daemon: What about distributing harmattan open source version? | 21:52 |
luf | merlin1991: there is already application providing that: profilesx - I'm using it for 2 years. | 21:52 |
vi_ | merlin1991 the source to what? | 21:53 |
Pali | and is profilex using native profiled interface? | 21:53 |
merlin1991 | vi_: source to powermenu key | 21:53 |
Pali | or doing some hacks? | 21:53 |
freemangordon | vi_: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/osso-systemui-powerkeymenu/commits/master | 21:53 |
vi_ | freemangordon: sweet! | 21:53 |
luf | Pali: don't know exactly. | 21:53 |
Pali | hm, I will look at profilex | 21:54 |
luf | But when I choose custom profile I lost button in power menu. That's why I say it's not regression. | 21:54 |
luf | freemangordon: can you change power menu xml to show silent when general in use otherwise general? | 21:55 |
freemangordon | luf: if we include profilex or similar in CSSU, it will be, thats my point | 21:55 |
Pali | here is one application for configruing profiles: http://maemo.org/packages/view/n9profil/ | 21:55 |
luf | Why we need to include it? It's againist CSSU. | 21:55 |
Pali | >> Program will change only general profil in N900. << | 21:55 |
freemangordon | luf: not so easy, we need translations too | 21:55 |
freemangordon | or not | 21:55 |
freemangordon | hmm | 21:55 |
Pali | I bet it is not using proper profiled interface | 21:55 |
luf | freemangordon: No we don't. You just remove one if (or what it is) | 21:56 |
Pali | here is another: http://maemo.org/packages/view/profilesx/ | 21:56 |
Pali | I will look at source code | 21:56 |
freemangordon | luf: trust me it is not so easy because of the priority | 21:56 |
freemangordon | and a couple of other things | 21:56 |
freemangordon | every menu entry is independent, so there is no way to pu a "default" | 21:57 |
freemangordon | *put | 21:57 |
merlin1991 | btw luf with profilesX installed does it overwrite the normal status menu plugin or is it an additional plugin? | 21:57 |
luf | I think profilesx is mainly new entry in settings. I don't think it override the plugin (but maybe it does). | 21:58 |
merlin1991 | it does ship a statusmenu lib, so when you only have one profile switcher now, then it definitely overwrites | 21:59 |
Pali | in source code there it has own status menu plugin | 21:59 |
Pali | which overwrite default | 21:59 |
luf | ok then :) | 21:59 |
freemangordon | hmm, we may have a problem with that | 21:59 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: why? | 21:59 |
freemangordon | because we'll try to overwrite a file which is in another package | 22:00 |
merlin1991 | nope | 22:00 |
freemangordon | do we? | 22:00 |
freemangordon | ok | 22:00 |
merlin1991 | the file name is different | 22:00 |
freemangordon | aah | 22:00 |
merlin1991 | it's haxx0ring the other plugin away | 22:00 |
freemangordon | well, then we still have a problem :) | 22:00 |
merlin1991 | hence it would haxx0r our plugin and so we don't have to care | 22:00 |
freemangordon | you'll have to reinstall the application | 22:01 |
freemangordon | maybe put a note somewhere | 22:01 |
merlin1991 | you have to reinstall bb-power aswell | 22:01 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: ok, just note that in changelog | 22:01 |
merlin1991 | yep I will | 22:02 |
arcean | merlin1991: could you import http://maemo.gitorious.org/fremantle-hildon-desktop/libmatchbox2 to our repo ? | 22:03 |
freemangordon | arcean, the hildon man :D | 22:04 |
merlin1991 | arcean: I'll create a repo and you push whichever branch is proper into it :) | 22:04 |
Pali | profilex has own status menu plugin with different name | 22:04 |
arcean | ok ;) | 22:04 |
luf | I don't understand what plugin is choosen when I have both installed? | 22:04 |
Pali | it has own command line tool for creating new profiles | 22:05 |
Pali | and also control panel widget | 22:05 |
freemangordon | luf: most probably stock .desktop file is wiped | 22:05 |
freemangordon | or something like that | 22:05 |
Pali | so if somebody create new profile, my new version of profile status menu applet will show it | 22:05 |
luf | freemangordon: you're right I see. | 22:05 |
luf | No it's there. | 22:06 |
merlin1991 | well the source is there and it's done by nicolai so we can ask him aswell | 22:07 |
Pali | profilesx (0.5) unstable; urgency=low * hides builtin profile statusbar menu button | 22:08 |
Pali | seems that there is some code for hiding original status menu item | 22:08 |
luf | Ok. | 22:08 |
merlin1991 | arcean: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/libmatchbox2 | 22:09 |
arcean | merlin1991: thanks | 22:09 |
merlin1991 | okay moving on batter plugin | 22:10 |
merlin1991 | s/batter/battery/ | 22:10 |
