IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2011-02-19

thpof ClutterActor objects00:02
thpthe window rotation is a little bit more complicated, as it involves an animation (timeline)00:03
lardmanhmm, I never realised quite the functionality possible with .install files00:09
ZogGthp, so what is popup updates you wanna do?00:09
lardmanit will require bastardising the Ubuntu apt: uri, so I'm not sure whether to just start afresh00:09
lardmanhole in the ground?00:11
MohammadAGthp, it needs work, but...
MohammadAGscrolling is still up/down though00:11
MohammadAGtbh, I find it better if we could rotate in the same way windows are rotated00:11
MohammadAGas in, change res to 480x80000:12
MohammadAGchange mouse pointer direction, etc00:12
thpMohammadAG: nice start :)00:12
lcuklook at the rotated branch00:12
lcukthat is already done MohammadAG00:12
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thplcuk: what's the repo url again?00:14
thpcan we rebase kalfa on top of cssu or are there merge conflicts?00:15
lcukthp it was fairly recent, it should be possible to look at a straight merge to test00:15
MohammadAGcherry picking might do well here00:16
lcukbut you will only know to try it00:16
MohammadAGit's actually two versions old from upstream 14200:16
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MohammadAG139 is the portrait branch00:22
JaffaMohammadAG: Scrolling along the short axis would be quite cool in the portrait launcher, tbh00:23
MohammadAGerr wtf00:24
MohammadAGwhy were kalfa's patches dumped00:24
MohammadAGoh heh00:24
MohammadAGmy phone rebooted00:24
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thptoo many kills of h-d there?00:26
MohammadAGno, battery ran out (bme was stopped)00:27
MohammadAGkilling h-d doesn't kill my device, R&D mode :p00:27
thpoh, yeah00:27
thpit looks like kalfa's portrait launcher was introduced before the editable launcher?00:28
MohammadAGthis is actually cool00:28
MohammadAGedit works fine00:28
MohammadAGdoesn't rotate though00:28
MohammadAGif only the task nav can be rotated now00:29
thpMohammadAG: can you push that merged thing to the cssu repo?00:29
MohammadAGas you can see, the background rotates, so it's still landscape even in portrait00:29
MohammadAGthp, hmm?00:29
MohammadAGthe merge request?00:29
JaffaMohammadAG: Eh? How does the background work? It stays the same way (in relation to the device)? i.e. if it was a photo, the person would be on their side?00:30
thpyou merged kalfa's portrait launcher branch locally or did you just build that branch?00:30
MohammadAGJaffa the background stays the same00:30
thpscreenshot! ;)00:30
MohammadAGsure, when tracker remembers it has to list images :p00:31
JaffaMohammadAG: Cool. I have abstract backgrounds anyway00:32
MohammadAG <- landscape00:33
MohammadAG(second screenshot is not kalfa's)00:33
JaffaIsn't that showing fewer columns?00:33
thpnice one :)00:33
MohammadAGof course :p00:34
MohammadAG5 won't fit00:34
Jaffa"won't fit" where?00:34
MohammadAG<Jaffa> Isn't that showing fewer columns? <-- second screenshot?00:34
MohammadAGthat was me mucking around with h-d00:34
MohammadAG Jaffa00:34
JaffaCramped ;-)00:34
JaffaCool stuff with the portrait00:35
MohammadAGcramped indeed, but I know someone who likes it like that :p00:35
MohammadAGwell, if the labels were fixed00:35
* MohammadAG shuts down laptop00:35
JaffaTask manager doable using same approach?00:35
thpMohammadAG: does that merge cleanly into cssu HEAD?00:35
MohammadAGthp, very doubtful00:35
thpso you just built the kalfa branch without the cssu stuff I assume?00:35
thpi'll try a merge00:36
MohammadAGit's 12:36, can't think about stuff :p00:36
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MohammadAGI have a concept for orientation lock00:39
MohammadAGbut it needs gconf, transitions.ini isn't ideal00:40
JaffaOoh. Status menu? Power menu best probably?00:40
thp23:40 here ;)00:40
MohammadAGa status bar applet00:40
MohammadAGwell, either00:40
MohammadAGthey'd change the gconf value00:40
MohammadAGand in the same way your forced rotation patch works (always returns TRUE iirc)00:40
JaffaMohammadAG: Status bar applet with 3 buttons: auto, lock portrait (if supported), lock landscape (if supported)00:40
MohammadAGif the gconf value is set to true, then always return FALSE00:41
JaffaTrouble is an orientation lock shouldn't work the same as the force rotation patch (as it currently stands)00:41
MohammadAGwell, landscape lock at first should be easy00:41
JaffaTrue. I might want to lock my device into portrait when browsing the web lying down in bed.00:41
MohammadAGactually, for landscape, it should00:41
MohammadAGtrue, but that's harder to implement00:42
* Jaffa had an idea for orientation sensor which went off face sensor rather than accelerometer.00:42
MohammadAGyou're checking for the portrait flag, and the gconf value00:42
MohammadAGand that's probably easier said than done00:42
JaffaNot *that* hard (unless we're also checking the portrait flag, the gconf value and the whitelist of apps to force)00:42
MohammadAGwell, yeah00:42
JaffaProbably not if the existing code checks the flag00:42
MohammadAGlandscape forcing should be easy though00:42
MohammadAGall apps support landscape00:43
JaffaYeah. Step 1 :-)00:43
MohammadAGso, thp, what do you think?00:43
