IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2011-02-25

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Sc0rpiustop padding?00:46
Sc0rpiuswell New message buttons don't touch the menubar and they shouldn't I guess00:47
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MohammadAGSc0rpius, open modest, check the spacing between the title bar and the button01:05
MohammadAGnow open mailbox view01:05
MohammadAGthe spacing is less01:05
MohammadAGrest of the windows show it fine01:05
Sc0rpiusI would have never noticed that01:06
Sc0rpiusthe mailboxes window is the oldest, it seems the code hasn't been touched in ages01:06
Sc0rpiusI'll check what's that padding all about01:06
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Sc0rpiusany other Modest bug you guys want to address with more priority?01:27
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MohammadAGJaffa, pushing version 12.1 to the CSSU13:29
MohammadAGerr, .5, my bad13:38
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Venemo_N900so, rename it14:08
Venemo_N900it is not zoom14:09
MohammadAGalready uploaded14:09
MohammadAGJaffa, thoughts?14:09
Venemo_N900so, rename it14:09
MohammadAGalready uploaded to repository Venemo_N90014:09
Venemo_N900so what?14:09
Venemo_N900you can upload a new one in a minute14:10
MohammadAGit's not that critical14:10
Venemo_N900it's confusing.14:10
Venemo_N900please change it14:10
MohammadAGthere's a comment in transitions.ini14:10
MohammadAGit clearly states it's an effect14:11
Venemo_N900for the average users, it's confusing. believe me.14:11
MohammadAGalso, one question14:11
MohammadAGare we pushing updates too quick?14:11
Jaffa"depress" would be better verb, but doesn't the "_on_press" suffix differentiate it from the accessibility zoom?14:11
JaffaMohammadAG: No, don't think so.14:11
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: you should do a sanity check on the terminologies first.14:12
JaffaVenemo_N900: Average users won't be editing transitions.ini, just clueless n00bs on TMO who think they know what they're doing.14:12
MohammadAGso nobody's getting annoyed?14:12
JaffaMohammadAG: Nope14:12
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, I pushed that commit days ago and linked you to it :P14:12
JaffaThere's already "zoom" and "zoom_applets". Is "zoom_on_press" the only new one?14:12
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: and I told you not to call it this way, days ago14:12
MohammadAGdon't recall that o_O14:12
Venemo_N900even before you committed it...14:13
JaffaVenemo_N900: Since there's already "zoom" and "zoom_applets", "zoom_on_press" doesn't seem to conflict with "user_zoom" or "zoom_accessibility" or something14:13
Venemo_N900Jaffa: yeah, it's not a big deal14:13
JaffaAnd the user-friendly UI can better name things14:14
Jaffatransitions.ini deals with the technicalities and it *is* zooming on press14:14
Venemo_N900if you insist... :)14:14
JaffaIt's just not the user-friendly, let-me-zoom-to-make-it-easier-to-use feature14:14
MohammadAGJaffa, you saw this right?
JaffaMohammadAG: Shiny; but probably needs a custom widget like the unlock screen or the iPhone14:17
JaffaMohammadAG: Does it work? :-)14:18
MohammadAGJaffa, yeah, I'm talking to Venemo_N900 about that14:18
MohammadAGJaffa, I was thinking of the N97 slider, it kinda looks better than the iPhone's14:18
JaffaMohammadAG: Pick? Not sure I've seen the N97s14:23
MohammadAGJaffa, 5800? 5530?14:23
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JaffaMohammadAG: Yeah, that looks good.14:46
* Jaffa installs the new update14:48
* Lava_Croft does the same14:51
* Lava_Croft starts uttering a prayer14:51
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Lava_CroftMohammadAG: about the updates pushing: I love the frequent updates14:52
Lava_Croftit also gets you the best testing cases14:52
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JaffaObviously -stable will be less frequent14:52
Lava_CroftIt's not like you dont warn people about the possible brick14:53
Lava_CroftCSSU wiki page states it clearly, its what kept me from using it, for about 5 days orso14:53
Lava_CroftJaffa: its a bit hard to bugtest properly with not so many people tho14:53
Lava_Crofti'd say -testing is great for frequent, not completely bugtested updates14:54
Lava_Croftbut thats just me14:54
JaffaLava_Croft: Well, until it hits -testing the only testing is the developer or anyone who's rebuilt the package from gitorious (i.e. not much testing at all)14:54
