IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Wednesday, 2012-03-28

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freemangordonmerlin1991, meeting today?21:30
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merlin199120 utc22:11
merlin1991so in about 50 mins22:11
merlin1991freemangordon: ^^22:11
freemangordonaah, damn, summer time here :(22:14
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merlin1991Pali, freemangordon, arcean, DocScrutinizer, MohammadAG ping23:02
merlin1991okay mag seems to be afk (I pmed him some time ago)23:05
merlin1991agenda for today would be: cssu versioning scheme, testing->stable?, rotation23:06
merlin1991anything to add?23:06
merlin1991ah yeah + garage tasks23:06
freemangordonmerlin1991, next update?23:06
merlin1991that's part of the last one :)23:07
Paliwhat is state of open media player and open world clock?23:07
freemangordonPali, OMP is definitly not ready AFAIK, I have it onstalled and it is still crashing every now and then23:08
Paliand also sms broadcast widget?23:08
Palifreemangordon, I'm using OMP for 2 weeks and no crash23:08
freemangordonand even if adeclock is ready we are missing ade :)23:08
merlin1991sms broadcast widget is scheduled for next update23:08
freemangordonPali, want the coredumps?23:09
merlin1991but anything else to add to the agenda?23:09
Palifreemangordon, not old coredumps23:09
PaliI saw in git more changes in code23:09
merlin1991another item for the agenda, pdf-reader translation23:09
Paliso maybe some problems was fixed23:10
Palibut if you get crashes with last extras-devel version, send me it23:10
merlin1991so, version scheme, testing->stable, garage (next update), pdfreader, rotation       anything to add?23:10
Palimerlin1991, + tvout translations23:10
freemangordonmerlin1991, why is pdf translations not in CSSU repo, i upload it a week or so ago?23:10
arceantvout translations?23:11
freemangordonarcean, tvout applet23:11
DocScrutinizerno pkgs like clock or OMP into MP23:11
arceanyeah, not translated23:11
freemangordonmerlin1991, what about "devel-repo-to-be"?23:11
merlin1991freemangordon: good point23:11
DocScrutinizermust all become optional, as nothing depends on it23:11
merlin1991agenda for today: version scheme, testing->stable, repo to be, garage (next update), translations, rotation, omp / clock23:12
merlin1991let's start at the beginning23:12
freemangordon..which reminds me of "community-kernel"23:13
DocScrutinizerkeep your fingers off my kernel!23:13
freemangordons/me of/me for/23:13
infobotfreemangordon meant: ..which reminds me for "community-kernel"23:13
merlin1991if you look at
merlin1991you'll notice that we have all kinds of cssu / mwhatever suffixed in our packages23:13
Palimerlin1991, + updating tvout packages23:14
Palifrom upstream23:14
merlin1991ah okay23:14
merlin1991basically we have 2 types of packages in cssu23:14
merlin1991those where we are upstream (like h-d) and those where we aren't23:14
DocScrutinizerI'd definitely be the opposite of amused when I had to learn next CSSU update tries to mess with my kernel23:15
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer, we are discussing versioning scheme23:15
DocScrutinizerand I'm not the only one feeling like that23:15
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merlin1991currently most maemo packages have a version of realupstream+0m523:16
merlin1991I would suggest that for future packages we simply add a -cssu0 at the end23:16
freemangordonmerlin1991, what those xxx-0maemo1+0m5 is supposed to mean23:16
arcean-cssu0 or +cssu0 ?23:17
freemangordonand what is the difference :)23:17
PaliI think '-' char is traditional debian style23:17
arceanwe are using '+' currently23:17
merlin1991traditionally you have upstream-debianrevision23:18
merlin1991from nokia we get upstream+0m523:18
Palibut upstream you also mean something-1maemo123:18
DocScrutinizerhybris ;-P23:18
merlin1991so upstream+0m5-cssurevision would make sense in the traditional maemo way23:18
DocScrutinizerwill all that simplify anything?23:19
arceanso we should change naming scheme for some packages?23:19
arceanlike libqt4-core23:19
arceanactually it's 1:4.7.4~git20110505+cssu623:20
* DocScrutinizer boggles23:20
merlin1991changing that is going to get hard23:20
merlin1991- is considered inferior to + by dpkg23:20
DocScrutinizeruse ² then ;-)23:21
freemangordonso no problem replacing "+cssu6" with "-cssu6"23:21
merlin1991so even a 1:4.7.4~git20110505-cssu7 would be considered a downgrade compared to 1:4.7.4~git20110505+cssu623:21
DocScrutinizeror some nice ANSI esc sequence ;-P23:21
freemangordonaah, ok23:22
merlin1991tbh I wouldn't bother with redoing the naming scheme of existing packages, but only fix the guidline of new packages to come23:22
