IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2017-03-30

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Enrico_MenottiHello, is anybody available who may explain to me a couple of things about system images, in connection with the N900?01:27
WizzupWe've tested the devuan image a bit, wifi should now work by default, and figured out some evdev ts stuff (instead of using tslib)01:38
Wizzupfreemangordon: amprolla is estimated to be ready for our usage in 2 weeks (cc parazyd)01:39
parazydyeah, there was talk about do/don't rewrite it from scratch01:39
parazydbut i have to01:39
parazydthe one running is not written by programmers and it's a mess tbh01:40
parazydthere is also some talk about gitlab deprecation, but i don't know much yet01:41
parazydthe ci (jenkins) stays in place though01:41
parazydalso good progress today, if anyone needs a devuan image, here goes:
Enrico_MenottiSorry for my ignorance, but I still don't understand the difference between initrd and rootfs - I mean, the flasher may upload kernels, initrd's and rootfs's. Now in order to boot rescue OS I have to upload the first two. I did that successfully. But if one wants to boot any chosen Linux distro, first thing is to build kernel and file system, and then upload the zImage for the kernel, but what for the file system? Is01:51
Enrico_Menotti it correct to create a disk image containing the system tree and upload that?01:51
bencoh"rootfs" usually refers to a root filesystem lying open on top of some kind of blockdevice02:02
bencohinitrd/initramfs usually refer to some file hierarchy archive that is loaded by kernel at early boot stage in lieu of a root "fs"02:03
bencoheither by loading it as a ramdisk, or as a tmpfs in which it is extracted02:03
bencohsome (so-called live) systems run entirely from an initramfs, with no rootfs lying on any blockdevice02:05
bencohand some system boot directly from a blockdevice (specified by root=) with no initrd/initramfs02:05
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MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti: if you do create a filesystem image that you intend to upload using flasher, it should probably be in ubifs rather than something like ext*.02:23
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MaxdamantusI think ubifs has userspace tools for creating such images from a directory.02:23
Maxdamantusas bencoh pretty much said, initrd/initramfs is a filesystem that just exists in RAM; Linux is told about the address it's in as it loads, and it might copy the contents somewhere else into RAM before running init.02:25
Maxdamantusif you instead just specify root=, it will try to mount that as a normal filesystem (so it's up to the usual filesystem drivers (ext4, btrfs, ubifs)) to figure out how to present the filesystem.02:27
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DocScrutinizer05and maemo6 doesn't use any initrd06:16
DocScrutinizer05it still has a initrd partition on NAND which is dead legacy06:17
DocScrutinizer05alas too small for a decent ubifs or whatever06:17
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Vajbwhat is the correct way to clean syslog? I just realized that it has grown to 21mb07:22
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KotCzarnyif you dont need it, you can simply stop syslog, delete file and restart syslog07:48
KotCzarnyor you can setup logrotate to move/compress it07:48
KotCzarnywhich is preferred way if you arent short on space07:48
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freemangordonWizzup: parazyd: ok08:40
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Enrico_Menottibencoh Maxdamantus Thank you. And sorry for the late reply - I had to go to bed.10:07
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VajbKotCzarny: thx. I suddenly realized what my problem was. I tried stop syslogd isntead os stop sysklogd10:16
Vajbsos syslog done, ev-1.db (or something) dealt with. Are there any other files which bloat and should be taken care of?10:17
KotCzarnyyou shouldnt really run syslog on device10:18
KotCzarnyunless you are debugging something, its just unnecessary writes/wakeups10:20
Vajbim just keeping if incase of hicups :D10:22
Vajbnot that i would understand what it logs...10:23
Vajbbut i can always drop line or two here to get clarification10:23
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MaxdamantusTTF: 1278 minutes TTE: 65535 minutes10:31
KotCzarnyis charging?10:31
Maxdamantusonly 21 hours left till it's charged.10:31
