IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2016-04-02

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DocScrutinizer05Sicelo: stuck blue LED?01:14
DocScrutinizer05Pali: how does your hostmode control the LED? via MCE dbus call for pattern?01:21
Palimce dbus01:21
DocScrutinizer05best practice01:21
Palibut when using bme replacement, then my usbmode does not touch led01:22
Palibme replacement care of mce led dbus pattern01:22
DocScrutinizer05does it wait until method call sends ack reply via dbus before process terminates?01:22
Paliyes, it must01:23
Palithis is how dbus method call works01:23
DocScrutinizer05then I don't see how LED could possibly get stuck01:23
PaliI think there is some bug in mce01:23
Palior race condition...01:24
Palido not know what happen if you request led two times01:24
Paliif you need then to disable it two times too or not01:24
DocScrutinizer05I think mce has a one element deep "stack" to resume previous state when a pattern gets discontinued01:24
DocScrutinizer05not sure if it's deeper than just one element01:25
Paliif Sicelo can reproduce that bug, probably he needs to debug it too...01:26
DocScrutinizer05a dmus-monitor >tracelog.txt should do01:28
DocScrutinizer05dbus even#01:28
Siceloi would have loved to. but all 3 batteries are bad now. device switches of within 2 minutes of hostmode.01:30
DocScrutinizer05batteries are rare and extremely expensive at your site, no?01:34
Sicelogood ones, yes. fake ones that last a month are in abundance :)01:35
DocScrutinizer05t you get a used one which is still in good condition?01:35
DocScrutinizer05also it's hot where you live?01:36
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Sicelonot so hot, i'd say. interestingly the batteries last at least 8 hours continuous use per day, but die immediately on hostmode (high internal resistance, i assume)01:37
DocScrutinizer05seems so01:38
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DocScrutinizer05could you run a 10 >batlog.txt   in parallel?01:39
DocScrutinizer05with at least 15 minutes history before activating hostmode01:40
DocScrutinizer05dunno if works for your system01:40
DocScrutinizer05(I.E. for the hostmode BME01:40
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Siceloi modified it to work.01:48
DocScrutinizer05I'm really interested how a batlog of a supposedly worn battery would look like, when said battery works even with backlight but fails during 2 minutes on hostmode01:51
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kerioLast Measured Discharge (LMD): 1212.9075 mAh02:32
kerio1122 to 121202:32
keriohow much was the maximum increase?02:33
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: iirc 1/802:48
kerio1/8 of what02:48
DocScrutinizer05of the value02:48
keriook i'm gonna call this value the true one02:49
kerioso this is 1200mAh under heavy draw02:49
DocScrutinizer05pretty decent02:50
keriohow do i measure the capacity under zero load02:51
DocScrutinizer05discharge for a minute, no load for a minute, probe voltage02:52
kerioalso can't we measure the mWh instead02:52
DocScrutinizer05repeat, until voltage < EVDF02:52
DocScrutinizer05bq27200 already does that02:52
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DocScrutinizer05 SAE Available Energy02:55
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Church-_Hmm, better than #n90007:54
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: will openbsd run on the neo900?17:56
DocScrutinizer05sure, why not?17:59
DocScrutinizer05does openBSD run on beagleboard?17:59
kerio a very small handful of boards17:59
DocScrutinizer05so, there's your answer17:59
kerioyay ^_^17:59 the neo900 just a beagleboard that you guys scrunched up to fit in the n900 case? ¬.¬18:00
DocScrutinizer05we even use BB-xM for "emu" in proto_v218:00
DocScrutinizer05sort of, plus we added tons of peripherals18:00
DocScrutinizer05btw same applies for N90018:01
DocScrutinizer05and for GTA0418:01
keriohm, is there any arm board with pcie 3.018:01
DocScrutinizer05dunno of any18:01
DocScrutinizer05maybe OMAP5 has such stuff18:02
DocScrutinizer05seems it has SATA, so why not PCIE318:02
DocScrutinizer05never closely looked into it18:03
keriowill work with the neo90018:03
kerioit would add quite a lot of very fast swap18:04
DocScrutinizer05honestly now, you tell us :-)18:04
keriono arm board supports any of those fancy connectors :(18:05
keriono nvme, no m.218:05
DocScrutinizer05you got USB2.0 and UART as fast interfaces18:05
DocScrutinizer05well, 480Mbit is already at the limits of the complete system18:06
DocScrutinizer05I mean, you not only need to transfer data, you also need to *do* sth with it18:06
DocScrutinizer05when you can't even transfer it to RAM anymore then your bottleneck is elsewhere, not in bandwidth of interface18:07
keriojust overclock the shit out of the ram18:08
DocScrutinizer05well, the RAM is still a tad faster than USB2 I think, but not like magnitudes faster18:08
