IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2012-07-22

merlin1991ffs now it doesn't build anymore00:00
keriowhere's Pali?00:01
lufI'll fix it tomorrow.00:01
lufI'll adopt the build from curl-7.18 from maemo.00:01
merlin1991luf: I found out why00:03
merlin1991I hate when quilt is used together with git00:03
merlin1991I always end up commiting files that should only be edited by quilt upon build which ofc breaks applayin those patches with quilt00:03
merlin1991wtf is lintian00:08
merlin1991Lintian dissects Debian packages and tries to find bugs and policy violations. It contains automated checks for many aspects of Debian policy as well as some checks for common errors.00:09
lufmerlin1991: To be honest I don't know the package building on debian. I just get original curl from maemo and the new package from debian wheezy and merge them as good as I can/know.00:12
lufAnd of course I update the Maemo SDK from extras - as you noticed several times.00:12
infobotluf meant: And of course I updated the Maemo SDK from extras - as you noticed several times.00:12
merlin1991luf: I think I got it all fixed now, just need todo one more compile00:12
merlin1991it's basically 2 dh_* scripts which are not part of debhelper 5 (but in debhelper 7)00:13
merlin1991arf why does it have to use autotools00:13
merlin1991the checks at the beginning of ./configure take forever00:14
lufDon't compile it on N900 :D00:14
merlin1991I'm compiling on an i5 :D00:15
lufiphone 5? :D I think it's not released yet :D00:15
merlin1991hm actually how do I find the max clocking of my cpu on the console? /proc/cpuinfo only has the current value in cpu MHz00:18
merlin1991ah wait it's in the model name :D00:18
lufCan you help me with change?00:21
lufI need PKG_CHECK_MODULES + AC_DEFINE when pkg exists.00:21
merlin1991phew I once knew how that worked atm I don't have the faintest idea though00:22
merlin1991btw did you check your /targets dir for evil *.environment files?00:22
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lufYes. I wrote it on #maemo00:24
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merlin1991I was asking just in case :)00:25
lufThat's the reason why Calendar was failing with signal 11 when I recompile evolution-data-server.00:25
lufIt should save me some time if you asked yesterday :D00:25
lufBut now I remember it much more better.00:26
lufs/ more//00:26
infobotluf meant: But now I remember it much better.00:26
lufGood :) Thanks.00:27
luffreemangordon: ^^^00:28
merlin1991anything else I should look at?00:29
merlin1991you said earlier you're working on cleaning obexd, shouldn't I better wait till you've done that?00:31
lufYou can do this first. But as you want.00:32
lufBTW I think from Acurus reaction it seems that PC suite now can be contacts opened and synced with outlook.00:33
merlin1991Acurus reaction being what?00:33
lufAnd I think removing empty attributes from VCARD has huge impact on this.00:34
lufLet's look to TMO:
merlin1991ah tmo00:34
lufNot sure if this post but page 35 ...00:34
merlin1991I'm not that eagerly reading tmo so whenever you quote it mention that ;)00:34
DocScrutinizer05  ETA?00:35
DocScrutinizer05(btw it never occurred to me the ML would show up in a webpage like that)00:36
merlin1991http (colon) (double slash) merlin1991 (dot) at (slash) ~luf (slash) pbap :D00:36
merlin1991luf you can deeplink directly to the server unless you want to stay of googles radar :D00:37
lufI can't post URL there.00:37
merlin1991also hrhr00:37
lufI tried it two or 3 days ago and moderator hasn't approve it yet.00:37
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merlin1991weird I can post urls on tmo all I want00:38
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: eta is when it's done00:38
DocScrutinizer05guessed as much00:38
DocScrutinizer05maybe ETA wasn't exactly the right term00:39
DocScrutinizer05more like: any progress, any news?00:39
lufI'll try it next time again.00:39
merlin1991hm news, and progress well I hate ham now more than ever and I'm getting there, slowly :D00:39
DocScrutinizer05~cssu-optional is
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay00:40
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: so good progress :-D00:40
DocScrutinizer05better than expected ;-)00:40
DocScrutinizer05I didn't think you'd get such a dedicated notion about HAM that fast00:41
DocScrutinizer05*pad pad*00:41
DocScrutinizer05the crux with "conflicts" can't be generic HAM though, must be apt-worker or sth00:42
merlin1991actually apt-worker has support to resolve conflicts to some extend00:43
* DocScrutinizer05 ponders porting yast X-P00:43
merlin1991only that the ham in first instance already blocks any such thing00:43
DocScrutinizer05~kill ham00:45
* infobot shoots a magneto-ionized fluxtachyon gun at ham00:45
* DocScrutinizer05 just giggles at TimRiker recently reasoning a ibot patch by "I thought ibot shouldn't insult people"00:46
kerio~trout ham00:46
* infobot slaps ham around a bit with a large trout!00:46
DocScrutinizer05I guess morons broke by that patch00:47
