IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2011-02-18

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barzamwhat major parts of maemo are proprietary btw?00:00
barzamand is the plan to replace them if possible?00:01
Sc0rpiusfrom the top of my head, all related to Phone, Conversations (SMS)00:01
MohammadAGmediaplayer, contacts00:01
barzamand no word from nokia about releasing them?00:02
MohammadAGi wouldn't expect a word00:02
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thpbtw, how's the mediaplayer replacement coming forward?00:14
Sc0rpiusI really use MediaBox00:16
barzamSc0rpius: does shoutcast work for you on emdiabox?00:18
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Sc0rpiusbarzam: not anymore01:34
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Pillumis the media player widget open source?04:46
Pillumcause play doesnt work for me04:46
Pillumafter installing ssu04:46
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Sc0rpiusfirst time I hear something like that06:14
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MohammadAGThe media player widget has always been broken09:17
MohammadAGthp, works fine for songs I guess09:18
MohammadAGstill lacks playlist, videos, etc09:18
MohammadAG(listing works fine though)09:19
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thpcool. is it portrait aware?10:17
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MohammadAGthp, yeah11:42
JaffaStandard media player widget works for song starting and skipping for me.11:46
MohammadAGJaffa, the fact that it's not working is an NB11:47
MohammadAGnot related to the SSU11:47
* Jaffa nods12:02
thpany ETA for the qt mediaplayer, btw?12:11
thpand will it be included in the cssu or will it just be an app in extras12:11
Jaffathp: I suspect when it reaches feature parity and is well tested we'll include it in the CSSU12:13
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MohammadAGI really need help with Mafw Playlist12:27
MohammadAGC isn't my strongest points12:27
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MohammadAGi wonder if we can edit mafw to include gapless playback13:19
MohammadAGsince it uses gstreamer, that shouldn't be too hard13:20
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ruskieare there any plans for a better frontend to telepathy?13:51
MohammadAGA conversations rewrite, it was considered, not sure if everyone's still up for it13:56
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MohammadAGhmm, I wonder if we could edit libhildon so we could scroll down with the keyboard13:59
thplcuk: do you know where in hildon-desktop the code for sliding in dialogs + appmenus is? or if it is in h-d at all (as you are the last maintainer listed in changelog i though you might know)14:03
MohammadAGthp, grep for "popup"14:04
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MohammadAGat least you'll find the transition for them, you can easily trace back14:04
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thpnow that was a little too easy ;)14:06
thpMohammadAG: thanks =)14:06
thpoh, man.. src/mb/hd-wm.h has "#ifndef __HD_WM_H__" in it, but is missing the "#define __HD_WM_H__" ;)14:30
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thpabout that tactile support.. should we just make the brightness file world-writable?14:35
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thpyay for tactile integrated into h-d :p14:48
thpcan we make an optional feature that depends on a utility (tactile) in extras-devel to work?14:48
thpit's a run-time dependency, so it will still build and run without14:49
thpanother option would be to integrate the tactile code directly into h-d..14:49
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BCMMthp: what tactile support?14:56
thpBCMM: tactile feedback for things like appmenu and dialogs popping up14:57
BCMMhmm could be nice14:58
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thpBCMM: if you have extras-devel enabled, "apt-get install tactile" + run in xterm15:01
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BCMMthp: it makes my n900 go "chirrup"15:03
BCMMalso, old hard-drive noises15:03
BCMMheh, feels like using a windows 95 laptop that's paging15:04
BCMMwhile you're opening a dialog, it clicks and whirs and vibrates :)15:04
BCMM(and windows 95 laptops were always paging, somehow)15:05
thpyou can turn it off if you don't like it ;)15:10
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Jaffathp: So is it spawning `tactile' for the popup? Rather than internalising it15:39
Jaffathp: Does tactile add itself to /etc/sudoers?15:40
thpyep and yep15:53
thpas i said, i have no problem with adding the tactile code directly to h-d, but then it's a permissions problem15:53
thpand i'd rather have tactile running as root than the whole h-d ;)15:53
thpi mean, adding an initscript that does chmod a+w on the brightness file would do the trick as well..15:54
thpJaffa: ^15:56
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Jaffathp: Yeah, changing the perms seems the best long term solution16:39
JaffaBut this approach good for prototyping16:39
JaffaI look forward to your gtk+ patch ;-)16:40
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MohammadAGthp, did I miss any patches? :P17:28
MohammadAGremember you can spawn the vibra with dbus17:28
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thpMohammadAG: yes, but we want cool patterns ;)18:22
MohammadAGare N8 ones cool enough thp? :p18:22
thpmaemo 5 will have the most awesome vibra patterns of them all18:23
thpwe already have different ones for appmenu slide-in and appmenu slide-out (+a special one for dialogs)18:23
thpMohammadAG: seen that one?
