IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2014-10-31

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vakkovanyone who has mad an n900 serial cable here?01:10
vakkovmade *01:14
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Sicelovakkov: sre has01:46
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vakkovSIcelo: yes, i know this guide and i am actually now comparing to it01:53
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vakkovmy problem is that i am using a flashing plug and it doesn't have the holes01:54
Sicelowhat holes? can't you modify your adapter?01:59
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vakkovit's a jaf/fbus flashing cable. and it doesnt have pins at the j2000 area02:11
vakkovwhere the uart ports are located02:11
vakkovits pins and respectively the holes are at j206002:11
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grammoboythought google was an open service, but can't access google maps from N914:27
grammoboyin the webbrowser14:27
Vajbmaybe u can twek the browsr to identify as desktop browser?14:28
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Vajbthat's possible at least on n900 version of opera14:30
grammoboyyeah is possible but seems sloooowwww14:30
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Vajbmaybe there is separate client for google maps?15:32
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grammoboyseparate client?15:54
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erlehmannyou are the source of the poettering death threats!16:12
erlehmannand i thought i was it16:12
erlehmannas i once joked that i'll leave the cries of „death to the demon systemd and its priest lennart poettering“ to others16:13
jaskano :)16:15
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kerio"Remember how awesome pulseaudio is? Well what if we made your ENTIRE SYSTEM that awesome?"16:29
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bencohkerio: lennart plague again ?16:44
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Vajbtried to get script but site seems to be down17:48
ShadowJKthat's strange17:49
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ShadowJKthe dns provider is down17:52
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Vajbok. So eventually it will be up again?17:58
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sixwheeledbeast~slay systemd18:11
* infobot brandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, systemd!" apt lops off systemd's head.18:11
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Vajbwhat u use for ad blocking?19:07
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ShadowJKvajb: yes19:15
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VajbShadowJK: great, thx19:24
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