wizbit | excellent CSSU installed :D | 00:02 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | good | 00:39 |
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wizbit | DocScrutinizer05: its awesome | 00:44 |
wizbit | installed D-theme night | 00:44 |
wizbit | DocScrutinizer05: do you use the built in browser or another | 00:44 |
wizbit | and also, the only problem i have with the n900 is when scrolling up and down using touch screen | 00:45 |
wizbit | i keep on selecting things by mistake, can the keyboard be used to scroll up and down, the arrow keys dont seem to do anything | 00:45 |
joga | you mean in browser? | 00:47 |
wizbit | yes | 00:47 |
wizbit | and if i go to applictions, and scroll down, i keep on hitting a app by mistake | 00:48 |
wizbit | i just ssh'd into it | 00:48 |
joga | try space and shift+space | 00:48 |
wizbit | Linux Nokia-N900 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 11:50:00 EEST 2010 armv7l unknown | 00:48 |
joga | like pgdn/pgup | 00:48 |
wizbit | ok | 00:48 |
joga | I find that during load it's good to keep the finger down a bit longer before ending gesture | 00:49 |
joga | so it doesn't take a tap out of it | 00:50 |
wizbit | ok | 00:50 |
wizbit | ace, space works good in the browser :) | 00:50 |
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joga | there are also quite a few more shortcuts for various things http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_shortcuts_and_gestures | 00:51 |
wizbit | thanks | 00:51 |
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wizbit | joga: what browser do you use | 00:57 |
wizbit | the built in one seems fine, but maybe people use different ones for various reasons | 00:58 |
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wizbit | HAM doesnt show wget | 01:08 |
wizbit | can i install it via apt-get install wget? | 01:08 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yes | 01:10 |
bencoh | how comes HAM doesnt show it ? | 01:10 |
wizbit | im not sure | 01:11 |
wizbit | lets see if HAM shows vim | 01:12 |
DocScrutinizer51 | some pkgs are not on user group (mainly libs) | 01:13 |
wizbit | vim is in ham | 01:13 |
DocScrutinizer51 | HAM only shows user group | 01:13 |
wizbit | and mplayer :D | 01:14 |
wizbit | awesome | 01:14 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I use microB (builtin browser) | 01:14 |
wizbit | yep that seems quite nice, is it secure? | 01:15 |
DocScrutinizer51 | most stuff is safe to apt-get install. Some is NOT | 01:15 |
DocScrutinizer51 | well, secure enough I guess | 01:16 |
wizbit | ace | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | (browser) | 01:16 |
wizbit | i installed bash4 | 01:16 |
wizbit | but when i hit terminal it launches busybox | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | sure | 01:17 |
DocScrutinizer51 | toldya to type "bash" | 01:17 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ~jrtools | 01:18 |
infobot | rumour has it, jrtools is http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools | 01:18 |
wizbit | excellent | 01:19 |
DocScrutinizer51 | making bash user's default shell is somewhat dangerous | 01:19 |
DocScrutinizer51 | once years ago initscripts/xsession been spiced with busyboxisms | 01:20 |
DocScrutinizer51 | making bash default caused bootloop | 01:21 |
wizbit | ok | 01:22 |
DocScrutinizer51 | bash4 lacks 'help' | 01:22 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | dunno why but I reverted to bash3 iirc | 01:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | GNU bash, version 3.2.33(2)-release (arm-unknown-linux-gnu) | 01:26 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wizbit: heard of Neo900 ? | 01:27 |
DocScrutinizer51 | (shameless advertising) | 01:27 |
wizbit | yes i have | 01:28 |
wizbit | they are expensive | 01:28 |
wizbit | but sound nice | 01:28 |
wizbit | is it worth the upgrade once they are a reasonable price? | 01:29 |
DocScrutinizer51 | please don't ask me, I'm biased ;) | 01:30 |
wizbit | that probably means yes | 01:30 |
DocScrutinizer51 | but for sure I'd like to sell one to you | 01:30 |
wizbit | how much are they now | 01:31 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | we still hope for less than 700EUR for the board | 01:32 |
wizbit | ok | 01:32 |
wizbit | i just lauched maps | 01:32 |
wizbit | and it says looking for GPS | 01:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | with much luck we reach 500 | 01:33 |
wizbit | ok | 01:33 |
wizbit | ill see how i get on with the n900 | 01:33 |
wizbit | i will keep that in mind for when i upgrade | 01:33 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yes, please do. Not everybody needs or wants a Neo900 | 01:34 |