Maxdamantusno internet at home, so going through N900 over WiFi.10:32
KotCzarnymight get drained faster than charging10:32
Maxdamantusfor some reason g_ether hasn't been working while there's an internet connection over the cellular network.10:32
MaxdamantusIt seems to charging at least on a dedicated power source.10:34
Maxdamantus# cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq24150a-0/current_limit10:34
Maxdamantuswouldn't charge off my computer's USB port as usual, don't really want to force it to 2A.10:34
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KotCzarnymaybe try bt instead of wifi?10:37
Maxdamantuscbf figuring that out.10:38
MaxdamantusIs there a reason it would use less power?10:39
KotCzarnyno beacons?10:39
MaxdamantusIt's not in AP mode.10:39
MaxdamantusMaybe wpa_supplicant does something that uses more power than usual, dunno.10:40
MaxdamantusMeh, doubt it.10:41
KotCzarnybt was designed to be slow and low power10:41
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KotCzarny{C  10. Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Power Consumption: Able to works at longer distances and loaded with high quality security protocols makes Wi-Fi a more power consuming protocol than Bluetooth.10:42
MaxdamantusI suspect if I combined the typical power drain using a cellular internet connection and a WiFi connection it would probably be similar to what it's using atm10:42
Maxdamantusmaemo just doesn't normally let you do that afai10:42
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MaxdamantusYeah, the encryption could be significant.10:43
MaxdamantusI don't really mind. It's at least not draining overall.10:43
* Maxdamantus will disconnect it overnight.10:44
KotCzarnyas long your powerbrick isbr overheating it should be ok10:44
MaxdamantusWell, the N900 won't draw more than 2A from the powerbrick.10:44
Maxdamantusand the powerbrick thing is meant to provide "100 W"10:45
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Maxdamantus(though not through USB)10:45
KotCzarnyhehe, then it should be fine. thought you use some phone charger10:45
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KotCzarnyand that's while playing the vid10:50
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KotCzarnyso actual savings might be much higher10:57
MaxdamantusWell, I'd like to look into why g_ether stops working when there's a cellular internet connection sometime.11:00
MaxdamantusThat would probably be the most power-efficient.11:01
KotCzarnydoes the interface go down/deconfigure?11:01
KotCzarnynot pingable?11:01
KotCzarnythat's definitely weird11:02
MaxdamantusI'm pretty sure I've used g_ether and gprs0 at the same time before.11:03
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KotCzarnymaybe you have used g_nokia?11:09
MaxdamantusHave never tried ethernet over g_nokia.11:10
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bencohMaxdamantus: are you sure it stops working? how do you check it stil/no longer works?11:10
* Maxdamantus has had g_ether load instead on boot for at least a year and a half.11:10
Maxdamantusbencoh: well, I can run ping continuously on either side.11:11
bencohand I suppose I should definitely move to g_ether as well, because I suspect there is a bug in g_nokia11:11
bencohMaxdamantus: try something else then, because the gprs-related scripts disable icmp answers when enabling the gprs0 interface :)11:11
Maxdamantusit stops as soon as gprs0 connects, and continues again once it's disconnected.11:11
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MaxdamantusKind of annoying that it seems to set wlan0 down when connecting gprs0.12:49
infobotMaxdamantus meant: Kind of annoying that it seems to set wlan0 down when reconnecting gprs0.12:49
Maxdamantusoh, and with the ICMP thing .. I can still ping over wifi when gprs0 is up.12:50
Maxdamantuser, nvm, the N900 doesn't respond to pings.12:51
Maxdamantusbut when experimenting with g_ether/gprs0 I would've done it both ways.12:52
KotCzarnythat's why i hate all those network-manager-like thingies12:52
KotCzarnythey dont count for some weird configs12:53
Wizzupmaemo keeps the wifi link up when connecting to gprs012:54
Wizzupit's just that when gprs0 is connected, it drops wlan012:54
Wizzupif you don't manage to connect to gprs0, wlan0 is never brought down12:54
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SiceloMaxdamantus: wpa_supplicant?13:25
SiceloKotCzarny: i wonder about those results .. sure they aren't also just pushing their product? :)13:29