infobotSince Mon Jul 16 15:08:52 2012, there have been 17 modifications, 323 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 210 commands.  I have been awake for 5d 6h 38m 30s this session, and currently reference 118651 factoids.  I'm using about 24096 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 1522.95/30.94 child 0.01/000:47
* infobot cluebats some morons over the head00:47
infobotrumour has it, moron is someone that types long lines starting with "infobot"00:47
DocScrutinizer05infobot: Since Mon Jul 16 15:08:52 2012, there have been 17 modifications, 323 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 210 commands.  I have been awake for 5d 6h 38m 30s this session, and currently reference 118651 factoids.  I'm using about 24096 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 1522.95/30.94 child 0.01/000:48
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DocScrutinizer05in former times she's been more punchy with her reaction to such stuff00:49
DocScrutinizer05[2012-07-21 23:17:21] *** ChanServ gibt TimRiker Operator-Status.00:50
* DocScrutinizer05 waits for ibot vanishing for another patch00:50
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infobot- Uptime for infobot -00:51
infobotNow: 5d 6h 42m 45s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux00:51
infobot1: 59d 8h 41m 19s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Sun Nov 14 18:39:57 201000:51
infobot2: 57d 3h 9m 23s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Fri Jun 26 20:39:27 200900:51
infobot3: 36d 20h 47m 14s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Tue Aug  4 17:38:59 200900:51
DocScrutinizer05only way to find out about her schizoid state00:51
DocScrutinizer05sometimes she thinks she's apt, or ibot, or purl00:52
DocScrutinizer05thanks anyway, dear infobot, for helping with your factoids00:52
infobotno worries, DocScrutinizer0500:52
infobotaw, gee, kerio01:00
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lufUgh I wanted to go sleep 3 hours ago :(. But I almost finish with cleaning the obexd code written by me. So I'll restructure the patches and I'll be done tomorrow :) (of course I'll try to push as much changes as possible to obexd upstream).02:55
ShadowJKWhat kind of stuff are you doing on obexd?02:56
ShadowJKAre you familiar with bluetooth stuff in general too? I've always been wondering about something02:56
ShadowJKWhether you need special magic to make obex or other transfers "go" at the "3M" promised by BT2 or not02:57
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lufShadowJK: I was sleeping :)09:46
lufShadowJK: I upgrade obexd to the latest version which require some tweaking ...09:47
lufI'll continue later ... work :(09:47
lufOk so I took obexd-0.46 from debian wheezy. It needs backporting for older libraries (bluez, dbus, glib, glibc, ebook). It needs also changing in build. Also getting adressbook(s) change, IrMC open was broken.10:22
lufThen I see that the buggy behaviour (missing first contact, joined contacts, ...) is still present so I find the reason and fix it. I also implement call history support for Maemo 5 (unfortunately I have no HF to check which is strange).10:24
lufShadowJK: that's all. (oh one fix of buggy behaviour is in evolution-data-server) ;-)10:24
jonwildamn, still cant convince anyone that replacing ICD is a worthwhile project... :P10:38
keriojonwil: why do you want to do that?11:30
jonwilbecause there are features ICD does not have that seem useful to have11:30
jonwillike being able to better prioritize different WiFi networks11:30
keriohm, like connecting to a wps network with a pin?11:30
jonwilor supporting some of the various WiFi security methods ICD doesnt11:30
jonwilthat's why replacing ICD is worth doing11:31
kerioso do it11:32
jonwilI would if I could11:32
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lufjonwil: why couldn't you?12:43
jonwildont have the relevant domain specific knowledge (e.g. how networks work, how to write daemons etc)12:44
lufWhy rewrite from scratch? I think you can try adopt something what already exist. You can learn.12:45
jonwileven if I use an existing base, there is still a lot of domain specific knowledge that I just dont get (I still haven't figured out most of what one needs to know when dealing with dbus for example)12:49
lufjonwil: If you want you can learn it during the work. As a lot of projects (mainly in maemo) use dbus. I see nothing hard for someone who wants. And of course you can use google, ask on irc, etc.12:56
lufIt seems no one who has the knowledge has troubles with icd. So no one wants to invest the time into this. You're the one so please start with it.12:58
lufjonwil: Don't be affraid. Be brave.12:58
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* amiconn would *really* like to see the N900 autoconnect to WPA enterprise wlans14:27
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merlin1991luf: how's obexd going ?14:45
lufI'm finishing ...14:46
merlin1991amiconn: that works14:46
lufNow to create the patch againist upstream obexd-0.46 release ...14:46
lufand test it of course ...14:46
