IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2012-06-08

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Raimufreemangordon, presencevnc works nicely. Yay!00:36
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freemangordonRaimu: great10:37
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lufHi. I'm here. Sorry I wasn't here yesterday but I'm under heavy load in work and also at home since Wednesdey.11:07
luffreemangordon: Bug 9943 - MfE Wizard fails if exchange server hostname has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses - are you sure this piece of SW using libcurl3?11:30
povbot_Bug MfE Wizard fails if exchange server hostname has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses11:30
lufAnd I thing someone should reopen the bug as Atarii reported that upgrading libcurl3 don't help.11:31
infobotluf meant: And I think someone should reopen the bug as Atarii reported that upgrading libcurl3 don't help.11:31
jacekowskiluf: works for me11:31
lufjacekowski: what works for you? Exchange IPv4 + IPv6 on server with newere libcurl3?11:32
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freemangordonluf: there was another report on TMO that libcurl3 fixes 994311:53
freemangordonas you know upgrading to extras-devel version is a bit tricky, not sure what Atarii did, and he is not here to ask him11:54
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jacekowskiluf: it did work for me year ago when i had n90011:55
lufOk. BTW devel-testing is better to suggest.11:55
freemangordonjacekowski: what is WFM? MfE?11:55
freemangordonluf: ^^^11:55
jacekowskiwith ipv6 addres11:55
lufMail for Exchange11:56
freemangordonluf: you lost me :)11:56
jacekowskiMfE == Mail for Exchange11:57
luffreemangordon: I take a look into my pocket if I find you there :D11:57
freemangordonjacekowski: I know that11:57
luffreemangordon: extras-testing11:57
freemangordonwhatever, some miscommunication11:57
freemangordonluf: maybe, anyway it is going to CSSU11:58
freemangordonluf: now, do you have an account on gitorious?11:58
freemangordonluf: make one if you don't have, clone libcurl from CSSU, upgrade the ource to your version and do a merge request back to CSSU.12:04
infobotfreemangordon meant: luf: make one if you don't have, clone libcurl from CSSU, upgrade the source to your version and do a merge request back to CSSU.12:04
freemangordonthat way everyone will be happy :)12:05
freemangordononce new libcurl is in CSSU git, I will build it and will put in on CSSU-devel repo12:05
freemangordons/in on/it on/12:06
infobotfreemangordon meant: once new libcurl is in CSSU git, I will build it and will put it on CSSU-devel repo12:06
freemangordonmerlin1991: ok with ^^^12:07
luffreemangordon: Ok. I'm going to make a account on gitorius (it's my 1001 account :D)12:12
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DocScrutinizer05jacekowski: It seems you got no N900 anymore. you should apply for CA and swap the N9 for a N900, on ebay13:29
jacekowskii don't have N9 either13:37
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer05: ?13:39
Palijacekowski, CA is
jacekowskidoesn't work on opera13:40
jacekowskiUnable to complete secure transaction13:40
infobotPali meant: jacekowski, CA is
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merlin1991freemangordon: sure15:36
merlin1991luf: got your gitorious account?15:36
Estel_well, jacekowski, honestly - it's just my personal opinion - as person inactive for last year (until last few days and NOLo hacking) your chances in Ca are slim15:45
Estel_I would rather suggest6 You trying luck ion Coding Competition, QT5, or Nokia Store15:45
Estel_most likely, the first one (CC)15:45
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jacekowskiwell, to be honest15:50
jacekowskii'm not really interested15:50
jacekowskiN900 hardware is pretty slow by modern standards15:51
jacekowskiN9 is not much better for that matter15:51
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jacekowskii would rather port maemo to some other hardware15:56
DocScrutinizer05yeah, port maemo to N9 ;-D15:57
DocScrutinizer05sounds like a plan15:57
jacekowskii was thinking about bit more modern hardware15:58
