IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2017-03-31

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dreamerah, needed package liblocale-gettext-perl00:29
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dreamerok only thing missing now is a battery monitor. no idea which one I was using before hehe00:30
Sicelobme not good enough?00:32
dreamerwhat's a bme?00:35
dreamerthing is I don't remember what I was using before :)00:37
dreamerah I think it was advanced power00:37
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Oksanaa46MB el-v1.db and going. Unfortunately, at times it doesn't save events, like calls or SMS or IM. Could probably be a race condition somewhere, especially if large size of database means that the time to save it upon adding an Event is long enough to prevent writing of another Event to the same database. Don't know how it works.02:51
OksanaaOr it could be a race between messaging-ui and call-ui, if there are two processes competing for the database.02:53
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Zungois there something like f.lux for maemo?07:37
Zungocolor changing for eyes improvement mainly07:38
Zungobut it can be for any purpose actually07:38
DocScrutinizer05hm? what's this f.lux thing?07:48
DocScrutinizer05"color changing for eyes improvement"  o.O ???07:48
DocScrutinizer05aah, display color temperature automatic changing07:50
DocScrutinizer05well, N900 has automatic display brightness by ALS. I don't know of a way to adjust the color temperature07:51
KotCzarnyas far battery monitors on n900 go, i like battery-eye07:55
KotCzarnyit's not affecting battery usage (ie. sampling only when something happens anyway (lock/unlock etc)07:56
KotCzarnyyet, providing quite descriptive history what happens07:56
DocScrutinizer05~tell dreamer about lazyflashing08:03
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DocScrutinizer05dreamer: start there, install the repo mirrors as recommended, then proceed with installing CSSU as explained on CSSU wiikipage. Should not result in any problems08:05
DocScrutinizer05do NOT install any stiff before you completed installing CSSU, it will complicate things08:05
DocScrutinizer05stuff even08:05
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ZungoOh well08:06
Zungoi dont even have a n90008:06
KotCzarnywhy did you plan to get it?08:06
DocScrutinizer05that explains why you're asking that question ;-) No N900 user ever asked it afaik08:07
KotCzarnyZungo: you know n900 is not a phone for everyone, what makes you plan to get it?08:10
Zungoi like to experiment08:10
Zungoi believe i might be "qualified"08:11
Zungoim a nerd08:11
KotCzarnydo you know linux well?08:11
DocScrutinizer05oksana has el-v1,de of 46MB?!?? :-o everything larger maybe 2MB is considered a killer for RAM08:11
Zungoenough to able to maneuver myself in it08:11
KotCzarnywith all it quirks and having to do manual work in terminal?08:11
ZungoOh well08:11
ZungoSure, it overwhelms me but i can do it08:11
KotCzarnythen yeah, you are qualified08:12
Zungoi learn fast08:12
Zungoand i do tech support08:12
KotCzarnybut dont expect any browsing of the internet on it08:12
Zungono problem08:12
Zungoi know microb sucks already08:12
KotCzarnyotoh it could act well as a portable linux machine08:12
KotCzarnywith many of useful tools08:12
KotCzarnynah, microb is ok, it's the internet that got bloated to hell08:13
DocScrutinizer05Zungo: then first and most important thing you need to learn: maemo is not debian (though technically close). There are a few things you should NOT consider doing, like apt-get upgrade etc08:13
KotCzarnywhere having 2GB of ram might not be enough ;) not to say 256MB08:13
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Zungoand yeah, some people are a bit compulsory with their data08:14
Zungono problem, i used to use crap computers08:14
KotCzarnyyou might want to prepare list of tools/apps you expect to use and check if they are available, or their substitutes08:15
Zungoi actually plan to use a n900 as playground08:17
VajbEnrico_Menotti: You asked about not being able to make symlinks. Also i read that you recently reformatted your sd card. Is it by any chance formatted to fat? Because if it is, that is your problem. Fat doesn't support symlinks.08:17
DocScrutinizer05Zungo: ^^^08:19
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dreamerDocScrutinizer05: hey, so I pinpointed my issue to placing my backups and the applist in that backup. this added the thumb repo and packages in the package manager. I now disabled the thumb repo and now it doesn't want to upgrade to these packages any more11:01