MohammadAGit'd need to check if the value is true, if true, return FALSE for portraitable00:43
JaffaMohammadAG: From an architecture pov it sounds good, assuming the code in question can get to gconf nicely at that point (and without a penalty of going through dbus or something to get the gconf value)00:45
MohammadAGJaffa, gconf is nice00:45
MohammadAGgconf_value_get_int(key) is all that's needed00:45
JaffaThere's a get_bool00:45
JaffaAlthough you want 3 values ultimately00:46
MohammadAGgconf_value_get_int(gconf_client ,key) is all that's needed00:46
MohammadAGwell, int might work better, more future proof00:46
MohammadAGunless we want to lock the current state00:46
thpwhat's the key and the possible values and their meaning?00:46
JaffaOoh. bit mask.00:46
JaffaBits 0-1 indicate whether: auto, landscape, portrait00:47
JaffaBit 2 indicates whether force rotation ignoring flag00:47
thpturns out the "-nc" flag to dpkg-buildpackage will save me some time from now on.. doh!00:47
MohammadAGor 0 default, 1 landscape, 2 portrait00:47
JaffaStatus bar menu would set values 0, 1, 2.00:47
MohammadAGthp, I always use it :P00:47
MohammadAGthp, how many cores does your device have?00:47
JaffaHardcore hackers/modders could set third bit manually00:47
JaffaAnd the forcerotation goes from transitions.ini.00:48
JaffaOr should transitions.ini be kept?00:48
MohammadAGit should be kept00:48
thpMohammadAG: 2, but the sdk is running inside virtualbox00:48
MohammadAGas it is, no reason to get rid of it00:48
MohammadAGi always export MAKE="make -j 2"00:48
JaffaMohammadAG: Just thinking of the return condition; but could have an early-exit "if"00:48
MohammadAGwell, 4 here00:48
thplet's see if that merged branch builds now..00:48
thpyay :)00:49
MohammadAGyay = built?00:49
MohammadAGyou could tie it to forcerotation00:49
* Jaffa wants to - but won't have time this weekend - to look at making forcerotation use the whitelist, as discussed00:49
thpis there a whitelist already?00:50
JaffaCos then it can default to on, as long as the whitelist is relatively conservative00:50
Jaffathp: No, meant implement one ;-)00:50
JaffaBattery dying.00:50
thpJaffa: night00:51
thpman, that portrait launcher is hot00:51
MohammadAGindeed :)00:52
MohammadAGall that's left is a portrait task launcher00:52
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MohammadAGerr, manager00:52
JaffaAnd hildon-home ;-)00:52
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JaffaBig leap to be able to stay in portrait, tho00:52
thptoo bad task switcher sits between launcher and apps00:53
psycho_oreosespecially when it comes to calling00:53
MohammadAGhildon-home is just a container00:53
thpportrait launcher -> portrait apps already works without rerotation00:53
* lardman has written a new install format for barcodes, I guess I should write a script to convert an existing .install file into a string to be pasted into a barcode generation site00:53
thpmerged here:
MohammadAGthp, only gtk ones00:54
MohammadAGfapman goes to landscape then portrait00:54
MohammadAGa portrait task man would solve it00:54
MohammadAGI wonder where kalfa is00:54
Jaffalardman: Webpage too (paste content or URL), spits out new URL and QR code (using the existing services)00:56
lardmanyeah, I'll have to work on that bit ;)00:57
MohammadAGtbh, if I was coding it lardman00:57
MohammadAGI'd just make a .install file in /tmp and launch that00:57
lardmanyes, well that is what I do00:58
lardmanbut it's a question of how to encode the .install file in a barcode00:58
lardmanas encoding the whole thing is quite wasteful and generates large barcodes00:58
MohammadAGencode the apt sources.list line?00:58
lardmanthat is also not ideal00:59
lardmansome repos are often present00:59
lardmanand also that isn't the way the .install files work00:59
MohammadAGham ignores them00:59
lardmaninstall files can contain multiple repos and packages to be installed01:00
lardmanand they also give a name for the repo01:00
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MohammadAGi'd just parse the sources.list line01:01
MohammadAGafter first " " = url01:01
lardmanI thought it would also be easier to just convert existing .install files as they are, without needing to split things up (though I don;t know how much the install file features are actually used)01:01
MohammadAGsecond, distro iirc01:02
MohammadAGthen encode the name before deb01:02
lardmanthat means the user either has to encode the entire repo name (even for e.g. extras) or I have to talk to apt directly01:02
MohammadAGencode the name01:03
MohammadAGanyway, gotta sleep01:03
MohammadAGnight :)01:03
lardmannight :)01:04
MohammadAGalso, lardman01:04
thpsee ya MohammadAG01:04
MohammadAGyou said gstreamer can do gapless playback, right?01:04
lardmanMohammadAG: yes01:04
lardmanthough there are caveats of course01:04
lardmandepends on playbin implementation01:04
MohammadAGI'll poke around mafw's source then, should be able to get it working in stock mediaplayer01:04
MohammadAGmafw's fully open source01:05
lardmanI guess it ought to work as the decoding is on the CPU01:05
MohammadAGI'll have a look tomorrow01:05
MohammadAGagain, night :)01:05
lardmanMohammadAG: ping me and I'll dig out the links01:05
lardmannight night01:06
