IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2011-11-12

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nealdoes the cssu include a kernel?00:23
nealif so, can we include the patch mentioned here:00:23
nealI just encountered the same error.00:24
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NIN102no the CSSU does not include a kernel00:29
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Palineal: this patch is included in kernel-power00:53
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Macerdoes the power kernel have fmtx issues?00:57
Maceri guess i will find out in a minute after i reflash everything00:58
Macerbackupmenu totally failed me00:58
Palikernel-power v49 has fmtx patch which can lock and/or unlock power level01:03
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DocScrutinizerpali: wut?01:50
DocScrutinizerlock/unlocj kernel - whats that?01:50
DocScrutinizerI can't figure a kernel patch that unlocks a FOSS kernel01:55
nox-wasnt there some limit used by default for fmtx power?02:00
Maceromg seriously02:13
Macermy imei isn't working?02:13
Maceroh. nm. yes it did.02:14
Macerugh. it seriously sucks that i have to do this :)02:16
Maceri had a pretty good setup going there02:16
Macercan flasher make an image of your phone? instead of using backupmenu?02:16
Macerwhen i run flasher i get a file create error :(02:23
Maceri'm trying to flash PR1.3 and i get ERROR: CreateFile, error = 502:24
Macerany ideas?02:24
Maceromg i can't flash this thing!!02:27
arceansounds like "access denied"02:32
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MacerUSB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x002:47
Macerthen it just sits there02:47
Maceromg i'm totally lost03:04
Maceri think my n900 is bricked :(03:04
Maceri am trying that to restore03:06
Macerthis sucks so badly03:06
Macerblah. got it03:18
Macerremember: never use windows for a linux job :)03:18
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Lava_Croftflasher works fine on windows14:24
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nealwhere is the cssu's bug tracker?15:13
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merlin1991neal: see /topic, or check the Maemo 5 Community SSU part on bugs.maemo.org16:09
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merlin1991Macer: did you install the current "stable" ?16:12
nealmerlin1991: Thanks.16:14
nealmerlin1991: I've reassigned the bug.16:14
nealWhat's the repository I should use to test the upcoming stable version?16:14
merlin1991http:// (runs on my server)16:16
nealI'll give it a try soon, thanks16:16
merlin1991bear in mind that you shouldn't come from testing, or should have modified hildon-desktop installed16:17
nealmerlin1991: I was going to come from PR1.3, fresh install16:17
nealmerlin1991: I hope that's okay16:17
nealmerlin1991: I don't want to "break" anything :)16:17
merlin1991that's fine, you can also install from pr1.3.1 :)16:17
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* DocScrutinizer pokes MohammadAG about T1717:09
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nealcamera still works17:29
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DocScrutinizerstock UI I hope18:55
DocScrutinizerhow about, integrate those into CSSU as they don't exactly need a new kernel? it's just *.ko to *fix an issue with stock/power kernel*18:57
nealDocScrutinizer: Apparently the fix is already in the latest power kernel.18:58
DocScrutinizeraaah, ok then18:58
nealDistributing the fix for the stock kernel would be good18:59
nealif we distribute the binary, we need to provide the source, however.18:59
merlin1991tbh I don't think it's that easy19:00
merlin1991we can't overwrite a file from another package with our package19:00
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merlin1991we'd have to reprovide the full kernel-modules pacakge19:00
merlin1991(I think so at least)19:00
nealI think dpkg-divert would do the trick.19:00
Macerso how is the official stable release going?19:03
merlin1991waiting for X-Fade to prepare the repo and waiting for Mag to release t-1719:04
merlin1991and also waiting a few days before calling it really stable :)19:04
Macerah so it will be on
Macerok. awesome19:04
merlin1991the current location is just a testsetup on my server19:04
Macerwho runs
Macerdoes nokia still run it?19:05
merlin1991yes it's still run by nokia19:05
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Macerfor how long? eventually the penny pinchers will turn the servers off19:20
merlin1991MohammadAG: I'll repeat Doc, where's our long awaited testing release ;)19:20
Macerstupid floods in taiwan19:22
