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Oksana | Moin | 23:10 |
MentalistTraceur | Greetings all. (No update from me on the PHP front, just getting that out of the way) | 23:10 |
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting | 23:13 | |
gerbick | Guten Abend alles... | 23:14 |
Win7Mac | moin moin | 23:14 |
Win7Mac | alle... ;) | 23:14 |
gerbick | Ich vergesse zuviel Deutsch | 23:14 |
gerbick | I've forgotten too much | 23:14 |
Win7Mac | hahaha | 23:14 |
Win7Mac | good, actually | 23:15 |
gerbick | Hello all, bad German and all (sorry, was actually speaking in half-German in a meeting a moment ago) | 23:15 |
gerbick | And sorry about missing the last two - travel. | 23:15 |
juiceme | hi! | 23:17 |
juiceme | better late than sorry :) | 23:17 |
Win7Mac | There is this thing I've already mentioned back in november last year... I've pestered chem|st + juiceme about it several times now, but they're unresponsive in this regard: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-meeting-irclog/%23maemo-meeting.2014-11-11.log.html#t2014-11-11T23:30:16 | 23:19 |
juiceme | hmm, the board members limit? | 23:20 |
Win7Mac | hi juiceme ;) | 23:20 |
Win7Mac | yes | 23:20 |
Win7Mac | and allowing +2 non-EU directors | 23:20 |
Win7Mac | which do not need to register at court, since they can't represent board | 23:21 |
juiceme | well, now we know it is technically possible to have non-EU directors, does it say anywhere that it is forbidden? | 23:21 |
Win7Mac | no | 23:21 |
juiceme | as if it is not specifically prohibited in the rules then it is OK without saying | 23:22 |
Win7Mac | I'm basically suggesting 3 EU + allowing(!) 2 non-EU... | 23:22 |
juiceme | ^^^ my interpretion | 23:22 |
Win7Mac | good | 23:22 |
juiceme | that could be written in the bylaws, yes. | 23:23 |
Win7Mac | then board or GA can do that | 23:23 |
Win7Mac | afaik, chem|st is not exactly a fan of this idea, but GA may be... | 23:24 |
juiceme | there was this section 5 in the call-to-meeting-agenda, which is about amandments, should go there? | 23:25 |
gerbick | What are the cons? | 23:25 |
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juiceme | what's chem|st's take on it? | 23:25 |
* peterleinchen says hello | 23:25 | |
juiceme | peterleinchen, hi! | 23:25 |
MentalistTraceur | Personally, I don't see the merit ethics-wise of of limiting membership by national affiliation... is there a legal benefit? (If it's in the last couple of emails, my apologies but I've been swamped and wasn't able to read them) | 23:25 |
gerbick | Hi there - and yes juiceme, what's the resistance? | 23:26 |
juiceme | MentalistTraceur, there is a minimum *needed* EU citizens | 23:26 |
juiceme | gerbick, no resistance from me, at least | 23:26 |
gerbick | From chemist | 23:26 |
MentalistTraceur | Ahp I see. | 23:26 |
Win7Mac | MT, it is a legal requirement to have the directors recorded at court to be EU residents OR citicens... | 23:27 |
juiceme | I cannot remember what was the result of discussion about it | 23:27 |
Win7Mac | there may be other directors next to them | 23:27 |
Win7Mac | It is admittedly a flaw to only have a minimum of 3 directors (which need to be EU) | 23:28 |
Win7Mac | there could be hundrets... ;) | 23:29 |
juiceme | highly unlikely scenario, that :p | 23:29 |
Win7Mac | juiceme, there was no real discussion... my mails been unanswered... from both of you :( | 23:30 |
juiceme | mmmh, there's an old finnish proverb "silence is sign of affirmation" | 23:30 |
juiceme | :) | 23:30 |
Win7Mac | yeah, heard about that... | 23:31 |
Oksana | /Not only Finnish.../ But there needs to be discussion... | 23:31 |
juiceme | Oksana, hi! | 23:31 |
Oksana | Moin :-) | 23:31 |
Win7Mac | next thing would be to have some kind of initiative to invite people to become eV member - for next GA | 23:32 |
Oksana | I repaired the blog post: http://maemo.org/community/council/maemo_community_e-v--invitation_to_the_general_assembly_01-2015/ | 23:32 |
