IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2017-10-28

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MaxdamantusOh, I think I realised something regarding the issues I have with escape closing the terminal.06:59
MaxdamantusLast time I was discussing it here someone else said they didn't seem to experience the terminal closing while holding escape .. but the default layout doesn't have an escape key, so that person was presumably just holding the "Esc" button in osso-xterm.07:01
Maxdamantusat least, I don't think it normally has an escape key.07:01
MaxdamantusAnyway, pretty sure it's hildon's fault, since it doesn't happen when running a different WM (but still running osso-xterm)07:03
Maxdamantusah, it was bencoh, who said he had mapped something to be escape.07:04
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Vajbis there a difference between escape key and button?11:18
Vajbi have Esc in terminal by default11:18
Vajbbut i guess that is the button then11:18
Vajbit works as alt in irssi...11:19
Vajband just tested. I can't close xterm with it.11:19
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MaxdamantusWell, the issue I have is that holding escape closes the osso-xterm window.11:46
MaxdamantusIt also applies to some other applications, like qmpc.11:46
MaxdamantusIt's not necessarily a matter of holding it though .. it's extremely easy to trigger it to close osso-xterm when using vim.11:47
MaxdamantusSo whenever I use vim I have to consciously slow down my input.11:47
MaxdamantusThe problem doesn't arise when using urxvt though.11:47
Maxdamantusor when using gvim.11:48
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sunshaviwhat about busybox vi. does it happens too?14:14
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Maxdamantussunshavi: sure, it doesn't really have to do with vi, it's just very easy to trigger while using vi.15:14
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yeah, I am aware of img opening their assembly language, though there is nothing I can do in that regard :)15:14
MaxdamantusIt happens if I just run `cat` and hold escape, or press it quickly.15:14
jonwilI have seen enough inside the PowerVR blobs on the N900 to know that we shouldn't try and reverse engineer most of them.15:17
freemangordonjonwil: why? too complicated I guess15:18
freemangordonesp the shader compiler15:18
jonwilThe microcode is one of the biggest problems.15:19
jonwilAfter you did that one blob, there is nothing left in the PowerVR drivers that holds us back in any way except possibly if we wanted to move to another ABI (i.e. go from armel to something else) and even then we could probably write some shim libraries if we really wanted to15:20
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sunshaviMaxdamantus: which key have you map to esc? my n900 kbd does not have ESC16:41
Maxdamantussunshavi: sym + enter, though the behaviour also occurs if I map a letter key to be escape.16:42
Maxdamantus(that is, a letter key, without any modifier)16:43
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