KotCzarnySicelo: who knows, wanna do a n900 specific benchmark? ;)13:29
Enrico_Menotti_Hello, tonight I got suggestions about the kind of file system which is expected by the flasher to upload an initrd (I am considering a scenario like the one at play with Rescue OS, where one uploads kernel and initrd by the flasher and then boots them).13:32
Siceloif for some reason someone is forced to use wpa_supplicant on N900, iwconfig wlan0 power on helps to keep battery consumption at normal levels13:32
Enrico_Menotti_Somebody suggested it should be a ubifs instead of ext3.13:33
Enrico_Menotti_May anybody confirm this?13:33
KotCzarnyfor initrd it doesnt matter13:33
KotCzarnyif you plan to make a rootfs that will get flashed on nand, ubifs is strongly recommended13:34
Enrico_Menotti_Well, I debootstrapped a debian file system and put it on a disk image formatted ext3. Then tried to upload by flasher-3.5 -n <myInitrd> -l. It doesn't work.13:34
KotCzarnydont remember what -n does13:35
Enrico_Menotti_Specifies an initrd. According to the help, right?13:35
KotCzarnyalso, make sure fs you use is compiled in the kernel, not as a module13:35
KotCzarnyi think ext3 is loaded as a module in initrd on maemo13:36
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Enrico_Menotti_But how does rescue OS work? There is a zImage, uploaded by flasher-3.5 -k zImage -l, and an initrd, uploaded by flasher-3.5 -n initrd -l.13:37
Enrico_Menotti_The former is the kernel, the latter the initrd, right?13:37
KotCzarnylast time i checked the line was different?13:38
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KotCzarnyyou do all in one line13:38
Enrico_Menotti_It is flasher-3.5 -k zImage -n initrd -l -b"parameters".13:38
KotCzarnyyes, but in one line13:38
KotCzarnyalso, rescueos uses its own kernel, not the maemo one13:38
Enrico_Menotti_But this does not work either with the initrd I prepared for Debian.13:39
KotCzarnywhich kernel are you using?13:39
Enrico_Menotti_I am using a Linux kernel from the mainline. There is one for the N900. But the problem is not the kernel, it's the flasher, which is unable to recognise the format of the initrd.13:39
Enrico_Menotti_(I think.)13:39
KotCzarnyand keep in mind there might be feature incompatibilities, 2.6.28 and ext2/3 in it might be too old for the initrd you prepare in debian13:39
Enrico_Menotti_Sorry, lunch ready. Will be back.13:40
Maxdamantus23:32:48 < Sicelo> if for some reason someone is forced to use wpa_supplicant on N900, iwconfig wlan0 power on helps to keep battery consumption at normal levels13:57
MaxdamantusI'm using wpa_supplicant because the normal network manager doesn't let you connect both gprs0 and wlan0 at the same time.13:57
MaxdamantusSo I'll just connect gprs0 the normal way (through the GUI) then run wpa_supplicant myself.13:58
Maxdamantusthen I can just route traffic from my normal computer through the N900 by adding a default route referring to its wlan0 address.13:59
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Maxdamantus(having enabled ipv4 forwarding and NAT from wlan0 to gprs0)13:59
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MaxdamantusWhere is the wpa_supplicant functionality in maemo btw? is it directly inside icd2?14:06
* Maxdamantus wonders if it just has a copy of a portion of the wpa_supplicant code in it.14:07
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Maxdamantus23:33:11 < Enrico_Menotti_> Somebody suggested it should be a ubifs instead of ext3.14:30
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MaxdamantusThe ubifs is for the root filesystem if you're putting it on NAND (which is what flasher does)14:31
Maxdamantustbh, don't bother trying to put Debian on NAND.14:32
Maxdamantusjust put it on a normal filesystem on eMMC or an SD card.14:33
MaxdamantusNAND is only 256 MiB. The smallness is the reason for maemo's optification stuff.14:33
MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti_: don't bother thinking about "flashing" Debian.14:34
MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti_: just flash u-boot and have u-boot load your Debian kernel and initrd and set the commandline.14:35
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Enrico_Menotti_I was trying to test the whole thing without flashing anything. The flasher is also able to upload and boot kernel and initrd. This is how Rescue OS works. But I don't understand which format it expects for the initrd.14:38
