IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2016-06-11

DocScrutinizer05x-system_: does this look familiar?00:14
DocScrutinizer05                                                mount -t $backup_eMMC_part_type $backup_eMMC_part_loc /tmp/mnt/mydocs00:14
DocScrutinizer05                                                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then00:14
DocScrutinizer05                                                        $T2S -s 2 -H left -y $y -T 0xF800 -t "  Error: cannot mount the eMMC."; y=$((y+20))00:14
DocScrutinizer05                                                        $T2S -s 2 -H left -y $y -T 0xF800 -t "  Try using FSCK mode and see if that fixes it."; y=$((y+20))00:14
DocScrutinizer05robbiethe1st!!!! I tildya those error messages are puzzling00:15
DocScrutinizer05x-system_: when BM says "Error: cannot mount the eMMC." it actually refers to MyDocs00:16
DocScrutinizer05x-system_: is your device connected to PC USB when you start it into BM?00:17
DocScrutinizer05x-system_: try backup to uSD card, backup to MyDocs doesn't really make any sense at all anyway00:19
DocScrutinizer05if you really want to backup to MyDocs, make sure a "df -h ~user/MyDocs" shows reasonable values, and a "ls -R ~user/MyDocs" lists something reasonable00:21
DocScrutinizer05a ">~user/MyDocs/xxx" must not throw any error (remove with "rm ~user/MyDocs/xxx" after test)00:22
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DocScrutinizer05please provide output of "mount|grep '/home/user/MyDocs' ", paste the one line in here00:26
DocScrutinizer05ooh, and you should do all this as root00:26
DocScrutinizer05well, not mandatory (yet)00:27
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DocScrutinizer05however for next step you need root:
DocScrutinizer05this takes a few minutes (like 10 to 60)00:39
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DocScrutinizer05you may use "fsck.vfat -vn /dev/mmcblk0p1" instead (without V parameter) which should be faster00:50
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DocScrutinizer05x-system_: your output to df -h and mount should look like mine here:
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azkaySorry it wasn't my image. I'll reupload it to imgur04:00
azkayI feel like rather than soldering, a removable plastic/rubber contact block could sit in the shaped hole instead, help in by the battery or something else04:06
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DocScrutinizer05azkay_: what is this?04:53
DocScrutinizer05((Has anyone thought of adding a pad of some sort with contacts in it? Using pressure to make contact rather than soldering to the phone. Sort of like how the old PSP analog controller was attached (little rubber brick with copper in it))) yes, I thought about that (though for other than USB purposes), but it's basically almost impossible to build such a thing in a reliable way04:56
DocScrutinizer05azkay_: I don't understand why anybody would do those connections sketched in pink wires in that picture04:58
DocScrutinizer05the picture is based on a pic from ~usbfix that suggests way better (though minimally incorrect regarding GND to ID pin) wiring for fixing USB when the pads came off05:00
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x-system<DocScrutinizer05>  is your device connected to PC USB when you start it into BM? - No. Try backup to uSD card - I have not microsd(. See output:
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azkayI didn't mean that wiring specifically, but accessing any of those points without soldering on the device.14:57
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DocScrutinizer05x-system:  a /dev/mmcblk0p1           27.0G    398.0M     26.6G   1% /home/user/MyDocs  makes me think you can forget about cramming a backup on your eMMC17:23
DocScrutinizer05398.0M free storage on MyDocs is really to low, dunno why BM throws that cryptic error17:24
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DocScrutinizer05oops sorry, that's 389M *used*17:52
DocScrutinizer05so nevermind17:52
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DocScrutinizer05x-system: please check "mount --help"    -->BusyBox v1.10.218:43
kerioBusyBox v1.23.1 (Debian 1.23.1power2+thumb0)19:08
DocScrutinizer05tracker acting up for me :-/19:42
DocScrutinizer05the device is basically idle since 24h, I just started xchat and noticed that CPU load is extremely high.
DocScrutinizer05 1689 user      20   0 17508 3300 2196 S 23.5  1.3 393:29.39 hildon-thumbnai19:43
DocScrutinizer05I already killed imageviewer and tracker before this top snapshot19:45
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VajbDocScrutinizer05: if u have tracker config, check if u have some non-existing folders to be checked. Solved my problem with it...20:35
Vajbi mean solved when i deleted that one non-existing folder check...20:36
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DocScrutinizer05Vajb: many thanks20:42
DocScrutinizer05  I _hope_ it will eventually finish21:07
DocScrutinizer05I also wonder how to tell that shitty thing _not_ to scran .jpg in my music folder for the gallery21:08
keriopng embedded in every single song ftw21:09
keriodoes flac need its own container?21:10
kerioother than using matroska, that's cheating21:10
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DocScrutinizer05flac is a file format resp a compression21:39
DocScrutinizer05no container involved21:40
keriowell, alac uses mpeg4 containers21:41
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DocScrutinizer05~50% samller than .wav21:42
DocScrutinizer05ok >> The FLAC project consists of: The stream formats A simple container format for the stream, also called FLAC (or Native FLAC)<<21:44
DocScrutinizer05so .flac _are_ 'containers'21:45
DocScrutinizer05reading about Rice, I get hungry21:57
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x-system<DocScrutinizer05> mount --help >> BusyBox v1.15.3 for Nokia N900 multi-call binary22:59
DocScrutinizer05wow, there is a messybox update?23:00
DocScrutinizer05and... *does it work*?23:01
DocScrutinizer05x-system: I'm almost out of ideas how to tackle your issue. Your MyDocs seems to work, you updated BM to the recent supposedly working version...  Your mount command looks like it's supposed to work also (though I have no clue what's BusyBox v1.15.3 , resp where from you got that)23:04
DocScrutinizer05and BM is nasty to debug since it has no proper STDOUT/STDERR handles23:04
DocScrutinizer05nor any mounted filesystem where you could store any logs persistently23:05
DocScrutinizer05prolyl not even syslog would help, it gets started only later on aiui23:06
DocScrutinizer05honestly, when you're not shy to do reconfig of your system, I'd suggest a complete reflash23:07
DocScrutinizer05after doing a copy to PC of your MyDocs content23:07
DocScrutinizer05you even could save most installed apps and all conversations etc with maemo backup23:08
DocScrutinizer05please make sure you got the most recent powerkernel (I recall from your uname -a that you're using powerkernel, otherwise please ignore this advice)23:10
DocScrutinizer05if pali was around, we could ask him if there was a known flaw with mounting vfat volumes in a pervious release of KP23:11
x-system<DocScrutinizer05> Hahah) I reflash N900 3 mounth ago) And again not work) Okay. Now powerkernal  - If my experiments  break system on n900 - I will reflash it) Also I will try reinstall busybox) And soru for my english) Thank You)23:22

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