IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2011-02-20

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MohammadAGthp, patch merged00:42
MohammadAGthp, what's the appmenu pattern for?00:42
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thpMohammadAG: for animating the sys menu and application menu (slightly different from the dialog pattern)02:03
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, ping02:27
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Sc0rpius  libvte4: Depends: libvte-common (= 1:0.16.14-0mh9.m5) but 1:0.16.14-0mh9.m6 is to be installed03:09
Sc0rpiusnow that's a problem it should be >=03:09
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Sc0rpius Depends: osso-applet-display (>= 1.5.4+0cssu1) but it is not installable03:27
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SpacedOutMohammadAG: I just sent a merge request for modest, two trivial compile fixes.  I'm actually looking into the idle support, and have it working, but I'm working on the select instead of polling every 1/2 second, so hopefully there will be more patches coming.05:19
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Sc0rpiuscompile fixes_05:54
Sc0rpiuslemme check that05:54
Sc0rpiusthe first one was my mistake, the next_message(self) thing05:56
Sc0rpiusand the second one, was kinda my mistake too, but we actually rea05:56
Sc0rpiusreapplied a commit that was reverse05:56
Sc0rpiusthe IDLE support works, but drains battery heavily, that's why it has to be implemented very carefully.  The support is in tinymail already05:57
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SpacedOutSc0rpius: That's the part I'm working on.  I have the idle select patch from three years ago by Philip Van Hoof applied, it's currently blowing up, but I haven't yet looked into the details, that's next.06:18
SpacedOutI'm actually running the tinymail with IDLE enabled (minus select patch), and the battery usage is fine.  That's because idle support is only active when you're in a mailbox and I assume only that mailbox.  I'm just making sure to not leave it in a mailbox :)06:20
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Sc0rpiusnice, man08:32
Sc0rpiusand btw thanks for those patches, I really missed them.  I'm coding tree view mode right now so I could have missed those for at least a week more08:32
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Lava_Croftcssu was not a success here:(09:43
Lava_Croftlovely patches etc tho!09:43
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Lava_CroftIf at first your don't succeed...10:12
JaffaLava_Croft: Checked
Lava_CroftJaffa: yeah, i just flashed both rootfs and emmc10:18
Lava_Croftinstallin cssu atm10:19
Lava_Croftnot that technical, but overly curious10:19
Lava_Croftso you get used to flashing the n90010:19
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MohammadAGhey PatrickM16:45
PatrickMHello MohammadAG16:45
PatrickMJust catching up on CSSU16:48
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ZogGPatrickM start developing than =)18:15
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PatrickMHello ZogG18:19
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Lava_CroftHooray, cssu is running on my N90019:57
Lava_CroftWonderful work, guys19:57
Lava_Croftand gals19:57
Sc0rpiusbut it's not running in my scratchbox anymore :(19:57
Sc0rpiusit can't find the osso applets in the repo19:58
Sc0rpiusso I'm afraid I'd have to pull them from git and install them from there19:59
MohammadAGSc0rpius, any chance you could send your horizontal scrolling fix?20:05
* MohammadAG wonders why his laptop's lagging20:05
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: thank you for the work you and your friends have done so far, and will do in the future20:06
Lava_Croftit will keep maemo happy20:06
Lava_Croftand in extent, me20:06
MohammadAGyou're welcome :)20:07
Sc0rpiuswell I'm trying to get all in place first again20:08
Sc0rpiusbut I can't seem to install community-ssu in my scratchbox20:08
Lava_Croftits a bright light in these dark(er) days :)20:08
Sc0rpiusit fails on dependences, are the osso-display and osso-notificationlight applets in the repo?20:09
Sc0rpiusbut in the i386 repo?20:11
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: is it wise to let fapman handle all the cssu stuff (or make it try to handle it)20:11
Lava_Croftfapman not being an adult toy20:11
MohammadAGfapman ignores warnings, so I suggest not to20:12
MohammadAGSc0rpius, no, I don't build for i38620:12
Sc0rpiusthen I wonder how can you keep your scratchbox up to date :S heh20:12
MohammadAGI don't use i386 :p20:13
MohammadAGI always edit & test on device20:13
Sc0rpiusthe thing is20:18
Sc0rpiusI can't find osso-applet-display-mr0 in the repo20:18