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Enrico_Menotti_Maxdamantus: Sorry for the "somebody". I did not remember who said that, if you or somebody else...14:38
MaxdamantusBut you're not going to put an entire Debian installation in an initrd.14:38
Enrico_Menotti_Isn't that possible just for testing?14:39
MaxdamantusIt's not really practical due to the likely size.14:39
Enrico_Menotti_But so what should I put in the initrd? And with what format?14:39
MaxdamantusThe modules required by the kernel you're using to mount the root filesystem.14:40
Maxdamantusand some scripts/programs to actually do that mount then pivot_root/switch_root and chroot into it.14:41
MaxdamantusI think that's pretty much what Debian provides for you when you tell it to build an initrd.14:42
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Maxdamantusyou still need to have the actual root filesystem somewhere (preferably not on NAND, again because of size limitations), and the command line passed to the kernel from the bootloader should point to that.14:43
Maxdamantus(the Debian initrd will probably parse the contents of /proc/commandline to figure out what to mount)14:43
Enrico_Menotti_Ok, I understand, but still don't understand the format for the initrd image, in order to upload it with the flasher.14:44
MaxdamantusPersonally, I pretty much just do all the stuff the initrd would normally do just from NAND.14:44
Maxdamantusso my NAND has modules for a bunch of kernels and some scripts that can continue booting into maemo or debian.14:44
Maxdamantus(both maemo's and debian's roots are just directories in a single partition on the eMMC)14:45
MaxdamantusThe initrd image should probably be the output of something like `cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9` or whatever it is.14:47
MaxdamantusIt could be an ext3 image if you know the kernel has ext3 support built-in.14:48
KotCzarnynah, thats initramfs14:48
KotCzarnyinitrd is actual dump of fs14:48
MaxdamantusThey're passed in the same way.14:48
KotCzarnybut they are different14:48
MaxdamantusSure, but it's up to Linux to determine that.14:48
KotCzarnyand i think initramfs only works if you glue it to the kernel14:49
MaxdamantusYou pass in an initramfs in the exact same way you pass in an initrd.14:49
KotCzarnylast time i've tried it failed, might be some missing uboot wrapping though14:49
Maxdamantuseg, if you're using grub, you'd use the "initrd" command.14:49
KotCzarnyor maybe missing -H newc14:50
Maxdamantusthe `-H newc` part is important afaik. I don't think Linux understands the default format produced by cpio.14:51
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* DocScrutinizer05 runs syslog all the time14:51
Enrico_Menotti_Maxdamantus: So it is not sufficient to create a disk image with the right formatting and put the file system folders there, right?14:51
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: ^^^14:51
KotCzarnyhe just gave you the command line14:52
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: it usually gets logrotated during next reboot14:52
MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti_: if you can fit everything in there, it could be sufficient.14:52
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DocScrutinizer05but actually I maybe should change the log location, move it to uSD to not wear my NAND14:53
Enrico_Menotti_Maxdamantus: I think I fit everything, but the flasher does not understand the format.14:53
MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti_: how big is it?14:53
Enrico_Menotti_... don't remember exactly, but I think I created a disk image of about 512 Mb.14:54
KotCzarnyyou know it has to be loaded into 256MB of ram?14:54
MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti_: that's obviously not going to work since the N900 only has 256 MiB of RAM.14:54
KotCzarnyand actually half of that14:54
KotCzarnybecause you need ram to run software too?14:54
MaxdamantusEnrico_Menotti_: and the ramdisks in Linux are even further restricted.14:54
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Enrico_Menotti_Sorry for the noise - did a WHOIS by mistake.14:56
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Enrico_Menotti_Maxdamantus: I quote you: <Maxdamantus> NAND is only 256 MiB. The smallness is the reason for maemo's optification stuff.14:57
Enrico_Menotti_So the 256 Mb is for the NAND or for the whole RAM?14:57
KotCzarnyfirst, dont use 'b'14:57
KotCzarnyits for bits14:57
KotCzarnyfor bytes use B14:57
Enrico_Menotti_KotCzarny: Sorry, you're right. My mistake.14:58
