IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2017-10-06

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DocScrutinizer05KotCzarny: /msg chanserv access $CHANNEL list00:12
DocScrutinizer05no idea if /msg chanserv flags #maemo is supposed to work, it does for me00:14
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KotCzarnycool, access #chan list works07:56
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KotCzarnybtw. freenode has +S (successor) flag, might be first thing to add too after freenode action08:08
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Vajbwhat would be the command to disable vibration? I tried "stop vibrating incoming call" from "phone control wiki", but it didn't have effect.08:18
infoboti guess phonecontrol is
Vajbmy problem is libnotify which overruns even the setting from profile menu08:18
KotCzarnyi wonder if it's a function that can be disabled by some rmmod08:19
Vajbno idea. I only know that DocScrutinizer05 said that it can be disabled by using alarmed. So i started to look and couldn't find a command. So i am back :)08:21
DocScrutinizer05silent mode08:23
VajbDocScrutinizer05: that's the exact problem. Libnotify still vibrates my phone even if i have silent mode with vibration disabled08:25
freemangordonshouldn't be08:26
DocScrutinizer05sorry U don't know what's libnotify and how it gets in here08:26
Vajbcould somebody else test it?08:26
Vajbpidgin uses it to notify user08:26
DocScrutinizer05meh, no pidgin here08:27
Vajbonly way to disble vibration is via libnotify setings, but that kinda misses the point of that function....08:27
KotCzarnyi guess apps can override system settings if using hw directly instead of system08:27
DocScrutinizer05wtf are libnotify settings?08:28
KotCzarnycould it be that libnotify needs a patch08:28
DocScrutinizer05I already thought along same line as KotCzarny08:28
Vajbpidgin-plugins-libnotify-configure plugin08:28
freemangordonVajb: iiuc, freedesktop.notify functionality is provided by hildon-home via hildon-plugins-notify-sv08:29
DocScrutinizer05fsck pidgin, sorry08:29
DocScrutinizer05won't touch that POS08:29
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: possibly that abomination called pidgin directly uses sysnodes08:30
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DocScrutinizer05I mean, fcam did same for LED08:30
VajbDocScrutinizer05: well that does not answer my question exactly :)08:31
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I doubt08:31
KotCzarnyvajb, are you good in c code reading? ;)08:32
Vajbi disabled vibration from the plugin menu, but then i miss a lot of messages while on the move08:32
KotCzarnyvajb, maybe it has 'run some command on notify'08:32
KotCzarnythen you could try plugging in phonecontrol line08:32
VajbKotCzarny: sure, an expert one might say. After all i've been learning typescript for four weeks already ;)08:32
freemangordonVajb: sorry, but could you explain again what your problem is? You want to disable vibration system-wide or for pidgin notifications only or what?08:33
KotCzarnytypescript is very c-like, so all you will need to catch up is some default functions08:33
KotCzarnyfmg: pidging does vibrate even when phone set to 'silent'08:33
freemangordonah, I see08:34
KotCzarnythat's how i understood his problem08:34
Vajbfreemangordon: i want libnotify to respect system settings08:34
DocScrutinizer05stop talking about libnotify08:34
freemangordonVajb: libnotify respects them, that's for sure08:34
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yes, it is libnotify08:34
freemangordonthat calls hildon-home through dbus08:34
KotCzarnyfmg: libnotify respects system settings?08:34
freemangordonKotCzarny: ^^^08:35
DocScrutinizer05yes, but podgin lies to you08:35
Vajbthen how come it does not for me?08:35
DocScrutinizer05that's why you should not use "libnotify" when you mean "puidgin"08:35
freemangordonVajb: what notification category is used?08:35
Vajbi don't understand the question :)08:36
KotCzarnyvajb, are there any configurability regarding notifications?08:37
KotCzarnyor just simple 'do or dont' ?08:37
KotCzarnydbus-monitor then?08:38
Vajbi have pidgin. I use telegram. I have libnotify for pidgin. I set vibration on from libnotify settings in pidgin. I ask it to vibrate when message is received. Then it vibrates always when there is a message. No matter if i use silent profile without vibration.08:38
