IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2011-02-06

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JaffaMorning, all11:55
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mirr0rIs the ovi store not compatible with the CSSU? After installing, ovi store tells me i should upgrade my device..13:29
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MohammadAGthe CSSU should work fine with the ovi store, postinst resets software version to PR1.3 at each upgrade14:13
MohammadAGand I'm back from my holiday14:13
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MohammadAGMessed up version numbers, which is why 11813 is still there14:18
fiberspeedIs there a way to manually reset software version?14:23
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VenemoJaffa, MohammadAG: worth investigating: [12:29] <mirr0r> Is the ovi store not compatible with the CSSU? After installing, ovi store tells me i should upgrade my device..14:30
MohammadAGVenemo, saw that, opened ovi store and it works fine here14:32
mirr0rDoes it make a difference that i installed with FAM ?14:34
mirr0rHow does the OVI store check the version? Maybe I can modify it manually...14:39
MohammadAGAsk timeless in #maemo14:40
MohammadAGAFAIK, it checks with osso-product-info14:40
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thpbtw. would a switchable desaturate/non-blur patch be accepted in the community SSU if it requires a restart to change the setting (i.e. default off, and if the gconf key is switched on, a "killall hildon-desktop" is required for the changes to take effect)?14:57
MohammadAGlots of transitions require a restart of the desktop, and those are in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini14:58
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MohammadAGthp, any chance you'll have that patch by today?15:48
thpwhy? is there any deadline for a release? :)15:49
MohammadAGno, but I could delay the upload :P15:49
VenemoMohammadAG: what patch is that?15:56
MohammadAG<thp> btw. would a switchable desaturate/non-blur patch be accepted in the community SSU if it requires a restart to change the setting (i.e. default off, and if the gconf key is switched on, a "killall hildon-desktop" is required for the changes to take effect)?15:57
Venemosounds nice15:58
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thp(because all the mails of my forum thread subscriptions with all those custom-built .debs are getting annoying :p)16:03
MohammadAGthp, so? :P16:09
MohammadAGshould I wait or push the update now16:10
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thpyep, i'll try to come up with something today :)16:20
MohammadAGthp, actually, I think I missed our original goal, if you do come up with something I'll upload it in another updates16:21
thpno problem :)16:21
MohammadAGAfter all, we should release often, instead of doing it the Nokia way :P16:21
thpMohammadAG: can you give me a link to the most up to date H-D against which you would like to have the patches?16:23
thpideally, a git repo :p16:23
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MohammadAGHAM seems to work fine in portrait mode16:45
MohammadAGwe just need to remove the background in portrait mode16:45
MohammadAGand set it back in landscape mode16:45
MohammadAGJaffa, I just checked tmo, why are the two threads still active?16:47
JaffaMohammadAG: One should be closed. It exists but you shouldn't be able to post to it16:48
MohammadAGah, I expected the other one to be closed, nevermind :p16:49
JaffaMohammadAG: Could ask a mod to go through the other thread, move every post of substance and not asking the same question 100 billion times to the newer thread and re-open it ;-)16:52
MohammadAGJaffa, lol no worries16:54
thpi think the patch is ready.. let me just test if it still works..17:04
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thpwhile I'm at it, would you accept the big task switcher patches as well when they are optional?17:27
thpMohammadAG: ^17:29
MohammadAGthp, all patches are accepted if they improve the experience, or are turned off by default17:29
MohammadAGthp, an ultimate hildon-desktop with all patches merged would be awesome17:29
MohammadAGgconfigurable of course17:30
thpor transition.iniable, right? ;)17:35
MohammadAGyep :)17:36
thpok, patch for blurless is ready.. working on single/two-column patch now17:48
thpi think the only one that's left is the paginate laucher icons one, and that one isn't really useful17:49
thpand the horizontal task switcher is kind of buggy i think17:49
thpor do people use the horizontal task switcher as well?17:50
MohammadAGI'm not sure, never tried it17:56
thpif i kill hildon-desktop too often in a row, does the device reboot? because mine just did ;)18:00
MohammadAGmine doesn't, I killed the watchdog :P18:01
MohammadAGthough yeah, I'm assuming 5 kills in a row real quick would trigger the watchdog18:01
* MohammadAG ponders a UI18:03
MohammadAGshould be easy with QSettings actually...18:04
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MohammadAGthp, so both of your patches are configured in transitions.ini?18:09
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thpMohammadAG: yes. i didn't bother to look how it works with gconf, for transitions.ini, there are nice getter functions (hd_transitions_get_*)18:12
MohammadAGthp, yay18:13
thpor hd_transition_get_* even18:13
MohammadAGI think I'll rewrite transitioncontrol in Qt18:13
thpyay :) sounds good18:16
thpthe best way to get my patches in is to clone the repo on gitorious and submit a merge request?18:17
