IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2013-12-07

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lufuWhen I buy a battery like the PolarCell online it won't arrive fully charged, will it?02:05
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lufuI would like to know since my n900 doesn't start atm but I can't flash it either since the battery is not fully charged.02:23
infobotRemove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered ***NOKIA WALLCHARGER*** to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with ~flatbatrecover. CAVEAT! Only works when ~rootfs is OK (no ~bootloop)!.02:24
infobotwell, bootloop is when your device has broken rootfilesystem, so during reboot it fails on some service startup or kernel module load and thus reboots. This *drains* battery! And you can't reflash to stop bootloop when battery is drained. Recharge your battery by other means before reflashing.02:24
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lufuIt seems I'm in a bootloop.  I can't just buy a new battery and use that for flashing, since it probably won't be fully charged, right?02:32
nox-well probably makes more sense to buy an external charger...02:34
nox-(tho id have to check myself which ones are ok)02:34
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lufuI was hoping to avoid that since I don't think I'll need it ever again.02:36
infobotA utility which automates some steps to undelete a file.. URL:
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nox-wasnt there also some way to boot a working small rootfs via other means?02:38
infobotrootfs: the content of the storage volume mounted under /, on NAND mtd5 partition. Also called "the system", since it's all the files forming the linux core system (except the kernel itself). Reflash rootfs from COMBINED (see ~flashing). Also see ~bootloop02:38
nox-DocScrutinizer05, ping02:39
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nox-what was that rootfs booted via usb thing or so?02:40
nox-so he can charge...02:40
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, rescueos is
nox-(might want to add that to the bootloop factoid? :)02:41
lufuThanks nox- and DocScrutinizer05... I'll try that.02:42
nox-good luck :)02:42
DocScrutinizer05~literal bootloop02:43
infobot"#maemo bootloop" is "when your device has broken rootfilesystem, so during reboot it fails on some service startup or kernel module load and thus reboots. This *drains* battery! And you can't reflash to stop bootloop when battery is drained. Recharge your battery by other means before reflashing."02:43
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DocScrutinizer05infobot: no, #maemo bootloop is when your device has broken rootfilesystem, so during reboot it fails on some service startup or kernel module load and thus reboots. This *drains* battery! And you can't reflash to stop bootloop when battery is drained. Recharge your battery by other means before reflashing. E.g. using ~rescueOS02:44
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer0502:44
nox-thx :)02:44
DocScrutinizer05infobot: no, #maemo bootloop is when your device has broken rootfilesystem, so during reboot it fails on some service startup or kernel module load and thus reboots. This *drains* battery! And you can't reflash to stop bootloop when battery is drained. Recharge your battery by other means before reflashing. E.g. using ~rescueOS. Or external charger or BL-5J compatible other device.02:45
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer0502:45
nox-btw will neo900 be able to charge w/o working rootfs?02:48
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lufunox-: Yay, it's already charging... :)03:18
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DocScrutinizer05nox-: we'll see03:50
DocScrutinizer05nox-: obviously N900 *can* do03:50
nox-as we've seen yeah but its still a bit tricky :)03:51
DocScrutinizer05nox-: isn't the question more like: can we flash it when battery empty?03:51
nox-or that03:51
nox-or can it run from usb power w/o battery?03:51
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jon_yDocScrutinizer05: Neo900 will only have 200 produced units as it stands?04:01
DocScrutinizer05250 min as of right now04:06
DocScrutinizer05nox-: if feasible, we will make sure it can04:07
DocScrutinizer05what never will work is modem without battery04:07
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freemangordonkerio: ping10:10
freemangordonooh, Pali's here :)10:11
freemangordonPali: how's your pythinfu?10:11
Palihi :-)10:11
PaliI'm not doing in python10:11
Palibash, perl, C, C++, haskell, prolog :-)10:12
freemangordonI just wrote my first couple of lines in python :D10:12
freemangordonbut need someone to review it10:12
freemangordonI *think* I fixed that bug in the autobuilder, when it gets stuck if you resend one and the same package version 2 or more times10:13
freemangordonanyone python here?10:15
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ruskieI'm actually starting to lean on getting a neo900 upgrade10:35
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DocScrutinizer05[NOTICE] council elections voting booth opening. DONT FORGET TO VOTE!16:42
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: it's not open yet dammit17:01
freemangordonkerio: hi17:01