freemangordonVajb: use dbus-monitor to find what parameters are passed to org.freedesktop.Notifications08:38
Vajbwould "mdbus2 -l org.freedesktop.Notifications" be the right command to use?08:40
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freemangordonno idea what mdbus2 is08:41
freemangordonbut as long as it monitors dbus, it should do the job08:41
freemangordonVajb: see for how to test notifications08:42
Vajb[SIGNAL] org.freedesktop.Notifications.NotificationClosed  /org/freedesktop/Notifications  :1.3408:43
Vajb( 88 )08:43
Vajbthat is what it gives me08:43
freemangordonwell, you should have a call to org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify first :)08:44
Vajbi have silent profile enabled and vibration disabled from settings menu and my phone sure is vibrating when there is a message in telegram :)08:44
freemangordonok, got that08:44
freemangordonVajb: read a bit about notifications on
freemangordonbut not now :)08:45
freemangordonVajb: however, please provide the parameters of org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify DBUS call08:45
DocScrutinizer05dbus-monitor |grep -C3 otifi    *should* work08:47
DocScrutinizer05I don't think mdbus -l offers a parameter for filtering08:47
freemangordonVajb: notification category is the start of the 4th parameter - see
freemangordonthen it gets translated by to nsv category08:50
DocScrutinizer05I think a -A5 on grep will serve better08:52
DocScrutinizer05instead -C308:52
Vajb-A5 otifi?08:53
Vajbk will try08:53
Vajbmdbus2 didn't provide anything else than what i already pasted08:53
freemangordonthen use dbus-monitor08:54
Vajbdoing it not, just waiting for the message to happen08:58
Vajbit now*08:58
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DocScrutinizer05Vajb: waiting?08:59
Vajbyes me and dbus-monitor :)09:00
freemangordonVajb: also, you may look at as well09:00
DocScrutinizer05I think he might rather want to look into pidgin sources09:01
freemangordonor actually read the whole hildon-plugins-notify-sv code, to see how are notifications, categories, profiles etc connected09:01
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: Vajb is no coder09:01
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that one as well, if it is going to help him find what category is used for notification09:01
freemangordonnot much I can do there :)09:02
VajbDocScrutinizer05: will be, eventually! Went to school already.09:02
DocScrutinizer05me neither, except suggesting to check if everything except pidgin behaves or if it's a system wide problem09:02
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I can bet this is not a bug, but feature ;)09:03
DocScrutinizer05I still could bet the damn pidgin plugin is fubar09:03
DocScrutinizer05just like whole pidgin09:04
Vajbis it true that all the bugs are features, but all the features are not bugs?09:04
bencoherr, notifcations don't make phone vibrate09:05
bencohyou have to explicitly send a request to mce09:05
freemangordonbencoh: come on09:05
bencohfreemangordon: well, that was my conclusion last time I tried and eventually hacked the pidgin notify plugin09:06
freemangordonthat request is send by hildon-plugins-notify-sv when needed09:06
freemangordonah, you mean that pidgin calls mce?09:06
freemangordonthat another story then09:06
Vajbbencoh: any plans to update the plugin in the repos?09:06
freemangordonbencoh: however, notifications may make phone vibrate09:07
DocScrutinizer05yes, by SENDING a signal to mce09:07
freemangordonjust a second to find the code09:08
bencohfreemangordon: well, either I don't recall correctly, or my test fell in a corner case that wasn't properly handled09:08
DocScrutinizer05no idea then09:08
DocScrutinizer05all I know is I send vibra dbus msg explicitly in
freemangordonyou can make it vibrate via a call to org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify, but it depends on the notification type and obeys current profile09:10
DocScrutinizer05yes, I *rhink* this call obeys silent profile09:10
bencohmeh I don't have access to my maemo clones for now09:11
freemangordoncalling mce directly bypasses all this, so yeah, you might be right that pidgin notifications plugin is an ugly hack09:11