jacekowskigalaxy s3 or galaxy nexus15:58
Palijacekowski, only some maemo5 packages are closed :D see
jacekowskiwell, thing is, that's not that much of a problem16:01
jacekowskionly problem would be whole cellmo/dialer thing16:01
Estel_jacekowski, seeCordia project16:04
Estel_it's basically porting Hildon Desktop to Mer16:04
DocScrutinizer05well, if it's a proper port, then there shouldn't be too much of a problem from that16:04
Estel_jacekowski, honestly, N900 still do circles arount other devices, in terms of usability16:04
Estel_DocScrutinizer, it's proper port, but done by only 2 people that are not really interested in gaining others to their work16:05
DocScrutinizer05run original blobs for dialer, adapt phonet lib16:05
Estel_i.e. no documentation (almost)16:05
Estel_eclectic, hermetic way of doing everything, etc16:05
jacekowskiwell n900 is slow compared to my galaxy nexus16:05
jacekowskiit feels slow16:05
jacekowskiand well, nexus has cpu that is like 4x faster16:05
Estel_jacekowski, your galaxy nexus is PITA for real uysage compared to my N900, lol16:05
DocScrutinizer05so has N916:06
DocScrutinizer05but meh16:06
Estel_no problem, if You, one day, will have toaster with 2,5 GHZ dual-core, will it be more usable?16:06
jacekowskin9 is 1GHz A816:06
Estel_whats the point of putting xyz hardware into thast shit, if software/Os is crappy and unusable16:06
jacekowskiand it has no hw keyboard16:06
jacekowskiEstel_: only thing it lacks is Hw keyboard16:06
Estel_jacekowski, bluetooth slide-out keyboards are cheap ;)16:06
Estel_seriously, Android is PITA16:06
DocScrutinizer05I think Samsung S3 is using a STE modem, with CAIF and quite straight AT command set16:06
Estel_for any real usage16:07
jacekowskiEstel_: not really16:07
Estel_jacekowski, I'm using my N900 to do things that other people do on laptops16:07
jacekowskilike what16:07
jacekowskiopenoffice on n900 is more like a demo than usable app16:07
Estel_I have it with myself, and whel travelling, I have USb keyboasrd and mouse, OR, when working, I debug networks with it16:07
Estel_jacekowski, bullshit16:07
Estel_first of all16:07
Estel_we're usiong LibreOffice16:08
jacekowskihave you tried using it16:08
Estel_second, I've written TONS of documents on it16:08
Estel_of course16:08
jacekowskion 256M of ram it's pretty slow16:08
jacekowskiand laggy16:08
Estel_even printed it with printer connected to N90016:08
Estel_USB one16:08
Estel_nope, if Yopu set-up it properly16:08
Estel_but, honestly, more RAM w2ould be OK16:08
Estel_but, rather for things like Chromium16:08
Estel_LibrEOffice works flawlessly for mne16:08
Estel_using EasyDebian on dedicated partition, and swap on microSD16:09
Estel_+ proper swap related kernel settings16:09
Estel_BTw, people are running ubuntu 12.04 on N900, and, reportedly, LibreOffice and chromium work even faster there16:09
Estel_(if You get rid of Unity and use, for example, LXDE)16:09
Estel_(making it Lubuntu, essentialy)16:09
jacekowskii'm not going to believe anybody who says ubuntu runs fast on 256M of ram16:10
Estel_whenever I am, I use my N900 as full computer16:10
Estel_of course it do16:10
Estel_memory hog is Unity16:10
Estel_if Yuo get rid of it, everything works as it should, after all, it's fork of debian16:10
freemangordonjacekowski: it runs pretty well given the amount of RAM :)16:10
freemangordonwell, slower than my desktop, but still16:11
Estel_jacekowski, I understand what You mewan by hardware use din galaxy or whatever android16:11
Estel_but it's like comparing consoles to computers16:11
Estel_first one is just a toy, at most16:11
Estel_You can jailbreak ity, compile on it, or do anything...16:11
tadzikEstel_: so you carry a full-blown keyboard along with your n900?16:11
Estel_but it's, mostly, toy16:11
DocScrutinizer05so we're from "port maemo to other platform" to "run ubuntu on N900"? :-S16:11
Estel_tadzik, ful lblown, but very light and small16:11
jacekowskii just carry a laptop with me16:12
Estel_fit into my backpack with no problem16:12
jacekowskilaptop fits into my backpack with no problem16:12
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: The problem as I see it, is there is still now HW to compete with n900 (and I am not talking about CPU and RAM)16:12
