IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2011-03-08

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merlin1991MohammadAG, ping00:57
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Sc0rpiustomorrow my holidays end so I can go back to work on CSSU :)01:44
Sc0rpiusI hope we can figure out a way to get the tree view mode into the repo and maybe see how difficult a conversation mode would be01:45
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merlin1991Sc0rpius,  your holidays end and that gives you time to go back to work on cssu, w00t?01:56
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: could you check what's the issue with CSSU I ran into yesterday? AIUI there's something that should get fixed02:18
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: from beginning and then ~00:4802:21
javispedrobut why you ask me? I'm a CSSU noob, mostly.02:22
javispedro(in fact I don't know if there's a replacement for the display osso control panel applet in there...)02:22
javispedrothere's some source for one in gitorious02:22
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: merlin1991 helped me out, but I'm not entirely clear about what's been the exact set of problems. Seems like CSSU shouldn't install over a previous MHD install, even when it got downgraded, or sth along that line02:23
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: we managed to get things sorted, there's links to pastebins etc. Thought you know what's the issue and whom to pester to fix what in CSSU so others won't run into same or similar issues02:24
DocScrutinizerstorry ends ~
javispedroso I guess that your current situation is that you are without any maemo metapackage at all02:26
javispedrodid you start from the UK firmware variant or something like that?02:27
DocScrutinizernah, I reinstalled it02:29
javispedroPR1.3 I guess02:29
DocScrutinizerand I started from a massively customized PR1.2 that's probably been international version02:30
javispedroaka 20.2010.3something02:30
javispedrooh well.02:30
DocScrutinizerthen I downgraded MHD as it conflicted with PR1.3-MP-fremantle-generic-pr02:30
DocScrutinizerwhen I installed mp-fremantle-generic-pr it updated my PR1.2 to a 1.3 which is just fine and probably what MP-generic is meant for02:31
javispedroyes, but you did it without h-a-m02:32
DocScrutinizereverything was fine, for a clean PR1.302:32
javispedroyour rootfs will have lots of waste02:32
DocScrutinizeruntil I installed CSSU02:32
DocScrutinizerCSSU HAM update failed on MHD pkg. CSSU-enabler broke on the failed (M)HD pkg, so several other pkgs weren't initialized, and then I somewhat ran into a deadlock of circle dependencies02:34
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DocScrutinizerit might be a challenge for you to try and understand my weird explanations in chanlog, and virtually reproduce what went wrong and how we fixed it. And how to avoid this for the future02:36
javispedroin fact, I'm not sure if we're going to learn anything frm this..02:36
javispedrothere's way too many "you shouldn't have done that" things02:37
DocScrutinizerwe at least learnt HAM CSSU install has failure modes that result in nasty deadlocks02:37
javispedroin fact, just _trying to get you_ into a reasonable and reproduceable state is going to be hard already02:37
DocScrutinizerwhat's the problem about "you shouldn't have done this"? I don't see those. I simply installed MHD on PR1.2, and uninstalled PR1.2 mp-fremantle-generic-pr as it caused apt-get to refuse *all* operations due to the dependency conflict - See
DocScrutinizerthen when I decided to finally upgrade to PR1.3 I uninstalled MHD and without any problem installed mp-fremantle-generic-pr which pulled in ~989 pkg updates - not anything unexpected though not what I planned originally. But MohammadAG explained to me there's no PR1.2 mp-fremantle-generic-pr I could re-install, so the update to PR1.3 was done implicitly. Nothing particularly exciting or bad or "you shouldn't have done this" so far02:43
DocScrutinizersysten was ok, had standard HD, and worked ok, even SIP was fixed (the reason I finally decided to update as a reflash of PR1.2 wasn't possible for the known reasons of repos fsckd up)02:44
DocScrutinizerthe system - for all I know - was in perfect condition just it had a (modified-?)hildon-desktop2:2.1.142.deb file (or whatever been the name) sitting somewhere, from former install. This was sufficient - aiui - to make CSSU update via HAM break02:46
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: also - regarding ""in fact, just _trying to get you_ into a reasonable and reproduceable state is going to be hard already"" please note that we solved the issue02:50
DocScrutinizeronce I uninstalled mp-cssu-generic-pr (or whatever it's caled) I was finally able to uninstall the (M?)HD pkg that conflicted "with itself", and this uninstall plus the following reinstall of mp-cssu-generic-pr automagically fixed all the 2nd and 3rd generation child problems02:54