KotCzarnywhat backup method did you use?11:02
DocScrutinizer05dreamer: yeah, the "backup" is basically just a list of apps to install from repos11:02
DocScrutinizer05incl the repo definition11:02
dreamerwhich I didn't realize at all. that this would pull the thumb stuff :P11:02
dreamer(I really only cared about the contacts and maybe some settings)11:03
DocScrutinizer05it adds thumb repo if you backed up one app from thumb11:03
dreameryup. I disabled the repo now and now the thumb stuff isn't in the way any more11:03
DocScrutinizer05you can deselect all apps during restore11:03
dreamerI'm already past that eh :P11:04
* dreamer doesn't want to start over _again_ - have the n900 set up mostly as I want atm :)11:04
DocScrutinizer05thimb is tricky, very tricky11:04
dreameryeah I'm going to leave the thumb stuff. I don't run that many applications at once usually11:04
KotCzarnyif you used backupmenu, they should add a warning at least during restore11:05
DocScrutinizer05since it needs kernel patch or will segfault like mad11:05
dreamerso I don't think swapping should be an issue11:05
KotCzarnyie. detect if restoring to stock or cssu while backup was on cssu-thumb (or any other combination)11:06
DocScrutinizer05alas there's no simple way to reliably tell a binary is thumb or not, so...11:07
KotCzarnynot binary, backup11:07
KotCzarnywhen backup its done, current cssu level could be stored too11:07
KotCzarnyand requesting to update to specific cssu before attempting restore11:08
KotCzarny(or even better, install that cssu without user intervention)11:08
KotCzarnymaybe with asking if to do it11:08
DocScrutinizer05not even backupmenu does save the patched kernel (though we discussed how to add that), anyway while backupmenu unlike default backup saves complete rootfs (and opt) there's no info in that that could be used to reliably tell it's a thumb system11:11
KotCzarnywhile i hate systemd and all its abominations, maybe we could employ /etc/os-release11:13
KotCzarnyand store few bits of info there11:13
DocScrutinizer05so I'd not go for thumb initially, rather reflash a plain system, then add repo mirrors, then install CSSU. Then restore your backup (NOT backupmenu!), only then ponder if you might want to go powerkernel (might eventually come with CSSU) and even thumb apps11:14
KotCzarnyhe flashed stock, then install cssu-stable11:14
KotCzarnyhe got into troubles because his backup was from thumb11:14
KotCzarnyhence weird repos/cssu combination11:14
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DocScrutinizer05((dreamer doesn't want to start over _again_)) well, it's a matter of like one cmdline on PC and 5 clicks to install mirrors and CSSU, and let it do its thing which takes like 20 min or so11:17
DocScrutinizer05of course restoring from backupmenu is even way easier... if you never used thumb so no thumb binaries in your BM.backups11:18
dreamerDocScrutinizer05: no but I also did a lot of config. installed some applications. typed over some missing contacts. etc.11:18
dreamereasily more than 20 mins11:18
dreamerKotCzarny: I thought there was effort to move maemo to devuan base ;)11:19
dreamer(@ systemd)11:19
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KotCzarnynah, ignore that part, i just want os-release file11:20
DocScrutinizer05maemo *is* devuan base11:20
DocScrutinizer05no, debian *was* maemo's base, at times where debian wasn't systemd infested11:20
dreamerDocScrutinizer05: current installations for n900 are not devuan based are they?11:21
DocScrutinizer05they are, since devuan is debian classic11:21
dreamermwah. not exactly11:21
DocScrutinizer05the whole reason for devuan in maemo is: we can't base on debian anymore because of systemd11:22
dreamerparazyd told me yesterday that basic gsm functionality is there atm. sending sms and stuff11:23
DocScrutinizer05devuan and debian are pretty much identical11:23
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DocScrutinizer05and maemo is based on old debian, and then installed a lot of own stuff on top, and patched a few genuinely debian packages, It also had Nokia patches in kernel11:25
DocScrutinizer05but honeslty define what's a linux distro11:25
DocScrutinizer05"rebasing Y on upstream X" only means you're applying all the patches and build&install all the apps which are special to Y on top of X11:27
dreamersure, sure. but it's not like I'm running devuan on my n900 atbm11:27
dreamerit's still the original debian base11:27