Sc0rpiusso the install fails, even in armel20:18
Sc0rpius  osso-applet-display: Depends: osso-display-l10n-mr0 but it is not installable20:19
Sc0rpiusI wonder why nobody else hit that problem20:19
Sc0rpiusI think it's because is a closed package that all N900 has, that's why we can't install CSSU in scratchbox anymore20:20
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: Maybe I overlooked it, but are the patches for screen rotation around the z axis and forced auto-rotation from Thomas Perl in CSSU?20:27
Lava_CroftI can't seem to (easily) find out if its so20:27
MohammadAGForced and Z axis rotation, yes20:27
MohammadAGmenu rotation, kalfa20:27
Lava_Croftthere is no need/possibility to configure either?20:28
Lava_CroftI find a section about the screen rotation transition20:30
Lava_CroftWhy am I looking at config files from the N900 itself20:31
* Lava_Croft ssh's20:31
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MohammadAGthey're not in the CSSU yet20:32
Lava_CroftGot me there20:32
MohammadAGI'll push them either tonight or tomorrow max20:33
MohammadAGthat's why I'm asking Sc0rpius if he has patches :p20:33
Lava_CroftI like the almost rolling-release like update speed20:33
Lava_Croft"Merged Thomas Perl's patches to configure font size in the application menu."20:43
Lava_CroftThat is in current?20:43
Lava_Croft(im sorry if im missing some easy way to check this)20:44
MohammadAGyes, iirc it is20:44
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Sc0rpiusok fixed the half of it20:55
Sc0rpiusnow: Depends: libvte4 (>= 1:0.16.14-0mh9.m6) but it is not going to be installed20:55
Sc0rpiusand latest in repo is .m5 :S20:55
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PatrickMHello people21:13
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Venemohello PatrickM21:16
PatrickMWhen I read the the chat lines, I saw a remark about ssh. Is the N900 reachable from the outside with SSH or do I need to config something first?21:20
MohammadAGjust install openssh-server21:21
PatrickMSSH from a computer isn't allowed (I get a "connection refused")21:21
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PatrickMOk, ssh is working now. But only if I login as root. Should I set a password for user or simply skip that (and always ssh as root)?21:29
MohammadAGyou can change the password, it won't break anything21:30
MohammadAGthough I always ssh as root21:30
Sc0rpiuswell it seems I finally have something working21:30
PatrickMMy idea as well (skipping the ssh -> users -> su - root part)21:30
Sc0rpiuswhen you ssh, you ssh as root21:31
Sc0rpiusso you21:31
Sc0rpiusdon't need to root21:31
Sc0rpiusyou're already root21:31
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Sc0rpiusand this new keyboard is driving me crazy already, all of that was supposed to be in a single line21:31
Sc0rpiusok so you folks want horizontal scrolling, let's take a look21:32
PatrickMTrue Sc0rpius, but as a rule (with Linux) you NEVER ssh as root for security reasons. But in this case it is something different.21:32
Sc0rpiusyes, but sadly that's the way it is in the N90021:32
PatrickMNo discussion, I agree with you ;-)21:32
Sc0rpiusI'm not even sure if you can ssh as user21:32
* Sc0rpius tries21:33
PatrickMYes you can as user (ssh -l user <ip n900>)21:33
MohammadAGyou can21:33
PatrickMbut you need to set a password for user21:33
MohammadAGI just use ssh user@ip21:33
PatrickMas I already asked ;-)21:33
Sc0rpiuswell yes you can but you have to assign a password for it first.21:34
Sc0rpiusI just use ssh user@ip as well21:34
Sc0rpiusI just tried it, it worked21:34
PatrickMBut then you would want to prevent ssh as root on the N900 which seems a bit too far fetched.21:34
Sc0rpiusbut I always ssh as root21:34
* PatrickM looks satisfied at his console screen (while ssh's to his N900)21:37
PatrickMAnd THAT is why I love the N900.21:37
PatrickMAt work I showed my collegues how to ssh into our webserver and reboot.21:37
PatrickMThey didn't get it ...21:37
MohammadAGI love the N900 cause it got me into an awesome community and got me into development :)21:38
Sc0rpiusyou can even run a VNC server on the N90021:38
MohammadAGor an apache2 server :p21:38
Lava_Croftits basically the dream i had as a kid21:39
Lava_Crofta pc that fits in my pocket21:39
PatrickMYeah, me too. Linux-to-go21:39
Lava_Crofti dont care for phones at all21:39
PatrickMEverything I own runs on Linux. Server, workstations and my phone :o)21:39
Lava_Croftoh, i use what suits the situation:)21:40
Lava_Croftbut in the case of PC's, there is a lot more 'freedom' than with mobile devices21:40
Lava_Croftin general21:40
Lava_Croftn900 has no competition21:40
Lava_Croftbut that's all just boring talk21:41
Lava_Crofti rather pet my n90021:41