wizbit | they sound nice though | 01:34 |
wizbit | how can i test if GPS is working properly? | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | get Location test | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | app | 01:35 |
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wizbit | and one last question, is there a decent sat nav app for driving? or even walking? | 01:37 |
DocScrutinizer51 | check SUPL setting, make that google | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | there are like 4 or 5 nav apps | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | modrana, marble, maps, another one, and some I forgot | 01:39 |
DocScrutinizer51 | modrana developer is quite supportive | 01:39 |
DocScrutinizer51 | maep | 01:39 |
wizbit | i didnt realise there was so much apps available | 01:41 |
wizbit | surely this has more than the windows mobile platform :D | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer51 | AGPS will fail epically when systemclock is off | 01:41 |
wizbit | im installing modrana | 01:42 |
DocScrutinizer51 | M4rtinK will love to hear | 01:42 |
M4rtinK | wizbit: let me know if you have any issues/improvement ideas :) | 01:43 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | :) | 01:44 |
wizbit | M4rtinK: ok :D | 01:45 |
M4rtinK | should be there tomorrow, now sleep time :) | 01:45 |
DocScrutinizer51 | n8 M4rtinK | 01:46 |
M4rtinK | thanks! :) | 01:48 |
M4rtinK | God night! :) | 01:48 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | wizbit: on maemo.cloud-7.de is a enable-catalogs that simplifies switching between extras-devel et al enabled and default. No more messing with HAM catalogs | 01:51 |
wizbit | eeek i just plugged headphones into my n900 and they make a loud buzzing noise :/ | 01:51 |
DocScrutinizer51 | duuh! | 01:51 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 50Hz? | 01:52 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Video? | 01:52 |
wizbit | its a mp3 | 01:52 |
wizbit | it plays fine on internal speakers | 01:52 |
DocScrutinizer51 | sorry, can't diagnose+fix from pub via my IroN900 | 01:54 |
wizbit | i think it could be sending video out?! | 01:54 |
DocScrutinizer51 | what I suspected | 01:54 |
DocScrutinizer51 | apple headset? | 01:55 |
wizbit | akg | 01:55 |
wizbit | k451 | 01:55 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 3-pin? | 01:55 |
DocScrutinizer51 | or 4 | 01:56 |
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wizbit | 3 | 01:56 |
wizbit | no 4 | 01:56 |
DocScrutinizer51 | that SHOULD work | 01:56 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ~2119 | 01:56 |
infobot | The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. | 01:56 |
DocScrutinizer51 | try 3pin | 01:57 |
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wizbit | the headphones what came with the phone work | 01:57 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 4th pin notconnected causes this problem | 01:57 |
DocScrutinizer51 | yup | 01:57 |
DocScrutinizer51 | err 3rd | 01:58 |
DocScrutinizer51 | bad connection or polarity reversed on 2nd R of TRRG makes n900 think it's video | 01:59 |
DocScrutinizer51 | where did you get device, which condition, how much? | 02:00 |
wizbit | i got it from amazon | 02:00 |
wizbit | oh you mean the n900 or headphones | 02:01 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 900 | 02:01 |
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wizbit | i got it on ebay | 02:01 |
wizbit | hold on | 02:01 |
wizbit | http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251211707692?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 | 02:01 |
DocScrutinizer51 | N900 here fleabay PITA | 02:02 |
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xes | N900 "..New unused item..." 359 feedback... | 02:04 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | err 359bucks? | 02:05 |
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xes | hi DocScrutinizer51! | 02:06 |
DocScrutinizer51 | hi master! | 02:06 |
xes | 359 seller's feedbacks | 02:06 |
wizbit | other headphones are fine | 02:06 |
wizbit | how annoying | 02:06 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wizbit: get adapter | 02:07 |
wizbit | the whole line is detachable | 02:07 |
wizbit | from the headphone | 02:07 |
DocScrutinizer51 | on Neo900 you'd not need one ;) | 02:07 |
wizbit | so maybe its the mic and volume control bit | 02:07 |
wizbit | the sound quality is good though | 02:08 |
wizbit | and it goes loud | 02:08 |