merlin1991(like pdf-reader translations)23:22
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: +++23:22
freemangordonso, you want the versioning scheme to be -cssuX, where X is next CSSU version?23:23
DocScrutinizeragain, what does it simplify, this weird naming scheme?23:23
merlin1991so bascially the question is, what kind of suffix do we want to add in case of packages where we are not upstream?23:23
DocScrutinizerI'm lazy on typing ;-)23:24
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: one should be able to see from the version what it is23:24
* DocScrutinizer shrugs23:24
merlin1991so 10+0m5-cssu1 would be upstreamrelease 10, +nokia changes + cssurevision 223:24
DocScrutinizeroh sure, compared to 11-cssu323:25
DocScrutinizerwhich obviously was happy without maemo patches23:25
DocScrutinizerbut wait....23:25
DocScrutinizerWHEN will this EVER happen23:25
DocScrutinizerand - who cares?23:25
merlin1991if we ever run into the point where we ugrade a library to a new upstream release23:26
merlin1991like it happneed with qt23:26
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, what is the problem to have established versioning scheme, even if NOONE ever care23:26
merlin1991and who cares, the maintainer, because he has to understand the mess :D23:26
DocScrutinizerI'm lazy on typing ;-)23:26
DocScrutinizerand I get a headache from those version mess23:27
DocScrutinizeresp when git comes in23:27
freemangordonso, lets agree on that if trere are no objections and move on23:27
merlin1991yeah any objections to upstream+0m5-cssurev? (0m5 only if the source is based on a nokia maemo source)23:28
* DocScrutinizer shrugs and wanders off to get some washing done. Need clothes eventually23:28
arceanmerlin1991: it's ok23:28
DocScrutinizerdoesn't mean I'm not lurking23:28
freemangordonand we start numbering from -cssu023:28
arceanin packages like hildon-home we are still bumpinig only -ccsuX ?23:29
Palimerlin1991, I do not care about versioning, so if I make some changes in gitorious, can you or other change version to probler string?23:29
merlin1991sure just ping me whenever you updated a package that it is ready for a version and I'll bump the version properly23:29
freemangordonPali, updating debian/changelog that is :)23:30
merlin1991arcean: in hildon home we have 0.3.71-9 currently23:30
merlin1991and we consider ourselvels upstream23:30
freemangordonas we are :D23:30
merlin1991so bump -x for small changes and the .71 for big ones23:30
PaliI mean that I can update debian/changelog, but I forget our version strings scheme :D23:30
arceanmerlin1991: ah, ok :)23:31
freemangordonPali, there will be a memo on garage23:31
merlin1991I'll put it into the wiki aswell23:31
merlin1991I guess we all agree, so whatabout packages in -testing that could go to stable23:32
* DocScrutinizer suffered a versioning nightmare during last 3 workdays, when 2 chips used same branch, but the updates wre not in sync23:32
merlin1991I think h-* + libclutter could go into stable, and freetype aswell23:32
freemangordonfreetype? is it in testing?23:33
merlin1991libfreetype6 (>= 2.3.9-2osso2+0cssu1) is in the current -testing23:33
merlin1991which was 1 segfault fixed and 1 cve23:33
merlin1991whatabout maemo-tvout-control, move current state into -stable, or push the upstream changes into -testing first and see what happens?23:34
Palitvout should go to stable23:35
Palicurrent version23:35
merlin1991also any objections to the readyness of the current state of hildon-* packages?23:35
arceando we have translations for tvout-control ?23:35
freemangordonwell, I did some minor change to h-d, but it is not critical anyway23:36
Palinot yet23:36
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DocScrutinizerosso2+0?? WTF?23:36
merlin1991blame nokia :D23:36
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freemangordonhmm, do we have translation strings missing for tvout?23:36
merlin1991for -stable I'd like to have translations first23:36
Palitvout does not using gettext translations for new strings23:37
freemangordonit has hardcoded strings or what?23:37
Palinew strings are hardcoded in english into code23:37
PaliI think it should go to stable23:37
freemangordonwithout translations?23:38
Palihow long takes to transtale these new strings to other languages?23:38
Paliit has english texts23:38
merlin1991imo having something in english only is a nogo for -stable23:38
Paliit is enought23:38
freemangordonmerlin1991, agree23:38
merlin1991well it's a regression over stock package23:38
merlin1991and -stable claims to only be better than stock23:38
freemangordonPali, we should not break user experience in such a way23:39