bencohfreemangordon: the question is why did they feel the need to do such a hack09:11
bencoh(ie didn't it work in the first place without calling mce)09:11
freemangordonno idea, might be a lack of knowledge?09:12
bencohVajb: I dont really have anything ready (and can't access my code for now, which doesn't help here)09:12
freemangordonbencoh: try on your device, with various categories from
Vajbbtw, now im wondering what "otifi" means in dbus-monitor |grep -A5 otifi?09:13
freemangordonbencoh: make sure you have vibration enabled in profile settings09:14
freemangordonVajb: it is a part of Notifications09:14
bencohval = (const GValue *)g_hash_table_lookup(hints, "vibra");09:14
freemangordonbencoh: yeah, that one too09:14
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freemangordonbencoh: BTW, the link between hildon-home and above code is in
DocScrutinizer05N otifi cations09:17
DocScrutinizer05actually I meant to use N otif y09:19
DocScrutinizer05n otif ication09:19
DocScrutinizer05m otif ation ;-P09:19
freemangordonbencoh: is that pidgin plugin code available somewhere onlain?09:20
DocScrutinizer05back in those days people used garage.m.o a lot09:21
DocScrutinizer05seems that's not 'modern' anymore09:22
freemangordongithub is way easier to use09:23
bencohfreemangordon: apt-get source iirc09:24
bencohand I rebased it on top of a bit newer version09:24
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I don't see plugins there09:24
freemangordonbencoh: do you have it on some github repo?09:24
bencohfreemangordon: I have never pushed it, no09:25
freemangordonI want to see the code of that plugin09:25
freemangordonoh, ok09:25
bencohand is unreachable for now09:25
bencoh(my sb vm is hosted on it)09:25
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freemangordondo you have an idea how is package called?09:26
DocScrutinizer05anyway WRONG file but still at least a sourcefile:
DocScrutinizer05btw startpage is down09:27
DocScrutinizer05meh, was temporary09:28
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: iiuc plugins are not part of pidgin itself09:28
DocScrutinizer05prolly not, ye09:28
DocScrutinizer05now for something possibly more useful:
DocScrutinizer05might at least give away the package name09:33
DocScrutinizer05or hint to it09:33
DocScrutinizer05libnotify-dev (v. 0.4.4-2) libnotify1 (v. 0.4.4-2)  from
bencohfreemangordon: pidgin-libnotify iirc09:38
bencoh(s/iirc/assuming Vajb is referring to this one)09:38
DocScrutinizer05>>This plugin adds a libnotify interface to pidgin    Version 0.13 (2007-06-30): rename to pidgin-libnotify<<09:40
freemangordonsorry, have to run to the office, bbl09:41
Vajbyes that is the one. Got lots of info from dbus-monitor. Including messages. What info i need to provide from it?09:45
DocScrutinizer05  kibgaim/notify.c ?09:48
DocScrutinizer05or libgaim/plugins/*whatever* ?09:50
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: which version is pidgin?09:53
infobotsomebody said pkg was
DocScrutinizer05buold-depends: mce-dev09:56
Vajb  Installed: 2.10.11-0maemo109:56
Vajb  Installed: 0.14.2-309:57
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: seems src/pidgin-libnotify.c09:59
DocScrutinizer05and *diff*09:59
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Vajbfreemangordon: ^09:59
Vajbpaste from grep otify10:00
Vajbduring one received message10:00
Vajbhope this helps10:01
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Vajbwhere does devuan store vmlinuz and initrd?15:41
Vajbi had broken memory and it messed my system so it only boots to grub15:41
Vajbi found my root file system but can't locate vmlinuz or initrd15:42
Vajbor is it saner to just reinstall?15:42
KotCzarnydid you check partition 1 ?15:42
Vajbthough it wont teach me anything15:42
Vajbcould vmlinuz be in different partition than root filesystem?15:44
Vajbi found root system in (hd0,4)15:44
Vajband vmlinuz-linux from (hd0,3)15:45
Vajbbut no initrd.img so far15:45
Vajbin /boot i have just folder grub15:46
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buZzon a x86 jessie install, i have it all in /boot16:26
buZzdoes anyone know, if in ascii i can still run ~newish proprietary nvidia drivers and Steam ? :)16:26
* buZz replaying HL216:26
KotCzarnyjust get older laptop16:27
KotCzarnyfor sentimental gaming16:27
buZzeh :)16:27