juiceme | yes I agree that even though in principle there was no reply, I believe there is no real sentiment against it. It just went a bit under the radar | 23:32 |
Oksana | By the way, how does garagenick@garage.maemo.org? Because I have sent letter to wikiwide@garage.maemo.org, and received no indication of "There is new email at Garage, Read it!"? | 23:33 |
juiceme | Oksana, good, the first version was a bit misformatted | 23:33 |
juiceme | do you mean, how to read it? | 23:34 |
Oksana | Yes | 23:34 |
juiceme | log in to console and use pine, I'd imagine :) | 23:34 |
Oksana | How to read it, and how to know when I need to read it... | 23:34 |
juiceme | in truth, I've never tried it | 23:34 |
Win7Mac | next thing: consider making use of the voting engine for board elections, since basically GA = board election. And the more members, the more difficult... | 23:34 |
Win7Mac | to have a live-meeting | 23:35 |
Oksana | juiceme, how is it going with adapting the PHP page to be able to parse personal links? | 23:35 |
Oksana | Win7Mac: Would it mean that maemo.org needs to add status of "GA member" and corresponding rights-and-responsibilities? | 23:36 |
juiceme | I have not yet looked into it. Just put the templates in the svn repo | 23:36 |
juiceme | What it needs is some change in the authentication, as currently the password token needs to be entered separetely, if the login and password are to be baked into one cookie. | 23:37 |
Oksana | Like, there are garage admins, there are members of Community Council (who receive garage mail but are not actual admins), and usual garage members (and it's somehow determined which of them are eligible to vote for Council, so that emails would be sent to them). So, now there would be category of GA members, and emails would be sent for voting for MCeV through this system?.. | 23:38 |
Oksana | juiceme: Why one cookie? Maybe, two cookies?.. | 23:38 |
juiceme | Win7Mac, if the voting engine is to be used, then it needs to be prepared at least few days before, to get the tokens mailed to everyone | 23:39 |
Win7Mac | right, that's why i sent those emails... | 23:40 |
juiceme | Oksana, it actually makes no difference, yes the input to login could be mail+token separately, still it needs same amount of change in the php | 23:40 |
Win7Mac | Oksana, no clue, technically | 23:41 |
Oksana | Okay, if I have no clue how to check my garage email, then others may be as clueless... /That's about MCeV invitation.../ | 23:42 |
Win7Mac | oh, your mail via garage came in just fine! | 23:43 |
juiceme | Oksana, for that reason we need to do it the regular way, mass post to everyone having a garage account | 23:43 |
Oksana | Win7Mac: How did you check garage email? Or was it auto-directed to the email you specified at garage? /going to check garage settings.../ | 23:50 |
peterleinchen | oksana, redirect to your registered mail | 23:51 |
Oksana | juiceme: Yes, using exactly the same voting mechanism, with the same email mechanism, should be the best way to do it. It just requires creating a specific subset of members, for GA, to take part in GA voting... | 23:51 |
Oksana | peterleinchen: Good morning :-) | 23:51 |
Win7Mac | I mean, i received the invitation via win7mac@garage.maemo.org | 23:52 |
Oksana | Okay, then it's just my garage settings... | 23:55 |
juiceme | Oksana, sending mail to just GA is possible with a bit of tweaking I think. Could be for example that I prepare a specific user table containing just the current 13 members and use that as input for the voting engine. In the future, I'd like to see a flag in the midgard_users table though, something that indicated whether the user is GA member or regular member... | 23:58 |
juiceme | That way whoever is preparing the election might select the subset of electorate desired. | 23:59 |
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