Maceri have a 4 bay synology that needs 4 3 TB hard drives19:23
Macerand 3TB hard drives are  250 :(19:23
Macerthey were 150 last mnth19:23
* DocScrutinizer idly wonders if the supermarket next to him still offers the announced 1TB-USB drives for 49€19:29
DocScrutinizerre *.ko, we could do nasty and simply force the change in via postinst mv19:30
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: and act like the fsckd modified-hildon-desktop deb?19:30
DocScrutinizerwe're "entitled" to do this as we deliver "official" patches to stock system19:31
merlin1991in that case that patch should go straight into kernel-modules19:31
DocScrutinizermodulo we're not shipping kernel.modules19:32
merlin1991since official patch to a stock package is NOT another package that ships one file of the original package19:32
DocScrutinizeras a pkg19:32
DocScrutinizeras metioned before(?) management of *.ko is awkward in linux19:32
DocScrutinizerit's a PITA regarding packaging etc19:33
DocScrutinizerkinda similar to Nokia's MP19:34
DocScrutinizeras kernel comes with a bunch of *.ko and there's no sane way to replace any of those, or just add an additional one19:35
merlin1991imo if we ship it we should ship it over
merlin1991and that is a sane way19:35
DocScrutinizerI'm no packaging wizzard, but I've seen tedious discussions about those cam-drivers19:36
DocScrutinizeras well as about kernel-modules-addon19:36
merlin1991well their problem is they can't replace the mp bound modules package19:36
merlin1991but as we are cssu we ofc can do that19:36
DocScrutinizerso can't we19:36
merlin1991why can't we? oO?19:36
DocScrutinizerhmm, only if we break up the jernel-"MP" and ship the whole shit by ourselves from now on19:37
DocScrutinizerwhich of course we *could* do, but gets nasty to maintain that for stock plus all the different custom kernels anyway19:38
DocScrutinizerbut, as mentioned above: I Aint No Packaging Wizard19:39
DocScrutinizerjust throwing in my idea of "maybe it would be nice if we could provide a 'fix' for this as well..."19:39
DocScrutinizerhonestly, knowing of all the tedious discussions spawning from that topic in the past, I probably should have kept my mouth shut19:40
merlin1991from a packaging point of view I see no problem at all19:41
merlin1991if there is a kernel-mp we could make that depend on our new modules package and the rest is just done19:41
merlin1991if not even better, we just ship the dammned modules pkg and are happy19:42
merlin1991maintaining for other kernels is not our problem since we patch the stock kerenel, other kernels have to incoroprate the fix themselves19:43
merlin1991hey Sicelo19:43
merlin1991sorry about forgetting to mention that dsmetool -b reboots19:43
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: we want to keep CSSU compatible to other kernels though19:45
Sicelono problem ;)19:45
Sicelo+1 DocScrutinizer19:45
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: we wouldn't19:45
merlin1991we would only if we depend on the kernel-flasher too19:46
merlin1991wich whould flash the stock kernel19:46
merlin1991wich ofc would be bad19:46
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: was quite a bummer to read "do not install PK on CSSU systems, or CSSU on PK systems, as that will result in <whatever major borkage>"19:46
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merlin1991when was that written?19:46
DocScrutinizerwhen we did an epic fail on that19:47
* merlin1991 doesn't remember that19:47
DocScrutinizerwas=would be19:47
merlin1991ah :D19:47
DocScrutinizerI suck on English sometimes19:48
merlin1991the only thing we could do to other kernels is overwrite them with an update19:48
DocScrutinizerinstalling that fixed *.ko to PK will break it, no?19:48
merlin1991no not at all19:48
Sicelocssu not supporting other kernels would reduce number of users19:48
merlin1991installing that fixed *.ko would simply install that fixed *.ko19:49
DocScrutinizerwhich in turn causes PK to PANIC/OOPS19:49
merlin1991doesn't pk use a different /lib/modules folder?19:50
DocScrutinizercause the *.ko vermagic/whatever doesn't match19:50
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DocScrutinizerwell, that's the question19:50
* merlin1991 goes and simply checks that19:50
merlin1991once and for all19:50
DocScrutinizerthe question of "where to would we install that *.ko"19:51
merlin1991aka stock kernel modules19:51
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   12 2009-10-30 12:32 current -> 2.6.28-omap119:52
DocScrutinizerinstall our *ko to /kib/modules/current/ and watch BOOOM19:52
merlin1991well wich idiot would do that?19:53