DocScrutinizerincl the broken brightness applet :-D02:55
DocScrutinizerI'd really think for someone juggling around with .deb and packaging and new repos this story should be of some interest and entertaining potential02:56
DocScrutinizerand for sure we can learn sth from it02:57
DocScrutinizerparticularly we can learn why "CSSU Update" via HAM broke, and what we can do to avoid this (or recover from it) in future CSSU versions02:58
javispedrosadly way over me at this point03:02
javispedroin fact as I said your rootfs probably has way too many uncompressed stuff03:03
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javispedroso I suggest reflash.... which reminds me, if there might be a change from nokia legal to make flashable images...03:04
DocScrutinizermeh, reflash? to what? CSSU? where's the CSSU-COMBINED image?03:05
javispedrothat's exactly my question about if nokia legal would allow us to do that =)03:06
DocScrutinizerdoes backup-app even backup the CSSU specific things?03:06
javispedrobut you could reflash to global pr1.303:06
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DocScrutinizerthen do what? go thru CSSU install another time? just to learn backup didn't save all my gconf-settings made for example for MHD ctl-bs alt-tab-emu?03:08
DocScrutinizersystem is just working perfectly right now03:08
javispedrothe settings have probably changed =)03:08
DocScrutinizereven those settings still work as they did on PR1.2+MHD03:08
DocScrutinizerI don't see any need for a reflash03:09
DocScrutinizerrootfs                  227.9M    171.4M     52.2M  77% /03:09
DocScrutinizerok, CSSU nuked my tweaked transitions, as it installes - so I've been told - a new clean augmented transitions.cfg(?) file. Well, as long as that's all I have to redo, I'm fine with the state as is ATM. After a reflash I *for sure* had a more time consuming task to redo all the tweaks I did03:13
DocScrutinizereven the MCE.ini file I decided to keep the modified old version of course works like a charm with the "new" mce03:13
DocScrutinizer(a rather smart function of apt / mce.preinstall(?) to interactively ask user "there's a modified old and a new version of this file! K)eep old, I)install new, C)ompare versions")03:15
DocScrutinizerI doubt this would've worked, had I updtaed to PR1.3 SSU via HAM03:16
javispedroafaik debian implements those with little helpers that generate code on the preinstall files03:23
DocScrutinizeryup. I doubt HAM knows how to deal with that03:23
DocScrutinizeranyway I gather the modified-hildon-desktop-2:2.142.deb file had severe problems with HAM / CSSU-Update preinstall scripts, as it has this weird char in it that even messed up bash03:25
DocScrutinizerI'm rather sure that's the root cause of the problem why CSSU wasn't able to replace that file, so the CSSU-enabler failed on missing HD, or sth along that line03:26
DocScrutinizerI'd be willing to scrutiniuze CSSU-update / cssu-enabler (preinstall-)scripts to check for $FILENAME without " " around it03:28
DocScrutinizeror similar issues03:28
javispedrodunno, but there's evidently much black magic going in there.03:29
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: look at this:
DocScrutinizerErrors were encountered while processing:  01:4503:32
DocScrutinizer  DocScrutinizer03:32
DocScrutinizer /var/cache/apt/archives/hildon-desktop_1%3a2.2.142-10_armel.deb  01:4503:32
javispedroErrors were encountered while processing DocScrutinizer ;)03:35
DocScrutinizermerlin1991 we should conflict with mhd, this is clearly fucked up :D03:37
javispedrowhat does mhd do?03:38
javispedrodoes it replace h-d entirely, is it a different package that overwrites h-d's files?03:38
DocScrutinizerI guess there's ONE "you shouldn't have done this" and that's >>/usr/bin/apt-get install hildon-desktop=1:2.2.140-1+0m5 ;# So.,  6. Mär. 2011 21:26:00 CET03:43
DocScrutinizerto solve the conflict with mp-fremantle-generic-pr03:43
DocScrutinizerit claimed to remove/unisntall the modified-hildon-desktop- IIRC03:44
DocScrutinizerand after this the installation of mp-fremantle-generic-pr was just a snap and even gave me upgrade to PR1.3 :-)03:45
DocScrutinizerbut obviously there's been sth left in the system that later on conflicted with CSSU-Update in a rather weird way03:46
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Lava_CroftMaybe this is handy for the CSSU xterm?14:17
Lava_Croftcourtesy of Timbo on this irc network14:17
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thpLava_Croft: nice patch :)15:45
thpMohammadAG: can we apply that patch? (i think you have to create a osso-xterm repo @
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MohammadAGthp, I'll have a look at it in a bit18:14
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arceanguys, i'd like to remember about my modified osso-pdf-viewer with portrait mode support23:31
Sc0rpiusosso-pdf-viewer is part of the stock Maemo?23:36
Sc0rpiusI already checked and it is23:36
arceanyes, it is23:39
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