IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2012-06-09

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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that' noncence, either your executables run against libs compiled with new compiler (and vice versa) or not. missing symbols discovered after an year or so mean nothing. If you can run 99.9 percent of the SW without problem, then everything is OK.02:37
DocScrutinizer05well, that's your take on product management02:37
freemangordonwell, yeah , that is my take :)02:39
DocScrutinizer05I had that 3 times in my professional carreer when some toolchain update fsckd up a deployed system02:39
DocScrutinizer05and I had quite a magnitude more projects where toolchain got frozen on release of product02:40
freemangordonI had an OS update which screwed a perfectly running system, leading to (don't ask me what), but I overcome it after a while, I know and support KISS and "if it works don't touch it" but sometimes it worths to take the risk02:42
DocScrutinizer05needs careful consideration and evaluation every single time02:43
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: sure thing02:43
freemangordonbut most of the time my assesment is correct (NFC why)02:44
freemangordonand I mean my real job02:44
freemangordonwhich is realted to real cash02:45
DocScrutinizer05sure, those problems are relatively rare occurance02:45
DocScrutinizer05but have potential to kill you for good, when you really run into a nasty one02:46
freemangordon:) see, I don't underestimate your expertise, but again, we are talking about a handheld device ;)02:46
freemangordonnot some crytical server02:47
freemangordonaaah, whatever02:47
DocScrutinizer05yep, sure. Though I actually didn't when I mentioned the general practice of freezing toolchain02:47
DocScrutinizer05cryptical? ;-P02:47
freemangordonfor sure you're correct that changing toolchain will bring problems02:48
freemangordonyeah, excuse my grammar02:48
DocScrutinizer05for this particular purpose here it's out of discussion anyway, as you *need* the fixed gccc02:48
DocScrutinizer05I just suggested to not change defaults for no good reason02:49
DocScrutinizer05and mentioning toolchain freeze was just a sidenote02:49
freemangordonTBH I don't understand what Pali meant, seems my debian packaging skill needs lots of improvement :)02:51
DocScrutinizer05btw defaults are decided upon by some more general considerations usually, like frequently used etc02:52
DocScrutinizer05and I don't mean "frequently used in this particular environment"02:52
DocScrutinizer05many just stick to some obsolete state, as nobody feels changing them is worth the trouble either02:53
freemangordonyeah, sure, but I don't see any othe environment but n900. It's a pity, but true :(02:54
DocScrutinizer05umm, I didn't completely get that part either02:54
DocScrutinizer05errr? no other environment where gcc is used?02:55
freemangordonwell, I am not exactly in the mood and condition to be perfectly clear, sorry for that, it is friday night after all :)02:56
freemangordonmaybe it is better to continue the conversation next time ;)02:57
DocScrutinizer05this or another conversation, a pleasure any time02:57
freemangordon(damn typos)02:58
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kent_autisticfreemangordon: ping03:25
kent_autisticnew cssu testing still hasn't landed on my HAM03:25
kent_autistici have pressed the update button many times already and apt-get update. still nothing03:28
kent_autisticDocScrutinizer05: hmmm?03:32
DocScrutinizer05just strange03:33
kent_autisticyep. last thing i installed is new h-d which was posted in TMO cssu testing thread03:34
DocScrutinizer05apt-cache policy mp-fremantle-community-pr03:39
DocScrutinizer05  Installed: 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo3.103:40
DocScrutinizer05  Candidate: 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo403:40
kent_autisticholy crap03:42
kent_autisticInstalled: (none)03:42
kent_autisticCandidate: 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo403:42
kent_autisticVersion table:03:43
DocScrutinizer05installation of h-d purged it03:43
kent_autistic21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4 003:43
kent_autisticoooohhhh mehn03:43
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DocScrutinizer05I guess an apt-get install will fix things03:44
kent_autisticinstall what?03:44
DocScrutinizer05usual disclaimers apply03:44
kent_autisticapt-get install mp-fremantle-community-pr?03:45
DocScrutinizer05my uneducated guess03:46
kent_autisticyou sure?03:46
DocScrutinizer05not at all03:46
kent_autistici think il wait for a sure advise :)03:46
DocScrutinizer05apt-get -s install mp-fremantle-community-pr03:47
