IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-04-23

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DocScrutinizera) I seen same, server been down, b) you can always ghost yourself00:04
DocScrutinizerc) please get on next T release. Thanks00:04
DocScrutinizer(assuming it's based on most recent version of this file, from my IroN900)00:05
DocScrutinizer(change is on very top of file)00:05
DocScrutinizermerlin_1991: or shall I open a ticket and attach a diff?00:06
DocScrutinizermerlin_1991: of course I hope you'll review and test it before you include it to next T00:08
DocScrutinizermerlin_1991: ??00:10
merlin_1991relax doc :D00:10
merlin_1991what's the command to ghost again?00:10
DocScrutinizerjust wondered if you're still around :-)00:10
DocScrutinizer/ns ghost <id> <pw>00:11
merlin_1991thanks to the netsplit I can't ghost myself :D00:11
DocScrutinizererr why?00:11
merlin_1991because "there is no such nick on the server" and if I rename now and the netsplit is over before my dead connection times out I get a false positive for nicksteal :/00:13
DocScrutinizermerlin_1991: /ns help release00:13
DocScrutinizerbtw *my* netsplit is over since some time already00:14
merlin_1991my server splitted together with infobot00:14
DocScrutinizeroops infobot also gone?00:14
merlin_1991btw I'll check the mount adjustment, but what's the change, the blacklist?00:14
DocScrutinizerhook for any user blacklist implementation00:18
DocScrutinizerI'll eventually ship an example to show how it's supposed to work00:19
DocScrutinizerlike that:
DocScrutinizernote that this is only one example how user might want to implement blacklisting. We don't want to enforce this, so won't ship this file or include the code to osso-mmc-mount.sh00:21
DocScrutinizerwe just offer this example code somewhere for download and tweaking to user's liking00:22
DocScrutinizermuch similar to bootmenu hook00:23
DocScrutinizermerlin_1991: what do you think? sound concept?00:24
merlin_1991just slap an example of the blacklist sh on the features page on the wiki and maybe post about it on tmo I'd say00:25
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DocScrutinizerfine, JaMa will like it :-D00:27
DocScrutinizerhe doesn't want his uSD SHR partitions mounted00:28
DocScrutinizeryou see we still are not conservative enough regarding keeping everything in a default that's 100% like stock00:29
DocScrutinizerregarding that I'd suggest to ship S with a blacklist that's catching all but original VFAT uSD (partition)00:29
merlin1991going to be interesting to implement, but I agree00:30
merlin1991for S we should keep stock behavious00:30
DocScrutinizernot at all00:30
DocScrutinizerit's quite simple to implement00:31
merlin1991ignore everything that's not vfat :D00:31
DocScrutinizerif !(00:31
merlin1991though I don't know what stock does in case of 2 vfat partitions, afaik it only mounts 100:31
merlin1991gotta check that though00:31
DocScrutinizerhappy being able to actually contribute a microscopic part :-D00:32
DocScrutinizerafk for a last beer, or sth like that o/00:33
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merlin1991we really should think about alternatives to gitorious.org11:41
Palimerlin1991: launchpad, github, ...11:42
merlin1991github is us based (dunno about gitorious tbh)11:43
Palilaunchpad suport only bzr, but can import and mirror code from svn, cvs, git, ...11:44
merlin1991gitorious seems to be norwegian11:45
Palilaunchpad is I think gb11:45
merlin1991If anything I don't want to have the servers sit in the us :D11:45
Palime too11:45
merlin1991we should clone the gitorious code base and run our own xD11:46
merlin1991single server, single point of failure, sounds like the perfect plan ;)11:47
Palibut we do not have nice web infrastructure11:47
merlin1991though even if I'm never going to use it, I want to look into the gitorious webcode :)11:48
PaliI have no problems with launchpad for hosting projects (support bug tracker, code hosting, merge requests, answer tracker, APT repositories, ...) but does not support git11:48
merlin1991no git is a nogo :/11:49
Palimaybe if we got armel apt repository on launchpad...11:50
Palifor normal people are only i386 and x86-64, but I saw that some has also armel11:50
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: do you know how far DCMA takedown notices have any legal power in europe?11:52
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merlin1991at least gitorious seems to react on those since norwegian law seems to inlcude something similar11:59
RaimuDCMA things don't, I think, have any direct legal power. However, they appear to be easily translated into something local in courts.12:16
RaimuAnd providers rarely wish to take them there so they just quietly comply.12:17
Raimus/legal power/legal power in Europe12:17
* merlin1991 needs to investigate situtation in germany and austria12:17
merlin1991so I know what todo when I get one one day :D12:18
RaimuAre you entertaining thoughts of unlawful development? ;P12:18
merlin1991I'm entertaning thoughts of one of the many users on my server doing *anything* :D12:18
merlin1991I'm also the typo king today :D12:19
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DocScrutinizermerlin1991: IANAL, but I'd just laugh at them18:39
merlin1991ianal? wtf?18:39
DocScrutinizerwhere's ibo?18:39
DocScrutinizerfriggin netsplits, friggin hail when I walk, friggin $*18:40
DocScrutinizerI Aint Not Any Lawyer18:40
* DocScrutinizer shouts and curses a little18:41
DocScrutinizermaybe should change underwear too, also feels wet18:41
DocScrutinizerI'm blind18:42
infobot- Uptime for infobot -18:42
infobotNow: 38m 32s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux18:42
infobot1: 59d 8h 41m 19s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Sun Nov 14 18:39:57 201018:42
infobot2: 57d 3h 9m 23s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Fri Jun 26 20:39:27 200918:42
infobot3: 36d 20h 47m 14s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Tue Aug  4 17:38:59 200918:42
infobotwell, ianal is "I am not a lawyer". See also IANALBIPOOTV.18:42
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: many users on your server? WTF?!18:45
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: cssu stuff + a few friends of mine :D18:46
merlin1991nicely seperated by user rights ofc18:46
DocScrutinizersame here18:46
DocScrutinizer[jr@lagrange ~]$ ls -l /home|wc -l18:47
DocScrutinizer.header, -tnc, -me18:47
DocScrutinizersounds like 7 real users18:48
DocScrutinizerdm8tbr and speedevil seem to never use their account though18:49
merlin199120 here18:53
merlin1991a few are accounts for services though18:53
DocScrutinizerso yeah, at least one service here as well19:04
DocScrutinizerand I'd probably spend another one, plus chroot, for apache19:04
DocScrutinizerand yet another one with sftp login19:06
DocScrutinizerto finally test sharing-cli plugin19:06
* DocScrutinizer idly wonders what's been the cmdline for creating a ssh key pair19:07
DocScrutinizerdoing that so rarely... :-S19:08
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merlin1991ssh-keygen ;)19:13
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DocScrutinizerwtf is key-randomart19:20
DocScrutinizerwhat for?19:20
merlin1991I have nfc19:21
merlin1991I never looked into it though19:21
DocScrutinizer>> If combined with -v, an             ASCII art representation of the key is supplied with the fingerprint.<<19:21
merlin1991somebody was bored?19:22
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merlin1991btw you've missed the maemo-obs meeting19:45
merlin1991over in #maemo-meeting a few people were talking about what todo in order to move the autobuilder to obs (which if done will actually benefit cssu)19:57
DocScrutinizer51hmm, a) at work, b) probably not helping if I'd attend19:58
DocScrutinizer51c) I bet nobody misse me19:59
merlin1991was simply wondering, it might have interested you19:59
DocScrutinizer51well, sure I like to stay updated20:00
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