MaxdamantusN900 has 256 MiB of NAND and 256 MiB of RAM.14:58
KotCzarnynext, ramdisk uses ram and stays in ram unless you move onto different device with pivot_root and unload the ramdisk14:58
DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti_: maemo5 doesn't use any initrd14:59
Enrico_Menotti_KotCzarny: Could you also explain why the "i" in MiB? Sorry...15:00
KotCzarnyits 1024 vs 100015:00
MaxdamantusMiB = 1048576 B15:00
MaxdamantusMB = 1000000 B15:00
KotCzarnyhistorically megabyte was 1024*1024, for many years though marketing advertised megabyte as 1000*100015:00
MaxdamantusMiB should probably be pronounced "mebibyte"15:01
MaxdamantusMB is "megabyte", since M- is the SI prefix "mega", meaning 100000015:01
DocScrutinizer05and bootloader will not use it even when you flash an initrd to the NAND partition15:01
Enrico_Menotti_Ah, I always thought of MB as 1024*1024.15:01
MaxdamantusWell, various things refer to 1024*1024 as MB15:01
Maxdamantusbut if you're trying to avoid ambiguity, it's probably better to use MiB.15:02
Enrico_Menotti_So at this point I think I will put the file system on the sd card.15:02
DocScrutinizer05actually initrd is a means to allow platform agnostic kernels to boot and init the system15:02
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Enrico_Menotti_DocScrutinizer05: Ok, I'd just like to understand how Rescue OS works.15:03
KotCzarnyEnrico_Menotti_: you can practice it easily on pc15:03
MaxdamantusI only use initrds (well, initramfs if you want to make that distinction) to boot into multi-device btrfs roots.15:03
DocScrutinizer05rescueos loads a rootfs and kernel to RAM and then starts it there15:03
KotCzarnywhole boot linux with initrd15:03
KotCzarnymuch faster and less wear to the device15:04
KotCzarnyand once you learn the basics you can try on n90015:04
infobotrumour has it, rescueos is
DocScrutinizer05no initrd involved in rescueOS either, afaik15:05
Enrico_Menotti_DocScrutinizer05: Yes, but the rootfs is specified to the flasher-3.5 by -n initrd. So what format is it?15:05
MaxdamantusThere is an initrd in rescueOS15:05
Maxdamantusthe entire thing is intended to be loaded as an initrd.15:06
DocScrutinizer05no idea15:06
Maxdamantus../maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2/flasher-3.5 -k 2.6.37 -n initrd.img -l -b"rootdelay root=/dev/ram0"15:06
Enrico_Menotti_Yes, exactly.15:06
MaxdamantusThat's my commandline for loading rescueOS.15:06
Enrico_Menotti_So what is exactly initrd.img? What kind of image?15:06
DocScrutinizer05I guess it's a RAM image15:07
Enrico_Menotti_Created with that cpio?15:07
Maxdamantusrescue/initrd.img: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian size 5701632 version #2 sorted_dirs CRC 0x8d9cb614, edition 0, 3083 blocks, 759 files15:07
DocScrutinizer05ooh wait, yes, maybe rescueOS actually uses initrd format to let flasher (and bootloader) load the image into RAM15:08
Enrico_Menotti_Maxdamantus: Thanks. Now how to actually create it?15:08
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DocScrutinizer05isn't it created there too?15:09
Enrico_Menotti_Don't know. I can't look right now, since I am at work and our network does not allow opening that page. :(15:09
DocScrutinizer05honestly why do you want an initrd image?15:10
KotCzarny'no idea but i must talk'15:10
Enrico_Menotti_I just thought I could try a different OS by using the same method Rescue OS uses.15:10
Enrico_Menotti_KotCzarny: ?15:10
DocScrutinizer05get a kernel with the needed filesystems built monolithic, and forget about initrd15:10
KotCzarnyEnrico_Menotti_: wasnt for you. but i suggest you to just google some 'linux ramdisk howto or tutorial'15:11
DocScrutinizer05I'd really suggest you "try a different OS by using" the uSD15:11
DocScrutinizer05and uBoot to boot it15:11
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DocScrutinizer05you don't want to load your image of the OS to test via flasher on each boot15:12
Enrico_Menotti_DocScrutinizer05: You think it may ruin the device?15:12
DocScrutinizer05and creating the thing on uSD is a few magnitudes simpler than packing it into a (size limited) ramdisk15:13
Enrico_Menotti_NIN101: Welcome!15:13
DocScrutinizer05Enrico_Menotti_: no, I think you're suffering an XY problem15:14
infobotfrom memory, xy is The XY problem: You want to do X, but don't know how. You think you can solve it using Y, but don't know how to do that, either. You ask about Y, which is a strange thing to want to do. Just ask about X.
