IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2012-03-29

merlin1991okay, anybody who wants to participate in bricking n900s of random users of this repo please send me your pubkey in whichever way you prefer :D00:00
merlin1991the idea is to make .x bumps of versions in that -devel repo and when things are considered stable enough for -testing bump the version by a real number00:00
merlin1991or rather let mag do that bump and the repo will import from maemo.org00:01
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freemangordonmerlin1991, you should put some short instructions somewhere once the repo is up, ok?00:01
merlin1991sure will do, only need pubkeys to create the users :)00:01
freemangordonI mean - directory names, etc00:01
freemangordonyou have mine, so bring the thing up :D00:02
merlin1991will do that00:03
merlin1991okay about translations00:03
freemangordongarage (next update)?00:03
Palimy keys are here:
freemangordonwas the next in agenda00:03
merlin1991it's dependand the other way around :D00:03
freemangordonok, ok00:04
freemangordonwhat about translations?00:04
merlin1991we have that famous mcesinglepagecontinous button in the pdf-reader00:04
freemangordonpdf l10n is RE and uploaded on your sever00:04
merlin1991thanks to freemangordon we have the sources to the translations now (which I have to upload to gitorious :$)00:05
merlin1991but we need to decide on an english translation as a starting point for all other langauges00:05
merlin1991actually any IDEA how to call that frigging checkbox?00:05
freemangordonlet me check in acrobat reader00:05
Palisingle page continous00:06
merlin1991the functionality it enables is that one can scroll on at the end of one page and it will autoload the next one00:06
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freemangordonPali, too long00:06
merlin1991also weird for a checkbox00:06
merlin1991we have to label what it means when it's checked00:06
arceanIIRC in Maemo 4 it's called as Pali said, "single page continous"00:07
merlin1991we can't fit that into the button size :/00:07
merlin1991unless we make the font smaller for the button00:07
freemangordonit is "Page Layout"->"Continious" in acrobat reader00:07
merlin1991hm "Continous scroll" ?00:08
freemangordon"continious pages"?00:08
arceanContinious view?00:08
freemangordonhmm the correct is continuous :D00:08
merlin1991I think continous scroll makes most sense since it affects scroll behavious00:09
freemangordonbut it is not clear what this type of scroll applies to00:10
merlin1991damn but that would actually be contionous scrolling which is too long again00:10
merlin1991taking into account the type of scroll I guess arceans suggestion is the best?00:11
freemangordonsuccessive pages?00:11
Paliarcean, yes00:11
PaliI think same name is/was in acroread00:11
freemangordoncontinuous view?00:12
freemangordonwhich one?00:12
DocScrutinizerok, have to leave now. Would you please not forget about location-widget/libsms, and the flavour stuff in product version00:12
merlin1991the last one mentioned ofc :D00:12
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: flavour stuff is fixed already00:13
merlin1991newest testing came with non meddling aboutcssu :)00:13
freemangordonPali, arcean, what do you think about "continuous view?"00:13
DocScrutinizerI'll check that in a minute ;-D00:13
arceanfreemangordon: makes sense :)00:14
freemangordonand that will be easily translatable to other languages00:14
merlin1991btw do english menu entries start with an uppercase letter?00:14
merlin1991(mine in german so I don't know)00:15
freemangordonat least in Bulgarian it is again two words only :D00:15
freemangordonWell, at least Open starts with capital letter00:15
freemangordonbut it is "Save as"00:16
Paliyes start with capital letter00:16
freemangordonwhich is strange, AIUI it should be "Save As"00:16
Palinokia paid people for proper translations :D00:17
Paliso it must be correct :D00:17
freemangordonyeah, sure :D00:18
merlin1991okay I guess we'll have "Continous view" then?00:18
freemangordon"Continous View" :p00:18
freemangordon"Continuous View" :p00:18
* merlin1991 checks pdf-reader on english00:19