Lava_CroftJaffa: yeah14:54
Lava_CroftAnd I think anyone who uses the CSSU is fairly aware of the possible breakage that comes from being a glorified bugtester:>14:55
* Jaffa thinks zoom_on_press=1 should only happen when tapping on the desktop to drag/activate the maintenance menu. Not the task navigator, not applications' menu and not the close button.14:55
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Lava_Croftheh that zoom_on_press14:58
Lava_Croftlooks a bit silly on the desktop14:58
Lava_Croftor everywhere14:58
Lava_Croftthis should be done in a better manner, if only i know what is better14:59
Lava_Croftseems the Phone application quit autorotating15:00
Lava_Croftill usually when closing the keyboard, the phone app would go into portrait mode15:01
Lava_Croftit quit doing that15:01
Lava_Crofthmm, the zoom_on_press is weird at first, but one gets used to it fairly quickly15:03
MohammadAGLava_Croft, I still test before sending, so "bricks" are very minimal, if any15:06
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: to put it simply: I agreed to possible bricking by installing CSSU15:06
Lava_CroftIts inconvenient, but nothing big at all15:06
Lava_Croftalso, I think the phone app not rotating is a bug15:07
Lava_Croftjust need it confirmed15:07
Lava_Crofthard reboot?15:07
MohammadAGhow did you install? HAM?15:07
Lava_Croftit did a soft reboot after installing the update15:07
Lava_Croftalways ham, on your recommendation15:07
MohammadAGdid you killall hildon-desktop?15:08
Lava_Croftto get zoom_on_press working15:08
Lava_Croftshould reboot before venturing further?15:08
MohammadAGthat doesn't need a killall anyway15:08
MohammadAGkillall breaks rotation15:08
Lava_Croftthats what the wiki states (i think)15:08
MohammadAGeven on stock15:08
MohammadAGit tries to rotate15:09
* Lava_Croft reboots15:09
MohammadAGnot sure if you noticed, so it flickers a bit15:09
Lava_Croftit was iffy here, the rotation15:09
MohammadAGit tries to rotate but fails, no idea why15:09
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: I guess your biggest problem with bugtesting is the combination of 3rd party application X in combination with CSSU. right?15:10
Lava_Crofti can imagine bugtesting it all is nigh impossible15:10
MohammadAGI only test stuff that I know might break with changes15:11
Lava_Croftalso non-stock apps?15:11
Lava_Croft(that would be crazy, but wonderful)15:11
JaffaLava_Croft: Feel free to add crowd-sourced test scripts to
MohammadAGno, I mean, if I change something that has to do with rotation, then I test that in apps that do it properly15:12
MohammadAG(this is before release)15:13
Lava_CroftJaffa: i was talking more in general :>15:13
Lava_CroftI dont have the skills to write such scripts15:13
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: ah, i get it15:13
JaffaLava_Croft: What do you think the skills are?15:13
Lava_CroftJaffa: I have above average computer skills, but no writing skills for scripts orso15:14
Lava_Croftmy technical knowledge is too small15:14
Lava_Croftor interest in it15:14
JaffaLava_Croft: The requirement for writing test scripts is methodicalness, not technicalness.15:14
Lava_Croftim like an overly curious end-user15:14
MohammadAGLava_Croft, take that further15:14
MohammadAGI didn't know what "ls" did when I got the N900 :p15:15
Lava_Croftoh, i did15:15
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MohammadAGshell scripting is easy15:15
Lava_Croftbut the problem is my general disinterest for coding/writing stuff:>15:15
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Lava_Crofti got as far as making maps for Quake3, but then writing the shaders for the maps was already annoying me greatly:>15:15
JaffaLava_Croft: Writing English?15:16
Lava_Croftwriting anything:>15:16
Lava_Croftbut those scripts, hmm15:17
Lava_CroftYou mean that the Test Scripts section of is like an example Test Script that could also be written for other applications?15:18
Lava_Croftto test their workings with cssu15:19
Lava_Croftand the one on the website is the only one currently written and publicly available?15:19
JaffaThe only one written, publicly or not.15:20
Lava_Crofti bookmarked the page, since this might indeed be interesting15:20
Lava_Croftand useful15:20
Lava_Croftsince i cant code for shit, but stuff like this should be possible15:20
Lava_Crofti must admit that at this moment, after my last workday of the week, this does sound like work15:22