Enrico_Menotti_The fact is that I don't want to extract the sd card continuously from the device and insert it into my computer.15:15
Enrico_Menotti_I fear to phisically ruin the computer, which would be much worse than ruining the device!15:15
DocScrutinizer05why would you?15:15
Enrico_Menotti_DocScrutinizer05: What, extracting the sd card or ruining the slot in the computer?15:16
DocScrutinizer05you can write to uSD in N900, e.g. via scp/sftp15:16
Enrico_Menotti_Ah, you mean booting maemo and use ssh?15:16
Enrico_Menotti_Ok, yes, didn't think of.15:17
DocScrutinizer05let me put it this way: why remove uSD from one PC to insert it into another PC15:18
DocScrutinizer05and if you're afraid of ruining your computer, I strongly suggest you use a USB cardreader instead15:20
Enrico_Menotti_DocScrutinizer05: Yes, I understood. I didn't think about this way to transfer files from my computer to the sd card. (I mean, with ssh.)15:22
Enrico_Menotti_NIN101: Ok, the kinks you provided are exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks. I will read the howto instructions carefully.15:24
DocScrutinizer05please understand that rescueOS & initrd are loaded to RAM by flasher and bootloader15:25
DocScrutinizer05the will vanish on next power cycle15:25
Enrico_Menotti_DocScrutinizer05: Yes that's clear to me.15:26
DocScrutinizer05you can't flash a initrd to persistent storage15:26
Enrico_Menotti_No problem - it's just for testing purposes.15:27
DocScrutinizer05on N900, without *massive* modifications to bootloader15:27
DocScrutinizer05also please understand that RAM size is limiting the size of any such initrd/ramdisk, obviously15:28
DocScrutinizer05and the ramdisk in turn is reducing the size of RAM available to the system15:28
DocScrutinizer05so e.g. you can only have a 64MB ramdisk if you want to have a 192MB RAM for the system in that ramdisk15:31
DocScrutinizer05it's not like N900 has RAM in abundance15:31
DocScrutinizer05on uSD otoh your rootfs size is virtually unlimited15:32
DocScrutinizer05and you can use ext315:33
DocScrutinizer05uBoot knows ext3 booting afaik15:33
DocScrutinizer05powerkernel too15:33
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DocScrutinizer05just install uBoot under maemo, and add config files pointing to your stuff on uSD, so on next boot you choose in uBoot menu which of maemo or your own system on uSD you want to boot to15:46
DocScrutinizer05depending on cmdline and kernel 'pointer' in uBoot you could even boot maemo's powerkernel from NAND and still have rootfs pointing to uSD15:48
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sixwheeledbeast  maybe useful for anyone requiring geolocation for a maemo application19:25
sixwheeledbeastI wonder if they plan to offer more stuff like that19:26
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Enrico_MenottiSeems my sd card is dead. It is not mounted, neither recognised, from both my Mac and my N900. Does anybody have an idea for checking whether the card is physically dead or it is just a software problem?20:30
Enrico_MenottiI tried it on the Mac. It shows a lot of things - is there anything particular I should look for?20:31
KotCzarnyif it's inserted and kernel announces it's capacity and reads anything20:31
Enrico_MenottiOk, I will try again.20:31
KotCzarnyif you nuked partition table it would behave as unformatted with no usable space20:32
KotCzarnydoes n900 have 'initalize/format sdcard' somewhere in settings?20:32
Enrico_MenottiRight now the card is in my Mac and I've run dmesg. What if I upload the log on some website, so you may have a look at it? - But I don't want to disturb you too much. Just if you wish to.20:36
Enrico_MenottiAs far as I can see, nothing in the output references my sd card. Maybe better buy another one.20:45
KotCzarnygo for samsung evo + or pro20:45
KotCzarnyavoid nonames/fakes/kingston etc20:46
Enrico_MenottiWell, I have here at hand a Mediaworld store. I will take what they have - this one is a SanDisk.20:46
Enrico_MenottiWait, wait, suddendly something happened! I estracted the card and the Mac complains I didn't eject it!20:47
Enrico_MenottiLet me try again.20:47
Enrico_MenottiI really don't know what happened. Now the card's alive again. I found in my thrash many files, among them the zImage of Rescue OS kernel, and the related initrd.img, and another file I put on the card a few weeks ago. But also many other files.20:50
Enrico_MenottiThey seem to be other versions of the same files. God knows how they got to the thrash on my Mac.20:50
KotCzarnycorrupted fs that got fscked?20:51
Enrico_MenottiSorry, what's fscked?20:51
KotCzarnyfsck == filesystem check util20:52
Enrico_MenottiThe strange thing is that now on the card I still find the files I put on it a few weeks ago.20:52
Enrico_MenottiBut I'm happy it's alive again. I will put it back on the N900 and see what happens.20:53