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PatrickMAnyway, great community and lots of future development. Hope to become a part of that.21:44
PatrickMNokia might have EOL'd the N900, well I do not.21:45
PatrickMBy the way, does the N900 close idle SSH connections?21:49
MohammadAGnot that I know of21:49
Sc0rpiusit's weird but I can see Modest doing things right about horizontal scrolling21:50
MohammadAGsometimes when I'm using ssh over USB, I disconnect the USB and plug it back in half an hour later21:50
MohammadAGSc0rpius, we just need to set mov-mode21:50
PatrickMI did an ssh and it was idle for some time and my terminal did respond. Had to close it and reconnect my N900 through wifi again.21:50
MohammadAGthat's probably Wi-Fi PSM21:50
MohammadAGPower Saving Mode21:50
MohammadAGyou could keep ping running in a shell to stop it21:51
PatrickMRight... hadn't thought of it.21:51
Sc0rpiusit is set and correctly unless the defines are wrong:21:51
PatrickMAhh... N900 went black, let me check ...21:51
Sc0rpius                      "movement-mode", MODEST_MOVEMENT_MODE_BOTH,21:51
Sc0rpiusthough it should be... "mov-mode" instead?21:52
MohammadAGsrc/hildon2/modest-hildon-pannable-area-scrollable.c:g_object_set (obj, "mov-mode", HILDON_MOVEMENT_MODE_HORIZ, NULL);21:52
MohammadAGsrc/hildon2/modest-hildon-pannable-area-scrollable.c:g_object_set (obj, "mov-mode", HILDON_MOVEMENT_MODE_BOTH, NULL);21:52
MohammadAGsrc/hildon2/modest-hildon-pannable-area-scrollable.c:g_object_set (obj, "mov-mode", HILDON_MOVEMENT_MODE_VERT, NULL);21:52
Sc0rpiusyeah but21:52
Sc0rpiuslook at21:52
Sc0rpiusthat's the message view window. IT correctly creates a hildon pannable area21:52
Sc0rpiusbut I think it's a typo... movement-mode instead of mov-mode...21:52
Sc0rpiusbecause the previous line shows the horizontal bar correctly, and the horizontal scroll bar is shown:21:53
Sc0rpius        modest_scrollable_set_horizontal_policy (MODEST_SCROLLABLE (priv->main_scroll), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);21:53
Sc0rpiusso MohammadAG , I think it's just a typo... they put movement-mode instead of mov-mode21:53
Sc0rpiusI'll try it let's compile it.21:53
MohammadAG<Sc0rpius> I'll try it let's compile it.21:54
Sc0rpiusoh ok21:54
Sc0rpiuswell since I still have problems with my scratchbox I guess you'll finish first :P21:54
PatrickMGot to be off for today. Take care you all.21:55
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Sc0rpiuswell my autotools are broken21:58
* Sc0rpius is pretty sure that typo will fix that21:58
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JaffaSc0rpius: You can disable PermitRoot in /etc/ssh/sshd_config if ou want21:59
JaffaSc0rpius: There's no inherent reason SSH as root is needed for SSH on Maemo22:00
Sc0rpiusyeah I should do that22:04
MohammadAGSc0rpius, I can scroll horizontally in portrait mode, can you?22:05
MohammadAGif not, then I guess that was indeed a typo22:05
MohammadAGusing #ifdef MODEST_TOOLKIT_HILDON2 just in case22:05
MohammadAGSc0rpius, so, can you?22:09
MohammadAGor Jaffa, need a confirmation so I can commit22:09
Sc0rpiuswell I can't even compile22:10
Sc0rpiusI'm stuck at ./autogen.sh22:10
Sc0rpiusI lost all my scratchbox environment :( that's why I'm dealing with the installation again22:10
Sc0rpiusI think you don't need the #ifdef lemme read again..22:10
MohammadAGdid you try /etc/init.d/scratchbox-core start?22:10
MohammadAGSc0rpius, no, I mean can you scroll horizontally in portrait mode?22:11
MohammadAGall my emails scale to vertical only, so portrait mode is the only way I can test if this is fixed22:11
Sc0rpiushmm it's nice with the #ifdef since GTK has no definition of movement-mode or mov-mode or whatsoever22:12
Sc0rpiusoh in portait mode? haven't checked.  But anyway the horizontal scroll never worked (even in landscape)22:12
Sc0rpiusoh I found an email that needed to be scrolled horizontally even in landscape22:13
Sc0rpiusthat's why "I hit the bug"22:13
MohammadAGso I guess this fixes it22:14
arceanyup, hildon-pannable-area.c contains only "mov-mode"22:17
JaffaMohammadAG: On Windows laptop over N900. :-(22:17
povbotBug 11910: Unable to horizontal scroll22:19
MohammadAGnow if only we can fix that new message button, it's the only thing preventing portrait mode22:20
Sc0rpiusI'll fix that it's easy22:27
Sc0rpiuswhat it's NOT easy is to fix my scratchbox first22:27
MohammadAGSc0rpius, <MohammadAG> did you try /etc/init.d/scratchbox-core start?22:28
Sc0rpiushmmm no, let's see22:29
Sc0rpiusI wonder what that does22:30
MohammadAGstarts mount points22:30
MohammadAGwithout those, compilation fails22:30
MohammadAGusually because configure scripts fail without the mounts22:30
Sc0rpiusI see, well but it seems I'm missing some packages22:31
Sc0rpiusI'm installing gtk-doc-tools right now22:31
Sc0rpiusyou pushed the fix to the git so I can pull it later?22:31