DocScrutinizer05no, and neither you will do that when maemo got rebased on devuan11:28
dreamerand afaik not all of maemo works yet11:28
dreamerwhy not?11:28
DocScrutinizer05because it's still maemo then11:28
dreamerbla :P11:28
DocScrutinizer05and basically nothing changed11:28
dreamerexcept newer kernel and package versions11:28
DocScrutinizer05rebasing does NOT replace or add apps or middleware. It simply updates a system based on patches from the upstream it's rebased on11:29
dreamerI never said that11:30
DocScrutinizer05so what makes you think maemo would change in any way (systemd!) when rebasing it on devuan?11:30
dreamerwhere did I say that?11:30
dreameryou and your assumptions11:31
DocScrutinizer05I don't assume anything. If you think so, you got me wrong11:31
dreamerso, we're both thinking wrong then :)11:31
dreameranyway. I have an n900 again. and happy about it11:32
dreamer(still no clue where the other one got missing ..)11:32
DocScrutinizer05>>basic gsm functionality is there<< only means the maemo specific stuff works on new kernel and environment11:32
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KotCzarnyhmm, there is some spam in bugzilla11:34
DocScrutinizer05devuan=="the original debian base", much more than debian is, nowadays11:35
KotCzarny(, who has admin rights there?11:35
DocScrutinizer05re devuan:11:36
infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
DocScrutinizer05basically devuan is just an overlay to debian, just like CSSU is to maemo11:37
DocScrutinizer05neither of both is a complete own distinct distro11:38
DocScrutinizer05both just patch their base distro11:38
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DocScrutinizer05where's pali when you need him?11:49
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NotKitDevuan for N900 is just base system so far, without UI?14:45
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Zungoui is coming14:54
Zungoalong with base components actually14:54
DocScrutinizer05then what of it is devuan?15:28
Zungodevuan with maemo?15:29
DocScrutinizer05arch with linux15:29
Zungoim sleepy15:30
DocScrutinizer05I'd consider a sysrem with hildon a maemo system, pretty much15:31
DocScrutinizer05but then, in  the end whenever you customize your system by installing your personal selection of apps and even maybe core system components, it's probably pretty much *your* unique system, and often it's hard to tell which known distro it's more like15:33
KotCzarnysystem with hildon is a system with hildon, maemo i lots of services integrated together, not just ui15:33
DocScrutinizer05with power kernel and free BME you could call it a Pali system. Or call it RobbieThe1st system because of awesome backupmenu, Or call it Ubuntu because it has upstart?15:36
KotCzarnydebian going from gtk2 to gtk3 didnt change the name, so while some components change, since its under the same development team (maemo community in general)15:37
KotCzarnyit's what the community produces15:38
DocScrutinizer05if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's prolly... maemo15:39
KotCzarnyif you buy a fake that 'looks like', only to discover later it's not the same thing, you stop calling it 'duck'15:40
KotCzarnybtw. some distros include hildon i think15:41
DocScrutinizer05devuan for N900 would clearly be with another windows manager than hildon15:41
KotCzarnyand it would be hard to name them 'maemo'15:41
DocScrutinizer05"yeah, it has KDE instead of gnome, and it has systemd instead of upstart, and it has zypper instead apt, but the rest is clearly Ubuntu, Oh the rest is identical to Suse as well since no difference for the rest between suse and ubuntu? doesn't matter!"15:47
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DocScrutinizer05but but,,, I rebased it on Ubuntu, so it's called Ubuntu!!15:51
KotCzarnysee also the maintainership part15:51
KotCzarnynokia changed a lot from diablo to fremantle, yet, its still maemo15:51
DocScrutinizer05having your VW getting serviced in a Mercedes workshop for years doesn't turn it into a Mercedes.15:58
DocScrutinizer05well, at least not completely, it will still look like and get called a VW, even while a few details might remind you at Mercedes quality15:59
DocScrutinizer05and as I explained already, Devuan isn't even a true unique distro, it's a overlay over debian, fetching 99% of packages right from debian mirrors16:02
KotCzarnynor was maemo.16:02