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arceanthp: nice! ;)01:45
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psycho_oreosif that sort of rotation was enabled globally, it might even catch apple fans' attention01:49
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wmaronepsycho_oreos: if the blanking could be resolved, maybe. if the RDF isn't too strong.01:53
psycho_oreoswmarone, well at least for starters the rotation seems to be faster than the originally supplied rotation which was really slow in its own ways.. slow and laggy.01:55
wmaroneno argument there01:56
wmaronebut it was designed to ride out the blanking that occurs01:56
wmaronethat and I suppose it wouldn't hurt for gtk to be double buffered, would resolve the visible gui redraw01:58
wmaroneI suspect that would take even more work01:58
psycho_oreosheh I wouldn't know the specifics of what causes the blanking however I'm sure many n900 owners have had gripes with that, notably when demanding n900 to also act as a phone (which on many occasions beforehand was noted that the phone functionality was an addon)01:59
wmaronethough, imo, the phone UI should not switch dynamically during a call02:00
wmaronenot that we can fix that one02:00
psycho_oreoswell not as yet :D02:01
wmaronethe blanking isn't a problem there, it's the wobble between portrait and landscape, which wouldn't work even without the blank02:01
wmaroneindeed, I suspect that will be replaced before long :)02:01
psycho_oreoswell notably if blanking wasn't such a big issue under making/receiving phone calls, iirc titan did note that the CPU was underclocked to 250MHz02:04
wmaronewhich isn't a huge problem02:05
wmaronethe usability problem stems from the fact that the display blanks during a rotate immediately after activating the screen due to the proximity sensor02:06
wmaronethen people chase it back and forth02:06
psycho_oreosnope but then again it might be of something noteworthy that somewhere along the line it may have been the cause02:06
wmaronerunning at 500mhz wouldn't help it any, since it's not -slow-, just erratic02:07
wmaroneif it were locked into portrait (or landscape, by user preference) during a call, there wouldn't be an issue02:07
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psycho_oreosindeed however the app seems wanting to change as per user's preferences. Although I didn't make any mentioning of how running at 500MHz would be slow, if the phone app makes the CPU to be clocked at 250MHz and blanking doesn't seem to be an issue there however when running normal applications that usually depends the CPU to be above the speeds of 250MHz but then the blanking is more evident. Doesn't that tells one there might be something potentially02:09
psycho_oreoshappening? :)02:09
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wmaroneThe app isn't changing due to user preferences, it's usually behaving according to the "Automatic" setting in display orientation.02:12
wmaronethe problem comes in when the display is rotated and has that momentary blank immediately following activation of the screen02:13
wmaroneresolving the blank would improve the smoothness of operation, and locking the phone rotation UI (and getting rid of the "automatic" setting) would solve the issue02:14
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zimmskiHi! I have question regarding the CSSU install. How do I check if everything updated successfully? For example I configured blurless=1 in the transition.ini and restarted my n900 but it still is blurry.02:19
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MohammadAGthp, sure about that latest merge request?07:21
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thpMohammadAG: what do you mean with "sure"? ;)11:30
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KaptenenIt looks like the next update will be awesome... :)13:00
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Jaffathp: a quick look showed a *lot* of files being changed.13:51
* Jaffa is sure mardy would have something to say ;-)13:52
psycho_oreostime will tell ;)13:56
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MohammadAG_thp, it's including old commits again14:58
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thpMohammadAG: which old commits?17:06
thpJaffa: yes, that's the merged branch. it's separate commits, though (gitorious just shows a single diff for a single merge request17:07
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MohammadAGthp, I'm not home, but looking at the merge request, it has stuff that's already there19:26
mirr0rMohammadAG, you are doing very nice work for the community.. Of course all the others too.. Thanks19:27
thpMohammadAG: what's already there?19:28
MohammadAGthp, mind linking me to the merge request? on the N900 :p19:29
MohammadAGthp postinst is one19:33
MohammadAGthose are matan's patches19:34
MohammadAGI'm not planning to reapply them :p19:34
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thpMohammadAG: haven't you applied them already?20:18
thpif so, merging the branch won't redo the same thing twice, it will just work20:18
DocScrutinizeryeah, patch is a nice clever little tool21:20
MohammadAGpatch? this is git :p21:29
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