IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2012-08-23

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inkbottleAfter some cssu update, something went wrong :-/19:58
inkbottlemost of it I have no "menu" and I can't navigate between applications19:58
inkbottlenor I can close them (no close button)19:59
inkbottlethe "menu" from the "power" button is working, and I tried to select cssu features, but it yields to nothing at all20:00
inkbottleand hence no terminal...20:01
inkbottlePhone is working :-)20:01
inkbottlekeyboard not working20:02
MrPinguWell it seems you need to reflash, I guess20:08
inkbottleonly solution so you think?20:09
MrPinguI think so, maybe only rootfs is enough ;)20:10
MrPinguMay I assume you made a backup before a CSSUpdate?20:10
MrPinguAtleast it is recommended do a backup before every "big" upgrade20:11
inkbottlewhere do I find how to do this? I'm quite familiar with "linux", but not at all with these flash things20:11
inkbottleThere is no problem with the "files" that are saved on another computer, but the device is not working20:12
MrPinguWell you have the official backup application, installed by default20:14
MrPinguyou can use that to backup contacts, messages calendar and such20:15
inkbottlebut how do i have acces to it?20:15
inkbottlebutton, keyboard?20:15
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MrPinguI guess you are too late for that now...20:16
MrPinguBackup have to made before your device is borked20:16
MrPinguAnd I really recommend to install backupmenu as one of your first 3rd party applications ;)20:17
inkbottlenothing to do at boot time? ;-)20:18
MrPingubackupmenu = at boot time20:19
MrPingubut has to be installed before =/20:19
inkbottleand the "flashing" thing? I suppose I do google n900 flashing?20:20
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MrPinguGo with rootfs only at first20:22
MrPinguit might get your device to a state where you can backup contacts and other important stuff ;)20:23
inkbottleok, thanks (I hope one don't need to have windows to do that, and I have only debian/main on my computer, no non-free code)20:24
MrPinguinkbottle, no you can flash from linux ;)20:25
MrPinguIt's even better, it has more options like some advanced RnD options20:25
DocScrutinizer05you're even supposed to ude linux20:25
MrPinguNot that you need these  options right now, though :p20:26
DocScrutinizer05inkbottle: don't miss blacklisting cdc_phonet, it's commonly enabled on linux nowadays20:27
DocScrutinizer05you find instructions on the wiki page20:27
DocScrutinizer05please read it completely before starting20:27
inkbottleDo you know if "Maemo Flasher-3.5", would be "open source code" or proprietary closed code?20:31
DocScrutinizer050xffff is open source alternative20:32
inkbottlewhat would be the name of this alternative?20:32
inkbottlei see20:33
DocScrutinizer05ask pali, he's just developing a new improved version20:33
Estel_that will allow to flash device from within device itself ;P20:34
DocScrutinizer05anyway I really wonder what went wrong with your migration to CSSU, it's quite unusual to fail20:34
Estel_from running Maemo20:34
Estel_same here, don't want to be offensive, but it sounds like user-error20:34
DocScrutinizer05nothing new with that20:34
Estel_have You updated using fam or ham?20:34
Estel_for 0xffff it is new :)20:35
DocScrutinizer05well, that might be20:35
inkbottle Estel_: it is offensive20:36
DocScrutinizer05Estel_: cssu-enabler starts HAM unconditionally20:36
Estel_sorry then, inkbottle :( Feel free to dive into Your '"I'm offended" state, and deny fact, that 2143214233432544353 users update CSSU without problems. Of course, it wasn't fail of things on Your device, or Your error during upgrading. Why so? everyone else is wrong...20:37
Estel_DocScrutinizer05, missed aprt where he said about using cssu-enabler20:38
infobotEstel_ meant: DocScrutinizer05, missed part where he said about using cssu-enabler20:38
Estel_welcome back, infobot!20:38
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sdfsdfsdfdgfdhsewelcome back, infobot!20:38
DocScrutinizer05well, it's the only way to install CSSU20:38
sdfsdfsdfdgfdhse~infobot welcome DocScrutinizer0520:39
infobotWelcome to the party, DocScrutinizer05!20:39
DocScrutinizer05unless you go really freaky20:39
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Estel_DocScrutinizer05, personally, i used fapman, from start to the end :P20:39
Estel_I know how evil I am, don't worry20:39
DocScrutinizer05afaik this is prone to definitely fail20:39
DocScrutinizer05fapman is tested to not work for CSSU install afaik20:40
Estel_in fact I can't recall why? i.e. what is going wrong?20:40
Estel_I installed cssu in my device ages ago, later it was only about updates... But, few weeks ago, i've installed CSSu on fresh, other device - for someone else - adding CSSU repo and installing community-pr20:41
Estel_or how it's called20:41
Estel_basically, doing what cssu enabler does, but manuall and via fapman when necessary20:41
DocScrutinizer05and I really fail to see how you'd use fapman anyway, since cssu installation is an automated process that only needs user interaction to click on CSSU icon - no way to ever chose between HAM and fapman20:41
Estel_worked like charm20:41
Estel_downloaded thing behind cssu icon, opened it in leafpad...20:41
Estel_sucked repo adressed from there, added it to fapman20:41
Estel_installed main metapackage20:41
Estel_job done20:41
Estel_for sake of safety, enabled off-line mode, after packages finished downloading, before started installing. could live without it too, probably20:42
Estel_I know, i know, it's evil ;) I jsut can't stand HAM20:42
DocScrutinizer05I'm short on time not only to do CSSU update this weird way, but also to discuss it20:42
Estel_hehe, no worries. It works for me, but I'm not advocating it for others20:42
Estel_I'm just interested what ham may do "better" than me manually about repos + fapman about installing (other than using off-line mode to install system ugprade, which I mimic anyway)20:43
Estel_plain curiosity20:43
Estel_I barely stand to install rootsh via HAM, on fresh device, and it's definitelly one and only interaction I have with HAM20:43
Estel_I even kill it after installation complete,l before it AGAIN refresh repos and package list without asked too...20:44
Estel_saving another 5 min :P20:44
Estel_I'm still amazed, how they managed to make this thing so freakin slow20:44
inkbottleThe problem is, it is a proprietary software device. And it is the one and only one (problem). (The problem is not CSSU).20:49
Estel_well, I don'l liuke closed source blobs too, but accusing it of your failed CSSU installation is like accusing of whitchcraft20:50
Estel_because cows are dying20:50
Estel_or bees20:50
Estel_it have freaking nothing to do with You having messed something during upgrade20:51
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