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Enrico_MenottiOk, I had to try a few things. Among them I downloaded a card formatter from, on my Mac. This successfully reformatted the card (my Mac wasn't able to do that with high-level utilities). Now the card's back in the N900 and it seems to work.21:16
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dreamerohai. got redirected here from #maemo-ssu .. even though it's about installing cssu21:39
infobotcssu is, like,, or (Community Seamless Software Update)21:39
dreamerI'm getting a whole bunch of dependency problems on trying to install the cssu update. mostly busybox and modest-'..' localization stuff (and whole bunch of others). not sure how I can install any of these atm. how should I proceed?21:40
KotCzarnydid you follow steps outlined on the wiki or skipped some of them?21:40
dreamerI followed the steps21:41
KotCzarnysometimes it helps to uninstall offending packages and reinstall them after upgrade21:41
KotCzarnyreally helps saving sanity and time21:41
dreamerI'm starting from a clean device21:42
dreamerthat is on 21.2011.38-121:42
dreamerwith latest power kernel21:42
Enrico_MenottiOk, I am trying to format the sd card on the N900 as ext3. I have rootsh installed. Also openSSH server. I ssh'd to the N900 as root. I think I have a root shell. I tried to issue "mkfs", but it is not found. If I try "sudo mkfs" I get "root is not in sudoers file". I had a look over and found something about sudser, but the download from Maemo's application manager does not work.21:42
Enrico_MenottiSo first: is mkfs a standard tool in Maemo?21:43
KotCzarnyEnrico_Menotti: type mkfs then press tab two times21:44
Enrico_MenottiAh, sorry.21:44
Enrico_MenottiI was following some instructions over the Internet which probably are not for this version of the OS.21:45
Enrico_MenottiMaybe it's time for dinner. Better I think. :)21:45
KotCzarnydreamer: try pastebin with your error21:45
dreamerKotCzarny: eh. how do I do that from the device?21:46
dreamerthis is in the Problems tab in HAM21:46
KotCzarnycopypaste into file, then curl --upload-file somefile http://transfer.sh21:46
dreameryou can't select any text in HAM21:46
KotCzarnyno 'save log' button?21:47
dreamer'Application packages missing:' and then a shitload of stuff21:47
KotCzarnymaybe you need old nokia mirrors, what are the missing packages? name few of them21:48
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dreamerKotCzarny: I added those mirrors already21:49
KotCzarnyor make a screenshot, i think it was shift-fn-s or something21:49
dreamerI'll try :)21:50
KotCzarnyit gets saved in mydocs/.images/screenshots (or n900/images/screenshots in file browser)21:51
dreameramong the packages: busybox, modest-* stuff, osso-* stuff, upstart, system-services, and some other random things21:51
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KotCzarnybtw. you didnt enable extras-testing or extras-devel, did you?21:52
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dreamerKotCzarny: nope21:56
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dreamerjust the nokia mirrors21:56
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KotCzarnyas a workaround, try installing plain cssu first?22:02
dreamerhow do you mean?22:02
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KotCzarnybecause you are trying to install cssu-thumb22:02
KotCzarnyinstall cssu-stable22:02
dreamerI think that's the default now. I just clicked on the stable link from the maemo browser:
KotCzarnyclearly states you are installing cssu-thumb22:03
dreamersure, but I clearly just pressed this one button22:03
dreamerlike I said: maybe this is the default now?22:03
dreamerI have no idea. I didn't specify the thumb version anywhere22:04
dreamerlike I said, I just pressed the 'Stable_one-click-install' link. nothing else22:04
KotCzarny this says plain cssu22:04
KotCzarnyunless someone messed something22:05
KotCzarnybut as i've said, package manager says you are installing cssu-thumb )which isnt bad idea in itself)22:05
dreamerI have no idea man22:05
dreamermaybe I should start from scratch >_<22:06
dreamer(although seriously. this is a completely scratch installation from today)22:06
KotCzarnywhat does apt-cache policy community-ssu-enabler22:06
dreamerlooks like 0.7-5-thumb0 is selected (with *** in front)22:07
KotCzarnybut what repo it points to22:07
dreamerthat's the one that is installed22:07
KotCzarnysince you are not far in the install, i would suggest you reflashing and repeating. because it really looks like something misconfigured22:12
KotCzarnyand cssu enabler in stable repo isnt changed since june 201622:12
KotCzarnyand that busybox dependency is solved in cssu-testing22:14
KotCzarnyso are you sure you didnt click them all?22:14