DocScrutinizerjust saying19:53
merlin1991or rather what kind of idiot package maintainer would create such a fsckd package?19:53
DocScrutinizeraiui e.g multiboot is messing with the symlink ^^^19:54
merlin1991aiui multiboot comes from deeper layers of hell19:54
* DocScrutinizer wonders what a clean PK install looks like19:54
DocScrutinizer(hell) that too19:55
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: pk kernel-modules are in /lib/modules/
DocScrutinizert900:~# ls -l /lib/modules/19:55
DocScrutinizerdrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        19640 Dec 12  2010
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           16 Dec 12  2010 current ->
merlin1991no 2.6.28-omap1 there?19:56
DocScrutinizerabove paste comprehensive19:56
merlin1991apt-cache policy kernel-modules?19:56
DocScrutinizer  Installed: 2.6.28-20101501+0m519:57
DocScrutinizer  Candidate: 2.6.28-20103103+0m519:57
DocScrutinizer     2.6.28-20103103+0m5 019:57
DocScrutinizer        500 ./ Packages19:57
merlin1991where the fuck did your modules go then? oO19:57
Siceloi have oma1 and power4719:58
merlin1991me suspects evil stuff in power46 modules postinst19:58
Sicelo $ ls -l /lib/modules/19:58
Sicelodrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         7600 Oct 20 12:57 2.6.28-omap119:58
Sicelodrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        20208 Oct 20 12:57
Sicelolrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           17 Oct 20 12:57 current ->
merlin1991that's what a sane kernel deployment should look like19:59
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: multiboot on your device?19:59
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: not really, wasting space on rootfs19:59
DocScrutinizerbut I bet on Sicelo 's20:00
Sicelodefinitely not. :)20:00
merlin1991I knew it :)20:00
DocScrutinizerhmm, nfc then20:00
* merlin1991 checks power46 source20:00
DocScrutinizerI even might have nuked the shit manually20:00
merlin1991sounds like you ;)20:01
Sicelounless mine is unlike doc's due to downgrade from 48 :/20:01
DocScrutinizeryou know me, eh? :-)20:01
DocScrutinizer~part #maemo-ssu20:05
infobotLeaving. (courtesy of docscrutinizer).20:05
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merlin1991dl speed here suxx20:06
DocScrutinizerwell, let's see20:06
merlin1991still pulling the power46 source20:07
DocScrutinizert900:~# ls -ld /lib/modules/20:07
DocScrutinizerdrwxr-xr-x    3 root     root          304 Jun 20  2011 /lib/modules/20:07
DocScrutinizer20th of june obviously was a happy day for me ;-D20:07
merlin1991what does the -d do to ls?20:08
DocScrutinizermakes the diff to my prev post20:08
DocScrutinizerI.E it stats the dir inode rather than diving into the dir20:08
merlin1991looks like you indeed messed with the dir after installing pk20:09
DocScrutinizerso you see /lib/modules got changed Jul 2020:09
DocScrutinizerthat's what I meant to say :-)20:09
DocScrutinizerJun 20 actually20:10
merlin1991pk kernel postinst only move the current symlink20:11
merlin1991so yes we can ship that fix for stock kernel with cssu20:11
DocScrutinizerooh, wait20:11
DocScrutinizert900:~# ls -l /lib/modules/20:11
DocScrutinizerdrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        19640 Dec 12  2010
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           16 Dec 12  2010 current ->
DocScrutinizerfor the record20:11
DocScrutinizerother one was from IroN90020:11
merlin1991oh, great fun20:12
merlin1991date changed came from package20:12
DocScrutinizernah it wasn't, me starts to confuse things20:12
* merlin1991 dl current kernel20:12
merlin1991err stock kernel source I mean20:13
DocScrutinizert900:~# stat /lib/modules/20:14
DocScrutinizerChange: 2011-06-20 05:33:24.00000000020:14
DocScrutinizerI might mention that the system time on t900 isn't always correct :-P20:15
DocScrutinizert900:~# date20:15
DocScrutinizerMon Feb  9 09:03:28 CET 200920:15
merlin1991rofl / mao20:15
* DocScrutinizer probably should install ntpd on t90020:16
merlin1991regardless, trust me when I say we can shipt that module without breaking anything20:16
Sicelou will hear Elop in 2 days :P20:16
Sicelono.. dumb :S20:16
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I 100% trust you :-D20:16
nealO dpm20:17
nealI don't trust him20:17
nealwhat's the issue? :)20:17
DocScrutinizerpropagating *.ko for stock20:17
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DocScrutinizerin CSSU20:17
nealI know20:17
nealwhy do you think it will break something?20:18
nealor are you just being conservative?20:18
DocScrutinizerI don't think it will, I'm just ponting to "it mustn't"20:18