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thpMohammadAG: :)18:24
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Sc0rpiusthe attachment bug is horrible18:28
thpSc0rpius: attachment bug?18:31
Sc0rpiusyeah the Modest sent attachment incorrectly18:31
Sc0rpiusI'm looking at it right now18:31
MohammadAGI'm not sure who to listen to18:32
MohammadAGsome say it works, others don't18:32
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MohammadAGthp, one question18:33
Sc0rpiusI can tell you waht happens18:33
MohammadAGif the value is missing, what happens?18:33
Sc0rpiussomehow Modest stopped sending mails "multipart/mixed" though it correctly set the content type18:33
Sc0rpiusseveral mail clients just drop the "multipart/alternative" attachments18:34
Sc0rpiusmy Windows Live Mail does18:34
MohammadAGMicrosoft :P18:34
thpMohammadAG: that's the third parameter in hd_transition_get_int18:34
Sc0rpiusit shouldn't be "alternative". It has never been18:34
Sc0rpiusand in the code, it sets it to "mixed". I'm looking where it loses the content type and gets changed for alternative18:35
thpMohammadAG: both are set to 0, so if the keys are missing, the default behavior will be used18:35
MohammadAGthp, cool, was just wondering since some themes are based on stock h-d and therefore lack the key in their transitions.ini file18:36
MohammadAGthp, thanks :D18:36
thpthanks for merging :) please let it be tested by some people before pushing it to stable CSSU so i don't get hate mail from angry maemo users when their h-d won't come up18:37
thp(although i have tested all combinations and it works for me.. when i killall slow enough, it won't reboot)18:37
Sc0rpiuswhat are you guys playing with :)18:37
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MohammadAGthp, stable isn't out yet :)18:38
thpah, that's good :)18:38
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MohammadAGthp, works fine, just tested it18:46
thp:) great. when will it appear in the cssu testing repo?18:46
MohammadAGI'll push it today I guess18:48
MohammadAGhopefully this hour18:48
MohammadAGgonna look at the bug list, see if there's something quick that can be added18:48
thplooking forward to it :)18:54
thpalso, the transitions config Qt UI :)18:54
BCMMthp: yeah, something must monitor termination of h d, since i've managed to reboot by accident while repeatedly reproducing the notification crash18:55
BCMM(yes, i know i should get on with it and write a bug report)18:55
thpoh, great. so it's not my bad code ;)18:57
MohammadAGthat something = dsme18:58
MohammadAGit's the watchdog18:58
BCMMsorry, in case that isn't clear, i'm referring to a bug which crashes hildon desktop, and have triggered a reboot by triggering it too many times in a row while testing reproducibility18:58
MohammadAGwhich is why I've been in R&D mode since June (I think) last year18:58
BCMMMohammadAG: huh?18:58
MohammadAGno-lifeguard-reset - Disables the lifeguard process (lifeguard reboots the device when an important system process crashes).18:59
MohammadAGthat causes bootloops when you f up somewhere :P18:59
BCMMoh i see, that would be extremely annoying if you were trying to do hildon-desktop development...19:00
BCMMoh wow, there's a serial console? is it *just* a console, or can it be a regular serial port?19:01
thpmight be on one of the pins below the battery.19:02
BCMMyeah, that's what it said19:02
thpoh it says so on the wiki page ;)19:02
BCMMactually, now i think about it, that isn't nearly as cool as i thought, since IIRC somebody has already got a serial-USB adaptor working19:02
thpwould still love to have one of those:
BCMMwhat is that?19:05
BCMMi want to see somebody use a USB-serial adaptor to connect the n900 to a VT10019:06
BCMM(you know, because the n900's keyboard and screen are a little small)19:06
thpthe flashing jig they had in amsterdam19:07
thp <- full story19:07
BCMMah, thanks19:07
Sc0rpiusthe Modest problem is19:11
Sc0rpiusit first creates an empty message with multipart/alternative19:11
Sc0rpiuswhen it's send, it's set to multipart/mixed19:11
Sc0rpiusbut the headers of the empty messages are added19:11
Sc0rpiusso the content type of the empty message overwrites the headers of the final message19:12
MohammadAGset both to multipart/mixed and this should be solved, no?19:13
Sc0rpiusheh well since the first one is set by the "compose message" function, if you set it there to multipart/mixed then the windows shows an ugly "no subject" attachment of 0 bytes in the attachment list19:14
Sc0rpiussince it worked fine in 3.4.8 I'm looking at the commit logs to see what could have changed19:14
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Sc0rpiusI'm like 70% sure that the problem was this commit:
Sc0rpius"Preserver headers of messages in drafts and sending messages."19:16
Sc0rpiusso I'll think of a fix to preserve headers (though I'm not really sure why) while the new content type has priority over those19:21
thpSc0rpius: you can use git bisect to be sure if that commit introduced the bug and work from there19:22
MohammadAGQSettings messes up transitions.ini19:23
thpMohammadAG: look at how transitioncontrol does it?19:25
thpMohammadAG: and make sure you are using QSettings::IniFormat19:26
MohammadAGthp, yes, I am19:26
MohammadAGit can read from it19:26
MohammadAGbut writing to it messes things up19:26
thpah, so comments with "=" in them get mistreated?19:28
MohammadAGall comments are removed19:29
MohammadAGspaces are added19:30
MohammadAGmight write to it directly instead, QTextStream is what I need I think19:30
thpsomething like this maybe?