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dreamerKotCzarny: all? no sure it was just testing22:42
dreamerbut yeah I'll reflash :/22:42
KotCzarnyyou can also just reclick the banner22:42
KotCzarnyfor a quick test (cssu-stable one)22:42
dreamerno, that didn't work, because it's already installed22:42
dreamerand it's no longer in the app-menu either22:43
KotCzarnyits not, you have cssu-thumb enabler installed22:43
dreamerwell I'm telling you it didn't work22:43
dreamerit said it was already installed22:43
KotCzarnyyou might also wait for cssu guys to show up too22:44
KotCzarnyif you dont want to reflash22:44
dreameralready reflashing :P22:45
dreameralthough now I'm not sure which one to use. I have 2 .bin files: RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin and AE98ED9D_RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.CENTRAL-EUROPE_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin22:45
infobotmaemo-flashing is probably, or - on linux PC - download&extract, cd into it, do sudo ./; or see ~flashing-cmdline, or see ~lazyflashing22:46
dreamerthose links are pretty useless22:47
KotCzarnysee the tgz+sudo line22:47
KotCzarnydownload it and unpack22:47
KotCzarnythen run the script inside22:47
KotCzarnyit will download and run what it needs22:47
dreamerI'm using 0xFFFF22:48
KotCzarnythen see the script inside to see which files to download and in which order to flash22:49
dreamerI have the same 'combined' image mentioned in that script22:49
dreamerok, flashed22:51
dreamerwill go through installing the nokia mirrors again22:51
KotCzarnytry writing somewhere what exactly you do22:52
KotCzarnyin steps22:52
KotCzarnyin some .txt file22:52
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dreameroh, I now see bunch of updates in HAM. weren't there before22:59
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dreamerwill run those first before moving to cssu22:59
dreameroh. bunch of conflicts there23:00
dreamerlibqt4 stuff23:00
KotCzarnywhat needs it?23:01
dreamereverything conflicting with everything23:01
KotCzarnywhat did you do before that?23:02
dreamerinstall the stable cssu23:02
dreamerjust the repos and enabler package23:02
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dreamertrying the cssu install again23:03
dreamerdoesn't give the same b0rk as before though23:03
dreamermaybe I used that other .bin I had to flash it23:03
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dreamerok it's installing cssu23:05
dreamermaybe those qt dependencies are coming from there23:05
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KotCzarnyham in stock is slow, so it might be that you didnt wait for updates to show up23:06
dreamerno I think they where there23:07
dreamermy dependency issues where with busybox and other stuff right23:07
dreamernothing libqt23:07
KotCzarnyas i've said, it looked like you've clicked on cssu-thumb before23:08
dreamerthere is no cssu-thumb on that page23:08
dreamerSTABLE was the one I clicked on23:08
dreamerthere is only 'stable' or 'testing'23:08
dreamerno 'thumb'23:08
dreamerok, it rebooted23:08
dreamer*fingers crossed*23:08
dreamerok, no updates now. so cssu must've taken care of the qt stuff23:09
dreamerok. I think it's good now. will proceed with power kernel and my backup23:10
KotCzarnyi still recommend you to install cssu-thumb23:10
KotCzarnyit frees few megs of ram in the system23:10
dreamerit's supposed to be smaller/faster/better/stronger right?23:10
KotCzarnysmaller, yes23:10
KotCzarnyand faster becuase of less swapping23:10
dreamerah, but it's based on testing23:11
dreamerand patches the kernel. should I wait installing the powerkernel? or it comes with its own power-kernel?23:11
dreamerI vaguely remember the thumb install not giving that many improvements23:11
dreamerin my experience23:12
dreamerI can always move to thumb later right?23:12
dreameryeah atm I just need this thing functional :)23:12
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dreamerKotCzarny: ok just ran updates. and now it wants to install cssu thumb ..23:33
dreamerand all that qt stuff again23:33
dreamerhmmm. I'm not guessing something: that my backup contains these packages in the list23:33
dreamerso it wants to install them from there23:33
dreamerok how to curate this list ..23:34
dreamerand more importantly: how to get rid of this stuff23:35
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Siceloi also never really saw much improvement with thumb on my device, but i'm happy with it nonetheless23:43
Enrico_MenottiEhm... sorry, I'd need some more help. I'm trying to copy the Debian system image over the sd card, but I get errors about cp being unable to create symlinks.23:43
dreamerheuhm. unable to install catorize. no clue why ..23:48
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