infobot | merlin1991 meant: okay moving on battery plugin | 22:10 |
Pali | here is my repo with patched harmattan profiled which I using: https://gitorious.org/~pali/meego-middleware/pali-profiled | 22:10 |
luf | Pali: why not in -devel? | 22:10 |
Pali | luf, should I push it to cssu-devel? | 22:11 |
Pali | merlin1991, freemangordon ^^^^ | 22:11 |
luf | As I understand it's FOSS replacement for closed source profiled. | 22:11 |
merlin1991 | Pali: if it works perfect why not | 22:11 |
Pali | it is harmattan version of profiled with small small build patch + patch for adding profile-data package | 22:11 |
Pali | ok, I will push it | 22:12 |
luf | +1 | 22:12 |
freemangordon | Pali: push it on gitorious first :P | 22:12 |
Pali | freemangordon, it is on gitorious | 22:12 |
Pali | see link | 22:12 |
freemangordon | in CSSU? | 22:12 |
Pali | not in cssu | 22:12 |
Pali | cloned in meego-middleware | 22:12 |
freemangordon | well, that's what I mean | 22:12 |
Pali | first need to create repo :-) | 22:13 |
luf | Pali: please follow the naming conversion (cssu in version) | 22:13 |
freemangordon | Pali: lets keep the source code of packages in CSSU in one place | 22:13 |
freemangordon | that one too | 22:13 |
Pali | luf, ok | 22:13 |
Pali | merlin1991, can you create "profiled" cssu git repo? | 22:14 |
merlin1991 | Pali: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/profiled | 22:14 |
freemangordon | lol, you're fast | 22:14 |
freemangordon | :P | 22:14 |
luf | (merlin1991) okay moving on battery plugin | 22:14 |
freemangordon | Pali: is that in -devel? | 22:14 |
freemangordon | battery | 22:15 |
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Pali | not yet | 22:15 |
merlin1991 | yep afaik it's been in cssu-devel for some time, and there have been various bug reports on tmo, what's the current state? | 22:15 |
Pali | battery yes | 22:15 |
Pali | (profiled not) | 22:15 |
freemangordon | battery | 22:15 |
Pali | I'm fixing battery | 22:15 |
Pali | there are some bugs | 22:15 |
Pali | now testing dicharging :P | 22:15 |
luf | -1 for including into -testing now | 22:16 |
freemangordon | luf: no way to include it in -testing aiui | 22:16 |
freemangordon | now | 22:16 |
freemangordon | lest go on then | 22:16 |
freemangordon | *lets | 22:17 |
Pali | battery is not ready for -testing yet | 22:17 |
merlin1991 | okay, then next is glibc | 22:17 |
freemangordon | well, glibc as such is in -devel for some time | 22:17 |
freemangordon | with patches from zeq | 22:17 |
merlin1991 | where to we have them? | 22:17 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: rephrase please, cannot parse | 22:18 |
merlin1991 | where is the source | 22:18 |
freemangordon | hmm | 22:18 |
luf | freemangordon: is it also used in -thumb? | 22:18 |
Pali | code for profiled pushed: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/profiled | 22:18 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: is everything in https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/glibc or are there additional patches? | 22:19 |
freemangordon | everything is there | 22:19 |
arcean | merlin1991: I don't have privileges to push anything to the libmatchbox2 repo :P | 22:19 |
freemangordon | glibc developer seems like clever guys, fallback code was already there :D | 22:19 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: ^^^ | 22:19 |
merlin1991 | arcean: wtf? | 22:19 |
freemangordon | *developers | 22:19 |
merlin1991 | arcean: gitorious could one of its usual hiccups | 22:20 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: afaik arcean don;t have push rights | 22:20 |
merlin1991 | ah wait true | 22:20 |
luf | freemangordon: is the new glibc used in -thumb? | 22:20 |
freemangordon | luf: no | 22:20 |
freemangordon | i don't dare | 22:21 |
freemangordon | neither I have time to play with it | 22:21 |
freemangordon | s/have/had/ | 22:21 |
infobot | freemangordon meant: neither I had time to play with it | 22:21 |
luf | Is it tested? | 22:21 |
merlin1991 | arcean: now you should be able to | 22:21 |
freemangordon | luf: hmm, hard to say. assume as if it is not. | 22:22 |
merlin1991 | so what do you suggest, inclusion or not? | 22:22 |
arcean | merlin1991: wow, thank you :) | 22:22 |
luf | freemangordon: I'm surprised. Do you use the new glibc? | 22:22 |
freemangordon | i installed glibc on my devel device some month ago, not sure if I have it installed on primary | 22:23 |
freemangordon | lemme check | 22:23 |
freemangordon | no, stock one | 22:23 |