Lava_Crofti should ignore this and look at it again tomorrow15:22
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Lava_Croftalso, i dont know if this is supposed to be part of the CSSU15:34
Lava_Croftbut some way to turn off wifi without having to install a 3rd party app would be nice15:34
Lava_Croftyou can turn off BT too, for example15:34
JaffaLava_Croft: If it can be sensibly implemented by a third party app, it wouldn't need to be implemented as part of the CSSU15:38
Lava_Croftah, ok15:39
Lava_Croftwell, the status menu button from wifi-switcher kind of does the job15:39
MohammadAGJaffa, incoming call dialog works, sorta15:42
JaffaMohammadAG: shiny15:46
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MohammadAGJaffa, now it works properly, just need to get rid of the system() and translate it to C++15:56
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* Sc0rpius yawns17:36
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MohammadAGI wonder where the source for CepiPerez's hildon-home is17:54
* merlin1991 goes to update 12.1 to the changelog17:55
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, don't forget 12.517:58
MohammadAGmerlin1991, 12.1 was minor17:58
merlin1991what came with 12.5?17:58
MohammadAG :p17:59
Sc0rpiuswhy 12.3 and not 13?18:00
Sc0rpiuserr 12.518:00
merlin1991MohammadAG, are you sure you didn't forget an update in the changelog this time? :D18:00
MohammadAGSc0rpius, minor, no major changes18:01
MohammadAGat least to users18:02 down?18:02
merlin1991hm for some reason cron didn't run apt-mirror18:02
merlin1991nope it's up18:02
MohammadAGWe are sorry, but something went wrong.18:02
merlin1991strange, but I updated to 12.5 and now the launcher and control-panel is slow as hell18:05
merlin1991when I focus the control-panel window the cpu maxes out @ 100%18:05
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# uptime18:06
merlin1991now I went back to conky and the status menu didn't come back and the taskswitcher button stayed a launcher button18:06
MohammadAG 18:06:29 up  2:43, load average: 0.16, 0.08, 0.0718:06
MohammadAGcheck top18:06
merlin199117:07:20 up 5 min, load average: 1.09, 1.07, 00.5218:07
MohammadAGdmesg | grep SGX18:08
* MohammadAG expects Hardware SGX Recovery triggered18:08
merlin1991as soon as my xterm is responsive again :D18:08
MohammadAGssh? :P18:08
merlin1991wireless router too far from this desk, impossible18:09
merlin1991exactly what you exprected18:09
merlin1991what does that mean / wth is hardware sgx recovery?18:09
MohammadAGkernel driver breaking down, reboot18:09
MohammadAGit's a bug Nokia isn't fixing18:10
MohammadAGtbh, I doubt they can, it's TI's driver18:10
merlin1991what causes it?18:10
Venemothe dark side of the force causesit18:10
Venemolike with all bugs18:10
MohammadAGbug 915018:10
povbotBug Device doesn't respond via UI. syslog reports HWRecoveryResetSGX: SGX Hardware Recovery triggered, sgx_misr eating all CPU18:10
merlin1991Venemo,  ah the guys with the cookies, I see18:10
merlin1991does crond create a log somewhere?18:11
merlin1991trying to find out why it didn't apt-mirror on my server18:11
merlin1991"Minor UI change for libcpaboutcssu" I didn't notice anything :D18:12
MohammadAGmerlin1991, \n added18:12
merlin1991hm my syslog is full of this:
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merlin1991if anyone is interested, the stuff in my syslog comes from the fact, that my server hwclock is way off .D18:34
merlin1991I also found out why the apt-mirror cronjob didn't work, I made the mistake of running apt-mirror as root the first time, but had the cronjob as user apt-mirror18:39
JaffaMohammadAG: What does -1 do? Puts the bg in front of the desktop?18:40
JaffaOh, slides opposite direction18:40
MohammadAG-1.5 is better18:41
merlin1991MohammadAG, 2 days of activity on extras-devel generated another gb of package data for my apt-mirror18:42
merlin1991MohammadAG, you didn't push the libaboutcssu change to gitorious18:44
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, gitorious was killing my connection18:46
MohammadAG$IP closed connection18:46
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merlin1991Forced hildon-home's maximum number of desktops to 9 was there a bug for that on the bugtracker?18:49
merlin1991I think I remember one, but I'm not sure18:49
MohammadAGit only affected some users18:50
* merlin1991 needs to try zoom_on_press18:57