merlin1991and also be rock solid :D23:39
Paliso we need people which transtale new strings to all nokia langs :D23:39
DocScrutinizeryou all get a star in my book, and no homework today :-D23:39
freemangordondo we have l10n packages for tvout or it should be RE?23:39
Paliit needs RE23:39
merlin1991freemangordon: practically it doesn't need re but rahter newly done from the source23:40
freemangordonNP, merlin1991 has the tool written in his notes :P23:40
freemangordonmerlin1991, why is that?23:40
merlin1991well most strings are new23:40
freemangordonactually it needs the same what calculator does23:40
merlin1991except for 2 or 3 :D23:40
freemangordoni.e. gettext usage23:40
freemangordonPali, both sources are yours, would you do it?23:41
freemangordonand maybe it is a good idea to move Qt gettext to a library23:41
merlin1991I'll put a task on garage for -tvout translations and will re the original ones, pali can you do the code side inside the applet?23:42
Palifreemangordon, source of what?23:42
freemangordoncalculato and tvout23:42
Palicalculator ui is my23:42
Palitvout control panel and tvout status menu too23:42
freemangordonthere is a code fragment in calculator which encapsulates gettext functionality to be used in Qt23:42
Palibut tvout desktop widget and tvout library is from upstream project23:43
freemangordonwell, we are talking for UIs23:43
Palifreemangordon, yes I created small functions to use gettext in qt23:43
freemangordonyes, I know, the question was whether it is not better to move that code in a .so23:43
Paliit is inlined functions23:44
Paliwhich only call gettext23:44
MohammadAGI'd like to add that OMP is not ready till I check something23:44
MohammadAGI forgot what it was, but I'll remember it once I pick up OMP on the N900 again23:44
MohammadAGalso, some segfault checks need to be placed23:44
freemangordonMohammadAG, if you ask me it is not ready even after you've checked the thing :D23:45
MohammadAGfreemangordon, the thing's probably still there :p23:45
MohammadAGso even if I check it, it won't be ready :p23:45
merlin1991so Pali when I got the translationd side of the applet done, can you add it to the code?23:45
merlin1991okay will do the task and assing it23:46
PaliI can add gettext into tvout code23:46
PaliI already have in code prepaired /* TODO */23:46
merlin1991perfect next thing is repo-to be23:47
merlin1991for all who have no idea what this is23:47
freemangordonmerlin1991, just a second23:47
merlin1991what's left?23:47
MohammadAGsorry I'm later, but about the versioning scheme23:47
freemangordondo you have diff between -testing and -stable, it is easy to miss something23:48
MohammadAGwe're using +0cssu$versionIncrementsInCSSU23:48
MohammadAGall other packages with different versions were before the bug was closed23:48
merlin1991freemangordon: you can diff it easily when you go over the wiki changelogs23:48
MohammadAGif they still are like that, then we never changed them23:48
freemangordonmerlin1991, ok, sure, I was just asking do you have it :)23:49
merlin1991yeah I've got it23:49
freemangordonMohammadAG, are you trying to tell that we should use +cssuX instead of -cssuX?23:49
merlin1991oh yeah, MohammadAG is right23:51
povbotBug 11830: Consistent updating of version information23:51
freemangordonmerlin1991, MohammadAG, I think that you being the maintainers should agree on versioning scheme and put the result on garage and in wiki23:52
merlin1991MohammadAG: why +0cssu0 and not +cssu0 though?23:52
merlin1991freemangordon: anything else before repo-to-be?23:53
merlin1991okay repo-to-be is a repo I've set up on my server which tracks -testing and also has a directory on the server which is used for importing23:53
merlin1991so in praxis this would allow us to have a -devel repo we could use to test things between -testing versions23:54
merlin1991it doesn't really make a differnece from dsitributing .debs but could ease that23:55
MohammadAG<merlin1991> MohammadAG: why +0cssu0 and not +cssu0 though?23:55
MohammadAGfollowed a weird versioning scheme by Nokia23:56
merlin1991my idea was to create a user for each of us on the server, so everyone could upload into that repo23:56
MohammadAGhandle conflicts well23:56's cssu repo corrupts the dpkg "status" file if two same versions are uploaded23:57
merlin1991the used software in this case ignores every import for the same version if it already exists23:57
merlin1991so in that case either bump the version or ping me to purge the old package (not preferred)23:58
merlin1991any thoughts on the whole idea?23:58
freemangordonmerlin1991, I don't think anyone is against having -devel repo, so it is up to you to set it up :p23:58

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