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xes | DocScrutinizer51: since some time i'm fighting with a random "Master sink "sink.hw0" not found" and related audio routing issue as described in some TMO thread... but so far i haven't found a solution. After a few reboots the error disappears and gsm calls again work with usual behavior | 02:14 |
wizbit | im going to try and hold down the button on the headphone wire while i plug it in | 02:14 |
wizbit | IT WORKS!! | 02:14 |
DocScrutinizer51 | xes: OUCH. cellmo popped ball? | 02:15 |
DocScrutinizer51 | SSI | 02:15 |
wizbit | actually it doesnt work properly | 02:15 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wizbit: smartass :) | 02:15 |
wizbit | i need a new line :D | 02:15 |
xes | DocScrutinizer51: i don't think.. when it boots without the error it works for weeks without any issue | 02:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 02:16 |
DocScrutinizer51 | weird! share syslog | 02:16 |
wizbit | http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Replacement-Audio-upgrade-Cable-For-AKG-K450-K451-K480-Q460-Headphones-/261256651056 | 02:17 |
wizbit | perfect | 02:17 |
xes | pulseaudio restart, modules unload, alsamixer save and restore = no go | 02:17 |
DocScrutinizer51 | ugh | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer51 | I'm on mobile, no infra to search for proper anser | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer51 | xes: please ping me tomorrow | 02:19 |
xes | as described here: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=894209#post894209 but no solution worked | 02:19 |
DocScrutinizer51 | xes: how's our infra? | 02:19 |
xes | DocScrutinizer51: ok thanks | 02:19 |
DocScrutinizer51 | do you alreadz party for me not being around? | 02:20 |
xes | DocScrutinizer51: i think that the best answer is: stall | 02:21 |
DocScrutinizer51 | :-S | 02:22 |
xes | anyway.. no party | 02:22 |
DocScrutinizer51 | thought HiFo would do a megaparty to celebrate they got rid of my nagging | 02:24 |
DocScrutinizer51 | particularly chem|st | 02:27 |
* DocScrutinizer51 sarts having bizarre ideas about a referendum. Time to go offline | 02:34 | |
xes | ..human points of view and related misunderstandings...we should add a new channel #maemo-fights to canalize all the unuseful bickering :) | 02:35 |
DocScrutinizer51 | not needed, I'm already stopping | 02:37 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | just worried about next elections. Possibly the ones known as imploding the maemo idea | 02:38 |
DocScrutinizer51 | s/mo /mo council/ | 02:39 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer51 meant: just worried about next elections. Possibly the ones known as imploding the maemo councilidea | 02:39 |
xes | i'm not so negative... I think that under the hood the real engine is our community. If the head goes mad... well, the community can react | 02:41 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | buzzword electorate | 02:47 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 10 karma, which karma?? | 02:48 |
* DocScrutinizer51 should take care of own karma to make SURE he CANNOT get elected for anything next term | 02:52 | |
DocScrutinizer51 | but that's peanuts, when we got no legitimate electorate | 02:53 |
* DocScrutinizer51 waves and engages the tklock switch | 02:55 | |
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Sicelo | finally caught me.. my N900 USB is loose | 13:03 |
Sicelo | but after daily use, charging, since July 2011, i guess it was just about time, haha | 13:03 |
Sicelo | ~usb-fix | 13:04 |
infobot | i guess usbfix is http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=75920 - and **NEVER** use epoxy (unless you want to seal your device for underwater), or http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL2862BF3631A5C1AA&feature=player_detailpage&v=fYz5nIHH0iY#t=1861, or you will basically need two irons | 13:04 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Sicelo: any particular mistreatment? | 14:05 |
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zGrr | moin :) | 14:09 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | dang, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nokia-N9-64GB-Black-Unlocked-Smartphone-/261172966959 still US$370 | 15:07 |
Apic | 'the Fuck? | 15:08 |
zGrr | hehe | 15:18 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | too expensive to rip out the SoC for Neo900 ;-) | 15:21 |
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zGrr | Will the Neo900 run on the same SoC? | 15:23 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | well, almost | 15:45 |