merlin1991btw what was the bug re first contact14:46
lufIn PBAP definition is that 0.vcf is the VCARD of the phonebook owner (so called "ME").14:47
lufAnd obexd skip this. So one contact miss in the list in the HF (the first as eds returns - nor alphabetical order neither any sort).14:49
lufIf you have X contacts in N900 you should see X-1 in HF (maybe again only bug of my HF but it's not clear in PBAP definition PDF).14:50
merlin1991uh oh, cloning the micro-b svn into git14:52
merlin1991only 3900 revisions to go14:53
lufmicro-b is open source? I think it's closed :)14:53
lufmerlin1991: You can watch some movie or two :D14:53
merlin1991luf the engine is open14:54
merlin1991only the ui is closed14:54
lufI don't understand why nokia don't open it when it's over. Or some code leak from developers should be enough :D14:55
amiconnmerlin1991:  Does not work for me, and is a bug that's been reported on years ago15:01
amiconnIt's said to be this way by design (but the explanation is nonsense)15:02
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merlin1991amiconn: I had to go to the advanced settings and tick the use whatever username and put the username again15:19
merlin1991then it worked15:19
lufmerlin1991: package build now test it ...15:56
infobotluf meant: merlin1991: package built now test it ...15:56
freemangordonluf: libcurl3 or obexd?15:57
freemangordonaah, ok15:57
luflibcurl3 is done (in git). Or am I missing something?15:57
freemangordonluf: I was just asking :)15:58
freemangordonlemme check on gitorious15:58
lufFeel free. I already checked yesterday when merlin1991 drop a note here.15:58
freemangordonmerlin1991: ^^^ ?15:59
freemangordonit is not in CSSU repo15:59
freemangordonhmm, merlin1991 is watching some movie :D16:02
keriofreemangordon: is kernel-cssu abi-compatible yet?16:02
freemangordonkerio: NFC16:03
lufNo his i(phone)5 is overloaded with converting microb from svn to git ;)16:03
freemangordonluf: but he has 4 cores AFAIK ;)16:03
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freemangordonkerio: Maybe I will wait KP51 to enter at least extras-devel before touching kernel-cssu. plus there are higher priority tasks that ABI compatibility16:05
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kerioWHERE ARE YOU16:08
DocScrutinizer05KERIOOOOOOO don't shout!16:23
DocScrutinizer05if you want KP51 in extras-devel, go and fix autobuilder!16:23
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merlin1991freemangordon: it've only pushed it to git16:40
merlin1991freemangordon: also I did the git-svn import, but it only worked on the full mozilla folder16:41
merlin1991I'll push it to gitorious tonight when I have better upload16:41
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merlin1991hm I should be able to filter the interesting tree though16:45
* merlin1991 will do some git black magic16:45
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freemangordonmerlin1991: you mean on your local tree?17:30
freemangordon(you've pushed libcurl3)17:30
freemangordonor you have cloned it. in short - where is it, i want to test it.17:31
merlin1991freemangordon: I've cloned the svn into a local git17:36
merlin1991now I have to reduce the repo to the microb tree17:36
merlin1991and I need proper uploads17:36
infobotmerlin1991 meant: and I need proper uploadspeed17:36
merlin1991so monday the repo on gitorious should be ready17:36
freemangordonmerlin1991: i was talking about libcurl317:37
merlin1991oh curl17:37
merlin1991curl is on gitorious17:37
merlin1991didn't upload the deb17:38
freemangordonwhere on gitorious?17:38
freemangordonmerlin1991: luf's patches :(17:39
merlin1991come on17:39
merlin1991they are there :D17:39
freemangordonthe fuck17:39
freemangordonthey are not visible here
merlin1991yep gitorious is kinda fucked up :D17:40
freemangordonok, thanks17:40
luffreemangordon: I'm sorry I think you got it. I wrote that merlin1991 droped a note about it ...17:42
freemangordonluf: no problem :)17:42
merlin1991hm where's pali17:43
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: i wouldn't touch autobuilder with a 10-foot pole19:34
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lufI finished :D20:36
lufmerlin1991: ping20:36
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merlin1991luf: tomorrow?21:43
lufDoes it mean I may contact you tomorrow?21:45
merlin1991<luf> I finished :D21:45
merlin1991<luf> merlin1991: ping21:45
merlin1991I suppose you want to have obexd on gitorious? :D21:45
lufAnd evolution-data-server :)21:45
lufYou're clever.21:45
lufI'll contact you tomorrow. Bye.21:46
merlin1991thanks :)21:46
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amiconnmerlin1991: That's how I configured my wpa enterprise connection. It does connect when I go to the connections menu, but it never connects automatically in the background. See
povbotBug 3399: Will not auto connect to WPA-Enterprise23:22
dreamermerlin1991: ok, so .. how do I set the catalogue to testing? :)23:27
dreamerand do I have to do that for all catalogs? or just cssu?23:27
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