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buZzmy workstation is a xeon with gtx1060 :P16:27
buZzand 5520x1080 resolution16:27
KotCzarnygrab thinkpad t60p16:28
KotCzarnyperfect for such activities16:28
buZzi have a x201 and x23016:28
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buZzeither way, no clue about the nvidia question? :)16:28
buZzmaybe i should just try it out for yolo, worst case will need a reinstall16:29
KotCzarnybest hw i have is ati 7870 ;)16:29
buZzi have a 6950 here catching dust16:29
buZzfrom when i used to mine with a pile of gpus16:29
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hurrianbuZz: ah, the X201. great laptop, just don't put it on your lap ;)16:30
buZzhehe yeah, x230 is a lot better in that aspect16:31
hurriannot entirely sure what I expected though getting a full-voltage i5 in that form factor!16:31
buZzhm? its a 640LM in mine16:32
hurrianah. I got the i5 540M in mine16:32
KotCzarnyyou say 6950, ho hum16:32
buZzKotCzarny: interested? i owe you anyway16:32
hurrianI have mine sitting on its Ultrabase semi-permanently, pretty much just use it to get into my desktop's IPMI16:32
KotCzarnylet me check the comparisons first16:32
buZzits modded though, the fans died and i plonked 2x 80mm fans on it with zipties16:33
KotCzarnyseems 7870 is faster16:33
buZzcant be controlled now, but you could totally remod it16:33
buZzheh, np, i have more dust for it to collect ;)16:33
KotCzarnyyeah, i have 5770 catching dust too16:33
KotCzarnypity cant run any of them together16:33
buZzyou can, just not in SLI :)16:34
KotCzarnythat's what i meant16:34
buZz^_^ just get more monitors16:34
KotCzarnyand more hands/eyes ? :P16:34
buZzgrow em :D16:34
buZzi maxed out this workstation, need to get upgrades16:34
buZzi'm thinking ; xeon e5 26xx v4 and
buZzshould get me 8+ cores and higher max ram than i will ever be able to hit :)16:35
buZzand just ~0.3 btc for motherboard + cpu , without ram16:36
KotCzarnyi should get me better compilation station16:37
hurrianbuZz: Go wide ;)
buZzhurrian: whats the benefit beside higher max ram? :)16:38
hurrianMore space taken up inside the cavernous case required to house an EATX machine!16:38
hurrianI'm using a dual LGA1366 board... with 18 DIMM slots16:38
buZzi wanna avoid E- (and EE-) ATX16:39
hurrianGot 18 * 16GB RDIMMs off eBay -> fun16:39
buZznice and warm :D16:39
hurrianthe machine takes around 5 minutes to do the memory training16:39
buZzoh wait, no, confusing it for FBDIMM16:39
hurrianstill warm, board's environment sensors say that the DIMMs are running 15C above ambient16:40
hurrianso I had to add a Spot Cool-type fan to get the air moving16:41
buZzoh wait, i thought this was #devuan , lol16:42
KotCzarnyis there a difference?16:44
buZzhehe :P well for some ;)16:45
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siceloi'll bring it to the attention of the others :-)18:14
sicelobackscroll fail sorry18:14
freemangordonif (purple_prefs_get_bool ("/plugins/gtk/libnotify/vibrate"))18:24
freemangordonVajb: unfortunately that pidgin plugin uses mce directly to control vibra18:25
freemangordonbut, it seems it can be disabled, along with LED notification18:25
KotCzarnyping the maintainer?18:25
KotCzarnyotherwise send to limbo for fixes?18:25
freemangordonNaikel Aparicio <>  Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:47:13 -070018:26
freemangordongood luck with that18:26
KotCzarnyis there fremantle-fixes-team ?18:27
freemangordonno idea18:27
freemangordonVajb: however, it sees you should be able to disable vibra in pidgin preferences (or plugin preferences)18:28
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siceloor Vajb should take over maintainership :-)19:00
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: shoulfn't MCE disable vibra in silent mode? or rather, should we teach it to act like this?19:04
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I don;t think so, it is not mce to decide about profiles19:04
DocScrutinizer05yeah, obviously not, but maybe mce can learn a "permanently disabled" mode for resources, and some optional app would send the necessary signals/msgs19:06
freemangordonwhy shall we do that, after all if some stupid program wants access to vibra, it can reach it through sysfs and we can;t stop it19:07
DocScrutinizer05err, how's that relevant?19:08