DocScrutinizer05so a devuan for N900 would look like the long existing debian for N900, which was just a chroot installing a few libs and remarkably first of all a different desktop than hildon. Also maemo always had its own repos and debian had its own repos, while devuan won't have repos for maemo, or if they ever have those, they will be called maemo repo and will not work like the rest of devuan, I.E. won't fetch most of their packages from debian16:07
KotCzarnyarmbian is similar 'overlay on debian' distro. they have own image builder and few bits not existing on debian.16:09
infobotnextime gave an excellent explanation how amprolla works, at, or
DocScrutinizer05to say it once more: Devuan is a meta distro (overlay) just like CSSU, and Devuan is basically debian just like CSSU is basically maemo. And rebasing maemo on debian has been done a few times already, partially, and never anybody called that "Debian for N900" then16:16
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DocScrutinizer51oooh, any devuan for N900 will most certainly be armhf, while maemo stays armel17:33
WizzupDocScrutinizer51: is debian with kde on it not debian?17:40
DocScrutinizer51err what a strange queastion17:43
WizzupI don't see how it matters what we call it17:45
DocScrutinizer51debian is a website and a project, a system installing from that website is probably always or never debian. Though you could turn yje system even lrss debian by e.g. removing apt and using a RPPM nased package manager17:46
WizzupSo I am not running devuan?17:48
Wizzupit's a senseless discussion17:48
DocScrutinizer51see anove note about repo names and arch (el/hf)17:49
DocScrutinizer51also seems it's a monologue rather than discussion17:49
Wizzupyou can run armel on armhf kernels, so it's just a matter of having the binaries for the closed source packages that cannot be armhf17:55
Wizzupthe libraries*17:55
NotKitit's also possible to have armel chroot18:08
NotKitI could start most of example apps from Scratchbox target with native hildon-desktop, but maemo-launcher should be also started from inside chroot then...18:09
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DocScrutinizer05anyway seems we agreed upon a name for the devuan ci resources already, and I think it contained 'maemo' in it18:28
DocScrutinizer05NotKit: yes, sure, but that's exactly that then: a maemo fremantle chroot inside a debian system. And I doubt all the middlleware will be simple to run from a chroot, it's sometimes quite system low level stuff, particularly when it comes to cgroups which are vital part of maemo actually performing as realtime phone system18:31
NotKitwell, is this all needed for just running legacy apps?18:31
DocScrutinizer05which 'legacy apps' do you want to dismiss? phoneui aka dialer? mediaplayer incl mafw? the whole pulseaudio shit we need to keep when we want decent phone audio?18:33
DocScrutinizer05notifications even18:34
DocScrutinizer05I don't think it's trivial to have dialer running in a chroot and then make it signal 'missed call' to the notifier daemon outside the chroot, via dbus18:35
DocScrutinizer05I can't blame you for the question though, it's not obvious from outside how interdependent maemo is inside18:36
DocScrutinizer05thosw who know about that interdependencies already pondered chroots and whatnot. getting stuff running on a devuan based system tailored to mimic maemo environment is the result from that18:37
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KotCzarnyfmg, hi!18:44
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NotKitDocScrutinizer05, did you talk about N900 or other possible devices?19:12
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Enrico_MenottiHello. I was having some issues related to installing packages on the N900 and I decided to reflash it. It works, but I have a couple of strange things. First: I flashed the eMMC without the reboot option; after that, I tried immediately with the FIASCO image. Didn't work - the device rebooted by itself and showed a messy screen. So I put the device back to flash mode (disconnected usb and connected by holding u) and20:31
Enrico_Menotti flashed again the FIASCO, with reboot option. It worked, but the boot stopped at the running dots. I powered off the device and re-booted it by pressing the power button. At this point all right, it seems. Is this normal or did I do something wrong?20:31
DocScrutinizer05NotKit: I was talking about maemo20:33
Enrico_MenottiSecond thing: if I connect the device, powered off, to a computer via USB, it performs a "half boot" and goes to charge mode. I think this is correct. If I press the power button without disconnecting, it boots to the NOKIA screen and then boots again, this time up to the desktop. Is this also normal?20:34
