IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Monday, 2015-03-02

*** Oksana has joined #maemo-meeting00:21
chem|stOksana: sorry for being late with my updated email, did you get the list + invitation template?02:09
OksanaSending English and German as one post, or as two separate posts?02:10
chem|stone post02:10
chem|stone email02:10
OksanaTitle: Maemo Community e.V. - Invitation to the General Assembly 01/201502:10
OksanaCategories: Council?02:11
chem|styes, council invites to GA02:11
chem|stat least that is what the bylaws say02:11
chem|stthe email formatting is understood?02:11
chem|stI mean the addresses $@garage.maemo.org02:12
OksanaI will probably convert the text to proper HTML, a bit (like numbered lists)02:12
OksanaYes, like w*7m*@g*.m*.org02:13
chem|stfor mailinglist and emails text-only is prefered02:13
OksanaIt worked well enough with meeting minutes before - did you receive them from mailing-list?02:13
chem|stI do receive, but I only read the minutes you send out for proof reading^^02:14
OksanaThey are an example of HTML-formatted email sent to mailing-list :-)02:15
chem|sthtml mails is painful if they are no proper multipart/alternative02:15
chem|stI suppress all html02:15
* chem|st bows down02:16
OksanaHmm... Take a look at them, please. I think that Mailing list handles them quite well...
chem|stsomeone actually able to send out proper (or at least working) multipart!02:16
OksanaPeter did tell me that they looked surprisingly well on N902:17
chem|st:) so yes that is fine02:17
chem|stas long as it contains proper plain part everything is good02:18
chem|stdid not read council blog posts, does that work well for you?02:18
chem|stare you just using the mail formatted html there then?02:19
OksanaCouncil blog posts are HTML. Then I copy them into GMail compose as rich-text letter, send it to mailing list, and mailing list handles it beautifully :-)02:20
chem|stah the ml-parse converts the rtf into proper multipart then^^02:20
chem|stdon't know if that owrks on direct mail too then02:21
chem|stdoesn't matter much02:21
chem|stwe just need that sent now, that one month prior to the meeting is critical02:22
chem|stI don't know how harsh they be if the invitation was a day late when handing the papers in at court02:23
chem|st(yes, the invitation needs to be handed in too)02:24
OksanaFour weeks is enough, I hope?02:27
chem|stthe literal month yes02:28
chem|stif you start the week on monday, today should be fine02:29
chem|stthank you and good night!02:31
OksanaGood night :-)02:32
OksanaMidgard should have a preview button. I really do not get what went wrong...02:38
OksanaAh, break-lines were eaten because HTML eats break-lines by definition. Right...02:40
OksanaAt least, mailing-list post should look better...02:40
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chem|stOksana: you may alter the formatting later eg edit the blog entry10:39
chem|stOksana: edited the tmo post10:48
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Oksanachem|st: Thank you :-)22:58
*** kolp has quit IRC23:47

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