DocScrutinizerand to the lots of heated debates about similar problems with e.g. (f)camdriver.ko20:19
Maceri doubt anybody would truly care20:19
Macerit isnt like you have the big bucks... aren't reallt worth suing :)20:19
DocScrutinizeranyway, got a RL to live, bbl20:19
DocScrutinizerMacer: OT :-D20:20
* merlin1991 finally can register the 2nd sim on his n90020:21
merlin1991or not, registration stuck on step2, keeps repeating the fsckd step20:23
MacerDocScrutinizer: i really dont think neither TI nor Nokia would raise much of a fit because of some module being used on their device on a community supported update heh20:23
merlin1991Macer: it's not about using the module20:24
merlin1991but breaking other kernels20:24
Macerthat would be like Google and HTC suing cyanogen20:24
Maceroh. ghe other kernels are broken aready anyways :)20:24
Macerpower kernel has issues with fm transmitting20:25
Macerbut i didnt look into it much. i am sure it is solved20:25
Sicelonot mine20:26
DocScrutinizereeeh? >>The requested URL /maemo-ssu-irclog/search was not found on this server."20:28
DocScrutinizer  -> search xxx  ->   /// -> search xxxxx -> -> 40420:32
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I remember the funciton got removed because it's implementation is rather slow and server cpu heavy20:40
merlin1991I gues due to the way the logs are stored20:41
merlin1991well what he said over in #maemo :)20:42
DocScrutinizer#define "topic list for 11-18 meeting"
DocScrutinizerAERKS :-(20:47
DocScrutinizer#define "topic list for 11-18 meeting"
DocScrutinizer##topic-11-18  deliver fixed .ko kernel drivers for stock kernel20:47
merlin1991what the hack are you trying to achive here?20:48
DocScrutinizer~cssu-meeting-topic is
merlin1991ah I see you add a hashtag and search for it to filter out stuff for the future meeting20:49
DocScrutinizeryes sir20:49
merlin1991why not simply open a page on
DocScrutinizertoo tedious20:49
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DocScrutinizer##topic-11-18 S-rollout: what are the results of testing merlin1991's test repo by those who tested it (who are those)?21:44
nealI tested it21:45
nealI upgraded from a freshly flashed Pr1.321:45
DocScrutinizer##topic-11-18 T17: any news on rollout of Testing-17 release, any first feedback?21:45
nealI tried the camera and it worked21:46
nealI didn't try modest21:46
nealbut I did play with the rest21:46
nealand I didn't run into any issues so far21:46
DocScrutinizer##comments to ##topic-11-18 S-rollout ^^^ above21:47
DocScrutinizeryou're all invided to join in to this scheme, and at very least contribute to the list of ##topic-MM-DD <topic keywd>: <description>21:48
DocScrutinizeratm topic-11-18 is the one21:49
DocScrutinizertagging posts that are related to a topic: just add a line like my ##comment post above, and mention the ##topic-DD-YY <SUBJECT> in that line21:51
DocScrutinizerthis way we can use chanlog to yield all the relevant related stuff instantly21:51
DocScrutinizerplease don't use the original #topic 11 plus 18 or any other correctly formed tag when not really due, e.g when discussing this scheme itself21:53
DocScrutinizerso not to fill the list of hits on
DocScrutinizerrather point to the /topic for the URL21:55
DocScrutinizerand use ##topic-MM-DD as the term for the tag itself21:56
DocScrutinizerin discussions about it21:56
DocScrutinizer##comments to ##topic-11-18 S-rollout below21:57
DocScrutinizerneal: did the installation work smooth?21:58
nealif there is a log, I don't know where it is21:58
nealthe xterm closes after it completes21:58
nealand scrolling while text is being produced doesn't work21:58
DocScrutinizerwell as long as it worked :-D21:58
nealthere were some messages that I wanted to investigate21:59
nealbut it all went so fast...21:59
DocScrutinizergood point for UX21:59
DocScrutinizerneeds some improvement21:59
DocScrutinizer##topic-11-18 installer: improve user experience by allowing to read messages, thus not scaring/confusing users22:01
Sicelowhat is application menu editor?22:01
DocScrutinizerthe tossing around of icons in app starter I guess22:02
Sicelonow testing the gconf settings in
DocScrutinizer##topic-11-18 HD-lock: lock editing of homescreens (the "gear")22:03
Siceloneal: do u notice a more responsive desktop? (maybe not, as u are directly from flashing :/)22:04
DocScrutinizerSicelo: more responsive compared to what, on which action?22:06
Sicelojust general responsiveness. it is much faster than i had it before.22:07
DocScrutinizerwell, probably related to flashing22:08