* MohammadAG clicks18:24
MohammadAGon 2G, might take a while18:24
thpwhy bother then? ;) just have a look when you are at home18:24
thpJaffa: gtk+ patches might be more problematic; with all that preloader stuff going on. don't really want to reboot after each change18:25
MohammadAGthp, cause I like patches :p18:26
MohammadAGgot a binary of h-d?18:26
MohammadAGalso, shouldn't we have tactile in the ssu repo and have h-d depend on it?18:27
thpwell, that's still under discussion18:27
thpif we just chmod a+w the file, we can move the code from tactile into h-d directly18:27
MohammadAGwouldn't h-d have to be root?18:28
thpotoh, if it isn't that big of a performance hit, having it as separate binary might still be useful for future hack allowance :)18:28
MohammadAGand again, got a binary with the patch applied? :p18:28
thpMohammadAG: normally yes, but if the file in (sysfs?) is world-writable, then not18:28
thpMohammadAG: yep, let me grab it from a device..18:28
MohammadAGI doubt it can be writable (could be wrong though)18:28
thpwell it can be18:28
thpbut the permissions have to be set at least on every reboot18:29
MohammadAGthen i stand corrected18:29
MohammadAGwell, an init script can do that18:29
MohammadAGstart on hildon-desktop started18:29
MohammadAGor whatever the syntax is18:29
MohammadAGor /etc/X11/
thphow is it called when a debian package replaces/modified a file in another debian package?18:44
thpdiversions! ;)18:51
Jaffathp: dpkg-divert is very cool. Used in the enabler to put a shim around /usr/libexec/apt-worker18:56
JaffaMight be worth looking to align CSSU h-d with smoku's Cordia version:
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thpPillum: hey19:11
Pillumthp: do you know if the media player widget is open source?19:11
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arceanPillum: it's closed AFAIK19:17
Pillumoh, crap19:17
arceanPillum: but we always have
Pillumthats overkill for me19:19
Pillumi just need the name of the song + prev/next and play/pause19:19
thpPillum: where do you need it?19:21
thpin your own code?19:21
thpmafw has a "nice" d-bus interface (it's not nice, but it is reversable)19:21
Pillumsince I installed the ssu update19:22
Pillumthe widget play function isnt working anymore19:22
Pillumpause is working though19:22
MohammadAGthat's a Nokia bug, not related to the SSU19:28
PillumMohammadAG: but it was working BEFORE i installed the ssu :S19:34
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MohammadAGPillum, it's random, not related to before or after, just a coincidence19:44
Pillumif you say so ...19:44
MohammadAGafter all, we didn't touch the media player, nor mafw, nor the widget19:44
MohammadAGlemme find the bug19:44
MohammadAG Pillum19:46
povbotBug 9192: Media Player applet stops working after a while19:46
Pillumthats not it19:46
Pillumall the buttons are working19:46
Pillumexcept for play19:46
Pillumeven pause is working19:47
MohammadAGyes, I know19:47
MohammadAGthat's the same19:47
MohammadAGwell, related19:48
MohammadAGask _nicolai_ when he's on19:48
MohammadAGit's related to no playlist being assigned19:48
MohammadAGor the renderer not being found19:48
MohammadAGhe fixed it in his applet19:48
MohammadAG<Pillum> thats overkill for me <-- how is it an overkill?19:49
Pillumiirc its too "complicate" and not simple and small19:50
MohammadAGtoo complicated? it works in the same way but has different graphics :S19:50
PillumMohammadAG: is your media player usable yet? or any ways how I can help? have very good C++ skills and experience with QT20:18
trumeeMohammadAG: i was able to compile sofia-sip(master branch) using the debian/rules from debian repo20:18
trumeeMohammadAG: It doesnt compile if i copy the debian/rules from fremantle package20:19
MohammadAGno worries, I'll compile it on my own20:19
trumeeMohammadAG: just wanted to let you know if you run into this20:19
MohammadAGPillum, #maemo-foss has a link to the nightly20:19