Estel_jacekowski, lighter laptops weight ~1KG16:12
Estel_and are overpriced, if are so light16:12
Estel_BTW, I have my N900 100% of time with me16:12
jacekowskiEstel_: big screen16:12
DocScrutinizer05missing r-ts and hw-kbd is the showstopper every single time16:12
Estel_if i don't have usb keyboard, I have all keys from full-sized keyboard mapped to N900 keyboard16:13
Estel_jacekowski, of course, big screen is comfortable16:13
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: add fmtx to the list16:13
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer05: well, i don't think there have been any phones made with hw-kbd in last few years16:13
merlin1991fmtx I miss alot on the n916:13
Estel_I have notebook, and love it (XPSm1530, core2duo 2,5GHZ T9300, GeForce 8600GT 512RAM DDR3)16:13
jacekowskithere was n900 and then there was some crappy HTC16:13
jacekowskiand that was pretty much all16:14
Estel_honestly, running any sane software in Android is pita, pita, and even more pita16:14
freemangordon(can't remember dhe model)16:14
Estel_have been through this, setting up androids to usable state for family16:14
jacekowskiworks for me16:14
Estel_suceed, but it took ages, and, finally, I convinced everyone to use N90016:14
freemangordonnice :D16:14
Estel_that why I was able to buy 10 of them16:14
Estel_for extra price16:15
Estel_and sell 3 on TMO ;p)16:15
DocScrutinizer05eh? motorola works for you?16:15
jacekowskinah, android16:15
Estel_I think dell works for him16:15
jacekowskii have ssh client16:15
freemangordonmerlin1991: everything in -thumb repo is ready for -pr16:15
Estel_well, as said, consoles also "works" if you use them as toys16:15
merlin1991freemangordon: in other words you want me to work ;)16:16
jacekowskiEstel_: it has ssh client16:16
Estel_most people use tablets as web browsers, and... well, for small games?16:16
freemangordonmerlin1991: in other words... yes :P16:16
Estel_jacekowski, whoa, what a luixury :P16:16
jacekowskiwell, that's all i need16:16
DocScrutinizer05in other words: what's the name of this new distro then?16:16
Estel_of course it have. although, SSH server is crippled, or payware16:16
Estel_if You need ssh client, You don't need it's 4x faster CPU16:17
DocScrutinizer05you already decided how to call it?16:17
jacekowskiwell, ssh server is pointless16:17
jacekowskiunless you have a laptop with you or something16:17
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: a distro?16:17
jacekowskiand then your argument is invalid16:17
Estel_jacekowski, You need 1Gb of RAM and 1,2 GHZ CPU for browser and angry birds, and ssh client?16:17
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: lol16:17
jacekowskiEstel_: autocad16:18
Estel_jacekowski, lol :d for CAd, I would use notebook at least16:18
DocScrutinizer05and here we announce: "a distro" - comes with thumb enabled kernel and all stuff compiled for thumb, based on maemo fremantle16:18
jacekowskiEstel_: not if all you want is to take a look at some drawings16:19
freemangordonDocScrutinizer: the repo is cssu-thumb, I didn't know i should think on how one should call it16:19
Estel_freemangordon, nowI start to feel sorry for You (after reading DocScrutinizer ideas)16:19
freemangordonEstel_: why?16:19
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jacekowskii've got better things to do16:19
Estel_<DocScrutinizer05> and here we announce: "a distro" - comes with thumb enabled kernel and all stuff compiled for thumb, based on maemo fremantle16:19
Estel_jacekowski, np, take your time16:19
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: well, unlike CSSU it's actually a complete distro, so it probably will need a name16:19
freemangordonEstel_: but thst is the final goal (excluding the name "distro")16:20
tadzikwhat's "thumb"?16:20
Estel_freemangordon, exactly16:20
tadzikI assume you don't mean a mere finger16:20
DocScrutinizer05tadzik: an alternative opcode cmd set of ARM cPU16:20
freemangordontadzik: no, we mean 2 pf them, i.e. thumb216:20
tadzikoh, exciting16:20
Estel_but the hyell You would need to waste time on all things related to making it distro?!16:20
Estel_fork, website16:20
Estel_legal issues16:21
freemangordonEstel_, everything is in place so far16:21