DocScrutinizer05when you're curious03:47
kent_autistici am so curious03:48
DocScrutinizer05-s  No-act. Perform ordering simulation03:48
kent_autisticseems ok i'll bite the bullet in a few03:50
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kent_autisticDocScrutinizer05: install went fine, going to reboot now04:35
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kent_autisticso option to customize operator name widget is gone? like customized name, font color, etc.04:47
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kent_autisticDocScrutinizer05: you mentioned in TMO that we can install our preferred operator name widget05:05
kent_autisticbut it can be uninstalled since its required by cssu05:06
kent_autisticand installing custom operator name widget in extras conflicts with it05:06
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LaoLang_coolwhat is Operator Name Widget in the latest cssu version?06:29
LaoLang_coolHow to use it?06:29
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Estel_hm, how to properly use new features of operator name widget? what is "cell broadcast channel"?11:04
Estel_I understand, that it should allow uds to see cell we're lggen into...11:04
Estel_In my case, ticking it doesn't change anything. And that channel thing?11:05
Estel_is it documented somewhere?11:05
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DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: we got a problem (CBS-widget)11:55
DocScrutinizer05MohammadAG: ^^^11:55
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DocScrutinizer05LaoLang_cool: see my last post on
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DocScrutinizer05it has a link to original thread, but I wonder if I could... here you are :-D13:13
DocScrutinizer05wow, the both threads seem neighbours13:13
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LaoLang_coolDocScrutinizer05, it's too technological for me to understand...13:26
DocScrutinizer05LaoLang_cool: this CBS-widget replaces your static operator name with any location info your operator might send on a special bradcast channel13:31
DocScrutinizer05boadcast even13:31
DocScrutinizer05depending on your operator this might be the town you're in, the quarter you're in, or simply a Tower (BTS) ID number13:32
amiconnTypo replacement ;)13:33
DocScrutinizer05if none of those gets sent, the widget is supposed to display the original operator string as you have in original maemo13:33
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: MohammadA: I have a strange guts feelijng like libsms is clearly core CSSU, but the widget stuff might live in 'optional'13:35
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: when is 'optional' infra going to be in place? ;-D13:35
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: MohammadAG: we clearly have a dependency collision with custom-operator-name-widget13:37
DocScrutinizer05strange thing: it seems undecided to either block CSSU update, or simply purge previously installed custom widget13:37
DocScrutinizer05it's rather unfortunate that nobody of the beta testers nor devels (incl me) seems has thought about custom-operator-name-widget and similar stuff13:39
DocScrutinizer05~spank DocScrutinizer13:39
* infobot bends DocScrutinizer over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on DocScrutinizer's pasty white buttocks.13:39
DocScrutinizer05clearly a duty I always claim as my primary domain, so everybody feel free to blame me for that oopsie13:40
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: URGENT!! we need a safe rollback instruction, my botch as invented in tmo isn't really what I like to hand out to users as the official solution13:42
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DocScrutinizer05damndamndamn, seems everybody took 4 days off @ countryside, and back at monday13:43
DocScrutinizer05on the bright side, the T users will not update while @ countryside ;-D13:44
amiconnWhy not?13:58
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DocScrutinizer05I'm just hoping :-)14:05
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LaoLang_coolIn HAM, there isn't any update available, but in the message of apt-get upgrade, there are updates of alarmd and libalarm2, should I upgrade them?15:25
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DocScrutinizer51LaoLang_cool: short answer: no16:01
LaoLang_coolDocScrutinizer51, what about long answer?16:06
merlin1991DocScrutinizer51: your tip in will foobar apt16:27
LaoLang_coolHow to add a button of copy/paste on the status bar of xterm?16:29
merlin1991download the source and make your own package ;)16:29
LaoLang_coolThe menu's poping takes a bit long time16:29