merlin1991damn it, I need R&D mode watchdog's gonna kill me :D18:58
MohammadAGdoesn't need a restart :p18:59
merlin1991and I just kill-alled :D#18:59
merlin1991I should have looked at the code first18:59
merlin1991it's obivious from the code :P18:59
MohammadAGindeed :p19:00
merlin1991doesn't work well thought when you press too fast19:00
merlin1991also isn't that a possible performance problem checking the ini on each press?19:00
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JaffaMohammadAG: merlin1991: Sc0rpius: and other contributors, please feel free to disagree regarding donations19:01
* Jaffa is having enough of a headache worrying about council money pot for running19:01
merlin1991Jaffa, agreed19:01
MohammadAGJaffa, you see my thanks there19:02
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zogg_and i think you guys need donations =)19:02
JaffaMohammadAG: Indeed :)19:02
Jaffazogg_: Donate code, time or documentation.19:02
Jaffa...or bug reports.19:02
MohammadAGzogg_, I was considering a donate button in one app, but with the CSSU I dropped that thought :P19:02
MohammadAGI agree with Jaffa19:03
zogg_i'm not dev, don't have much time (coz of it maybe i woyld be thrown from colledge) =(19:03
Jaffazogg_: Doesn't take much to caretake a wiki (for example, I've spruced up Community_SSU/Features/Portrait_mode, but that was easier than doing it from scratch19:04
Jaffazogg_: Or try and replicate bugs which other people have (
merlin1991ffs my net fails just when I want to push my change to the wiki19:04
zogg_Jaffa do we have documantation that says what documentation is missing? =)19:04
merlin1991or fails19:04
merlin1991dunno :D19:04
Jaffazogg_: Feel free to start it! ;-)19:05
zogg_Jaffa btw i can be wiki page created that not everyone can change?19:05
zogg_i want to do something?19:06
MohammadAGthen it wouldn't be a wiki :p19:06
merlin1991MohammadAG, Jaffa: what do you think about the layout for the minor releases?
JaffaI know no-one's started on the marketing strategy once stable is released (
zogg_i'll explaine19:07
MohammadAGJaffa, do you recall the post about replacing the incoming call dialog?19:07
Jaffamerlin1991: Looks good. Perhaps needs additional blank lines to separate them a bit?19:07
zogg_ - i want to do that one19:07
JaffaMohammadAG: Not OTTOMH :-(19:07
MohammadAGmerlin1991, indeed,  add a separator, also, the rotation fix was for hildon-desktop19:08
zogg_sorry had timeout - i want to do this one, but don't want to make it aviable for change for everyone, otherwise there would be scams19:09
MohammadAGask dneary I guess19:13
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ThreeMForced hildon-home's maximum number of desktops to 9  <- mean i have permanenly 9 desktops without the option do deaktivate some?19:14
zogg_MohammadAG ok what is his nick on forum?19:14
MohammadAGhe's dneary on #maemo :p19:15
zogg_MohammadAG, i know. i'm not always there though so when he asnwers i might be somewhere else =)19:15
merlin1991ThreeM, no, it just means that you can't have the only 4 dekstops in the select dialog bug19:16
ThreeMsuperb :D19:16
merlin1991the changelog is in the hildon-home part --> the menu and not the desktop, bug I guess for the normal user we should replace that text so it's more clear19:17
merlin1991Force the number of selectable desktops to 9 to circumvent a bug where the selection only allowed 4 sound good I guess19:18
merlin1991hell there's got to be a way to add tabs to a text in the wiki, damn it19:19
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Jaffamerlin1991: Table? || Bug || Description || ?19:21
MohammadAGZogG, why not make it a page on tmo?19:22
JaffaWhy not make it editable, watch it and stamp on it?19:22
ZogGMohammadAG asking dneary now19:22
MohammadAGBe aware, this is a big responsibility19:22
MohammadAGand you're not the only one is israel :P19:22
ZogGJaffa as everyone can change donation link to them selves =)_19:22
ZogGyou know i don't trust people19:22
* MohammadAG nods19:23
* merlin1991 is trying a different layout now19:23
JaffaZogG: But with a locked down page, do people trust *you* ;-)19:24
ZogGJaffa, as i'm the only one (i hope there would be several people who can change) you can see who changed and that way you can know if i'm scam or not, while anon change would not reveal who changed and noone to blame19:25
MohammadAGwhat would be best is a page that can be appended to, but not modified19:25