DocScrutinizerunrelated to CSSU, or maybe related to fixing that GPU/CPU hogging bug in the stock HD scrolling that ate your battery on short menues that couldn't scroll at all and thus were virtually bouncing up and down all the time22:10
DocScrutinizerfor sure not related to Stable ;-D22:10
DocScrutinizerSicelo: so you tested merlin1991's test S repo as well?22:12
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Siceloyes, that's where i installed cssu from. didnt have cssu before. as fro reflash, i last (and first) flashed on July the 4th :D22:15
DocScrutinizer##comments to ##topic-11-18 S-rollout below22:15
DocScrutinizer##<Sicelo> yes, that's where i installed cssu from. didnt have cssu before. as fro reflash, i last (and first) flashed on July the 4th :Dcomments to ##topic-11-18 S-rollout below22:16
Siceloheh, if infobot was here this wouldn't work as intended22:16
DocScrutinizer<Sicelo> yes, that's where i installed cssu from. didnt have cssu before. as fro reflash, i last (and first) flashed on July the 4th :D22:16
Siceloso far everything running well. zero issues22:17
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DocScrutinizerI'm considering to change ##comment ##topic  to  ##comment #topic, so the list of ##topics doesn't get messed up with hits for ##comment ##topic22:34
DocScrutinizerso you can search for ##topic-MM-DD to find the clean list of topic points, yu can search for #topic <topic> to get all the locations with comments to a particular topic, and finally #topic will get you all22:36
nealisn't this too much beurocracy?22:36
DocScrutinizerwhat's  buerocracy in a simple scheme to tag IRC posts so the chanlog searc yields you a summary for free?22:37
neallet's use some machine learning :-)22:37
neallike some sort of clusting algorithm22:38
DocScrutinizeryou're free to implement a bit that triggers on keywords and does the hard work of fixing sources and delivering patches all on its own ;-D22:38
nealfixing sources and writing patches is the stuff I do22:39
nealmachines can organize the information for me22:39
nealthey're better at it anyways22:39
DocScrutinizerthis would imply these machines are at least as clever as you are22:39
nealIt shouldn't be too hard to use something like xapian22:39
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DocScrutinizernfi about whats xapian22:40
DocScrutinizerbut I know how chanlog and search works22:40
DocScrutinizerno f* idea22:41
nealit's a search back end22:41
nealit uses probabilitic inference22:41
neallike spam assassin22:41
DocScrutinizerwill tag all our rant here as XXX spam22:41
DocScrutinizerneal: do a /topic, click on the URL there, profit, admit it's useful22:42
nealI don't know what to do with, e.g.,
nealit's a search query box22:43
nealI expected a log22:43
DocScrutinizersigh, it should show all hits for the search term, incl the one you just posted22:52
DocScrutinizerthanks for that22:52
Macergot my knockoff BL-5J and the wall charger22:54
DocScrutinizerif it doesn't, you may want to enter that search term ##topic-<MM>-<DD> into the serach box manually22:54
Maceri'm scared to stick this battery in my n900 :)22:54
Maceri am picturing the n900 exploding22:54
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Macerdoes the n900 at least get some sort of serial or any type of information off the battery at all?22:55
Macerto remember which battery is in it?22:55
Macerblah .. ok :)22:55
Macercause now i have 3 batteries and a wall charger22:55
DocScrutinizerit's a dumb battery22:55
Macerit sure is ;)22:55
DocScrutinizerthe bq27200 is supposed to get built into the battery, not into the device as is on N90022:56
DocScrutinizerGTA02 battery is like that22:56
DocScrutinizerbut that one doesn't fit into N900 ;-P22:56
Sicelohow do the other phones using bl-5j work? also have the chip on device?22:58
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Macerwonder how well this yeah i find it kind of lame the damn battery percentage can't be read while it is charging lol22:59
Macerthat's ghetto22:59
Macerhey... at least i have a battery charger tho in case my usb port falls off :/23:00
Maceri should put the old n900 back together23:00
Macerin china does cyan mean charging and blue mean charged? :)23:01
Maceri am charging the knockoff battery that came with it.. wow that thing is horrible.. i don't think i willl use it unless i am desperate23:02
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Macerneal: wow :)23:10
Macerso far i only saw one that was what it was rated23:10
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Maceryou have to love how he gave instruction on how to scam mugen :)23:14
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