DocScrutinizer05it's a delusion to hope for any other phone enabled device performing OK with an OOTB linux basically made for desktop PCs and servers, from kernel to audio to to windows manager20:34
DocScrutinizer05maemo as well as andrid have both a LOT of tweaks to make the device run smooth under realtime requirements of phone usecase20:36
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DocScrutinizer05a few other projects target the GUI/UX but never really care about the middleware and performance issues20:37
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DocScrutinizer05on a 8GB RAM octocore tablet that's maybe no big concern (you get other issues there with poorly or not at all supported hardware), but those cheesy devices we deal with right now, and particularly N900 need careful tuning of process priorities and whatnot else to allow ringtone and call accepting response in less than a second, with decent audio and responsibe GUI20:41
Enrico_MenottiThird and last thing: after boot, the desktop issues a message saying that the memory card has an unsupported format. I suppose it is referring to the SD card (if I take it out physically and boot, the message does not appear). The latter is formatted as ext3. From terminal, I am able to mount it, however. Why this?20:42
DocScrutinizer05~tell Enrico_Menotti about lazyflashing20:42
DocScrutinizer05((performs a "half boot" and goes to charge mode. I think this is correct)) this is a full boot aka ACT_DEAD and it actually is correct20:43
DocScrutinizer05yes, all normal20:43
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DocScrutinizer05((why this)) short answer: you didn't install CSSU20:44
DocScrutinizer05long answer: oroginal stock maemo didn't know how to handle ext3 uSD. Which doesn't mean the linux underneath can't mount and zse it, just the middleware doesn't expect anything other than vgat. fixed in CSSU20:46
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: long answer: oroginal stock maemo didn't know how to handle ext3 uSD. Which doesn't mean the linux underneath can't mount and zse it, just the middleware doesn't expect anything other than vfat. fixed in CSSU20:47
infobotDocScrutinizer05: aw, gee20:48
Enrico_MenottiAh ok. So all symptoms are normal. I just wanted to be sure the flashing went on correctly. Thank you.20:49
DocScrutinizer05it prolly didn't when you had an unsolicited reboot in between20:49
DocScrutinizer05use lazyflashing, works like a charm20:50
DocScrutinizer05it's real fun20:50
DocScrutinizer05alas linux PC only20:50
* DocScrutinizer05 should add a desktop icon to click for lazyflashing ;-P20:51
Enrico_MenottiOk, but do you think I really need to flash again? If the present behaviour is normal, I'd expect the device is ok.20:52
DocScrutinizer05prolly, but nearly impossible to make absolutely sure20:52
DocScrutinizer05it runs20:52
infobotoptification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR,,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish they looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot3"20:52
DocScrutinizer05on first boot, and that, when aborted, may render just one or a few cli commands borked20:53
DocScrutinizer05and eat your space on rootfs with the rest that's not yet got processed during optification20:53
Enrico_MenottiAh. So I made the wrong thing in stopping the first boot at the running dots, if I understood. Right?20:55
Enrico_MenottiIsn't there a way to start optification again?20:56
DocScrutinizer05lazyflashing takes maybe 10 minutes the first time, 2min for all further times20:56
Enrico_MenottiTo learn or to boot?20:57
DocScrutinizer05you don't need to learn anything. It's really truly foolproof if you ever touched a terminal on linux20:57
DocScrutinizer05comes with onscreen instructions20:58
DocScrutinizer05you literally just copy&paste that one commandline into your terminal and follow the instructions showing up20:59
Enrico_MenottiSo I should flash again, both eMMC and kernel, possibly with the lazy flashing, and at first boot wait maybe 10 minutes, right?20:59
DocScrutinizer05right, but the lazyflashing tool tells you details21:00
Enrico_MenottiOk, thank you.21:03
DocScrutinizer05yw :-) let me know if lazyflashing was flawless for you or anything needs inprovement21:04
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Wizzup19:33 < DocScrutinizer05> NotKit: I was talking about maemo21:11
