IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2012-04-24

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userhi everyone09:50
*** user is now known as n900rocks09:51
n900rocksi have a question.09:52
n900rocksits in regards to providing feedback on the stable cssu release09:53
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n900rocksill come back friday09:59
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infoboti heard ianalbipootv is "I am not a lawyer, but I play one on TV"11:34
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freemangordonPali, ping21:07
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* merlin1991 wants to hit the guys who designed usb22:19
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Sicelolulz.. whayt?22:33
Sicelodang :/22:33
merlin1991because I always have to crawl below my desk to plug in my usb headset22:37
merlin1991it's impossible todo blind22:37
merlin1991AND you have no indicator if you're holding the plug the right way around22:37
Siceloand risk breaking your back ;)22:37
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merlin1991still better than usb 1.0 though I guess22:38
merlin1991still nothing beats good old analoge plugs22:41
merlin1991either you can plug them in or you are seriously ill22:41
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RaimuI read about some designer that had made USB plugs that fit both ways23:35
RaimuI can't fathom why I can't see them in gear yet.23:35
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