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DocScrutinizer05the question is rather: is there a canonical way to play a MCE vib pattern that obeys profile settings19:09
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: maybe I can't understand your idea19:09
freemangordonbut, mce is just an executor19:09
DocScrutinizer05yes, and aiui it receives all commands re vibra directly from the apps, no?19:10
freemangordonwell, it is passed through dbus, but we can assume it is the same19:11
freemangordonso yes19:11
DocScrutinizer05so there's missing the global "killswitch" for vibra19:11
* freemangordon checks19:11
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DocScrutinizer05I still think my xchat vibra is "muted" in silent mode ->>  - need to re-check that19:13
DocScrutinizer05I'd *expect* it to work like that, at least19:14
freemangordonthis is the only condition I see19:14
freemangordonso yeah, no vibra_lill_switch19:14
freemangordonhowever, one can alwasy make vibra sysfs path read-only19:15
freemangordona kind of a hack, but still19:15
DocScrutinizer05hehe, that's a very funny special check19:15
freemangordonbut deffinitely makes sense19:15
DocScrutinizer05yes, but we could easily augment that so it also checks for silent mode19:15
freemangordonyou can have active vibra in silent mode19:16
DocScrutinizer05there's that dedicated "[_] vibrator" field in profiles settings, I'd expect that to work globally, not only for notifications19:16
DocScrutinizer05architecture/design flaw19:17
freemangordonI see your point, but still think this is app problem, not system19:17
freemangordonalso, the application in question has setting to disable vibra19:18
freemangordonalso, imagine we want to urgently get user's attention19:18
freemangordonoverheat, for example or battery critical, or...19:19
DocScrutinizer05it's a system architecture problem, system doesn't provide a globally kill-able vibra invokation method aiui. Requiring every app to do check for a system global flag to decuide if to mute vibra is no good design19:19
freemangordonapplications are not supposed to call mce directly19:19
DocScrutinizer05then what IS the canonical vibra trigger method?19:20
freemangordonno such thing, you should create notification and that will obey profile settings19:20
freemangordonand will enable vibra or not19:20
DocScrutinizer05err, I want to activate a vibra, not pop up a requester19:21
freemangordonI am not sure I know the answer of that question :)19:22
freemangordonbut, for IM client, notification is the right way IMO19:23
DocScrutinizer05either or, when you say apps need to call mce directly to trigger vibra then that's the flaw. When you say they should rather invoke notifications then I miss a call that does exactly same like the direct mce call in and apps shpuld get fixed to use such call instead of direct mce call like I do19:23
freemangordonmce has a queue for vibra, if I read the code correctly19:24
freemangordonanyway, pizza is here, /me is going afk19:24
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Vajbfreemangordon: i disabled vibra from settings, but then i started missing messages. It it is kind of pain to always go to settings to disable vibra, kinda misses the point of check box in silent profile. Well, I'll live with it.19:58
KotCzarnyvajb: is there 'execute program on action' plugin/functionality?20:03
sicelothere should be20:04
KotCzarnythen it should be possible to plug dbus-vibrate-on-msg20:08
siceloactually no plugin needed20:09
siceloit's in "Sounds" preferences ..allows you to specify a custom command20:09
sicelooh wait .. i'm wrong. that accepts sound files.20:10
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Vajbwow i found system using older kernel than n900, tho it is from my cdrom. Knoppix is using kernel
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Langoorwhat media player would you recommend for maemo23:07
Langoorhas to play flac :x23:07
Langoorhmm installing it23:09
KotCzarnyuse the one from extras-devel23:09
LangoorI have extras and extras-devel activated23:10
Langoorso it'll get the newest from devel I think?23:10
KotCzarnymost likely23:10
Langooroh god what did I download23:10
Langoorwell it does work23:12
Langooris there something neater with fancy album art and all?23:12
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