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freemangordon | luf: don;t be. the ultimate goal was glibc+kernel, but you know what happened with wiki. and I switched to systemui at some point | 22:24 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: quick question, is a proper kernel (headers) required to build this glibc with ppoll support or is it enough to build on stock scratchbox straigt from the source? | 22:24 |
luf | to be honest I don't remember | 22:25 |
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luf | freemangordon: can you refresh my memory? | 22:26 |
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merlin1991 | freemangordon: last thing we got from you was <freemangordon> luf: don;t be. the ultimate goal was glibc+kernel, but you know what happened with wiki. and I switched to systemui at some point | 22:30 |
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freemangordon_ | Merlin1991: i know, for some reason i cannot connect to freenode from my desktop, gimme a couple of minutes | 22:31 |
luf | Pali: what about pulseaudio? | 22:31 |
Pali | there are also my other patches for upstart, pulseaudio & ke-recv | 22:31 |
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freemangordon__ | hmm, should be ok now | 22:32 |
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Pali | commits: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/pulseaudio/commits/master | 22:32 |
merlin1991 | Pali: walk us through them | 22:32 |
freemangordon__ | https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/glibc/commits/master | 22:32 |
freemangordon__ | the fuck? | 22:33 |
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kerio | freemangordon: don't abandon us! | 22:33 |
Pali | pulseaudio, there are patches for network support | 22:33 |
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freemangordon__ | kerio: take it easy | 22:33 |
Pali | first is that we need to decrease ABI version due to nokia devs! | 22:34 |
freemangordon__ | merlin1991: i'll continue on glibc after PA | 22:34 |
kerio | freemangordon__: /ns regain freemangordon | 22:34 |
Pali | see commit + links: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/pulseaudio/commit/5b6b4843defa6e7778fd2d73653ec7e54410a207 | 22:34 |
luf | Pali: why did you changed version >=16 -> version == 16? | 22:34 |
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Pali | luf, becase maemo version 16 is incompatible with new upstream versions | 22:35 |
luf | I understand the ABI change. What I don't understand is the code change ... | 22:35 |
freemangordon | Pali: shouldn't it be 15? | 22:36 |
luf | pulseaudio/src/pulse/context.c: | 22:36 |
luf | - if (c->version >= 16) { | 22:36 |
luf | + if (c->version == 16) { | 22:36 |
merlin1991 | luf: the code makes sure only on version 16 and not on anything above (which will be inside anything recent) the maemo stuff is enabled | 22:36 |
Pali | if I connect from desktop with pulseaudio 26 maemo pulseaudio will disconnect me | 22:36 |
Pali | becase maemo version 16 is incompatible with new upstream version | 22:37 |
freemangordon | aah, yes | 22:37 |
freemangordon | luf: +AC_SUBST(PA_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 15) | 22:37 |
luf | Pali: Why just don't ifdef out? | 22:37 |
merlin1991 | luf: because we don#t know which closed parts on our beloved n900 depend on those extensiosn | 22:37 |
luf | aaagh I get it to work with non-patched N900 :) | 22:38 |
merlin1991 | *extensions* | 22:38 |
freemangordon | Pali: aiui, the only version that will have problems with maemo will be 16, correct? | 22:38 |
Pali | yes | 22:38 |
freemangordon | ok | 22:38 |
luf | Ok | 22:38 |
freemangordon | but thats aincient anyway | 22:38 |
freemangordon | *ancient | 22:38 |
merlin1991 | any desktop should be past that hence save | 22:38 |
freemangordon | yep, ok | 22:38 |
Pali | all versions < 16 should work | 22:38 |
luf | Pali: are you tested/check the memory usage as asked by freemangordon? | 22:39 |
Pali | all versions > 16 should work | 22:39 |
Pali | luf, I looked that time when freemangordon asked me | 22:39 |
Pali | find in log | 22:39 |
Pali | but I did not check memory usage with network | 22:40 |
freemangordon | Pali: if you insist there should be no change in day-to-day usage I'm ok with that | 22:41 |
Pali | I did not see any changes | 22:41 |
freemangordon | But I really would love to now why Nokia did that patch | 22:41 |
freemangordon | *know | 22:41 |
Pali | I think that patch is stupid | 22:42 |
freemangordon | and TBH I can't think of a reason why PA would need 50MB | 22:42 |
Pali | it decreasing size of memory block for allocation | 22:42 |
freemangordon | Pali: define "memory block" please | 22:42 |
Pali | I can understand that somebody decrease *count* of available memory blocks | 22:43 |
Pali | but not size of block | 22:43 |
freemangordon | what is "memory block" in terms of PA | 22:43 |