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merlin1991or not, my stock device got stuck after swapping language00:19
freemangordongive it some time00:20
merlin1991rebooting, in the meantime we can talk about the next -testing00:21
merlin1991I know about k-revc, libxml, alarmd00:21
freemangordonke-recv, alarmd, camera-ui,libxml2 and h-d00:21
DocScrutinizer51easily translatable is an illusion. In china(?) they have separate word for 4_long, 4_thin, 4_round etc. Of course same for other qty00:22
freemangordonthanks God we don't have to deal with chinese00:23
merlin1991it's Save as in pdf reader00:23
merlin1991so I guess we'll have Continous view00:23
merlin1991or we'd have to change everything in the pdf reader to have it consistent :D00:23
freemangordonagree, let me check how is it in .po file00:24
merlin1991ah I actually forgot about sms thingy00:24
merlin1991so ke-recv, alarmd, camera-ui, libxml2, h-d, sms broadcast widget00:25
freemangordonYeah, it should be "Continuous view"00:25
freemangordonand pdf l10n00:25
merlin1991Pali, arcean any other packages which are currently ready or about to getready?00:25
arceanmerlin1991: no, it's everything00:26
PaliI think nothing more00:26
freemangordonwe can use google translate for first iteration re pdf l10n00:26
freemangordonbut it is time to have at least english version fixed00:27
merlin1991freemangordon: I'd suggest we add languages we can do00:27
Paliwe can write help to TMO thread00:27
merlin1991so that's english, german +what you speak00:27
merlin1991and the ask for help on tmo00:27
Paliwe got strings for modest from TMO00:27
freemangordonagree, but lets include waht we have in next update00:27
freemangordonso ke-recv, alarmd, camera-ui, libxml2, h-d, sms broadcast widget,osso-pdf-viewer-l10n00:28
merlin1991yeah so everybody in here who's got a translation for "Continous view" pm me and please add which langague you translated it to00:28
merlin1991and I'll add that batch and upload to gitorious00:28
freemangordonCan't help much with my native language, but lets ask on TMO00:29
DocScrutinizer51umm, linguist?00:29
merlin1991DocScrutinizer51 what do you mean?00:29
merlin1991it's gettext :D00:30
freemangordonit does not do translation for you AFAIK00:30
merlin1991and that00:30
merlin1991linguist is just a nice gui todo those translations00:30
merlin1991I think the last list from freemangordon is complete00:31
freemangordonI will post on TMO re translation00:31
DocScrutinizer51but I managed txl8n for twinkle, and I think you *need* such a tool00:32
DocScrutinizer51(there's sth similar for .po though, afaik)00:32
merlin1991yeah poedit00:32
merlin1991but atm it's just about 1 string00:32
merlin1991so basically we need the translation :D00:32
DocScrutinizer51this will change00:32
merlin1991sure but we have it in po form00:33
merlin1991so we can use poedit later on00:33
merlin1991which is what linguist is00:33
merlin1991I guess everybody thinks it's late enough for today?00:36
freemangordonyeah, too late to start the rotation thingy :D00:36
Palinow starting day for real programmers :D00:36
arceanPali: it's almost midnight :D00:37
merlin1991so that leaves rotation and worldclock for next time (I'll try to get ade in here aswell)00:37
DocScrutinizer51I'm off for lunch, so sorry00:37
merlin1991next week wednesday 19 UTC?00:37
merlin1991so we take summer time into account?00:37
arceanmerlin1991: yes00:37
merlin1991Pali: ?00:38
freemangordonmerlin1991, when to expect next update, this Sunday?00:38
merlin1991freemangordon: yeah00:38
merlin1991I hope I'll get my side done so I can pester MohammadAG tomorrow or friday todo it :D00:38
DocScrutinizer51~convert 19 UTC to CEST00:38
infobot19 UTC cannot be converted to CEST: Unknown unit 'UTC'00:38
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: 21 in cet00:38
merlin1991we're +2 since sunday00:39
merlin1991or was it saturday00:39
freemangordonwell, 3 AM Sunday :D00:39
DocScrutinizer51actuall sunday00:39
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merlin1991Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo2.1;   (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo2.1 | meeting: 04.04 21:00 UTC00:40