LaoLang_coolmerlin1991, oh, too advanced for me..16:29
LaoLang_coolIs there a way to speed up the pop-up of menu?16:30
Estel_yea, overclock to 2,2 GHZ.16:34
Estel_and insert SSD hard drive16:34
Estel_+ add second core to our SoC16:34
Estel_and quantum computer module16:34
Estel_seriously though, don't You have bigger problems, than poping-up of menu?16:35
LaoLang_coolI thought there is an option to control the time of popup16:35
Estel_search forum for it's patch, i don't have one handy16:35
Estel_it's a file You need to edit by text editor16:35
LaoLang_coolEstel_, My english is poor, the menu I mean is on the right of title bar when click there16:36
Estel_with applicatrion icons?16:36
Estel_no, wait, it's on the left16:36
Estel_no idea what You're talking about, sorry :/16:37
Estel_You mean small blue arrow?16:37
Estel_on screen?16:37
Estel_right to the title?16:37
LaoLang_coolEstel_, for example, the triangle icon on the top, right beside of "X Terminal"16:37
LaoLang_coolEstel_, yes, you're power!16:37
Estel_actually, the same happen, when you just click title itself - blue triangle is part of it16:38
LaoLang_coolEstel_, yes, that's it16:38
Estel_generally, it's controlled via mentioned file "transitions.ini"16:38
Estel_but, if it's very slow...16:38
Estel_It could mean that You got Your swap fragmented16:38
Estel_is it faster, when you're just after reboot of device?16:38
DocScrutinizer51merlin1991: that's why I *urgently* asked you to provide a better tip16:39
LaoLang_coolEstel_, it's not slow, but I hope it can be more quick16:39
Estel_it depends. Is it faster, when You're justa fter reboot?16:39
Estel_edit file:16:40
LaoLang_coolEstel_, It takes about 0.5s to pop up, I want it does 0.1s or less :)16:40
merlin1991DocScrutinizer51: there is none16:40
merlin1991the cssu mp depends on it, so you either have it or no cssu-t16:40
Estel_edit this file16:40
Estel_find line:16:41
DocScrutinizer51that's what I thought, merlin199116:41
Estel_...that tells anything about menu - you got description there16:41
DocScrutinizer51that's what happened with H-D as well16:42
Estel_You also have values, in miliseconds16:42
Estel_for example, 500 is half second16:42
Estel_just find values too high, and make it lower, or even 016:42
merlin1991DocScrutinizer51: whatabout h-d?16:42
Estel_merlin1991, any way to determine broadcast channel my operator is using?16:42
Estel_In my case, ticking any option doesn't result in anything16:42
merlin1991Estel_: I have nfc :D16:43
Estel_I still have t-mobile.pl16:43
DocScrutinizer51(see backscroll)16:43
LaoLang_coolEstel_, which line? the lines under # Popup for dialogs and status menu?16:43
merlin1991Estel_: afaik it only works on 2G16:43
Estel_itit doesn't change into anything16:43
Estel_I use 2g only16:43
Estel_LaoLang_cool, honestly, I've no idea16:43
Estel_I modified them to never exceed 25016:43
Estel_i.e. 1/4 sec16:43
Estel_if something was too long, I cut it16:43
Estel_so you just need to experiment16:43
LaoLang_cool[popup]|duration_in = 250|duration_out = 25016:43
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Estel_as soon as you save settings, it should be in effect, no need for reboot16:44
Estel_well, either it's different thing16:44
Estel_or it takes only 1/4 second to appear, and 1/4 to dissapear16:44
Estel_maybe You should check submenu?16:44
Estel_merlin1991, any way to check if this widget is working for me at all?16:44
Estel_it should change from default logo to whatever, I think?16:44
Estel_no matter if it's cell tower id, location, or <ertror>16:45
Estel_it's quite strange, that it's no matter what :P16:45
Estel_(just like before update)16:45
Estel_Also, where does it log data if "logging" is ticked?16:46
merlin1991Estel_: you need the right channel set + a provider that actually sends stuff16:46
Estel_You're roight, i just discovered that mine send too much stuff16:47
Estel_it still shows, but, next data is after this16:47
Estel_almsot off screen :P16:47
Estel_fun fact - no matter how crazxy channel i set up, it works16:47
Estel_so defasult 50 works16:47
Estel_but 49 or 2 too :P16:47
LaoLang_coolHow to change the date format to 2012-06-09?16:48
merlin1991oh ffs, buntkuh update brought pulseaudio back16:48
merlin1991LaoLang_cool: date format where?16:48
LaoLang_coolmerlin1991, In the settings -> Language & region16:48
Estel_merlin1991, ok, already googled for cell broadcast16:48
Estel_got lsit of available channels16:49
LaoLang_coolI can't change it without the device language changed16:49
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merlin1991freemangordon_: ping17:28
merlin1991branch name for the -thum mp?17:29
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merlin1991thumb-testing, or what branch did you use everywhere?17:30