freemangordon | ? | 22:43 |
Pali | some buffer | 22:43 |
Pali | of fixed size | 22:43 |
Pali | in PA there is #define for size of block and for max counts of blocks | 22:44 |
freemangordon | do I get it right - in your logs PA tries to allocate ~50MB? | 22:44 |
Pali | so max used memory is size*count*something | 22:44 |
Pali | no | 22:44 |
freemangordon | what then? | 22:45 |
luf | We can allocate 64*1024*1024 bytes at maximum. That's 64MB. | 22:45 |
Pali | in my log PA wanted to allocate bigger block | 22:45 |
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luf | Pali: can you try to reduce the PA_MEMPOOL_SLOTS_MAX and test it first? | 22:45 |
Pali | ok | 22:46 |
luf | I don't think it's good idea to have such big memory usage on N900 | 22:46 |
freemangordon | guys, I still don't understand | 22:46 |
luf | * We can allocate 64*1024*1024 bytes at maximum. That's 64MB. Please | 22:46 |
luf | * note that the footprint is usually much smaller, since the data is | 22:46 |
luf | * stored in SHM and our OS does not commit the memory before we use | 22:46 |
luf | * it for the first time. */ | 22:46 |
Pali | freemangordon, PA want to allocate 50kB block | 22:46 |
freemangordon | is "memory blck" a chunk of memory allocated at once? | 22:46 |
Pali | but max size of block is 16kB | 22:46 |
Pali | because of nokia patch | 22:47 |
luf | Default is 64kB block. | 22:47 |
luf | And maximum count of such blocks is 1024. | 22:47 |
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freemangordon | Pali: but,but... lemme check again | 22:47 |
luf | and even more ... | 22:47 |
luf | #define PA_MEMPOOL_SLOTS_MAX 1024 | 22:48 |
luf | #define PA_MEMPOOL_SLOT_SIZE (64*1024) | 22:48 |
luf | #define PA_MEMEXPORT_SLOTS_MAX 128 | 22:48 |
luf | #define PA_MEMIMPORT_SLOTS_MAX 160 | 22:48 |
luf | #define PA_MEMIMPORT_SEGMENTS_MAX 16 | 22:48 |
Pali | it calling this: pa_shm_create_rw(&p->memory, p->n_blocks * p->block_size, shared, 0700) | 22:48 |
freemangordon | Pali: so "Memory block too large for pool: 49956 > 16384" talks about bytes? | 22:48 |
Pali | should be | 22:48 |
freemangordon | aah, well, ok then | 22:48 |
freemangordon | but why you didn;t tell me :(. I was thinking it means KB all the time | 22:49 |
Pali | I will try to decrease SLOTS_MAX what happen | 22:49 |
freemangordon | well, ok then | 22:49 |
freemangordon | I am fine with that patch, esp if we limit max memory to the old value | 22:50 |
Pali | I found another nokia pulseaudio git repo: https://gitorious.org/meego-voice | 22:51 |
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luf | I vote for test less PA_MEMPOOL_SLOTS_MAX. After that +1 for including. | 22:53 |
merlin1991 | that sounds sane | 22:55 |
luf | freemangordon: can you refresh me with the kernel+glibc (I don't remember) | 22:55 |
freemangordon | luf: ok | 22:56 |
freemangordon | continuing from my last sentence before netsplit | 22:56 |
freemangordon | so, I tested glibc+kernel with ppoll/pselect patches | 22:57 |
freemangordon | the test binary don;t hang no matter what | 22:57 |
freemangordon | the kernel patch https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/kernel-cssu/commit/53b42852b56c7460034f651a5806eba25061bfa8 | 22:58 |
freemangordon | luf: we agreed to have a wiki page to assess what patches to be included on CSSU kernel (from KP and KCSSU) | 22:59 |
freemangordon | unfortunately wiki is still screwed. So, I propose to take whet is done so far (on wiki) and to continue on some other place | 23:00 |
freemangordon | don;t ask me where :) | 23:00 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: any idea? | 23:00 |
merlin1991 | I'll set up a mediawiki | 23:01 |
freemangordon | luf: so the status is - we have the patches commited, what we mis is the assessment | 23:01 |
freemangordon | *miss | 23:01 |
merlin1991 | regarding the glibc, can it be built with fallback support without newer kernel headers? | 23:01 |
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freemangordon | merlin1991: that's how it is build, though there was some trickery. | 23:02 |
luf | freemangordon: I forget what is the plus | 23:02 |
kerio | oh right, the autobuilder will be a problem for that too | 23:02 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: but i think i fixed it on gitorious, lemme check | 23:02 |
Pali | pulseaudio patch for testing is here: https://gitorious.org/~pali/community-ssu/pali-pulseaudio | 23:02 |
kerio | Pali: is the pselect patch in KP52? | 23:03 |
Pali | kerio, yes | 23:03 |
freemangordon | luf: proper ppoll/pselect support | 23:03 |
kerio | freemangordon: is the glibc patch in cssu-thumb? | 23:03 |
freemangordon | kerio: no | 23:03 |
* kerio shakes his fist at freemangordon | 23:03 | |