*** merlin1991 changes topic to "Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo2.1; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo2.1 | meeting: 04.04 21:00 UTC"00:40
merlin1991every 2nd time I fail to add /topic before pasting the old topic into my input bar00:40
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freemangordonmerlin1991, 21 UTC?00:41
merlin1991bloody timezones00:41
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DocScrutinizer51use Konversation, editing topic is a real snap there00:41
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merlin1991it's in this client aswell, but I always forget that it actually has that topic functionality00:42
merlin1991I always do /topic to check it instead of looking at the top of hte window00:42
merlin1991important irc information is always at the bottom :D00:43
DocScrutinizer51for friggin xchat that's true for sure00:44
DocScrutinizer51"XChat: DocScrutinizer51 @ znc / #"  KTNX00:45
DocScrutinizer51100% redundance00:46
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LaoLang_coolhi, is it possible to quickly locate the application by alphabet, say enter 'cal' will locate to calendar in application menu03:34
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Paliping merlin199112:05
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Palimerlin1991, upstream tvout project has splitted tvout packages to 2 git repositories12:45
Palifirst is branch fremantle12:45
Palisecond is branch cssu-merge12:45
Palimerlin1991, please create new gitorious cssu repository libtvout-ctl and I can then update sources from upstream12:46
Palimerlin1991, can you also create cssu tracker repository (for garage todo)?12:53
merlin1991Pali: will do13:03
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merlin1991Pali: do you have the upstream tracker repo? I only found the meego tracker13:20
PaliI wrote it to todo comment on garage13:25
merlin1991okay :)13:26
Paliupstream tracker git repo is in meego git13:26
Palibut in branch fremantle13:26
PaliI checked and it is same version as in SDK repo13:26
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merlin1991shit the tracker repo is huge, clone takes forever13:29
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merlin1991I've also merged our maemo-tvout-control with the upstream cssu-merge branch13:45
merlin1991Pali: do you know what the branch "fremantle" is in the upstream repo?13:47
merlin1991hm seems to be different13:51
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merlin1991ready with master as fremanlte-integration from meego tracker13:53
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merlin1991garage todo page is making me crazy13:59
merlin1991the libxml task just vanished13:59
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merlin1991nope it didn't14:11
merlin1991I applied a kategory filter without knowing :$14:11
Palimerlin1991, upstream tvout repo has support for fremantle and harmattan too14:13
Paliso libtvout-ctl has 3 branches: master, fremantle, harmattan14:13
merlin1991yeah I was talking about tracker14:13
merlin1991(didn't say it though :$)14:13
merlin1991it seems the meego tracker repo has a fremantle branch which is about 4 versions behind fremantle-integration14:14
Paliah, I see now that fremantle-integration is correct14:14
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merlin1991I've put the fremantle-integration as master onto gitorious14:14
Palimerlin1991, do you have some TV for testing if new merged version of tvout working?14:21
Paliok, so if you have time try to compile new version and test it14:21
Palinow I do not have any TV here :D14:21
merlin1991how come?14:21
Lava_Croftgood thing, Pali !14:23
Lava_CroftTV is boring anyway14:23
PaliI'm studing abroad and my notebook is enought for me :D14:24
Paliyes, TV is boring, you are right14:24
merlin1991yeah I have to agree on the tv beeing boring14:26
merlin1991but watching them downloaded linux distributions on a small screen isn't as much fun as on a proper tv ;)14:26
Lava_Croftwell, i must admit14:27
Lava_Crofti have 'interactive tv' now, which means i can pause live TV14:27
Lava_Croftthat does make it a lot more bearable14:27