keriowait, really?18:08
keriofast unbuffered ram can reach 20GB/s18:09
kerio(ddr3 on intel)18:10
DocScrutinizer05with a OMAP3? dream on18:10
kerioweirdly enough, the best ddr4 is slower than that18:10
DocScrutinizer05we got LPDDR2-133 iirc18:10
DocScrutinizer05maybe even -20018:11
DocScrutinizer05if my math doesn't suck due to lack of caffeine, that's still just 4 times the speed of USB2.0, roughly18:11
DocScrutinizer05and you need to handle the IO too, which needs to get done in CPU land, either in sw or at least by DMA18:12
DocScrutinizer05I could be wrong by factor2 or even 4, with my math18:15
DocScrutinizer05still... you get the picture18:15
kerioye ye18:15
kerioi was only mostly kidding18:15
* kerio is still looking for a ram-based, volatile microsd18:17
DocScrutinizer05holler if you find any, would be a really nice device indeed18:19
DocScrutinizer05anyway on OMAP3 iirc the SDcard interface is limited to 48Mhz clock and, for uSD, 4 bit bus width, which makes 24MB/s in my book18:24
DocScrutinizer05eMMC has 8bit bus, thus twice that18:25
DocScrutinizer05so it's somewhat on par with USB2.018:26
kerio...i didn't realize that the uSD was that slow18:26
ceeneis the ram on n900 replaceable?18:28
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DocScrutinizer05plainly no18:31
ceenecan't the chip be unsoldered and replaced?18:31
DocScrutinizer05some tried it, I never heard again from any of them18:31
DocScrutinizer05we did something similar on beagleboard-xM to test our 1GB RAM18:32
DocScrutinizer05which took highly sophisitcated rework station and experienced personal to get accomplished18:32
ceeneis it bga or something like that?18:33
DocScrutinizer05and we swapped the complete SoC/RAM&NAND PoP stack18:33
DocScrutinizer05it's PoP18:33
kerioDocScrutinizer05: yeah but can you clean the fans of my macbook pro?18:34
DocScrutinizer05yes, I'll use pressurized air and kill your macbook ;-P18:34
kerioRepairability: 1 / 1018:34
DocScrutinizer05I did so with other notebooks before18:34
kerioi cleaned my mom's non-retina macbook, it was very very easy18:35
kerioother than the fan connector being kinda thin18:35
keriothis one is insane tho ._.18:35
DocScrutinizer05a fan at several 1000s of RPM can create amazing amount of voltage fed to the PCB18:35
keriostill haven't tried it, because "Step 1 - Remove the following pentalobe screws"18:35
kerioi want to believe there's some protection circuit, but probably not18:35
DocScrutinizer05no obviously there isn't18:36
DocScrutinizer05"how pressurized air can make your electronics go up in smoke"18:36
keriothere's glue EVERYWHERE18:36
ceenedoes that happen?18:37
keriothere's a reason it's very very recommended to detach the fans and prevent them from spinning when using compressed air18:37
ceenei'm used to clean pcs with air18:37
ceenedoes that break them?18:38
DocScrutinizer05ceene: see
ceeneDocScrutinizer05: yeah, i was reading that18:38
DocScrutinizer05ceene: yes, when the fann starts to spin very fast18:39
ceenei don't think any of the people i know at my uni would be able to unsolder that18:39
ceeneoh, i've made several of them do that... just for fun :/18:39
ceenedidn't know it was harmful :/18:39
DocScrutinizer05I killed two laptops this way, without disassembling them18:44
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DocScrutinizer05the first was learning, the second was idiocy18:44
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DocScrutinizer05I thought I could control the effect by only blowing gently18:44
DocScrutinizer05with a 10 bar canned air18:45
ceenei use a pressurizer :)18:45
ceenebut i've only cleaned desktop computers, never a laptop18:46
DocScrutinizer05anyway my recommmendation is: make DAMN SURE you block the fan from spinning for good, before you approach it with pressurized air or vacuum cleaner18:48
ceenewill do from now on18:49
DocScrutinizer05for added peace of mind, disconnect the fan from PCB if any possible18:49
DocScrutinizer05so if your block fails, only the fan will go south18:49
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: motha19:34
DocScrutinizer05yes, stick a chopstick to fan19:36
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Vajbi made silent pc once by chopsticking psu fan :p20:31
kerioVajb: 10/1020:33
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* DocScrutinizer05 often pondered making silent PC by simly adding a chimney23:29
DocScrutinizer05the hotter the air, the better it works. Just like it should be :-)23:30
DocScrutinizer05and absolutely zilch noise23:30
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M4rtinKyeah, should work quite nicely23:44
M4rtinKas long as you have enough space for that23:45
sixwheeledbeastRemove all the fans from the cab23:45
M4rtinK& the box is reasonably airtight with an opening at the bottom23:45
sixwheeledbeastthen point a desk fan in there...23:45
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