luf | freemangordon: and what is a plus with this support? | 23:04 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: yep, I fixed it https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/glibc/commit/4ebeb7ea0bff96631f681ce0ea15d84f1a6f8161 | 23:04 |
freemangordon | luf: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/319729 | 23:04 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: so I can build it with stock omap1 headers and it should have the fallbacks enabled? | 23:04 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: in theory yes. though building itself is a tricky one, i'd recommend to use my build | 23:05 |
freemangordon | i.e. building glibc is not trivial | 23:05 |
kerio | freemangordon: hm, have you got some optional thumby builds? | 23:05 |
freemangordon | kerio: no | 23:06 |
* kerio shakes his other fist at freemangordon | 23:06 | |
merlin1991 | hm what gcc was the base of that build? | 23:06 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: 4.2.1 | 23:06 |
merlin1991 | okay, still got the .changes file? ;) | 23:06 |
kerio | hm, does it compile with 4.7? | 23:06 |
luf | Pali: can you put it into -devel? | 23:07 |
freemangordon | kerio: NFC, checkout the sources and try it | 23:07 |
Pali | luf, later I need to power on virtual machine where is scratchbox | 23:07 |
luf | Pali: ok. | 23:07 |
freemangordon | kerio: and see my reasoning in logs why it is not in -thumb | 23:07 |
luf | freemangordon: so glibc+kernel needs more testing | 23:08 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: iirc you need to export some anviron var that points to kernel headers to use | 23:08 |
freemangordon | luf: we don;t have kernel ;) | 23:08 |
merlin1991 | I'd like to ship the patched glibc as soon as possible so that at least kp users can benefit from it | 23:09 |
freemangordon | luf: and yes, glibc needs testing. though it is in -devel for month or so | 23:09 |
luf | freemangordon: you wrote it can be used with the stock one | 23:09 |
freemangordon | luf: yes | 23:09 |
freemangordon | it can be used with whatever kernel you put | 23:09 |
luf | -1 for including glibc in -testing now | 23:10 |
freemangordon | (not that I tested all the kernels aound, but in theory) | 23:10 |
kerio | oh, is the libc6 in -devel have that patch? | 23:10 |
kerio | *does | 23:10 |
freemangordon | kerio: yes | 23:10 |
freemangordon | kerio: did you install it by mistake? | 23:10 |
freemangordon | :P | 23:10 |
kerio | freemangordon: i just do apt-get upgrade with cssu-devel enabled | 23:11 |
merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer05: is going to kill you for that statement ;) | 23:11 |
luf | kerio: rest in peace :D | 23:11 |
merlin1991 | so general conset is to leave glibc where it is untill furhther testing? | 23:11 |
freemangordon | luf: I was able to boot maemo with no ppoll/pselect in glibc. :D | 23:11 |
kerio | i do check if it wants to upgrade some serious packages, if so i make sure i make sure i have time to recover and i make a backup | 23:11 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: i'd say include it | 23:11 |
kerio | now, DocScrutinizer05 is going to kill *you* for that statement | 23:12 |
freemangordon | on the same principle as alarmui and umm... what was the other package | 23:12 |
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luf | Isn't cheaper to kill DocScruinizer05? :D | 23:12 |
freemangordon | kerio: what is your glibc version? | 23:12 |
kerio | 2.5.1-1eglibc27+0m5+cssu0 | 23:12 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: ^^^ | 23:13 |
luf | freemangordon: I disagree. alarmui is tested by several people. glibc is not well tested. | 23:13 |
* kerio tested it | 23:13 | |
kerio | apparently | 23:13 |
luf | kerio: how long? | 23:13 |
freemangordon | luf: alarmui is a rewrite, glibc is just recompiled | 23:13 |
luf | It's not glibc upgrade? | 23:13 |
kerio | luf: 2012-11-04, if we believe the mdate for /lib/libc.so.6 | 23:14 |
freemangordon | and I've checked the code paths. and tested it with kernel with no ppoll/pselect patch | 23:14 |
freemangordon | luf: no, it is not upgrade | 23:14 |
freemangordon | it is the one from repos | 23:14 |
kerio | to be fair it's definetely more tested than operator-name-cbs-widget >:] | 23:14 |
freemangordon | compiled against different kernel headers | 23:15 |
luf | Ok. I change my mind in that case +! | 23:15 |
luf | +1 :) | 23:15 |
merlin1991 | okay so that goes in | 23:15 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer05: we need your "wtf are you idiots doing" i believe | 23:15 |
freemangordon | BTW the one in repos is compiled agains 2.6.16 or something | 23:15 |
luf | I'll install it soon. | 23:15 |
freemangordon | *against | 23:15 |