Lava_Croftstill need the option to fast-forward the commercial breaks tho14:27
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LaoLang_coolhi, I'v installed cron, but how to configure it to allow user add his own cron task?15:10
Lava_Crofttry #maemo?15:20
LaoLang_coolLava_Croft: yes, trying :)15:20
merlin1991lol, my ntfs harddrive is defragging since yesterday15:37
merlin1991still @ 38%15:37
RaimuSomething funny's up with the nicocam CSSU strings for the new video modes.15:39
RaimuWhen I pick HD 16:9, the selector button goes to state it's DVD 16:9 and vice versa.15:40
RaimuSame for the 4:3 options.15:41
RaimuL10n gone goofed. :P15:42
merlin1991Raimu: actually l10n is right15:42
merlin1991it's wrong within the code15:42
merlin1991the enumeration for the labels vs the one for the settings don't match :D15:43
merlin1991should be fixed with next release (fix is already on gitorious)15:43
RaimuGlad to know. It's superficial, but still.15:43
LaoLang_coolhi, can I configure cssu version to select application in application menu by type the name of it?15:44
LaoLang_coolsay type "cal" will select calendar15:44
merlin1991there is no such functionality in the application menu15:45
LaoLang_coolmerlin1991: ok..15:45
RaimuThe installable (non-CSSU!!) App Search Widget does that, though.15:45
RaimuIt seems harmless and I use it a lot.15:45
LaoLang_coolapp search widget, yeah, is a way, thank you :)15:46
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freemangordonmerlin1991, MohammadAG, would you please add pdf l10n to gitorious CSSU repo?19:58
merlin1991freemangordon: coming up later today19:58
merlin1991I'll also add all the translations from tmo19:58
merlin1991don't worry :D19:59
freemangordonno fear...19:59
Palihi, I have some problems with jonwil's cbs widget, see
Palimerlin1991, freemangordon, see my post, what do you think about droping messages which start with @@@@@?20:07
freemangordonPali, what did jonwil say about that problem20:09
Palijonwil wrote that maybe operator sending invalid data20:10
Palior there is problem in nokias sw20:11
Paliat least it showing me same error20:11
freemangordonnokias sw? which one20:11
Paliand I think that NO operator should sent message which starting with 5 @20:11
Paliso no current answer20:12
freemangordonare those "@"s the only garbadge seen so far?20:13
freemangordonthose might be some special symbols20:14
Paliat least in logs attached in that thread20:14
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rlinfatiwhy the tar.gz from the cssu include the .git directory ?21:04
merlin1991rlinfati: because nobody things about adding the proper commands to the dpkg-buildpackage to exclude them21:07
merlin1991tbh I can't even say which flag did it21:07
rlinfati-I.git ?21:07
merlin1991actually -i is enough21:09
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merlin1991freemangordon: translations are on gitorious including the ones we got from tmo21:55
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merlin1991why is it that with every version of the tv-out applet I'm updating the buildscripts to actually work in the maemo scratchbox?22:07
merlin1991does the main dev never build inside scratchbox?22:07
arceanmerlin1991: could you import openssl?
merlin1991arcean: no maemo git of openssl existing?22:40
arceanmerlin1991: unfortunately not22:40
merlin1991I'll add it, need to test the tvout compile first :D22:41
arceanmerlin1991: ok, thanks :)22:41
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merlin1991Pali tv-out still works with new version23:01
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merlin1991arcean: I'm running a buildtest before I push the files to gitorious, openssl has quite some tests in the buildscripts :D23:21
merlin1991srly, these tests are taking FOREVER23:27
merlin1991it's worse than libc and kernel post build checks23:27
merlin1991I'm starting to get the feeling it's running in circles23:32
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merlin1991omfg it did finish23:43
arceanmerlin1991: thanks23:49
arceanmerlin1991: btw, should I append "-0cssu0" or "+0cssu0" to the version string ?23:51
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