IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2012-04-22

merlin1991DocScrutinizer: ?00:12
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MohammadAGRST38h, my sb fucked up ke-recv00:53
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DocScrutinizerahh, that's been it01:18
MohammadAGluckily not for a lot of people01:23
MohammadAGprobably 10%, though given the total number of N900s that might be quite high...01:23
DocScrutinizernot even 5% are using CSSU01:31
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merlin1991freemangordon: modest fix works like expected17:22
merlin1991MohammadAG: I just noticed you didn't add the alarmd dependencies to the last mp17:23
merlin1991well I guess the next update has to fix a lot of things17:24
DocScrutinizerwhich friggin alarmd deps?17:25
DocScrutinizermeans alarmd isn't in MP anymore?17:25
merlin1991never was17:25
merlin1991it was supposed to be added last release17:25
merlin1991now we only have the packages in the repo but no dependency on them17:25
DocScrutinizerwell, luckily we got no source of alarmd17:26
merlin1991what do you mean by we got no source?17:27
DocScrutinizerjust that. AFAIK alarmd is a blob17:27
merlin1991we do have source to it :)17:27
merlin1991that's how we could build an upgraded version :D17:27
DocScrutinizerwhat the F got upgraded on alarmd?17:28
merlin1991cookie handling17:28
DocScrutinizeraaah, I seem to recall17:28
merlin1991alarmd is supposed to replace [COOKIE] in the launchcode with the id of the event17:28
merlin1991but simply didn't so far17:28
DocScrutinizerso I wonder how alarmed mamanged to work at all17:29
merlin1991well aparently there is not a single application that gets launched by alarmd that depends on knowing which event triggered it now17:31
DocScrutinizeryeah, and I wonder how alarmed handled that17:31
* merlin1991 wants a new testing out17:48
merlin1991modest fix is critical and should end up in stable asap17:48
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DocScrutinizerCBA modest fix. My rotation acts "funny"18:12
merlin1991it's the one about not deleting mail on the server18:13
povbotBug 12285: Modest does not keep emails on server even if option to do so is set18:14
DocScrutinizersome dialer related stuff now suddenly is in portrait or autorotation which was LS so far, but dialer itself now is in LS though it was locked to portrait so far18:14
DocScrutinizersome even are PT until you lock the screen, then on unlocking they turn to LS and stay there18:15
DocScrutinizera complete mess18:16
DocScrutinizerI wish there was a global kill switch for all this useless portrait support18:18
merlin1991check /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate and /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/orientation_lock18:18
merlin1991you should have false on both for the setup you prefer18:18
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# gconftool -g /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate18:22
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# gconftool -g /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/orientation_lock18:22
merlin1991hm then h-d shouldn't touch your other settings18:23
merlin1991like this it should behave 1:1 like the stock h-d regarding roation18:23
DocScrutinizerhmm, seems it fixed itself, with one of the last boots18:25
DocScrutinizeryeah, all back to normal AFAICT18:28
DocScrutinizerso scratch that, modulo "it seems to have potential to freak out occasionally"18:28
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: thanks for your patience and the help18:31
MohammadAGmostly your patience :P18:46
merlin1991MohammadAG: install a new scratchbox from scratch! :D18:52
freemangordonMohammadAG, I second that18:53
freemangordonBTW until that happens, I would prefer merlin1991 to build the .debs18:53
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MohammadAG(I can see why tbh)19:15
DocScrutinizer([2012-04-22 17:46:35] <MohammadAG> mostly your patience :P) that was one pretty ambiguous comment19:47
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merlin_1991dropped connections23:49
DocScrutinizermerlin_1991: hmm?23:52
merlin_1991somehow my box lost conneciton to freenode23:53
merlin_1991now I'm waiting for myself to time out :D23:53
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