MohammadAGexcept by the one who moderates that area19:25
* MohammadAG wonders who put the downddate tag on the tmo post19:27
MohammadAGit was stenny's times afaik lol19:27
Jaffastenny t. troll19:27
ZogGMohammadAG yes that's what i'm suggesting19:27 seems to be ultraslow19:28
MohammadAGJaffa, seen matan lately?19:28
JaffaMohammadAG: No. Thank goodness19:29
Sc0rpiusthe best way to collaborate right now is to reverse language files of Modest :)19:29
Sc0rpiusI will have to do that eventually since I have added strings19:31
Sc0rpiusand then people can contribute fixing bad translations of Nokia, I've heard there are some19:31
ThreeMlanguage files are closed?!19:31
thpThreeM: yes, but you can msgunfmt them to get the source. so it's more of a political issue than a technical one19:32
ThreeMahh k19:32
Sc0rpiushow you guys take screenshots in portrait mode?19:35
Sc0rpiusif I slide the keyboard to press Ctrl Shift P it goes to landscape as expected19:36
MohammadAGdon't slide it fully19:36
Sc0rpiushmm dirty trick that worked19:37
MohammadAGdoes anyone think what theme-customizer's doing isn't right?19:39
merlin1991what does it do actually?19:39
Sc0rpiusindentation is customizable via gconf anyway19:39
MohammadAGSc0rpius, cool19:40
MohammadAGETA? :)19:40
MohammadAGmerlin1991, replaces hildon-home19:40
merlin1991Sc0rpius, looks great19:40
Sc0rpiuswell I still have 3 bugs to fix19:40
merlin1991Sc0rpius, does it work with mail for exchange too?19:40
Sc0rpiusI suppose, but I don't have an account to test19:40
merlin1991I can do that testing for you if you want to support that too19:41
MohammadAGtheme-customizer's source is 1.7MBs19:41
MohammadAGso the dev either wrote a huge source, or it contains binaries19:41
MohammadAGsince it doesn't build depend on libqt4-dev but uses Qt...19:42
merlin1991well let's have a look at the source :D19:42
Lava_Croftrezising desktop bookmarks <319:42
MohammadAGtsk tsk tsk19:43
MohammadAGit has binaries, and hildon-home's source19:43
Lava_Croftit provides some custom hildon-home19:43
MohammadAGthen I should Conflict: with it19:43
MohammadAGit's breaking the CSSU metapackage then19:43
Lava_Croftidk if it conflicts19:44
MohammadAGwell, if it's replacing hildon-home, then yes, it conflicts19:44
Lava_Croft- Thanks to CepiPerez for custom hildon-home binary.19:44
merlin1991gotta go bbl19:45
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MohammadAGoh, it replaces the hildon-home binary, not the package19:45
MohammadAGdirty trick :/19:45
Lava_Crofti suspected that:>19:45
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MohammadAGI can merge patches upstream, or he can merge our patches downstream, but right now, having a conflict isn't right19:46
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Sc0rpius"Don't add it yet. I'll release a compatible version of TC later today. I'll just disable the resize function until it's included in CSSU. I still don't know how to provide the changes file for you guys to add it to your hildon-home :(20:25
Sc0rpiusso the theme-customizer dev said20:25
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thpMohammadAG: the slide to unlock concept is nice, but please, please let wazd design some cool artwork for it - the default slider looks just horrible for that ;)23:20
Sc0rpiushaha yeah well that was a PoC23:24
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MohammadAGthp, I know, the default slider sucks :)23:35
MohammadAGthp, I was thinking of making it animated23:35
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thpMohammadAG: why animated?23:41
MohammadAGthp, the GPU's idle during an incoming call anyway23:42
thpjust good artwork should be enough :) the system is already very busy when a call comes in (it always rotates at the exact moment I want to press th answer button)23:42
MohammadAGif only Nokia added two softkeys :)23:43
thp..and a trackball :)23:45
MohammadAGand a function button with no functionality from the start23:45
MohammadAGsomething devs could use23:45
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thpwould be cool, but i can see those noobish bloggers and reviewers nagging about that "useless button" when the device comes out23:49
MohammadAGwell, Nokia could've assigned it to self destruct23:50
MohammadAGthen stuck a do not touch label, see who's curious enough23:51
MohammadAGarcean, any progress on MafwPlaylistManager or should I start on it?23:52

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