merlin1991 | 2.6.16 kernel headers? | 23:15 |
freemangordon | yeah | 23:16 |
merlin1991 | why not omap headers? | 23:16 |
freemangordon | why ask me? | 23:16 |
freemangordon | :D | 23:16 |
merlin1991 | ah wait | 23:16 |
merlin1991 | now I understand | 23:16 |
kerio | is it a nokia package? | 23:16 |
merlin1991 | I thought you meant yours .P | 23:16 |
kerio | or is it in an autobuilder? | 23:16 |
freemangordon | no | 23:16 |
merlin1991 | btw which kernel was yours built against? | 23:16 |
freemangordon | "stock" one | 23:16 |
kerio | yeah i meant the stock one, is it from nokia? do we know what kind of build environment they have? | 23:16 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: cssu3 iirc | 23:17 |
merlin1991 | kerio: yes and no | 23:17 |
freemangordon | but that should not matter | 23:17 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: though we'd better install it on -omap1 device before shipping in -testing | 23:17 |
freemangordon | unfortunately no such device around | 23:17 |
merlin1991 | <-- has one | 23:18 |
freemangordon | do it then | 23:18 |
merlin1991 | I'll testrun the -testing update like the last one | 23:18 |
merlin1991 | for a few days at least | 23:18 |
freemangordon | lemme see if I keep .changes file | 23:18 |
merlin1991 | that can be rebuilt, you can check that later :) | 23:19 |
merlin1991 | okay from the topic list that leaves browser-ui and bugs | 23:19 |
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freemangordon | merlin1991: we'd rather not discuss browser-ui in a public channel | 23:20 |
freemangordon | Pali: agree? | 23:20 |
Pali | ok | 23:20 |
Pali | next is patch for ke-recv :-) | 23:20 |
merlin1991 | ah sry Pali forgot you had more patches | 23:21 |
kerio | freemangordon: why so secret? :o | 23:21 |
merlin1991 | so ke-recv what's new? | 23:21 |
Pali | this https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/ke-recv/commit/da2585aab4e1d855644186124f6fa5014ec81e31 and this https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/ke-recv/commit/b66f86eb88f3f0c7c8a3eea1ac79550f4386a12f | 23:21 |
freemangordon | Pali reverted my favourite patch :D | 23:21 |
Pali | first is configuration option for starting only dhcp server (not dns) in usn network mode | 23:22 |
freemangordon | Pali: you know my stance about https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/ke-recv/commit/b66f86eb88f3f0c7c8a3eea1ac79550f4386a12f | 23:22 |
Pali | yes | 23:22 |
freemangordon | for the other: | 23:22 |
freemangordon | *others | 23:22 |
Pali | second is big problem for usb host mode | 23:22 |
luf | Pali: can't be the usb host mode somehow detected? | 23:23 |
freemangordon | we should fix it instead of removing functionality and bringing inconsistency in UI | 23:23 |
Pali | first problem is when you choose incorrect speed of usb host mode hal sometimes tell ke-recv bad info and ke-recv will try to mount non extstant /dev/ device | 23:23 |
Pali | and will show message box that ke-recv was unable to mount device... | 23:24 |
luf | It's not a problem - you can check if it's exist | 23:24 |
freemangordon | Pali: but that should be fixed with your applet, ain't? | 23:24 |
Pali | no | 23:24 |
freemangordon | hmm | 23:25 |
Pali | not possible to get usb host mode speed without trying at leat low | 23:25 |
kerio | at the very least it should be configurable, though | 23:25 |
Pali | but | 23:25 |
Pali | there is second problem | 23:25 |
Pali | unfixable | 23:25 |
freemangordon | well, can't we modify ke-recv to try mounting after everything has settled? | 23:25 |
kerio | i don't even give a tiny bit of shit about the nokia filemanager | 23:25 |
freemangordon | I bet we can | 23:25 |
Pali | osso file manager more times freezing or crahing when opening mounted usb flash disk | 23:25 |
freemangordon | Pali: I suspect thats because ke-recv is calling it incorrectly | 23:26 |
Pali | freemangordon, sometimes it working and sometimes it freezing | 23:26 |
merlin1991 | Pali: what happend is you in such a case open the filemanager yourself from the launcher and navigate to the flash disk? | 23:26 |
luf | Pali: in that case the freeze has to be investigated because user can start it manualy. | 23:26 |
Pali | and sometimes crashing | 23:26 |
freemangordon | it works if started manuallty | 23:26 |
Pali | merlin1991, then it working | 23:27 |
freemangordon | *manually | 23:27 |
Pali | manual launch from application menu is working | 23:27 |
freemangordon | Pali: thats why I say it is ke-recv not calling it as it should | 23:27 |
luf | So why you can't check if the /dev/xyz exists? | 23:27 |
Pali | or there can be problem that ke-recv starting it too early | 23:27 |
kerio | luf: race condition | 23:27 |