freemangordonkerio: could you have a look at some python code?17:01
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freemangordonthe part that starts with "+"17:02
keriowhat's the problem?17:03
freemangordonthat's my first python code :D17:03
freemangordonI have NFC what I did17:03
freemangordonkerio: do you see any problem in that code17:03
kerioapart for the screwed up indentation caused by irc, no17:04
kerioi would remove the second os.path.exists17:04
freemangordonwouldn't os.remove throw if the file is missing?17:05
keriooh nvm you're not silencing exceptions17:05
freemangordonI don't want17:05
kerioyeah but17:05
keriothere's time between stat() and unlink()17:05
freemangordonkerio: this is a fix for a long-statnding bug in the autouilder17:05
keriowhich python is this?17:06
keriothat exception syntax is required in 2.5, deprecated in 2.6 and broken in 2.717:07
freemangordonI guess 2.717:07
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keriothen there's a big problem :)17:07
freemangordonit works, besides that problem17:08
keriook nevermind, the old syntax is still in 2.717:09
freemangordonok, so the code is fine?17:09
keriothat should be "except (OSError, IOError) as exobj:"17:09
keriobut yeah17:09
keriolooks fine17:09
freemangordonok, thanks17:09
keriobut you're only keeping the latest version of the file17:10
keriothat's intended, i assume17:10
freemangordonkerio: that's the idea17:10
keriowhy not os.rename?17:10
kerioso you don't have any issues17:11
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freemangordonafaik it will still throw an exception if the destination is there17:11
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kerioos.rename is basically just a wrapper around rename(2)17:12
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freemangordonkerio: hmm, well, the original code uses shutil.move17:13
freemangordonand I know nothing about python, so I'd rather keep it as it is, just fizing the bug17:14
kerioyeah, fair enough17:14
kerioalthough shutil.move won't throw an exception when moving a file on another file17:14
keriosame as os.rename17:14
kerioyou use shutil.move when you're not sure you're on the same filesystem17:14
kerioi guess17:14
freemangordonkerio: see the link I posted ^^^17:14
freemangordonit throws17:14
freemangordon"Error: Destination path '/mnt/incoming-builder/fremantle/rejected/gconf-cleaner_0.0.3-1.dsc' already exists"17:15
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keriofreemangordon: fwiw it could be some other OSError or IOError17:15
keriobut meh17:15
keriodoes it work now?17:15
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freemangordonI guess so:
freemangordonthere is no exception in the last "gconf-cleaner" message17:16
ShadowJKAnyone ever profiled N900 cpu in terms of work/watt at different clock frequencies?17:18
freemangordonShadowJK: iirc vi did it17:19
ShadowJKDid some quick testing 250 - 950MHz, and 550 seemed most power efficient frequency17:19
freemangordonit turned out that the "sweet spot" is 50017:19
freemangordonmaybe it depends on the workload17:20
freemangordonvi concluded that 500 is the best17:20
ShadowJKyeah, tbh 500-600 was all within my massively wide margin of error17:20
infobothmm... mirror is  or - for fighting hashsum error, or see ~rmo-new17:20
freemangordonShadowJK: I guess his graphic is still somewhere on TMO in some SR related thread17:21
freemangordonccxN: why do you need mirrors?17:21
freemangordonrepos are working just fine17:21
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ccxNhad some issues where packages could not be found17:23
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lufuIs there any recommended way to install emacs on a n900?18:11
merlin1991there is emacs24 in extras-devel18:15
lufuGreat, I'll take a look at it.18:16
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ampharoshave fun with carpal tunnel trying to use emacs with tiny keyboard18:26
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lufuThank you, ampharos.18:43
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: "opening" == "will be open soon" >:-(19:47
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javispedroDocScrutinizer05: heya19:53
javispedrolong time no see =)19:53
freemangordonhmm, seems like marxian is trying to bring the autobuilder down :D
DocScrutinizer05javispedro: HEY!!!19:56
freemangordonbut it holds on so far :)19:57
DocScrutinizer05javispedro: missed your insightful contributions :ยด(19:57
freemangordonjavispedro: hi!19:58
javispedrofreemangordon: hello19:58
javispedro(and everyone else :) )19:58
javispedrowas just trying to avoid my nickname from expiring19:59
DocScrutinizer05javispedro: how about joining FPTF? not a tempting thing for you? :-)19:59
javispedroDocScrutinizer05: would not be able to do much, albeit I already donated19:59
javispedroand wish you all the best of lucks20:00
DocScrutinizer05thanks! we need it20:00
DocScrutinizer05even more we need kernel and OS hackers porting fremantle to "freemantle"20:00
DocScrutinizer05FINALLY! long overdue20:01
freemangordonyeah, 1-2 more kernel devs will make all the difference20:01
DocScrutinizer05I see even more need for OS/middleware hackers20:02
DocScrutinizer05kernel hackers for OMAP3 platforms are a few already, though not all joined #maemo-ssu yet20:03