MohammadAGthe channel's quiet lately though20:19
MohammadAGI need a wrapper for MafwPlaylist, _nicolai_ kindly provided the ones for MafwSource and MafwRenderer20:20
trumeeMohammadAG: telepathy-sofiasip spits out some missing tp-dbus-daemon on compilation20:20
MohammadAGMafw is glib based, so it's not the easiest thing for me20:20
trumeeMohammadAG: but maybe it needs sofia-sip to be installed first.20:21
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Jaffa~[6~thp: tovmae?20:54
JaffaIgnore that, read the description...20:57
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thpJaffa: hacking stuff at levels like hildon desktop and ot taking care gives several great reflash occassions ;)21:04
thpMohammadAG: btw, did you notice that with forced rotation, a non-portrait app in portrait mode does not show the status menu21:05
thp(or rather, the menu quickly appears and then disappears)21:06
thptry it with xterm in portrait mode21:07
thpor is that just some packages missing on my side?21:07
thphmm could be that I currently do not have all of the current cssu packages installed21:07
thpdoes it work for you?21:08
MohammadAGthp, works fine for me21:09
MohammadAGyou have the stock hildon-status-menu21:10
MohammadAGthat calls gtk_widget_hide_all (iirc) when in portrait mode21:10
MohammadAGgtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (status_menu));21:11
thpyep, guess so21:12
lardmanis this channel logged?21:17
lardmanah not to worry, found the link I was after after all21:18
lardmanMohammadAG: doesn't say so in the topic21:20
lardmanjust fyi21:21
MohammadAGit was there21:21
lardmanok, so looking at supporting this uri in mBarcode:
lardmanit seems to assume that all the "sections" which seem to be repos, will share a common base url21:22
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lardmanI could implement this by assuming a shared base url in the absence of something else being provided, any thoughts?21:23
lardmanah, standard location anyway, thanks MohammadAG21:23
MohammadAGisn't that
lardmando all of our repos share that base url atm? I don;t know what the SSU one is off hand21:24
lardmanok, that's fine then21:25 (-testing/-devel)) / community-testing21:25
lardmanwhat was the Nokia update one? Wasn't that a different base url?21:25
lardmannot expecting to see anything else from there, but still it might be worth making the code flexible enough to handle different bases too21:27
thplardman: after implementing that, you have to talk to x-fade so we can have cool 2d barcodes on
lardmanwill do :)21:36
lardmandid you send me the patch in the first place?21:36
lardmanI can't remember who did, must check back through the TMO thread21:36
thpcould be, don't remember ;)21:38
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MohammadAGthp, have you noticed the hd_home_view_rotate_background function?23:00
MohammadAGit's for portrait mode23:00
MohammadAGportrait mode was planned after all23:02
thpwow. nice23:36
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> <-- needs work23:36
MohammadAGI wonder if I could get that configurable23:37
thpwhat's that?23:37
MohammadAGlauncher modifications23:37
MohammadAGand the basis for portrait launcher,
MohammadAGI wonder how we could rotate it, it's not a gtk window that can have flags set23:39
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thpwell, it's some kind of clutter actor23:52
thpclutter_actor_set_rotation ?23:53
thpand maybe on_screen_size_changed () from src/util/hd-transition.c could come in handy ;)23:55
MohammadAGI'm not sure how the menu should be rotated tbh23:55
MohammadAGif we rotate icons only, then the desktop is still landscape23:55
MohammadAGdoes rotating the whole desktop work for other non-window items?23:56
thpHdLauncherGrid is a ClutterActor23:56
MohammadAGso clutter_actor_set_rotation does the actual rotation of the windows?23:58

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