IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2015-03-12

Oksanachem|st: Hooray!00:13
OksanaBy the way, somebody managed to send spam from garage [at] maemo to garage [at] maemo. So when somebody within garage-expansion rejected the spam as spam, the Mail Delivery System sent the failure-to-deliver to garage. Inconvenient...00:16
chem|stOksana: details? for inquiries techstaff@, I will have a look through the current setup and talk with staff and others about the WhoIsWho and what needs to be dropped, currently there is no online-group-manager so all inquiries need to be sent by email00:21
OksanaDetails: I am just curious about current freenode GC.00:22
OksanaYes, I can forward the email to techstaff@, so that you would take a look at how spam was sent not only to garage, but also _from_ garage...00:23
chem|stOksana: warfare juiceme and myself are setup for cloak and channel management00:24
chem|stfrom garage?00:25
Oksana:-) Yes, that's the strangest part. I do not mind that much when spam is sent from somewhere, but when the spam-sender proclaims himself to be garage [at] maemo...00:26
OksanaForwarded to techstaff [at] maemo. There are full headers of the original spam letter, so it should be possible to figure out how it was sent from garage, hopefully...00:27
chem|stI doubt the sending server is garage00:29
OksanaBut he masquerades as such, so Mail Delivery Failed Notifications go to garage...00:30
chem|stif sent from and reply-to are garage@ that should also be the case00:31
OksanaIt looks like the sender is actually from Malaysia, or something... How did he manage to pretend to be a permitted sender for garage [at] maemo?.. Yes, both From and Return-Path are written down as garage...00:32
chem|stOksana: you should have mail02:23
Oksana:-D Okay, it is still annoying how it's easy to spoof email. Imagine, somebody sending from garage to 1000 non-existent addresses, and Mail Delivery Failed notifications arriving to all garage...02:52
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chem|stOksana: I get lots of spam from myself...11:41
chem|stOksana: email is nothing else than snailmail, the envelope can have any sendersaddress only the stamp shows the real origin, same for emails, sender and receipient can be anything but it is hard to forge that stamp/server11:43
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