freemangordon_like others, i.e. thumb-testing17:30
freemangordon_but check on gitorious, just in case17:30
freemangordon_sorry, 8 am on th beach :P  right now, inet is not very good17:31
merlin1991beach,  8 am17:32
merlin1991bastard :D17:32
freemangordon_I am*17:32
merlin1991still :D17:32
freemangordon_8 is on the same key as I on n90017:32
freemangordon_yeah 8-)17:33
merlin1991why are you even using your n900 when you're at the beach? :D17:33
freemangordon_I have to, should be online on the phone 24/7, part of my job17:33
freemangordon_and was reading some news when you ping me17:34
freemangordon_and I am curious WTF is screwed with the last update17:34
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merlin1991I didn't see anything particulary screwed17:35
merlin1991only the operator widget conflicting with 2 packages in -devel17:35
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merlin1991btw freemangordon_ the new libwhatever from gcc is it only needed by qt or other things too?17:38
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freemangordon_I think only qt needs it17:39
freemangordon_not sure though, you think we should add dependencies for the other packages too?17:40
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merlin1991well only if they link it / need it17:41
* merlin1991 writes mp depends17:41
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freemangordon_the only cpp is qt, all others are pure c afaik17:42
freemangordon_/me wishes merlin1991 luck and goes afk17:42
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merlin1991ffs, firefox-kde-support dropped, my global keybindings don't work, I had to remove pulseaudio again to get sound out of flash, and dhclient didn't run by itself but I had to invoke it manually17:50
merlin1991kubuntu is driving me insane17:50
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merlin1991kate can't open the control file because the depends line is too long18:21
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merlin1991freemangordon_: you'll want to update hildon-home in thumb-testing, testing has a newer version18:25
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merlin1991freemangordon_: ping18:42
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merlin1991which packages depend on libgail18 which is in the thumb repo?18:55
freemangordon_noone, it is a part of gtk18:55
merlin1991ah k18:56
merlin1991it seems there is not a single package depending on it18:56
freemangordon_it is some gtk accessabilty library18:57
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merlin1991freemangordon_: also, should we depend on the cssu kernel flasher in the mp, or just have the errata depends everywhere else?18:59
freemangordon_errata deopends only, that way the guys with KP can install -thumb .debs. though i have nfc hpw it will work in real life, i.e. which kernel ham will decide to flash19:05
freemangordon_hmm, merlin1991, i am not sure19:06
freemangordon_maybe it will be better to depend on kenel-cssu19:06
merlin1991it's your baby, you decide :D19:08
freemangordon_hmm, depends: kernel-cssu-flasher|kernel-feature-thumb-errata ? is that possible?19:09
merlin1991hm it *should* work19:11
merlin1991freemangordon_: you didn't upload the kernel to the thumb repo19:17
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merlin1991freemangordon_: I pushed an mp to gitorious that should work when you've uploaded the kernel to the thumb repo19:26
freemangordon_merlin1991, it is in -devel repo19:27
merlin1991so what?19:28
merlin1991thumb repo should provide everything so thumb can run19:28
merlin1991thus it should have 1 errata enabled kernel19:28
merlin1991you know, self containing repos and such ;)19:28
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freemangordon_merlin1991, yeah. can you just copy the .debs from -devel?19:51
merlin1991hm that wouldn't import the source19:54
merlin1991but I can drop everything into the incoming folder, so that you only have to add the .changes file19:54
freemangordon_unfortunately my desktop is not turned on, so i will do it tomorrow evening19:55
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infobotrumour has it, buntkuh is ... Redmond20:43
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DocScrutinizer05~buntkuh is also
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay21:21
infoboti guess buntkuh is ... Redmond, or
merlin1991DocScrutinizer05:  :D21:23
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: I just spotted that your recovery procedure won't even run22:25
merlin1991there is no apt-get -install :D22:25
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