DocScrutinizer05 | particularly we can't find the unobtainium 1GB RAM + NAND PoP chip on top of the 3730 SoC. Nokia got a custom build for that chip, it's non-existent on the "free market" | 15:47 |
Apic | B-* | 15:48 |
Apic | B-( even | 15:48 |
DocScrutinizer05 | but on the bright side, we hope to use a 1GB RAM only PoP chip, and place the NAND we need on a discrete chip | 15:50 |
Apic | Ok | 15:50 |
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wizbit | my god, this is so cool | 18:28 |
wizbit | just got back home, and i can automatically ssh into my phone | 18:28 |
ZogG_laptop | did you rediscover america? | 18:28 |
wizbit | im in UK | 18:28 |
wizbit | i can now wget or sftp new music and video to the phone without even touching it | 18:29 |
wizbit | this is beyond cool | 18:29 |
r00t^home | been doing that ever since... miss it with android | 18:29 |
wizbit | the n900 plays music and video flawless | 18:30 |
r00t^home | i don't even need to know where my phone is to put stuff on it | 18:30 |
wizbit | yes exactly | 18:30 |
wizbit | im glad i didnt take the iphone / android path | 18:31 |
wizbit | is there a way to send a sms from the terminal so i didnt even have to touch the phone? | 18:31 |
wizbit | *dont | 18:32 |
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r00t^home | google says http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/DBus/DBus_in_Freemantle#Send_SMS | 18:33 |
r00t^home | also: put xvncserver on the phone and control the gui remotely | 18:34 |
wizbit | oh yes | 18:34 |
r00t^home | apt-get install x11vnc | 18:35 |
wizbit | r00t^home: should i use HAM to install it? | 18:35 |
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r00t^home | wizbit: ham is slow useless bloatcrap, i never use it... people say you should use it for system updates... i "bricked" my phone once when installing a libc(?) update with apt | 18:37 |
r00t^home | what's really scary about using vnc from/to the phone is seeing the resolution compared to my (2x) 1280x1024 desktop | 18:38 |
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wizbit | does touchscreen work with vnc? | 18:39 |
r00t^home | on which direction? | 18:39 |
wizbit | on the computer | 18:40 |
r00t^home | you just click instead... touchscreen in X is no magic, just a pointing device with the cursor hidden by default... and no multitouch anyway | 18:40 |
r00t^home | (note: vnc onto n900 needs some fix for not being able to turn off the screensaver by moving the mouse) | 18:41 |
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Sicelo | DocScrutinizer05: no mistreatment really | 19:24 |
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Sicelo | the signs that i was getting to this were that the device would stop charging unless the cable was secured in a certain way | 19:25 |
Sicelo | what i really can't understand is - usb cable & charging via cable worked flawlessly all the time | 19:26 |
Sicelo | and data transfer always worked fine | 19:26 |
Sicelo | by the way, even now after soldering it down, charger is not even detected, but usb cable works fine, and it charges via this | 19:29 |
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Sicelo | any idea now? | 19:29 |
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erlehmann | Sicelo isn't it that chargers notify device via shorting data pins? | 20:04 |
erlehmann | (i have no idea how it is with n900) | 20:05 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Sicelo: check your plugs | 20:11 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Sicelo: there are a few test from sw side you can do | 20:13 |
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srimalik | hello | 20:14 |
srimalik | I broke my ribbon connector of N900, recently got a new one from ebay and replaced it myself | 20:14 |
srimalik | But, after the replacement my touch screen is not behaving, the touches are offseted to the left | 20:14 |
srimalik | so I can not open the main menu on the top-left corner using the UI | 20:14 |
srimalik | is there is way to launch settings/screen calibration tool using the command line | 20:14 |
srimalik | I have root access | 20:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | nice problem | 20:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | first of all, why do you see that offset now? changing the flat ribbon connector aka main flex shouldn't introduce much of a digitizer decalibration | 20:16 |
srimalik | DocScrutinizer, I am not sure, maybe the new cable is bad or I did not fix it nicely | 20:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | check all the plugs if they are seated properly | 20:18 |