thpcould it be that ";" is the comment char in qsettings' ini support?19:31
thpif so, doing s/^#/;/ before reading and s/^;/#/ after writing should do the trick19:32
thpor just remove all comments (?)19:32
thpor just use Python + PySide, and then use ConfigParser from Python19:33
MohammadAGthp, I'm not a big fan of Python :P19:50
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Sc0rpiusI fixed the attachment bug20:27
Sc0rpiusI should request merge with it and another bug that is already fixed but haven't been pushed20:27
JaffaSc0rpius: What you should do is create a patch, stick it in an email, forward it to a mailing list, wait for more than 2 people to sign off on it and then MohammadAG can merge it ;-/21:17
MohammadAGmore than 2 people, we have a waiting queue of 2 months :P21:18
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piggzlo...just wondered what was new in the updated hildon-desktop i jsut received22:23
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piggzwill look in gitorious22:23
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merlin1991hm installing the update from the ssu (just now) left a frozen ham22:40
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merlin1991Jaffa, MohammadAG with the new configurable addons in the cssu (commits from thp), I think we should add yet another wiki page the documents new settings and things that can be enabled with the cssu, so people that don't read trough the git logs have a chance to actually use the new features23:00
merlin1991what do you think?23:00
thpMohammadAG: afaik MohammadAG is going to implement a gui for that, but yes, should be updated at some point23:06
Sc0rpiusJaff: I thought Merge requests in gitorious were faster23:06
Sc0rpiussince I have everything already cloned in gitorious...23:06
merlin1991I'd happily go and update, but currently I have no clue wich git commit is wich cssu version23:08
merlin1991we need tags on all repos whenever something get's pushed to the cssu23:08
BCMMabout that changelog, would adding stuff from the git logs to that be something a non-developer could help with?23:08
thpmerlin1991: maybe you can add a new section "unreleased" in which you add stuff from the git repos. once it's released, you or someone from the cssu team can give that section a title / move the items around23:09
merlin1991thp I could but currently my problem is I don't even know what's in the cssu and what is just on gitorious23:09
merlin1991ofc I could apt-src the cssu and compare, but that would be overkill :D23:10
merlin1991simple tags in the git repo where I see ah so this is version xy in the cssu would help a lot23:10
thptell MohammadAG to tag his releases :)23:14
merlin1991MohammadAG, it would be perfect if you could tag each commit you push to the cssu with the version number the package has in the cssu then23:18
* Sc0rpius still wonders if merge requests are wrong23:19
Sc0rpiusI'm gonna do a little more testing about this attachment bug fix and request the merge23:20
Sc0rpiusI still have way a lot of things to fix in Modest23:20
Sc0rpiusI just think "preserve headers" is wrong.23:23
merlin1991I need some clarification on the term PR is that a specific version of mp-fremantle-community-pr, or is that the first release number we'll use when we consider the cssu stable?23:23
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, first public release, which is -testing23:30
merlin1991so I just add the changes that happened the last few days to that version?23:31
MohammadAGno, use -223:31
merlin1991the cpr2 tag on the community-ssu-enabler repo is that what we consider -2 ?23:33
MohammadAGyes, but the tags aren't done yet23:35
merlin1991hit me when they're done, and I'll update the changelog then23:35
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Sc0rpiusthe more I read the Modest source code23:39
Sc0rpiusthe more I understand why it sucks23:39
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