DocScrutinizer05I suggested /join #linux-omap a few days ago over in #maemo-ssu already20:04
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DocScrutinizer05(I did the inverse at #linux-omap, some weeks ago)20:04
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DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: who TF is raping autobuilder??20:06
DocScrutinizer05qdl-plugins-winporn_0.1.0 ???????20:07
DocScrutinizer05please check which upload permission to permanently revoke!20:08
javispedropossibly that "find sex" program that was a few minutes ago in TMO =)20:08
javispedronot much time to hack from me, though I follow the news20:09
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DocScrutinizer05javispedro: having you around feels reassuring even when you don't contribute at all20:12
javispedrowas recently working on some bluetooth low energy stuff, but that is not applicable to n900 or neo900 (afaiu)20:12
DocScrutinizer05prolly not20:12
DocScrutinizer05google anelok, werner almesberger might be highly interested20:13
javispedrooh, nice20:13
javispedroanother guy who was doing a "find my car"-style project kickstarter lectured me mostly20:14
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: 19:56 <freemangordon> hmm, seems like marxian is trying to bring the autobuilder down :D20:18
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: btw this was a nice stress-test20:25
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freemangordonfor the whole infra20:25
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DocScrutinizer05shall we discontinue the marxian account?20:51
freemangordonno, why is that?20:51
DocScrutinizer05or is this "stress test" legit basically20:51
freemangordonyep, it is fine20:51
DocScrutinizer05ok then :-)20:51
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warfareI'll start with security upgrades now.21:00
freemangordonooh, security21:03
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DocScrutinizer05warfare: election opens in 3h21:12
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warfareI'll be quick about it then.21:16
merlin1991warfare: you're doing this wrong21:18
merlin1991if anything security updates have to be done full BOFH style21:18
merlin1991which ofc includes a proper find /home/* -type f -exec rm {} \; to clean up any "infected" files21:19
freemangordonmerlin1991: please check the patches I posted on #maemo-admin, while having fun :P21:20
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DocScrutinizer05** PROBLEM Service Alert: is CRITICAL **21:26
DocScrutinizer05didum didumm21:27
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: hmm, WFM21:27
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DocScrutinizer05** RECOVERY Service Alert: is OK **  :-D21:31
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javispedrobtw, youtube is killing whatever special support they had for the n8x0 browser21:36
freemangordonjavispedro: seems like, there is a thread about that on TMO, some guy asking for upgraded gecko21:37
javispedroyeah, saw it21:38
javispedroit's more about upgraded flash than upgraded gecko (I think)21:38
freemangordonunfortunately upgrading gecko is not a trivial task IMO21:38
freemangordonhmm, could be21:38
javispedroyoutube is known to do heavy user agent sniffing and serving special versions of swf player depending on it21:39
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freemangordonif it is about flash, I guess it is a no-go then. though maybe the same trick that works on n900 (hexediting the version in the binary) will work on n8x021:39
javispedroso I presume this is their "deprecation policy" in action21:40
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freemangordonI guess n8x0 is too weak for html5 video, ain;t?21:40
javispedrowell, flash does it..21:40
freemangordonis it HW accelerated?21:41
javispedroNot sure, but probably not21:41
javispedroDSP on N8x0 was used to accelerate audio mixing and other things21:41
freemangordonhmm. well, then maybe embedlite API based player would work21:42
freemangordonis gstreamer DSP accelerated?21:43
javispedrothere is a working webkit port too, but I'm not sure what is required for HTML5 to work on it.21:43
freemangordonupstream gecko supports HTML5 video through gstreamer21:43
freemangordonand it actually works, even on n90021:43
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freemangordonno idea about n8x0, never had one21:44
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javispedrono, I don't think it was accelerated, as said, DSP was used for other stuff21:47
javispedrothe N8x0s don't have enough framebuffer bandwidth for more than quarter-screen video21:48
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DocScrutinizer05** PROBLEM Service Alert: is CRITICAL **  ;-)21:58
SiceloTMO has some database error... just reporting, in case it's not known21:58
Siceloah, same time21:58
DocScrutinizer05[NOTICE] maintenance may cause temporary service outages for the next 2h or so22:05
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kerioworksforme, tho23:47
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DocScrutinizer05we're done23:54
DocScrutinizer05since quite some time23:55
DocScrutinizer05thanks to smooth operator warfare :-)23:55
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