MohammadAGyeah, see bmo comment above22:31
Sc0rpiusnice nice22:32
Sc0rpiuswhen that's maemo12 coming? :)22:32
MohammadAGwell, although thp filled hildon-desktop with features, I feel I should update at least two packages in an update22:33
MohammadAGand if the "New message" button is an easy fix, we can add portrait mode to modest22:33
Sc0rpiusok it seems I was just missing gtk-doc-tools22:39
Sc0rpiuslet's see if I can build22:39
Sc0rpiusand yes, it definitely fix the horizontal scrolling, so it was just a typo... :)22:44
Sc0rpiusI have this mail from Credit One Bank that is never resize, it has fixed size I guess.  Modest never resizes it22:45
Sc0rpiusnow I could read it with horizontal scrolling in Modest22:45
JaffaPortrait mode modest would be cool22:46
JaffaMohammadAG: Is the portrait launcher merged and going to be enabled by default?22:47
MohammadAGyes Jaffa22:47
MohammadAGJaffa, it should be controlled by the orientation lock concept, whenever that's implemented22:48
* Jaffa had a thought: if we had a Bugzilla entry for every new feature (presumably we do for every bug), we could use the Bugzilla plugin in MediaWiki to trivially do a: "What bugs are fixed in the CSSU" and "What new features are in the CSSU" filters22:49
Sc0rpiusit seems that the .po files aren't open right?22:49
Sc0rpiusif we add strings to Modest, they won't work22:50
MohammadAGwell, there have been community contributions to modest22:50
MohammadAGmaemo 5 actually22:50
MohammadAGwhere the whole OS was translated22:50
Jaffatimeless can probably answer more22:59
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timelessMohammadAG: ??23:42
MohammadAG<Sc0rpius> it seems that the .po files aren't open right?23:44
MohammadAG<Sc0rpius> if we add strings to Modest, they won't work23:44
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> well, there have been community contributions to modest23:44
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timelesspo files are generally closed yes23:48
timelesspo files can of course be msgunfmt'd23:48
timelessand you can then add things you're missing23:48
timeless(or things which were already missing at ship for portrait)23:48
MohammadAGthen how do we ship them?23:48
timelessnote that there was some agreement to make available the english files23:48
MohammadAGwell, me, I always use "we" when talking about the ssu23:49
timelessso that some chinese(?) localization team could do something23:49
MohammadAGyeah, saw those in modest's source23:49
timelesswell, one possibility is that you don't update the strings23:49
MohammadAGwhich is best23:49
timelessthe other possibility is you get agreement to be given access to the po's23:50
timelessor you cheat and msgunfmt+merge+msgfmt23:50
MohammadAGso we can't reverse the .mo files and add strings to them?23:50
MohammadAGah, so that's not illegal then23:50
timelesssure you can23:50
timelessthat's the problem23:50
timelessthe EU basically sucks23:51
timelessit'd probably be legit for you to do the formatting on the device23:51
timelessbut it's quite likely that distributing the merged file would be problematic23:51
timelessyou'd want to consider talking to a lawyer23:52
timelessfwiw, i've taken an approach closer to "don't talk about fight club"23:52
timelessi've replaced the vast majority of the translations23:52
timelessand am willing to claim that what i have is an original work + things for which there are no other logical choices23:53
MohammadAGwell, there's your answer Sc0rpius23:53
timelesson device would basically involve shipping an extra po-like file + a script which did the msgunfmt + cat + msgfmt23:54
timelessnote that msgfmt and friends are not part of a standard install23:54
MohammadAGwe need to pull in the .debs and upgrade those23:54
Sc0rpiusactually I would recreate all the po's using msgunfmt if that's the case23:54
timelessso you'd need to depend on it23:54
MohammadAGor was it modest-i18n23:54
Sc0rpiusand then compile them to gmo as usual, but that would be a "CSSU interpretation of the translations"23:54
timelessSc0rpius: all things considered, those are a better choice23:55
timelessthe nokia strings are awful23:55
timelessi'd give you mine, but you need to be aware that providence is questionable23:55
timeless(disadvantage of having access to sources is that at the very least i'm arguably tainted)23:56
Sc0rpiusdon't worry, we can recreate them all23:56
timelessi'd be quite happy to have my strings used, i didn't write them to have them sit around :)23:57
Sc0rpiusand I guess CSSU people can fix some strings if they sound weird in their own native language23:57
Sc0rpiusand the new message button is not as easy as I thought since my first test didn't work23:58

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