Wizzup17:33 < DocScrutinizer05> which 'legacy apps' do you want to dismiss? phoneui aka dialer? mediaplayer incl mafw? the whole pulseaudio shit we21:11
Wizzup                          need to keep when we want decent phone audio?21:11
WizzupI am not sure if the PA stuff is needed for anything other than n90021:11
WizzupMany of the others can likely be replaced at some point21:11
DocScrutinizer05we were talking about "Devuan fpr N900" however21:11
Wizzupbut you said "maemo"21:12
Wizzupwhy can't we just call it "hildon-desktop on devuan with as much nice things from maemo as possible"21:12
DocScrutinizer05yes, obviously you can't use dialer with any other than N900 modem, as a lot of other hw-related stuff21:12
WizzupI would expect a dialer app to be mostly agnostic to the actual modem, e.g. ofono probably abstracts most of it?21:13
DocScrutinizer05because that's a TERRIBLE and completely needless complication to call it that way21:13
WizzupWell, it seems to clear up the perceived purpose21:13
Wizzupit seems to come up every time :)21:13
DocScrutinizer05sorry that's as braindamaged as calling mint "debian based distrro with a new Theme and other fnacy little stuff"21:14
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DocScrutinizer05anyway afaik the issue is already decided upon, since the name of any CI/repo on devuan has been discussed and agreed upon a name containing 'maemo', for a number of sound reasons21:16
DocScrutinizer05well, >>hildon-desktop on devuan with as much nice things from maemo as possible<< also contains "maemo" but I guess it's just a very clumsy URL21:19
DocScrutinizer05you also ignore that maemo has upstart, devuan sysv-init right now21:20
WizzupWell, I think that a decent desktop kit should not depend on a specific init system. But I have yet to find out how much depends on upstart.21:21
DocScrutinizer05unless you port (and maintain) maemo's special version of upstart to all devuan arch, jaromil won't feel happy with calling it Devuan-whatever21:21
WizzupOr just not use upstart...21:22
DocScrutinizer05and of course you're free to port hildon to Devuan, but don't expect that to be what we're talking about21:22
DocScrutinizer05then how would you expect apps from maemo repos to run on such system?21:23
DocScrutinizer05since that's what fmg and others are aiming at21:23
Wizzuphow many apps depend specifically on upstart? are they foss? who are all the others?21:24
DocScrutinizer05how does that care? are you volunteering to port them *all*?21:25
WizzupI am not aiming to run the whole system unmodified.21:25
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DocScrutinizer05then you're not aiming at same thing the current project does21:25
WizzupWe'll see.21:26
DocScrutinizer05the project goal AIUI is "rebase maemo on Devuan", not "port Hildon and a few other maemo bits to debian"21:26
WizzupI don't see the point of *all* apps if it becomes a PITA, and I specifically do not see the point in using a dead init system21:26
Wizzupbut I don't think we are anywhere near these points yet, so yeah.21:27
DocScrutinizer05the point is we don't want to port a 1000 apps plus a complete OS21:27
WizzupWho said they need 1000 apps?21:27
DocScrutinizer05who needs or doesn't need?21:27
WizzupI see it as a great way to get what I like from maemo, on a stable base, and drop all the dead sw that will only make everyones life worse21:27
DocScrutinizer05go ahead then, and call it hildon desktop. simple as that21:28
DocScrutinizer05it's probably not too hard to port HD to any other linux distro21:28
Wizzupthere is more than just hd, but I don't think breaking our backs over silly things (like the closed wifi daemon crap) makes any sense21:29
DocScrutinizer05sorry, I duscussed that with fmg for like 6 weeks until finally we found out we agree on the goal, just not on the nomencalture to describe the way to reach it21:30
KotCzarnyum, 'we'? what part of code/work are you doing?21:31
DocScrutinizer05so i'm reluctant to start all over again with very same discussion21:31
KotCzarnyunless your whole rant has some roots specific to some device21:31
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DocScrutinizer05for the long history see21:33
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, fptf is the Fremantle Porting Task Force, see
KotCzarnybut again, fptf was done specifically for neo900 or generic opening?21:34
KotCzarnyso yeah. better name would be fremantle porting to neo900 task force21:49
KotCzarnyleaving that out means it's not focused on any particular device21:50
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