srimalik | I am hoping to bring the device to a usable state by using the calibration tool. | 20:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | odds are your digitizer isn't plugged in properly and thus you most likely will not be able to calibrate screen | 20:19 |
srimalik | The first time I fixed the cable the screen was flickring..I reopened and rechecked and made sure that all joins are ok..after which the screen was ok but I saw this touch offset issue | 20:19 |
wizbit | anybody know where you put in MMS settings on a n900? | 20:19 |
srimalik | I will try again tomorrow | 20:19 |
DocScrutinizer05 | wizbit: you need fmms app for that | 20:20 |
wizbit | ace :D | 20:20 |
srimalik | DocScrutinizer, thanks for the suggestion | 20:20 |
DocScrutinizer05 | srimalik: yw. stay tuned! a few more sugestions will follow | 20:20 |
srimalik | I will check the logs tomorrow, Its almost 11pm here | 20:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Sicelo: cat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/1-0048/twl4030_usb/vbus /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/charger | 20:21 |
srimalik | I will post my updates here tomorrow | 20:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Sicelo: vbus is 5V on VBUS, charger is D+/- short detected | 20:22 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | meh, he left | 20:27 |
DocScrutinizer05 | no chance to talk him out of ruining his calib via /usr/bin/tscalibrate | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | invoking it via settings gave "/usr/bin/tscalibrate cpanel 67108886" | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | cpanel might mean "invoked from controlpanel aka settings", nfc about the numeric parameter | 20:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | at least the parameter is constant for consecutive calls | 20:31 |
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wizbit | installed Yappari :D | 20:34 |
wizbit | there was me thinking there wouldnt be many apps available for N900 | 20:34 |
wizbit | i bet shazam doesnt work on a maemo | 20:38 |
freemangordon | hmm, which reminds me... | 20:38 |
freemangordon | I should check what's wrong with extras promotion | 20:38 |
freemangordon | wizbit: www.midomi.com | 20:38 |
freemangordon | ;) | 20:38 |
wizbit | my god | 20:38 |
* wizbit falls off chair | 20:39 | |
freemangordon | wizbit: there is flash 10 floating over the inet, if you need it | 20:39 |
wizbit | freemangordon: is midomi in extras? | 20:41 |
freemangordon | wizbit: this is a site | 20:41 |
freemangordon | just open it with microb | 20:41 |
wizbit | ohhh | 20:41 |
wizbit | right i get you now, you need flash for it to work | 20:41 |
freemangordon | you have flash already pre-installed | 20:42 |
wizbit | excellent | 20:42 |
freemangordon | but it is flash 9 | 20:42 |
freemangordon | but you can get the .deb and upgrade to flash 10 if you need/want | 20:42 |
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wizbit | if i receive a yappari video from a iphone, i can download the video, but when i press play it says 'media not supported' | 20:50 |
wizbit | it doesnt matter anyhow! | 20:50 |
freemangordon | wizbit: I guess it is some weird apple quicktime format | 20:54 |
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ShadowJK | or very high res | 22:13 |
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Sicelo | erlehmann: this is the original N900 charger, and i've confirmed the short is there | 22:28 |
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Sicelo | DocScrutinizer05: the VBUS test gives 0 with the charger connected (does not even appear in dmesg/syslog) | 22:34 |
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Sicelo | and the charger node shows 1 (but 0 if i use the nokia adapter for 'barrel-type' chargers) | 22:40 |
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hxka_ | Sicelo: I have similar problem | 23:21 |
hxka_ | Stock USB cable works flawlessly, but stock charger only if I tug the cable a bit in a certain direction | 23:22 |
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hxka | My guess is that the problem is not in connection of USB socket to the pcb, but in the socket itself | 23:23 |
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Sicelo | the big question would be.. what - because if you are able to use the USB cable for data transfers properly, it suggests that at least contact with D+/- pins is good, | 23:27 |
Sicelo | and obviously the power pins too | 23:27 |
hxka | Probably some wearing, so the micro-defferences between different plugs suddelly started to matter | 23:40 |
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