freemangordon | instead of dbus call, one can launch either FM or shell script | 23:27 |
merlin1991 | my money is on Palis guess | 23:27 |
Pali | and if file manager is started too early - race condition | 23:27 |
kerio | ke-recv sees /dev/xyz, calls filemanager, /dev/xyz gets removed, filemanager goes wtf | 23:28 |
Pali | file manager is closed | 23:28 |
Pali | and is really stupid SW | 23:28 |
freemangordon | in ke-recv :) | 23:28 |
freemangordon | ok, not fix, workaround | 23:28 |
Pali | btw, that code for automounting usb flash disks in usb host mode was coded by Nokia | 23:29 |
Pali | only it was commented #if 0 .... | 23:29 |
freemangordon | it should not matter if you mount uSD or USB | 23:29 |
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freemangordon | Pali: well, thay were trying to cerify USB host | 23:29 |
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freemangordon | *certify | 23:29 |
Pali | there can be problem. mmc is mounted in /media/ and usb device in /media/usb/ | 23:30 |
Pali | and maybe some other libraries look at it differently | 23:30 |
freemangordon | Pali: no matter what, we should investigate it | 23:30 |
Pali | is is really hard to say what nokia done | 23:30 |
luf | I see it as ugly quickfix but it's better then freezing/crashing FM | 23:30 |
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Pali | do you remember how nokia tell to some gtk library about FS LABEL? | 23:31 |
freemangordon | Pali: me? wasn't me to fix it? :P | 23:31 |
luf | Maybe some TODO comment should be added. | 23:31 |
merlin1991 | since mounting anything via hostmode is already a non standard procedure I'd put this quickfix in untill we have a better solution | 23:31 |
Pali | yes :D | 23:31 |
merlin1991 | crashing filemanager is defenitely worse than having to launch it yourself | 23:31 |
freemangordon | ok | 23:31 |
Pali | note that automounting usb disks working only in cssu version | 23:32 |
Pali | in stock it is disabled | 23:32 |
freemangordon | hmm... maybe we should try it with fixed ppoll/pselect | 23:32 |
merlin1991 | freemangordon: one step at a time ;) | 23:32 |
freemangordon | yeah :D | 23:33 |
merlin1991 | also that would involve a kernel and that's not going to be in the current release | 23:33 |
luf | I vote for adding some TODO comment into the code. | 23:33 |
merlin1991 | so + and + for the patches | 23:33 |
freemangordon | luf: :nod: | 23:33 |
merlin1991 | I'll add that when I build it | 23:34 |
Pali | luf, write TODO that is needed to add TODO comment :D | 23:34 |
merlin1991 | Pali: currently doing that on my pacakges to build + tasks list :D | 23:34 |
Pali | nice :-) | 23:34 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: could you open some $RANDOM channel to discuss browser? | 23:34 |
Pali | next patch for upstart: https://gitorious.org/community-ssu/upstart/commits/master | 23:34 |
Pali | I do not know if patch from 13 Sep is included... | 23:35 |
merlin1991 | Pali: so far it is not | 23:37 |
freemangordon | Pali: under what conditions lowmem kernel module is not loaded? | 23:37 |
luf | Is it tested? | 23:38 |
freemangordon | do we prepare for newer kernel? | 23:38 |
Pali | lowmem is nokia module | 23:38 |
Pali | yes for testing upstream kernel | 23:38 |
freemangordon | Pali: hmm, and how that relates to CSSU? not that I am agains, just curious. | 23:38 |
freemangordon | *against | 23:38 |
merlin1991 | well it is a system package which depends on some (c) nokia module | 23:39 |
Pali | cssu is place where can be system packages patched | 23:39 |
merlin1991 | but we want people to be able to use $kernel of their choice | 23:39 |
merlin1991 | ... | 23:39 |
merlin1991 | so I vote + on that aswell | 23:40 |
luf | I have no opinion about it. So if it's tested +0.5 :) | 23:40 |
kerio | Pali: how is "host mode with charging" supposed to work, btw? what are you supposed to connect and how? | 23:40 |
luf | kerio: be good boy ;) | 23:41 |
Pali | kerio, first establish usb host mode and then enable charging | 23:41 |
freemangordon | well, ok, i'm with luf on that one. you should be really happy doc is not here :D:D:D. | 23:41 |
Pali | with Y-cable | 23:41 |
kerio | k | 23:41 |
kerio | i don't have a usb charger sadly :( | 23:41 |
freemangordon | kerio: maybe you've missed it, but there is CSSU team meeting taking place here ;) | 23:41 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: what's next? | 23:42 |
merlin1991 | bugs | 23:42 |
Pali | I have other question | 23:42 |
merlin1991 | shoot | 23:42 |
* luf shooted | 23:43 | |
Pali | Last year I worked on open source replacement for getbootstate | 23:43 |
merlin1991 | luf: *shot* ;) | 23:43 |
Pali | it can be good for testing | 23:43 |
