IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2015-03-11

rZrfyi I think I migrated some n.d.c backups to
MentalistTraceurSpeaking of, I should build io.js for my N900 instead of node.js.00:03
MentalistTraceurM4rtinK: Prob'ly.00:03
Oksanajuiceme: So now it's only needed to add personal voting link into email template?..00:06
OksanaIs it possible to see the changes in the code through http(s)?00:06
juicemeOksana, done that too :)00:06
juicemeyou mean, like a diff via http? I guess svn does not support that like git does00:07
OksanaYes, or r3 and r4 via http?..00:08
juicemeOksana, the mail template in maemo_elections/templates/elections contains the URL part too00:08
Oksanaand there is r5...00:08
OksanaI mean, the link does not just work...00:09
juicemeyes, r5 is a correction to bug I found when I actually ran the code :)00:09
juicemeOksana, I think the easiest way is to fetch the svn repo to a directory00:10
juicemethen in that directory do the diff (or use meld for graphical compare)00:10
OksanaOkay... Are you sure that <election_id> is defined in elections template?.. /So I am going to install svn somewhere, to fetch the different revisions.../00:11
rZrjuiceme, isnt gitorious shutdown something that coucil should communicate on ?00:12
juicemeyes. the line "<election_id>&email=<email>&token=<token>" is correctly converted to an URL that has the parameters personalized00:12
rZrjuiceme, put this on today list for next item00:12
juicemerZr, yes I suppose that would be so. But it has already been announced on TMO, right?00:13
rZrjuiceme, yes but it wont hurt to invite developers to migrate to notabug or github for instance00:14
* Oksana is curious about notabug... Github seems to be the mainstream, yes...00:15
gerbickI've not used - bitbucket and github for sure.00:16
Oksanachem|st and merlin1991 : what about group options in garage for the MCeV?00:16
gerbickhow sure are we not moving towards an esoteric option that will soon disappear too?00:16
juicemeOksana, I'll give you a quick run on the changes I have in the code. the tag <election_id> is replaced immediately with the ID of the election that the admin is creating, and stored in the mail template when it is saved. This way the line becomes for example "<email>&token=<token>" when it is saved. Then, when the mails are generated from the tempate, the tags <email> and <token> are replaced by each00:17
Oksanagerbick: That's why it would be useful to have each project maintained on several websites at the same time...00:18
OksanaOkay, so you have already tested the election_id part without having to send out emails? :-)00:19
Oksanafreemangordon and merlin1991 , about auto-builder: CSSU-thumb target, GCC versions?..00:19
juicemethe other part of the modification is in the vote.php where I added logic to take into use the posted email and token if the url contains the key "election_link". Otherwice it forwards user to the first panel where the email and token are entered separetely.00:19
juicemeOksana, I have tested it works as I meant it to. What I *may* have there is bugs which could affect login, so that it could be possible to bypass the first panel, maybe?00:21
juicemeIt is exceedingly difficult to be 100% sure when fixing other people's PHP code :)00:21
OksanaAh, you mean, unauthorised voting?..00:22
juicemethat is why I'd like you all to veriify my mod before I stick it to live server...00:22
juicemeOksana, everything is possible00:22
juicemewhat's good is that the mod turned out to be simple.00:23
OksanaWhat about tax declarations of US-HiFo?..00:23
juicemewhat's bad is that PHP is not exactly a secure environment :)00:23
* Oksana would like to see complete history of HiFo bank transactions transcribed to a public location, before their bank account disappears...00:24
juicemeSo would I. Hopefully we will get that when the transfer starts00:25
gerbickHas anybody from the US side of HiFo ever commented or responded?00:28
juicemeOne other thing; Ive got 2 extra N9's that I have thought to donate to competition prizes.Do we have any plans on arranging anything?00:28
juicemethey are 16G devices, one pink and one blue00:29
Oksana:-) :-) :-D00:29
gerbickhmm, if there's a need, I probably could donate my black 16gb one. Made in Finland, et al.00:29
* Oksana could donate blue 16GB N9... but currently, it has no SIM tray inside it. Will get it in working-phone condition, first...00:30
juicemeyes, much nicer to the recipient to get a working device :)00:31
juicemelooks we could have a basketful of da things easily :)00:32
juicemenothing else from hereabouts really.00:33
OksanaIf you cannot open the database, $step is 0. If there is personal link, $step gets over-written as 2. Does that break anything?00:33
juicemeso I'll go to bed now, early morning tomorrow...00:33
juicemeOksana, should not break.00:34
Oksanajuiceme: Good night :-)00:34
juicemeI did not test the unavailablilty of the DB though, but id it is not available, nothing much elsse can succeed so it is not security risk IMHO00:34
juicemeotherwice, youre correct, on getting an authenticated URL input, the next step is panel2. If not, then panel1 which presents the normal login00:35
juicemenight to ya all!00:36
gerbickgoodnite - I'm heading out too. tschuß00:36
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* Oksana muses on how auto-complete makes things easier... Especially when it works not only for words, but for idioms, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and letters (aka emails)...00:37
Oksana /s/makes/would have made/00:38
OksanaGood night!..00:38
MentalistTraceurI'm heading out as well.00:58
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chem|stfreenode GC updated16:52
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