Estel_freemangordon, whoa, it was fast16:21
freemangordon(website? WTF?)16:21
Estel_(joke about makjng distro - like Ubuntu vs Debian)16:21
Estel_freemangordon, it seems You've made some whirlwind of development16:21
DocScrutinizer05tadzik: ^^^16:21
tadzikDocScrutinizer05: thanks, will look at it16:22
freemangordonEstel_, all I did was to find how to workaround thumb errata correctly, to compile gcc 4.6.2 and to re-compile some of the packages on CSSU16:22
Estel_gcc 4.6.216:23
freemangordon(gcc 4.6.2. needs some tweaking, but still)16:23
Estel_that was the thing I though isn't working yet16:23
freemangordonand binutils 2.2216:23
Estel_how it's compared to 4.6.2 being on -devel now?16:23
infobotEstel_ meant: how it's related to 4.6.2 being on -devel now?16:23
* freemangordon leaves for a while16:24
Estel_hm, I wonder if You and AapoRantalainen/szopin aren't doing the same work twice16:24
Estel_they were overcoming problems with 4.6.2 too16:24
Estel_funny fact - I don't know if others will agree, but more time You spent on IRC, the more funny typos and awful gramma You're doing.16:25
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: moo16:29
RaimuEstel_: I found that happening with IMs. :D16:49
Estel_I see16:49
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freemangordonmerlin1991: after all alarmd is NOT a part of T4, just tried on my sister's phone. have to do apt-get upgrade to have alarmd and libalarm2 installed :(22:01
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: it's not in changelog either22:03
* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders whether to do a BM-backup and install friffin T4 :-D22:05
DocScrutinizer05or wait 5 days, as usual22:05
DocScrutinizer05seems we got amazingly few feedback so far?22:05
* DocScrutinizer05 ponders having a glance at tmo22:06
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DocScrutinizer05hi :-)22:17
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: well, that is mostly a bugfix release, not much of a new functionality22:38
DocScrutinizer05except CB-widget which already got a (or actually a few) bug 'ticket'22:46
DocScrutinizer05  quite contradicting , :-((22:54
Palifreemangordon, what about patching debhelper dh_gencontrol to auto add kernel-cssu to package dependences?23:07
Paliand put patched debhleper to -thumb repo?23:07
Paliwe do not need to patch each package for thumb then23:07
Palijust upload to other repo and builder will use new debhelper which add thumb dependences23:08
Palialso debhelper can add -mthumb to CFLAGS23:08
Paliso no need to edit debian/rules for that23:08
DocScrutinizer05sounds about right23:13
Palialso when building gcc it is possible to specify default mode: arm or thumb23:23
PaliDocScrutinizer, what do you think about it?23:24
DocScrutinizer05umm, I wouldn't change defaults of toolchain. You enter 7th hell by doing that23:25
DocScrutinizer05rather check what defaults are set in arbitrary gcc packages for arbitrary distro23:27
DocScrutinizer05no good idea to build your very own flavour of a tool23:28
DocScrutinizer05after all you can handle that the way you suggested above, easily and without running into version/flavour hell on every new build environment somebody somewhere is going to set up23:30
DocScrutinizer05a decent build environment will not rely on any defaults anyway, rather you specify every single option to the value that's needed23:34
DocScrutinizer05even if it's exactly same as default23:34
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DocScrutinizer05look, usually you even freeze all toolchain tools for a system, and keept them until doomsday. As otherwise you need to recompile whole system, as you never can know the new tool is always and in every situation compatible with the old one. See ABI symbol mismatch problem freemangordon ran into, quite on day0. Similar problems can hide for weeks, months, even years, and then you're busted when you notice them, as nobody could23:44
DocScrutinizer05recompile all those old possibly closed apps and libs with the new tool, and nobody will do the effort to fix all the new stuff so it works and build under the old tool23:44
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