luf | Pali: some overview please? I have no clue what it is. | 23:44 |
Pali | code is in my bzr repo: https://code.launchpad.net/~pali/+junk/maemo_getbootstate | 23:44 |
freemangordon | speaking of getbootstate, we have libcal FOSS too | 23:44 |
Pali | luf, getbootstate is package which contains shell script /sbin/preinit and getbootstate | 23:44 |
Pali | /sbin/preinit is called from kernel as init script | 23:44 |
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luf | Ah thanks. | 23:44 |
Pali | and getbootstate device to enter actdead, maf or user state | 23:45 |
freemangordon | Pali: on the other hand, we have a looong list of CVEs on bugzilla to fix | 23:45 |
Pali | s/device/decide/ | 23:45 |
infobot | Pali meant: and getbootstate decide to enter actdead, maf or user state | 23:45 |
Pali | ok | 23:45 |
freemangordon | Pali: I hope you get me righ, I am all for FOSS replacements, but we should really give things priority | 23:46 |
freemangordon | *right | 23:46 |
Pali | ok | 23:46 |
merlin1991 | speaking of bugzilla, we'll never managa that today, so we'll need another date, does anybody have objections against next week same day and time? | 23:46 |
luf | I don't like thursday | 23:47 |
merlin1991 | what do you like more :) | 23:47 |
luf | I'm ok with Monday or Wednesday | 23:47 |
freemangordon | luf: why, it is a small Friday :) | 23:47 |
freemangordon | I am fine with Wednesday too | 23:48 |
luf | Because I'm usualy not near any computer/N900 ;) | 23:48 |
luf | I come back at 22:00 (or even later). Today I have to be longer at work so I have time. | 23:48 |
merlin1991 | Pali, arcean any objections to wednesday next week same time? | 23:49 |
Pali | it should be ok | 23:49 |
freemangordon | merlin1991: when do you plan to push the new -testing? | 23:50 |
freemangordon | or you don't | 23:50 |
freemangordon | :) | 23:50 |
merlin1991 | well I went over the buglist prior to todays meeting and there is nothing on there that blocks pushing the selected packges | 23:50 |
arcean | merlin1991, nope | 23:51 |
merlin1991 | so I'd say somewhere around this weekend | 23:51 |
freemangordon | great | 23:51 |
luf | freemangordon: glibc in -devel is missing epoch in cssu version part | 23:51 |
luf | I'm voting for next week. | 23:51 |
luf | To have some time for testing all the packages (mainly glibc). | 23:51 |
freemangordon | luf: you mean it is -cssuY instead of XcssuY? | 23:52 |
merlin1991 | but I'd love to get the new h-d out before we go over the bugs because there are a few which are afaik fixed by it :D | 23:52 |
luf | freemangordon: exactly | 23:52 |
freemangordon | luf: yeah, we'd better have it by the end of the weekend | 23:52 |
merlin1991 | I can prepare the prerelease repo on the weekend so we can go over the buglist with the new release and still test it before shipping | 23:53 |
luf | I'm the only one you're two so vote ended ;) | 23:53 |
freemangordon | luf: if something is broken in glibc, we'll see it pretty fast :) | 23:53 |
merlin1991 | actually kerio would have screamed hate already ;) | 23:54 |
luf | :D | 23:54 |
freemangordon | that one too :D | 23:54 |
luf | Come on someone has to be like DocS ;) | 23:54 |
freemangordon | luf: you miss him, ain't? :P | 23:55 |
kerio | well maybe i didn't notice EVERY BINARY EVER not working properly | 23:55 |
merlin1991 | so to wrap this up next date wednesday 20:00 cet with topics (pulse if tested, bugs and browser ui) | 23:55 |
luf | freemangordon: sure a lot :p | 23:55 |
kerio | also where's DocS? | 23:55 |
merlin1991 | kerio: no idea he said he'd be here | 23:55 |
luf | Maybe we can push new kernel into -testing when DocS is missing :D | 23:56 |
freemangordon | ok, glibc installed, fingers crossed | 23:56 |
merlin1991 | luf: don't get too adventerous | 23:56 |
* merlin1991 needs to grab some dinner, badly hence closes the meeting for today | 23:57 | |
freemangordon | :( | 23:57 |
freemangordon | no browser-ui | 23:57 |
merlin1991 | there's always another day | 23:57 |
freemangordon | yeah :) | 23:57 |
luf | Ok. | 23:58 |
kerio | Pali: why can usbmode check for /etc/bme-disabled but the battery applet has to check dpkg? :( | 23:58 |
Pali | kerio, because usbmode starting bme | 23:58 |
Pali | applet not | 23:58 |
luf | merlin1991: can you add check for XcssuY in version for cssu-devel? | 23:58 |
freemangordon | ok, device booted :D:D:D | 23:58 |
Pali | kerio, sometimes for testing you need to not start bme | 23:58 |
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kerio | anyway, checking for the existance of the bme binary is a lot faster | 23:59 |
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kerio | and a lot lighter | 23:59 |
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